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Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 95:687–693

DOI 10.1007/s00128-015-1600-y

Morphological, Physiological and Biochemical Impact of Ink

Industry Effluent on Germination of Maize (Zea mays), Barley
(Hordeum vulgare) and Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
Chaâbene Zayneb1 • Khanous Lamia2 • Ellouze Olfa3 • Jebahi Naı̈ma1 •
C. Douglas Grubb4 • Khemakhem Bassem1 • Mejdoub Hafedh1 • Elleuch Amine1

Received: 7 July 2014 / Accepted: 8 July 2015 / Published online: 4 September 2015
Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract The present study focuses on effects of Keywords Effluent treatment  Seedling mortality 
untreated and treated ink industry wastewater on germi- Speed of germination  Soluble protein  a-amylase
nation of maize, barley and sorghum. Wastewater had a
high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and metal content
compared to treated effluent. Germination decreased with As a result of water supply and demand imbalances,
increasing COD concentration. Speed of germination also wastewater reclamation and reuse has become an important
followed the same trend, except for maize seeds exposed to element in water resource planning in arid and semi-arid
untreated effluent (E), which germinated slightly faster regions (Abedi-Koupai and Bakhtiarifar 2003). In recent
than controls. These alterations of seedling development years, a number of Mediterranean countries such as Tuni-
were mirrored by changes in soluble protein content. E sia, have practiced various water conservation methods
exerted a positive effect on soluble protein content and especially in agriculture, the largest water consumer. For
maximum levels occurred after 10 days with treated this reason, countries in this area are greatly concerned
effluent using coagulation/flocculation (TEc/f) process and with water-saving measures and with upgrading and
treated effluent using combined process (coagulation/floc- streamlining management (Neubert and Benabdallah
culation/biosorption) (TEc/f/b). Likewise, activity of 2003). Untreated wastewater is widely used in agriculture
a-amylase was influenced by effluent composition. Its and can introduce a large amount of organic and inorganic
expression depended on the species, exposure time and contaminants, including metals, into agricultural lands
applied treatment. Nevertheless, current results indicated (Hussain et al. 2001). However, the use of non-conven-
TEc/f/b had no observable toxic effects on germination and tional water resources, such as treated wastewater, could be
could be a beneficial alternative resource to irrigation of benefit to arid countries. Costs of treatment can be
water. prohibitive (Al-Lahlam et al. 2003). Irrigation of agricul-
tural fields using treated wastewater (TE) under controlled
conditions is being extensively practiced in countries faced
with water shortage problems, but the safety of this prac-
& Elleuch Amine tice is largely unexamined. Among industrial activities that discharge significant
1 quantities of wastewater are packaging and printing. The
Laboratoire des Biotechnologies Végétales Appliquées à
l’Amélioration des Cultures, Faculté des Science de Sfax, latter is an example of industries posing increasing envi-
Université de Sfax, BP 1171, 3000 Sfax, Tunisia ronmental problems. The printing industry has evolved to
Unité de Toxicologie-Microbiologie Environnementale et adapt to market requirements, with an annual rate of growth
Santé/Faculté des Science de Sfax, Université de Sfax, exceeding 93 %. Ink production, in particular, is among
BP 1171, 3000 Sfax, Tunisia industries that contribute most to water pollution (Patil et al.
Unité de Bioconversion des Enzymes/Ecole National des 2010). This pollution is driven by effluents that may contain
Ingénieurs de Sfax, Université de Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia a wide variety of pollutants (dyes, pigments, solvents, met-
Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle, Germany als, etc.) (Ma and Xia 2009). Effluent toxicity is related to its

688 Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 95:687–693

composition, particularly the presence of recalcitrant Seed germination was recorded and total germination
chemicals with carcinogenic and mutagenic effects (He et al. was calculated and expressed in percentage (GP = seeds
2013). Hence, this wastewater cannot be directly discharged germinated/total seeds 9 100). The speed of germination
into ecosystems without treatment, not only due to its (SG), mean daily germination (MDG) and the peak value
deleterious effect on human health and the environment, but (PV) were measured according to Czabator (1962). Mean
also aesthetically due to the visibility of pigments, even at germination time (MGT) was calculated following the
low concentrations (Ding et al. 2011). Previous research has formula given by Ellis and Roberts (1981). However,
demonstrated the efficiency of a combined process (coagu- germination value was calculated following the formula
lation/flocculation and biosorption) for treatment. Reuse of given by Osman (2004). The formula used to calculate
treated printing ink wastewater for agriculture could poten- seedling mortality (SLM) was as follows: SLM = (number
tially be part of the solution to problems of water scarcity. of non-germinated seeds/number of days) 9 100.
However, even treated effluent may have an effect on plant Germination index (GI) was calculated following the
development and growth. Metal accumulation in plant tissue formula:
can decrease the biomass, as well as chlorophyll and protein NE  LE
concentrations in leaves and stems (Manios et al. 2002). GI % ¼  100
This study aimed to evaluate the potential effects of
untreated and treated printing ink effluent when used to where NE is the number of germinated seeds watered by
irrigate maize (Zea mays), barley (Hordeum vulgare) and the effluent, NC is the number of germinated seeds in the
sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) seeds for germination. To control, LE is the average length of the radical of germi-
obtain a more complete picture of effluent effects, various nated seeds watered by the effluent, and LC is the average
morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters length of the radical of germinated seeds in the control.
were monitored in detail. To determine soluble protein content, samples were
prepared by homogenizing the fresh tissue with a mortar
and pestle in a potassium phosphate buffer 0.1 M, pH 7
Materials and Methods (1.5 mL: 0.5 g fresh weight) to extract soluble protein.
Homogenate was centrifuged at 13,000g for 15 min. All
Wastewater was collected from a Tunisian company spe- operations were performed at 4°C. Protein concentration
cializing in manufacturing custom corrugated packaging determination was carried out spectrophotometrically
and paper processing and manufacturing bags and envel- according to the method of Bradford (1976), using bovine
opes. Effluent from print washing machines was collected. serum albumin as a standard.
Wastewater samples were taken from the inlet and outlet The amount of reducing sugars released by the action of
station. Different types of wastewater have been used in amylases on starch was measured at 37°C and pH 7 for
this study: untreated effluent (E); treated effluent using 10 min. The reaction mixture contained 0.5 % (w/v) starch
coagulation/flocculation process (TEc/f) and treated effluent in 25 mM phosphate buffer (pH = 7) and the enzyme
using combined process (coagulation/flocculation/biosorp- solution in a final volume of 1 mL. The concentration of
tion) (TEc/f/b) (Table 1). reducing sugar was determined by the dinitrosalicylic acid
Mineral contents of effluent samples were also deter- (DNS) method (Miller 1959). One unit of amylase was
mined. Each sample was digested with nitric acid 1 % defined as the amount of enzyme required to produce
HNO3 (v/v) and filtered. The filtrate was collected in a reducing sugars equivalent to 1 lmol glucose/min.
flask, diluted and directly analyzed using atomic absorption Data in all experiments were statistically analyzed for
spectrophotometry (Perkin Elmer-Model 2380) to deter- the calculation of standard error (S.E.). Student’s t test was
mine metal concentrations in mg/L (Joseph et al. 2006). administered for testing hypotheses with the help of Sigma
Seeds of maize (Z. mays), barley (H. vulgare) and sor- Stat 2.0. Statistically significant differences at the p \ 0.05
ghum (S. bicolor) were surface-sterilized with 15 % level are indicated.
sodium hypochlorite followed with repeated washing with
sterilized distilled water. Uniform sized seeds (10) were
placed on filter paper in each petri dish and 10 mL of each Results and Discussion
solution was used. Effluents were applied every alternate
day. Petri dishes were maintained at 25 ± 1°C with a 16 h Physicochemical and biological constituent analyses of ink
period of light in a growth chamber after 2 days of dark- wastewater results obtained before and after treatment
ness. This in vitro germination was designed with three (Table 1) revealing that untreated effluent had a high COD
replicates and all parameters were recorded every 2 days of and metals concentrations (Cu, Ni and Pb) compared to
growth for 15 days. treated effluent. Treatment of wastewater using TEc/f or

Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 95:687–693 689

Table 1 Average physicochemical characteristics and metals concentration of treated and untreated ink wastewater in Tunisia
Parameters E TEc/f TEc/f/b WHO/FAO guideline WHO/FAO guideline
Irrigation water In plants (mg/kg)

pH 7.79 ± 0.79 7.25 7.25 6.5–8.4 –

COD (mg/L) 38,595 ± 20,926 656 388 90 –
NTU 3331 936 355 B5 –
RE-Tur (%) 98 44 44 – –
TMF (109 CFU/mL) 154 75 27 \200 –
Fungi Absent Absent Absent – –
Zinc (Zn) (mg/L) 42.86 2.32 0.49 2.0 60
Lead (Pb) (mg/L) 4.12 0.22 0.009 5.0 0.3
Sodium (Na) (mg/L) 900.5 195.84 127.41 23 25–150
Potassium (K) (mg/L) 72.9 6.92 10.17 39.1 15–50
Magnesium (Mg) (mg/L) 317.87 3.41 3.1 12.2 10–35
Nickel (Ni) (mg/L) 3.52 0.3 0.03 0.20 0.02–50
Iron (Fe) (mg/L) 6.73 0.24 0.16 5.0 400–500
Copper (Cu) (mg/L) 5.04 1.46 0 0.20 2.5
Cadmium (Cd) (mg/L) bd bd bd 0.01 \2.4
E untreated effluent, TEc/f treated effluent using coagulation/flocculation process, TEc/f/b treated effluent using combined process (coagulation/
flocculation/biosorption), COD chemical oxygen demand, NTU turbidity, Nephelometric Turbidity Unit, Re-Tur turbidity removal, TMF total
mesophilic flora, bd below detection

TEc/f/b removed about 90 % of organic matter, improving tomato seeds treated with MSG wastewater (Liu et al.
treated water (NTU = 3331 in the E; NTU = 355 in the 2007). Secondly, metal content of effluents may adversely
TEc/f/b; Imen et al. 2012). In addition, analysis of the affect the germination process. Metals can bind to func-
effluent mineral content (Table 1) showed that except for tionally important domains of biomolecules and thereby
Pb and Cd, all measured elements in treated effluents were inactivate them (Sarita et al. 2007). Moreover, Nagda et al.
below the permissible levels of metals in irrigation water as (2006) found that, at higher concentrations of industrial
per WHO (2006). effluent, seed germination efficiency decreases. These
Combined treatment removed almost 100 % of some authors suggested osmotic stress caused by effluent with
metals, such Cu, Pb and Ni. There was no significant dif- higher concentrations of total salts makes imbibition more
ference in the Mg, K and Fe concentration between TEc/f difficult and retards germination.
and TEc/f/b. However, the concentration of Na in all tested The combined treatment process seems to be the best
samples was far above recommended levels. Sodium tox- method for water detoxification. It removed the bulk of
icity may cause both direct and indirect damage to many organic constituents and was especially effective at
plants and reduce the availability of some micronutrients, decreasing metals such as Cu, Pb and Ni. Consequently,
e.g. Fe and P. TEc/f/b had no quantitative effects on germination. For
Percent germination in all examined seeds irrigated with example, barley germinated at a rate of 99 % under TEc/f/b
untreated wastewater was much lower than the control treatment compared to 90 % and 22 % of seeds irrigated
(distilled water; Fig. 1). The use of E significantly with TEc/f and wastewater, respectively. These results
(p \ 0.05) decreased germination by about 50 % for maize conform to the work of Fendri et al. (2012), who showed
and sorghum and about 75 % for barley. The presence of biological treatment completely removed factors inhibiting
toxic substances (organic and inorganic) in effluent might the germination of oat seeds.
be the origin of this inhibition (Table 1). Indeed, for barley Interestingly, while the germination of sorghum and
and sorghum, the rate of germination inhibition reached barley were almost unaffected by contaminants remaining
levels similar to those observed for cabbage treated with in TEc/f, maize seeds were actually more sensitive to this
monosodium glutamate (MSG) wastewater (Liu et al. partially treated effluent than to the raw effluent (Fig. 1).
2007). According to those authors, low dissolved oxygen Thus the suitability of wastewater treatment regimen
linked with high COD and TSS in effluent negatively depends on the crop to be irrigated. Besides germination,
affected the germination, and later growth, of seedlings. considerable variations were also recorded in different
However, this same study found no such relationship for physiological parameters that can provide important

690 Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 95:687–693

Fig. 1 Maize, barley and sorghum germination percentage with effluent, TEc/f treated effluent using coagulation/flocculation process,
treated and untreated ink wastewater. Data are mean ± SD of three TEc/f/b treated effluent using combined process (coagulation/floccu-
independent experiments. An asterisk indicates a significant mean lation/biosorption)
difference from control at p \ 0.05. W distilled water, E untreated

information on effects of effluent on seeds. In fact, results (E100%) (Piyush and Anuradha 2011). Percent inhibition
illustrated in Table 2 showed variability in the behavior of was maximum in E100% (19.4 %) and minimum in E20%
plant species tested during germination. The speed germi- which can be attributed to the increase in salt content with
nation (SG) was strongly reduced in both barley and sor- increasing concentrations of effluent. The complex chem-
ghum, but was almost unaffected in maize, except by TEc/f, ical nature of toxicity induced by the latter was confirmed
providing further evidence that this partially treated efflu- by the augmentation of SLM following inhibition of ger-
ent contains something to which maize is especially mination. In contrast, the work of Ibrahim et al. (2012)
sensitive. performed on maize seeds showed wastewater from food
Similarly, previous research showed that Brassica napus processing industries contributed significantly to improve
plants irrigated with higher concentrations of distillery germination in this species. Even if the capacity of ger-
effluents had lower germination rates (Piyush and Anu- mination was not affected by the various types of treated
radha 2011). Speed of germination also followed the same water, MGT and MDG varied from the minimum for TEc/f
trend. It was found to be maximal in the lower E concen- to the maximum for TEc/f/b, and the differences across
tration (E20%) and minimum at high E concentration treatments were highly significant in maize and barley. It

Table 2 Wastewater effects on different physiological parameters of seed germination in Tunisia

Species SG (s/d) MDG (s/d) MTG (d) PV (s/d) SLM (%) GI (%)

Maize W 0.62 ± 0.16 0.52 ± 0.12 0.76 ± 0.06 0.31 ± 0.03 53.33 ± 15.28 100
E 0.69 ± 0.13 0.53 ± 0.11 0.84 ± 0.14 0.3 ± 0.05 73.33 ± 11.55 9 ± 0.14
TEc/f 0.3 ± 0.05 0.25 ± 0.13 0.48 ± 0.2 0.88 ± 0.96 90 ± 0 1 ± 0.03
TEc/f/b 0.71 ± 0.23 0.52 ± 0.17 0.73 ± 0.25 0.74 ± 0.65 56.66 ± 11.55 84.74 ± 1
Barley W 4.49 ± 0.33 2.41 ± 0.95 5.17 ± 3.11 2.83 ± 0.76 0±0 100 ± 1.66
E 0.37 ± 0.03 1 ± 1.32 0.6 ± 0.52 0.23 ± 0.2 76.67 ± 20.81 38.6 ± 0.3
TEc/f 2.92 ± 0.21 1.22 ± 0.21 2.95 ± 0.34 0.83 ± 0.57 11.54 ± 6.67 48.1 ± 2
TEc/f/b 3.63 ± 0.89 2.44 ± 0.96 2.38 ± 1.75 1.33 ± 0.58 13.33 ± 5.77 62.21 ± 5.7
Sorghum W 3.06 ± 0.63 1.61 ± 0.67 2.3 ± 2.1 3.68 ± 3 16.66 ± 15.2 100
E 0.68 ± 1.02 0.65 ± 0.5 0.52 ± 0.46 1.25 ± 0.19 33.33 ± 4 0
TEc/f 2.73 ± 0.27 1.5 ± 0.5 2.62 ± 2.35 2.39 ± 1.7 23.33 ± 20.8 52.37 ± 6
TEc/f/b 2.71 ± 0.56 1.47 ± 0.13 3.26 ± 2.9 3.41 ± 2.65 26.66 ± 21 387.3 ± 40
GP germination percentage, SG speed of germination, MGT mean germination time, MDG mean daily germination, SLM seedling mortality, PV
peak value, GI germination index

Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 95:687–693 691

was also observed that PV of germination for treated water compared to other types of water. Maximum protein con-
was found to be maximal in barley and sorghum irrigated tent in major species occurred after 10 days of treatment
seeds with TEc/f/b and minimal in E. The behavior of B. with TEc/f and TEc/f/b, followed by a drop at the 15th day.
napus seeds treated with distillery effluent followed the These results may be due to an inhibition of proteolytic
same trend (Piyush and Anuradha 2011). activity in the presence of E. On the other hand, application
The GI for barley and sorghum varied from 100 % to of a hybrid wastewater treatment may protect proteases,
38 % and from 100 % to 0 %, respectively, in distilled since protein content in this treatment was lower than that
water (W) and E (Table 2). Similarly, increasing concen- seen with raw effluent and similar to the control. The
tration of anionic surfactants in wastewater induced positive effect of E on soluble protein content could be an
diminution of GI for Triticum aestivum and Secale cereal effect of the nutrients existing in untreated wastewater.
(Ewa and Maciej 2007). The same results were recorded in In addition to organic matter, most of the metals present
B. napus seeds treated with different distillery effluent in the waters are necessary, in small amounts, for plant
concentrations (Piyush and Anuradha 2011). According to growth. They may help seeds to develop by providing
these authors, GI decline may be attributed to the toxicity easily absorbed micronutrients (Tolra et al. 1996). In this
caused by increasing amount of various organic and inor- experiment, essential elements such as K, Mg, and Zn were
ganic compounds present in higher wastewater concentra- diluted in the ink wastewater. Also, the nitrogenous com-
tions. Similar observations were made by Padhan and Sahu pound NO plays a key role in seed germination (Wong
(1999) while working on the effect of rice mill effluent on et al. 1997). The toxicity of metals absorbed by plants can
seed germination. They found a decrease in the values of be compensated by the accelerated growth of the plants due
GI in seeds treated with 60 % and 75 % effluent concen- to nitrogen availability (Tolra et al. 1996).
trations. However, relating to the low values of germina- Over the course of the experiment, the amount of metals
tion percentage, GI results obtained for maize seeds treated added continually to the petri dish exceeded that necessary
with TEc/f (1 %) were less than the E (9 %). The current for plant germination and growth. The parallel increase in
study observed that TEc/f/b had no observable phytotoxic nitrogen could no longer counterbalance the toxicity, and
effect on any of the test species. soluble protein concentration at the 15th day therefore
The alteration of germination can be explained in part decreased. Extended exposure periods may subject seeds to
by a modification in water absorption (a major factor for supplementary stress due to space limitations, such as the
seed germination). In fact, it may perturb mobilization of accumulation of secondary metabolites or waste products,
crop reserves. In the present work, the biochemical contributing to a reduction in protein content. Such effects
response of treated seeds was investigated by soluble have been reported by Sharma and Gaur (1995) when
protein content changes under the various treatments working with Lemma polyrrhiza plants and Kevresan et al.
(Fig. 2). (2001) when working with Pisum sativum.
Independent of water type, similar trends in soluble Among the widely expressed proteins during germina-
protein levels over time for all seeds were evident. Indeed, tion are hydrolases, necessary for the release of nutrients
in the presence of E, protein levels seem to be higher from reserves and their transport to embryonic tissues. The

Fig. 2 Effects of various

effluents on soluble protein
content of maize, barley and
sorghum seedlings during
15 days (d) of exposure. Data
are mean ± SD of three
independent experiments. An
asterisk indicates a significant
mean difference from control at
p \ 0.05. W distilled water,
E untreated effluent, TEc/f
treated effluent using
process, TEc/f/b treated effluent
using combined process

692 Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 95:687–693

current study was interested in examining the effect of by the production of new precursors of the substrate
treated and untreated wastewater toxicity on the amylolytic adapted to stressful conditions. In contrast, for sorghum,
activity, an indicator of the gibberellic acid (GA) level in this phenomenon was not observed. Similarly, Fendri et al.
germinating seeds (Beri and Gupta 2007). GA is a classical (2012) demonstrated that a-amylolitic activity in Avena
plant hormone that mediates cell elongation, seed germi- sativa seeds treated with domestic wastewater continued to
nation, flowering and other physiological responses decline over the entire stress period. According to these
(Richards et al. 2001). It also induces synthesis of alpha- authors, it might be due to the high salt load and the
amylase activity. presence of metals capable of generating free radicals
Figure 3 provides treatment effects on the activity of affecting various physiological and biochemical processes
amylase between the studied species. The variability of in germination.
organic composition of the water used during this study The use of treated ink industry wastewater using the
affected the expression of the enzyme and their activities in combined process of coagulation/flocculation/biosorption
metabolic pathways during the process of germination. The (TEc/f/b) in plant nourishment could be a beneficial alter-
application of E during germination caused amylolytic native resource to fresh water irrigation. On the basis of
activity disturbances in tested seeds (Fig. 3). However, the overall performance as exhibited by three crops (maize,
irrigation of maize and barley seeds with untreated barley and sorghum) when subjected to the raw effluent, it
wastewater after 15 days resulted in an increase in amylase is clear that ink wastewater is toxic for germination and
activity (Fig. 3a, b). Bravo and Vieira (1970), who studied plant development. Thus, E cannot be used directly for
the effect of osmotic stress on Gossypium plants, explained irrigation purposes in agriculture. It is also suggested that
this rise in enzyme activity after decrease in the 10th day treatment of this water is necessary to minimize pollution
by the loss of amylases inhibitors expressed under stress, or effects before it is discharged to the land.

Fig. 3 Effects of various effluents on a-amylase activity of maize (a), effluent, TEc/f treated effluent using coagulation/flocculation process,
barley (b) and sorghum (c) germinated seeds. Data are mean ± SD of TEc/f/b treated effluent using combined process (coagulation/floccu-
three independent experiments. W distilled water, E untreated lation/biosorption)

Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 95:687–693 693

Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from the Kevresan S, Petrovic N, Popovic M, Kandrac J (2001) Nitrogen and
Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. It was protein metabolism in young pea plants as affected by different
accomplished at the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax. Authors gratefully concentrations of nickel, cadmium, lead and molybdenum.
acknowledge the support of Mohamed Ayadi for technical assistance. J Plant Nutr 24:1633–1644
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