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As a first-time, incoming college freshman, experiencing life as an adult and acclimating to the
numerous and varied types of demands placed on them can be a truly overwhelming experience.
It can also lead to unhealthy amounts of stress. A report by the Anxiety and Depression Association
of America found that 80 percent of college students frequently or sometimes experience daily
stress. With a growing pressure to do it all and be successful, students must learn how to healthfully
identify and manage stress points to maintain balance throughout their collegiate career.
Once reaching college, students may encounter a multitude of stressors, some of which they may
have dealt with in high school and others that may be a new experience for them. With so many
new experiences, responsibilities, social settings, and demands on their time, it’s normal and
expected to feel overwhelmed and anxious at times; the key component is knowing how to alleviate
stress in a healthful manner. In his groundbreaking 1979 book Stress and the Manager, Dr. Karl
Albrect identified four main types of stress. Each of these will be delved into in further detail
This type of stress revolves around concerns about time – most frequently the lack of time to
accomplish all that needs to be done in a given timeframe. Students, especially early in their
collegiate careers, often experience time stress as they adjust to a larger workload and more
significant demands from their professors and classes. This type of stress may also manifest in a
concern for being places on time. Especially for students who attend a large college, navigating a
new campus during their first few months can often leave them racing around and worrying they’ll
be late to classes or meetings with advisors.
Usually felt in conjunction with concerns about the future, anticipatory stress appears in both
specific and vague manifestations. For some students, anticipatory stress is brought about when
thinking about an upcoming test or presentation; for others, it can be an overall feeling of
trepidation about what’s coming next. This form of stress is often triggered by a lack of confidence
or an overall sense of fear about failing in some way. Many students may experience anticipatory
stress during their final year of college as they begin to look for jobs or plan their next move after
While the two preceding forms of stress may be prolonged over a long stretch of time, situational
stress tends to be sudden and overwhelming. The common thread amongst all forms of this type
of stress is feeling a lack of control. Whether manifesting as an emergency, a sudden conflict, or
making a mistake in front of peers, it happens quickly and students will feel they have no power
to change what is happening. Other common examples in college could be failing a test, fighting
with a roommate, receiving a scary call from home, or getting in a wreck.
Stress of this nature is unique in its trigger points being specific to seeing people. Students
experiencing encounter stress frequently identify as introverts, but extroverts may also share in
these feelings. Moments of stress are likely to come out when being required to interact with a
certain person or group of people, be it unfriendly classmates, hostile roommates, or intimidating
professors. Students who work during their studies may also feel stress over interacting with a
large number of customers while also trying to balance their studies. This type of encounter stress
is often known as “contact overload” and originates from feelings of being drained from being in
contact with too many people over a set amount of time.
The main stressors I’ve witnessed in first year students are: New living environment, first time
living independently from family, and difficulty making decisions independently. Being required
to manage sleep and hygiene on their own can sometimes create stress. Students are attempting to
balance a heavier academic load than high school while trying to connect socially with an entirely
new group of individuals as well as being in charge of their own care. The availability of alcohol,
drugs and sexual freedom is often a struggle for students too. For students who have previous
mental health concerns, college can be the first time they need to manage their own medication
schedules as well.
Some students struggle the first semester and begin to really blossom and enjoy the process of
college after that, while others do less well for the first couple of years. Stress can be re-
experienced as each year brings new housing issues and academic changes. Also, changes in family
outside of the school environment can impact students. Divorce, illness, death, changes in
residence, pet loss are all things that students may experience during their time in school.
Many of the same points! There is the added stress of needing to know, “what am I doing with the
rest of my life?” The end of college can create a significant amount of stress for students
particularly if they are uncertain of a career path. I try to remind students that it’s okay to not know
– but important to begin exploring what they are interested in. There are sometimes feelings of
loss and pressure as graduation nears. Our society puts a lot of pressure on students and suggests
that college is “The Best 4 Years of Your Life.” College and the transitions in and out can be a
struggle for many. Being patient with yourself, practicing good self-care, and seeking additional
support when necessary will go a long way toward reducing the stress of both transitions.
On the outside students may like to look like they don’t care but from my experience, a lack of
purpose manifests in many other ways. What do you want your life to look like when you are done
with college.
Whether concerned about a tough class, missing a younger sibling, or trying to figure out their
next steps after graduation, myriad causes can trigger stress in college students. While they may
have experienced stress during earlier years, college stress can be particularly difficult as students
are frequently trying to balance many different and new responsibilities and experiences, leaving
them feeling stretched thin and moving in an unknown territory. One of the best things students
can do is learn how to identify what is causing their stress and develop health ways of dealing with
or alleviating pressure points. Most college freshman have been anticipating being on their own
for what feels like years: finally achieving independence, setting their own rules, and not having a
curfew may seem like the ultimate accomplishment while still in high school. Once reaching
college and letting the excitement wear off, many students can experience high levels of
homesickness. Being away from families for extended amounts of time can bring up many feelings
of sadness, while continually sharing space with a new roommate who doesn’t understand a
student’s need for space or privacy can quickly elevate levels of anxiety.
Concerns about academic performance are one of the most common trigger points of stress for
college students. Whether stemming from parental pressures, scholarship requirements,
postgraduate demands, or personal expectations, concerns over maintaining a certain grade level
or doing well on a test plague countless students. Some students also experience huge amounts of
anxiety over taking a test; though they may have studied for hours on end and know the material
forwards and backwards, actually sitting down to answer questions about their knowledge can be
a massive source of fear.
The exponentially rising cost of college is a topic frequently in the headlines. Crippling amounts
of debt can leave even the most industrious and motivated student feeling hopeless and anxious
about their finances. Even during college, many students are anxious about the debt they are
racking up on everyday costs such as schoolbooks, meal plans, and general living expenses. Some
students may try to work either on-campus or nearby while also enrolled full-time to offset some
of the costs. While this plan works for some students, particularly those in their later years who
have learned to manage other forms of stress, trying to do it all frequently leads to burnout and
even more anxiety.
As graduation looms, many students in their final year of undergraduate studies can feel pressure
to figure out what they’re doing after completing their degree. Whether imposed by family, friends,
or one’s self, being faced with such a significant decision while also trying to do well in upper-
level classes and internships can frequently push students over the edge. Whether planning to move
directly into an entry-level role or undertake more education, the decision can feel paralyzing and
even irreversible in the moment. Speaking with peers who seem to have effortlessly figured it all
out already only adds to anxious feelings.
While some students are lucky enough to either not have a roommate or get on really well with
their assigned partner, most will encounter some level of conflict or need for compromise will
living together, especially in a dormitory-style room. Many freshman dorms will place two or three
students together in one open-floor plan room, with community bathrooms available on each floor.
With varied schedules, interests, friend groups, sleep patterns, and expectations of a roommate,
it’s more than likely that at some point during the year, tensions will rise.
As students enter college, a number of their relationships shift and take on new forms. With
parents, it can mean navigating the surrender of power and students subsequent ability to be
responsible. If parents are paying for college, talks about finances can be particularly stressful. In
romantic relationships, for students who came to college with preexisting partners, learning if they
want to do long-distance and how to accomplish that can be a major stress, as both are adjusting
to the pressures of different school environments. For the single student, they may often feel stress
to find a boyfriend or girlfriend as all of their friends are partnering together.
In 2010, a national survey of college students was conducted to gain insight into stress levels and
how those were affecting them both academically and personally. The results were both staggering
and grim: one in five participants had considered dropping out of school due to stress and at some
point had felt to stressed to study or spend time with friends. While in 1985, 64 percent of incoming
freshman considered their emotional health to be above average, today that number has dropped
to 52 percent. College students are feeling pressure to succeed on all fronts like never before, and
it’s taking a toll on their overall health.
Stress affecting the body can take on many forms and quickly accelerate into a serious problem.
Some of the most physical symptoms of stress include skin issues such as eczema or psoriasis;
heart conditions like hypertension or heart disease; body pains in the back or neck; stomach-related
pains such as ulcers, nausea, or digestion problems; sexual dysfunction and lack of sex drive; ulcers
or sore gums in the mouth; and sleep issues like insomnia, foggy brain or headaches.
Emotional stress can sometimes wreak the most havoc on students, as they feel helpless to control
their feelings and things begin to spiral. Emotional stress can manifest itself as anxiety, depression,
suicidal thoughts, weight gain, substance abuse, sadness, palpitations, headaches, and
gastrointestinal problems.
Students experiencing stress through cognitive functions may have trouble focusing or
remembering things; feel irritable, frustrated, or restless; be easily confused; have an internal
dialogue of negative reinforcement about themselves; lose their sense of humor; have trouble
sleeping or waking; never have enough energy; or experience lots of mood swings.
While behavioral signs tend to be more unique to the person, some of the most common symptoms
include being absent or withdrawn; showing up late to class or meetings; being exhausted; eating
unhealthily; engaging in risky behavior; being excessive or showing signs of addiction; getting
into accidents; or contemplating suicide.

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