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A Review of Ionic Liquids

in Chromatographic and Electromigration


2008, 68, 1–10

Bogusław Buszewski&, Sylwia Studzińska

Chair of Environmental Chemistry and Bioanalytics, Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University, 7 Gagarin Str.,
87-100 Toruń, Poland; E-Mail:

Received: 17 January 2008 / Revised: 1 April 2008 / Accepted: 9 April 2008

Online publication: 27 May 2008

literally billions of different structures

that may form an IL [7]. Some of the
Abstract different cation structures and anion
pairs are shown in Fig. 1. The most
Although there have been numerous studies on the use of ionic liquids (IL) as solvents for commonly employed IL anions are
synthesis and catalysis, there are many potential new fields for their application. The number polyatomic inorganic species, such as
of studies dealing with the use of ILs as additives to the mobile phase in LC and CZE and as a PF6 and BF4 . Most prominent cations
stationary phases in GC is constantly increasing. The main goal of the present paper is to are pyridinium and imidazolium [1–10].
gather together studies concerning the use of ILs in chromatographic techniques. The The novelty of ILs is due to the pos-
application of these substances as stationary phases, mobile phase additives and electro- sibility of changing them by synthesis to
osmotic flow modifiers is discussed. Conversely, the application of separation methods in the give a range of distinctive properties.
analysis of ILs is also the subject of this review. These include high ionic conductivity,
low volatility and low vapor pressure,
non-flammability, high thermal stability
(compound specific), wide temperature
Keywords range as a liquid phase, good solvation
power for many organic and inorganic
Column liquid chromatography
materials and a wide range of electro-
Gas chromatography
chemical stabilities [4, 9–18]. Table 1 lists
Capillary electrophoresis
a few of the most popular ILs and their
Micellar electrokinetic chromatography
Isotachaphoresis physico-chemical characteristics [9–18].
Ionic liquids The properties of ILs make them inter-
esting compounds for utilization in many
different applications. These include
organic synthesis, catalysis, biocatalysis,
enzyme reactions, solvent extraction,
Introduction terparts of molten salts. The asymmetry electrochemistry, electrolytes in batteries,
lowers the lattice energy, and hence the electrolytes for dye-sensitized solar cells,
An ionic liquid (IL) is a salt in which the melting point of the resulting ionic elements of polymer gel electrolytes, in
ions are poorly coordinated. Conse- medium. In some cases, even the anions metal deposition, formation of surfac-
quently these compounds are liquid are relatively large and play a role in tant aggregates, high surface tension
below 100 C or even at room tempera- lowering the melting temperature [1–6]. materials and tissue preservation [1–10].
ture (RTIL’s) [1–6]. Their chemical The composition and associated prop- Since ILs have effectively no vapor
composition consists of large asymmet- erties of ILs depend on the specific pressure, they do not release harmful
ric organic cations and inorganic coun- cation and anion combinations: there are vapors to the environment. Over few last

Review Chromatographia 2008, 68, July (No. 1/2) 1

DOI: 10.1365/s10337-008-0662-y
0009-5893/08/07  2008 Vieweg+Teubner | GWV Fachverlage GmbH
interact with residual silanols [25–27]. It
seems that ILs may also have this
Due to their properties IL are now
starting to be employed as promising
replacements for amines. The strong
proton-acceptor properties of these
analytes can be utilized to suppress del-
eterious effects of free silanols on LC
separations. The chaotropic character of
the anion may introduce ion-pairing
with cationic solutes and adsorption on
the stationary phase. The hydrophobic-
ity of the cation may further induce
stationary phase adsorption [28, 29].
Poole et al. [30, 31] first showed that
liquid alkylammonium nitrate and thio-
cyanate salts could be used as mobile
phases in RP-LC when mixed with a
Fig. 1. Most common ILs structures second solvent of low viscosity. Results
of their experiments suggested that these
decades it can be seen (by the range and increase our knowledge of their proper- salts are good solvents for adjusting
quality of contributions and the enor- ties and also aid their detection in vari- eluent strength. Another study concern-
mously increased number of publica- ous matrices. The application of ing the utilization of alkylammonium
tions) that significant efforts are being chromatographic methods in the analy- ILs as mobile phases was devoted to the
made to utilize ILs in green chemistry sis of ILs is important because of their application of a concentrated solution of
[19, 20]. possible migration to water and soil. As ethylammonium acetate as a mobile
Apart from the environmental the popularity of Ils in industry in- phase replacement for organic solvents
friendly properties of ILs, most publi- creases, the probability is that they will [32]. It was shown that the solution of IL
cations are dominated by reviews con- find their way into the environment. acts like an organic solvent with a
cerning the application of RTILs as Consequently there is a need to develop polarity similar to that of methanol.
solvents for synthesis and catalysis, their methods for their determination in Despite the relatively high viscosity of
use in electrochemical devices, finding environmental samples. ethylammonium acetate, plate count
new fields for their application, and even values averaged only about 15% less as
their history [2–6, 8, 9, 12, 16]. On the compared to methanol. Moreover the
other hand there is an increasing number ILs utilized gave faster separations of
of papers dealing with the advantages of Ionic Liquids in water-soluble vitamins on a reversed
ILs as separating agents especially in Chromatographic phase column designed for a totally
chromatographic techniques are de- Techniques aqueous mobile phase.
scribed by, e.g. Koel [6], Pandey [2], He et al. were the first to use 1-butyl-
Stalcup and Cabovska [21] and Poole High Performance Liquid 3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate
[22]. ILs have intrinsically useful prop- Chromatography as an additive to the mobile phase in the
erties for the improvement of both GC analysis of ephedrines [33], resulting in a
and LC. The salts are used as additives Although LC is one of the most popular better separation of those compounds
to mobile phases in LC and CE and also separation techniques, it has still one than by the use of triethylamine. Similar
as stationary phases in GC. Conversely, great disadvantage—poor results in the advantages in application of ILs as
separation techniques are becoming analysis of polar compounds due to the residual silanol masking agents were also
more popular in the analysis of ILs. The activity of residual silanol groups. These obtained in their next study [34], where
role of ILs in chemical separation selec- lead to undesirable effects such as the influence of those compounds on the
tivity may, in the future, be more asymmetric peaks, low efficiencies and/ analysis of catecholamines was dis-
important than their basic function as a or irreproducible retention [23, 24] There cussed. The separation of polar com-
solvent. are two ways to avoid the problems in pounds, amines and phthalic acids, with
The main aim of this review is to the analysis of polar or ionizable sub- 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium ILs as mo-
deal with the utilization of ILs in chro- stances; working with stationary phases bile phase additives was also studied [35].
matographic techniques and also their synthesized on adsorbents other than More detailed study of the effects of free
analysis by chromatographic methods silica, or adding solutes such as trieth- silanol suppression in liquid chroma-
(Fig. 2). Chromatographic techniques ylamine to the mobile phase which can tography by imidazolium tetrafluorobo-

2 Chromatographia 2008, 68, July (No. 1/2) Review

Table 1. Physico-chemical constants for selected ionic liquids [3, 17, 18]

Ionic liquid Melting point Density Refractive Viscosity UV max Dielectric

(C) (g mL 1) index (cP) (nm) constant

Ethylammonium nitrate 12.5 1.122 1.4537 32.1 292 13.4

n-Propylammonium nitrate 4.0 1.157 1.4561 66.6 294 18.1
Butylammonium thiocyanate 20.5 0.949 1.5264 97.1 275 33.9
Tetra-n-heptylammonium chloride 9 0.882 – 598 – –
Tetra-n-butylammonium 2-Hydroxy-4-morpholinopropanesulfonate – – 1.4778 4699 227 –
1-Butyl-3-ethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide – 1.404 1.4285 48 – –
1-Butyl-3-ethylimidazolium perfluorobutanesulfonate 21 1.427 1.4025 323 – –
1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate 10 1.373 – 450 – –
1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate 81 1.208 – 219 – –
1-iso-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide – 1.428 1.4289 83 – –
1-n-Decyl-3-methylyimidazolium tetrafluoroborate 25 1.072 – 928 – –
1,3-Diethylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate 23 1.330 1.4367 53 – –
1,3-Dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide 22 1.559 1.4220 44 – –
1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoroacetate 14 1.285 1.4405 35 – –
1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate 61 1.304 – 585 – –
1-n-Octyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate 79 1.110 – 439 – –

rate ILs was the subject of work by CE

Kaliszan et al. [36] with a mixture of MEKC CZE
derivatives of phenothiazine, salicylic
acid and phenol. The silenol masking LC electroosmotic MEKC
flow modifiers
potential of ILs was also investigated in TLC CCC LC
the analysis of a series of proton-accep- CE
tor basic drugs compounds [37]. Other mobile phase stationary
additives phases
studies concerned the influence of addi- GC
tion of Ils to the mobile phase on the
separation of b-blockers [38], amino and
improvement of selectivity in
nucleic acids [39], amino benzoic acids chromatographic techniques
[40], guanine and hypoxanthine [41] and
mixtures of nucleotides [42]. ILs signifi-
cantly affected polar analyte retention in IONIC LIQUIDS
all the systems tested [33–42].
The results from all these papers determination of ionic liquids and
showed that ILs are clearly superior to estimation of their properties
the classical additives in terms of effi-
ciency, and peak shape enhancement.
The silanol-suppressing potency of the LC CZE
Ils studied markedly exceeded that of the GC
standard mobile phase additives, like
triethylamine, dimethyloctylamine and Fig. 2. Types of ILs application in chromatographic techniques
ammonia. The efficiencies and asymme-
try factors achieved for the group of ence the final results—improving sepa- become competing agents on the silica
polar compounds were improved when ration, asymmetry factor or number of surface for the solutes. Depending on the
the cationic modifiers were added to the theoretical plates, decreasing tailing, IL’s properties, they partly move with
aqueous-organic mobile phase, as com- reducing band broadening—are con- the mobile phase and interact with the
peting additives for the active silanol nected with the retention mechnism, solutes. In the case of basic compounds
sites. The improvement was most nota- which is not simple when ILs are present the increase of the length of the alkyl
ble on the asymmetry factor. in the mobile phase. The dual nature of subsitutent of the imidazolium cation
When ILs are used as mobile phase these salts is beneficent in the analysis of usually causes a decrease of retention
additives at millimolar concentration, all polar substances since both anionic and factors (Fig. 3a). A different effect
their unique properties are gone. The cationic parts of the IL additive can occurs in the separation of acidic sub-
substances then just become dissociated participate in the retention mechanism. stances due to the delocalization of the
salts with hydrophobic cations and cha- IL cations coat the surface of the sta- charge (Fig. 3b). Although the IL
otropic anions [28]. Many effects of ILs tionary phase on which they suppress cations are mostly responsible for inter-
on the chromatographic process influ- free silanols and at the same time they action with the stationary phase silanol

Review Chromatographia 2008, 68, July (No. 1/2) 3

groups they may also form ion-pairs and 1-butyl-3-(trimethoxysilylpropyl) molecules with somewhat acidic or basic
with acidic substances thereby increasing imidazolium bromide [44]. The first tests functional groups or as non-polar phases
their retention factors. The chaotropic of columns packed with these materials with hydrophobic compounds) [48].
character of the anions constituting ILs were performed using aromatic carbox- During the last few years most of the
is responsible for possible ion-pairing ylic acids as model compounds [44]. investigations have concerned the syn-
with the cationic solutes. These two Separation appeared to involve multiple thesis of IL-based stationary phases,
processes of silanol screening and ion- interaction mechanisms including ion which will confer unique IL properties
pairing have a beneficial influence on the exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and such as high thermal stability and effi-
chromatographic results [28, 33–38]. other electrostatic interactions [43, 44]. ciency on the column [49–54].
Figure 3c presents possible interactions However more detailed studies are re- Utilization of 1-benzyl-3-methylimi-
during the chromatographic process quired in this direction. dazolium and 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-
when mixtures of basic, acidic and neu- methylimidazolium trifluoromethane-
tral compounds are analyzed using ILs. sulfonates gave good thermal stability up
Two final advantages of the use of Gas Chromatography to 260 C, symmetrical peak shapes, and
ILs as mobile phase additives should be faster separations of complex mixtures
noted. The first concerns the replace- ILs became a subject of interest in gas of molecules (e.g. alcohols, alkanes,
ment of the less effective and environ- chromatography thanks to their low polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
mentally harmful alkylamines with ILs, volatility, non-flammability, good sol- polychlorinated biphenyls and chlori-
to give improved separation efficiency vent properties and high viscosity. nated pesticides) in comparison with a
and greater handling safety [36, 37]. The However early work in this area gave commercial methylphenyl polysiloxane
second advantage, that ILs have no poor results. ILs-based stationary phases [49]. However better thermal stability
influence on the mobile phase pH unlike exhibited selective interactions between and packing selectivity were gained,
TEA and amines, is much more impor- polar and hydrogen bond-forming sol- when lightly cross-linking (by free radi-
tant [38]. utes, but showed no significant retention cal reactions) of a new class of IL
The problems encountered with silica of n-hydrocarbons [45, 46]. Other dis- monomers was applied. Those ILs-based
supports in the analysis of polar basic advantages were low liquid range, ther- stationary phases gave high efficiency
compounds may be omitted by not using mal stability, and column efficiencies separations up to temperatures of
traditional stationary phases based on [45–47]. In spite of these limitations ILs 350 C compared to commercial col-
silica. In countercurrent chromatogra- have one great advantage for GC—their umns [50]. One of the latest achieve-
phy (CCC), mobile and stationary phases dual nature, which was a subject of de- ments in this area is the synthesis of a
are both liquids. The chromatographic tailed study by Armstrong et al. [48]. geminal dicationic IL, 1,9-di(3-vinylimi-
retention in this case is based only on They used inverse GC with 1-butyl- dazolium)nonane bis[(trifluoromethyl)
liquid–liquid partitioning. During elu- 3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophos- sulfonyl]imidate stationary phase [54]. It
tion, solutes undergo a number of liquid- phate and the analogous chloride salt as was found that this column exhibited a
phase exchanges. Berthod et al. [17] have stationary phases. The Rohrschneider– much better selectivity for polar and
shown that the solvent properties of McReynolds constants were determined non-polar compounds than the poly-
1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluoro- for both ILs and showed considerable siloxanes [54].
phosphate makes it a possible stationary differences. In particular for ILs proton- GC is one of the first separation
phase in CCC. The aim of their work was donor and dipolar interactions appear to techniques in which ILs were used in
to use an IL–water system with a CCC be very strong, followed by proton chiral separations. Extending these
chromatograph to measure the distribu- acceptor capabilities. It is apparent that compounds to chiral separations can be
tion coefficients of a set of aromatic the chloride containing IL interacted done in two ways: a chiral selector can
compounds containing acidic, basic, and more strongly with proton-donor and be dissolved in an achiral IL, or the IL
neutral substituents. Results obtained in proton-acceptor molecules, while the itself can be chiral. Berthod et al. [51]
the study indicate that an appropriate hexafluorophosphate tended to be used the first approach. Permethylated
biphasic water/acetonitrile/IL system is somewhat less polar and interacted more b-cyclodextrin and 2,6-di-methyl-b-
suitable for CCC. The use of 1-butyl- strongly with non-polar solutes. The IL cyclodextrin were dissolved in 1-buthyl-
3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophos- anion influences the hydrogen bond ba- 3-methylimidazolium chloride to prepare
phate or any other IL however causes sicity and dipolarity, while the cation GC stationary phases for chiral separa-
UV absorbance limitations [17]. (depending on its structure) can influ- tions but the enantio-resolving capabili-
One of newest directions in the ence the ability of interaction via non- ties of those columns were much lower,
application of ILs in LC is their use as bonding and p-electrons. On the other compared to commercial columns with
stationary phases [43, 44]. New packing hand the nature of both the cations and the same chiral selectors. The reason of
materials were obtained with the 1-alkyl- anions causes dispersion forces and such an effect is probable blocking of the
3-methylimidazolium cations [43] or hydrogen bond interactions. During the cyclodextrin cavity by making an inclu-
with the derivatives of 1-methyl-3-(tri chromatographic process they behave as sion complex with the imidazolium ion
methoxysilylpropyl)imidazolium bromide if they were polar in the separation of pair. However ILs are used in chiral

4 Chromatographia 2008, 68, July (No. 1/2) Review

separations, mostly by the utilization of a)
chiral ILs such as N,N-dimethylephe-
drinium-based phases. Ding et al. were
the first to demonstrate enantiomeric = Si O

separations using chiral IL stationary

phases. The column packings developed = N N
ionic liquid
were effective for the separation of chiral cation

alcohols (including diols), chiral sulfox- = protonized solute

ides, some chiral epoxides, and acety-

lated amines. =
ionic liquid anion
Chromatographic retention data give F

solute activity coefficient at infinite dilu-

tion, gas–liquid partition coefficients and
other thermodynamic properties. Utili-
zation of these parameters and appropri-
ate models allows understanding of the
intermolecular interactions responsible
= Si O
for solvation in the stationary phase
[55, 56]. Liquid stationary phases for GC
based on ILs have recently been used to = N N
ionic liquid
determine activity coefficients at infinite cation
dilution of various substances in different = ionized solute
types of such columns. These investiga-
tions were performed with both polar c)
and non-polar substances for: 1-ethyl- N
3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluorometh-
ylsulfonyl) imidate [57], 1-butyl-3-meth-
ylimidazolium octyl sulfate [58],
1-methyl-3-octyl-imidazolium tetrafluo- = Si O

roborate [59], 1-methyl-3-ethyl-imidazo-

lium bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl) amide, = N N
ionic liquid
1,2-dimethyl-3-ethyl-imidazolium bis(tri- F

F ionic liquid
fluoromethyl-sulfonyl) amide [60], = F
1-methyl-3-butyl-imidazolium bis(trifluo- N

romethyl-sulfonyl) imide [61], 1-hexyl-3- = protonized solute

methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl- = ionized solute

sulfonyl) imide [62], 4-methyl-n-butylpy- N = neutral solute

ridinium tetrafluoroborate [63], 1-hexyl-
3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate Fig. 3. ILs participation in high performance liquid chromatography: a analysis of cationic
[64], trimethyl-butylammonium bis(tri- solutes with IL addition to mobile phase; b analysis of anionic solutes with IL addition to mobile
fluoromethylsulfonyl) imide [65], tri- phase; c contribution of IL anions and cation in the analysis of different types of solutes
hexyl(tetradecyl)-phosphonium tris(penta-
fluoroethyl) trifluorophosphate [66] and molecule, which makes them good can- fiers [69–71]. One of the first reports of
1-methyl-3-octyl-imidazolium chloride didates for electroosmotic flow (EOF) the use of ILs as buffer electrolytes in
[67]. One of the latest investigations in modifiers in organic solvents. ILs have non-aqueous CE is the work of [72].
this area is the work of [68]. The good electrical conductivity, are slightly They demonstrated the separation of
measurements were carried out for 29 more viscous than organic solvents and water-insoluble dyes in acetonitrile,
organic compounds in two RTILs, therefore low concentrations may be re- which were previously not resolved using
1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium octyl sul- quired for buffer modification to achieve traditional CE methodology. The addi-
fate and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium better separations. In the field of capillary tion of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium
tosylate. electrophoresis (CE), ILs can be used as fluoroacetate to the electrolyte provided
electrolytes, as additives to electrolytes change in the electrophoretic mobility of
and as dynamic or covalent coating re- the system. When using ILs as electrolyte
Electromigration Techniques agents of the capillary. The first two additives or for dynamically coating the
directions seem to be the most popular. capillary wall several different types of
The chemical properties of ILs are often In some early CE studies, alkylam- analytes were separated—polyphenols
more dependent on the anionic part of the monium salts were used as EOF modi- [73–75], mixtures of phenols and

Review Chromatographia 2008, 68, July (No. 1/2) 5

a) interest. IL cations and anions influence
the migration behavior of analytes in
several different ways, mainly by associ-
ation with solutes (Fig. 4a, b). The
resolving power of the system is more
EOF often connected with activity of the
background electrolyte IL cation. It
plays two important roles, as an EOF
modifier and as an association agent for
compounds being analyzed (Fig. 4a).
The imidazolium ions coat the walls of
the capillary. As a consequence analytes
can interact with the imidazolium
cations on the capillary wall or with the
free IL cations in the electrolyte solution,
EOF what leads to better separation [72–80].
This approach has also been applied
for the analysis of basic proteins
including lysozyme, cytochrome c, tryp-
sinoge, and a-chymotrypsinogen A [81].
In the analytical method described,
c) 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ILs
were added to the running electrolyte to
OH dynamically coat the capillary for the
S separation of proteins. Negatively

charged pure silica capillary material
electrostatically attracts the positively

charged parts of proteins, however
addition of ILs to the buffer gives
improvements in resolution. The sepa-
ration mechanism was again suggested
to involve association between imidazo-
d) lium cations and proteins [81].
= ionized silanols A different application of ILs in CE
involves covalently coating the capillary
= ionic liquid cation
S wall. The EOF of a bare silica capillary
= ionic liquid anion
was reversed by the covalently bon-
ded 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cation
S = solute [82]. The schematic capillary wall mod-
S ification process is shown in Fig. 5. The
= protonized solute utilization of ILs increases the working
pH range of the running buffer with
= ionized solute
good efficiency. Capillaries prepared in
this way were applied to the separation
Fig. 4. The use of ILs in capillary electrophoresis: a analysis of cationic solutes with dynamically of: NH4+ in human urine from the K+
coated capillary; b analysis of anionic solutes with dynamically coated capillary; c CE analysis of
substances with cyclodextrine and IL addition to running buffer; d MEKC analysis of solutes ions and the separation of K+, Na+,
with the addition of IL Li+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ ions in red
wine. The resolution of metal ions in
aromatic acids [76], chlorophenoxy and proved that resolution of solutes was the CE mode improved with the use of
benzoic acid herbicides [77], monohalo- better when the IL was used as an a freshly coated capillary. In other work
genated phenols [78], carboxylates as additive. Peaks in the electropherograms the authors reported utilization of cap-
copper complexes [79] and pharmaceu- were well separated and the analysis time illaries coated with Ils for DNA [83]
tical analysis of nicotinic, isonicotinic was often shorter in comparison with and positively charged drug separations
and picolinic acids [80]. All the CE conventional buffers. [84]. The compatibility of those capil-
methods proposed appear to be simple The separation mechanism of com- laries with mass spectrometry (because
and provide good reproducibility in pounds analyzed by CE, when ILs are of the low volatility of ILs) is their main
terms of migration times. Experiments used as mobile phase additives is of advantage [82–84].

6 Chromatographia 2008, 68, July (No. 1/2) Review

ILs were also used in CE chiral sep-
arations by the application of 1-butyl-3- Cl
Si O
methylimizolium tetrafluoroborate as Si Cl
running electrolyte with b-cyclodextrin Cl
as modifier for the separation of Si OH
Si O

anthraquinone extracts of Chinese herbs Cl H2N NH

[85]. The utilization of ILs as the main
running electrolyte solution provided
separation of four solutes. In the case of
cyclodextrins in the running buffer, the N
analyzed compounds may associate with N Si O
Cl Br
the imidazolium ions or with the Si O
b-cyclodextrins (Fig. 4c). Analytes may Si NH
Si O
be entirely or partly embedded in the CD
Si O
cavity and as a consequention the asso-
ciation with the free imidazolium ions in
the bulk solution is weaker. Fig. 5. Schematic illustration of IL covalently bonding to capillary wall
The application of ILs in electromi-
gration techniques also extends to
micellar electrokinetic chromatography surfactant molecules (Fig. 4d). ILs af- properties [88–91]. The use of liquid–li-
(MEKC). In this technique, a surfactant fected the size and shape of the micelles quid chromatography for the determi-
is added to the buffer to separate either and thus altered the separations. nation of partition coefficients for ILs
chiral or achiral compounds. ILs has also been reported, however this
(1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluo- approach still has many limitations [92].
roborate, l-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Determination of Ionic On the other hand the method has a
tetrafluoroborate, l-ethyl-3-methylimida- Liquids by Chromatographic number of advantages including speed,
zolium hexafluorophosphate, 1-ethyl-3- Techniques accuracy and minimal consumption of
methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesul- sample. Moreover liquid–liquid chro-
fonate and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium In the last few years ILs have become of matography is effective for identifying
chloride) were used as mobile phase great interest in green chemistry. Many suitable systems for liquid–liquid
modifiers along with polymeric surfac- methods, which should dramatically re- extraction.
tants to separate achiral and chiral duce the use of hazardous and polluting Another application of separation
compounds, such as alkyl aryl ketones, organic solvents (especially in industry) techniques in the prediction of the main
phenols and a mixture of three chiral have been developed using ILs. However interactions in which ILs takes part is
binaphthyl derivatives [86]. The success- the real green character of ILs still re- the work of [93]. They used a group of
ful separation of the analytes investi- quires enlargement of our knowledge eight different ILs and LC with different
gated with the assistance of ILs was about their entire life cycle. This is the column types. This allowed the deter-
reported. The final resolution depended main task for chromatographic tech- mination of the retention mechanisms of
mainly on the interaction of the analytes niques in the analysis of ILs. Chro- the ILs and the main interactions
with the polymeric surfactants. matographic techniques also allow the between stationary phase ligands and
IL additives have been also used for study of the properties of ILs and their analyzed chemical entities. Butyl, octyl,
the quantification of the active compo- interactions with other molecules. Their octadecyl, phenyl, aryl, mixed (contain-
nents of lignans found in medicinal herbs determination is still quite a new subject ing functional groups, such as octyl,
[87]. It was reported that the addition of of study and only a few papers have been octadecyl, phenyl, aminopropyl and
1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluo- published so far. cyanopropyl), alkylamide and cholester-
roborate to the micellar system resulted GC is a suitable tool for the deter- olic packing materials were chosen.
in the complete separation of all the mination of gas–liquid partition coeffi- Retention of these salts increased with
compounds, which was earlier impossi- cients, activity coefficients and thermo- the increase of stationary phase hydro-
ble with the use of pure SDS. The results dynamic constants. The solvation phobic character. The lowest retention
obtained showed that positively charged parameter model provides a general tool factors were determined for packings
imidazolium cations could be electro- to define the contributions of cavity containing protonized ligands on their
statically attracted to the negatively formation and individual intermolecular surface as a consequence of electrostatic
charged sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) interactions to gas–liquid partition. repulsion forces. The main interactions
micelle surface, which neutralized the Furthermore application of chemometric contributing to retention of the analyzed
effective head group charge and reduced procedures to a database of system compounds were dispersive and p…p
electrostatic repulsion between the constants for ILs allows improvement of type [93]. In the case of aryl stationary
charged hydrophilic headgroups of the knowledge about their unique solvent phases (phenyl, aryl) the predominant

Review Chromatographia 2008, 68, July (No. 1/2) 7

role in the retention process is played by cation and different anions could be CZE. Cyclodextrin was chosen for the
p…p type interactions. successfully analyzed with the use of salt- separation iBMIM and BMIM. Its
Buszewski et al. [94] studied four free mobile phases. According to the cavity diameter is slightly larger than
different LC stationary phases for reso- authors, from a quantitative analysis that of the imidazole ring, so that both
lution of IL cation mixtures: mixed, point of view, the figures of merit are ILs could be resolved, based on their
cholesterolic, monolith octadecyl and better when there is a salt present in the slight steric differences. The method was
butyl. Significant differences were shown mobile phase, because of the better peak also employed in the detection of
in the results. Packings containing func- symmetry [96]. commercial chemical impurities and in
tional groups bonded to the silica surface ILs have also been studied by ion synthesis process control of ILs [99]. The
that are able to undergo protonization exchange chromatography. Stepnowski proposed method would, therefore,
were found to be unsuitable for the and Mrozik [97] investigated the chro- appear to be a potential analytical tool
separation of the compounds investi- matographic behavior of eight different for analysis of industrial and environ-
gated. The best results were obtained for ILs with a strong cation exchanger sta- mental samples, as in the case of RP-LC
two alkyl stationary phases: butyl and tionary-phase. During analysis several or IEC.
octadecyl. The butyl phase allowed the interactions occurred with varying CE was found to be a good method
determination of IL compounds in strengths: cation exchange, non-specific for the routine separation of commonly
22 min. On the other hand the use of hydrophobic interactions, and adsorp- used ILs cations, without the addition of
monolithic silica modified with octadecyl tion, depending on the mobile phase cyclodextrins [100]. The best separation
chains permitted complete resolution of composition. The data obtained were of cationic constituents of ten imidazo-
six IL cations in 13 min by the use of a compared to reversed phase chromato- lium ILs was achieved using citric buffer
suitable gradient. The results clearly graphic behavior of the selected ILs in as the electrolyte solution. The method
indicate that good resolution of ILs may order to evaluate weaknesses and was found to be simple and reliable with
be obtained by the change in mobile strengths of both methods. The separa- good quantitative results. Another
phase and that choice of LC column tion of ILs in the reversed phase mode advantage of this method is the possi-
packing is also important [94]. was less selective, especially in the range bility of theoretical prediction of migra-
The second work devoted to the of the highly hydrophilic solutes. tion times of compounds which were not
separation of 1-alkyl- and 1-aryl-3- Appropriate modifications of the mobile analyzed. This technique was applied
methylimidazolium-based ILs cations phase enabled even the most polar cat- during photodegradation experiments
describes routine LC with the use of an ions to be separated and analyzed, which on ILs.
octyl stationary phase [95]. Method is the main difficulty in RP-LC separa- The electromigration techniques, as
development was based on optimization tion. The authors suggest that the opti- with LC, offer the possibility of just IL
of mobile phase for peak resolution, mized method may be directly applicable cation determination. One of the recent
sensitivity and high reproducibility of to the analysis of IL cations in aqueous studies in this area deals with the utili-
retention values. Using optimized con- environmental or industrial samples [97]. zation of isotachophoresis (ITP) in the
ditions, the authors were able to effi- In a recent study special attention analysis of IL cations and anions [101].
ciently separate a mixture of ILs, even was paid to short-chain hydrophilic The results indicated that this technique
though resolution was still unsatisfac- entities [98]. The results of LC analysis offers a very promising alternative to the
tory for the early eluting compounds with polar (phenyl) stationary phases chromatographic methods for analysis
(short chain ILs). The applicability of indicate the overall usefulness of p…p of ILs. The main advantage is the
the method was tested by the determi- interactions, which can be exploited to possibility of determining cationic and
nation of some examples of IL species reinforce the retention of highly hydro- anionic cores in a reasonable time.
present in the medium used in cytotox- phobic IL cations. A very good resolu- Furthermore in the case of water or
icity studies. The compounds were well tion of salts identical in lipophilicity was wastewater samples no sample pre-
isolated, identified and quantified [95]. obtained. Additionally, the separation of treatment is required before analysis, in
All of the above studies on the utili- 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride comparison with LC. Due to its low cost
zation of LC for the analysis of ILs were and its degradation products demon- and high speed, the method may be used
performed using buffered mobile phases. strated that the method is readily appli- in qualitative routine analysis [101].
The use of mobile phases containing cable to the control of various Due to the unusual characteristics of
only water and acetonitrile, without any experiments with ILs [98]. ILs as well as their potential application
added salts was first attempted by Ruiz- Besides GC and LC, CE also appears in industry as ‘‘green’’ solvents, the
Angel and Berthod [96]. Eleven 1-alkyl- to be a powerful tool in the analysis of analytical methods for their determina-
3-methyl imidazolium ILs were analyzed IL cations. Qin et al. [99] reported the tion in environmental samples is the
by LC with a commercial octadecyl col- separation and the detection of 1-alkyl- subject of many investigations. There is
umn. When a buffer was added to the 3-methylimidazolium, including isomers no doubt that, in the near future, ILs will
mobile phase the analyzed compounds, (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium—BMIM, be used on an industrial scale and their
which differed only in their anions, could 1-iso-butyl-3-methylimidazolium—iBMIM) presence in the environment will be
not be separated. ILs with the same and related imidazole derivatives by monitored by chromatography.

8 Chromatographia 2008, 68, July (No. 1/2) Review

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9. Holbrey JD, Seddon KR (1999) Clean Bull Korean Chem Soc 28:601–606
• by combining different anions and Prod Proc 1:223–236 43. Sun Y, Cabovska B, Evans CE, Ridgway
cations, it is possible to generate a 10. Wilkes JS (2002) Green Chem 4:73–80 TH, Stalcup AM (2005) Anal Bioanal
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10 Chromatographia 2008, 68, July (No. 1/2) Review

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