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,~dar Energy Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 185-194, 1992 0038-092X/92 $5.00 + .

Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright © 1992 Pergamon Press Ltd.



*Centre of Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi-110 016. India, *Department of
Physics, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya,Indore-452 001, India

Abstract--A thermal analysishas been developed for a collectorcum system for quasi-steady-stateconditions
using phase change materials. Performanceequations of the Hotlel-Whillier-Blisstype for fiat-plate collector
cum storage system have been obtained. Calculations have been performed for a wide range of parameters
to investigatethe applicabilityof the developed mathematical model.

I. I N T R O D U C T I O N 1. The system can be assumed to be in the quasi-

Most solar water-heating systems employ water for steady-state since the variations in temperatures
sensible thermal energy storage in a separate storage are slow.
tank for use during off sunshine hours. Commercial- 2. Convection is the dominant mode of heat transfer
ization of batch solar water heaters combining collec- between the absorbing plate and the liquid PCM
tion and storage in the same unit is still restrictive and during the charging mode.
unpopular because of the bulky size and various other 3. Liquid PCM is just below the absorbing plate dur-
problems. The reduction of the storage size is at least ing the charging mode.
conceptually feasible by using phase change materials 4. The temperature of the melted zone remains con-
(PCM). Buddhi et al.[ I ] have designed and tested such stant (equal to the melting temperature).
a solar collector cum storage system under varying 5. Construction is of sheet and parallel tube type.
conditions of design parameters using stearic acid as 6. The headers provide uniform flow to tubes.
the PCM. 7. The covers are opaque to infrared radiation.
A flat-plate collector without storage has been very 8. Thermophysical properties of all the materials are
well studied and its performance equations--known independent of the temperature.
as Hottel-Whillier-Bliss equations (HWB)[2,3]--are 9. Shading of the collector absorber plate is negligible.
well characterized. Ifa PCM is, however, used in a flat- 10. During the discharging mode, the melted zone is
plate collector as a storage medium, the heat transfer between two solidified zones of the PCM.
becomes complicated and there is no possibility to use
2.1 Charging mode
the HWB equations in their present form for charac-
2.1. I Temperature distribution and modified form
terization of the system.
of H W B equation. The schematic ofthe collector cum
Employment ofa PCM in a flat-plate collector fur-
storage system is given in Fig. l(a). As soon as the
ther dampens the rate at which various temperatures
solar radiation is incident on the absorber plate its
in the system change and hence one can still assume
temperature starts rising and when it reaches the melt-
the system to be in a quasi-steady-state condition. The
ing point of the PCM, the melting zone is just below
corresponding heat transfer equations of a PCM col-
the absorbing plate. The temperature of the absorbing
lector cum storage system therefore now take the form
plate is maximum in between the fluid channels and
of the Stefan problem of moving boundary heat trans-
decreases steadily toward the fluid channel. Considering
fer. In this communication paper a detailed mathe-
symmetry, taking the origin in between the fluid chan-
matical model has been developed for such a system
nels and assuming an element of length x and unit
and modified forms of the HWB equations have been
width (parallel to the length and fluid flow) somewhere
obtained. Different sets of equations have to be used
between the origin and the fluid channel, one can write
for the charging and discharging mode because the
down the following energy balance equation
melting during charging and the freezing during dis-
charging occurs at the interface between the absorbing
plate and the PCM. Performance for a variety of pa- S A x = k6 ~ - k6-dx T ox AX
rameters has been obtained for typical New Delhi cli-
matic conditions. + U t t ( T - T , ) A x + h e ( T - Tm)AX. (1)

(Rate of absorbed energy by the absorber; rate of heat

2. A N A L Y S I S
conducted into the element; rate of heat conducted
The energy balance equations for the system have away from the element; rate of heat loss from the plate
to be written separately for the charging and discharging to the ambient; rate of heat transferred from absorber
mode by making the following assumptions. to PCM ) where S is the absorbed solar radiation, k is


Ta S(tl
- k 6 - ~dT
- I r----~ 0T I
- ko--~'- x . A x
' ~ 1 I~ y=O
Q f ----.-' v

Tm liquid

Interface y:Xm

Ts Solid

I y=L
Insulation i//'/////////,)//////////-/-/i~ :lOom


z I
k~ dT I _kodT l
- ~'7 ..---J~..,r,--7 ~ x=x..^x
x- ~d.~t.
v -- y=O

y Interface m + . . . . . y = yml

Trn ~liquid

J.,. . . . . . . . . . y=Xmmax
Solid II

Insulation / / / / / / / / 1 / J / / / / / I / / ///1111/" y == L10 cm

Fig. 1. Energybalanceon fin elementduring the chargingand dischargingmode.

the thermal conductivity ofthe absorber, fi is the thick- coefficient between the absorber and the PCM, Tm is
hess of the absorber, Ta is the ambient temperature the melting temperature of the PCM, and T(x) is the
(°C), Uu is the top heat loss coefficient (from the ab- temperature distribution between the two tubes.
sorber plate to the ambient), h~ is the heat transfer Following Duffle and Beckmann[4], eqn ( l ) can
Performance of a collector cum storage system 187

be written in the form of the following differential The temperature distribution Ts(y, t) in the solid
equation, phase change material has to satisfy the following
boundary conditions
d2T U,, + he [ S + h,(T~ - T,)]
--~ - k--T-- [ T - T,- G7 h7 ] . (2) -ks OTs = hs(Tm - Tslj,=Xm) (5)
Oy ~,=x.
The difference between the usual flat-plate collector
equation and the equation for PCM collector cure and
storage system lies in the replacement of overall heat
loss UL by ( Uu + he) which is the combined effect of
heat loss from the top and heat gain to the PCM for -k, aTs = &(T~Iy=L - ra). (6)
storage. The latter manifests itself in an increase of Xm, Oy y-L
the melting zone that assumes its time variation ac-
cording to the equation developed in the next section. We make a bold assumption that the temperature
2. 1.2 Temperature distribution in the solid PC\,~L" distribution inside the solid PCM is periodic with the
moving boundary problem. The rate at which the en- same fundamental frequency as the variation of am-
ergy hc( T - Tin) is transferred to the PCM is partially bient temperature, i.e.,
utilized in melting the solid-liquid interface (storage
of energy)and it is partially utilized in transferring the
Ts(y, t) = Ao + A , y + Re ~ [A.exp(a.y)
energy to the solid PCM. Mathematically

• dXm(t) + A.,exp(-a,y)]exp(in~t) (7)

h e ( T - Tin) = n O ,
where a, = (I + i)V(no~psC~/2ks) and A0, At, A,, and
+ &(Tin - Ts(y, t)l,,-x~). (3) A,, are unknown constants to be found by the bound-
ary conditions (5) and (6). Ifco in eqns (7) and (8) is
(Rate of heat transfer from absorber plate to PCM; taken to be the frequency varying over a period of 24
rate of heat energy stored in PCM; rate of energy trans- hours, then one has to be careful to match the tem-
ferred from the liquid PCM to the solid PCM ). Since perature at the boundaries when we change from the
the heat transfer is predominantly one dimensional, charging mode to the discharging mode.
the temperature distribution in the solid PCM is given 2.1.3 Useful collected energy. The rate of useful
by the following Fourier heat conduction equation, energy collection and the corresponding hot water
temperature are obtained by writing the energy balance
02Ts(y, l) _ p ~ OTs(y, t) equation over an element of the fluid channel in the
Oy: ks Ot direction of fluid flow ( Fig. ! ), i.e.,

ek=15.0WIm2K hc =/.50 ic
O' Ufl=6S MIm2K ¢




O6 06

~0 ~o

09 I he =]00
h¢ =600

O8 r'
l ~ ~ UII-"6S I 07

O~ 05
16 ZO

8 12 16 20 4 8 12 16 K
T~be I,p,aongw(cm~ Tube SOOgrt~w(¢m)
Fig. 2. Collector efficiencyfactor F' as a function of tube spacing for 12 mm diameter tubes, h6 = 350 W/

fflCp OTf AZ = q . A z (8) and the total useful gain for the collector per unit of
n¢ OZ length in the flow direction is the sum of eqns (10)
and ( 11 ), i.e.,
where q, has to be obtained from the eqn (13).
q. = [ F ( w - d) + d][s + he(Tin - Ta)
2.2 Solution o f equations
-(Ut,+hc)(Tb- Ta)]. (12)
2.2.1 Heat transfer along the fin. Following Duffle
and Beckman[4] one can define the following param-
It is easy to arrive at the following equation
eters in eqn (2).
q. = wF'lS + he(Tin - T.)
m' U. + he and
kfi -(Ut,+hc)(Tf- T.)] (13)

d/ = T - { S + hc(Tm - T,)} where

~.+~ . (9)

I/( U. + h<)
Using the same analysis one can arrive at the fol- F' =
I 1 1 ]"
lowing equation for the energy collected on both sides
of the tube, i.e., (after rearranging) (U,, + h c ) [ ( w - d ) V + dl + - ~ b + r-~d~

q~, = F ( w - d ) S + [hc(Tm - Ta)

- ( U t t + h o ) ( T b - T,)]. (10) F ' is the collector efficiency factor and has lower values
than the normal fiat-plate collector because ( U, + he)
F, the fin efficiency factor, has a lower value in this is about ten times more than UL for the normal fiat-
case than the normal fiat-plate collector because m( w plate collector (Fig. 2). However, there must be a
- d ) / 2 is about three times more than the normal fiat- compromise between collection and storage. The lower
plate collector for the same tube spacing. However, the value of F' is compensated for by the stored energy
fin efficiency can be increased by keeping the tubes calculated by the magnitude of the melting zone, i.e.,
closer which ultimately affects the storage capacity. for Am. In accordance with eqn ( 13 ) the modified form
The useful gain of the collector also includes the of the HWB equation expressing the instantaneous ef-
energy collected above the tube region that is used only ficiency of a collector with PCM can be written in the
by the absorber plate. The equation is form

q,.~ = d[S + he( T m - T.)

7/ (15)
- (Ut, + hc)(Tb - T.)]; (ll) L S + he(Tin - T.) J"

At, 2m2
80 f,,~~: o,,

~, 6o

JAN ~AUG ~-~



•o t,

~E 2

8 10 12 lZ, 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 G $
Time ( hrs )

Fig. 3. Hourly variation of melted zone and stagnation (plate) temperature with and without insulating
Performance of a collector cum storage system 189

One can approximate the mean fluid temperature Tf, Again following Duffle and Beckman[4], one can
by easily get

Tfo+ T~
.= F.[I-I - ,-.)11
L (U'' +
S Y h c ( ~ - ~ - - ) ' ~ lJ (22)

2.2.2 Heat transfer in the PCM. To evaluate the where

constants A0, A~, A., and A.~ ofeqn (7), the boundary
conditions are given in eqns (5) and (6) and the
expressions for the constants are obtained as FR = & ( u,, + he) ( Tfo - TO /
( ~ + h,L)hsTm - ( h ~ X ~ - k~)hJao
Ao = , (16) {S+hc(Tm-u,,+hc T a ) - ( T ~ - T a ) } ] ' (23)
h,(k~ + h,L) - h d & X ~ - ~ )

h ~ h d T ~ - T~)
h I =
&(k~ + h.L) - hdh~Xm - ks) ' ( 17 ) Equations ( 15 ) and ( 22 ) are exactly analogous to
the familiar HWB equations with the solar radiation
h.T~.(hs + Iqanl)exp(-otnXm) term S replaced by the term S + he( 7"= - Ta), the
A. = ( 18 ) total energy responsible for heat transfer along the fin.
(& - / q a . ) ( / q a . - ha)
+ (h, + k~a.)(h. + Iqa.)
2.3 Discharging mode
and When the rate of useful energy gain becomes less
than the rate of thermal losses, PCM starts to freeze
Anl and the moving boundary problem can be solved ac-
cording to the geometry shown in Fig. l ( b ) in which
h.T,.(h, -/qot.)exp(a,,Xm) the melted zone is between two solidified zones of
(h~ - k~a.)(Iqa. - h.) the PCM.
+ (hs + / q a . ) ( h a +/qa.)exp(ot.(Xm - L)) 2.3.1 Temperature distribution and modified form
(19) o f l l W B equations. Considering an element of length
x and of unit width (parallel to the length and fluid
flow), one can write the following energy balance
Using the value of T from the solution of eqn (2)
and Ts(y, t) from eqn (7) one gets a nonlinear differ-
ential equation for X,. [eqn (3)]. Therefore, eqn (3)
is solved by using an iterative approach and assuming ks OT~j A x = U a ( T - T,)Ax
that (lq6T,/6y)I~.=xm = h,( T m - Tslv=xm) = C is con- Oy ~,=o
stant for some small arbitrary time interval. Constants
A0, A 1, A., A .1 are first calculated by taking Xm = 0.0. 3T O( OT AXl
+ ki~ ~x - k~~x T + ox ]" (24)
The resulting expression for T~ [eqn (7)] is substituted
in eqn (3) and a value of Xm is found from eqn (3).
With this value of Am, T~ is again calculated at the (Rate of heat transferred from PCM to absorber plate;
new Am. The procedure is repeated until the two con- rate of heat loss from the plate to the ambient; rate of
secutive values of Xm match within 1%. The general heat conducted to the element; rate of heat conducted
expression for X,. can be put in the following form away from the element).
The resulting differential equation now becomes
Xm(Tn) = Xm(Tn-I)

+[he(T- Tm)+C]t/Hp,. (20) d2r-U'2+C2[r- T.-(C'T'-<T'I] (25)

d~ ~ k~ t ~ - 7 c~ /]'
2.2.3 Useful collected energy and fluid temperature.
Using eqn (10) in eqn (7) and solving the resulting
differential equation with Tf = T~ (at z = 0), one gets
C 1 =
hJq + h,¢(hlYm, + ks) '

Tfo - T. - { S + he(Tin
U-77.7 ~- Ta)}
h2(]q + hlrm,)
C2 m

Tf-T'-( S+hc(Tm-~'.'7"h7 r . ) }
hll~ + h.c(hl Yml + ks) "

The second order differential equation, eqn (25),

= exp('-(U"+h¢)F'A¢) " (21) is solved similarly to eqn (2) and one can arrive at the
following equation for the rate of useful heat gain,

q~ = W F ' [ ( C , T m - C2T.) the solar radiation term S has been replaced during
the charging by the term [S + he(Tin - Ta)]. During
- (Ut2 + C 2 ) ( T r - T~)I. (26) discharging it is replaced by the term ( G T m - C2Ta),
where C~ and (72 are related to the air conductancy
2.3.2 Temperature distribution in the solid PCM:
and the heat transfer coefficient between the melting
moving boundary problem. At the solid-liquid interface
zone and the freezing zone. In PCM collector equation
for the region A - B , the energy balance equation can
(2), the overall heat loss coefficient (UL) of a normal
be written as
flat-plate collector has been replaced by ( U , + he)
which is the combined effect of heat loss from the top
0Yml and heat gain to the PCM. Fin efficiency factor F and
H p I A . - - ~ = A~hl(Tm - Tsly=r~,,)
collector efficiency factor F ' of the PCM collector have
+ U b A ~ ( T m - T~). (27) lower values than a flat-plate collector [eqns (10) and
( 14)] as shown in Fig. 2 because of the storage effect.
The temperature distribution in the solidified zone The calculations have been performed by taking stearic
is again assumed to be periodic [eqn (9)] with the acid as the PCM material; the thermodynamic prop-
constants to be determined by the following boundary erties are given in Table I. One has to compromise
conditions between the energy collection and storage. Generally
the volume ofa PCM decreases when the freezing oc-
curs and an air cavity is formed between the absorber
k~ O~T ~ , y=Y., = hi(Tin - T~l~,-Vm,), (28) and the PCM solid layer. For a collector cum storage
system using stearic acid as PCM, the performance
curves for a number of parameters are plotted. The
k~ OT~ = h,¢(T~ly=o - T). (29) parametric variation includes the air conductance be-
Oy y=o
tween the absorber plate and the PCM (during the
discharging period), the fluid flow rate, heat loss coef-
Equation (27) is solved in the same way as before, i.e., ficient, and the heat transfer coefficient. The one dis-
tinction in the behavior of these curves for a conven-
Yml(T.) = Y m l ( T . - l ) + [Achl(Tm - Tslly=Y..,) tional flat-plate collector[ 3 ]: the efficiency factor drops
+ Ut,As(7~ - T ~ ) ] / H m . (30) down much faster with the increasing fin distance. In
such systems therefore, the tubes have to be kept very
As previously, the useful collected energy is obtained close to each other even in the case of high conducting
by the usual expression mCf( Tfo - Tf.) with Tfo given material for the absorber plate.
by The system has been studied for a time period of
24 hours. The quantity of interest is therefore the time
[ CtTm - C2T,] variation of the plate temperature and the outlet fluid
temperature. The following sets of calculations have
Tr°-T'-/ ~-t2+~'2 J
been performed for the climatic variations of Delhi
_ rCITm - C2Ta] (Latitude 28°55'N); the ambient temperature and
the solar radiation data are given in Table 2.
I. Time variation of the plate temperature with no
= exp( -F'A¢(Ut2
rhCp + C2)). (30) insulating cover on the glazing during offsunshine
hours and with no air gap between the absorbing
plate and the PCM, i.e., hac --~ ~ ;
2. time variation of the plate temperature with insu-
lating cover [Ut ~ 0 . 5 ( W / m 2 K)] over the glazing
A collector cum storage system using phase change during off sunshine hours and with no air gap be-
material can be analyzed in terms of equations (15) tween the absorbing plate and the PCM, i.e., h¢ --~
and (22) which are of the same type as HWB equations
for a flat-plate collector. The equivalent HWB equa- 3. time variation of plate temperature with insulating
tions depend on the melting temperature of PCM and cover over the glazing during off sunshine hours
heat transfer coefficiency (he) between the absorber and with an air gap between the absorbing plate
plate and liquid PCM. In modified HWB equations, and the PCM,/~¢ = 5 W / m 2 K.

Table 1. Thermophysical properties of stearic acid (PCM)[5,6]

Melting Thermal Specific heat heat of
temperature, conductivity, capacity fusion Densityp,
Tm (°C) ks (W/m K) Cp (kJ/kg K) ( k J / k g ) (kg/m3) e

58.1 0.29 i.590 169.0 847.0 965.0

Performance of a collector cure storage system 191

Table 2. Hourly variation of solar radiation and ambient temperature

during the representative months in Delhi (Latitude 28o55 -)

Solar radiation (kW/m 2) Ambient temperature (°C)

Time January March May August January March May August

0100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9. I 17.1 28.4 27.1

0200 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.4 16.3 27.7 26.7
0300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9 15.7 27.2 26.4
0400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.4 15.3 26.7 26.2
0500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.3 15. I 26.6 26. I
0600 0.0 0.001 0.03 0.012 7.6 15.4 26.9 26.3
0700 0.0 0.066 0.177 0.101 8.3 16.2 27.6 26.6
0800 0.090 0.26 0.383 0.243 9.5 17.5 28.8 27.3
0900 0.271 0.475 0.581 0.392 11.4 19.5 30.6 28.3
1000 0.433 0.655 0.746 0.512 13.5 21.7 32.7 29.4
1100 0.556 0.781 0.865 0.607 15.8 24.3 35.1 30.7
1200 0.618 0.845 0.925 0.640 18.1 26.7 37.3 32.0
1300 0.615 0.844 0.920 0.659 19.8 28.5 39.0 32.9
1400 0.552 0.769 0.844 0.595 20.9 29.7 40.1 33.5
1500 0.430 0.635 0.719 0.510 21.3 30.2 40.5 33.7
1600 0.268 0.458 0.547 0.392 20.9 29.7 40.1 33.5
1700 0.099 0.249 0.352 0.255 19.9 28.7 39.1 32.9
1800 0.005 0.064 0.158 0.107 18.4 27.0 37.6 32. I
1900 0.0 0.001 0.027 0.013 16.5 25. I 35.8 31.1
2000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.7 23.1 34.0 30.1
2100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.2 21.4 32.4 29. I
2200 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.8 19.9 31.0 28.5
2300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.7 18.7 29.9 27.9
2400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.8 17.8 29.1 27.5

4. T h e above set o f calculations were performed for the plate t e m p e r a t u r e drops steeply during the dis-
the outlet fluid t e m p e r a t u r e from the system. Some charging mode. Figure 5 shows that the water temper-
o f the results are shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5. These ature is nearly equal to the melting t e m p e r a t u r e of the
figures also show the variation of the depth o f the PCM if the air conductance between the absorber plate
melting zone with time. a n d the solid P C M layer is infinite a n d the collector
It is seen that the plate t e m p e r a t u r e without air area is sufficient and if an insulating cover is used dur-
c o n d u c t a n c e a n d with an insulating cover during the ing the discharging period. An air gap between the so-
discharging m o d e is nearly equal to the melting tem- lidified PCM a n d the absorber, however, reduces the
perature of the PCM. For finite conductances, however, water outlet t e m p e r a t u r e by a b o u t 10°C.

Ac =2m 2
MAY C = 4W/m2K

.~ 70




[ I I I I I 1 1
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6 8
Time (nrs)
Fig. 4. Hourly variation of melted zone and stagnation temperature with cover during discharging mode.

_J 801"-
l - -
Ac =+'m2
I-" ,.L'""" ~--~'..,,,. ~ % C = Z, W/m2 K
I - -

+':Iu MAY,

8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6
Time (hrs)
Fig. 5. Hourly variation of melted zone and collector outlet temperature with cover during discharging

Since in practice the water is withdrawn from the Table 3 shows the variation of efliciencies for four
system during definite time intervals, calculations have months of the year, characterizing the typical seasonal
also been performed for the daily demand pattern. variations. One of the most striking results in the table
These results are shown in Figs. 6 and 7 for infinite is that the thermal efficiency does not show any ap-
and finite conductance of the air gap and for the case preciable seasonal variations, a result that is in contrast
of night insulation respectively. to a separate collector and a separate storage system.

=2 m 2

41 I0 12 I/. 16 18 20 7.2 0 2 /- 6
Time ( h4"$)

Fig. 6. Hourly variation of melted zone, outlet temperature, demand pattern, solar radiation, and ambient
temperature with cover during discharging mode.
Performance of a collector cum storage system 193

A c = 2m 2
C = 4W/m2K

'~S ~



| 10 12 14 16 18 20
I I 1
4 6
Time ( hrs )

Fig. 7. Hourly variation of melted zone, outlet temperature, and demand pattern with cover during discharging

T h e table also shows that the effciency o f the system equations that can be utilized to characterize such sys-
remains nearly c o n s t a n t with the withdrawal rate of tems. T h e numerical calculations performed clearly
useful energy. Therefore, this result clearly supports show that a P C M collector c u m storage system has
the conclusion that the e m p l o y m e n t of P C M as a stor- definite advantages over a system that has a separate
age media m a y be more useful for a solar system in collection a n d a separate storage unit. The system de-
which collector a n d storage are c o m b i n e d in one unit. sign needs more work to reduce the air gap that results
O n the other h a n d , for a sensible storage such a system because of the freezing of phase change material in the
(i.e., a collector c u m storage system) yields lower ef- discharging mode.
ficiencies a n d also shows more fluctuations in efficiency
a n d the fluid t e m p e r a t u r e with the fluctuations in the
climatic conditions.
A¢ absorber area of the flat-plate collector (m 2)
4. CONCLUSIONS A, area ofthe melted zone in contact with the side (m 2)
Cb bond conductance ( W / m 2 K)
This chapter presents the analysis of a P C M collec- cp specific heat capacity of the collector fluid (J/kg K)
tor c u m storage system resulting in the H W B type d diameter of the tube (m)

Table 3. Efficiency and useful energy calculated for the PCM collector
cum storage system during various months of the year*

Mass flow rate 15 L/h Area Mass flow rate 40 L/h Area
of collector 2.0 m 2 of collector 4.0 m 2

Mean daily Mean daily

collected collected
energy Efficiency energy Efficiency
(kwh/m 2 d) (%) (kwh/m 2 d) (%)

January 1.66 46.6 1.52 48.5

March 2.57 47.0 2.67 48.9
May 3.36 47.9 3.49 49.8
August 2.35 47.9 2.44 49.8

* Heat loss coefficient, U, = 6.5 W/m: K (charging period). Dis-

charging period, Ut2 = 0.5 W/m 2 K; h,¢ = infinite.

di internal diameter of the tube (m) Ut2 heat loss coefficient from the top to the ambient in
H latent heat of fusion ofphase change material (J/kg) the discharging mode ( W / m 2 K)
h, heat loss coefficient from the bottom of the flat-plate W fin width (m)
collector to the ambient ( W / m 2 K) Xm thickness of the melted zone during the charging
h~ air conductance between the absorber and the solid mode (m)
PCM during the discharging mode ( W / m 2 K) Y~,~ thickness of the solidified zone during the discharging
hc heat transfer coefficient between the absorber and the mode (m)
liquid PCM ( W / m 2 K) x, .v, z space coordinate (m)
h~ heat transfer coefficient between the fluid and the
tube wall ( W / m 2 K)
hi heat transfer coefficient from the melted zone of the
PCM to the solidified zone in the discharging mode thickness of the absorber (m)
(W/m 2 K) pj density of the liquid PCM (kg/m 3)
hs heat transfer coefficient at the liquid-solid interface p, density of the solid PCM (kg/m 3)
( W / m 2 K) 71 collector efficiency (dimensionless)
k thermal conductivity of the absorber ( W / m 2 K) frequency corresponding to 24 hours periodicity, 2 r / 2 4
/q thermal conductivity of the solid PCM ( W / m 2 K) (h -j )
L total thickness of the PCM (m)
1 length of the tube of the fiat-plate collector (m)
m flow rate of the fluid (kg/s) REFERENCES
n number of harmonics(dimensionless)
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