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LIMPIO August 27, 2019



Aristotle once said that the beginning of all wisdom is knowing yourself. People nowadays
have alot of questions about themselves. They tend to seek answers by asking their colleagues,
families, proffessionals and etc. Little did they know that Psychology, scientific study of human
behavior and mental processes, is one of the keys in answering their problem in terms of
understanding oneself. Who are the famous psychologists and what are their theories about the
development of human? And lastly, what is the importance of psychology in empowering self-
understanding and development?

First psychologist who contributed in the field of psychology is Sigmund Freud. Sigmund
freud was a neurologist who is known as the founder of psychoanalysis and a psychologist who
came up with the theory about the stages of psychosexual development. There are five stages in
the theory of Freud including the oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital stage. Under the oral stage
(Ages 0-1), the pleasures of infants comes from stimulation from the mouth like sucking, biting
and licking. Fixations for this stage is oral aggressiveness like the love of arguin and exploiting
others. Anal stage (Ages 1-3) on the other hand is the stage where a child experience pleasure by
being able to control their feces wherein anus is the source of tention and excitation. Possible
fixation for this stage is either Anal retentive (compulsively clean) or Anal extensive (child being
messy). Next stage is the phallic (Ages 3-6) stage, this is the stage where the child is starting to
awaken sexuality and failure on this stage may cause Oedipus conflict. Other stage is the latency
stage (Ages 6- puberty) where same sex peer friendship is gained. And lastly is the genital stage
(12 and above ) , this is the mature stage wherein the excitement or pleasure is gained through
sexual intercourse.

Erik Erikson is the next psychologist, he was a German-American developmental

psychologist and psychoanalyst, he is known for his theory of psychosocial development stages.
The theory created by Erikson 8 stages including infancy, early childhood, play age, school age,
adolescence, adulthood and old age. The first stage is the Infancy stage (TRUST vs. MISTRUST),
this is the stage wherein if the baby was given a positive and genuine affection from someone, the
kid will trust that person and will see the world as a safe place. Contradicts to that is having fear
in facing the world, this is the perspective of a baby who was not shown care, love and affection.
Next stage is early childhood stage (AUTONOMY vs.SHAME and DOUBT) , on this stage the
child autonomy will depend upon the society. Having this said, the autonomy of a child will be
accomplished if the parents are encouraging, accepting and supporting and the shame and doubt
will be accomplished if the parents are over protective. The play age stage ( INITIATIVE vs.
GUILT) is the stage wherein the initiative of a child is develop through the parents giving their
child a freedom in doing things and guilt is caused when a parent cut back the freedom of the child
causing him to think his activities are useless or pointless. Next is school age (INDUSTRY vs.
INFERIORITY) stage, in this stage the child’s sense of industry is develop through the support,
encouragement and praise of his parents and formators. Adolescence stage (IDENTITY vs.
IDENTITY CONFUSION) on the other side is the stage where the adolescent start being
independent from their parents and start seeking to find their identity wherein failure to this will
cause the adolescent an identity confusion. Next is the adulthood (GENERATIVITY vs.
STAGNATION), on this stage the adult start to feel the sense of productiveness and creativeness.
And lastly is the old age (INTEGRITY vs. DESPAIR), this is the stage where an old person reflect
on his life wherein this may cause integrity, if the person is contented to his accomplishments and
if not, this causes despair.

The self theory of Carl Rogers, a humanistic psychologist, believes that every person can
achieve his goals, wishes and desires in life if he think optimistically and that the personality of
each person depends on the way they see themselves. There are two terms discussed under this
theory, it is the Self-image and Ideal self. Self-image is the way we see ourselves which can be in
terms of physical appearance. While ideal self is the person we want to become, this includes our
ambition, dreams and goals in life. These components of self concept theory are one of the big
factors affecting the personality and behavior of human.

The archetypes are the self concept created by Carl jung, a swiss psychiatrist, suggested
that archetypes play a big role in influencing human behavior. He also believes that every person
inherit his/her ancient’s memories which are stored deep in our subconcious mind in the collective
unconscious. These archetypes can be behavior patterns, images, memories, symbols, thoughts and
character with unique personality attributes

In a nut shell, the theories of Carl Rogers, Carl Jung, Sigmund freud and Erik Erikson were
really helpful in understanding one’s personality and behavior. The theories of the legit
psychologists proved us that psychological perspective does empower people in understanding
themselves; therefore, perspective of psychology foster self understanding and development
because it helps the people to understand more about how the body and mind works together and
how other factors affect the personality and behavior growth of a human. In addition to that,
Psychology helps the people to know who they really are and to look at events on a positive
aspects. Just like what George Harrison said, “It’s all in the mind”

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