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India is a country that has absorbed very well the culture from other countries, but

despite this like other countries all people need to have good manners I going to tell
you 3 good manners that you need to know if you want visit India and you won’t
have any problem.

If you want greet someone its better do the Namaste, that is the traditional greet in
India, for do this greet you need put your hand like if you going to pride under your
jaw and then do a reverence and we say Namaste. This greeting is when you need
greet to some woman.

For eat they use few cutlery, they use only their hands but isn’t so easy like you think
because you need considerate 2 things.

First you need have short nails because for them if you have long nails you aren’t a
hygienic person and the second is that you need take the food with your right hand,
because they considerate that the left hand is impure.

And the last is that you need use shoes that are easy to take off, because in the
temples you can’t use shoes. d

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