Prueba Zombie Attack

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A.- Complete the sentences with the words correct.

1.- Professor Clark is an American___________

a.- lab b.- country c.- scientist d.- crazy

2.- Professor Clark Works with white ______________

a.- Tasha b.- rats c.- serum d.- lab

3.- Dead people in the ________ are suddenly alive again.

a.- lab b.- diner c.- fire d.- cemetery

4.- _______ is noy happy about the serum

a.- Professor Clark b.- Chaz c.- Tasha d.- Zombies

5.- ___________ has a new serum

a.- Tasha b.- Chaz c.- Leroy d.- Clark

6.- The Professor usually goes _____ at 9:00 pm

a.- lab b.- cemetery c.- lab d.- home

7.- The serum is something ___________

a.- happy b.- dangerous c.- wonderful d.- a y b

8.- The zombies begin to _______ away from the cemetery

a.- talk b.- walk c.- kill d.- cries

9.- The zombies ________ the lab windows

a.- lab b.- eat c.- runs d.- break

10.- The serum’s in the ________ under the lab.

a.- ground b.- sky c.- table d.- cemetery

11.- In the lab, Tasha can _______ their half-dead bodies

a.- attack b.- push c.- smell d.- eat

12.- Chaz and Tasha _______ a tanker truck on its side to the road.

a.- hear b.- see c.- run d.- cry

13.- Tasha and Chaz leave Leroy and Ella because they are _______ now.

a.- scients b.- reporter c.- zombies d.- driver

14.- Chaz has an accident because he is _________ fast and it’s dark.

a.- car b.- zombie c.- burn d.- driving

15.- Tasha _______ about zombies because she comes from Haiti.

a.- read b.- walks c.- knows d.- fire

16.- Tasha and Chaz wants to kill the zombies with ___________-

a.- serum b.- blood c.- hand d.- fire

17.- Tasha and Chaz help Sam to ______ the tanker truck of gas

a.- push b.- kills c.- empty d.- tells

18.- The fire kills ____ the zombies in minutes

a.- their b.- all c.- there d.- talk

19.- The two police officers have some ______ news.

a.- dangerous b.- bad c.- happy d.- White

20.- The Tasha’s face suddenly withe because is________

a.- ill b.- afraid c.- cold d.- dirty

B.- Are these sentences true or false?.

_____ Tasha meets three people from the local TV station

_____ Ella isn’t very interested in Tasha’s story

_____ Chaz wants to go the lab

_____ The Professor usually stays at the lab all the night

_____ Tasha can open the lab

_____ There is an eartquake when Tasha is in the diner

_____ Tasha is happy about the serum

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