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to bypass the damage rather than dissolve it.

HCl stone acidizing, proper placement of the acid over

is typically used for carbonate acidizing. In case of the whole interval is necessary for successful treat-
incompatibility with the formation or the completion ment and usually requires employing placement
(i.e., risk of corrosion), other formulations are used, techniques. Foam diversion and self-diverting acid
such as emulsions or organic acids. Suspending are two methods that are increasingly used, with
agents or solvents can also be used if required by good results.
the type of damage.
The high reactivity of acid with limestones and
high-temperature dolomites results in the creation of Acknowledgments
wormholes, which considerably increase the apparent
permeability around the wellbore. When wormholes Some of the material in this chapter was previously
extend beyond the damaged zone or connect with authored by G. Daccord and published in the second
natural fissures in the formation, a negative skin edition of this volume. The authors also thank G.
effect is obtained. Daccord, C. Fredd, R. Marcinew, A. Saxon and R.
An engineering approach should be adopted to Thomas for reviewing this chapter.
design effective carbonate treatments. As in sand-

Reservoir Stimulation 17-15

Sandstone Acidizing

Harry O. McLeod, Conoco, USA

William David Norman, Schlumberger Dowell

18-1. Introduction species (e.g., scales such as calcium carbonates as

well as some clay species such as zeolites, illites,
Sandstone matrix acidizing is distinguished from car- kaolinites and smectites).
bonate acidizing in that it involves the dissolution of Various well operations can result in formation dam-
damage that is blocking or bridging the pore throats age (see Chapter 14). For example, drilling mud and
in the formation matrix, thus ideally recovering the completion fluid usually penetrate sandstone forma-
original reservoir permeability. Carbonate acidizing tions. This invasion of filtrate can introduce an entirely
dissolves the formation minerals around the damage, different chemical environment, which the acid treat-
creating new permeability. The mineral acids required ment must address. Additional formation damage may
to dissolve the damage are usually highly reactive occur during perforating, gravel packing, and normal
with the numerous formation minerals. The resulting production or injection operations. Acid dissolves a
chemical complexes can become insoluble in the variety of damaging materials along with most forma-
environment created and can precipitate, yielding tion minerals. An understanding of the chemistry is
gelatinous or solid particles. Because the formation basic to the selection of the acid type and concentration.
and the damage can have complicated crystalline This chapter includes the reaction chemistry of the
structures that can yield a variety of reaction prod- primary solvent used in sandstone acidizing, hydro-
ucts, sandstone acidizing success requires a signifi- fluoric acid (HF). Acid systems that contain mixtures
cantly better understanding of chemistry than does of hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acid (HCl) are com-
carbonate acidizing. As discussed in Chapter 13, monly called mud acids because they were first used
75% of well-engineered sandstone acid treatments to remove mud damage.
should be successful, resulting in significant produc-
tion enhancement.
The descriptor “sandstone” is derived from the 18-2. Treating fluids
geologic classification of rocks with a high quartz sil-
ica content. Besides the obvious quartz component, 18-2.1. Hydrochloric acid chemistry
they contain other minerals such as aluminosilicates,
metallic oxides, sulfates, chlorides, carbonates and HCl reactions are discussed in Chapter 17, and details
noncrystalline (amorphous) siliceous material. The of the reaction and by-products are omitted in this
minerals deposited in the original sediment are called chapter except for how they relate to sandstone min-
detrital species. Most have a high degree of associ- erals. The compatibility of the HF blends used in this
ated water. As fluids are produced through the matrix process is twofold; these mixtures must meet both
of the rock, the drag forces can move some of these compatibility standards for the formation mineralogy
minerals, clogging the pore throats. and dissolution of the damage mineralogy. HF mix-
Connate water in a sandstone contains many of the tures are preceded by HCl to avoid precipitation of
dissolved native mineral species. This is due to equi- the slightly soluble and insoluble reaction products
librium and partial pressures of gaseous solvents of HF with certain chemical species. The chemistry
(such as carbon dioxide [CO2]) and the presence of of HCl with carbonate minerals is discussed in a pre-
other ionic species. As fluids are produced, the asso- vious chapter, so the focus here is on the chemistry
ciated pressure drop can disturb this equilibrium and of the HF systems. Although the chemistry of the
the normal ionic content of the formation brines, reaction of HCl with carbonate or calcite is simple,
resulting in precipitation and possible pore-throat the chemistry of the reaction of HF and siliceous
restriction. This type of diagenesis yields authigenic minerals is complex.

Reservoir Stimulation 18-1

Some complex reactions that occur with certain with zeolites is to recognize the presence of these
siliceous minerals have only recently been included minerals before a treatment is performed. The use of
in the reactions reported in mineralogy breakdowns. an organic acid as one of two preflush stages and fol-
These reactions involve HCl and the mineral family lowing the preflushes with a low-concentration HF
known as zeolites. Zeolite minerals are crystalline, but mixture that conforms with the remaining minerals
hydrated with active, porous channels in the crystalline in the formation has proved to be highly effective in
lattice. Zeolites are known in other industries as “mol- restoring permeability and removing damage. All flu-
ecular sieves” because their porosity allows the chem- ids that are injected should have an organic acid
ical extraction and filtering of selective materials. included to maintain a low-pH environment. Some
Zeolite minerals occur in nature as a by-product of operators have found the use of an all-organic-acid
volcanic activity and precipitate from water that is system followed by an organic acid–HF formulation
rich in silica. It is theorized that as zeolites are to be effective in high-temperature environments.
exposed to progressively higher pressures and temper-
atures they metamorphose from extremely loose,
hydrated crystalline structures to more dense and 18-2.2.Chemistry of hydrofluoric
compact structures. The results of this process have acid systems
different mineral names. The hierarchy of their struc- HF is the only common, inexpensive mineral acid
ture and crystalline nature is provided in Table 18-1. able to dissolve siliceous minerals. For any acid sys-
Because these minerals are precipitates, they are tem to be capable of damage removal, it should con-
always authigenic and located in pore spaces. tain HF in some form. The most common formulation
Zeolite minerals are sensitive to HCl and strong is simply ammonium bifluoride dissolved in HCl;
mineral acids. Several core studies have shown that another is by diluting concentrated HCl-HF formula-
the use of HCl alone causes significant damage, tions. The HCl:HF ratio is varied to accommodate the
whereas weak organic acid reduces the damage. The solubility of the dissolved mineral species present in
problem is that the weak organic acid does not neces- the formation. This can be augmented by both pre-
sarily remove the damaging mineralogy to restore per- flush and overflush acid formulations. Several poten-
meability. The solution to the problems associated tial precipitates can be addressed simply by the use
of appropriate HCl:HF ratios in the formulations.
Table 18-1. The zeolite family. Numerous mineral species react with HF, and they
all generate aluminum silica fluoride complexes
Mineral Description
(Table 18-2).
Stilbite Hydrous calcium aluminum silicate
Dissolves in contact with HCl; no gelatin formed • Reactions of hydrofluoric acid with formation
Occurs in shallow environments and may occur minerals
inside tubulars in silica-rich connate water
formations with high pressure drops
Details of HF reactions with formation minerals
have, for more than 60 years, been known and stud-
Heulandite Hydrous calcium/sodium/potassium aluminum ied. As early as 1965, it was quantified that 1000 gal
Dissolves in contact with HCl; no gelatin formed
of 2% HF can dissolve as much as 350 lbm of clay
Occurs in shallow environments (Smith et al., 1965).
An HCl preflush is always injected in sandstones
Chabazite Hydrous calcium/sodium/potassium aluminum
prior to the HF. This is done to avoid the possible
Dissolves in contact with HCl; no gelatin formed precipitation of insoluble or slightly soluble reaction
Occurs in medium-depth environments products. Typically, the insoluble species are calcium
fluoride (CaF2), which forms on reaction of HF with
Natrolite Hydrous sodium/potassium aluminum silicate
calcium carbonate (CaCO3), or sodium or potassium
Dissolves in contact with HCl; gelatin formed
hexafluosilicates (M2SiF6, where M = Na or K),
Occurs in deeper environments
which result from the reaction of cations in forma-
Analcime Hydrous sodium aluminum silicate tion brines with solubilized species. The dissolution
Dissolves in contact with HCl; gelatin formed of calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate by
Occurs in deeper environments
reaction with HCl is discussed in detail in Chapter 17.

18-2 Sandstone Acidizing

Table 18-2. Chemical composition of typical sandstone minerals.

Classification Mineral Chemical Composition

Quartz SiO2

Feldspar Microcline KAlSi3O8

Orthoclase KAlSi3O8
Albite NaAlSi3O8
Plagioclase (Na,Ca)Al(Si,Al)Si2O8

Mica Biotite K(Mg,Fe2+)3(Al,Fe3+)Si3O10(OH)2

Muscovite KAl2(AlSi3)O10(OH)2
Chlorite (Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+)AlSi3O10(OH)8

Clay Kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4

Illite (H3,O,K)y (Al4 ⋅ Fe4 ⋅ Mg4 ⋅ Mg6)(Si8 – y ⋅ Aly )O20(OH)4
Smectite (Ca0.5Na)0.7(Al,Mg,Fe)4(Si,Al)8O20(OH)4 ⋅ nH2O
Chlorite (Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+)AlSi3O10(OH)8

Carbonate Calcite CaCO3

Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
Ankerite Ca(Fe,Mg,Mn)(CO3)2
Siderite FeCO3

Sulfate Gypsum CaSO4 ⋅ 2H2O

Anhydrite CaSO4
Chloride Halite NaCl
Metallic oxide Iron oxides FeO, Fe2O3, Fe3O4

• Stoichiometric equations The intermediate silicon complex, SiF 5–, which is

Reactions of mud acid with the aluminosilicate not stable in aqueous solution, is not considered. The
components of sandstones are those of HF; how- first step of silica dissolution consists of the chemi-
ever, HF is a weak acid and, because of the equili- sorption of the fluoride anion at the silica surface
brated reaction, is only slightly dissociated when (Iler, 1979). Kline and Fogler (1981b), on the con-
mixed with HCl: trary, showed that it is the molecular HF rather than
HF + H2O H3O+ + F– the fluoride anion that adsorbs (see Section 18-4).
Gaseous silicon tetrafluoride usually remains dis-
Ka = 10–3.2 at 75°F [25°C] solved in the liquid phase at bottomhole pressure, as
where Ka is the acid equilibrium constant. CO2 does in the case of carbonate acidization, so the
HF can also combine and form complexes, but equilibrium is shifted toward the formation of silicon
this reaction must be taken into account (Fogler et hexafluoride anions and the remaining SiF4 does not
al., 1976) only when the HF concentration is suffi- represent more than 1% of the total dissolved silicon
ciently high (less than 10M) to allow numerous (Labrid, 1971).
collisions to occur between the fluoride species. Silicon hexafluoride anions can be hydrolyzed fur-
This occurs only in the case of ultra mud acid ther into monosilicic acid with the evolution of heat:
(25% HCl–20% HF) formulations: SiF62– + 8H2O Si(OH)4 + 4H3O+ + 6F –
HF + F – HF2– K = 1.2 × 10–27 at 75°F
K = 3.86 at 75°F When the silicon concentration increases in the
The reaction of HF with quartz grains (pure sil- aqueous phase, part of the hexafluorosilicate anions
ica) is expressed in the following two equilibria: are also transformed into the acidic form of fluosili-
SiO2 + 4HF SiF4 + 2H2O cic acid according to the reaction
SiF4 + 2F –
SiF62– SiF62– + 2H3O+ H2SiF6 + 2H2O
K = 6.7 × 10 at 75°F

Reservoir Stimulation 18-3

This transformation is usually limited, because – Kaolinite clay
fluosilicic acid is a strong acid. Aluminosilicate Al4Si4O10(OH)8 + 4(n + m) HF
minerals generally have complex chemical compo- + (28 – 4(n + m))H3O+
sitions, such as those listed in Table 18-2. Their
4AlFn(3 – n )+ + 4SiFm(4 – m )– + (46 – 4(n + m))H2O
overall dissolution reactions thus involve many
simple equilibria. – Sodic or potassic feldspar
The disintegration of aluminosilicate minerals by MAlSi3O8 + (n + 3m)HF + (16 – n – 3m)H3O+
HF can be considered stoichiometric as a first step; M+ + AlFn(3 – n )+ + 3SiFm(4 – m )–
i.e., the Al:Si ratio is the same in the solution as in + (24 – n – 3m)H2O
the mineral. Silicon is solubilized by the same pro- where 0 ≤ n < 6 and m = 4 or 6.
cess mentioned for quartz, whereas aluminum is
involved in several fluorinated complexes:
AlFn(3 – n )+ AlFn(4 – n )+ + F– 18-3. Solubility of by-products
where 0 ≤ n ≤ 6.
When minerals are dissolved by HF, numerous by-
The prominent form of aluminum complexed
products can form. Some potential precipitates are
varies as a function of the free fluoride ion concen-
listed in Table 18-3. In many cases, the increase in the
tration: the average ratio of fluorine to aluminum
liquid-phase pH value resulting from acid mixture
decreases as the dissolution reaction progresses
spending constitutes the driving force for precipitate
(fewer fluoride anions are available), as shown
formation; therefore, precipitation can be predicted
in Fig. 18-1 (Labrid, 1971).
from consideration of the sole liquid phase. The extent
of precipitation should always be limited. If this is not
AIF5 possible, the potential precipitation zone that would
cause a decrease in permeability should be diluted and
AIF concentration (%)

100 AIF3
AIF displaced from the wellbore (Walsh et al., 1982).
Should precipitation occur, most of the calcium and
50 sodium complexes that precipitate in the field can be
redissolved by using boric acid. This is not true, how-
ever, for potassium and some of the magnesium com-
plexes. The very low solubility of potassium complexes
10–4 10–3 10–2 has been shown both in the laboratory and in the field.
Fluoride ion concentration (g ion ⁄ L) Colloidal silica precipitation cannot be avoided, as
it results partly from the greater affinity of fluorine for
Figure 18-1. Domains of existence of aluminum-fluorine
complexes (Labrid, 1971).
Table 18-3. Solubility in water at room temperature
of HF reaction by-products.
The dissolution reaction of all aluminosilicate
Secondary Product Solubility (g/100 cm3)
minerals in sandstones follows the previous equa-
tions for the basic lattice atoms (Si, Al) concerned. Orthosilicic acid (H4SiO4) 0.015

Other metallic ions, such as Na, K, Mg, Ca and Fe, Calcium fluoride (CaF2) 0.0016
which are in the minerals constituting the rock as Sodium fluosilicate (Na2SiF6) 0.65
substitution cations in the lattice or as exchangeable Sodium fluoaluminate (Na3AlF6) Slightly soluble
(adsorbed) cations, come into solution as free ions Potassium fluosilicate (K2SiF6) 0.12
during the reaction. In the case of iron, fluorinated
Ammonium fluosilicate ((NH4)2SiF6) 18.6
complexes (FeFz(3 – z )+, where 1 < z < 3) also are
Calcium fluosilicate (CaSiF6) Slightly soluble
formed through reactions similar to those for alu-
minum. Thus, different global reactions can be Aluminum fluoride (AlF3) 0.559
written as a function of the considered mineral: Aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) Insoluble
Ferrous sulfide (FeS) 0.00062

18-4 Sandstone Acidizing

aluminum than for silicon. This process accelerates 18-3.2. Alkali fluosilicates and
the hydrolysis of SiF6 because the released F– anions fluoaluminates
are further involved in aluminum complexes and more
monosilicic acid (Si(OH)4) is generated. Certain The aluminum or silicon fluorine complexes can react
authors (Labrid, 1971; Shaughnessy and Kunze, 1981; with alkali ions released in the solution from highly
Walsh et al., 1982) have emphasized the highly dam- substituted clays or alkali feldspars as soon as their
aging potential of the precipitation of colloidal silica concentration becomes sufficiently high to form insol-
in a porous medium; however, this damaging action uble alkali fluosilicates and, probably, fluoaluminates:
has never been demonstrated clearly and satisfactorily. 2Na+ + SiF62– Na2SiF6 Ks = 4.2 × 10–5
On the contrary, other authors (Crowe, 1986)
2K+ + SiF62– K2SiF6 Ks = 2 × 10–8
showed that such “precipitation” is actually the result
of a topochemical reaction (exchange of fluoride from 3Na+ + AlF3 + 3F– Na3AlF6 Ks = 8.7 × 10–18
the hexafluorosilicate anion occurs with aluminum on
2K+ + AlF4– + F– K2AlF5 Ks = 7.8 × 10–10
the surface of the silt and clay), and it does not induce
damage. where Ks is the solubility constant.
Precipitation begins earlier in the dissolution process Alkali fluosilicate precipitation is favored by a high
at higher temperatures (within 10 min at 200°F [95°C]) level of HF. Fluosilicate precipitates, which form from
because of the increased thermal agitation. It also the attack of mud acid on alkali feldspars or clays, are
occurs more quickly in montmorillonite-type clays than well crystallized and very damaging (Bertaux, 1989).
in kaolinite clays because of the different initial Al:Si These damaging precipitates also form when the vol-
ratios in these minerals (molar ratio of 1 for kaolinite ume of preflush is insufficient and HF contacts forma-
and less than 0.5, depending on the substitution extent, tion brine containing alkali ions.
for montmorillonite). Finally, aluminum can be totally
removed from clays, with a correlated silica deposition
at the surface (topochemical reaction). 18-3.3. Aluminum fluoride and hydroxide
Aluminum fluoride (AlF3) or aluminum hydroxide
(Al(OH)3) in the gibbsite form can precipitate upon
18-3.1. Calcium fluoride spending of the acid. The precipitation of AlF3 can be
Some carbonates may remain after preflushing, either reduced by maintaining a high proportion of HCl to
because of the initial amount of carbonate cementing HF (Walsh et al., 1982). These precipitates form
material in the sandstone or as a result of the carbon- according to the reactions
ates’ initial protective siliceous coating. Also, slightly Al3+ + 3F– AlF3
soluble, fine crystalline CaF2 readily forms when cal-
cite contacts HF. This can lead to substantial damage: Al3+ + 3OH– Al(OH)3 Ks = 10–32.5
CaCO3 + 2HF CaF2 + H2O + CO2
Where this precipitate has formed but has not com- 18-3.4. Ferric complexes
pletely blocked the porosity of the formation, it may
partially redissolve when HF is near complete spend- This mechanism of forming iron fluorine complexes
ing toward the end of the job. At this time, the con- applies only to relatively clean sandstones. In the pres-
centration of fluoride anions in solution is so low that ence of clays, the dissolved aluminum ions have a
aluminum is hardly complexed and appears mainly as greater affinity for fluorine than iron does. Therefore,
free Al3+ ions (Labrid, 1971). These aluminum ions the iron fluorine complexes do not form and iron
are then able to extract fluorine from the CaF2 precipi- hydroxide still precipitates at pH levels greater than 2.2.
tates, as they did for silicofluorides, and partly redis- The nature of the precipitate (crystalline or amor-
solve the CaF2 according to the reaction phous) varies as a function of the anions present
(Smith et al., 1969). Ferric hydroxide can be strongly
3CaF2 + 2Al3+ 3Ca2+ + 2AlF2+ bound to the quartz surface by electrostatic interac-
This reaction may be followed by subsequent equilibria tions because its point of isoelectric charge is above
between the different aluminum and fluorine complexes. a pH value of 7. In the presence of excess calcite, the

Reservoir Stimulation 18-5

dissolved CO2 can also lead to the precipitation of In the case of a feldspar with the overall formula
insoluble ferric carbonates (siderite or ankerite). Na 0.72K 0.08Ca 0.2Al 1.2Si 2.8O8, the following
Chapter 15 provides additional information about iron expression has been determined (at 75°F under
control and solutions for problems. 275-kPa pressure) as the reaction rate (Fogler et
al., 1976):

18-4. Kinetics: factors affecting ( )

rfeldspar = 1.3 × 10 −9 1 + 0.4[H + ] [HF ] (18-2)

reaction rates in mol feldspar/cm2/s.

An elemental mechanism proposed to explain the
This section summarizes qualitatively the results
previous variation involves the adsorption of protons
described in detail in Chapter 16. Because theoretical
on the surface that weakens the siloxane bondings,
aspects are covered in Chapter 16, only the practical
which is followed by the reaction of HF molecules
implications are discussed here.
that creates unstable silicon-fluorine bonds at the sur-
Kinetically controlled reactions (surface reaction limit-
face, according to the scheme
ed) are effective during the acidization process of sand-
stones, and factors affecting reaction rates are discussed H
to complete previous thermodynamic considerations. 
–X–O–Si– +H+ → –X–O…Si+– + HF →
–X + FSi– + H2O
18-4.1. Hydrofluoric acid concentration
where X = Al or Si.
Dissolution reaction rates are proportional to the HF This is the acid (proton) catalysis mechanism pro-
concentration (Fogler et al., 1976; Kline and Fogler, posed by Kline (1980) for feldspar.
1981b) for most sandstone minerals, except smectite. The dissolution reaction is a first-order reaction
This explains why formations with low competence with respect to the HF concentration for most alumi-
(i.e., weak cementation, potentially mobile fine parti- nosilicate minerals. Nevertheless, dissolution kinetics
cles) should be treated with a reduced-strength mud is better represented by a Langmuir-Hinshelwood–
acid (1.5% HF) to avoid crumbling, especially at bot- type law in the case of sodium montmorillonite (Kline
tomhole temperatures greater than 200°F. Fluoboric and Fogler, 1981):
acid performs similarly because of the low concentra-
tion of HF present at any time. KK ads [HF ]
R= , (18-3)
1 + K ads [HF ]

18-4.2. Hydrochloric acid concentration where Kads is the equilibrium constant of the exother-
mic adsorption of HF molecules at surface-reactive
Dissolution reaction rates generally increase in a more sites. This adsorption constant is independent of the
acidic medium because the leaching of constitutive total acidity, whereas K increases with proton concen-
surface cations involves their replacement by protons, tration (acid catalysis). Kads is especially high for a
but the dependence on HCl concentration is not mineral with a high cation exchange capacity (CEC),
straightforward (Gdanski and Peavy, 1986). The prin- such as sodium montmorillonite. For most other clay
cipal role of HCl is to prevent secondary precipitation minerals, the value of this adsorption constant is
by maintaining a low pH value. The other main effect small. Therefore, when 1 >> Kads[HF] the expression
of HCl is to catalyze the attack of sandstone minerals can be simplified to the experimentally determined
by HF. The mechanism and degree of catalysis depend first-order kinetics law. An elemental mechanism dif-
on the type of mineral, as shown in the following. ferent from that mentioned for feldspars can be pro-
For example, the reaction rate measured at 95°F posed to explain the kinetics and to take into account
[35°C] for pure quartz has the following expression solely the HF adsorption:
(Fogler et al., 1976):

( )
rquartz = 9.2 × 10 −9 1 + 0.8[H + ] [HF ] (18-1)

in mol quartz/cm2/s.

18-6 Sandstone Acidizing

F of each mineral to the total accessible surface area is
 considered, great discrepancies between the reaction
HO OH HO H OH HO OH rates of pure phases can be predicted and observed
       (Table 18-4).
–X–O–X– +HF –X–O–X– –X –F + HO–X–
Table 18-4. Relative surface areas
where X = Al or Si. of sandstone minerals.

Mineral Surface Area

18-4.3. Temperature Quartz <0.1 cm2/g
The dissolution of minerals is a thermally activated phe- Feldspar Few m2/g
nomenon; thus, the rates increase greatly as a function of Kaolinite 15–30 m2/g
temperature (approximately multiplied by 2 for quartz Illite 113 m2/g
for a 25°C increment), and the penetration depths of live
Smectite 82 m2/g
acid diminish accordingly. In the case of quartz, the acti-
vation energy is about 5.2 kcal/mol, and in the case of
the previous feldspar, it is about 8 kcal/mol (Fogler et Clays react much faster than feldspars, which react
al., 1976). much faster than quartz, especially in the presence of high
Figure 18-2 shows the variation of the reaction rate proton (H+) concentrations. Thus, most of the quartz
of mud acid with vitreous silica (more reactive than matrix (about 95%) can be considered inert with respect
quartz) as a function of both HF concentration and to the dissolution reaction, and the mineralogical nature
temperature (Smith and Hendrickson, 1965). Alumi- of the accessible rock components determines the overall
num and iron solubilities also increase slightly with reaction rate. This situation also emphasizes the necessity
a rise in temperature. of HCl preflushes and excess HCl in the HCl-HF mixture.
Calcite reacts at the highest rate of all the minerals that
7 can be present in a sandstone, leading to HF microchan-
neling, but the mechanism of attack is not comparable
Reaction rate (lbm ⁄ ft2/s × 10–6)

because protons coming from either HCl or HF can pro-

5 17 voke the dissolution.
4 15
3 18-4.5. Pressure
2 An increase in pressure speeds up the overall dissolution
Reaction time, 60 min reaction slightly, because dissolved silicon tetrafluoride
can be transformed partially into an acidic species
0 (H2SiF6) and can quickly initiate further reactions. For
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
quartz, a 24% rise in the reaction rate was noticed
HF (%)
between the two extreme conditions (Smith et al., 1965).
Figure 18-2. Reaction rate of HCl-HF on silicate glass In a radial injection situation, the mineral pore-
(Smith and Hendrickson, 1965). space texture that determines flow partition around the
wellbore (most live acid flows through the large
pores) is also a relevant parameter; clay clasts can
be bypassed by the acid flow (Williams, 1975).
18-4.4. Mineralogical composition and
accessible surface area
18-5. Hydrofluoric acid reaction
The relatively high total specific surface area of sand-
stone rocks is the primary parameter determining mud modeling
acid spending because of the heterogeneous nature of The parameters that affect the reaction rate of HF on
the dissolution reaction. However, if the contribution sandstone minerals are incorporated in a model that

Reservoir Stimulation 18-7

predicts the evolution of formation parameters when the volume of clays (or fast-reacting dissolvable mate-
acid is injected. rial) and of the acid concentration.
In terms of surface reaction rates, sandstones are The acid concentration (or spending) front can be
typically considered a two-component system: modeled similarly. The thickness of the front depends
on the Damköhler number Da, which is a function of
• slow-reacting pseudocomponent, forming the crys-
the reaction rate and the acid velocity. These simula-
talline quartz fraction
tions show why HF does not penetrate deeply into the
• fast-reacting pseudocomponent, comprising all reservoir before spending unless unrealistically large
other species (e.g., clays, feldspars and poorly volumes are used. (These large volumes would almost
crystallized silica). dissolve everything around the wellbore and thus
For both pseudocomponents, the overall kinetics, leave the reacted formation totally unconsolidated.)
which includes the diffusion of HF-reactant species to
the surface, surface reactions and the diffusion of react-
ed products back to the bulk solution, is governed by 18-6. Other acidizing formulations
the surface reactions because they are the slowest step.
Problems related to the use of mud acid to remove
Therefore, matrix acidizing of sandstones with HF is
damage in sandstone formations include the following:
called surface reaction limited.
This is the major difference from the matrix acidiz- • Rapid spending provides only a short penetration,
ing of limestone, where the process is diffusion con- especially at high temperatures (maximum depth
trolled. In sandstones, the increase in permeability about 12 in.).
results from damage removal and is correlated with • Fines, composed of either mostly quartz or mostly
a small increase in rock porosity. Quartz reacts very clay minerals, can be generated during the acid
slowly with HF; reactions with most aluminosilicates reaction and can migrate with the fluid flow. The
provoke a rapid spending of the acid. A pseudo- destabilization of fines can lead to a quick produc-
stationary state reflects the much faster variation in tion decline after treatment. Gravel-packed gas
species concentration (chemical modifications) than wells can exhibit a 50% productivity reduction.
the one within the rock porosity (resulting in physical • The high dissolving power of mud acid destroys
modification). The HF progresses and homogeneously rock integrity at the formation face.
dissolves every pore and never forms conductive
channels or wormholes. The flow is stable, and sharp New sandstone acidizing systems are designed to
fronts are formed in response to the dissolution of dif- alleviate these shortcomings.
ferent mineral species as acid injection progresses
radially (McCune et al., 1975).
Several authors have tried to model this process. 18-6.1. Fluoboric acid
Taha et al. (1986) used the reaction model developed Fluoboric acid is recommended by Thomas and
by Fogler and various coworkers (see particularly Crowe (1981) as an alternative to mud acids. It does
Hekim et al., 1982). Such a simplified, two-pseudo- not contain large amounts of HF at any given time
component model and macroscopic description can be and thus has a lower reactivity. However, it generates
used because Fogler et al. (1976) showed that the order more HF, as HF is consumed, by its own hydrolysis.
of reaction of HF with each pseudocomponent is equal Therefore, its total dissolving power is comparable to
to unity relative to the concentrations of HF and of the a 2% mud acid solution. Fluoboric acid solutions are
pseudocomponent. The flow is considered stable. used as a preflush before treating formations sensitive
In this model the mineral dissolution fronts can be to mud acid; this avoids fines destabilization and sub-
computed and the concentration of remaining clays sequent pore clogging. They are also used as a sole
(or fast-reacting materials) can be calculated. Then, treatment to remove damage in a sandstone matrix
the permeability increase can be estimated from the with carbonate cement or in fissures that contain many
change in porosity (or amount of material dissolved). clay particles. Another use is as an overflush after a
The velocity of the mineral dissolution front depends mud acid treatment that has removed near-wellbore
on the acid capacity number Ac, which is a function of damage (up to 0.5 ft) to allow easier penetration of the

18-8 Sandstone Acidizing

fluoboric acid solution (a few feet). Fluoboric acid is the following text, BF3OH– hydrolysis is neglected at
recommended when the sandstone contains potassic the usual acid concentrations.
minerals to avoid damaging precipitates and in the The hydrolysis reaction kinetics of fluoborate ions
case of fines migration owing to its fines stabilization is affected by
• concentration of the fluoborate ions
In the field, fluoboric acid is easily prepared by
mixing boric acid (H3BO3), ammonium bifluoride • medium acidity, which has a catalyzing effect (reac-
(NH4F ⋅ HF) and HCl. Ammonium bifluoride, an tion is proportional to the proton concentration)
acidic salt of HF, reacts first with HCl to generate HF: • temperature, through the usual activation energy
NH4F ⋅ HF + HCl → 2HF + NH4Cl
Thus, the reaction rate, assuming the reverse reac-
Tetrafluoboric acid is formed as a reaction product
tion is negligible, can be expressed after Kunze and
of boric acid with HF, according to
Shaughnessy (1983) as
H3BO3 + 3HF → HBF3OH + 2H2O (quick reaction)
d[BF4 − ]
HBF3OH + HF HBF4 + H2O (slow reaction) r= = K[H 3O + ][BF4 − ] , (18-4)
Hydroxyfluoboric acid (HBF3OH) probably does not where
exist in aqueous solutions unless it is in equilibrium
K = 1.44 × 1017 exp −
with fluoboric acid (Wamser, 1948). The preceding 26,183 
slow reaction is of an order equal to unity with respect  1.987T 
to both HF and HBF3OH. For this reaction, equilibrium
is attained at room temperature after nearly 40 min for in (mol/L)–1min–1 and T is the temperature in kelvin.
a resulting lM HBF4 solution. Because the equilibrium Thus, the reaction rate is increased 300-fold when the
constant at 75°F is K = 2.3 × 10–3 (Wamser, 1948), mixture is heated from 75° to 150°F [25° to 65°C] and
about 6% (molar) HBF4 is converted into HBF3OH at is increased 12,000-fold when heated from 75° to 220°F
equilibrium for a lM HBF4 solution. These equilibrium [105°C]. Because the hydrolysis reaction kinetics is
considerations mean that at any given time and place not affected by clays, fluoboric acid can be considered
there is only between 0.1% and 0.2% (weight) of free a retarded acid in normal use (i.e., less than 200°F). In
HF at ambient temperature and 212°F [100°C], respec- the presence of excess bentonite, pure 0.1M fluoboric
tively. acid is spent within 30 min at 150°F (Kunze and
Fluoboric acid is a strong acid with strength compa- Shaughnessy, 1983). In a slurry test, which has an infi-
rable to that of HCl (Maya, 1977); thus, the following nite surface area (1 L of acid with 20 g of bentonite or
reaction occurs in solution: 1600 m2 of surface area, which is equivalent to several
football fields of exposed area), the reaction rate is a
HBF4 + H2O → H3O+ + BF4– function of the rate of hydrolysis. However, in the
In the following text, reactions are written using BF4– matrix, where there is a finite amount of clay surface,
instead of HBF4. Acid strength diminishes in the fol- the reaction rate is a function of the amount of HF pres-
lowing order: fluoboric, hydroxyfluoboric (the strength ent, which in the case of fluoboric acid is low.
of which can be compared to that of trichloroacetic The reaction of fluoboric acid in sandstones
acid; Maya, 1977) and boric acid (K H3BO 3 = 9.2 at involves at the same time the hydrolysis reaction of
75°F). fluoboric acid, standard reactions of the generated HF
The dissolving power of fluoboric acid results from with minerals and additional slow reactions related to
the generation of HF through its hydrolysis: the fluoborate ions in the liquid phase. As expected,
the dissolution reaction of clays with fluoboric acid
BF4– + H2O BF3OH– + HF is a first-order reaction with respect to the fluoborate
The BF3OH anions can be further hydrolyzed suc- concentration, similar to the relation of the reaction
cessively into BF2(OH)2–, BF(OH)3– and H3BO3 with of mud acid to the HF concentration.
correlated HF formation, but these reactions must be The spending rate of fluoboric acid on glass slides
taken into account only when the BF3OH– concentra- at 150°F is one-tenth that of a mud acid with the same
tion is lower than 3 × 10–3 at 75°F (Wamser, 1948). In total HF content (Thomas and Crowe, 1981). Amor-

Reservoir Stimulation 18-9

phous silica reacts faster than quartz, which limits the forms after treatment with mud acid. This shows that
destruction of cores near the injection face during flow nondamaging by-products are formed by fluoboric acid,
tests with fluoboric acid. Significantly less destruction whereas formation plugging by alkali fluosilicates can
is noted than during mud acid flow testing. The occur with mud acid. This is another advantage of using
reduced destruction with fluoboric acid results in 30% fluoboric acid in some “acid-sensitive” formations.
to 50% higher compressive strengths than observed During the injection period, fluoboric acid behaves
for mud acid. like a weak HF solution, but one in which the HF is
The unique advantage of fluoboric acid is that it pro- constantly replenished. The small amount of fluoride
vides efficient stabilization of clays and fines through ions available at any time limits the danger of precipi-
reactions related to borate and fluoborate ions. Swelling tating aluminum species. Only the first acidity is used
clays are desensitized by fluoboric acid, and there is a during this step. Hydroxytrifluoboric acid (HBF3OH)
large decrease in the CEC (e.g., a 93% decrease after buffers the solution and prevents other undesirable
18 hr in fluoboric acid at 150°F for a Wyoming ben- precipitations.
tonite was observed by Thomas and Crowe). During shut-in, HBF4 and HBF3OH continue to
After a fluoboric acid treatment, migrating clays react, but at a slow pace because the hydrolysis is
and other fines stabilize as a result of the rock’s expo- minimal. The liberated HF reacts further with mineral
sure to acid. This is why a long shut-in time is recom- species. It also reacts by topochemical reactions, in
mended in fluoboric acid treatments. During injection, which the aluminum from the undissolved clay struc-
while the acid spends normally, cores treated only ture is put into solution by forming one of the fluoalu-
with fluoboric acid exhibit a normal increase in per- minate complex ions (depending on F–), and the
meability. However, no long-term stabilization occurs surface of the mineral is therefore enriched in silicon
after treatment because only a portion of the clay was and boron. An amorphous coating of silica and boro-
dissolved; the remainder did not have time to stabi- silicate glass is then formed over the remaining silicate
lize. Additional shut-in time allows this stabilization. and fine silica grains, welding them to the framework
When treated by fluoboric acid, montmorillonite pro- and thus preventing their migration.
gressively decreases in aluminum content and then pro- This effect is clearly seen in Figs. 18-3 and 18-4,
gressively incorporates boron atoms; silicon precipitates where the same pore, containing two different clays
from the solution. Cores originally containing 30% sili- (kaolinite and illite), is shown before and after reac-
coaluminates at 150°F attain maximum static solubili- tion with a fluoboric acid solution. The quartz is
ties after only 24 hr in the presence of lM HBF4 (4 hr barely etched, whereas the high-surface-area, fast-
for mud acid), whereas the maximum increase in per- reacting illite is completely dissolved. The kaolinite
meability is obtained after only 4 hr under dynamic platelets are about half-dissolved, and an amorphous
conditions (Thomas and Crowe, 1981). These results material is coating the undissolved kaolinite, welding
prove the dissociated effects of mineral dissolution by them together and to the underlying quartz grain.
the generated HF (essentially kinetically controlled) and
of particle stabilization resulting from the slow complex
dissolution/reprecipitation mechanisms (toward thermo- 18-6.2. Sequential mud acid
dynamic equilibrium) during the shut-in period. The sequential mud acid system involves the in-situ
Examination under a scanning electron microscope generation of HF, occurring from the alternate injec-
(SEM) shows that the original kaolinite clay platelets— tion of HF and ammonium fluoride (Hall et al., 1981).
pure aluminosilicates—that are not dissolved by fluo- The reactions of HF are thought by some to take place
boric acid appear welded together and to the quartz at the rock surface by adsorption followed by ion
grains. A type of chemical fusion of any fines seems to exchange, but the yield of this heterogeneous process
take place slowly onto the silica surface. The formation seems highly doubtful for several reasons:
of borosilicate “glass” has been assumed to account for
this reaction. • If HF were generated through such a process, it
Bertaux (1989) observed that in silicoaluminates con- would be a small quantity, hardly enough to etch
taining potassium, such as illite, potassium fluoborate the surface of the clay material.
forms after treatment with fluoboric acid as a nondam- • Because this process is based on the CEC of the
aging coating on the clay; potassium hexafluosilicate clays, migrating kaolinite would hardly be touched.

18-10 Sandstone Acidizing

Figure 18-4. SEM photograph of the same pore after an 8%
Figure 18-3. SEM photograph of kaolinite (K) and illite (I) HBF4 treatment.
clays in a pore (Q = quartz), before attack.

• This process supposes the initial adsorption of the This procedure is tantamount to adding dissolution
hydronium (H3O+) ions on the clay surface, fol- reaction products to the mixture before the reactions
lowed by their exchange with NH4+, to generate HF occur (i.e., the injection of spent acid). In theory this
in situ. Exchange and replacement of H3O+ by NH4+ should slow the rates. However, the retardation of clay
depends on many parameters and cannot be ascer- dissolution has not been proved experimentally because
tained. Therefore, even the generation of HF is of the prime importance of the high surface area on
dubious. clay reactivity, which is much more important than a
slight depletion of acid at high temperatures. The risk
of early precipitation of damaging products, such as
18-6.3. Alcoholic mud acid AlF3 or fluoaluminates, is probably increased by the use
of an acid that already contains aluminum ions before
Alcoholic mud acid formulations are a mixture of reaction. Flow tests have shown a smaller effective live
mud acid and isopropanol or methanol (up to 50%). acid penetration than in the case of mud acid. In addi-
The main application is in low-permeability dry gas tion, field experience has shown that the addition of
zones. Dilution with alcohol lowers the acid-mineral aluminum to the system increases the precipitation of
reaction rate and provides a retarding effect. amorphous aluminosilicate scale. This white material
Cleanup is facilitated; acid surface tension is plugs near-wellbore perforations and gravel packs.
decreased by the alcohols while the vapor pressure
of the mixture is increased, which improves gas perme-
ability by reducing water saturation. 18-6.5. Organic mud acid
Because total acidity speeds mineral dissolution with
18-6.4. Mud acid plus aluminum chloride mud acid, organic mud acid involves replacement of
for retardation the 12% HCl component with organic acids (9%
formic acid, a weak acid that only partially dissoci-
An acidizing system to retard HF-mineral reactions has ates), mixed with 3% HF, to retard HF spending. This
been proposed in which aluminum chloride (AlCl3) is system is particularly suited for high-temperature
added to mud acid formulations to complex some of wells (200° to 300°F [90° to 150°C]), for which pipe
the fluoride ions in the injected mixture, according to corrosion rates are diminished accordingly. This sys-
the reactions (Gdanski, 1985) tem also reduces the tendency to form sludge.
AlCl3 + 4HF + H2O AlF4– + 3HCl + H3O+
AlF4– + 3H3O+ AlF2+ + 3HF + 3H2O

Reservoir Stimulation 18-11

18-6.6. Self-generating mud acid systems depth of damage. The true degree of retardation depends
on the temperature and pumping time. These esters are
Self-generating acidizing systems were originally more expensive and more dangerous to handle because
developed by Templeton et al. (1975), and their appli- of their flammability than HCl or inorganic salts. More
cation was widened by Abrams et al. (1983). They precipitates are formed as a result of the poor solubility
involve the hydrolysis of organic esters into the corre- of the organic by-products. The only advantage over
sponding carboxylic acids, followed by the reaction of reduced-strength HF is lower corrosion rates.
these acids with ammonium fluoride to yield HF.
Because the hydrolysis reaction is activated by tem-
perature and the acidity obtained is not as strong as 18-6.7. Buffer-regulated hydrofluoric
with mud acid, a low corrosion rate of tubular goods acid systems
and delayed reaction of the progressively generated
HF are expected. The latter would allow deep penetra- Other high-pH acidizing systems proposed for use
tion of live HF. up to 360°F [180°C] involve the buffering effect of
Depending on the bottomhole temperature, different an organic acid and its ammonium salt, mixed with
organic esters are used: ammonium fluoride, as an HF precursor (Abrams et
al., 1983). To minimize corrosion, the use of the same
• methyl formate between 130° and 180°F [55° and uninhibited buffer without ammonium fluoride as a
80°C] with the reactions preflush has been recommended up to 350°F [175°C].
HCOOCH3 + H2O HCOOH + CH3OH The ammonium salt of the organic acid is generated
from the partial neutralization of the acid with ammo-
HCOOH + NH4F NH4+ + HCOO– + HF nium hydroxide. The proposed buffered systems are
(the latter is the slow, rate-controlling reaction). • formic acid/ammonium formate with pH = 3.5 to 4
• ammonium salt of monochloroacetic acid between • acetic acid/ammonium acetate and citric acid/
180°F and 215°F [102°C]: ammonium citrate with pH = 4.5 to 5.
NH4+ + ClCH2COO– + H2O To extend the application to higher temperatures
HOCH2COOH + NH4+ + Cl– (up to 550°F [290°C]), an excess of ammonium salt
• methyl acetate between 190° and 280°F [90° and is formed by using a higher ratio of ammonium
140°C]. hydroxide to organic acid. Because the kinetics of clay
dissolution increases with the fluoride ion concentra-
The reagent choice is intended to limit at 30% tion, more ammonium fluoride is added to compensate
(maximum) the generation of HF during pumping of for the pH increase (Scheuerman, 1988). Successful in-
the mixture in the tubing; thus, a minimum of 40 min depth stimulation has been observed with this system
of spending time seems necessary. However, field only for bottomhole temperatures lower than 129°F
tests of these systems have not been conclusive. Many [54°C]. In most cases using this system, many damag-
precipitates form in these low acidic systems, such as ing precipitates are noticed (e.g., fluosilicates, fluoalu-
ralstonite (NH4MgAlF6) and other fluoaluminates minate usually involving ammonium), the formation
(silicates) upon spending of these mixtures on clays; of which is related to the weak acidity in the near-
thus, the use of complexing agents or acids, such as wellbore area. These systems suffer from the same
citric acid, is suggested. Furthermore, formation sensi- drawbacks as the self-generated mud acid system.
tivity after treatment has not been tested, and handling
problems arise from the high flammability of methyl
Overall, these systems have many drawbacks. Based
18-7. Damage removal mechanisms
on the hydrolysis of various organic esters, they are Selection of a chemical as a treatment fluid for any
temperature activated. Unlike fluoboric acid, which application depends on the contaminants plugging the
generates new HF only upon spending, no equilibrium formation. HCl does not dissolve pipe dope, paraffin
is reached. This means that more HF is generated as the or asphaltenes. These solids or plugging agents are
temperature increases, and the ester can eventually be organic in nature, and their treatment requires an
completely hydrolyzed long before reaching the final effective organic solvent (usually an aromatic solvent

18-12 Sandstone Acidizing

such as toluene, xylene or orthonitrotoluene). Because ing fluids to predict how the spent acid will react as it
different plugging solids require a variety of solvents penetrates the formation. Potential incompatibilities can
for their removal, there is no universal solvent for be prevented by proper log and core evaluation. Because
wellbore damage. The proper evaluation of damage the secondary reactions can be just as damaging, defining
and treatment design are illustrated by Clementz et al. the potential problems generated by long-term exposure
(1982) for the successful removal of bacterial damage should also be evaluated.
in water injection wells. Solvent or acid should never Two key formation characteristics for fluid selection
be pumped into a well until the probable causes of are mineralogy and permeability. Defining formation
damage and the best chemical to remove the damage mineralogy helps to confirm the types of acid systems
have been defined. and acid concentrations to use. Defining formation
Compatibility with formation fluids and mineralogy permeability provides the information required to esti-
is extremely important in sandstone acidizing. Thus, mate the matrix injection rate and the maximum
determination of the precipitation potential of mud bottomhole pressure allowed before hydraulically
acid mixtures requires close scrutiny of the mineral- fracturing the formation.
ogy and connate water present. Acid reaction products Pore pressure, temperature and the mechanical condi-
are not necessarily soluble in the spent solution or in tion of the formation are influential in the design. High-
certain ionic environments. pore-pressure formations fracture at much lower pressure
Formation damage is fully discussed in Chapter 14. differentials than depleted formations. Depleted forma-
tions have a lower fracture pressure than that originally
observed. Temperature significantly affects the selected
18-7.1. Formation response to acid fluid’s reaction rate with different mineral types. Acid
Incompatibilities may occur even if the damage is concentrations are usually lower for higher temperatures.
identified, an appropriate removal fluid system is The mechanical integrity of the formation biases the fluid
available and the probable response of the formation selection in that the acid concentrations are usually
fluids and minerals to the acid and spent acid solution reduced in less consolidated formations.
has been determined. These incompatibilities can
result in solid or gelatinous precipitates, which can
plug pores and offset the improvement the acid was
18-7.3. Formation brine compatibility
intended to create. Results can range from no harmful Compatibility with formation brines must be considered
effects and complete cleanup of the damage to less when treating with mud acid. Mud acid mixtures can
than optimum improvement or plugging of the forma- form CaF2 (a solid) when excess Ca2+ ions are present.
tion with acid-generated precipitates. Similar solid materials are also created with K+ and Na+
When detailed petrographic core analyses are avail- ions. The use of clear brines as completion and work-
able, geochemical simulators can be used to estimate over fluids has increased the necessity of checking the
potential problems. This type of simulation requires formation waters for compatibility. This brine usage has
detailed definition of the chemistry of the treating also increased the necessity of ensuring that sufficient
fluid, formation damage and matrix mineralogy. The compatible preflush is used to dilute and remove these
release of fines and undefined spent-acid precipitates ionic species prior to injection of the mud acid system.
still have the potential to damage the formation and Several available methods have been tested. The salinity
are not identified by core testing. of the connate brine is in equilibrium with the native
minerals and their CEC. When possible, the salinity of
the preflush and overflush fluids should closely approx-
18-7.2. Formation properties imate that of the connate brine. Historically, the use of
Damage prevention and dealing with formation response low-salinity brines has rarely presented catastrophic
before acidizing are the goals of proper design. Although problems when used in conjunction with acid treatments.
it may be easy to dissolve formation damage, success is Several additives have been demonstrated to posi-
dependent on dissolving this material without damaging tively affect the formation’s sensitivity to changes in
the formation. This is possible, yet it is paramount to salinity. Other species in connate water have equal,
define the chemistry of the formation minerals and treat- if not more, influence on the success of the treatments.

Reservoir Stimulation 18-13

Each of these species has specialty chemical additives completed with oil-base muds, presoaks with an aro-
that address them individually. While there is documen- matic solvent and producing back before acidizing are
tation on the benefits of certain types of additives helpful. Solvent formulations and surfactant solutions
(Gidley, 1971; Hall, 1975), other authors have reported are available as a pretreatment to clean up oil-base
damage caused by a similar system in multiphase-flow mud filtrates and restore the formation to a water-wet
environments (Muecke, 1979; Davies et al., 1988). condition.
Shaughnessy and Kline (1983) showed the difficulties Gidley (1985) reported that the use of CO2 as a pre-
with high bicarbonate ion content in formation waters. flush to acid treatments has many benefits, including
The use of HCl was not sufficient to keep the well from reducing the volumes of acid required to generate suc-
redamaging itself quickly. They used an ingenious cessful production increases. This type of preflush has
treatment with a form of ethylenediamenetetraacetic worked well in core studies to enhance crude oil dis-
acid (EDTA) to both remove the calcium carbonate placement and improve mobility.
scale that had damaged productivity and prevent recur-
rence of the scale for long periods of time.
High sulfate ion contents (>1000 ppm) exist in some 18-7.5. Formation mineral compatibility
formation waters. Spending HCl on calcium carbonates with fluid systems
generates a high concentration of calcium ions that will An analysis of the formation minerals is important for
precipitate calcium sulfate when the spent acid mixes designing the HCl preflush, mud acid treatment and
with formation water. This can be prevented by pre- overflush in sandstone formations. Basic questions
flushing the formation water away from the wellbore. that must be answered are listed here.
In sandstone formations, water containing ammonium
chloride (NH4Cl) should be used as a preflush fluid. 1. How much of the formation will dissolve in HCl?
Where a high HCl solubility exists (20% or more),
mud acid should not be used. This statement is based
18-7.4. Crude oil compatibility on the assumption that HCl-soluble compounds are
Another serious problem with formation fluids is the carbonate-base minerals. These minerals are the
reaction of crude oil with acid. Removal of the residual common cementing material of sandstone forma-
hydrocarbon phase improves the effectiveness of aque- tions. Dissolution of this cementing material releases
ous acid systems. Some oils, particularly black heavy particles that can decrease the permeability. In addi-
oils (less than 30°API gravity), react with acid to form tion, precipitants exist as small discrete particles that
either damaging sludge (precipitated asphaltenes) or a cannot be produced back through the perforations
stable emulsion. Moore et al. (1965) reported this prob- and out of the well. The use of mud acid in sand-
lem and gave the treatment to prevent it. Sometimes stones with a high carbonate content produces
sludge preventers and emulsion breakers cannot prevent numerous precipitates.
the formation of stable emulsions. Houchin and Hudson Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate and
(1986) discussed similar problems with organic deposits. iron compounds are soluble in HCl. Even feldspars
Recent work shows how dissolved iron creates more and chlorite clay are slightly soluble (Gdanski and
stable sludges and emulsions with these crude oils. Some Peavy, 1986). Recent investigations of HCl involve-
“difficult” crude oils require a hydrocarbon solvent buffer ment in the HF reaction with clays show that the
between the crude oil and the acid that is mutually com- HCl is consumed on the clay surfaces, and this
patible with both the crude oil and the acid. The buffer should also be accounted for in the preflush volumes
reduces contact between the acid and the problem oil and in the HCl:HF ratio of the main fluid stage
and prevents or reduces the problems with sludge and (Gdanski and Peavy, 1986). Zeolite minerals can
emulsion. Using this technique in one Wyoming oil produce gelatinous precipitates when exposed to
field increased the success rate from 25% to 75%. HCl. This can be avoided by the use of organic acid
Asphaltene particles can precipitate during produc- mixtures, as discussed later in this chapter. Sufficient
tion as a result of a pressure drop. Solvents can be volumes of HCl must be injected ahead of the mud
used to loosen and partially or completely disperse acid to dissolve enough of the HCl-soluble materials
them. This action helps the acid do a better job of before the mud acid or spent mud acid reaches them.
dissolving acid-soluble solids. When a well has been

18-14 Sandstone Acidizing

2. How much of the formation will dissolve in mud acid stage is in the near-wellbore area. If the pre-
acid? Will acid reaction by-products precipitate? cipitates are diluted and flushed, the likelihood of
The volume of mud acid used depends on the con- permanent damage is reduced. The by-products can
centration of the acid and the amount of damage. be flushed away and sometimes even stabilize for-
Optimizing this volume can be done only by detail- mation fines in the process. If the well is then
ing the damage in a valid numerical simulator returned to flow quickly, some of the precipitate
(Perthuis et al., 1989). The HCl:HF ratio and con- may be produced back. “Quickly” refers to non-
centration are selected to prevent or reduce the for- producing time, not the rate at which flowback is
mation of damaging precipitates (Table 18-5). accomplished. The quick return of fluids can help
Some minerals automatically precipitate fluoride improve cleanup of the formation after acid treat-
compounds when high concentrations of HF are ment, regardless of the flow rate. If an inadequate
used, particularly 6% HF. Even 3% HF will precip- amount of HCl preflush is used in formations with
itate potassium fluosilicate when mud acid reacts 5% to 15% carbonate, residual carbonate near the
with potassium feldspar. HF-dissolved sodium wellbore reacts with spent HF (fluosilicic acid or
feldspars do not usually precipitate sodium silicate AlF3), and voluminous precipitates form. The
with 3% or less HF. hydrated precipitates occupy a much larger volume
When HF is used in a formation containing clay, than that of the original clays and carbonate dis-
feldspar and micas, hydrous silica always precipi- solved.
tates. Hydrated silica has been reported in a sticky, 3. Will iron be a problem?
gelatinous form that if left stagnant can attach to Where a lot of iron-rich minerals are in the formation,
the mineral surfaces. However, Crowe’s (1986) dissolved iron can precipitate in the formation. It is
work on sandstone cores demonstrates that hydrated well known that ferric iron precipitates as acid spends
silica does not precipitate as a sticky, gelatinous to a pH of 2 to 4. The precipitation of iron hydroxide,
mass. The reaction between the spent mud acid and where concentrations as high as 10,000-ppm iron are
formation fines is a topochemical reaction, with present in solution, can be prevented by adequate
hydrated silica deposited on the surface of the fines. treatment with a sequestering agent such as nitrilotri-
It is important to design the overflush to dilute acetic acid (NTA), EDTA, citric acid or combinations
and displace the hydrous silica at least 3 to 5 ft of acetic and citric acid (Shaughnessy and Kunze,
away from the wellbore to reduce the effect of the 1981; McLeod et al., 1983; Paccaloni, 1979a, 1979b)
damage. To avoid silica-creating damage, it is (see Chapter 15). Crude oil with a high asphaltene
important to limit any static time while the mud content should be tested for sensitivity to different iron
concentrations. Sludge and ridged-film emulsions are
Table 18-5. Acid use guidelines for sandstone common problems for these crude oils.
acidizing (McLeod, 1984). Damage with iron hydroxides can be compounded
by the high iron concentration that comes off the sur-
Condition or Mineralogy Acid Strength (blend)
face of the tubing during acid injection (De Ghetto,
HCl solubility > 20% HCl only 1982). Injecting acid through new tubing can be
High permeability (>50 md) highly damaging in this respect (Fogler and Crain,
1980; Lybarger and Gates, 1978a, 1978b). Newly
High quartz (>80%), low clay (<5%) 12% HCl–3% HF†
manufactured tubing has a crust of mill scale, or
High feldspar (>20%) 13.5% HCl–1.5% HF†
magnetite, which is a form of ferric and/or ferrous
High clay (>10%) 10% HCl–1% HF‡ oxide. The mill scale is dissolved and loosened by
High iron/chlorite clay (>15%) 10% acetic acid–1% HF§ the acidic fluid, and in the early stages, partially
Low permeability (≤10 md) spent, iron-rich weak acid is injected. Particles of
Clay (<10%) 6% HCl–1% HF
mill scale can then be injected into the perforations
and trapped there. Injected acid will continue to dis-
Clay (>10%) 6% HCl–0.5% HF
solve the mill scale, creating ferric chloride that

Preflush with 15% HCl enters the formation. If the ferric chloride combines
Preflush with 10% HCl
Preflush with 10% acetic acid with iron leached out of iron-rich chlorite clay or

Reservoir Stimulation 18-15

other iron compounds, a large amount of iron 18-7.6. Acid type and concentration
hydroxide precipitates is possible, which can severely
damage the formation. This aggravated iron damage Permeability and mineralogy determine the compati-
can be prevented by pickling (cleaning) new tubing ble concentration of HCl or acetic acid in the preflush
to remove mill scale and then circulating the pick- stage and HF and HCl in the mud acid stage. Con-
ling acid back out of the well, as discussed later. centration recommendations are provided in Table
18-6 for preflush fluids and Table 18-7 for mud acid
4. Do the sidewall core samples contain drilling mud- fluids. The previously presented acid use guidelines in
cake? Table 18-5 were published in 1984 (McLeod, 1984).
Testing results from samples of sidewall cores with Lower mud acid concentrations were first recom-
excessive mudcake should be reviewed closely and mended in 1970 by Farley et al. (1970) to prevent
compared to the log response and other data unconsolidation in California sandstones. U.S. West
sources such as a produced water sample analysis. Coast sandstones are generally rich in potassium feld-
High concentrations of drilling mud solids (e.g., spars. Holcomb (1975) published work on the first
barite, smectite, mica, bentonite or illite minerals) successful acid stimulation of the Morrow formation
should not be present in clean, high-porosity sand- in West Texas–New Mexico with weak acid (6% HCl–
stone formations. The solubility of the samples in 1.0% HF and 3% HCl–0.5% HF). Lybarger and Gates
mud acid mixtures may be exaggerated. (1978b) subsequently developed the slow-rate, low-

Table 18-6. Fluid selection guidelines for preflush fluids.

Mineralogy Permeability
>100 md 20 to 100 md <20 md

<10% silt and <10% clay 15% HCl 10% HCl 7.5% HCl
>10% silt and >10% clay 10% HCl 7.5% HCl 5% HCl
>10% silt and <10% clay 10% HCl 7.5% HCl 5% HCl
<10% silt and >10% clay 10% HCl 7.5% HCl 5% HCl

Note: Selection guidelines for all temperatures

For 4% to 6% chlorite/glauconite, use <20-md guidelines with 5% acetic acid.
For >6% to 8% chlorite/glauconite, do not use HCl; use 10% acetic acid preflush to mud acid plus 5% acetic acid.
For >8% chlorite/glauconite, do not use HCl; use 10% acetic acid and organic mud acid.
For <2% zeolite, use 5% acetic acid in all fluids containing HCl and preflush with 10% acetic acid.
For >2% to 5% zeolite, do not use HCl preflush; use 10% acetic acid preflush and overflush to mud acid containing 10% acetic acid.
For >5% zeolite, do not use HCl in any system; use 10% acetic acid preflush and overflush to organic acid prepared from 10% citric acid/HF.

Table 18-7. Fluid selection guidelines for mud acid fluids.

Mineralogy Permeability
>100 md 20 to 100 md <20 md

<10% silt and <10% clay 12% HCl–3% HF 8% HCl–2% HF 6% HCl–1.5% HF

>10% silt and >10% clay 13.5% HCl–1.5% HF 9% HCl–1% HF 4.5% HCl–0.5% HF
>10% silt and <10% clay 12% HCl–2% HF 9% HCl–1.5% HF 6% HCl–1% HF
<10% silt and >10% clay 12% HCl–2% HF 9% HCl–1.5% HF 6% HCl–1% HF

Notes: Selection guidelines for all temperatures

For 4% to 6% chlorite/glauconite, use <20-md guidelines with 5% acetic acid.
For >6% to 8% chlorite/glauconite, use 10% acetic acid preflush to mud acid plus 5% acetic acid.
For >8% chlorite/glauconite, use 10% acetic acid and organic mud acid.
For <2% zeolite, use 5% acetic acid in all fluids containing HCl.
For >2% to 5% zeolite, use 10% acetic acid preflush and overflush to mud acid containing 10% acetic acid.
For >5% zeolite, use 10% acetic acid preflush and overflush to 10% citric acid/HF.

18-16 Sandstone Acidizing

pressure injection technique, in which they used 7.5% HCl– The early work of Smith et al. (1965) in acidizing
1.5% HF for Gulf Coast sandstones. various cores with different permeabilities shows differ-
The guidelines are based on industry practices and ent responses to mud acid. C. F. Smith (pers. comm.,
the chemistry of sandstone acidizing from limited 1979) found it more difficult to stimulate wells produc-
research studies; however, many case histories have ing from sandstones with permeabilities of 10 to 60 md,
corroborated them with high levels of success. which are much lower than the usual Berea sandstone
From 1975 through 1980, poor success in acidizing permeability (100 to 300 md) in mud acid experiments.
several formations such as the Frio and Wilcox in Smith attributed much of the difficulty to the release of
Texas led to the concern that spent acid generated fines by the acid.
damaging precipitates. Quick, qualitative laboratory Long-core tests performed by R. D. Gdanski (pers.
bench tests confirmed that precipitates occur depend- comm., 1985) in low-permeability sandstone at high
ing on the solubility of the acid reaction products. temperatures demonstrate increased permeability with
These same observations were first pointed out by mud acid in the first two 4-in. cores in series and
Smith and Hendrickson (1965), in particular the prob- decreased permeability in the third 4-in. core in a total
lem with sodium fluosilicate. Labrid (1971) discussed core length of 16 in. Gdanski and Peavy (1986) also
the precipitation of hydrous silica, which caused some discussed the depletion of the preflush HCl in sand-
plugging in cores. This damage was later demonstrat- stone acidizing by ion exchange of H+ with K+ or Na+
ed by Shaughnessy and Kunze (1981) by leaving ions on the formation clay minerals. This gives new
spent acid in the core for several hours, a condition insights into potential problems with sandstones rich
that occurs in an actual acid job. This allows the slow in clay minerals with high CECs (smectite and illite).
reaction rate between the spent mud acid and the clay Simon et al. (1979) showed that HCl attacks chlo-
minerals and feldspars (aluminosilicates) to produce rite clay, extracting the iron and magnesium and leav-
hydrous silica that decreases the permeability. ing an amorphous aluminosilicate residue. J. M.
Crowe (1986) showed that there was little or no Kullman (pers. comm., 1988) observed plugging
plugging during the injection of spent acid (fluosilicic problems with these residues as well as with rim coat-
acid) in a Berea core. This reassuring result matches ings of chlorite liberated by HCl in core flow tests.
the behavior seen during acid injection; however, Chlorite is prevalent in the Morrow formation in the
plugging conditions are worse during the static condi- same areas where Holcomb (1975) worked and could
tions of shut-in examined by Shaughnessy and Kunze be the reason why weaker acids worked better in that
(1981). Crowe’s work does not address shut-in condi- environment (i.e., they were easier on the chlorite).
tions or conditions of inadequate preflush with HCl. Thus, weaker acids are recommended for use in sand-
Walsh et al. (1982) presented theoretical work on the stones with significant chlorite content and acetic acid
equilibrium of spent acid and showed that plugging is recommended to dissolve the carbonate and not
precipitates are possible with various acid concentra- attack chlorite ahead of the mud acid.
tions and mineral compositions in sandstones. A common misunderstanding about the recom-
Research by Bertaux (1986) addresses reprecipitation mended acid concentrations is that they are not
and plugging problems in acidizing sandstones contain- absolute. The guidelines are a conservative approach
ing potassium feldspars. The solubility of potassium to avoid problems with spent acid precipitates when
fluosilicate is less than one-half of the solubility of sodi- no previous experience exists in acidizing a particular
um fluosilicate, which is why lower mud acid concen- formation. Significant deviation from these guidelines
trations are recommended in the presence of potassic should not be necessary. Unless evaluated experience
feldspars such as orthoclase or microcline (KAlSi3O8). exists, the guidelines are the most reliable source of
The amount of potassium in the mineral orthoclase information. Also, acid flow tests with cores are reli-
(potassium feldspar) is enough that the solubility of able if long cores are used and if the spent acid is left
potassium fluosilicate is exceeded at normal reservoir in a portion of the unacidized core for the same period
temperatures (less than 200°F) by dissolving pure of time and at the same temperature that will occur in
orthoclase in regular mud acid (12% HCl–3% HF). the downhole treatment. These tests are expensive and
Bryant and Buller (1990) observed the generation of therefore seldom performed.
fines by the reaction of HCl with feldspars.

Reservoir Stimulation 18-17

18-8. Methods of controlling • Concentration
precipitates Regular mud acid (12% HCl–3% HF) is the normal
concentration to use to remove damage in clean
The methods used to control the precipitates caused quartzose sands. Field experience has shown that
by acidizing are proper acid staging, lower acid con- weaker concentrations (0.5% to 1.5% HF) can be
centrations, correct usage of preflushes and sufficient effective for other sands. Mineral composition from
overflushing, as illustrated in the following guidelines. a laboratory analysis can also dictate when less
than 3% HF should be used. If the combined per-
centage of clay and feldspar is more than 30%,
18-8.1. Preflush 1.5% HF or less should be used. Field experience
Preflush with with some tight sandstones has shown that concen-
trations as low as 0.6% HF may be used (e.g., the
1. 5% to 15% HCl Morrow formation in Texas and New Mexico;
2. acetic acid (see Section 18-3). Holcomb, 1975). If the appropriate concentration
The preflush displaces formation brine away from is in doubt, an acid response test on a typical core
the wellbore to prevent it from mixing with reacted should be performed if a core sample is available.
mud acid and causing a damaging precipitate. If the
formation contains more than 1% to 2% carbonate,
an HCl preflush is necessary to dissolve the carbonate,
18-8.3. Postflush or overflush
prevent the waste of mud acid and prevent formation The overflush is an important part of a successful sand-
of the insoluble precipitate CaF2. stone acidizing treatment. An overflush has several
If completion brines such as seawater, potassium purposes:
chloride (KCl), calcium chloride (CaCl2) or calcium
• to displace nonreacted mud acid into the formation
bromide (CaBr) have been used in the well prior to
acidizing, the brines will mix with the mud acid in the • to displace mud acid reaction products away from
formation. Preflushing the mud acid with HCl or brine the wellbore
containing ammonium chloride to dilute the brines • to remove oil-wet relative permeability problems
and remove them away from the wellbore helps avoid caused by some corrosion inhibitors.
this problem. When overflushing the acid treatment, it is impor-
Preflushes can also be used to displace and isolate tant to remember that miscible fluids are required to
incompatible formation fluids (either brine or crude perform these listed functions. Aqueous-base liquids
oil), as previously discussed. should therefore be considered as the first displacing
and flushing fluid. Another fluid system can then be
used for addressing the other concerns as the condi-
18-8.2. Mud acid volume and concentration
tions dictate. This suggests that multiple fluid types
• Volume should be used as overflush stages for a given set of
Gidley (1985) reported that for the most successful circumstances.
mud acid treatment, more than 125 gal/ft of mud acid Typical overflushes for mud acid treatments are
is required. Less may be used where only shallow • water containing 3% to 8% ammonium chloride
damage exists around new perforations (e.g., 25 to
• weak acid (3% to 10% HCl)
75 gal/ft is used to remove mud damage or in a spear-
head treatment as an aid to perforation breakdown • diesel oil (oil wells only and only following a water
prior to hydraulic fracturing). or weak acid overflush)
When the damage is quantified, a simulator can • nitrogen (gas wells only and only following a water
be used to optimize the volumes of mud acid mix- or weak acid overflush).
tures to be used. Simulators can be used to aid the
Studies of displacement fronts indicate that the
modification of volumes if several job stages are
reactivity and fluid character of the overflush have a
used (see Chapter 14).
major influence on the volume required to displace the

18-18 Sandstone Acidizing

spent mud acid. For most overflush fluids (weak HCl estimation and calculation of critical parameters is
and water containing ammonium chloride), volumes required. Pressures, rates and volumes must conform
less than twice the mud acid stage should be consid- to the constraints of the mechanical conditions of the
ered inappropriate. The volume of overflush should well equipment and the available space for surface
never provide less than 3 ft of radial penetration. This and pumping equipment, along with logistical time
means that for most situations, the overflush should be constraints. The following discussion includes the dif-
at least 200 gal/ft of perforations to push all the spent ferent types of acid sequences, how and why attempts
acid past the critical flow radius of 3 to 5 ft. A large are made to retard the acid reaction rate, potential con-
overflush is necessary to prevent the near-wellbore tamination from various sources and the resultant
precipitation of amorphous silica, which occurs after damaging precipitation. The basic quality assurance
spent HF contacts the clay in the formation. At forma- and quality control (QA/QC) checks and the design
tion temperatures of 200°F or higher, amorphous sil- of treatments from both a formation compatibility and
ica precipitation occurs while the mud acid is being operational standpoint are included.
pumped into the formation. The precipitate is some- An acid design technique based on the work of
what mobile at first but may set up as a gel after flow Williams et al. (1979) for mud acid injection is in the
stops. If it is kept moving by overflushing with water SPE Monograph Acidizing Fundamentals. Although
containing ammonium chloride or weak acid, it is the technique is based on studies of one sandstone, it
diluted and dispersed far enough away from the well- does show the important effects of temperature and
bore to where it has a less harmful influence. injection rate on live mud acid penetration. Well illus-
Recent experience indicates the advantage of includ- trated is the small depth of invasion of mud acid in
ing HCl or acetic acid in the first part of the overflush sandstone, particularly when formation temperatures
to maintain a low-pH environment for the displaced are greater than 200°F. Live mud acid usually pene-
spent mud acid stage. This supports the original recom- trates only about 6 to 12 in. into the sandstone before
mendations of Smith and Hendrickson (1965). As the spending. This work was extended by Hill et al. (1977),
hydrogen ions adsorb on nonreacted clay deeper in the who incorporated the effect of specific mineralogy and
formation, the pH rises unless it is replaced by fresh added the reaction kinetics of HF to the slower but
acid in the first part of the overflush. Although the most finite quartz reaction rate. They also discussed the dif-
economic overflush of a mud acid treatment is water ferent reactivities of clay minerals and the importance
containing 3% to 8% ammonium chloride with 10% of their morphology in the pore network. McElhiney
ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGMBE) and a et al. (1979) also reviewed the progress in methods of
polyquarternary amine clay stabilizer, it does not predicting live mud acid penetration and permeability
address the pH problem without acetic acid addition. increases in sandstone. These are worthwhile develop-
Also, certain chemicals can be added to acids to pre- ments, but a simple guideline of wellbore contact time
vent or reduce the precipitation of some compounds offers a practical solution to determining acid volumes
(e.g., iron complexing agents, sulfate scale inhibitors to remove near-wellbore damage.
and antisludge agents).
An example of the role of reservoir mineralogy was
presented by Boyer and Wu (1983) in evaluating acid 18-9.1. Selection of fluid sequence stages
treatments in the Kuparuk River formation in Alaska. The damage type dictates the sequence of acid sys-
Their results indicate that fluoboric acid significantly tems used for each treatment. The preflushes, main
reduces the amount of hydrated silica formed in com- stage and overflush should be matched to the type of
parison with conventional HCl-HF systems. damage. Diversion should be matched to formation
characteristics and the type of treating fluid. Diversion
guidelines are provided in Chapter 19. Each type of
18-9. Acid treatment design diversion technique is addressed as it pertains to sand-
considerations stone treatments in this section. The sequence of fluids
that compose an acid treatment can be the key to mak-
Once a well is determined to be a candidate for a ing a treatment successful.
matrix acid treatment, the design should account for
many different issues. A systematic approach to the

Reservoir Stimulation 18-19

18-9.2. Typical sandstone acid job stages preparatory flush to help remove and dilute acid-incom-
patible species (e.g., potassium or calcium). An exam-
A preflush stage should be used ahead of the HCl ple of a preflush sequence is preceding the HCl portion
especially when high sulfate ion or high bicarbonate of the preflush with a large quantity of brine containing
ion concentrations exist in the formation connate ammonium chloride followed by a hydrocarbon-base
water or seawater or when CaCl2, KCl or CaBr com- surfactant mixture. The purpose of the brine preflush is
pletion fluids have been used and calcium carbonate to dilute the incompatible species to soluble levels. The
is a formation mineral. HCl dissolution of the calcite hydrocarbon mixture has the same purpose as men-
generates high calcium ion concentrations that mix tioned previously.
with the incompatible formation water and generate The next consideration for preflushes is compatibil-
scale (calcium sulfate or calcium carbonate). ity with formation fluids. Certain crude oils have a
high sensitivity to acidic mixtures. These situations
may require dilution with hydrocarbons or other iso-
18-9.3. Tubing pickle
lating or buffering fluid systems (e.g., foams). Further
One of the first items to be addressed when matrix compatibility consideration should be given to the
treatments are considered should always be a tubing iron content of the initial injection fluids that contact
pickle (cleaning). This one step can have a significant the crude or condensate, because even low iron con-
impact on the success of treatments. Tubulars, regard- centrations can cause sludge formation. Displacement
less of how new, have scale, rust and other debris that of the fluids away from the near-wellbore region
result from handling, installation and production and reduces the potential of problems that can reduce pro-
that can be loosened by the solvents and acid injected duction success and limit or halt the injection process.
into the well. The pickling process may be multiple HCl preflushes in sandstone acidizing are extremely
staged and may involve expensive solvent packages. important. Their function is to remove as much of the
Typically, a small treatment containing solvent and calcareous material as possible prior to injection of the
acid stages will greatly improve, if not completely mud acid. Strength and volume guidelines are based
eliminate, the problems associated with tubular debris. on the criteria set in work by Labrid (1971), Fogler et
The pickling process should be included in the proce- al. (1976), Kline (1980), Kline and Fogler (1981) and
dure and time allotted for job execution. The purpose Walsh et al. (1982). Their theoretical work was further
of the pickling process is to investigated and confirmed by field work by Gidley
• remove rust, iron oxides and scale (1985), McLeod (1984), Thomas and Crowe (1981)
and others. Table 18-6 provides selection guidelines
• dissolve oily films and pipe dope that could plug for the appropriate strength of the HCl preflush. The
the downhole equipment and perforations table is based on the solubility of the formation in HCl
• limit the amount of iron that gets into the formation and the requirement of minimizing the remaining car-
and contacts the crude oil. bonate or calcite prior to introducing the mud acid.
Figure 18-5 summarizes Walsh et al.’s (1982) work
on the selection of HCl-HF formulations based on the
18-9.4. Preflushes amount of calcite remaining after the preflush. The
The sequence of fluids in sandstone treatments is figure illustrates the importance of HCl preflushes.
dependent largely on the damage type or types. The use The HCl preflush step should never be neglected
of multiple-stage preflushes should functionally address when using mud acid mixtures. A few systems con-
the different types of damage and thereby prepare the taining HF can be injected without an HCl preflush,
surfaces for the main treatment fluids. Hydrocarbon sol- but these are systems with extremely low HF concen-
vents are used to remove oil films and paraffin deposits trations, such as fluoboric acid. These systems can be
so the aqueous acid systems can contact the mineral used without an HCl preflush because the HF concen-
surfaces. These types of preflushes affect treatment suc- tration in fluoboric acid is low enough not to present a
cess and should not be overlooked or demoted in precipitation potential.
importance. Acid-compatible brines (e.g., brine contain-
ing ammonium chloride) can be used as an excellent

18-20 Sandstone Acidizing



Maximum weight % of HF 12
in acid formulation Ideal case
3% calcite
0% calcite

6% calcite

0 10 20 30 40
Weight % of HCI in acid formulation

Figure 18-5. HCl-HF treatment fluid selection based on AlF3 or CaF2 precipitation (Walsh et al., 1982).

18-9.5. Main fluid stage lapse. Table 18-7 is derived from this guideline on the
basis of further laboratory testing and extensive field
The HCl-HF mixture used in each treatment should experience.
conform to the guidelines in Table 18-7. Work by
Walsh et al. (1982) demonstrates that low HF concen-
trations should be used to avoid the precipitation of 18-9.6. Overflush stage
AlF3 or CaF2 if the remaining calcite cannot be quanti-
fied. Their work also suggests that 12% HCl–3% HF The purpose of the overflush is twofold. First, it should
can be used even in low-calcite environments without displace the main fluid stage more than 3 to 4 ft away
a precipitation problem. Some significant problems from the wellbore, which is the critical matrix area for
that may occur in high-clay-content formations radial flow. Second, the portion of the main stage that
include compromised formation integrity and exces- is not displaced should be diluted. Both of these factors
sive fines generation. These conditions can be the help to eliminate damage in the near-wellbore area
result of too high HF concentrations. The volumes caused by the precipitation potential of the spent main
should be determined using a field-validated simulator fluid stage. Overflush fluids must be chosen carefully to
to sensitize the severity of the damage. Gidley (1985) avoid creating damage during the treatment flowback.
reported that the percentage of acidizing successes Overflush systems should meet the following crite-
increases as the volume of mud acid increases for gas ria. The portion of the overflush immediately follow-
wells, whereas a maximum of 100 to 125 gal/ft of per- ing the main fluid stage should be aqueous based,
forations is required to maximize success for oil wells. have a low pH value and have dilution potential for
This study did not take into account the preflush used the spent mud acid. Smith et al. (1965) recommended
or the quantity of overflush. If diversion is maximized an HCl overflush to maintain a low-pH environment
and the damage is known or perceived to be shallow, and match the fluid density of the previous stages. The
then smaller quantities per foot can be used. The acid remainder of the overflush should be miscible and
strength is important, because precipitation potential compatible with the previous stages. The total mini-
and formation matrix collapse are problems that can mum overflush volume must completely displace the
be irreversible. Table 18-5 provides the original guide- main fluid stage at least 4 ft away from the wellbore.
lines for HCl-HF mixtures to obtain the appropriate Any anisotropy of the formation permeability can
HCl:HF ratio to avoid precipitation and formation col- warrant doubling or tripling the overflush volume

Reservoir Stimulation 18-21

if the energy in the reservoir is sufficient to unload the Operational considerations should always be taken
injected fluid. Although not previously reported, one into account when designing diversion stage sequences.
of the authors of this chapter has achieved notable The use of oil-soluble resins (OSRs) dictates that the
improvement where larger overflushes were used. method should be slug application. The last stage of
This is especially true for wells where heavy bromide preflush can contain a solvent to help dissolve the OSR
brines are used during the completion phase. material, creating uniform injectivity of the last sequence
throughout the interval. A few exceptions apply to using
certain acid systems. For example, when using fluo-
18-9.7. Diversion techniques boric acid as the overflush to a mud acid treatment for
Common practice in sandstone acidizing is for the silt and clay control, the fluids should be staged as in
diverter stage to be applied as merely another stage. Table 18-8.
This is an excellent way to ensure that the main fluid Other sequences could include brine flushes sepa-
stages are properly isolated by the preflush and over- rating the hydrocarbon preflush from the HCl preflush
flush fluids. Some methods described in other chapters before the main fluid stage; brine or weaker acid
(e.g., ball sealers, rock salt) are not suitable for use in stages could be used to increase the volume of the
sandstone acidizing. The compatibility of the diverting overflush stage.
agent with the live and spent acid species requires
knowledge of the chemicals. Some forms of benzoic
acid solids should not be used because the sodium
18-9.8. Typical sandstone acid job stages
content in some environments causes precipitation. The key to successful staging is to address all damage
Rock salt should never, under any circumstances, be types present and maintain compatibility with forma-
used as a diverter with HF mixtures. Other materials tion fluids and formation mineralogy while minimizing
can be incompatible with the solvents and surfactants the quantities of fluids injected. Table 18-9 provides a
used in the acid systems. listing of typical stage sequences for a sandstone acidiz-
ing treatment.

Table 18-8. Acid treatment sequence and fluid options.

Stage Fluid System

1. Preflush Brine

2. Main fluid HCl-HF formulation

3. Overflush HCl or NH4Cl

4. Diverter Foam or slug OSR

5. Repeat stages 1–4 as necessary with 1–3 as the last fluid sequence

6. Fluoboric acid With diverter solvent for OSR or foam-weakening agent

(mutual solvent)

7. Fluoboric acid diverter Fluoboric acid–based fluid system, either foamed

or slug OSR

8. Fluoboric acid Fluid left at the perforations

18-22 Sandstone Acidizing

Table 18-9. Typical stage sequence for a sandstone acidizing treatment.

Stage Stage Reason for Stage Information Stage Stage Volume

Number Source Composition
1 Crude oil displacement To prevent oil sludge Acid–crude oil Aromatic solvent To achieve 3-ft radial
formation by the acid sludge test displacement

2 Formation water To prevent scale HCO3 and SO4 Ammonium chloride To achieve 3-ft radial
displacement deposition contents from (NH4Cl) at 3%–8% displacement
formation water depending on the
analysis salinity of the for-
mation water
3 Acetic acid Iron compounds in X-ray-diffraction 3%–10% acetic acid CaCO3 (%) Volume (gal/ft)
formation (pyrite, siderite, (XRD) analysis 0–5 25
hematite), chlorite, clay, 5–10 50
zeolites 10–15 75
15–20 100

4 Hydrochloric acid CaCO3 or other HCl- HCl solubility According to core Calculated on the basis of
soluble minerals test and/or XRD mineralogy: 3%–15% HCl solubility and porosity
analysis HCl (see Table 18-5) or this
HCl Solubility Stage
of HF (%) Volume
<5 50
5–10 100
10–20 200

5 Hydrofluoric acid To remove clay, other XRD analysis, According to formation 75–100 gal/ft
(not used for carbon- formation fines and SEM analysis, mineralogy:
ates and sandstones mud damage HCl:HF 3%–13.5% HCl
where HCl solubility solubilities with 0.5%–3% HF
> 20%)

6 Overflush To spend acid and flush Always used 3%–8% NH4Cl or One to two volumes of
spent acid away from 3%–5% HCl in all the HCl:HF volume or to
the near-wellbore area wells followed by achieve 5-ft radial
nitrogen (gas wells), displacement
kerosene (oil wells)
or 5% HCl (water
injection wells)

7 Diversion To improve injection Used as OSR for oil or low gas/

throughout the interval required for oil ratio wells, foam for
heterogeneous either oil or gas wells
formation and water-soluble resins
permeability for water injector wells

18-10. Matrix acidizing design 1. Estimate safe injection pressures:

guidelines a. determine present fracturing gradient
b. determine present bottomhole fracturing pressure
Matrix acidizing is the process of injecting acid into
the formation in radial flow below fracturing pressure c. determine allowable safe injection pressure at
to remove damage and restore the permeability to the both the wellbore and at the surface.
original reservoir permeability or higher. More 2. Estimate safe injection rate into the damage-free
detailed procedures are available from McLeod et formation.
al. (1983), who recommended the following steps for 3. Estimate safe injection rate into the damaged formation.
treatment design: 4. Select stages required for fluid compatibility.

Reservoir Stimulation 18-23

5. Calculate volume of each stage required: radius in ft, rw is the wellbore radius in ft, and s is
a. crude oil displacement the skin effect factor. B is the formation volume fac-
tor and has a value of 1 for noncompressible fluids.
b. formation brine displacement
Equation 18-5 is a simple way of estimating the
c. HCl stage or acetic acid stage injection rate. However, Eq. 18-5 does not account
d. mud acid stage for several factors, which are detailed in Chapter 20
e. overflush stage. for accurately modeling the injection rate. Equation
6. Select acid concentrations according to formation 18-5 with zero skin effect and with the estimated
mineralogy. value of the skin effect provides respective values
for the minimum and a maximum pump rate during
the job. These values enable allocating appropriate
equipment for the treatment. True transient injection
18-10.1. Calculations
monitoring can be done in real time on location to
• Fracturing pressure monitor the progress of the job.
Matrix treatments are defined as fluid injection • Friction pressure estimation
occurring below fracturing pressure. If the fluid Accurate fluid friction pressure is a difficult parame-
is injected above fracturing pressure, the acid may ter to obtain. Because the tubular arrangement can
bypass the damage. It is important to perform some be different in each case, a fairly accurate number is
basic calculations to ensure that this pressure is not important. The following limited-range equation has
exceeded, and the exercise also provides the pres- been used with relatively good accuracy for estimat-
sure and rates that may occur. Thorough discussions ing friction pressures for Newtonian fluids at rates
of fracturing pressure and bottomhole injection less than 9 bbl/min:
pressure and how these aspects are derived are
provided in Chapters 3 and 20, respectively. 518ρ0.79 q1.79 µ 0.207
p pipe friction = , (18-6)
An important item to keep in mind with matrix D 4.79
treatments is that fracturing pressure is related to
the pore pressure but is not directly proportional. where ppipe friction is the friction pressure in psi/1000 ft,
As the pore pressure declines, so does the fractur- ρ is the density of the fluid (specific gravity) in g/cm3,
ing pressure. Although this is not a one-to-one q is the pump rate in bbl/min, and D is the diameter of
relationship, it can be important when treating the pipe in in. Coiled tubing friction pressures can also
low-bottomhole-pressure wells. The hydrostatic be calculated using Eq. 18-6.
pressure exerted by the column of fluid in the tubu- • Fluid volumes
lars can be sufficient to fracture the formation. If it is assumed that acid flows through porous
• Injection rates media with a front that is uniform and stable, then
The injection rate can be as significant as the injec- the injection is piston-like and the first fluid in
tion pressure. The maximum injection rate that should be the last fluid out. To calculate fluid vol-
does not fracture the formation can be estimated by ume, the following equation should be sufficient:

[( )
4.917 × 10 −6 kh g f × H − ∆psafe − p ] , (18-5) [
Vp = 7.48 φ(rs2 − rw2 )π , ] (18-7)
qi,max =
 r  where Vp is the pore volume for the distance s in
µB ln e + s
 rw  gal/ft, φ is the fractional porosity, and rs is the dis-
tance it is necessary to penetrate the damaged or
where qi,max is the injection rate in bbl/min, k is the displaced section in ft.
effective permeability of the undamaged formation Mud acid treatments do not dissolve much of the
in md, h is the net thickness in ft, gf is the fracture formation minerals but rather dissolve the materials
gradient in psi/ft, H is the depth in ft, ∆psafe is the clogging the pore throats. This means that significant
safety margin for the pressure in psi (usually 200 changes in the flow distribution of the injected fluids
to 500 psi), p is the reservoir pressure in psi, µ is the occur during the treatment as the pore-plugging
viscosity of the injected fluid in cp, re is the drainage materials are dissolved (see Chapter 19 on diver-

18-24 Sandstone Acidizing

sion). Because the acid does not follow the ideal π(1 − φ) X HCl [rs2 − rw2 ] (18-8)
mode, adjustments to the injection volumes must be VHCl = 7.48 ,
β where
made. Significant changes in the fluid can also occur
in the tubulars, before the fluid reaches the forma- VHCl is the volume of HCl required in gal/ft, XHCl is
tion. The dilution of stage composition and spending the fraction of the bulk rock dissolved by HCl, and
are just some of the complications that must be β is the dissolving coefficient expressed as the
addressed by the designer. The use of smaller tubu- amount of rock dissolved per gallon of acid and is
lars, such as coiled tubing, during acid treatments can related to the acid strength.
contribute to a better acid job by facilitating the main-
tenance of stage integrity and reducing displacement
volumes. Mechanical limitations associated with arti- 18-10.2. Flowback and cleanup techniques
ficial lift (e.g., gas lift) are more easily overcome by Selection of the correct flowback procedure is critical.
the use of coiled tubing. The risks of leaking valves, The flowback during multiphase transition periods can
undiluted acid remaining in the mandrels and acid cause irreversible damage. The fines loosened during
leaking into the tubing/casing annulus are avoided. the acid job are invariably produced back into the
The limited injection rate coincidentally controls the near-wellbore area. These fines can be removed in
contact time. The pump rate and extraction out of diluted concentrations that pass through the comple-
the tanks holding the acid can create a bottleneck tion if small, gradual pressure drops are created. This
during execution. A complete understanding of the was demonstrated by Krueger (1986).
operational aspects is necessary for proper execution. The following are key factors to consider for flow-
One of the considerations in selecting the stage back in sandstone formations:
volumes is the tubulars. The volumes of diverter and
their location in the tubulars while injecting must be • The fluids flowing back are more viscous than
considered, especially for the use of foam diverters. those injected. They are capable of carrying natural
When using foam diversion techniques, brief shut- formation fines and other partially dissolved solids
downs or momentum changes are called for to maxi- at lower velocities, which can cause plugging
mize diversion. If the foam is in the tubulars when before the well cleans up completely.
the shutdown occurs, phase separation of the foam • The spent acid usually has a higher density than the
can occur, affecting the foam diverter performance. formation water. The tubing pressure should be
Another consideration is the preflush activity. lower than when connate water is produced, owing
If formations do not have much solubility in HCl, to the higher hydrostatic pressure of the spent acid.
operators have tended to lower the volume of acid • Spent acid has an equilibrium established of poten-
preflush and use brine. However, Gdanski and tial precipitants, held in place by dissolved gases and
Peavy (1986) reported that this is not a good idea dissolved salts. Should these gases (e.g., CO2) be
because the HCl preflush performs the vital func- removed from the spent fluid as a result of creating
tion of cation exchange, which prepares the mineral an excessive pressure drop, precipitation will occur.
surfaces for the HF mixture. The cation exchange • A minimum velocity is necessary for liquid to be
must otherwise be done by the HCl portion of the voided from the tubing without slippage occurring.
HF mixture, which raises the pH of the acid system The minimum velocity to the unload tubing can be
and induces the precipitation of silicate complexes. calculated. The flow rate and tubing pressure in this
As a minimum, the preflush should penetrate the calculation should include the heavier liquid den-
same distance as the HF mixture (e.g., if the HF sity. The flow rate should be achieved gradually but
blend volume penetrates 2 ft, then the preflush sufficiently soon to avoid precipitation in the for-
should penetrate a minimum of 2 ft). mation. The rate should then be maintained until all
Where the HCl solubility is moderate to high, injected fluids are returned and both the tubing
more HCl is necessary. The following equation is pressure and production rate are steady. Plotting the
used to calculate this volume and address the HCl- gradual incremental choke changes as pressure and
soluble materials: rate stabilize provides insight to the affect of the
acid treatments on the formation and completion.

Reservoir Stimulation 18-25

• HF systems should be flowed back immediately • Did any of the treatment fluids or stages create prob-
after injection of the overflush. The potential dam- lems during the execution? During the treatment
aging precipitates that are generated form when the were there mixing or handling problems associated
pH increases as the HCl is spent. If the acid is with any of the additives or the fluid system?
returned quickly, then the pH change may not reach • What are the properties of the formation fluids (i.e.,
the range for precipitation. Many iron precipitates hydrocarbons and brine) and are these compatible
also drop out when the pH increases. The exception with the treating fluids? Post-treatment flowback
is fluoboric acid treatments. The shut-in time inspection and analysis of fluids identifies emul-
required for complete HF generation and fines sta- sions (treating fluid additive formulation), solid
bilization varies on the basis of temperature. debris (proper acid strength) and other telltale signs
• The majority of the additives that are injected are of precipitation caused by incompatibilities.
produced back. Because the acidizing additives are • What is the type of completion injected into and
by design water soluble, they are partitioned into the was this a consideration during the treatment?
water phase. This can cause separation and floatation When injecting into gravel packs or frac and pack
equipment problems. The return fluids are also acidic, completions, injection rates should be limited if
which creates problems for chemical-electric detec- the injected height is limited. Too high an injection
tion devices in the separation equipment. Local envi- rate through the perforations can evacuate them of
ronmental regulations may dictate water quality gravel and create an unstable and unsatisfactory
standards that are difficult to achieve, and disposal environment where the potential exists for forma-
of the returned fluids can be cost prohibitive. tion sand production. This is especially true for
Alternatives to disposal of the returns as hazardous high-solubility zones where a small percentage
waste have been developed, including filtration of the perforations is taking fluid.
through inexpensive media (Hebert et al., 1996).
• Was the proper diversion technique or sequence
chosen and applied? Most acid treatments require
diversion. The application of proper diversion tech-
18-11. Acid treatment evaluation niques with the selected acid system is vital to the
Matrix treatment evaluation is the subject of Chapter ultimate success of the treatment.
20. The following is a partial list of the basic ques- • Was the well appropriately prepared before acidiz-
tions that should be answered during the evaluation of ing? When key steps of preparing the wellbore for
an acid treatment to help determine the success or fail- the acidizing process are left out (e.g., not pickling
ure of the treatment. the tubing, not removing the gas lift valves, not
removing the rods or an electrical submersible
• Was the well damaged? Was there an improvement pump), the prospects for ultimate success are
in the injectivity or transient skin during the treat- reduced. Wellbore preparation is especially critical
ment? Is there evidence that the well was dam- for acid treatments. Injection of tubular debris into
aged? the formation can be disastrous, and acid in the
• Which fluid system or stage accomplished the most annulus of a gas lift completion string is corrosive.
damage removal? Injectivity values or transient • Were the injected fluids checked using quality con-
skin values for each of the fluid stages must be trol steps? Acid strength and certain additives must
evaluated to help identify what damage was caus- meet at least threshold ranges for activity and com-
ing the most significant production impairment. patibility limits.
• Were emulsions observed during cleanup? During • Was the tubing acid cleaned (pickled)? Rust and
the cleanup of the treatment is when the effective- mill scale must be removed, even with new pipe.
ness of additives and treatment fluid packages
demonstrates value. Cleanup time, emulsion prob- • Were the pumped fluids sampled and checked for
lems and facility upset have an economic impact cleanliness and concentration? Although samples
and can be cause for considering different methods are routinely taken and checked before the job
of handling the problems. starts, samples should be taken during the pumping
of each stage. Many changes in injection behavior

18-26 Sandstone Acidizing

can be explained when these samples are analyzed. brought back on line, the production does not
Fluctuations in injectivity may be due to a process improve because of limitations associated with the
problem that was innocently incorporated for oper- wellbore construction or production facilities.
ational expedience or safety compliance. • Was a pressure buildup test performed and inter-
• Was an injection test with the appropriate fluid preted? A pressure test analysis is the definitive
made before pumping acid to establish a base injec- method to answer whether the treatment is a suc-
tivity before acidizing? Injection testing conducted cess or failure.
with platform or field equipment not intended for
this purpose can produce misleading results. Con-
taminated fluids or poorly equipped monitoring can 18-12. Conclusions
result in bad data.
• Did the acid response during the injection validate Acidizing sandstone formations is not an impossible
the damaging substance identified? HCl-soluble task, but it is not simple either. Success requires a
scale may be revealed as the obvious contributor methodical, systematic approach. It can be accom-
to the injectivity problem when large pressure drops plished without any detrimental effects by analyzing
occur when the HCl reaches the formation. If the vital information. The flow chart in Fig. 18-6 shows
injection rate is increased, similar pressure drops the steps the process encompasses.
could also be noted when the HCl-HF mixture The following conclusions can be made about sand-
reaches the formation. stone acidizing:
• Did the pressure response indicate good diversion? • Damage identification determines the types of acids
Pressure increases may be interpreted as diverter and other solvents to use in a sandstone acidizing
action, but this is not always the case. Diverter treatment.
response should coincide with the use of a diverter; if • A knowledge of the chemical reactions involved
not, other parts of the process should be investigated. among acids and formation minerals and connate
• How long was the spent acid left in the well before fluids provides some guidelines for acid types, con-
flowback? Some secondary and tertiary reactions centrations and the sequence to prevent or reduce
require time to produce precipitates. Quick turn- the precipitation of insoluble reaction products.
around for flowback, not high production rates, • The selection of appropriate types and volumes of
lessens the potential for these reactions to create preflushes and overflushes also helps prevent incom-
damage. Most of these reactions result in damage patibilities between formation fluids and acid systems.
that is detected only after production is initiated. • A numerical simulator should be used to quantify
• Were spent acid samples recovered and analyzed? acid volumes, although simple guidelines are pro-
Flowback fluid samples should be acquired regard- vided to assist in the selection of treatment vol-
less of the volume of the treatment. These samples umes. The most important factor in successful acid
should be marked, with the date and time, total vol- stimulation is to provide clean, filtered acids at the
ume recovered to that point and other pertinent perforations by filtering all fluids and cleaning
data, such as choke size, flowing tubing pressure, (pickling) the tubing before the acid treatment
water cut and produced quantities. is injected into the formation.
• Were the production results consistent with the acid • Evaluating the executed acid treatment provides
injection pressure response? If the injection pres- information to improve subsequent acid treatments
sure declines too quickly, the acid treatment causes in the same or similar formations.
the well to develop a vacuum. Once the well is

Reservoir Stimulation 18-27

Well Core Pressure
schematic Logs data data

Evaluate as an acidizing candidate

NODAL analysis

Mechanical Liquid
No Acidizing Yes samples

Yes Laboratory
Design process
Fluid design using
expert system or How do the fluids
simulators affect cleanup?
Is the
chemistry No Equipment
good? constraints:
Treatment requirements
Yes 1. Fluid 1. Stage Location requirements Calculate
2. Fluid 2. Stage Fluid system cleanup
flow rate
3. Fluid 3. Stage
equipment and
materials and
instruct personnel
Record job
Monitor the
Yes Finish
Treatment job
parameters execution
Alter job
execution No

Review and reference

for future work

Figure 18-6. Sandstone acidizing treatment design process.

18-28 Sandstone Acidizing

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