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1) The point ssss of contraflexure is caused as

a) Point of contra- share b) Point of inflexion

c) Max. bending moment d) None of these

2) Bulk Modulus is a ratio of

a)Longitudinal stress/Longitudinal strain
b) Shear stress/shear strain
c) volumetric stress/volumetric strain
d) lateral stress/linear strain

3) Diameter of Mohr’s Circle always represents

a)Max. shear stress b) Mean value of principal stress
c) Minimum principal stress d)Difference between two principal stresses

4) At a point of contra-shear,
a) Shear force is maximum b) Bending moment is maximum
d) Both a) and b) are correct d) Both a) and b) are wrong

5) When body is subjected to direct tensile stress ‘6’ is one plane, than normal
stress on oblique section of body inclined at an angle to the normal of
section is equal to
a) 6 sin Φ b) 6 cos Φ
b) 6 sin Φ
d) 62 cos Φ

Where, Φ = Angle of inclination.

6) The polar moment of inertia for circular section is

ᴨ ᴨ ᴨ
a) D4 b) D3 c) D4 d) None of these
64 32 32

7) For simply supported beam carrying UDL ‘w’ on entire span , the maximum
value of shear force is
𝑤𝜗2 𝑤𝜗 𝑤𝜗
a) b) c) d) w𝜗
8 4 2
where 𝜗 =span length.

8) In case of circular section, the section modulus is given as

ᴨ 2 ᴨ 3 ᴨ 3 ᴨ
a) d b) d c) d d) d4
16 16 32 64

9) In case of circular section the maximum shear stress is -------- percentage

more than the mean shear stress.

a) 10 b) 20 c) 33.33 d) 66.66

10) In case of I section beam maximum shear stress is at

a) The junction of the top flange and web

b) Middle of the web
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) None of the above

11) Strain in a direction at right angles to the direction of applied force is

known as

a) Lateral strain
b) Shear strain
c) Volumetric strain
d) None of the above

12) The thermal stress is given by

𝐸𝑇 𝐸∝ 1
a) E ∝ T b) c) d)
∝ 𝑇 𝐸 ∝𝑇

13) The strength of beam mainly depends on In a cantilever with uniformly

distributed load, the shearing force varies following a
a) Linear law b) parabolic law c)Either of above d) None of the above

14) The ratio of moment of intertia about N.A to the distance of the most
distant point of section from N. A. is called

a) Moment of inertia b) section modulus c) polar moment if inertia d)

modulus of rigidity

15) The Temperature strain in a bar is ------------ proportional to change in


a) directly b) Indirectly c) either a) or b) d) none of the above

16) In a cantilever beam carrying a load where intensity varies uniformly from
zero at the free end to w per unit run at the fixed end. The shear force changes
following a

a) Linear law b) parabolic law c) cubic law d) none of the above

17) Bending moments at supports in case of simply supported beams is always

a) Less than unity b)more than unity c) Zero d) none of the above

18) In a simply supported beam carrying a UDL w per unit run over whole span ,
the max. bending moment is equal to
𝑤𝑙 2 𝑤𝑙 3 𝑤𝑙 2 𝑤𝑙 3
a) b) c) d)
4 6 8 8
19) When a body is subjected to the naturally perpendicular stresses (σx and σy )
then the centre of Mohr’s Circle from y axis is taken as
𝜎𝑥 + 𝜎𝑦 𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎𝑦 𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎𝑦 𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎𝑦
a) b) c) + 𝜏𝑥𝑦 d) − 𝜏𝑥𝑦
2 2 2 2

20) The sectional Modulus of rectangular section having width (b) and depth (d) is
𝑏𝑑 3 𝑏𝑑 2 𝑏𝑑 4
a) bd b) c) d)
12 6 4

21) When cantilever is loaded at free end by point load, the maximum
compressive stress will be developed at

a) Tob fibre b) neutral axis c) centre of gravity d) Bottom fibre

22) Shear force changes suddenly at the section where there is

a) UDL b) Couple c) Point load d) Uniformly varying load

23) The bending stress at N.A. is

a) maximum b) minimum c) average d) zero

24) The linear and Lateral strains are

a) of same nature b) always equal c) type of shear strains d) of opposite


25) A simply supported beam of span (l) carries a point load (p) at the centre of
beam. The shear force diagram will be

a) a rectangle b ) a triangle
c) two equal and opposite rectangles d) two equal and opposite triangles

26)The Bending moment on a section is maximum where shearing force is

a) minimum b) zero c) changing sign d) equal

27) For simply supported beam carrying a central point load , the shape of B.M.D

a) A pair of rectangles
b) A right angled triangle
c) An isosceles triangle
d) A pair of triangles

28) For an I section

a) Bending stress is maximum at neutral axis

b) Shear stress is zero at the neutral axis
c) Bending stress is zero at edges
d) Shear stress is maximum at the neutral axis

29) In a long column with one end fixed and the other is free , if slenderness ratio
increases critical stress

a) Remains constant b) increases c) decreases d) varies exponentially

30) A cylindrical vessel is said to be thin, if the ratio of its internal diameter to the
wall thickness is

a) Less than 20 b) equal to 20 c) more than 20 d) none of above

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