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09 .04.

15 План-конспект урока в 6 классе

Тема/ проблема: Книжная ярмарка. Говорение

Практическая цель: формирование лексических и грамматических знаний, умений,
Развивающая цель:развитие внимания, памяти, развитие творческих способностей и
эстетического вкуса учащихся
Образовательная цель: развитие умения осуществлять выбор языковых и речевых
средств, повышение коммуникативной компетенции учащихся
Воспитательная цель: прививание культуры речи, воспитание интереса к чтению и
расширение кругозора
Лексический материал: character, fairy-tale, fantasy, favourite book, detective story
Оснащение: учебник 6 класс/ Н. В. Юхнель, Е. Г. Наумова, доска, раздаточный

Этап Задача этапа Содержание

Начало урока Введение в атмосферу -Good afternoon! I am glad to

иноязычного общения see you. Do you like reading?
Do you like to spend your free
time with a book ?

Фонетическая Совершенствование -Let’s read the poem about

разминка фонетических навыков books.
I like books
I really do-
Books with stories
And pictures, too.
Books of birds
And things that grow
Books of people
We should know.
Books of animals
And places, too,
I like books
I really do!
-Well done!
Ознакомление Формирование умений и - Do you visit book fairs?
с новым навыков. - Book Fair:
лексическим Совершенствование -So, Dear friends! We are glad to
материалом. навыков meet you at our book fair! We’ll
Тренировка tell you about interesting books,
навыков classical literature, popular
Let’s begin! Literature for
children is great! Here you can
see a wonderful poster about
famous fairy-tale from “ Snow
White and 7 Dwarfs “ . Angelina
tells you about it.
“Look at this book! It’s very
interesting. It’s author is …There
are a lot of funny characters in it.
I think it will be exciting to read
this book. I recommend it to
people who like funny stories…”

-I hope you like fantasy.

Yaroslav presents to you his
book.( The Civilization of

-I know that Polina likes

interesting westerns. What books
would you like to recommend to
our readers, Polina?
“…” (The Cowboy of Texas)
-Very often you can see pictures
in the books. Children’s books
always have illustrations.
Fairy tails always are exciting,
kind and clever. Do you
remember books since your
childhood? Nastya wants to
remind you of “Cinderella” .
“Of course, every child read this
tail. All children know the main

-Now Yliana then Nikita tell us

about favorite books of
adventures “ The Adventure of
Guliver” and “Polianna”.
“I like books about adventures.
They are interesting and
-What about Alina? Tell us,
please, about a romantic story.
-Good children you are! Now
let’s do the tasks about your
You should make pairs of books
and the heroes:
The Civilization of statuses-Will
The Adventure of Guliver-
The Cowboy of Texas-Jane
Polianna – Ms. Polly
Snow White and seven drawfs-

-You should find out :

1. Do you read :
a) The Civilization of
b) Snow White and
seven drawfs
c) Cinderella
2. Do you read :
a) The Adventure of Guliver
b) Polianna
c) Dubrovsky

-Let’s make 2 groups. You will

do the tasks all together:
Make up sentences with these
words. You should do more
sentences, you can.
Character Exciting Fairy-
tale Fantasy Mysterious

-Now our Book Fair is over. We

hope you liked our Book Fair!
Thank you for your attention.
-Answer my question, please:
Why do you recommend this
What is interesting in it?
What do like in this book most of
What book do you want to read

Конец Подведение - Today I put you good marks.

урока итогов. Сообщение Your task for the next lesson is
д/з to write sentences about kinds
of books (I like fantasy
because there are a lot of
Thank you for your work! The
lesson is over. Good-bye!

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