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Progress Report 2

Content: answer the following questions. Between the first progress report and the second
progress report,
1) What was the group's goal? How much has it been accomplished?

Extending our research about the use of No-SQL on an organizational level, be it small scale or a
Multinational company. We found transitioning to a new technology or way of working for big
organizations is a bit troublesome as compared to new entrants in the market. The research about
the use of technology in terms of integrating these systems with other enterprises and reporting
software has just started and soon shall give us a picture of market and the effects of technological
changes in the organizations.

2) What is the role and responsibility of each member? Identify who did what activity and wrote
what part of the document.

Each and every team member as per their roles worked on their research and integrated the
data/information collected and put together in a well-documented format. Technical expert and
data analyst have been doing research and collecting all the relevant information on an
organizational level, also the research designer has been planning over the next steps for the
progress of the project. Literature expert and the coordinator have been a great help for clubbing
all relevant information.

3) What problems did your group encounter while working on the project?

Its hard to reach to a generic statement or result for an organization as a whole, because it all
depends on the chances or how likely an organization is to change the way they are working.

4) How are those problems solved? If the problems still exist, how do you plan to resolve them?

These problems can be solved by interacting with employees of the organizations working on
these technologies or people who have knowledge about data industry, be it data analysts or data
scientists or database engineers. Reaching out to more people with questions that come up while
the research progresses can actually lead the project in a more streamline fashion.

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