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Post partum haemorrhage in a teaching hospital in Nigeria: a 5-year


*Ajenifuja KO, Adepiti CA, Ogunniyi SO

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife. Osun,
state Nigeria

Objectives: The aim was to determine the incidence, causes and the maternal mortality associated with postpartum
haemorrhage in a tertiary centre in Nigeria.
Methods: Case records of all patients that had postpartum haemorrhage after vaginal delivery at Obafemi Awolowo
University Teaching Hospital Complex, Ile-Ife unit over a 5-year period (January 1st, 2002 to December 31st, 2006) were
reviewed and analysed. Post-partum blood loss was calculated by estimating blood loses in graduated containers and in bed
lines and gauze packs.
Results: 112 women had postpartum haemorrhage during the period under review. 76(67.86%) had primary postpartum
haemorrhage and 36(32.14%) had secondary postpartum haemorrhage. The commonest cause of post partum haemorrhage
was retained products of conception due mismanagement of the third stage of labour, this occurred in 88 women (78.57%)
of cases. Other causes were uterine atony 12(10.71%), genital tract laceration 9(8.04%), disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
1(0.8%) puerperal sepsis 1(0.8%) and broken down episiotomy, 1(0.8%). The maternal mortality during the period was 90
out of which 6 were due to postpartum haemorrhage.
Conclusion: Retained products of conception resulting from mismanagement of the third stage of labour is the most
common cause of post partum haemorrhage in our centre.
African Health Sciences 2010; 10 (1): 71- 74

World wide about half a million women die as results obstetrics ser vices, obstetrics haemorrhage is
of complications of pregnancy and child birth responsible for 30% of the total maternal deaths.5
childbirth 1. Overwhelming proportions of these Postpartum haemorrhage is the excessive loss
deaths occur in developing countries of the world of blood per vaginam after the delivery of the baby
where facilities are poorly developed and due to lack and up to forty-two days postpartum. It can either
of trained attendants at delivery. Majority of these be primary or secondary 4, 5 Primary postpartum
deaths occur within few hours of delivery and in haemorrhage is the loss of more than 500ml of
most cases are due to postpartum hemorrhage 2, 3. blood within the first twenty-four hours of delivery
Postpartum haemorrhage is a major cause of or loss of any amount that is enough to cause
maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide with haemodynamic instability in the mother or loss of
the highest incidence in developing countries. more than 10% of the total blood volume. It is the
According to the World Health Organization most common form of post partum haemorrhage.4,
obstetrics haemorrhage causes 127,000 deaths 5, and 6
. It has been reported that approximately 3%
annually world wide and is the leading cause of of vaginal deliveries is complicated by severe primary
maternal mortality 4. While in Africa, due to increased postpartum haemorrhage 7. Secondary postpartum
prevalence risk factors such as grand-multiparity, no haemorrhage, on the other hand is defined as
routine use of prophylaxis against obstetrics bleeding in excess of normal lochia after twenty-
haemorrhage coupled with poorly developed four hours and up to six weeks postpartum. In both
cases the true blood loss is often underestimated due
*Correspondence author: to the difficulty with visual quantification 8, 9,10. The
Dr Ajenifuja Kayode Olusegun.
risk of dying from postpartum haemorrhage depend
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
not only the amount and rate of blood loss but also
Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals
Complex, the health status of the woman 8.
Ile-Ife. Osun state Nigeria.
Telephone number +2348053503004

African Health Sciences Vol 10 No 1 March 2010 71

Methods Post partum haemorrhage represents 1.68% of total
Objective: The aim was to determine the incidence, vaginal deliveries in that period. Primary post partum
causes and the maternal mortality associated with haemorrhage (PPPH) constituted 67.87% while
postpartum haemorrhage in a tertiary centre in secondary postpartum haemorrhage constituted
Nigeria 32.14%. PPH occurred in 12% of booked patients
Method: The case notes of all the patients that were while 88% occurred in unbooked and booked
managed for postpartum haemorrhage after vaginal patients that delivered outside that hospital.
delivery in the Ife unit of the Teaching Hospitals The commonest cause of postpartum
Complex between 2002 and 2006 were retrieved. haemorrhage, in this study was retained placenta and
Socio-demographic data as well as data on booking it accounted for 78.57% of all cases of postpartum
status, types of postpartum haemorrhage, causes of haemorrhage seen in our centre during the period
postpartum haemorhage, morbidity, mortality from under review, this was followed uterine atony in only
were retrieved and entered into a proforma specially 10.71% as indicated in Tables 2 and 3.
prepared for it. Means and frequencies were
calculated using the SPSS11 version. Table 2: Causes of primar y postpar tum
For the purpose of the study only women who had haemorrhage
vaginal delivery and whose blood losses was 500mls Causes Frequency % 10 of % of
or more were considered. Blood losses in our centre Primary PPH Total PPH
are estimated by visual quantification, measurement Uterine atony 12 15.79 10.71
in graduated containers and estimating loses in the Laceration 9 11.84 8.04
Retained Placenta 54 71.05 48.21
gauze packs.
Coagulopathy 1 1.32 0.89
The exclusion criterion is women who had caesarean
Table 3: Causes of secondary postpartum haemorrhage
Causes Frequency % of Secondary % of
Results PPH Total
In the period under review, a total of 6672 vaginal PPH
deliveries were conducted, out of which 112 women Retained placenta 34 94.4 30.36
were managed for post partum haemorrhage (PPH). Puerperal Sepsis 1 2.8 0.89
The mean age of the patients was 31 years (18-47 Broken-Down
years). About 20% of the women was primipara Episiotomy 1 2.8 0.89
while the majority of the women (64%) were
multiparous women. Most of the women were However, 88% of PPH occurred amongst patients
literate with close to 75% having at least secondary that delivered outside the hospital (un-booked
school education. About 90% of the patients were patients and booked patients that delivered elsewhere
subsistence farmers or house wives as shown in as shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Booking status and place of delivery
Table 1: Socio-demographic data Frequency Percentage (%)
No of patients booked patients 34 30.36
Age Frequency Percentage No of patients not booked(all
< 19 13 11.6 delivered elsewhere) 78 69.64
20-29 54 48.1 Total no of patients with PPH
30-39 38 34.0 no of patients not booked 112 100.00
>40 7 6.3 No that booked that delivered
Educational status in our centre 12 35.3
None 6 5.4 No that booked but delivered
Primary education 23 20.5 elsewhere 22 64.7
Secondary 48 42.9
Post secondary 35 31.2 The injuries were in form of laceration of the vulva,
Parity perineum, vagina, cervix or uterus (rupture)
Primip 26 23.2 constituted 11.84% of cases. There was only one
2-4 72 64.3
Para 5 and above 14 12.5
Total 112 100
72 African Health Sciences Vol 10 No 1 Mrach 2010
patient managed for Disseminated Intravascular with postpartum haemorrhage seen in this study
Coagulopathy (DIC). were conducted by unskilled attendants that have
Apart from the basic interventions offered, 2 (1.79) little or no knowledge of active management of the
had hysterectomy when attempts at stopping the third stage of labour. The number of patients with
haemorrhage failed, while 51(45.5%) of the cases genital tract lacerations in this study was less when
had blood transfusion. There were 6 maternal deaths. compared with studies from other parts of the
Nigeria 16, 17, 18.
Discussion Since deaths from PPH are potentially
The exact incidence of PPH is difficult to determine preventable, its management should therefore start
due to the difficulty in accurately measuring the blood with the identification of these risk factors 6, 7, 18, 19,
loses, most studies quote figures ranging from 5 to though it is known that postpartum haemorrhage
12% of vaginal deliveries 11, 12. In this study, however, can occur in the absence of these risk factors 5, 7, 15, 18.
the incidence of post partum haemorrhage was The next most important line of management is relief
1.68% of total vaginal deliveries; this relatively low of the precipating factors, prompt and adequate
value may be due to the fact that ours is a tertiary replacement of intravascular blood volume.
centre where active management of the third stage The proportion of women with secondary
of labour is routinely done with the use of oxytocics. post partum haemorrhage appears higher, this might
The use of oxytocics has been associated with a be due to delay in seeking care as most of the patients
decrease in the incidence of PPH by about 60% 13. in this study were unbooked patients that whose
Most of the patients in this review were delivery did not take place at our centre.
those referred from other centres such as traditional Postpartum haemorrhage accounted for
birth attendants, faith clinics; primary health centres 6.67% of maternal mortality in this study whereas
manned by poorly trained Community Health on the worldwide basis postpartum haemorrhage is
Workers (CHW) and womn who delivered in their implicated in 25% of maternal mortality especially
homes. Patients that booked in our centre but chose from the developing countries 1,1. This low figure
to deliver elsewhere were not spared as they was probably due to the prompt and appropriate
constituted majority of booked patients that had intervention given to the patients in order to prevent
PPH. This was not surprising as expectant mortality due to haemorrhage in a tertiary setting
management of the third stage of labour is practiced such as ours with ready availability of emergency
in many traditional institutions due to lack of obstetric services. Apart from the mortality, PPH is
knowledge and unavailability of oxytocics agents. associated with maternal morbidities such as
Unlike other studies 14, 15, also that reported increased risk of blood transfusion with it attendants
uterine atony as the commonest cause of postpartum complications, renal failure due to hypovolaemia,
haemorrhage, in this study retained placenta was the disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, failure of
commonest cause and it accounted for over half of lactation and infertility. Over a half of the patients
the cases. Uterine atony was the second most in this study had blood transfusion.
common cause seen in our centre. Reason for this
observation may because majority of cases seen were Conclusion
patients that had their delivery outside the hospital Post partum haemorrhage constitutes a significant
where the third stage was poorly managed. The high cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Most
incidence of retained products of conception is of the deliveries complicated with postpartum
closely related to the poor management of the third haemorrhage seen in this study were conducted by
stage of labour. The current concept in the unskilled attendants that have little or no knowledge
management of the third stage of labour is active of active management of the third stage of labour.
management 20, 21,. This consists of interventions In order to reduce the morbidity and mortality from
designed to facilitate the delivery of the placenta and postpartum haemorrhage, every attendant at delivery
prevent uterine atony by increasing uterine needs to have knowledge, skills and critical judgment
contractions and thus prevent postpartum required to carry out active management of the third
haemorrhage 20 , 21 . The components include stage of labour and have access to appropriate
administration of uterotonic agents, controlled cord supplies and equipment. Women should be
traction and uterine massage after the delivery of encouraged to make use of existing health facilities
the placenta 20. Most of the deliveries complicated by booking and receiving ante natal care.
African Health Sciences Vol 10 No 1 March 2010 73
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