Look and Feel Better Men

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WHY THIS PROGRAM.................................................................6

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.........................................9

WARM UP....................................................................................17


A FEW WORDS ON “DOING”.................................................19

PHASE 1 WORKOUT LOGS.....................................................20

PHASE 2 WORKOUT LOGS.....................................................37

PHASE 3 WORKOUT LOGS.....................................................54



LEGAL DISCLAIMER.................................................................83

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First, thank you so much for purchasing this program.

I am insanely honored you chose me to help you. And, I

promise you, I poured every ounce of my knowledge and
experience into making this program as effective and en-
joyable for you as possible.

Look and Feel Better was designed to help you achieve an

“aesthetic” physique, while also becoming stronger, more
mobile, and with as little risk of injury as possible.

This program is the culmination of everything I have

learned for more than a decade in the process of changing
my own physique as well as helping thousands of my cli-
ents do the same both in the gym and online.

Before we dive into the program… I want to tell you a fun-

ny story.

I almost didn’t make this program.

You see, for the last several years, all of my fitness and
business friends would razz me: “Why don’t you have a
product?? Why only offer coaching? You will make more
money with a product!”

3 www.ontheregimen.com
But I didn’t see the value.

“If someone wanted a fat loss training program, they could

grab one on Google!” That was my belief. That there were
plenty of programs, both free and paid, that are pretty darn

Then, one day, I had a friend of mine begging for a pro-

gram. She could not afford coaching. But she also wouldn’t
accept a free program.

I told her about another trainer’s program. Someone smart,

who I trust.. Someone who is really really good at his job.
And that’s when it hit me.

She replied,

“Mike, I’m sure his program is great. But I don’t want his
program. I want your program.”

So, here it is.

The very best 12 weeks I have to get you

leaner, stronger, and feeling better.

You may gain a little bit of muscle. You will gain varying de-
grees of strength depending on factors like training expe-
rience, nutrition adherence, and the intensity you bring to
each workout.

4 www.ontheregimen.com
But you will definitely lean out, and you will definitely look
and feel better.

So, I beg you to put as much effort into these workouts as

possible. Not for me, but because I think you will be thrilled
with the kind of progress you can make.

5 www.ontheregimen.com
What’s So Special About This Program
Well, as I just alluded to… nothing.

There are a lot of great fat loss training programs out there.
And most of them can work! There are a handful of unique
attributes that this programming has, which I will share
with you in a minute.

But the truth is: what matters far more than how perfect-
ly a program is designed is the psychological “buy in” that
YOU bring to the table.

Here is what I mean: if you do a perfectly designed training

program, but feel half-hearted about it. Versus, having a
pretty darn good (but imperfect) program, and you pour all
of your heart and intensity into that program, which do you
think will lead to better results?

Answer: The imperfect program where you worked your

butt off. And it is not even close.

That’s why I decided to sell you this training program. I

have workouts published for free on my blog. But, when
you commit to a paid program, that psychological buy in
increases, and your intensity (and results) will increase as

6 www.ontheregimen.com
In fact, that’s one of the reasons I often hire a coach for
myself, rather than do my own programming. To force my-
self to fully commit.

Now, let me quickly explain some things that make this

program unique (and better, in my opinion).

There are a few pillars in the way I design training programs

that may be slightly unique. While, I don’t consider these
“special” or “magic” by any means, they are worth noting.
And I have seen them marginally improve how my coaching
clients look and feel.

And, marginal progress adds up in a huge way over time.

Battling Poor Posture

Many of us spend our days hunched over a computer. And,

even those of us who don’t, often exhibit poor posture.

Not only is poor posture subjectively unattractive, but even

more importantly, poor upper body posture increases likely
hood of injury while strength training.

Increasing scapular mobility and upper back strength are

two things that will decrease the likelihood you injure your-
self on a bench press or shoulder press.

Your day to day posture will also improve as a result of this


7 www.ontheregimen.com
Biceps and Triceps Frequency

Getting stronger in multiple rep ranges over time will lead

to muscle gain (or, lack of muscle loss in a calorie deficit).
However, exercise selection is pretty important, particularly
for us guys.

There are amazing programs out there for getting stronger.

Your squat and deadlift will climb quickly, which is awe-
some (they will probably increase here too!).

However, while getting stronger at compound movements

is important, it is only a part of the equation for an ideal
male physique.

As you will see, this program includes more direct arm work
than most strength training programs.

8 www.ontheregimen.com

Warm Up Sets

Before your first exercise of each session, I want you to

perform lighter sets of that same move as a warm up.

For example, if the Barbell Front Squat has you doing 3x8
with 2 minute rest time. That means you will perform three
sets of 8 repetitions each set, resting two minutes between
each set.

However, those 3 sets are just your “work” sets.

Before your work sets, I want you to perform 4 lighter sets.

These sets should be much lighter than your work sets.

Let’s pretend you plan on using 185 pounds for your work

Your warm up sets will look like this, resting 60-90 seconds
between each warm up set:

• 1x10xbar
• 1x10xbar
• 1x6x75
• 1x4x105

9 www.ontheregimen.com
For a move like pull ups, you can perform your warm up
sets bodyweight, using assisted pull ups, or on the lat pull-
down machine. Whichever suits you best!

How Much Weight Should I Use?

This is an outstanding question, and sadly, one that I do not

have an exact answer to. I want you to lift an amount of
weight that is challenging.

However, I do not want you going to failure (physically un-

able to perform a rep from fatigue).

Start on the lighter side if you are unsure what weight to

use. And, increase your working weight as you feel more

Do I Use The Same Weight For All My Sets?

Yes, aim to choose a weight that you will be able to use for
all of your work sets! This means that your first set might
be fairly easy and that each set will get progressively more

10 www.ontheregimen.com
When Do I Increase My Weight?

This is another great question. However, sadly, it’s another

question for which I don’t have a black and white answer.

Here is why: for most of us, training is only a small part of

our lives! So, there will be days you slept far less than you
should have. There might be days you have a bit of a head-
ache, body ache, or hangover (if you drink alcohol!). There
will be days you simply don’t feel strong or normal. And, on
the other side of the coin, there will be days you feel unbe-
lievably strong!

I want you to listen to your body.

If you complete all of the reps in a given workout without
feeling like you were super close to failure, then it would
make sense to go up an increment in the following work-
out! That means 2.5 or 5 pounds on dumbbell exercises and
5 pounds on barbell exercises!

11 www.ontheregimen.com
What If I Miss A Training Session?

There are two options for missed training sessions!

1. You can shift the rest of your week back by a single day,

then get back on schedule the following week.

2. You can skip that workout and proceed normally with the


Why Are There No Jumping Moves?

Jump training is great for explosiveness and athleticism.

But here’s the thing: trying to do everything at once is a
recipe for no results.

Have you ever heard of a drug free athlete trying to add

a ton of muscle, lose a ton of fat, improve their marathon
time, and drastically increase athleticism at the same time?
How many of them have you seen succeed?


Trying to do everything at once is a recipe for disaster. Plus,

jump training is often misused by trainers today. High rep
box jumps and other similar exercises are being used as a
means of creating a larger calorie deficit.

12 www.ontheregimen.com
If we want to increase the size of our calorie deficit, we can
do that by: A) a form of cardio that is less likely to result in
an injury or B) reducing calorie intake.

I See All The Training Sessions, And I’m Pumped, This Is Go-
ing To Be Awesome… BUT, What About Cardio??

Cardio is optional!

I am okay with you performing either High Intensity Inter-

val Training (HIIT) 1-3 sessions per week or Low Intensity
Steady State (LISS) 1-3 sessions per week. Or, some combi-
nation of the two.

However, here is what I want to stress: there are two situa-

tions where you should do cardio:

1. You really enjoy cardio

2. You want to make faster fat loss progress without making

any adjustments to your nutrition.

I would recommend the following two articles for further


- Should I Do Cardio For Fat Loss?

- What To Do When Weight Loss Stalls (plateau advice)

13 www.ontheregimen.com
What If The Bodyweight Exercises Are Super Easy For Me?

Well, look at you!!

We can do a few things here, either:

1. Add weight if possible (add a plate on your back for push


2. Increase the number of reps you are doing each set

3. Slow down the lowering portion of the exercise

How Do I Know The Proper Form For These Exercises?

Please refer to my database of form videos right here!

How Long Should I Rest Between Sets?

Rest times are listed in parentheses after each move!

That is the length of time you should rest after the exercise.

For example, on the Parallel Grip Chin Ups you see “(2-3m)”
-- that means you should rest for 2 to 3 minutes after your
set of Parallel Grip Chin Ups!

14 www.ontheregimen.com
How The Circuits Work

Always perform all of your sets of the “A” exercise first!

For example, if you have A1 as the only “A” move in a work-

out, you should complete all of your sets of A1 before mov-
ing onto “B.”

So, for “A1) Barbell Deadlift (2 min)” you should complete

the following:

• Warm Up sets
• Set 1 (A1)
• Rest 2 mins
• Set 2 (A1)
• Rest 2 mins
• Set 3 (A1)
• Rest 2 mins
• Set 4 (A1)

Move onto workout set B.

15 www.ontheregimen.com
Now, let me give you an example where there is more than
one exercise in a circuit!

For “C1) Bulgarian Split Squat (30 sec)” and “C2) Body-
weight Single Leg Hip Thrust (90 sec)” you should perform
the following:

• Set 1 (C1)
• Rest 30 sec
• Set 1 (C2)
• Rest 90 sec
• Set 2 (C1)
• Rest 30 sec
• Set 2 (C2)
• Rest 90 sec

etc… for 4 total sets of each move!

16 www.ontheregimen.com
Warm Up
Please perform your warm up before every training session.
Please please do not skip your warm up; that is a recipe for
decreased performance, and even worse than that, hurting

1. Glute Bridge – 25 reps

2. Single Leg Glute Bridge – 8/side
3. Walking Lunge – 6 reps/side
4. Lateral Leg Swings – 12/side
5. Wall Slide – 12 reps
6. Bodyweight No Money – 15 reps
7. Forearm Wall Slide – 10 reps
8. Inchworm (w/ push up at bottom) – 6 reps
9. Thoracic Extensions Over Foam Roller – 10 reps
10. Quadruped Thoracic Twist – 8/side
11. Forward Lunge with reach to sky – 4/side
12. Calf Stretch – 15 seconds/leg

17 www.ontheregimen.com
Here is my nutrition philosophy:

• You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose body fat

• Eating adequate protein, between 0.8-1.1g per pound of
body weight will help you retain muscle as you drop body fat
• You should eat a lot of micronutrient dense and traditionally
healthy foods (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean pro-
• You CAN eat some dessert and processed foods
• You can practice whatever meal timing you enjoy most (2
meals per day or 6 meals per day)
• You should probably have either a meal that contains protein,
a protein shake, or Branched Chain Amino Acids following a
training session
• You should stay adequately hydrated to feel better and im-
prove training performance
• Having optimal carbohydrate and dietary fat intake may mar-
ginally improve your progress on this program
• If you would like to use my calculator for calculating your
training and rest day macronutrients, you can find that in my
free app: “Mike’s Macros”

Just remember…
Consistency beats perfection every single time. Doing pretty
good most of the time will lead to insane results. Don’t beat
yourself up if you have a bad day or fall off on nutrition. Just
get back on the horse right away the next day!

18 www.ontheregimen.com
A Few Words On “Doing”
Most of us don’t lack talent, or intelligence, or genetics, or
any of the other God-given gifts that we assume the greats

What we lack, and what I have lacked in the past when I

failed at an endeavor, is the ability to do.

To get out from under the warm covers. To bring heart to

our training sessions, even on days when we would rather
just go through the motions. To keep nutrition on point the
majority of the time, even when no one is watching.

To do the work, one day at a time.

For 12 weeks, baby.

Because you have the program. You’ve got the game plan.
That’s a first huge step. But now… it’s time to execute. It’s
time to show up. It’s time to DO.

Without doing, nothing ever happens and no one ever


Let’s get it team.


19 www.ontheregimen.com
Training Schedule

Monday: Day 1
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Day 2
Thursday: Day 3
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Day 4
Sunday: Rest

Any four days per week is cool with me! Ideally, I want you
to keep the workouts in the order they are listed. And, if
possible, aim to have at least two days between workouts
1 and 3. And, keep two days between workouts 2 and 4. If,
on occasion, this simply cannot happen, that is okay with

20 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 1 - Day 1 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Parallel Grip Chin Up 1 6
(weight as needed) (2-3m) 2 6
3 6
B1) Seated DB Shoulder Press (2m) 1 6
2 6
3 6
C1) Bent Over DB Row (60s) 1 8
2 8
C2) Flat Barbell Bench Press (90s) 1 8
2 8
D1) Inverted Bodyweight Row (15s) 1 10-12
2 10-12
3 10-12
D2) Push Ups (15s) 1 12-15
2 12-15
3 12-15
D3) Band Pull Aparts (90s) 1 20
2 20
3 20
E1) Seated Lateral DB Raise (75-90s) 1 12
2 12
3 12
4 12

21 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 1 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Front Squat (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8

A2) Weighted Plank (2m) 1 30 seconds

2 30 seconds

3 30 seconds
B1) Single Leg RDL (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8

B2) Side Plank (90s) 1 20 seconds

2 20 seconds

3 20 seconds

C1) Goblet Squat (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Standing Overhand Grip EZ Bar Curl (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

E1) Standing Underhand Grip EZ Bar Curl (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

22 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 1 - Day 3 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (2-3m) 1 6

2 6

3 6

B1) Chest Supported Row (90s) 1 8

2 8

3 8
4 8

5 8

C1) Kneeling Single Arm Shoulder Press (30s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

C2) Single Arm DB Row (60s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

D1) Close Parallel Grip Chin Up (30s) 1 8-12

2 8-12

3 8-12

D2) Rope Attachment Triceps Pushdowns (60s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

E1) Face Pull (60-75s) 1 15

2 15

3 15

23 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 1 - Day 4 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Deadlift (3-4m) 1 4

2 4

3 4

B1) Lateral Lunge Goblet Hold (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8
B2) Russian Twist (90s) 1 12 per side

2 12 per side

3 12 per side

C1) Walking Lunge (15s) 1 10 per leg

2 10 per leg

3 10 per leg

C2) Back Extension (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Alternating DB Hammer Curl (0-15s) 1 8 per arm

2 8 per arm

3 8 per arm

D2) Preacher Curl (60-90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

24 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 2 - Day 1 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Parallel Grip Chin Up 1 6
(weight as needed) (2-3m) 2 6
3 6
B1) Seated DB Shoulder Press (2m) 1 6
2 6
3 6
C1) Bent Over DB Row (60s) 1 8
2 8
C2) Flat Barbell Bench Press (90s) 1 8
2 8
D1) Inverted Bodyweight Row (15s) 1 10-12
2 10-12
3 10-12
D2) Push Ups (15s) 1 12-15
2 12-15
3 12-15
D3) Band Pull Aparts (90s) 1 20
2 20
3 20
E1) Seated Lateral DB Raise (75-90s) 1 12
2 12
3 12
4 12

25 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 2 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Front Squat (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8

A2) Weighted Plank (2m) 1 30 seconds

2 30 seconds

3 30 seconds
B1) Single Leg RDL (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8

B2) Side Plank (90s) 1 20 seconds

2 20 seconds

3 20 seconds

C1) Goblet Squat (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Standing Overhand Grip EZ Bar Curl (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

E1) Standing Underhand Grip EZ Bar Curl (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

26 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 2 - Day 3 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (2-3m) 1 6

2 6

3 6

B1) Chest Supported Row (90s) 1 8

2 8

3 8
4 8

5 8

C1) Kneeling Single Arm Shoulder Press (30s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

C2) Single Arm DB Row (60s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

D1) Close Parallel Grip Chin Up (30s) 1 8-12

2 8-12

3 8-12

D2) Rope Attachment Triceps Pushdowns (60s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

E1) Face Pull (60-75s) 1 15

2 15

3 15

27 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 2 - Day 4 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Deadlift (3-4m) 1 4

2 4

3 4

B1) Lateral Lunge Goblet Hold (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8
B2) Russian Twist (90s) 1 12 per side

2 12 per side

3 12 per side

C1) Walking Lunge (15s) 1 10 per leg

2 10 per leg

3 10 per leg

C2) Back Extension (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Alternating DB Hammer Curl (0-15s) 1 8 per arm

2 8 per arm

3 8 per arm

D2) Preacher Curl (60-90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

28 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 3 - Day 1 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Parallel Grip Chin Up 1 6
(weight as needed) (2-3m) 2 6
3 6
B1) Seated DB Shoulder Press (2m) 1 6
2 6
3 6
C1) Bent Over DB Row (60s) 1 8
2 8
C2) Flat Barbell Bench Press (90s) 1 8
2 8
D1) Inverted Bodyweight Row (15s) 1 10-12
2 10-12
3 10-12
D2) Push Ups (15s) 1 12-15
2 12-15
3 12-15
D3) Band Pull Aparts (90s) 1 20
2 20
3 20
E1) Seated Lateral DB Raise (75-90s) 1 12
2 12
3 12
4 12

29 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 3 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Front Squat (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8

A2) Weighted Plank (2m) 1 30 seconds

2 30 seconds

3 30 seconds
B1) Single Leg RDL (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8

B2) Side Plank (90s) 1 20 seconds

2 20 seconds

3 20 seconds

C1) Goblet Squat (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Standing Overhand Grip EZ Bar Curl (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

E1) Standing Underhand Grip EZ Bar Curl (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

30 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 3 - Day 3 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (2-3m) 1 6

2 6

3 6

B1) Chest Supported Row (90s) 1 8

2 8

3 8
4 8

5 8

C1) Kneeling Single Arm Shoulder Press (30s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

C2) Single Arm DB Row (60s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

D1) Close Parallel Grip Chin Up (30s) 1 8-12

2 8-12

3 8-12

D2) Rope Attachment Triceps Pushdowns (60s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

E1) Face Pull (60-75s) 1 15

2 15

3 15

31 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 3 - Day 4 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Deadlift (3-4m) 1 4

2 4

3 4

B1) Lateral Lunge Goblet Hold (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8
B2) Russian Twist (90s) 1 12 per side

2 12 per side

3 12 per side

C1) Walking Lunge (15s) 1 10 per leg

2 10 per leg

3 10 per leg

C2) Back Extension (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Alternating DB Hammer Curl (0-15s) 1 8 per arm

2 8 per arm

3 8 per arm

D2) Preacher Curl (60-90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

32 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 4 - Day 1 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Parallel Grip Chin Up 1 6
(weight as needed) (2-3m) 2 6
3 6
B1) Seated DB Shoulder Press (2m) 1 6
2 6
3 6
C1) Bent Over DB Row (60s) 1 8
2 8
C2) Flat Barbell Bench Press (90s) 1 8
2 8
D1) Inverted Bodyweight Row (15s) 1 10-12
2 10-12
3 10-12
D2) Push Ups (15s) 1 12-15
2 12-15
3 12-15
D3) Band Pull Aparts (90s) 1 20
2 20
3 20
E1) Seated Lateral DB Raise (75-90s) 1 12
2 12
3 12
4 12

33 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 4 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Front Squat (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8

A2) Weighted Plank (2m) 1 30 seconds

2 30 seconds

3 30 seconds
B1) Single Leg RDL (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8

B2) Side Plank (90s) 1 20 seconds

2 20 seconds

3 20 seconds

C1) Goblet Squat (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Standing Overhand Grip EZ Bar Curl (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

E1) Standing Underhand Grip EZ Bar Curl (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

34 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 4 - Day 3 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (2-3m) 1 6

2 6

3 6

B1) Chest Supported Row (90s) 1 8

2 8

3 8
4 8

5 8

C1) Kneeling Single Arm Shoulder Press (30s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

C2) Single Arm DB Row (60s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

D1) Close Parallel Grip Chin Up (30s) 1 8-12

2 8-12

3 8-12

D2) Rope Attachment Triceps Pushdowns (60s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

E1) Face Pull (60-75s) 1 15

2 15

3 15

35 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 4 - Day 4 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Deadlift (3-4m) 1 4

2 4

3 4

B1) Lateral Lunge Goblet Hold (15s) 1 8

2 8

3 8
B2) Russian Twist (90s) 1 12 per side

2 12 per side

3 12 per side

C1) Walking Lunge (15s) 1 10 per leg

2 10 per leg

3 10 per leg

C2) Back Extension (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Alternating DB Hammer Curl (0-15s) 1 8 per arm

2 8 per arm

3 8 per arm

D2) Preacher Curl (60-90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

36 www.ontheregimen.com
Training Schedule

Monday: Day 1
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Day 2
Thursday: Day 3
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Day 4
Sunday: Rest

Any four days per week is cool with me! However, please
do your best to keep the order and spacing of the days the
same as it is listed in your schedule!

37 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 5 - Day 1 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Bench Press (15s) 1 4

2 4

3 4

A2) Wall Slides (3m) 1 10

2 10

3 10
B1) Incline DB Bench Press (2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8

C1) Wide Grip Push Ups (15s) 1 8

(with 4 seconds lowering phase) 2 8

3 8

C2) Face Pulls (60-75s) 1 12

2 12

D1) Pec Deck (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

E1) Overhead DB Triceps Extension (60-75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

4 12

38 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 5 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Parallel Grip Chin Ups (2-3m) 1 5

2 5

3 5

B1) Bent Over Barbell Row (90s-2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8
C1) Seated Cable Row (30s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Standing Alternating DB Hammer Curls (60s) 1 10/arm

2 10/arm

3 10/arm

D1) Overhand Grip Lat Pulldown (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

E1) 1.5 Rep Underhand Grip Cable Curls (60-90s) 1 10-12

2 10-12

3 10-12

39 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 5 - Day 3 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Front Squat (2-3m) 1 3
2 3
3 3
4 3
5 3
B1) Sumo RDL (15s) 1 8
2 8
3 8
B2) Long Lever Hold (90s) 1 25 Seconds
2 25 Seconds
3 25 Seconds
C1) Bulgarian Split Squat (holding one DB) 1 10 per leg
(15s) 2 10 per leg
3 10 per leg
C2) Wall Slides (90s) 1 10
2 10
3 10
D1) Farmer’s Carry (45s) 1 45 seconds
2 45 seconds
3 45 seconds
E1) KB Swing (15s) 1 15
2 15
3 15
4 15
E2) Sprinter’s Crunch (60s) 1 12 per side
2 12 per side
3 12 per side
4 12 per side
40 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 5 - Day 4 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Chest Supported Row (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Barbell Bench Press (2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8
C1) Standing DB Overhead Press (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Bent Over Barbell Row (60s) 1 10

(with 2 second pause on chest) 2 10

3 10

D1) Alternating Single Arm Floor Press (30s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

D2) Rear Delt Flys (30s) 1 12

(either chest supported with DBs, or 2 12

performed on a pec deck machine) 3 12

E1) Standing Alternating Underhand Grip DB 1 12 per arm

Bicep Curls (30s) 2 12 per arm

3 12 per arm

E2) Seated DB Triceps Overhead Extension 1 12

(30s) 2 12

3 12

41 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 6 - Day 1 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Bench Press (15s) 1 4

2 4

3 4

A2) Wall Slides (3m) 1 10

2 10

3 10

B1) Incline DB Bench Press (2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8

C1) Wide Grip Push Ups (15s) 1 8

(with 4 seconds lowering phase) 2 8

3 8

C2) Face Pulls (60-75s) 1 12

2 12

D1) Pec Deck (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12
E1) Overhead DB Triceps Extension (60-75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

4 12

42 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 6 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Parallel Grip Chin Ups (2-3m) 1 5

2 5

3 5

B1) Bent Over Barbell Row (90s-2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8

C1) Seated Cable Row (30s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Standing Alternating DB Hammer Curls (60s) 1 10/arm

2 10/arm

3 10/arm

D1) Overhand Grip Lat Pulldown (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

E1) 1.5 Rep Underhand Grip Cable Curls (60-90s) 1 10-12

2 10-12
3 10-12

43 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 6 - Day 3 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Front Squat (2-3m) 1 3
2 3
3 3
4 3
5 3
B1) Sumo RDL (15s) 1 8
2 8
3 8
B2) Long Lever Hold (90s) 1 25 Seconds
2 25 Seconds
3 25 Seconds
C1) Bulgarian Split Squat (holding one DB) 1 10 per leg
(15s) 2 10 per leg
3 10 per leg
C2) Wall Slides (90s) 1 10
2 10
3 10
D1) Farmer’s Carry (45s) 1 45 seconds
2 45 seconds
3 45 seconds
E1) KB Swing (15s) 1 15
2 15
3 15
4 15
E2) Sprinter’s Crunch (60s) 1 12 per side
2 12 per side
3 12 per side
4 12 per side

44 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 6 - Day 4 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Chest Supported Row (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Barbell Bench Press (2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8
C1) Standing DB Overhead Press (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Bent Over Barbell Row (60s) 1 10

(with 2 second pause on chest) 2 10

3 10

D1) Alternating Single Arm Floor Press (30s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

D2) Rear Delt Flys (30s) 1 12

(either chest supported with DBs, or 2 12

performed on a pec deck machine) 3 12

E1) Standing Alternating Underhand Grip DB 1 12 per arm

Bicep Curls (30s) 2 12 per arm

3 12 per arm

E2) Seated DB Triceps Overhead Extension 1 12

(30s) 2 12

3 12

45 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 7 - Day 1 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Bench Press (15s) 1 4

2 4

3 4

A2) Wall Slides (3m) 1 10

2 10

3 10

B1) Incline DB Bench Press (2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8

C1) Wide Grip Push Ups (15s) 1 8

(with 4 seconds lowering phase) 2 8

3 8

C2) Face Pulls (60-75s) 1 12

2 12

D1) Pec Deck (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12
E1) Overhead DB Triceps Extension (60-75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

4 12

46 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 7 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Parallel Grip Chin Ups (2-3m) 1 5

2 5

3 5

B1) Bent Over Barbell Row (90s-2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8

C1) Seated Cable Row (30s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Standing Alternating DB Hammer Curls (60s) 1 10/arm

2 10/arm

3 10/arm

D1) Overhand Grip Lat Pulldown (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

E1) 1.5 Rep Underhand Grip Cable Curls (60-90s) 1 10-12

2 10-12
3 10-12

47 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 7 - Day 3 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Front Squat (2-3m) 1 3
2 3
3 3
4 3
5 3
B1) Sumo RDL (15s) 1 8
2 8
3 8
B2) Long Lever Hold (90s) 1 25 Seconds
2 25 Seconds
3 25 Seconds
C1) Bulgarian Split Squat (holding one DB) 1 10 per leg
(15s) 2 10 per leg
3 10 per leg
C2) Wall Slides (90s) 1 10
2 10
3 10
D1) Farmer’s Carry (45s) 1 45 seconds
2 45 seconds
3 45 seconds
E1) KB Swing (15s) 1 15
2 15
3 15
4 15
E2) Sprinter’s Crunch (60s) 1 12 per side
2 12 per side
3 12 per side
4 12 per side

48 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 7 - Day 4 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Chest Supported Row (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Barbell Bench Press (2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8
C1) Standing DB Overhead Press (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Bent Over Barbell Row (60s) 1 10

(with 2 second pause on chest) 2 10

3 10

D1) Alternating Single Arm Floor Press (30s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

D2) Rear Delt Flys (30s) 1 12

(either chest supported with DBs, or 2 12

performed on a pec deck machine) 3 12

E1) Standing Alternating Underhand Grip DB 1 12 per arm

Bicep Curls (30s) 2 12 per arm

3 12 per arm

E2) Seated DB Triceps Overhead Extension 1 12

(30s) 2 12

3 12

49 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 8 - Day 1 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Bench Press (15s) 1 4

2 4

3 4

A2) Wall Slides (3m) 1 10

2 10

3 10

B1) Incline DB Bench Press (2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8

C1) Wide Grip Push Ups (15s) 1 8

(with 4 seconds lowering phase) 2 8

3 8

C2) Face Pulls (60-75s) 1 12

2 12

D1) Pec Deck (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12
E1) Overhead DB Triceps Extension (60-75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

4 12

50 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 8 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Parallel Grip Chin Ups (2-3m) 1 5

2 5

3 5

B1) Bent Over Barbell Row (90s-2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8

C1) Seated Cable Row (30s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Standing Alternating DB Hammer Curls (60s) 1 10/arm

2 10/arm

3 10/arm

D1) Overhand Grip Lat Pulldown (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

E1) 1.5 Rep Underhand Grip Cable Curls (60-90s) 1 10-12

2 10-12
3 10-12

51 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 8 - Day 3 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Front Squat (2-3m) 1 3
2 3
3 3
4 3
5 3
B1) Sumo RDL (15s) 1 8
2 8
3 8
B2) Long Lever Hold (90s) 1 25 Seconds
2 25 Seconds
3 25 Seconds
C1) Bulgarian Split Squat (holding one DB) 1 10 per leg
(15s) 2 10 per leg
3 10 per leg
C2) Wall Slides (90s) 1 10
2 10
3 10
D1) Farmer’s Carry (45s) 1 45 seconds
2 45 seconds
3 45 seconds
E1) KB Swing (15s) 1 15
2 15
3 15
4 15
E2) Sprinter’s Crunch (60s) 1 12 per side
2 12 per side
3 12 per side
4 12 per side

52 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 8 - Day 4 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Chest Supported Row (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Barbell Bench Press (2m) 1 8

2 8

3 8
C1) Standing DB Overhead Press (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Bent Over Barbell Row (60s) 1 10

(with 2 second pause on chest) 2 10

3 10

D1) Alternating Single Arm Floor Press (30s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

D2) Rear Delt Flys (30s) 1 12

(either chest supported with DBs, or 2 12

performed on a pec deck machine) 3 12

E1) Standing Alternating Underhand Grip DB 1 12 per arm

Bicep Curls (30s) 2 12 per arm

3 12 per arm

E2) Seated DB Triceps Overhead Extension 1 12

(30s) 2 12

3 12

53 www.ontheregimen.com
Training Schedule

Monday: Day 1
Tuesday: Day 2
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Day 3
Friday: Day 4
Saturday: Day 5
Sunday: Rest

54 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 9 - Day 1 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Incline DB Bench Press (2-3m) 1 6
2 6

3 6

4 6

5 6

6 6

B1) Single Arm DB Floor Press (90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

C1) 1.5 Rep Close Grip Push Ups (15s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Standing Cable Triceps Overhead Extension (90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Pec Deck (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

55 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 9 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Deadlift (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Sternum Pull Ups (2m) 1 4-6

2 4-6

3 4-6
C1) Single Arm DB Row (90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

4 10 per arm

D1) Bodyweight Chin Up (Parallel Grip) (30s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D2) Chest Supported Rear Delt Fly Iso Hold 1 30 seconds

(light weight!) (60-90s) 2 30 seconds

3 30 seconds

56 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 9 - Day 3 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Seated High Incline Press (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Alternating Front Raise (75-90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm
4 10 per arm

C1) Pike Push Up (15s) 1 8-12

2 8-12

3 8-12

C2) Wall Slide (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

D1) Lateral Raise Machine (15s) 1 15

2 15

3 15

D2) Hanging Leg/Knee Raise (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

57 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 9 - Day 4 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Loaded BSS (2m) 1 6 per leg
2 6 per leg

3 6 per leg

4 6 per leg

B1) Front Squat (90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10
C1) Reverse Lunges (15s) 1 10 per leg

2 10 per leg

3 10 per leg

C2) Reverse Crunch (75s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

D1) 1.5 Rep Walking Lunges (75-90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

58 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 9 - Day 5 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Biceps Curl (2m) 1 6
2 6

3 6

B1) Close Grip Barbell Bench Press (2m) 1 6

2 6

3 6

C1) Strict DB Biceps Curl (45s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

C2) Standing Overhead DB Tricep Extension 1 12

(45s) 2 12

3 12

D1) V-Up Roll Up (15s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D2) 1.5 Rep Underhand Grip Cable Curls (60s) 1 15

2 15

59 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 10 - Day 1 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Incline DB Bench Press (2-3m) 1 6
2 6

3 6

4 6

5 6

6 6

B1) Single Arm DB Floor Press (90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

C1) 1.5 Rep Close Grip Push Ups (15s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Standing Cable Triceps Overhead Extension (90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Pec Deck (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

60 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 10 - Day 2 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Deadlift (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Sternum Pull Ups (2m) 1 4-6

2 4-6

3 4-6
C1) Single Arm DB Row (90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

4 10 per arm

D1) Bodyweight Chin Up (Parallel Grip) (30s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D2) Chest Supported Rear Delt Fly Iso Hold 1 30 seconds

(light weight!) (60-90s) 2 30 seconds

3 30 seconds

61 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 10 - Day 3 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Seated High Incline Press (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Alternating Front Raise (75-90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm
4 10 per arm

C1) Pike Push Up (15s) 1 8-12

2 8-12

3 8-12

C2) Wall Slide (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

D1) Lateral Raise Machine (15s) 1 15

2 15

3 15

D2) Hanging Leg/Knee Raise (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

62 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 10 - Day 4 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Barbell Loaded BSS (2m) 1 6 per leg
2 6 per leg

3 6 per leg

4 6 per leg

B1) Front Squat (90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10
C1) Reverse Lunges (15s) 1 10 per leg

2 10 per leg

3 10 per leg

C2) Reverse Crunch (75s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

D1) 1.5 Rep Walking Lunges (75-90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

63 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 10 - Day 5 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Biceps Curl (2m) 1 6
2 6

3 6

B1) Close Grip Barbell Bench Press (2m) 1 6

2 6

3 6

C1) Strict DB Biceps Curl (45s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

C2) Standing Overhead DB Tricep Extension 1 12

(45s) 2 12

3 12

D1) V-Up Roll Up (15s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D2) 1.5 Rep Underhand Grip Cable Curls (60s) 1 15

2 15

64 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 11 - Day 1 Date:

Exercise Set Reps Weight

A1) Incline DB Bench Press (2-3m) 1 6
2 6

3 6

4 6

5 6

6 6

B1) Single Arm DB Floor Press (90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

C1) 1.5 Rep Close Grip Push Ups (15s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Standing Cable Triceps Overhead Extension (90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Pec Deck (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

65 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 11 - Day 2 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Deadlift (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Sternum Pull Ups (2m) 1 4-6

2 4-6

3 4-6
C1) Single Arm DB Row (90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

4 10 per arm

D1) Bodyweight Chin Up (Parallel Grip) (30s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D2) Chest Supported Rear Delt Fly Iso Hold 1 30 seconds

(light weight!) (60-90s) 2 30 seconds

3 30 seconds

66 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 11 - Day 3 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Seated High Incline Press (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Alternating Front Raise (75-90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm
4 10 per arm

C1) Pike Push Up (15s) 1 8-12

2 8-12

3 8-12

C2) Wall Slide (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

D1) Lateral Raise Machine (15s) 1 15

2 15

3 15

D2) Hanging Leg/Knee Raise (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

67 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 11 - Day 4 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Loaded BSS (2m) 1 6 per leg
2 6 per leg

3 6 per leg

4 6 per leg

B1) Front Squat (90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10
C1) Reverse Lunges (15s) 1 10 per leg

2 10 per leg

3 10 per leg

C2) Reverse Crunch (75s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

D1) 1.5 Rep Walking Lunges (75-90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

68 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 11 - Day 5 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Biceps Curl (2m) 1 6
2 6

3 6

B1) Close Grip Barbell Bench Press (2m) 1 6

2 6

3 6

C1) Strict DB Biceps Curl (45s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

C2) Standing Overhead DB Tricep Extension 1 12

(45s) 2 12

3 12

D1) V-Up Roll Up (15s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D2) 1.5 Rep Underhand Grip Cable Curls (60s) 1 15

2 15

69 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 12 - Day 1 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Incline DB Bench Press (2-3m) 1 6
2 6

3 6

4 6

5 6

6 6

B1) Single Arm DB Floor Press (90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

C1) 1.5 Rep Close Grip Push Ups (15s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

C2) Standing Cable Triceps Overhead Extension (90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D1) Pec Deck (60-90s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

70 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 12 - Day 2 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Deadlift (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Sternum Pull Ups (2m) 1 4-6

2 4-6

3 4-6
C1) Single Arm DB Row (90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm

4 10 per arm

D1) Bodyweight Chin Up (Parallel Grip) (30s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D2) Chest Supported Rear Delt Fly Iso Hold 1 30 seconds

(light weight!) (60-90s) 2 30 seconds

3 30 seconds

71 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 12 - Day 3 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Seated High Incline Press (2m) 1 8
2 8

3 8

4 8

B1) Alternating Front Raise (75-90s) 1 10 per arm

2 10 per arm

3 10 per arm
4 10 per arm

C1) Pike Push Up (15s) 1 8-12

2 8-12

3 8-12

C2) Wall Slide (60s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

D1) Lateral Raise Machine (15s) 1 15

2 15

3 15

D2) Hanging Leg/Knee Raise (75s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

72 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 12 - Day 4 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Loaded BSS (2m) 1 6 per leg
2 6 per leg

3 6 per leg

4 6 per leg

B1) Front Squat (90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10
C1) Reverse Lunges (15s) 1 10 per leg

2 10 per leg

3 10 per leg

C2) Reverse Crunch (75s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

D1) 1.5 Rep Walking Lunges (75-90s) 1 10

2 10

3 10

73 www.ontheregimen.com
Week 12 - Day 5 Date:
Exercise Set Reps Weight
A1) Barbell Biceps Curl (2m) 1 6
2 6

3 6

B1) Close Grip Barbell Bench Press (2m) 1 6

2 6

3 6

C1) Strict DB Biceps Curl (45s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

C2) Standing Overhead DB Tricep Extension 1 12

(45s) 2 12

3 12

D1) V-Up Roll Up (15s) 1 12

2 12

3 12

D2) 1.5 Rep Underhand Grip Cable Curls (60s) 1 15

2 15

74 www.ontheregimen.com

Fear not! We will figure this out :)

One thing I hate about “standard” programs it that they

don’t account for

1) equipment availability

2) inability to perform a move. What if someone lacks the

hip mobility to barbell deadlift? What if a shoulder issue
prevents are barbell back squat? What if you don’t HAVE
that specific piece of machinery?

For that reason, I have included regressions/substitutions

below for most of the moves in the program!

There are also a few instances where I included a progres-

sion. So, if the listed move is too easy for you (and we can’t
make it more difficult by adding weight)

There are also equipment access regressions. If you cannot

complete a move because you lack the proper equipment,
check below!

75 www.ontheregimen.com
Back Extension
-Glute Ham Raise
-Superman Hold

Band Pull Aparts

-Chest supported rear delt fly
-Standing bent over rear delt fly
-Cable Crossover Pull Aparts

Barbell Biceps Curl

-Standing DB Biceps Curl

Barbell Deadlift
-Sumo DB/KB Deadlift

Barbell Front Squat

-DB Front Squat
-Goblet Squat

Barbell Loaded BSS

-Bodyweight BSS

Bent Over Barbell Row

-Bent Over DB Row
-Chest Supported DB Row

Bulgarian Split Squat (holding one DB)

-Bodyweight Bulg Split Squat
-Regular Split Squat

76 www.ontheregimen.com
Chest Supported Row
- Machine Row
-Bent Over DB Row
-Bent Over BB Row

Close Grip Barbell Bench Press

-Close Grip DB Bench Press
-Close Grip Push Ups

Face Pull
-Band Face Pull
-Band Pull Aparts
-DB Rear Delt Fly

Flat Barbell Bench Press

-Flat DB Bench Press
-DB Floor Press

Goblet Squat
-Single DB/KB Sumo Deadlift

Hanging Leg/Knee Raise

-Roman Chair Leg Raise
-Roman Chair Knee Raise
-Garhammer Raise
-Leg Drops

77 www.ontheregimen.com
Incline DB Bench Press
-Single Arm Floor Press

Inverted Bodyweight Row

-chest supported DB Row
-Standing Bent Over DB Row
-Single Arm DB Row

KB Swing
-DB Swing

Lateral Lunge Goblet Hold

-Bodyweight split squat

Lateral Raise Machine

-Seated DB Lateral Raise
-Standing DB Lateral Raise

Long Lever Hold


Overhand Grip Lat Pulldown

-Bodyweight Pull Ups
-Assisted Pull Ups

Overhead DB Triceps Extension

-Seated OH DB Triceps Ext
-Rope attachment Triceps Overhead Ext
-Rope attachment triceps pushdown

78 www.ontheregimen.com
Parallel Grip Chin Up
-Assisted Chin Up Machine
-Bench Assisted Chin Up
-Band Assisted Chin up
-Lat Pulldown Machine

Pec Deck
-Standing Cable Flys
-Slight Incline DB Flys

Pike Push Up
-Seated DB Overhead Press (with no back support)
-Standing DB overhead press

Preacher Curl
-Single DB curl with Triceps Resting on High Incline Bench
-Standing EZ bar curl
-Standing Barbell curl

Push Up
-Hands Elevated Push Up (on smith machine bar)
-Hands Elevated Push Up (on bench)
-Hands Elevated Push up (on wall)
-Knee Push Ups

Reverse Crunch
-Knees Elevated Crunch
-Leg Drops

79 www.ontheregimen.com
Reverse Lunges
-Bodyweight Split Squat

Rope Attachment Triceps Pushdowns

-Diamond Push Ups On Ball
-Diamond Push Ups
-Close Grip Push Ups
-Bent Over DB Triceps Kickbacks

Russian Twist
-Standing Rope Attachment Oblique Rotations

Seated Cable Row

-Inverted Bodyweight Row
-Bent Over DB Row (parallel grip, elbows in tight)

Seated High Incline Press

-standing DB overhead press

Standing DB Overhead Press

-seated high incline DB press

Standing Overhand Grip EZ Bar Curl

-Standing Overhand Grip Barbell Curl
-Standing Overhand Grip Cable Curl
-Standing DB Hammer Curl

80 www.ontheregimen.com
Sternum Pull Ups
-Lat Pull down to chest
-Assisted Sternum Pull Ups
-Regular Pull Ups

Sumo RDL

V-Up Roll Up
-Legs Elevated Pike Sit Ups (reaching for toes in the air!)

Weighted Plank
-Regular Plank
-Plank with forearms further our in front of you

1.5 Rep Close Grip Push Ups

-1.5 rep hands elevated close grip push ups

1.5 Rep Underhand Grip Cable Curls

-1.5 rep underhand grip barbell curls
-1.5 rep underhand grip DB curls

1.5 Rep Walking Lunges

-Regular Walking Lunges
-Split Squat

81 www.ontheregimen.com
Again, I am deeply grateful that you chose my program.

Feel free to contact me michaelvacanti@gmail.com if you

need me.

I have attached a few additional resources below:

-Mike’s Macros Nutrition Tracking App

-My Blog: www.ontheregimen.com
-Online Coaching Information: www.ontheregimen.com/

And lastly… I’m excited for you. This is going to be an awe-

some 12 weeks. Feel free to tag me on any social media if
you want me to keep up with your progress!

-Instagram - @mikevacanti
-Facebook - Mike Vacanti
-Snapchat - @mikevacanti
-Twitter - @mikevacanti

Game time!!


82 www.ontheregimen.com
Obligatory Legal Disclaimer

The information presented herein is in no way intended

as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical
counseling. The information should be used in conjunction
with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your
physician before beginning this program as you would with
any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to
obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your
physician throughout the duration of your time consult-
ing with On The Regimen, LLC you are agreeing to accept
full responsibility for your actions. By accepting your com-
prehensive fitness program, you recognize that despite all
precautions on the part of On The Regimen, LLC, there are
risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your
use of the aforementioned information and you express-
ly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any
claim which you may have against On The Regimen, LLC,
or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or
illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use
or misuse of your program.

83 www.ontheregimen.com

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