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Introduction to Lancaster Football Program

School Enrollment - about 400 to 440 (going down) Division IV

9 - 12 - get about 90 to 100 kids playing football
Varsity - 35 to 45 players
Sophomore - 25 to 30 players
Freshmen - 30 to 35 players
5 paid coaches, 2 half paid coaches, 10 volunteers

28 wins - 35 loses
Slow Learner - 6 years to come up with the following conclusions
**I use to think I had to be involved with everything-made a lot of mistakes

130 wins - 34 loses
Conference Champions - 8
State Semifinals - 1997
State Runner-ups - 1999
State Champions - 1993, 2000,2001, 2002

Why the change?

1. Realized I didn't have to be involved with everything.
2. Let the coaches you have on staff coach.
3. Stability of our staff, not much turnover.
4. Athletes and community believe in what you are doing.

Important Dates - Year

1982 - Became head coach at Lancaster, one year out of college

1984 - Fully committed to the Wishbone Offense
1988 - Let the coaches coach, faith in them
1989 - First Conference championship at Lancaster (18 years) - First Playoffs
1993 - State Championship
1994 - Started to Two Platoon
1995 - Fully integrated Two Platoon
1998 - 4-3 Scream and Splatter Defense
1999 - Offense - multiple set by players
- Why we do something?
- It makes you accountable.
- It makes you have a plan.
Don't just do something because someone else is doing it.
- This relates to running our offense, defense, special teams, and two platoon

Why we started to two platoon?

We began by discussion
- Spent two to three years discussing
- Talked many times to Vern Pottinger (Belvideer - Rice Lake)

Discussed Positive Outcomes

- More players could participate
- Players could specialize, less mental preparation
- Coaches could specialize, less mental preparation
- Might make parents happier, less questions about playing time

Discussed Negative Outcomes

Might not win at our level
- Too many weaker players playing
- Great player might have to play both ways
(gone back on why we wanted with two platoon)

How it became a reality?

After the two or three years we decided to two platoon.
Went to cabin for a weekend.
Drafted players
Delegated coaching responsibilities
First year was learn by doing
Practice plans
Use of coaches
Use of players
Question Asked - do we have enough coaches?

The number of coaches on the varsity - 6

Volunteer coaches
Took anybody
Gave them responsibilities
1994 - 6 Varsity/JV 2 Volunteers = 8 total coaches
2 coaches on offense - never coached defense
2 coaches on defense - never coached offense
2 coaches had to wear 2 hats (both offense and defense)

We have progressed
Have enough coaches - no one has to wear 2 hats

Our 2002 coaching Staff consisted of the following:

Eric Holland - head sophomore coach - varsity QB
Jeff Pross - assistant sophomore (defense) - varsity TE and SE
Brian Knapp - offensive backs HB/FB - volunteer
Andy Hoch - offensive backs HB/FB - volunteer
Jim Knoke - offensive line - volunteer
Joe Schulte - offensive line - volunteer
Tom Moss - sophomore assistant - works with both the offensive and defensive
line – volunteer
John Hoch - head coach, offensive coordinator, floater

Bill Massey - defensive coordinator - defensive line
Doug Bark - LB's - volunteer
Terry Noble - DB's - special teams coordinator
Rick Place - DB's and LB's - volunteer
Kris Kreul - defensive line - volunteer

Marlin Lee - head freshmen coach - offensive backs (offensive coordinator)
Matt Schmitz - QB and SE - volunteer
Andy Pennekamp - OL and DL - volunteer
Jeremy Soldner - LB and DB - (defensive coordinator) - volunteer

Completed by the freshmen coaches and Schulte, Hoch, Moss, Kreul

It is critical to have enough coaches to two platoon

-fortunate to have a good volunteer base, don't mind getting very little if they are
given responsibilities
KEEP THEM HAPPY vs. paid coaches

Question Asked - do you have enough players that are needed to platoon?

This questions coaches have problem with are the following:

The biggest problem for coaches

-players on pure talent are better than potential players playing

Our thoughts
-if players get enough reps they will be better players
-players playing only one way become better than a two way player
-players will work harder in the off-season if they know they have a chance to

marginal players
example - Tony Bishell

Question Asked - how many players are needed to platoon?

Our ideal situation is the following

Lineman 6 5
TE and SE 3 2
FB and HB 5 4
QB 2 1
Linemen 6 4
LB 5 4
DB 6 5

Year 2000 13 players on offense


Players must play 2 positions on the same side of the ball

Examples: Fullback and Halfback

Guard and Tackle
Mike LB and Will LB

*in case of injury, make changes to what is best for the team
*we practice different scenarios during the season

Injury to player - 3 types of solutions

1. Immediate Solution - 2nd team player goes into game

2. Temporary Solution - Adjustment on the sideline

Center gets hurt, instead of our 2nd team center playing, move our 1st team
tackle to center and bring in our 2nd team tackle

3. Permanent Solution - Adjustment during the season

Move a player permanently, even take a player from the other side of the


1. Natural Selection
What is available
2. Coaches move players
Try a different position
Might not get to play what they wanted
What we have learned

1. more player did participate

-went from 34 to 47 on varsity
2. players had less mental preparation
-less mental mistakes on plays
-less mental penalties
3. less physical preparation
-don't have to worry about conditioning of players
-players didn't have to learn two sides of the ball, hand on defense vs.
-it allowed players to be better at their position
4. coaches could specialize
-coaches didn't have to wear too many hats
5. quality of practice improved
-good on good made us better
6. quantity of practice decreased
-kids were fresher mentally and physically
7. players maximized their abilities
-constant quality reps at one position
-therefore they became better
8. players had less injuries
-injuries occur more players are fatigued
**exception - the 98 season
9. coaches developed more ownership of responsibilities
-coaches put forth more effort
10. adjustments made during the game
-coaches could talk to the whole unit
-no more lack of communication
-didn't have to wait to until quarter or half to relay a message
11. more players received recognition
-since platooning, more post season awards
-have averaged 14 players earning all conference
12. made parents happier
-more players had starting players

What we have learned

1. injuries could affect the number of quality players

2. offense and defense could be pitted against each other
-coaches and players
3. less recognition for a player
-standout player, local and area recognition
4. not enough exposure for players before entering college
How two platooning works in Lancaster?


Grades 9 through 12 practice together

Coaches look at all players

First 3 Days
Players choose where they want to go
Natural selection - what is available

After 3 Days

Coaches move players - hopefully a move that will make us a better team

9th and 10th Grades - practice both offense and defense

11th and 12th Grades - practice only one side of the ball

Practice - 8:00 am to 12:00 noon

Session One (1 hour 45 minutes) - 8:00 am to 9:45 am

9th grade practices offense with varsity offense

10th grade practices defense with varsity defense

30 minute break
Registration for school
Water and Rest
Special things - kicking, throwing, snappers, etc.
Session Two (1 hour and 45 minutes) - 10:15 am to 12:00 noon

9th grade practices defense with the varsity defense

10th grade practices offense with the varsity offense

Night Practices (1 hour) - 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

3 scheduled practices - work on passing game

1 night varsity offensive and defensive line have to report
Pass protection and pass rush

Freshmen - practice by themselves, exception - Wednesday

Sophomore and Varsity Practice together

Monday - after school

Team Learning - Flex - Special Teams - Team - Run - Weights
SOPHOMORE GAME - Freshmen Lift

Tuesday - starts at 5:30 pm

Defensive Emphasis
½ hour team meeting - Sophomore Lift
Team learning - Flex - ARQ's - Indy's - Fundy's - head to game field (go under
the lights) - Kicking - Group - Team

Wednesday - after school

Offensive Emphasis
Team Learning - Flex - Team Tackling (all levels) - ARQ's - Indy's - Fundy's -
Kicking - Group - Half Line Team - Team

Thursday - Varsity lifts in before school

Practice after school - Game day preparation
Coaches discuss last minute review/expectations
Flex - Split offense and defense (off. - passing vs. air, def. - blitz/stunt package)
- Kicking - Defense team (10 minutes) - Offense team (15 minutes) - 2 Minute

Friday - Game
Freshmen and Sophomores practice and lift
(Coaches watch game film at my house after game)

Saturday - Off

Sunday - Scouting Report - coaches meeting 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Crucial - first two games

All players (9th and 10th) - must be at practice
After first 2 games players (9th and 10th) may hang it up

Varsity practice is run like regular season, condensed version

10th grade team - during indy's and fundy's - work on opponent's offense
Group and Team -run opponent's offense against varsity defense

9th grade team - during indy's and fundy's - work on opponent's defense
Group and Team - run opponent's defense against varsity offense

Prepare mentally is important

Short time, a great amount of learning

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