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Fokus Reinraum

Aseptic Transfer Systems into and

out of Barrier Isolators and RABS
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Bässler, Frank Lehmann . SKAN AG, Allschwil (Schweiz)
Korrespondenz: Frank Lehmann, SKAN AG, Binningerstr. 116, 4123 Allschwil (Schweiz);

Nur für den privaten oder firmeninternen Gebrauch / For private or internal corporate use only
Summary Key Words
The presented overview gives a picture of the actual technology in terms of continuous . Aseptic transfer; E-beam tunnel;
or batch wise transfer in and out of a containment isolator or RABS disregarding the hot air tunnel
purpose of the containment. . RTP systems; decontamination air lock;
During the past years, containment technology for aseptic production in the pharmaceu- aseptic liquid transfer systems
tical industry has developed in several ways to separate the product from the operator
and environmental influences. With the increasing importance of isolator technology,
there was a need for the development of aseptic transfer systems. Some of the transfer
systems are dedicated to a certain application like the transfer of plastic containers with
nested syringes with an E-beam tunnel, or glass objects with a hot air tunnel. Both are
used for the safe sterile transfer of large amounts of packaging material in a short time
into a filling line isolator.
The engineers have designed many different approaches for the aseptic transfer, but only
some of them came to market. There were developments with UV light, with pulsed light
and other, but in the end the E-beam technology was chosen to transfer nested syringes
into the filling line isolator by the manufacturers of sterile drugs. The hot air tunnel was
not specifically developed for the use with containment technology, but was adapted to
filling line isolators and became the transfer system of choice to bring in glass objects in
a sterile manner.
Some of the transfer systems are more commonly used like RTP systems, which can also
be applied bi-directional that means the transfer can be done in both directions in and
out of an isolator.
Furthermore transfer systems for the aseptic transfer of liquids in and out of a con-
tainment using the alpha/beta technology are available.

Introduction room technology are driving the active pharmaceutical ingredients

change to containment solutions. (API`s), many process steps are iso-
For the pharmaceutical industry of Containments can be glove boxes, lated, to protect the operator and the
the 21th century, containment sys- isolators or closed RABS (Restricted environment.
tems for aseptic processes and the Access Barrier Systems). Isolators Further, in private and hospital
handling of API`s become more have captured a firm position in the pharmacies, the individual patient
and more important. A modern iso- pharmaceutical industry during the preparations are more and more pre-
lator, as it is used in the industry of past years. pared in aseptic isolators for operator
today, can be designed for product The application for isolators and environment protection. For this
and process protection and/or for reaches from industrial research application, there is a need for simple,
the protection of operators and the and development via production of fast and cheap transfer solutions.
environment. Additional safety fea- pharmaceuticals, to laboratory use, An isolator or cRABS is a closed
tures and operating cost savings ver- especially for the microbiological system, which can only work, if mate-
sus conventional approaches in clean quality control. In the production of rial liquid or solid can be transferred

TechnoPharm 3, Nr. 1, 20–27 (2013)

20 Lehmann and Bässler . Aseptic Transfer Systems © ECV . Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
etrate deeply into materials. The rays
utilized by E-beam tunnels are par-
ticle rays from electrons (ß-rays) or
positrons (ß+rays). In comparison to
Alpha and Beta rays, Gamma rays are
electromagnetic waves. Due to the
high energy, Gamma rays are rel-
atively dangerous and require exten-
sive shielding.
The accelerated electrons (Beta
radiation) are an ionizing radiation
and have a direct or indirect effect

Nur für den privaten oder firmeninternen Gebrauch / For private or internal corporate use only
on living cells. The DNA (Desoxyribo-
nucleic acid) in the cell nucleus is the
main target of the Beta radiation.
The major reaction is a single strand
or a double strand break of the DNA,
which is a serious damage to the cell.
Fig. 1: Different ways into and out of an isolator. A high dose of ionizing radiation
which is applied in the E-beam tun-
nel (Fig. 2), leads to a sudden death of
viruses and all types of vegetative
into or out of the isolator. The trans- active decay and the ability to pen- cells of bacteria, fungi, yeast and
fer of goods and tools in and out of etrate material. These are Alpha, their spores.
containment is an important process Beta and Gamma rays. Due to their The electrons are accelerated with
step and a critical procedure in con- electrical load and the relatively large a voltage of approximately 200 keV.
tainment technology. During the mass, Alpha particles do not pen- The amount of interaction between
past years, a large effort has been
made from the industry to improve
and develop transfer systems into
containment isolators, for the differ-
ent applications like product, opera-
tor and environmental protection or
a combination of both. As important
as the transfer into the containment
is the transfer out of containments.
The transfer can either be continu-
ous or batch wise. Figure 1 shows the
different transfer devices used typi-
cally with isolators for aseptic proc-

E-beam decontamination
Electron beam decontamination for
packaging material is fast, reliable
and compatible with most materials
used in the pharmaceutical industry.
The decontamination method is
used for the outer surfaces of pre-
sterilized syringe containers (closed
plastic tubs) with nested syringes.
Fundamentally there are three
types of ionizing rays. These rays Fig. 2: E-beam decontamination tunnel with right and left shielding locks and three emitters
are divided by the amount of radio- in the middle (9).

TechnoPharm 3, Nr. 1, 20–27 (2013)

© ECV . Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany) Lehmann and Bässler . Aseptic Transfer Systems 21
Fokus Reinraum

E-beam and object is the absorbed by hot air, up to 350 °C or 600 F in For all process steps inside the
dose, defined as energy absorbed a continuous process, to remove all different hot air tunnel zones, de-
per unit mass (4). The application traces of organic substances from fined cleanroom conditions are
energy is at least 25 KGray on the them. The hot air is not only killing maintained according to ISO 5, re-
surface of the article. bacteria, fungi, yeast and their ferred to ISO 14644-1. Different
The tubs are unpacked from their spores but removes also the endo- stages of differential pressures in
outer bags, continuously transferred toxins, the death residues of the de- the zones are executed properly ac-
into the E-beam tunnel, whereby the stroyed microbes. This is a crucial cording GMP rules. This pressure
external surface decontamination of step in production of quality glass level approach is designed in a way,
the tubs is achieved with the beta containers to feed them into a closed that very little of the expensive con-
radiation. containment. ditioned clean room air must be dis-
The radiation has to reach the en- carded. This contributes

Nur für den privaten oder firmeninternen Gebrauch / For private or internal corporate use only
tire surface of the article to be decon- significantly to energy
taminated. Therefore, usually two or savings in this process
three E-beam emitters are positioned step.
symmetrically to the conveyor belt
(3). Decontamination
Immediately after passing the E- air lock
beam emitter, the syringe container
will enter a pressure zone with di- An airlock is a chamber
rected air flow as it is required for of different sizes, which
GMP production. The pollutants, can be decontaminated
which are generated by the radiation with gaseous hydrogen
(NOx) are removed locally. The de- peroxide or another dis-
creasing pressure between the isola- infectant. The airlock is a
tor and E-beam tunnel assures that pass through for prod-
no pollutants will reach the filling uct, material, tools and
zone of the isolator. Fig. 3: Hot air sterilisation tunnel (Bausch + Ströbel). monitoring material into
To protect the operator and the an aseptic isolator or
environment from radioactive emis- closed RABS (5).
sions, the E-beam tunnel is com- The decontamination
pletely covered with a lead shielding. The washed objects are, in most system uses hydrogen peroxide
The syringe tub input and output cases, automatically loaded from the (H2O2) for the decontamination of
area is protected by shielded doors, washing machine into the infeed of the material. The H2O2 should allow
which are interlocked, so that one the tunnel. On a conveyor belt, they a reduction of 106 spores of geobacil-
door is always closed. are guided through the heating zone. lus stearothermophilus in a conven-
The automation concept provides In the first zone, the glass body com- ient time, including the flushing of
an individual control and monitoring ing from the wet cleaning, is dried the chamber down to at least 1
of each individual syringe tub. There- under clean room conditions and ppm H2O2 residual concentration (8).
fore some tubs, which are not suc- conditioned by slowly heating up to The total cycle time should not ex-
cessfully decontaminated, can imme- about 80 °C. ceed 20 minutes, otherwise the pro-
diately move backwards to pass thru The sterilization, depyrogenation ductivity of the isolator or RABS is
once again the radiation source. and the burning in of the silicone of limited.
the objects takes place in the second The airflow in the decontamina-
Hot air sterilization and zone. The defined, validated and con- tion airlock is directed from top to
depyrogenation tunnel trolled sterilization parameters are down and the air inlet as well as the
temperature and time, which must air outlet is protected by a HEPA
A hot air sterilization and depyroge- be held usually at 280 to 350 °C, for (H14) filter. During the decontamina-
nation tunnel (Fig. 3) is used to at least 5 to 10 min. This time can be tion process the air is not moving in
transfer continuously large amounts shorter if the temperature is higher. the airlock. The decontamination
of heat resistant material like glass This is followed by the cooling of agent is vaporized with two or three
containers, vials, syringes, carpules the sterilized and depyrogenated evaporators directly into the
or ampoules in the aseptic filling glass objects in the third zone, to a chamber. After a short residence
area of a containment isolator. The temperature level which is usually time, which is validated for killing
glass objects will be sterilized and less than 30 °C, which is not critical 106 spores of Geobacillus stearother-
depyrogenated and siliconized (6) for the bottled product to be filled. mophilus, the air lock purges the

TechnoPharm 3, Nr. 1, 20–27 (2013)

22 Lehmann and Bässler . Aseptic Transfer Systems © ECV . Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
tight. Now the decontamination Transfer isolator
cycle, which runs automatically, can
be started. The outer and the inner Transfer isolators are commonly
door of the airlock are interlocked. used for the mobile transfer of tools
The inner door to the isolator can and other material from an autoclave
only be opened, if the outer door is to an isolator, if large amounts of
closed and a validated decontamina- material have to be transferred. The
tion cycle has been performed with- isolator support structure is
out any alarm. The inner door to the mounted on casters, so the isolator
isolator is a sliding door, so there is can be moved. To be able to be con-
no space in the isolator blocked by nected with filling line isolators or
the door opening. other immobile isolators or RABS,

Nur für den privaten oder firmeninternen Gebrauch / For private or internal corporate use only
For the decontamination air lock, they have installed on the front side
an IQ/ OQ, decontamination cycle rapid transfer ports with a flexible
development and microbiological PVC collar to be connected with
performance qualification has to be the fixed RTP flange on the isolator
performed. During OQ the inlet and (Fig. 5). The stored material can be
outlet filters are tested for their re- transferred to the filling line isolator,
tention rate and the tightness of the if the docking is accomplished.
filter seal. A visualization of the lam- To be free to move, they have a
inarity of the airflow in the chamber battery buffer or if possible, a long
can be of interest. All sensors are cal- connecting cable to the power
ibrated. supply, so they can operate in pos-
For the cycle development with itive pressure during the movement.
hydrogen peroxide, a standard load Mostly, they are decontaminated
has to be defined for the airlock. In with an external H2O2 decontamina-
this standard load, biological indica- tion system or like in Figure 6 with an
tors have to be placed for the estima- integrated H2O2 decontamination
Fig. 4: Decontamination air lock with short tion of the D-value of the lock system. For the decontamination
decontamination cycle (SKAN AG). chamber. The distribution of the process, the isolator is moved to a
H2O2 in the load can be determined fixed location, where the exhaust air
by using chemical indicators on the in the aeration phase of the decon-
H2O2 from the chamber with sterile defined places. A temperature and tamination cycle is removed into a
filtered fresh air. humidity distribution study during dedicated waste air system.
Air locks with an integrated de- the process of decontamination can The control system in a simple
contamination system can be used help to find locations where the gas transfer isolator with external H2O2
to transfer goods aseptically into distribution is not optimal. decontamination can be a common
containments and out of contain- pressure controller. The control sys-
ments. Pharmacies in hospitals, or tem in a transfer isolator with inte-
private pharmacies, produce many grated decontamination system is
aseptic preparations for parenteral more complicated and mostly based
nutrition or cytotoxic infusions indi- on a PLC system.
vidually for patients. Due to the in-
dividuality and the short shelf life of Rapid transfer port (RTP)
the solutions, they will be produced
aseptically, shortly before their appli- Rapid transfer port (RTP) technol-
cation to the patient. Decontamina- ogy provides the means to move
tion air locks can also be attached to material into and out of an isolator
filling line- or sterility testing isola- or RABS without breaking the con-
tors to enhance the efficiency of the tainment. There are many different
installation. rapid transfer ports on the market
The airlock can be loaded from with different technologies for the
the environmental clean room (class transfer. The most widespread is
D). By closing the outer door, the the RTP technique of Getinge-La
inflatable gasket of the door is auto- Fig. 5: PVC collar with RTP for mobile transfer Calhène (Fig. 7). It has become an
matically inflated and the door is isolator (SKAN AG). industry standard worldwide and is

TechnoPharm 3, Nr. 1, 20–27 (2013)

© ECV . Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany) Lehmann and Bässler . Aseptic Transfer Systems 23
Fokus Reinraum

used in pharmaceutical and life

science applications.
The transfer port system is based
on the interaction of two separate
units: Alpha and Beta unit each,
fitted with a door, a lock and a sealing
function. The Alpha flange is
mounted in the isolator wall while
the Beta flange seals off a container
or a transfer isolator. Both compo-
nents can be joined together by rota-
tion, with the help of embedded bay-

Nur für den privaten oder firmeninternen Gebrauch / For private or internal corporate use only
onets. Now the two doors are assem-
bled and can be opened. A rapid
material transfer between the vessel
and the containment is possible,
without breaking the integrity of
the containment. Between the com-
ponents, are pointed tapered seals
that form the interface. Thus, the un-
clean outsides of the containers are
sealed to each other. When the door
is opened, the impure port covers are
sealed together and can be swivelled
into the containment inside. In addi-
tion, the alpha-flange is fitted with a
mechanical safety lock, which pre-
vents the opening of the door in the
absence of containers and a removal Fig. 6: Transfer isolator with integrated H2O2 decontamination system (SKAN AG).
of the same with the door open.
The weakness of the system for
aseptic transfers is the so-called
“Ring of Concern”. For this reason which allows the gassing of the critical sterilized endless tubular film. Bag
the circumferential seal construction sealing surfaces with the door open. sealers with two seal lines and a
is meant, at the converging faces a The RTP containers are available in parting line are used to bring out
space can occur, a contamination, for stainless steel, aluminium and plastic. small product amounts rapidly from
example from bacteria and therefore The stainless steel and aluminium the containment. The length of typ-
a microbiological contamination of containers can be autoclaved. They ical endless tubular film is between 2
the isolator inside can happen. RTP have a Tri Clamp in the bottom, and 40 m.
systems must be visually checked on where a hydrophobic filter can be
a regular basis for damages to the connected for the steam exchange. Rapid aseptic liquid
seals. In addition, there are test sys- Beta-flanges made of plastic, com- transfer system
tems for pressure testing of the beta bined with sterilized disposable bags
flanges for tightness. (beta-bags) of PE are often used to Aseptic transfer systems are used to
For everyday use, the heavy weight supply ready to use caps and transfer fluids from the preparation
of the stainless steel components, stoppers. For the sterile product in- vessel to the isolator chamber. There
and the relatively forceful tightening feed, these bags are equipped with an are different autoclave-able reusable
of the containers for the bayonet fit- inner film tube, which may, after the systems and pre-sterilized single-use
ting to connect to the alpha flange flanging be pulled out to cover the systems available.
has to be considered. For docking critical seal of the RTP. A reusable RTP container for liq-
lifting aids are available. For reasons Beta flanges with canisters or uid transfer (Fig. 8) is treated to-
of germ growth, it is prohibited to sterile PE bags also can be used for gether with the preparation vessel
lubricate the gaskets with silicone oil. discharging small amounts of prod- with steam. Therefore the RTP dou-
Blind covers (false containers) will uct as well as for to dispose the ble door on the container is secured
be connected during H2O2-decontam- waste out of the isolator. Beta with an additional pressure cover
ination of the isolator on the RTP port flanges can also be equipped with and then the hose from the prepara-

TechnoPharm 3, Nr. 1, 20–27 (2013)

24 Lehmann and Bässler . Aseptic Transfer Systems © ECV . Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
tion of a pre-sterilized bag with
stoppers for example, the pins on
the Biosafe connector are in “out”
position. This is the proof that it
has not been used before. The dock-
ing is secured by magnetic guidance
on the Biosafe port. Further, the mag-
netic connection is secured by me-
chanical locks. When the docking is
completed, the double door is
opened either from inside or outside
the critical area. Now the aseptic

Nur für den privaten oder firmeninternen Gebrauch / For private or internal corporate use only
transfer of components, fluids or
powder can start. A Biosafe port with Fig. 9: Biosafe transfer system (Sartorius).
outside opening lever is the best
choice to prevent air turbulences
and ergonomic issues in RABS and
isolators with directed airflow. ically sealed mouse holes, which are
Fig. 7: Endless liner system (Getinge-La Cal-
hène). When connected to the Biosafe used for infeed and unloading of the
port, the dummy service connector packaging material and the finished
allows the door to be opened for product. The protection of the criti-
tion vessel is connected with the tube the H2O2 decontamination of the cal area in the isolator is given by
clip of the RTP container. The hose critical area and the inner side of means of a pressure cascade. That
coming from the preparation vessel the Biosafe port, as well as mainte- means a directed overflow is in the
in the RTP container is open and the nance operations like gasket replace- direction of the area with less protec-
steam can reach the interior of the ment. tion requirements. To keep the air
RTP container before it leaves the The Biosafe ports are delivered as volume loss low, the open area is
RTP container through a valve or hy- manually operated ports, as auto- minimized with a tailor-made face-
drophobic filter. After a successful mated ports or as Biosteam port, plate. If very large containers must
SIP (sterilization in place) and cool which can be sterilized in place hold- pass through the mousehole, it may
down, the system is operational. If ing a pressure from 1 to 6 bar and a be advantageous to minimize the
the preparation vessel is ready for temperature of 130 °C. opening with an automated sliding
the transfer, the RTP container can door, which closes the mouse hole
be docked on the alpha flange of the
After opening the double door
RTP, the open hose end can be taken
out and is connected to the feeder
tank in the isolator.

Biosafe Transfer System

(Sartorius Stedim)
The unique design of the single-use Fig. 8: RTP container for liquid transfer (Getinge-La Calhène).
Biosafe transfer system (Fig. 9) ena-
bles the secure transfer of compo-
nents (stoppers, caps, QC test de- faceplate after each passing through
vices, etc.) and powder while main- The mouse hole of a container (Fig. 10).
taining the integrity of the critical The mouse holes are locked and
area (isolator or RABS). Packaging Mouse holes are openings in the shell sealed airtight by an inflatable gasket
in single-use Biosafe bags sterile of the isolator or RABS, which allow during de-contamination. The gas-
and ready-to-use, eliminates issues the continuous transfer of intermedi- kets are equipped with a pressure
with cleaning, sterilization and main- ate- or finished goods between differ- sensor. If the pressure of the gasket
tenance. ent pressure zones in the isolator or falls below a defined minimum pres-
The Biosafe port is integrated in out of the isolator. The isolator sys- sure the gasket is automatically pres-
the isolator wall. Prior to the connec- tem can be equipped with pneumat- surized again, by a pulse of com-

TechnoPharm 3, Nr. 1, 20–27 (2013)

© ECV . Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany) Lehmann and Bässler . Aseptic Transfer Systems 25
Fokus Reinraum

pressed air. The time to inflate the The system from

gasket and also the pulses used to SKAN AG consists of
keep the gasket inflated are moni- a funnel mounted on
tored to detect if the gasket leaks. the isolator wall
The mouse holes cannot be equipped with three
opened when the gasket is inflated. inflatable gaskets and
The mouse hole is equipped with a two covers for the in-
proximity switch to monitor the side and the outside.
mouse hole cover position. In phases, (5) The inflatable gas-
for which it is defined that H2O2 is in kets hold the cartridge
the isolator chamber, it is not possi- with the liner in posi-
ble to open the mouse holes. If the tion and seal the car-

Nur für den privaten oder firmeninternen Gebrauch / For private or internal corporate use only
isolator system is in a phase for tridge to the environ-
which it is defined that no H2O2 is ment. The cartridge
in the isolator chamber and the iso- holds a PE liner with
lator system is in the status “decon- Fig. 10: Mouse hole with laminar flow protection (SKAN AG). a 500 mm diameter.
The usable diameter
Mouse holes of the cartridge is 190 mm.
with a local ex- The sterile liner transfer system is
haust (also called double packed in PE foil and gamma
“active mouse sterilized. Before inserting in the fun-
hole”) may be nel, the outer foil will be removed
used, when no and the cartridge is placed in the
air flow over the decontamination airlock of the isola-
process air in tor. After the decontamination cycle,
another isolator the cartridge is moved to the main
area or pressure chamber and the second PE foil is
zone is desired. removed. Now the cartridge is ready
They are installed, to be positioned in the funnel.
for example, in The funnel is decontaminated to-
systems in which gether with the isolator chamber,
active or toxic leaving the inner cover open and
Fig. 11: Liner transfer system for the aseptic transfer of goods out of an substances are the outer cover closed. After decon-
processed. In this tamination and transfer of the car-
case, the process tridge into the isolator, the cartridge
taminated”, the mouse hole gaskets air is sucked from both sides of the is pushed into the funnel up to the
deflate automatically. mousehole and discharged in be- outer cover. The inflatable gaskets
Mouse holes in isolators can be tween through a HEPA filter. In are inflated, so that the outer cover
operated manually by an operator safety-critical zone transitions, the can be erased. The liner can now be
or automatically. If automatically, correct functioning of
the mousehole cover is closed by a the air flow has to be
pneumatic cylinder and kept close by visualized in opera-
a return spring even in the case of tion mode of the sys-
power loss. tem.
As the mouse holes are open dur-
ing “production” mode and therefore Liner transfer
represent an opening of the isolator system (LTS)
to the surrounding room, a unidirec-
tional Air Flow Unit (LAF) is installed There are different
over the mouse holes to protect this sterile liner transfer
opening from passing particles from systems (Fig. 11) avail-
the environmental room. To ensure able on the market.
proper protection, the mouse hole They can be used for
does not open until the LAF is run- the aseptic transfer
ning at the defined speed of normally out of a containment
0,45 m/s. isolator. Fig. 12: SART liquid transfer system (Sartorius Stedim).

TechnoPharm 3, Nr. 1, 20–27 (2013)

26 Lehmann and Bässler . Aseptic Transfer Systems © ECV . Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
drawn out; the transfer system is [4] Urano, S. Wakamoto, I. Yama- Naturwiss. Fakultät der Humboldt Uni-
kawa, T. Electron Beam Steril- versität Berlin (1999)
ready to be used. With the liner ization System; Mitsubishi Heavy [7] Gail L, Gommel U, Hortig HP. Reinraum-
transfer system it is possible to trans-
Industries Ltd. Technical review technik (VDI Buch), chapter “Isolator-
fer material out of an isolator or Vol. 40 No.: 5 (Oct. 2003) technik in der chemisch-pharmazeut-
[5] Bässler H.-J. und Lehmann F.; Semiauto- ischen Industrie und Lebensmitteltech-
RABS in an aseptic way. matisches aseptisches Füllen; Techno- nik”. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 2012.
Pharm 2 Nr. 4, 260 – 265 (2012) [8] Krebsbach T. und Böttcher F. Leistungs-
[6] Mundry T. Einbrennsilikonisierung bei qualifizierung von Steriltest-Isolatoren;
Aseptic Rapid Transfer pharmazeutischen Glaspackmitteln- An- Pharm.Ind. 74 Nr. 3 469-476 (2012)
System (SART) from alytische Studie eines Produktionspro- [9] SKAN AG, Electron Energy brought to
Abgelegt auf: zesses;
Sartorius Dissertation an der Mathematisch
Zuletzt gesichert: 21.01.13 (09:58:01 Uhr)
Perfection, E-Beam brochure, 2012

The aseptic, liquid transfer

between a containment isola-
tor and the environmental
clean room can be performed
by using the SART (Fig. 12)
system. The system consists
of an external port, an inter-
nal port, made from stainless
steel 316L and a disposable
connection device made from
PBT Celanex grade (Polybuty-
lene terephthalate) with the
brand name Gammasart
ATD. Applying the RTP tech-
nology at the port as well as
the disposable connector, the
principle of the connection is
based on the alpha-beta con-
cept using four V-shaped pro-
files matching exactly on the
„Kleine Fehler? Mag ich
tip. A mechanical interlock an Menschen. An Anlagen
helps to avoid accidental
opening, if the ADT connec- von OPTIMA schätze ich
tor is not in place. The con-
nector can either be Gamma
dagegen Perfektion.“
sterilized or autoclaved. The
connector can be opened and Birgit Breitmoser
closed several times without Technische Zeichnerin
a fresh sterilization.

[1] Sigwarth, V. und T. Huber;
Trends bei der Entwicklung
von Isolatoren für die phar-
mazeutische Industrie;
Pharm. Ind. 71, Nr. 2, p 334 –
344 (2009)
[2] Zandbergen, J.-E. und Monge,
M. Disposable Technologies
Mit einer Abfüllanlage von OPTIMA sind Sie von vornherein
for Aseptic Filling; BioProcess

International 4: p 48-51 (June auf der sicheren Seite. Denn wir bauen Komplettlinien, die
2006) alles bieten: Maschinenleistungen nach Maß, eine einheitliche
[3] Sigwarth, V., Lehmann, F.; Dokumentation, die ideale Software-Lösung und einen An-
Boesiger, A.: Dekontamina- sprechpartner, der sich um jedes Detail kümmert. Eben alles, nur
tionsprozesse und -Systeme EXCELLENCE IN PHARMA
bei der Abfüllung genesteter keine Fehler. Schließlich wissen wir: Allein Perfektion bedeutet
Fertigspritzen – Isolatorsys- absolute Zufriedenheit.
teme und Elektronen-
strahltunnel Pharm. Ind. 70
Nr. 10 p. 1277 – 1288 (2008)

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