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Name: Sumbal Jameel (FA12-BBA-214)

Question No: identify a situation where you try to create a win-win situation
either successful or not?

A Win-win situation is a situation which is designed in a way that all participants can profit from it in
one way or the other way that all participants can profit from it in one way or the other .In conflict
resolution , a win-win strategy is a conflict resolution process that aims to accommodate all the
disputants.the real example of this scenario is once a marketing agency asked us for sponsonship of
different brands they were offering money and tickets for movie for free as we were organizers for an
event in students week 2k15 so we found it really interesting because we had a bright chance for selling
our tickets on high prices to make an increase in our profits. well , for that a proposal has been
submitted to our university administration by us.the university admistration accepted that proposal.we
all were very happy because this opportunity cleared our ways for success we started posting banners in
every department , in cafeteria infact outside the university. Due to that our event went very well and
win-win situation also created like we did sponsorship for them and get money in return.


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