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Conceptual Framework Reflection

If I thought I was busy with my math classes, this one
took it to a whole new level! In hindsight, I’m very glad
that this class is meant to be taken early in ones Master’s
program. Dr. Blundell provided a plethora of infor-
mation for her students in regards to how to access infor-
mation. The “Library Assignment” was great; it had been
so long since I had attended CSC, I did not realize how
many online sources there are (because I’m *just* old
enough that I still had utilize print sources, only).

APA will always be the bane of my existence, but I also
appreciated how Dr. Blundell was able to incorporate the
practice and use of that into our coursework.

Learning how to utilize the variety of sources was great RESEARCH DESIGN AND
scaffolding for the Research Paper. I know for a fact that
has been the most arduous, but rewarding “project” I
have ever worked on in my academic career thus far. FALL 2017
Thinking back on the countless hours poured into that
assignment still haunts me, yet as a finished project, it is
the assignment I’m most proud of in my Master’s. DR. PATTI BLUNDELL

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