Result Heavy Metal Concentration of Heavy Metal (PPM) PB Cu ZN Initial PH

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Heavy metal Concentration of heavy metal (ppm)

Pb 12
Cu 1.6
Zn 16
Initial pH 5.4


The main objective of this experiment is to determine the concentration of Lead (Pb),
Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) in waste water sample using AAS as common method of heavy
metal detection. Side objective that needed to be prove after this experiment are the
relationship between heavy metal concentration and the initial pH of waste water and also to
compare result with parameter limits of heavy metal in effluent as IER 2009.

The experiment started by preparation of 50ml of sample using beaker. The sample
then was measure by using pH meter, after that, the beaker that contain sample will put on
the hot with temperature not exceed 100ºC and the beaker will fully covered using glass. Next,
10ml of HNO3 (65%) were put inside the beaker that contain sample. The sample were slowly
heated and waited until it become dry. Make sure the sample truly clear. Add another 10ml of
HNO3 (65%) if the clearness not achieve. Repeat again until the sample looked clear inside
the beaker. After that, add another 5ml of 37% of HCI and leaved the sample in the fume hood
until it cooled. When the sample become cooled, then filter it using filter paper to get the pure
sample and transfer the sample to 50ml of volumetric flask. The sample then will be diluted
using distilled water until it reach mark and the sample will be ready to be tested using AAS.

Based on the result gained from the experiment, it can be observed that the
concentration of lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in waste water sample by using AAS as
common method of heavy metal detection are 12 ppm, 1.6 ppm and 16 ppm accordingly.
Although high level of heavy metals under study, yet there are some factors affecting their
absorption by the soil and of course their availability to the plants. These findings imply that
the consumption of the polluted water by animals or human beings could be hazardous to their
health. The soil contaminated by these effluents will produce unhealthy food as heavy metals
can enter the food chain and thus be consumed by human beings.

It has often been accepted that many bio-sorbents have high uptake capacities for
heavy metals at high pH. However, metal precipitation also takes place at high pH and this
would interfere with the adsorption results as it could lead to the misinterpretation of the
adsorption capacity. Therefore, it is important to identify a suitable pH for the adsorption. Three
heavy metal were tasted during this experiment that are lead, copper and zinc. The initial pH
observed for the sample was 5.4. Thus, the concentration of lead, copper and zinc tasted
using AAS were 12 ppm, 1.6 ppm and 16 ppm accordingly. From the result gained, it can be
observed that the removal efficiencies of all three heavy metals decreased with increasing of
initial concentration.

Domestic sewage treatment is mainly designed to produce an effluent low in solids

and organic. However, other treatments, which remove the nutrients alter the pH or disinfect
the effluent may be added depending on the receiving environment for the effluent. Standards
have been established for the quality of effluent discharged from treatment plants to receiving
waters. These take the form of acceptable upper limits for various effluent contaminants.
Effluents from treatment plants are regularly sampled and tested in laboratories to ensure that
these standards are being met and that treatment plants are being operated correctly. Effluent
that is discharged upstream of a water supply intake should meet Standard A, while effluent
that is discharged downstream has to meet Standard B. These standards are set by the
Environmental Quality Act 1974. Upstream refers to the material inputs needed for production,
while downstream is the opposite end, where products get produced and distributed. Based
on this experiment, concentration of heavy metal tasted were passed Standard B which are
meet the standard for downstream effluent. The standard of lead, copper and zinc for
downstream are 0.5 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L proportionately.

There are few error that needed to overcome during this experiment. Firstly, the stock
solution must be diluted thoroughly before the experiment started to avoid any in accurate
concentration of heavy metal detect during experiment. Next, the sample need to be reallocate
before 37% was added inside the beaker that contained sample. Besides, the sample also
need to dilute well using distilled water before analyse using AAS. Lastly, equipment used
must be cleaned again before starting experiment to avoid contamination from previous

As the conclusion, the objective of this experiment is to determine the concentration of

lead (Pb), copper (Co) and zinc (Zn) in wastewater sample using AAS as common method of
heavy metal detection. Side objectives that needed to be prove after this experiment are the
relationship between heavy metal concentration and the initial pH of wastewater and also to
compare result with parameter limits of heavy metal in effluent as IER 2009. The result
obtained shows that the highest concentration is zinc (Zn) which is 16ppm follow by lead (Pb)
12ppm and the lowest concentration is copper (Co) 1.6ppm. The initial pH observed for the
sample was 5.4. It can be concluded that the concentration of heavy metal will be higher as
the pH value is higher. PH is one of key factor in affecting the concentration of heavy metals
in wastewater. All wastewater that have been treated must comply with the parameter limit
stated in the Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009.


There are a few recommendations in this experiment such as added more heavy metal
measurement in this experiment such as aluminium. So that it will be able to compare which
one the most critical parameter. In addition, besides using AAS, DR 2800 also can be used to
get more accuracy result. Besides, for pH checking, used litmus paper pH analysis to confirm
with the pH probe data for each reading. In this way, data of pH could be double check and
errors of pH alteration could be avoided.

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