Direction: Encircle The Letter of The Correct Answer.: Remembering

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Name: Sydney Angeline C.

Suaybaguio Date: _______

Grade/Section: ___________________ Score: ______

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the ability to evaluate information clearly and rationally.
a. Analytical
b. Critical thinking
c. Logical thinking
d. Hypothetical thinking
2. An elements in critical thinking that means of defining the main idea or
a. Analysis
b. Problem-solving
c. Communication
d. Reflection
3. What elements in critical thinking that means of selecting a solution and
defending your decision?
a. Problem-solving
b. Analysis
c. Evaluation
d. Synthesis
4. An elements in critical thinking that means of identifying weaknesses to the
solution you chose on problem-solving.
a. Communication
b. Analysis
c. Synthesis
d. Evaluation
5. An elements in critical thinking that means on your own thought process as
work through the scenario.
a. Problem-solving
b. Communication
c. Analysis
d. Reflection
6. What do you think if a person can draws a reasonable conclusions from a set
of information and can discriminate between useful and less useful details?
a. Good critical thinker
b. A great evaluator
c. Person with analytical skills
d. Person with lower order thinking skills
7. Which of the following statement describes a communication in critical
a. Expressing opinion and ideas.
b. Recognizing differences and similarities.
c. Information seeking
d. Making abstract connection.
8. Which performance can assess a communication in critical thinking?
a. Defining problems in your own words.
b. Compare and contrast the available solution
c. Select and defend your final solution
d. Identifying weaknesses in your final solution.
9. Part of critical thinking is the ability to carefully examine, whether it is a
problem, or a set of data. What elements in critical thinking belongs to the
a. Communication
b. Open-minded
c. Evaluation
d. Analytical
10. An elements of critical thinking which requires the accurate facts and relevant
a. Analysis
b. Evaluation
c. Problem-solving
d. Synthesis
11. An elements of critical thinking which also use facts and evidences from the
analysis section to defend solution.
a. Analysis
b. Evaluation
c. Problem-solving
d. Synthesis
12. Which of the following are not a good critical thinker?
a. Accepting as true things that are not evidentially supported.
b. Thinking rationally before leaping.
c. Ability to analyze clearly and rationally.
d. Ability to evaluate information objectively and make a reasoned judgment.
13. What elements of critical thinking that requires you to accurately identify facts
and relevant information?
a. Problem-solving in critical thinking
b. Communication in critical thinking
c. Evaluation in critical thinking
d. Analysis in critical thinking
14. What elements in critical thinking will you use in comparing and contrasting
available solution to the problem?
a. Synthesis
b. Problem-solving
c. Analysis
d. Evaluation
15. In evaluation in critical thinking, how will you identify the weaknesses of the
problem in the solving section?
a. You will need to address any hidden assumption that may not be credible.
b. Use facts and evidences from your analysis section to defend your
c. You have to apply logic and evidence to make decision while addressing
any potential consequences.
d. You have to provide several supporting details and examples.
16. How will you assess evaluation elements in critical thinking?
a. Define problem in your own words
b. Reflect on your own though process
c. Suggest ways to improve and strengthen the final solution.
d. Identify weaknesses in the final solution.
17. What will person need to become a good critical thinker?
a. Think about a topic or issues and state your opinion on the issues.
b. Recognize any weaknesses or negative points that there are in the
c. Notice all implication behind the statement.
d. Provide structure reasoning for an argument.
18. In your point of view, what is the main purpose of critical thinking skills?
a. To make better decisions and to get the positive results that come from
better decisions.
b. To make sure that you are not considering all alternatives rational choices.
c. To criticize all high and low level person.
d. To improve the way we express our ideas
19. How will you develop stronger critical thinking?
a. To build critical thinking skills and positive critical habits of mind, consider
think critically.
b. React to the situation based on your emotions or personal biases.
c. Become self-critic, on your own thoughts and actions
d. You have to be an active listener, until you reiterate what they are trying to
20. In your opinion, why do employers value critical thinking skills?
a. Employer want job candidates that can reasoned out anytime and
b. Employer want job candidates that can criticize all.
c. Employers want job candidates that can evaluate a situation using logical
thought and can come up with the best solution.
d. Employer don’t want a good thinker, all they need is an expert on doing

“To God be the Glory”

Answer key.
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. d
6. a
7. a
8. a
9. a
10. a
11. c
12. a
13. d
14. c
15. a
16. d
17. a
18. a
19. d
20. c

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