Baby Jane

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A mother’s love is something that no one can explain. It is made of deep devotion, sacrifice and
pain. It is endless, unselfish and enduring come what may. Mother’s love is also unconditional; her
children’s betterment is always on her mind. But in the scenario which is entitled “Baby Jane”, the
mother was jailed on a situation where she doesn’t know how to go out.

In the midst of the chaos in their place, Mrs. Smith together with several villagers, her three
children and her Baby Jane on her arms, fearfully hide. As they hide, and as the Indians draw close, the
baby began to cry so she thinks of choking the baby to save the lives of the villagers and her other

Should Mrs. Smith do her proposed course of action? Well, in our humble opinion, weighing
circumstances is really a must. You need to have an active mind to think for what is the best thing to do.
Morally speaking, killing is really not accepted. It is something immoral and unethical and yes, a child is
from the mother’s blood and flesh so it is really hard for her to let go her beloved child. There are also a
lot of measures to stop the baby from crying, whether to give milk if she’s hungry, give her things to play
with and let her sleep to save them altogether. Killing can also be seen in the moral compass, Divine
Command Theory- what God tells us to do is morally right wherein “Thou shall not kill” is written in the
Ten Commandments. But looking at the given situation, it is the baby vs. the lives of the villagers and
Mrs. Smith’s three other children. The bottom line there is that they don’t have time to perform those
actions because the Indians are already coming in their way. So we think that it is better to choke the
baby to save all the villagers, Mrs. Smith and the three children that she still has. In that way, Baby Jane
will be the savior of the countless people hiding for their safety. Further, Baby Jane will be the reason to
the other people’s realizations of their bad deeds that they’re given the chance to live for the second
time around. It is something to be thankful for what Mrs. Smith did, where she sacrificed her daughter
for them.

Love is a matter of sacrifice. Loving is not always choosing what your conscience dictates. In this
way of act, we can relate to the bible verse John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave us his
only begotten son, for who shall believe in Him, will have an eternal life.” God sacrifices his own son for
all of us, to bring us hope, to make us change, to let us know that we have a purpose in this world. Baby
Jane died, yes, but she became an inspiration.

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