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(Online Quiz System)

A Final Year Project Presented




The Committee on Academic Degrees In partial

Fulfillment of the requirements

For a degree


Department of Computer Science,

Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan

Main fall (2017-2019)

Online Quiz System


Copyright ©

All copyrights 2017-2019 of software application and report strictly reserved By ISP Multan.


Institute of Southern Punjab, Bosan Road Multan

Developing and composing:



ISP Multan


Mam Maira Khalid

Online Quiz System



In the modern era “Online Quiz System” is the best way to utilize the technology. Online Quiz
System is web based application for technical evaluation. Online Quiz System not only replace
paperwork but also releases the workload of faculty. It fulfills the requirements of the institutes to
conduct the Quiz Online. Online Quiz system is a single platform where all information is available
in one click. It is very essential for an Institute to handle the Examination and their result. It is very
useful for an institute to test its students continuously for their mutual development. This system
is helpful for conducting (M.C) multiple choice Examination which can be conducted regularly as
well as for surprise tests and provides immediate results saving the precious time of faculties to
check the papers and prepare marks sheets. The “ONLINE QUIZ” will include various Courses
(IT, Commerce Science etc) and subjects for conducting examinations. This system helps in
conducting examinations quickly and can thus help in saving time and the operations will be
carried out efficiently.

With the effective use, any institute can apply the “ONLINE QUIZ” for conducting quick
examinations and getting better results in less time.

Online Quiz System



I am thank full to ALLAH almighty for give me the perseverance and courage for completion the
final year project. I like to express my heartfelt thanks towards my loyal supervisor MAM Maira
(senior lecturer). She was extremely busy with her duties but she had given me invaluable advice
and unconditional support in throughout project. She had solved too much problems as well as
give me encountered alternative option about my project. It is clear if Mam Maira not guide me is
right direction I could not complete smoothly this project.

I am also thank full to my project head Dr.Hameed whom had mentioned all rules and regulation
as well as decide the project topics and give the basic information about project requirements.

At the end I am very thank full to my friend who help me in my project coding and also share ideas
and knowledge about report writing. A millions thanks to all my respected.

Online Quiz System


Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................3

Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................4

1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 11

1.1- Problem statements:........................................................................................................ 12

1.2- Motivation:........................................................................................................................ 12

1.3- Objectives: ..................................................................................................................... 13

1.4- Scope of Project: ............................................................................................................ 13

2 Background .......................................................................................................................... 14

2.1- Background:....................................................................................................................... 14

2.2 EXISTING SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 14

2.2.2 Bahauddin Zakariya University System .................................................................... 15

2.2.3 NCBA&E ................................................................................................................. 15

2.3 Comparison Table: ...................................................................................................... 16

2.4 Information Gathering Tools: .......................................................................................... 17

2.4.1 JAD Session: ............................................................................................................ 17

Online Quiz System


3 Specification and Design: ................................................................................................ 23

3.1 Introduction: ............................................................................................................... 23

3.2 SDLC Models: ............................................................................................................ 23

3.2.1 Waterfall Model ................................................................................................... 24

3.2.2 Iterative Model .................................................................................................... 26

3.2.3 Spiral Model ........................................................................................................ 27

3.2.4 V-shaped SDLC Model ........................................................................................ 28

3.2.5 Agile Model ......................................................................................................... 29

3.2.6 Why choose Water Fall Model: ............................................................................ 30

3.3 ERD (Entity relationship Diagram) ............................................................................. 30

3.3.1 Classification of the Entity: .................................................................................. 30

3.3.2 Relationship: ........................................................................................................ 32

3.3.3 Attributes: ............................................................................................................ 33

3.3.4 Entity Relationship Diagram ................................................................................ 34

3.3.5 Use Case Diagram: .............................................................................................. 35

3.3.6 Sequence Diagram: .............................................................................................. 37

3.3.7 Interface design .................................................................................................... 37

Online Quiz System


Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................. 41

4 Implementation: ................................................................................................................ 41

4.1 Introduction: .................................................................................................................... 41

4.1.1 Development Plan: ............................................................................................... 41

4.2 Database ..................................................................................................................... 42

4.2.1 Database schema .................................................................................................. 42

4.3 Normalization ............................................................................................................. 44

4.3.1 Types of normalization ........................................................................................ 44

4.3.2 Data flow diagram: .............................................................................................. 45

4.3.3 Development of program: .................................................................................... 51

4.4 System Tool Selection: ............................................................................................... 51

4.4.1 Platform Selection:............................................................................................... 53

Chapter No 5 ........................................................................................................................... 55

5 Results and Evaluation: ..................................................................................................... 55

5.1 Evaluation of a system: ............................................................................................... 55

5.2 Quiz Form:.................................................................................................................. 55

5.2.1 Result Page: ......................................................................................................... 56

Online Quiz System


5.2.2 Backend Coding result page: ................................................................................ 57

5.3 Testing of a system: .................................................................................................... 58

5.4 Test cases:................................................................................................................... 60

6 Future Work: ................................................................................................................... 61

7 Conclusions: ..................................................................................................................... 61

8 References:....................................................................................................................... 62

Books ................................................................................................................................ 62

Figure Table:

Chapter 3:

1Figure 3.1 Waterfall Model (i) .............................................................................................. 24

2figure 3.2 Iterative Model (ii) ............................................................................................... 26

3Figure 3.3 Spiral Mode (iii) ..................................................................................................... 27

4Figure 3.4 shaped SDLC Model (IV) .................................................................................... 28

5Figure 3.5 Agile Model (v) .................................................................................................... 29

6 Figure 3.8 Teacher& student Use Case .................................................................................. 36

7Figure 3.10- Login Sequence Diagram (1) ............................................................................... 37

Online Quiz System


8Figure 3.10 Teacher Sequence Diagram (2) ............................................................................. 38

9Figure 3.10 Teacher Sequence Diagram (3) ............................................................................. 38

10Figure 3.10 Student Sequence Diagram (4)............................................................................ 39

11Figure 3.10 Student Sequence Diagram (5) ........................................................................... 39

12Figure 3.10 Contact US Diagram (6) ..................................................................................... 40

13 Figure 3.10 about US Diagram (7) ........................................................................................ 40

14Figure: 3.4 Database (1) ........................................................................................................ 43

15Figure: 3.4 Database (2) ........................................................................................................ 43

16Figure 3.5: Quiz Form (1)...................................................................................................... 55

17Figure 3.5: Quiz Form (2)...................................................................................................... 56

18Figure 3.5: Result Page.......................................................................................................... 56

19Figure: 3.5 Result Coding (1) ................................................................................................ 57

20Figure 3.5 Result coding (2) .................................................................................................. 57

List of Tables:
1.1 Chapter No: 2

Table: 1 Comparison Table ..................................................................................................................... 16

Online Quiz System


Table: 2-Overall-Meeting……................................................................................................................ 18

Table: 3- SIR HOD-Meeting..................................................................................................................... 18

Table: 4- with supervisor-Meetings detail ………..…………………………………………………….20
Table: 5- Mam Maira Questions ………..……………………………………………………………….22

1.2 Chapter No: 3

Tab: 1 ERD Table............................................................................................................................. 34

Tab: 2 DFD level (0).........................................................................................................................48

Tab: 3 DFD level (1)......................................................................................................................... 50

Tab: 4 DFD level (2).....................................................................................................................…51

1.3 Chapter No: 5

Tab: 5. 1- Testing .......................................................................................................................…59

Online Quiz System


Chapter 1

1 Introduction

“Online Quiz” is an examination that many educational institutions use to eliminate manual
examinations. These exams may be administered at any level of education, from Primary to higher
education, although they are more common at higher levels. Online Examination systems are very
convenient and fast. The Online Quiz is a web application for to take online test in an efficient
manner and reduce time for checking the paper. “ONLINE Quiz” is to efficiently evaluate the
candidate thoroughly through a fully automated system that not only saves lot of time but also
gives fast results. This can be used in educational institutions as well as in corporate world. Can
be used anywhere any time as it is a web based application (User location doesn’t matter). No
restriction that examiner has to be present when the candidate takes the test. QUIZ SYSTEM is
a software developed to conduct an Online Quiz based on time constraints. Quiz System is
accessed by entering the username and Email id which is added to the database. Before start of
the Quiz, the rules and regulations are displayed that includes description of time limit, number of
questions to be answered and scoring methods. Quiz is started by displaying ten questions with
four options each based on category chosen ie General Knowledge, Verbal Reasoning and
Computer Science.
The students and the teacher can work on the quiz off-line or on printed copies. And the students
can get prompt feedback of their performance, allowing them to check their answers against the
correct ones which are displayed under the answer button. It will provide the result in limited time.
And ‘N’ number of team can participate in a Quiz.
The “Online Quiz System” is proposed to be implemented at colleges or universities by lecturers,
on undergraduate students and other users. It is a web-based application quiz that is designed to be
taken online, where lecturers are able to add/edit questions via the Internet. Lecturers can also
view the questions and student results in the database by using the applications provided in the
Online-Quiz System.

Online Quiz System


The “Online-Quiz System” reduces the cost of printing test papers, while saving time, because
the Online-Test Program provides backend tools and easy to modify questions in the database. It
is also more environmental friendly because no test papers are printed.
The “Online-Quiz System” will increase the performance and efficiency of web-based education
as the backend tools of the system are easy to use. It is a new and innovative way to move beyond
traditional patterns of education, and is in-keeping with the future e-trend.
This project is developed with the help of visual basic 2017 software which meets the requirement
of the user, the project it checked whether the phases individually have a saved its purpose.

1.1- Problem statements:

QUIZ SYSTEM is a software developed to conduct an Online Quiz based on time constraints.
Today many educational institution have manual examination system. In this system teachers are
bounded until students does not complete the target. I want to reduce this problem through “online
quiz system”. And I want to apply the online quiz system in these educational institution which
have manual examination system. Most of the currently existing portals we know have some
problems like crashing and getting hanged. I will try to overcome these problem through my

1.2- Motivation:
Today’s educational trends are rapidly changing and very demandable. Many educational sectors
adopt the new technology in this institute to meet the other institute technology.
”Online quiz System “is the best way to use the technology and many educational sectors are
adopting this technology. Being a student of ISP my observation is that, this type of mechanism
should also be available in our university. Whereas ISP tries to meet the modern parameter of
quality, there we also have to meet the modern parameters in the way of technology. That’s why I
choose this project to do something for ISP.

Online Quiz System


1.3- Objectives:
The main objective of this project is to enhance the performance of online Quiz system in E
learning system by increasing its ability and flexibility.
 The special feature of this system is that they can generate the questions randomly to
overcome some issues like cheating during the exam.

 The backend tools (add/edit/delete question, view questions, and view students results) of
online test program is highly secured. The main user has to use his or her user name and
password to login to the program, and hence the database name is required to connect to
the database.
 Lecturers can add, edit or delete the questions in the database by using the applications
provided in the Online-Test Program.
 The main objective of the application design is not only to be useful to students of the
university but also for staff members & administrative persons of the university.

1.4- Scope of Project:

Today many tasks are perform automatically use the different technology. For example many
educational institutes use online system like online learning management, online pay roll system
etc. Similarly I will make this project for change the manual examination system into “Online
Quiz system”.
The scope of this project is very broad in terms of other manually taking exam. Few of them are:

 This can be used in educational institutions as well as corporate world.

 Can be used anywhere any time as it web based Application.(user Location doesn’t matter)
 No restriction that examiner has to be present when candidates takes the test.
 Design to facilitate administrator and user.
 Online examination is designed for educational institutes like school, colleges and
private Institutes to conduct logic tests to other students or employees on regular
 It will provides the result in limited time.
 ‘N’ number of teams can participate in a quiz.
 Automation of scores of the teams.

Online Quiz System


Chapter 2

2 Background

2.1- Background:

Education is one of the most backbone sectors in the system. Education plays an import role in the
progress and development of a state. “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of
freedom.” –George Washington Carver. The rapid development of computer and network
technology makes profound changes to human beings in the fields of study, work and way of life.
With the enrich and renew equipment in the teaching institutions and the training institutions, the
establishment of Multi-media classrooms and campus network, the internet technology’s maturity
and the popular of computer-aid education (Du Ploov 1992), the methods of examination which is
used to check the quality of teaching and teaching effectiveness, assess the students learning and
identify the skills have been changed greatly (Breithaupt et al 2005, Buchanan 1999). Technology
is helping to change education in a positive way; it is part of the modern world.


The whole process of assigning test and evaluating their scores after the test, was done manually
till date. Existing system is a large man power process and is difficult to implement it at different
platform. It has so many problems. So we introduce Online Quiz System, which is fully
computerized. Processing the test paper i.e. checking and distributing respective scores used to
take time when the software was not installed. During developing our system I will study the
different universities system.

Online Quiz System


2.2.1- Institute of Southern Punjab System

In the current time system of ISP, they have no online quiz system. All the task should be
performed manually. No properly maintain the record of students Quiz’s according to departments.
This process take a lots of time and effort. So in current system these types of problems are
occurring and these types of tasks are taking too much time.

2.2.2 Bahauddin Zakariya University System

In the current time system of BZU Multan Campus they also have no online quiz system. All the
task should be performed manually or like sheets etc. No properly maintain the record of students
according to departments. This process take a lots of time and effort

2.2.3 NCBA&E

In the university of NCBA&E Multan Campus no any online quiz system. All the task should be
performed manually or like sheets etc. This process take a lots of time and effort.

Online Quiz System


2.3 Comparison Table:

Features BZU NCBA&E ISP Current ISP Proposed

Existing System System

Fast    

Secure    

Visiting Lecturer    

Online Quiz submission    

Good response    

Online Quiz Checking    

Online Result    

Mange record of each    


Table:1 Comparison

Online Quiz System


2.4 Information Gathering Tools:

When my supervisor assigned me a final year project on “Online Quiz System” my supervisor recommend
me to visit some universities and gather information then I go to NCBA&E University and BZU University.
And collect information about online Quiz system. So there are same systems of BZU and NCBA&E in
Online quiz System. They have no any online quiz system. Then I decide I work on those things which is
not mentioned by BZU and NCBA&E like Online Quiz System.

Visit NCBA&E and Also Visit BZU University

Use the different system analysis tools that are helpful to gather the information. These tools are
as follows:

2.4.1 JAD Session:

JAD stands for Joint Application Development session. This is a process where collection of all
actual user requirement while developing a new application for our institute. This session is
arranged in Saturday 20-April-2019. In this session all the employees of institute are comes
together and discus the project scope, objectives and specification etc. All the user tells the overall
the university requirement, policies and also tell the standards.

2.4.2 Interviews:

This is the most common technique used for information gathering. Interview is a direct
conversation technique with the specific person to conduct the specific information in the form of
questionnaire’s format. In interview process I will arrange meet with the ISP faculty members,
students, coordinator’s and HOD’S. The interview meeting day, time and questions are pre-
planned. In my project, I conduct the following meetings with the single people are as follows:

Online Quiz System

18 Overall Meeting:

Meeting No Name Day Purpose

01 (JAD Session) All project Saturday Define the project

supervisors requirements and scope

Tab: 2-Overall-Meeting SIR HOD:

Meeting No Name Day Purpose

01 Sir HOD Monday Submit first time project proposal


O2 Sir HOD Wednesday Define the project scope and tell

the ISP actual Requirements

03 Sir HOD Thursday Allow the project


04 Sir HOD Friday Requirement gathering


05 Sir HOD Monday Check project follow


Tab: 3- SIR HOD-Meeting

Online Quiz System

19 Meeting detail with our Supervisor:

01 Mam Maira Wednesday Discuss the project

15-05-2019 title
02 Mam Maira Wednesday Discuss project

22-05-2019 presentation
03 Mam Maira Wednesday Discuss Online Quiz
04 Mam Maira Friday Discus the
project scope
05 Mam Maira Wednesday Discus the ISP

05-06-2019 requirements
06 Mam Maira Monday Discus overall the
project and start
10-06-2019 writing report

07 Mam Maira Wednesday Discus report first

08 Mam Maira Wednesday Discus the problem
statement of the

09 Mam Maira Wednesday Discus NCBA&E

26-06-2019 university system

11 Mam Maira Wednesday Discus the project flow

12 Mam Maira Wednesday Study Moodle frame

Online Quiz System


13 Mam Maira Wednesday Discus civil

17-07-2019 department work flow

14 Mam Maira Wednesday Approve project flow

15 Mam Maira Wednesday Write the second

31-07-2019 chapter
16 Mam Maira Wednesday Check report

17 Mam Maira Monday Check diagrams

18 Mam Maira Wednesday Discuss normalization

19 Mam Maira Wednesday Check normalization

20 Mam Maira Wednesday Discuss PHP

28-08-2019 Insertion Errors

21 Mam Maira Wednesday Discuss ERD and

04-09-2019 Resolve PHP insertion

22 Mam Maira Wednesday Again discuss

11-09-2019 ERD
23 Mam Maira Wednesday Approve ERD


Tab: 4- with supervisor-Meetings detail

Online Quiz System


2.4.3- Questionnaires:

Meetings questionnaire with Mam Maira as a teacher post:

SR No: Statements

Q#1 Tell me about your role in ISP?

Ans I am a lecturer of a Computer Science Department. And I am also a final year
project supervisor.

Q#2 How do you communicate with students to provide them helping material?
Ans I will use the blog to give the subject regarding to the class. And some time I will
hand over the data to the class specially class CR/GR.

Q#3 Which type of data you give to your student?

Ans I will provides the student to sometime course content or sometime not because
we are officially not allowed to give the student to course content. And provide
the class lectures, assignments, quizzes, or project details etc.

Q#4 How many assignments, quizzes or project you are assign to your students?

Ans According to course demand I will assign the 2assignments, 2quizzes, one
semester project or one presentation to the students.

Q#5 How you collect the quizzes form students?

Ans According to quiz schedule I will assign the quiz and the students attempt the
quizzes in quiz sheets (manual).

Online Quiz System


Q#6 What type of quizzes, assignment, projects or presentation details of student

you can submit the coordinator?

Ans According to course coordinator demand, I will submit three types of assignments
of students:

• Best
• Average
• Worst

Same as it submit the quizzes or projects. And remaining return to the class.
Q#7 What types of thing you will fill-up in the course log file?
Ans I will fill-up the many things in course log file like daily delivered lecture agenda
according to course content lecture plan, fill-up the assignments quizzes assign
or submission details etc.

Q#8 What type of problems you are facing in this system?

Ans There are many problems in the current time that I can faced in current system:

 No proper way to give the quiz data to student

 No save Quiz record of All students
 Time maintaining problem during Quiz
 Save Students data
 Attendance, task assign

Tab: 5- Mam Maira Questions

Online Quiz System


Chapter 3

3 Specification and Design:

3.1 Introduction:

The “Online Quiz System” is proposed to be implemented at colleges or universities by lecturers,

on undergraduate students and other users. It is a web-based application quiz that is designed to be
taken online, where lecturers are able to add/edit questions via the Internet. Lecturers can also
view the questions and student results in the database by using the applications provided in the
Online-Quiz System.
The “Online-Quiz System” reduces the cost of printing test papers, while saving time, because
the Online-Test Program provides backend tools and easy to modify questions in the database. It
is also more environmental friendly because no test papers are printed.
The “Online-Quiz System” will increase the performance and efficiency of web-based education
as the backend tools of the system are easy to use. It is a new and innovative way to move beyond
traditional patterns of education, and is in-keeping with the future e-trend.
This project is developed with the help of visual basic 2017 software which meets the requirement
of the user, the project it checked whether the phases individually have a saved its purpose.
3.2 SDLC Models:
Software life cycle model is often called a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).The period
of time that starts when a software product is conceived and ends when the product is no longer
available for use. Model is a way to represent a software life cycle. There are various software
development life cycle models defined and designed which are followed during the software
development process. These models are also referred as Software Development Process Models".
Each process model follows a Series of steps unique to its type to ensure success in the process of
software development.

Online Quiz System


• Waterfall Model
• Iterative Model
• V-Model
• Agile Model
• Spiral Model

3.2.1 Waterfall Model

Waterfall SDLC model, in which development process looks like the flow, moving step by step
through the phases of analysis, projecting, realization, testing, implementation, and support. This
SDLC model includes gradual execution of every stage completely. This process is strictly
documented and predefined with features expected to every phase of this software development
life cycle model.

1Figure 3.1 Waterfall Model (i)

Online Quiz System

25 Requirement Gathering and analysis

All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this phase and documented
in a requirement specification document. System Design

The requirement specifications from first phase are studied in this phase and the system design is
prepared. This system design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and helps in
defining the overall system architecture. Implementation

With inputs from the system design, the system is first developed in small programs called units,
which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its functionality, which
is referred to as Unit Testing. Integration and Testing

All the units developed in the implementation phase are integrated into a system after testing of
each unit. Post integration the entire system is tested for any faults and failures. Deployment of system
Once the functional and non-functional testing is done; the product is deployed in the customer
environment or released into the market. Maintenance

There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To fix those issues, patches are
released. Also to enhance the product some better versions are released. Maintenance is done to
deliver these changes in the customer environment.

Online Quiz System


3.2.2 Iterative Model

The Iterative SDLC model does not need the full list of requirements before the project starts. The
development process may start with the requirements to the functional part, which can be expanded
later. The process is repetitive, allowing to make new versions of the product for every cycle.
Every iteration (which last from two to six weeks) includes the development of a separate
component of the system, and after that, this component is added to the functional developed
earlier. Speaking with math terminology, the iterative model is a realization of the sequential
approximation method; that means a gradual closeness to the planned final product shape.

2figure 3.2 Iterative Model (ii)

Online Quiz System


3.2.3 Spiral Model

Spiral model is SDLC model, which combines architecture and prototyping by stages. It is a
combination of the Iterative and Waterfall SDLC models with the significant accent on the risk
analysis. The main issue of the spiral model – is defining the right moment to make a step into the
next stage. The preliminary set time frames are recommended as the solution to this

issue. The shift to the next stage is done according to the plan, even if the work on the previous
stage isn’t done yet. The plan is introduced basing on the statistical data, received during the
previous projects even from the personal developer’s experience

3Figure 3.3 Spiral Mode (iii)

Online Quiz System


3.2.4 V-shaped SDLC Model

V-shaped SDLC model is an expansion of classic waterfall model and it’s based on associated test
stage for the every development stage. This is a very strict model and the next stage is started only
after the previous phase. This is also called “Validation and verification” model. Every stage has
the current process control, to make sure that the conversion to the next stage is possible.

4Figure 3.4 shaped SDLC Model (IV)

Online Quiz System


3.2.5 Agile Model

In the agile methodology after every development iteration, the customer is able to see the result
and understand if he is satisfied with it or he is not. This is one of the advantages of the agile
software development life cycle model. One of its disadvantages is that with the absence of defined
requirements it is difficult to estimate the resources and development cost. Extreme programming
is one of the practical use of the agile model. The basis of such model consists of short weekly
meetings Sprints which are the part of the Scrum approach.

5Figure 3.5 Agile Model (v)

Online Quiz System


3.2.6 Why choose Water Fall Model:

Water fall model SDLC model is used in this system. Because, in this project we work on module
by module approach. We have to clear all requirement and no other requirement is to be added
there for we used water fall model to develop the project.

3.3 ERD (Entity relationship Diagram)

An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a graphical representation of an information system that

shows the relationship between people, objects, places, concepts or events within that system. An
ERD is a data modeling technique that can help define business processes and can be used as the
foundation for a relational database.

The elements of an ERD are:

● Entities
● Relationships
● Attributes

Entity type:

A collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics.

3.3.1 Classification of the Entity:

There are two types of are as follows:

1- Strong entity
2- Weak entity
3- Associative entity

Online Quiz System


1- Strong entity type:

An entity that exists independently of other entity types.

2- Weak entity type:

An entity type whose existence depends on some other entity type.

3- Associative entity:
An entity type that associates the instances of one or more entity types and contains attributes
that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity instances.

Online Quiz System


3.3.2 Relationship:

Relationships, which represent the link between different entities.

Each relationship has a Name.

Types of relationship:

There are three types of relationship are as follows:

One-to-one: Both tables can have only one record on either side of the relationship. Each
primary key value relates to only one (or no) record in the related table.

One-to-many: The primary key table contains only one record that relates to none, one, or
many records in the related table. This relationship is similar to the one between you and a
parent. You have only one mother, but your mother may have several children.

Many-to-many: Each record in both tables can relate to any number of records (or no
records) in the other table. Many-to-many relationships require a third table, known as an
associate or junction table, because relational systems can't directly accommodate the

Online Quiz System


3.3.3 Attributes:

A property or characteristic of an entity or relationship type that is of interest to the organization.

Types of Attributes:

Attributes may be of different types. They may be:

a) Simple or Composite
b) Single Valued or Multi-Valued Stored or Derived
c) Key or Non-Key
d) Required or Optional

Online Quiz System


3.3.4 Entity Relationship Diagram

ERD Login
Admin Id



Student Password

name 1st Name

Lst Name

student Tech name Tech Id Class

student Id
password Manage

Student Registration



Sub Id
has Subject

Sub name

Q Id

Q name

Generate Result
opt 1

opt 3 opt 2

Created by Unlicensed Version


Subject Id Student Id

Online Quiz System


3.3.5 Use Case Diagram:

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system that
shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved. Use Case Diagram objects:

Use case diagrams consist of 2 objects.

1- Actor 2- Use case :

Actor in a use case diagram is any entity that performs a role in one given system. This
could be a person, organization or an external system and usually drawn like skeleton
shown below.

1- Use Case:

A use case represents a function or an action within the system. It’s drawn as an oval and
named with the function.

Online Quiz System


In our project Online Quiz System, we will design the different use case diagram of
each actors and that will show which actor perform which types of functions.

These use case diagrams are as follows:

 Teacher and student Use Case:

Admin will able to manage overall Online Quiz System. Admin have the ability add and delete
any person, department and degree record etc.

6 Figure 3.8 Teacher& student Use Case

Online Quiz System


3.3.6 Sequence Diagram:

Sequence diagrams describe interactions among classes in terms of an exchange of messages over
time. They're also called event diagrams. A sequence diagram is a good way to visualize and
validate various runtime scenarios. These can help to predict how a system will behave and to
discover responsibilities a class may need to have in the process of modeling a new system.

3.3.7 Interface design

In our project Online Quiz System, we will design the different sequence of each actors and
that will show the sequence of each actor work. These diagrams are as follows:
1- Administration, Teacher & Student Login Page:

This diagram shows what is the sequence that is required to login perform any entity.

7Figure 3.10- Login Sequence Diagram (1)

Online Quiz System


2- Teacher Sequence Diagram:

This diagram shows what the sequence that is required to Teacher Edit is and Delete any task.

8Figure 3.10 Teacher Sequence Diagram (2)

9Figure 3.10 Teacher Sequence Diagram (3)

Online Quiz System


3- Student Sequence Diagram (Attempt Quiz):

This diagram shows what is the sequence that is required to student perform task.

10Figure 3.10 Student Sequence Diagram (4)

4- Student Sequence Page (Show Result):

11Figure 3.10 Student Sequence Diagram (5)

Online Quiz System


4- Contact Us Page:

12Figure 3.10 Contact US Diagram (6)

About Us Page:

13 Figure 3.10 about US Diagram (7)

Online Quiz System


Chapter 4

4 Implementation:

4.1 Introduction:

The implementation of a system is the important phase where visions and plans become reality.
The implementation stage of software development is the process of converting a system
specification into an executable system. It almost always involves processes of software design
and programming .In other words, it is a process of converting system requirements into program
codes. Systems implementation is the process of defining how the information system should be
built ensuring that the information systemic operational and used, ensuring that the information
system meets quality standard (i.e., quality assurance).In computer science and information
technology department, this is the important stage of any system. Because without implementation
of a system the builted system is useless.

In this chapter, we will describe our system development plan. We will describe what type of
model I will use in my system. And also describe each Level of DFD. .Also describe about what
type of platform we will used? And Why?

4.1.1 Development Plan:

The Development plan is planned according to development methodology which is waterfall

application development. In development plan, we will describe the actual plan developing of our
system. Also describes the each and every phase of selected model. The architecture of is as under

Online Quiz System


4.2 Database

A database is a data structure that stores organized information. Most databases contain multiple
tables, which may each include several different fields.

4.2.1 Database schema

The database schema of a database system is its structure described in a formal

language supported by the database management system (DBMS). The term "schema" refers to
the organization of data as a blueprint of how the database is constructed (divided into database
tables in the case of relational databases). The formal definition of a database schema is a set of
formulas (sentences) called integrity constraints imposed on a database.[citation needed] These
integrity constraints ensure compatibility between parts of the schema.

Online Quiz System


All constraints are expressible in the same language. A database can be considered a structure in
realization of the database language. The states of a created conceptual schema are transformed
into an explicit mapping, the database schema. This describes how real-world entities
are modeled in the database.

14Figure: 3.4 Database (1)

15Figure: 3.4 Database (2)

Online Quiz System


4.3 Normalization

When database design is not perfect then database normalization is a process used to establish a
database into tables and columns. The reason behind to use normalization in database is to
minimize duplication of data or to remove anomalies. This methodology is used to break down
tables by removing redundancy of data and unwanted characteristics. There are three common
forms of database normalization: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd normal form.
4.3.1 Types of normalization
1. First normal form
2. Second normal form
3. Third normal form
First normal form (1st NF):
The requirements to satisfy the first NF are:
Each table has a Primary Key: minimal set of attributes, which can uniquely identify a record.
The values in each column of a table are Atomic (No multivalve attributes allowed).
There are no repeating groups: two columns do not store similar information in the same table.
Second normal form (2nd NF):
The requirements to satisfy the second NF
1. All requirements for first NF must be met.
2. Any partial functional dependencies have been removed (i.e., non-keys are identified by
the Whole Primary Key).
3. A partial functional dependency in which one or more non-key attribute are functionally
dependent on part (but not all) of the primary key

Third normal form (3rd NF):

The requirements to satisfy the third NF
All requirements for second NF must be met.
Any Transitive dependencies have been removed
A functional dependency between two or more non-key attributes

Online Quiz System


4.3.2 Data flow diagram:

Data flow diagram is a structured analysis technique, where we can put together a graphical
representation of data processes throughout an organization. Data flow diagram shows how the
flow of data for any process or system. We can gather the current system information using some
analysis tools like interviews or investigation these tools provide a verbal narrative information of
the system, after gathering the information we have to draw a graphical structure of the current
system or the proposed system that is useful for the users and analyst.


• The data flow approach has four chief advantages over narrative explanations of
the way data move through the system:
• Freedom from committing to the technical implementation of the system too early.
• Further understanding of the interrelatedness of systems and subsystems.
• Communicating current system knowledge to users through data flow diagrams.
• Analysis of a proposed system to determine if the necessary data and processes
have been defined. Levels of DFD:

Three levels of DFD are as follows: Context Level Diagram:

The context diagram is the highest level in a data flow diagram and contains only one process,
representing the entire system. The process is given the number zero. All external entities are
shown on the context diagram, as well as major data flow to and from them. This diagram does
not contain any data storage.

Online Quiz System


In our project Online Quiz System firstly we will define the main process of the system that is
Online Quiz System. After define this system process, we will define the main external
entities/actors of the system who will use the system that is Administrator, Faculty and
students. After this step, we will show the each entity main workflow/activities. That will show
in diagram [fig: 3.2]. Admin has the authority to manage overall the system. Managers manage
departmental level activities. Teacher and students view his/her related information and teacher
also provide some helping materials to the student. Parents view his/her child regarding

Figure: Context Level DFD (1)

Online Quiz System

47 Level 0 Diagram:

Diagram 0 is the explosion of the context diagram and may include many processes. Inputs and
outputs specified in the first diagram remain constant in all subsequent diagrams. In a 0 level
diagram, as we defined the one main process Online Quiz system in context level diagram, this
main process node further divided into sub-processes nodes in 0 level diagram. The major data
stores of the system (representing master files) and all external entities are included on Diagram
0. In this diagram we will see that relationship between different entities and processes that are
collaborate with each other. We will also see that, if one entity process is change rather it will
affect to other entity process.

In our project Online Quiz System, according to context level diagram entities we will define the
each external entities processes and also define the relationship between different external entities.
Also show database storage of each process.

DFD Level: 0

Teacher Student


Mange Quiz
Detailand result
Give test

Figure: Level 0 DFD (2)

Online Quiz System

48 Level 1 Diagram (Child Diagram):

Each process on Diagram 0 may in turn be exploded to create a more detailed child diagram. The
process on Diagram 0 that is exploded is called the parent process, and the diagram that results is
called the child diagram. The primary rule for creating child diagrams, vertical balancing, dictates
that a child diagram cannot produce output or receive input that the parent process does not also
produce or receive. All data flow into or out of the parent process must be shown flowing into or
out of the child diagram.

In our project Online Quiz System, as we define the sub-processes nodes in 0 level diagram, these
sub processes are further defined in detailed in 1 level one diagram. In this diagram, we will take
one by one process and define the work flow operation of each diagram. When we perform a one
task then this will show us to how operations are required to perform. Data storage will remain
same as it we define in 0 level this diagram, processes are also linked to data storage.

Online Quiz System


Figure: Level 1(DFD) (3)

Online Quiz System

50 Level 2 Diagram

Figure: Level 2 (DFD) (4)

Online Quiz System


Why Dataflow diagram are important to draw after the analysis phase?

Before we will construct a physical design of the system we need to first construct a data flow
diagram for the current system. There are a number of advantages to be as follows:

• Better communication with users

• Processes are clearly defined
• Data storage are shown (actual database entities)
• More stable systems
• Better understanding about the system
• Elimination of redundancies and easier creation of the physical design

4.3.3 Development of program:

The primary objective of development are to translate the most promising design approach unto a
stable , interoperable, produce able and cost effective design, validate the manufacturing and
production process and demonstrate system capabilities through testing.

4.4 System Tool Selection:

Selection of software is the most important stage of the development of any system. The choice of
tools to be used in the software development process can literally make or break a project.

There are some system tools that are i used to develop my system.

• Hardware
• Software

Online Quiz System



The hardware specification which I use to develop my project are as follows:

Processor I5 Quad-Core

Intel 3rd Gen

Display 1600 x 900 Resolution

Storage 520 GB

Ram 4GB

Graphics Intel Hd Pro 560 with 4GB Memory


Any hardware without a software application is useless in the environment. Because software are
the most important tool where user interaction will build and user perform lots of activities.

Online Quiz System


Any type of a system must be build using different types of software’s. So I will use the different
types of software application during development of my system.

Operating System Windows 10

Frontend and backend tool Visual Studio 2017

Database My SQL Server 2014

Tool for doc MS Word

4.4.1 Platform Selection:

I will select the Web development platform in my project because I will provide the online one
single platform to our Institute ISP that’s why I select the web platform. Web development
platform is easy to understand, easy to use and easy to develop a system. Selection of Language:

At that time lots of languages are available to develop an any type of system. Language selection
is the most important phase because the whole system will be built behind the selected programing
language. Language selection is based on the system requirements.

In our system development, I will use the ASP.NET languages.

Online Quiz System



• ASP.NET stands for " Active Server Pages.NET"

• ASP.NET is a widely-used
• ASP.NET is used to create web pages and web technologies and is an integral part of
Microsoft’s.NET framework vision.
• ASP.NET is free to download and use.
• In our project, we will also use the ASP.NET

What Can ASP.NET Do?

• ASP.NET can generate dynamic page content

• ASP.NET can create, open, read, write, delete
• ASP.NET can send and receive Data
• ASP.NET can add, delete, modify data in our database
• ASP.NET can be used to control user-access
• ASP.NET can encrypt data


• ASP.NET runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X, etc.)

• ASP.NET is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc.)
• ASP.NET supports a wide range of databases
• ASP.NET is free.

Online Quiz System


Chapter No 5

5 Results and Evaluation:

5.1 Evaluation of a system:

The implementation of a system is the important phase where visions and plans become
reality. The implementation stage of software development is the process of converting a
system specification into an executable system. And then show the results and evaluation of
our system. It almost always involves processes of software design and programming .In other
words, it is a process of converting system requirements into program codes. Systems
Evaluation and results is the process of defining how the information system should be built
ensuring that the information systemic operational and used, ensuring that the information
system meets quality standard (i.e., quality assurance).
In computer science and information technology department, this is the important stage of
any system. Because without implementation of a system and without show proper results the
builted system is useless.

5.2 Quiz Form:

Firstly student go this form and select the Teacher Id and subject Name.

16Figure 3.5: Quiz Form (1)

Online Quiz System


After Select the Subject Name Click on Start Quiz Button then show the given below form.

17Figure 3.5: Quiz Form (2)

5.2.1 Result Page:

Below page is result page after Attempt the Quiz.

18Figure 3.5: Result Page

Online Quiz System


5.2.2 Backend Coding result page:

19Figure: 3.5 Result Coding (1)

20Figure 3.5 Result coding (2)

Online Quiz System


5.3 Testing of a system:

System Testing is a level of the software testing where a complete and integrated software is tested.
The purpose of this test is to evaluate the system's compliance with the specified requirements:
The process of testing an integrated system to verify that it meets specified. In System testing, the
functionalities of the system are tested from an end-to-end perspective. System Testing is usually
carried out by a team that is independent of the development team in order to measure the quality
of the system unbiased.

Purpose of testing:

There are two fundamental purposes of testing: verifying procurement specifications and
managing risk. First, testing is about verifying that what was specified is what was delivered: it
verifies that the system meets the functional, performance, design, and implementation
requirements identified in the procurement specifications. Second, testing is about managing risk
for both the acquiring agency and the system’s vendor/developer/integrator.

• Unit Testing

UNIT TESTING is a level of software testing where individual units/ components of a software
are tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software performs as designed. A unit
is the smallest testable part of any software. It usually has one or a few inputs and usually a single
• Black Box Testing:

Functional or black box testing is an approach to testing, where the tests are derived from the
program or component specification. Student Information System is like a black box whose
behavior can only be determined by conducting an input test and viewing its output. The tester is
only concerned with the functionality. If the output is not as predicted, then the test has successfully
detected a problem with mange the stock. The testers are usually the end users themselves.

Online Quiz System


• White Box Testing:

Structural or white box testing is an approach to testing, where the tests are derives from knowledge
of the software’s structure and implementation. This approach is usually applied to relatively small
program units such as subroutines or the operations associated with an object. The tester analyses
the code and uses knowledge about the structure of a component to derive test data. The analysis
of the code was used to find how many test cases were needed to guarantee that all of the statements
in the program or component are executed at least once during the testing process.

Test Options Tested Expected Result Result

1. Click on Add Add information As expected

3. Click on Update Update information As expected

4. Click on Save Save information As expected

5. Click on Delete Delete information As Expected

Tab: 5. 1- Testing

• Integration Testing

INTEGRATION TESTING is a level of software testing where individual units are combined and
tested as a group. The purpose of this level of testing is to expose faults in the interaction between
integrated units. Test drivers and test stubs are used to assist in Integration Testing.

• Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing, a testing technique performed to determine whether or not the software system
has met the requirement specifications. The main purpose of this test is to evaluate the system's
compliance with the business requirements and verify if it is has met the required criteria for
delivery to end users.

Online Quiz System


• System Development

The systems development life cycle (SDLC), also referred to as the application development life-
cycle, is a term used in systems engineering, information systems and software engineering to
describe a process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system.

5.4 Test cases:

A test case in a software engineering is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will
determine whether application or software system is working correctly or not. The mechanism for
determining whether a software or application has passed or failed such a test is known as a test
oracle. It may take many test cases to determine that a software system is considered sufficient
securitized to be released. Test cases are often referred to as test script, particularly when written.
Test case are usually collected into test suits.

After deployment there is an important phases to test some of the important use cases these are
known as test case.

Online Quiz System


6 Future Work:

For the future work Online Quiz System can be updated in various stages some of the points can
be added to enhance the performance of Online Quiz system. In this system, we can also limit the
chat conversation only to the classes, or create a specific class group for attempt the quiz. And the
most important MIS, examination and accounts department can also be added as per requirements
of ISP. And send the notification of that students which are login for quiz. If any student attempt
the two time then the pervious result are deleted and save the new result.

7 Conclusions:

“Online Quiz System” of ISP in the current system all students and teachers face issues, this system
will remove all the issues. I try to manage all the activities of Quizzes through this system. Using
this system user will easily manage and Attempt the quiz. Using this system teacher will upload
the Quiz detail and Quiz Questions with subject name and also manage the Result of students. And
store the result of Students for long time until teacher remove it. Students have the ability to view
results of the given Quiz and also submit online quiz.

Online Quiz System


8 References:


1- Modern-database-management-by-jeffrey-a-hoffer-v-ramesh-and-h-topi-10th-edition
2- Pearson Education Publishing Database Systems, A Practical Approach to Design
Implementation and Management 6th (2015)
3- Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall-Systems Analysis and Design (9th Edition)Pearson
4- Sommerville - Software Engineering 9ed
5- CS605-Software Engineering Practitioners Approach by Roger S. Pressman
6- Programming ASP.NET Core By Dino Esposito (2018)

Websites Links:


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