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Controlling Hot Sand

to Ensure Mold, Casting Quality

Understanding the effects of hot sand and utilizing the proper techniques to eliminate
it are critical to producing consistent molding sand and defect-free components.
Scott M. Strobl and David V. Silsby
Simpson Technologies Corp., Aurora, Illinois

ot molding sand has been turn sand with a temperature range of lems?” by J.S. Schumacher, R.A.
described as the number 120-160F (49-71C) is hot enough to dem- Green, G.D. Hanson, D.A. Hentz and
one sand-related problem onstrate inconsistent mulling properties H.J. Schumacher evaluated the prob-
facing today’s green sand metalcaster. and control problems. lems of hot sands using several unique
Most foundries can show a direct re- A study by A. Volkmar in 1979 indi- laboratory testing techniques. First,
lationship between hot sand and re- cates that temperatures above 120F re- laboratory evaluations of the viscos-
duced casting quality. In fact, studies sult in a consistent loss of physical sand ity of bentonite slurries were com-
have shown that hot sand affects vir- properties. In this study, a large sand pared at various temperatures and
tually every major operation within sample was split into several sealable times. The results indicated that ben-
the foundry production line if not containers containing thermocouples, tonite disperses and gels differently
properly handled. and, at various temperatures, the indi- in hot water than in cold water. The
This article takes a look at what con- vidual containers were quickly tested data also revealed an increase in vis-
stitutes hot molding sand and describes to ensure no heat loss. The study showed cosity as the temperature of the slurry
the quality and production problems that a steady loss in compactibility oc- was increased. It was hypothesized
that can be encountered when mold- curred when sand temperatures ex- that when the slurry temperature was
ing with hot sand. In addition, tech- ceeded 120F, however, there was virtu- increased, the bentonite platelets ar-
niques and key variables to consider in ally no change in compactibility be- ranged themselves edge-to-center,
cooling hot sand will be explored along tween 80-120F (27-49C) (Fig. 1). forming an open structure. This struc-
with the benefits derived by control- The 120F temperature figure was sup- ture is vastly different than cold water
ling sand temperature. The informa- ported by another study, “The Problem slurry in which the bentonite plate-
tion presented in this article is a con- of Hot Molding Sands” by J.S. lets remained face-to-face, as the open
glomeration of multiple technical stud- Schumacher, which stated “sand over structure at elevated temperatures
ies on hot sand. 160F (71C) does not mull to any consis- results in several negative impacts on
tency in physical properties, but sand sand systems. Most importantly, wa-
What is Hot Sand? below 120F develops uniformly when ter is held less efficiently by the ben-
Hot molding sand is defined as any mulled. Between 120-160F, mulling pro- tonite resulting in a more rapid mois-
high temperature sand that causes diffi- duces sand that is inconsistent and dif- ture loss and reduction in physical
culties in sand preparation, molding and ficult to control.” The paper concluded properties when compared to cool
casting quality. Hot sand also can be that the best sand for molding was fully sand. According to the study, an in-
described as one that requires addi- mulled, cool sand below 120F. teresting phenomenon could occur
tional raw materials to achieve usable A series of technical articles titled when using hot molding sands: “Pour-
molding properties. Specifically, a re- “Why Does Hot Sand Cause Prob- ing hot metal into a sand mold would
yield a casting that could display
those defects associated with a sand
containing too high temper moisture.
Pouring hot metal into a mold that is
formed hot and allowed to cool would
yield a casting that could display
those defects associated with too low
a temper water.”
The second portion of this study
evaluated the effect of sand tempera-
ture on the development of the sand’s
physical properties. A sand lab was en-
closed in a temperature- and humidity-
controlled chamber and sand tests were
Fig. 1. This chart of compactibility vs. temperature indicates a steady loss in
carried out at 70F (21C) and 140F (60C).
compactibility occurs with green sand with an increase in temperature above When all other conditions besides sand
120F (Volkmar 1979). temperature were held constant, the

42 modern casting / February 2001

results showed a considerable reduc-
tion of sand properties by the sand tested
at 140F (Fig. 2).
As shown by these studies, the tech-
nical research and data collected to
date clearly defines a threshold sand
temperature for green sand molding of
120F. Sand temperatures entering a
muller above 120F are considered hot
molding sands.

Hot Sand-Related Problems

Hot sand affects every aspect of a Fig. 2. This chart illustrates the decrease in green compression strength of hot molding
green sand molding operation and can sand vs. that of cold molding sand.
result in higher scrap rates, increased
consumption of bentonite and/or a com- by moisture condensation is with cold ture, moisture, grain size, clay content
plete loss of system control. cores placed in warm molds. The ex- and other critical physical properties.
In terms of scrap, a wide variety of cessive moisture on the surface of the This inconsistency is a problem for sand
sand-related defects show a strong cor- cores can result in weakened cores preparation equipment, whether it has
relation to excessive sand temperature, and casting defects such as gas-related automatic or manual controls. Ideally,
including sand inclusions, rough sur- blows and pinholes. Metalcasters also the sand cooling system should blend
face finish, metal penetration, swells, may encounter problems of prepared the erratic temperature swings and all
sand erosion, gas-related pinholes, molding sands sticking to patterns due other inconsistencies into a homoge-
blows, stickers and broken molds. Many to condensation. neous sand mass. By employing the
of these defects are caused by the ten- In general, hot sand problems only proper form of homogenization after
dency for rapid moisture loss on the become worse due to casting shakeout, the
mold surface. the natural tendency system sand (due to
In terms of sand system operation, for a reduction of us- ‘Hot sand affects every the averaging effect)
hot molding sand has many adverse able sand capacity. aspect of a green sand would tend to gradu-
effects. Hot sand normally returns to molding operation and ally change over
the muller in a widely fluctuating tem- Cooling Hot can result in higher time rather than ex-
perature and moisture. A test conducted Green Sand scrap rates, increased hibiting sudden
at an iron foundry indicated a tempera- Maintaining a sand consumption of large violent swings.
ture range of 90-380F in various loca- system involves the bentonite and/or a However, just add-
tions within a batch hopper (Fig. 3). reduction of fluctua- complete loss of ing water onto hot
During sand preparation, this large varia- tions and variations. molding sand will
system control.’
tion in temperature causes the evapora- This requires not only not efficiently cool
tion of various quantities of water. This a balance of incom- the sand and aid in
variability makes accurate moisture ad- ing and outgoing materials but also a creating the homogenous mass. For ef-
ditions and compactibility control at balance of energy. Additions of new raw ficient cooling to take place, the water
the muller difficult, if not impossible. materials must be made to offset losses must make contact with all sand grains
The prepared sand’s inconsistent dis- due to thermal destruction, dust collec- for a critical amount of time and the
charge temperature will increase the tion, etc. The energy required to activate steam generated from the conversion
batch-to-batch variation of the physical the clay in the muller also must be main- of water from liquid to gas must be
properties. Uncontrollable sand drying tained. The heat energy induced by the removed. For these two reasons, the
also is a concern when conveying hot solidification of the casting must be re- practice of adding water to sand on a
prepared sand long distances to mul- moved from the sand to allow it to re- belt conveyor does not effectively cool
tiple molding machines. main constant and balanced. sand below 120F.
The tendency for moisture conden- Sand returning from shakeout will It is important to stress the fact that
sation from hot sand onto cold surfaces vary in consistency in terms of tempera- no evaporation will take place if the air
also gives rise to several unique prob-
lems in and out of the sand system.
First, there is a tendency for hot sand to
stick to cooler hopper and bin walls
and result in “bin funneling” or “rat
holing” in which hot sand enters the top
of the bin and passes directly through
the center of the bin. This results in
frequent usage of a smaller portion of
the available system sand, which com-
pounds to a rapid turnover rate of sand
(due to less active sand in the system),
increased sand temperatures and ag- Fig. 3. This chart shows the variation in temperature of the shakeout sand for a large
gravated hot sand problems. iron foundry. This wide fluctuation is almost impossible to control without mechani-
A second serious problem caused zation to produce a homogenous molding sand.

modern casting / February 2001 43

surrounding the hot sand and water time within the cooling vessel to take Tight control of the discharge mois-
mixture is fully saturated with mois- full advantage of water vaporization ture from the system and effective
ture. An influx of unsaturated air ca- and evaporation. homogenization of sand has an ex-
pable of absorbing moisture is required Water must be added to hot sand to tremely positive effect on the consis-
for a sand cooling system to effectively have evaporation, but it must be con- tency of the prepared sand delivered
cool sand using evaporation. It is best trolled within a narrow working range. to the molding operation. Effective
to pass this unsaturated air through the The quantity of water added should be blending and control of both tem-
sand mass since passing unsaturated adequate to facilitate cooling and main- perature and moisture of the shakeout
air over the top of a moistened sand tain a tight control of the sand’s discharge sand prior to the muller also enhances
mass is ineffective. moisture. It is desirable to achieve dis- the capability of online compactibility
Retention time within the cooling charge moisture as close to the molding controllers. ▼
vessel is another important consider- percentage as possible. The ability of the References—
ation regarding the cooling of mold- sand cooling system and any other com- “Why Does Hot Sand Cause Problems – Parts 1
ing sands. It is easy to cool sand to ponents after it to transport the moist- and 2,” J.S. Schumacher, R.A. Green, G.D.
Hansen, D.A. Hentz, H.J. Galloway, AFS Trans-
212F (100C) through water vaporiza- ened sand will determine the maximum actions, Vol 82, pp 181-188 (1974); Vol 83, pp
tion, which occurs instantaneously if discharge moisture percentage. In addi- 441-446 (1975).
unsaturated air is available to remove tion, when possible, it is beneficial to “The Problem of Hot Molding Sands-1958 Revis-
the steam. To achieve sand tempera- make a portion or all of the required ited,” J.S. Schumacher, AFS Transactions, Vol
tures below the 212F, the cooling time bentonite addition at the sand cooling 91, pp 879-888 (1983).
“Reduction in Sand Related Scrap Through Effec-
increases and this process is no longer system. The benefits of adding water and tive Sand Cooling,” M.J. Aklinski, M.J. Granlund,
instantaneous. An effective sand cool- bentonite at this stage increase the sys- AFS Transactions, Vol 98, pp 161-166 (1990).
ing system has an adequate supply of tem efficiency due to the tempering ef- For a free copy of this article circle No. 342 on the
unsaturated air and enough retention fect in the sand silos. Reader Action Card.

Performance Gains Through Cooling Equipment

Whether a foundry operates a single ings for the 9 months before and after Increased Productivity
shakeout or multiple shakeout lines the installation of a sand cooler. Over Beyond the reduction in casting
feeding to a central storage point, the the course of this study, the equipment defects associated with sand cool-
return sand naturally exhibits wide reduced sand inclusion scrap by 34.5% ing, foundries have been able to in-
variations in return sand temperature and reduced the scrap variation, sig- crease muller capacity and reduce
and moisture. These wide swings in nificantly improving the foundry’s pro- bentonite usage through the effec-
temperature are the result of chang- ductivity on the molding line. tive use of a sand cooling system. For
ing sand-to-metal ratios, casting cool- A second example of a foundry a 125-employee ductile iron foundry
ing times and poured vs. unpoured improving productivity through sand in the Eastern U.S., these added ben-
molds. These factors make return sand cooling is a 100-employee gray iron efits of sand cooling helped elimi-
temperature inconsistent, unpredict- foundry producing piston rings that nate two problems.
able and difficult to control. was experiencing swell, inclusion and The foundry had hot sand returning
A properly designed, sized and in- run-out defects in its castings. The to the muller from shakeout and mar-
stalled sand cooling system will pro- foundry ran several stack molding ginal muller production that wasn’t
vide the foundry with an additional lines using 100 tons of sand/hr. meeting the capacity of its two verti-
point of control in the sand prepara- To confirm the benefits of operating cally parted molding machines requir-
tion process. In a well-designed lay- the molding system with cool sand, the ing approximately 100 tons of sand/hr.
out, the cooler becomes the initial foundry embarked on a series of casting The foundry installed a sand cooler
point for correcting elevated sand tem- trials utilizing specific jobs that exhibited that incorporated pre-blending and a
peratures and inconsistent moisture unacceptable scrap rates. For a five-day bentonite addition. After installation,
levels by cooling and blending the period, 12,000 study castings were pro- however, the foundry eliminated the
return sand prior to the muller. This duced in the morning when the sand bentonite addition at the muller and
approach to sand preparation allows temperature measured less than 95F began introducing it into the cooler
the muller to perform its primary (35C). The same parts were poured in beneath the bed of sand, leaving only
function of coating and activating the afternoon after the sand increased in trim water added at the muller to stabi-
clay onto sand grains. The result is a temperature and had stabilized between lize the final compactibility value.
more consistent molding sand. 130-140F (54-60C). The 24,000 study cast- The cooler solved the hot sand di-
ings produced were evaluated after rough lemma. After cooling, the sand, water
Reducing Casting Defects inspection and being processed through and bentonite mixture is charged into
A reduction of sand-related scrap is the cleaning room. a sand storage silo to allow time for
one of the best measures of sand con- The study concluded that scrap was the bentonite to temper prior to mull-
sistency. An example of this is a gray 2 times higher with the castings pro- ing. This tempering time (in addition
and ductile iron engine block and duced in hot sand. It appeared that to the cooling) has reduced the re-
head foundry that was looking to im- more effective sand cooling could pro- quired mulling cycle by 20%. The ulti-
prove sand consistency on one of its vide significant improvement in the mate results are an increased feed
cope and drag lines. The molding line plant’s molding sand practice. The rate of sand to the molding line, in-
was utilizing 200 tons of sand/hr. foundry installed a cooler and has seen creased molding capacity and elimi-
The foundry performed a study that a significant reduction in scrap, improv- nation of the need to install additional
tracked sand inclusion rates in its cast- ing its bottom line. mulling equipment. ▼

44 modern casting / February 2001

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