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Academic Year 2018-2019

Name: ___________________________________________________ Year and Section:__________

_____ 1. In western music, classical era existed in what period?

A. 1100 – 1450 B. 1450 – 1600 C. 1600 – 1750 D. 1750 – 1820
E. 1820 – present
_____ 2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of music in the Classical Period?
A. Harmony and texture is homophonic in general
B. There is an extensive use of crescendo and diminuendo
C. A style of broken accompaniment called Alberti Bass was practiced
D. Sonata, Concerto and Symphony were the vocal forms developed
_____ 3. He was named “Father of the Symphony” because of his over 100 symphonies and developed
into long forms for large orchestra
A. Franz Joseph Hadyn C. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
B. Ludwig Van Beethoven D. Hildegard Von Bingen
_____ 4. This refers to the multi-movement for solo instrument such as keyboard and violin.
A. Sonata B. Concerto C. Opera D. Symphony
_____ 5. A kind of Opera developed in Classical Era which made use of everyday characters and
situations, and typically employed spoken dialogues, lengthy arias and spiced with sight gags, naughty
humor and social satire.
A. Opera Seria B. Opera Buffa C. Opera Aria D. Opera Idomeneo
_____ 6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Beethoven’s works?
A. Developed musical themes and motifs extensively by means of modulation
B. He used more wind instruments and dynamics
C. Sound was centered on the violas and lower registers of the violins
D. All themes in a piece are tied together by one motif
_____ 7. The following are his works: “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Don Giovanni” and “The Magic of
A. Franz Joseph Hadyn C. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
B. Ludwig Van Beethoven D. Hildegard Von Bingen
_____ 8. What are the three distinct sections of Sonata Allegro Form?
A. Exposition, Recapitulation, Introduction C. Exposition, Development,
B. Recapitulation, Appreciation, Exposition D. Development, Exposition, Intonation
_____ 9. It is multi-movement work for orchestra generally in four movements.
A. Opera B. Symphony C. Concerto D. Sonata
_____ 10. Opera BUffa is a work of art of ______.
A. Mozart B. Hadyn C. Beethoven D. Tchaikovsky
_____ 11. Which movement of the Symphony is typically Rondo or Sonata Form?
A. 1st Movement B. 2nd Movement C. 3rd Movement D. 4th Movement
_____ 12. His music reflects his character and personality: mainly calm, balanced, serious but with
touches of humor.
A. Mozart B. Hadyn C. Beethoven D. Tchaikovsky
_____ 13. Mozart’s ingenuity and excellence in his symphony were challenged by his unexpected
development of deafness. Despite this, he was still able finish 9 symphonies which are still being
performed nowadays. Mozart’s hearing defect started in what symphony?
A. Symphony No. 9 B. Symphony No. 1 C. Symphony NO. 5 D. Symphony No. 7
_____ 14. This is the general texture for classical music which described a melody companied by chords.
A. Homophonic B. Polyphonic C. Melismatic Solo D. Both A & B
_____ 15. A concerto has three movements: fast, slow and fast. Which of the following is the tempo mark
for moderately slow?
A. Allegro B. andante C. largo D. Vivace
_____ 16. The composer who was born in the late classical era and died in the early Romantic Era. Thus,
his music is a fusion of the classical and Romantic style and forms of music which made him peculiar in
his craft.
A. Franz Joseph Hadyn C. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
B. Ludwig Van Beethoven D. Hildegard Von Bingen
_____ 17. Idomeneo by Mozart is an example of what opera?
A. Opera Seria B. Opera Buffa C. Opera Aria D. Opera Idomeneo
______ 18. A section of the Sonata Allegro form where the themes are introduced.
A. Exposition B. Development C. Recapitulation D. Analysis
_____ 19. Which of the following is not solo instrument used in classical concertos?
A. violin B. horn C. piano D. tambourine E. trumpet
_____ 20. The “Surprise Harmony” by Hadyn starts in an andante tempo. What does Andante mean?
A. Slow B. very fast C. extremely slow D. None of the
_____ 21. What is the typical form of the 2nd movement of Symphony?
_____ 22. How would you describe the 3rd movement of the Sonata No. 16 in C major K545 of Mozart?
A. Allegro B. Andante C. Minuet D. moderate to fast tempo E. Both C & D
_____ 23. Europe began to move toward a new style in architecture, literature, and the arts known as
A. Romanticism B. Renaissance C. Classicism D. Neocism
_____ 24. Who composed the Piano Concerto NO. 5 “Emperor” in Eb Major?
A. Beethoven B. Haydn C. Mozart D. Liszt
_____ 25. A drama set to music where singers and musicians perform in a theatrical setting.
A. Tragedy B. Comedy C. Operetta D. Opera

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