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Carry out a Community Project “Let’s Create a

Condusive Environmet for Education”


Self-study is just as independent as the process of gaining

knowledge and building concepts. It is very important that certain input
of knowledge is reutained positevely and the environmet is condusive to
provide refention of knowledge. Hard work need to be strenghened by
smart work which includes boosting your productivity by having the
right setting to set your study mode on. The environment your work in
will determine how sucessful your learning effect will be and how much
will actually sink in. Educational Institutions such as College
Matriculation Selangor giving more priority to independent learning
system rather that depending on lectures.

The aim for our project is to clean up the study room to provide
a condusive environment for students. This is due to the condition of
study rooms very poor especially in boys hostel. Next, lack of chairs and
tables, insufficient facilities, dirty floors and problems caused by
mosquito create an undeaspent milieu in study room. This causes
students to feel uncomfortable and unsettle to concentrate fully in
studies. Consequently, this may lead to drop in their exam results and
affect this dream to get flying colour in examination. In constrast of
having a condusive environment , this provides an opportunity and
space to the student to do homework and exercises in a condusive and
peaceful environment. For that they need a study room is very poor
especially in boys hostel.

They are 4 members involved in this project. As usually, they are

a project manager is a person who has the overall responsibility for the
successful intiation, planning and controlling of a project. S.Mohinder
is responsible as project manager in this community project. Next,
secretary who responsible to maintaining effective records and
administration. Ahmad Firdaus is a secretary. Other than that, treasurer
may manage the management of the financial affairs of the commuity
project. Rafzan is responsible for the treasure. Lastly, quarter master
who responsible to prepare and stored equipment for the cleaning
process. In this community service Tazarul was incharged as quarter

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