Statistics: Average: 49 Pts (70%) Highest: 69 Pts (99%) Lowest: 24 Pts (34%) Number of Students Performing at or Above Average: 40 (54%)

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September 17, 2002

• Average: 49 pts (70%);
• Highest: 69 pts (99%); Lowest: 24 pts (34%)
• Number of students performing at or above average: 40 (54%)

1. (5 pts) Mark as true (T) or false (F) the following statements. Do not explain!
• (F) Compounds are divided into elements and mixtures;
• (T) The mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of a particular atom;
• (F) The atomic number is the sum of protons and electrons for a particular atom;
• (F) Isotopes are atoms with identical mass numbers;
• (T) Nonmetals combine with nonmetals to form molecular compounds;

2. Circle all that apply:

A. (2 pts) 1 mol of oxygen, O2:
2. Contains approximately 6.022 x 1023 number of molecules ;
3. Has a mass of 32.00 g ;
4. Contains approximately 16 times more molecules than 1 mol of hydrogen, H2;
5. Has a mass approximately 16 times greater than 1 mol of hydrogen, H2 ;
B. (2 pts) The following elements are alkali metals:
2. Sodium;
3. Fluorine;
4. Gallium;
5. Magnesium;
C. (2 pts) The following elements are noble gases:
2. Nitrogen;
3. Krypton;
4. Iodine;
5. Tellurium;
D. (2 pts) The following compounds are molecular:
2. Sulfur Dichloride;
3. Barium Chloride;
4. Zinc Iodide;
5. Ammonia ;
E. (2 pts) The following elements are metalloids:
2. Antimony, Sb ;
3. Silicon, Si;
4. Selenium, Se;
5. Scandium, Sc;
3. (8 pts) Name the following compounds:
A. CuI;

Copper(I) Iodide

B. TeBr2;

Tellurium Dibromide

C. MgS;

Magnesium Sulfide

D. Sr3N2;
Strontium Nitride

4. (8 pts) Name the following compounds:

A. (NH4)2HPO4;

Ammonium Hydrogen Phosphate

B. Ba(MnO4)2;

Barium Permanganate

C. K2CO3;

Potassium Carbonate

D. LiCN;

Lithium Cyanide

5. (8 pts) Provide formulas matching the following names:

A. Ammonium Perchlorate;


B. Iron(II) Sulfite;


C. Sulfur Hexafluoride;


D. Dichlorine Heptaoxide;

Cl 2O7

6. (6 pts) For each of the following compounds, decide whether the compound would be expected to be ionic or molecular:
A. As 4O6;


B. ClF3;


C. Ba(HCO3)2;


D. Cs 2O;


7. (6 pts) For each of the following compounds, decide whether it is going to be an electrolyte or nonelectrolyte:
A. Bromine;


B. Methane;

C. Sodium Hydroxide;


D. Magnesium Sulfate;


8. (4 pts) Write the structural formulas of the following hydrocarbons (alkanes):

A. Ethane;


B. Isobutane;


9. Sulfur dioxide is a gas at room temperature, but is converted to a liquid at – 10 oC. Liquid sulfur dioxide is used as a solvent.
A. (6 pts) Calculate the volume (in L) of 0.253 mol of liquid sulfur dioxide (Density d = 1.250 g/cm3).

Solution: 1. Use the conversion factor MOLAR MASS, in order to convert moles into grams:

Molecular Weight of SO2: 64.07

Molar Mass of SO2: 64.07 g/mol
Mass of 0.253 mol of SO2: 0.253 mol x 64.07 g/mol = 16.2 g
2. Use conversion factor DENSITY, in order to convert mass into volume:
Density d = m/V, therefore V = m/d
Volume V = 16.2 g / 1.250 g/cm3 = 13.0 cm3 or 13.0 mL
1L = 1000 mL, therefore the conversion factor is 1L/1000 mL
Volume (in L) = 13.0 mL x 1L/1000 mL = 0.0130 L

B. (4 pts) Calculate the number of oxygen atoms in the above sample of sulfur dioxide;

Solution: 1. Our starting point is the fact that 1 mol of ANY substance contains 6.022 x 1023 particles. Thus 1 mol of SO2
will contain 6.022 x 1023 molecules of SO2.
2. Each SO2 molecule contains 2 atoms of oxygen. Therefore, the number of oxygen atoms is twice the number of
SO2 molecules.
3. The sample of SO2 contains 0.253 mol x (6.022 x 1023 molecules / 1 mol) = 1.52 x 1023 molecules of SO2.
4. The number of oxygen atoms is obtained by multiplying the number of SO2 molecules by 2:

2 x 1.52 x 1023 = 3.04 x 1023 atoms of oxygen

C. (3 pts) What is the number of moles of sulfur in the above sample of sulfur dioxide?

Solution: 1. As in part (B), our starting point is the relationship between number of moles and number of particles. 0.253
mol of SO2 contain 1.52 x 1023 molecules of SO2.
2. Each SO2 molecule contains one sulfur atoms. Therefore, 1.52 x 1023 molecules of SO2 contain 1.52 x 1023 atoms
of sulfur.
3. 1 mol of sulfur contains 6.022 x 1023 atoms of sulfur. Thus we construct the following:

1 mol S - 6.022 x 1023 atoms S

x mol S - 1.52 x 1023 atoms S

x = (1.52 x 1023 atoms x 1 mol) / 6.022 x 1023 atoms = 0.253 mol

The numerical solution, just demonstrated, is not necessary, if you realize that the relationship of SO2 molecules and S atoms
is 1 : 1. Which means that the mole ratio of SO2 to S should be the same: 1 : 1. And since we start with 0.253 mol of SO2, this
means that we also have 0.253 mol of S.

D. (2 pts) If the temperature is increased, the liquid sulfur dioxide is converted back to gas. How many moles of
gas sulfur dioxide will be produced from the sample above?

Solution: The conversion of SO2 from a liquid to gas is a physical change, which does not alter the number of SO2 molecules.
This means that the number of moles of SO2 will remain the same: 0.253 mol

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