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Using Minitab
Chapter 11: Additional Hypothesis Tests
Each topic has its own page or you can go directly to the videos.

• Chapter 11.1 - Chi-Squared Test for Goodness of Fit

– Assuming Equal Probabilities 2

. Play Video .

– Assuming Non-Equal Probabilities 3

. Play Video .

• Chapter 11.2 - Chi-Squared Test of Independence 4

. Play Video .

• Chapter 11.3 - ANOVA 5.

. Play Video .

Chapter 11.1 - Chi-Squared Test for Goodness of Fit

• Assuming Equal Probabilities Play Video .
This video demonstrates the Preliminary Example from Chapter 11.1. The data consists of the outcomes
of 60 rolls of a single die. Here, the assumed probabilities in the null hypothesis are all equal. We are
testing whether or not the die is fair.

H0 : p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 = p5 = p6 = 1/6 H1 : The probabilities are not all equal to 1/6

There are two parts to this video. In part 1, the data is in the form of a frequency table. In part 2,
the data is in standard format where each row represents one case. Regardless of your data format you
start with the following sequence.
Stat → Tables → Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test (One Variable)... → Dialogue Box.

The specific dialogue boxes are pictured below.

Dialogue Box
Part 1: Data in a Frequency Table
Outcome Counts
1 7
2 6
3 11
4 15
5 13
6 8

Part 2: Data in Standard Format Dialogue Box

Rows = Cases and Columns = Variables

Roll Number Outcome

1 6
2 3
3 2
4 2
5 1
.. ..
. .
60 5

Results Calculated in Textbook: χ2 = 6.400 P-value = 0.2692

Fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Conclusion: There is not enough evidence to conclude that the die is not fair.

Chapter 11.1 - Chi-Squared Test for Goodness of Fit

• Assuming Non-Equal Probabilities Play Video .

This video demonstrates Your Turn problem #2 from Chapter 11.1. The data consists of the blood
types of 800 donors at a regional blood bank. We are testing whether or not this distribution fits the
national distribution. Here, the assumed probabilities in the null hypothesis are not all equal.
H0 : The probabilities equal those from the national distribution
H1 : The probabilities are not all equal to those from the national distribution

There are two parts to this video. In part 1, the data is in the form of a frequency table. In part 2, the
data is in standard format. Regardless of your data format you start with the following sequence.
Stat → Tables → Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test (One Variable)... → Dialogue Box.

Part 1: Data in a Frequency Table Dialogue Box

Blood Observed Assumed
Type Frequency Probability
O+ 310 0.38
O− 71 0.07
A 235 0.34

A 64 0.06
B 68 0.09
B− 12 0.02
AB 36 0.03

AB 4 0.01

Part 2: Data in Standard Format. This is a little tricky because we have to create a list of assumed
probabilities and then tell Minitab how to order the blood types to match these assumed probabilities.
Donor Blood Dialogue Box
1 O+
2 O+
3 A+
4 AB+
5 B-
6 A+
.. ..
. .
800 B+

Results Calculated in Textbook: χ2 = 23.724 P-value = 0.00127

Reject the null hypothesis.
Conclusion: Regional distribution does not seem to fit national distribution

Chapter 11.2 - Chi-Squared Test of Independence Play Video .

This video demonstrates Example 1 from Chapter 11.2. The data consists of the distribution of grades by
gender in a class of 72 students. We are testing whether or not there is a significant dependent relationship
between grade and gender in this class.
H0 : The variables (Gender and Grade) are independent.
H1 : The variables are dependent.
There are two parts to this video. In part 1, the data is in the form of a contingency table. In part 2, the
data is in standard format. Regardless of your data format you start with the following sequence.
Stat → Tables → Chi-Square Test for Association... → Dialogue Box.

Dialogue Box

Part 1: Data in a Contingency Table

Select Summarized data in a two-way table

Gender A B C D F
Male 8 10 6 9 9
Female 4 6 9 6 5

Part 2: Data in Standard Format Dialogue Box

Rows = Cases and Columns = Variables
Select Raw data (categorical variables)

Student Gender Grade

1 Male B
2 Female C
3 Female A
4 Male B
.. .. ..
. . .
72 Male B

The Pearson Chi-Square results from Minitab should match the answers in the book. The Likelihood
Ratio Chi-Square will result in slightly different answers.

Results Calculated in Textbook: χ2 = 2.724 P-value = 0.605

Fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Conclusion: Grade and gender are not significantly dependent in this class.

Chapter 11.3 - ANOVA Play Video .

This video demonstrates the Over-Simplified Example, Case 1: Similar Means from Chapter 11.3. The data
consists of three small samples. We are testing whether or not the population means are all equal.
H0 : µ1 = µ2 = µ3
H1 : At least one of the means is different from the others.
There are two parts to this video. In part 1, the data is in the form of 3 columns of data. In part 2, the data
is in standard format. Regardless of your data format you start with the following sequence.
Stat → ANOVA → One-way... → Dialogue Box.

Dialogue Box

Part 1: Data in 3 Columns

Select Response data are in a separate
column for each factor level

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

3 3 4
3 5 5
4 5 6
5 5 7
5 7 8

Part 2: Data in Standard Format Dialogue Box

Select Response data are in one column
for all factor levels

Sample Score
1 3
.. ..
. .
1 5
2 3
.. ..
. .
2 7
3 4
.. ..
. .
3 8

Results Calculated in Textbook: F = 2.73 P-value = 0.106

Fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Conclusion: There is not enough evidence to conclude that the population means are not equal.

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