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USF Elementary Education Management Routine Action Plan (Fall 2018)

Name: Gabe Camacho

Grade Level Being Taught: 3rd Date of Lesson: 10/1/2019

Lesson Content
What FEAPs and/or Standards FEAPs
relate to this lesson? The FEAPs 2b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system
are most likely domain 2 and are 2c. Conveys high expectations to all students
located in canvas as well as in your
Objectives-Management Routine
List the management task here Lining up in a quick and orderly manner

What background knowledge is

necessary for a student to Classroom rules/expectations aligned with this task are related to lining up for lunch time. The class
successfully complete this task? already has the expectation that they must be lined up in order to leave the room as a whole.
Ask your CT
 What classroom A lesson and repeated attempts to help the students learn how to complete what I intend to show them.
rules/expectations are aligned
with this task? The expectation and rules that I will go over include the already developed idea of being Respectful,
 What procedures are in place to Responsible, Role Models. This is an established idea that the whole school follows and helps establish the
help students in meeting the concept of following rules and being ethical people. I will also explain why following rules help to keep
rules/expectations? you safe while you are walking in the hallways.
 What rules/expectations or
procedures might you go over
with students before engaging
in this task?

Task Implementation
Step-by-Step Plan: This is the Time Who is AGD
longest section of your responsible Intern: Are you ready kids?!
lesson/action plan (What exactly 5 min (Teacher or Students: Aye Aye Captain!
do you plan to do? Be thorough. Students)? Intern: I can’t hear you!!
Begin this section by observing your Students: Aye Aye Captain!
CT and writing down the steps they Teacher
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Action Plan (Fall 2018)
Name: Gabe Camacho

Grade Level Being Taught: 3rd Date of Lesson: 10/1/2019

Be sure to address all of the Teacher/Intern: Today I will be going over a new line up routine. First do you
following: know why we have rules to follow in the hallways? (Select a student who has
 How will you review and/or hand raised)
model the classroom
rules/expectations? Intern: Thank you ______, so yes rules are in place so that we can be safe when
 What will you as the teacher do we are walking in the halls. We share the hallway space with other students
and say during the routine? and teachers. Like Mrs. Keene has taught us we are “Respectful, Responsible,
 What teacher talk will you use? Role Models”. Being respectful means being as quiet as possible, Responsible
What will the students do and means we understand that we are sharing the halls with others, and we are
say? What will it look like and the role models for others in the school.
sound like if students are 5 min Intern: The way that we are going to do the line up today will be a little
meeting your expectations? different than Mrs. Keene has shown you. We have already completed the
 How will you respond to cleanup routine, but your chairs are still at your desks.
students who do not meet your Intern: Here is what it will look like, (I move to a desk that is unused) when I
expectations? call your table number, the number that you have already been assigned at
your desk by Mrs. Keene, I ask that you stand up (I stand up) and push in
your chairs (I push in the chair) then make your way to the area by the door
where you line up (I walk to the lineup area and face the door). I know this
the first time we are doing it, so I just ask that you do your best and make
your way to the line up area quickly and as quietly as possible. Remember,
when we are walking through the halls we need to be as quiet as possible to
not disturb the other classrooms.
Intern: Alright everyone, at the head of the line will be my line leader
(designated ahead of time by classroom teacher). If you could please stand
up, push in your chair and take your place at the beginning of the line. At the
end of my line will be my rear security person, who today will be Francisco.
The line leader you are the first person on the line so you will be our model of
respect and responsibility. My rear security person, you will make sure that
everyone has gotten on line and that they are not left behind as we walk
down the hallways. I will turn off the lights to the classroom and close the
door to the classroom. Is everyone ready to try this out?
Class: (Whatever response that they give)
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Action Plan (Fall 2018)
Name: Gabe Camacho

Grade Level Being Taught: 3rd Date of Lesson: 10/1/2019

Intern: Let’s begin with my ones. If your desk card has the number one, please
stand up, push in your chair and make your way behind the line leader.
(Possible correction of any students that are not following directions or
being too loud)
Intern: Good job my ones, now my two’s please do the same as the number
ones and find your spots behind the number ones. (Possible corrections of
any students)
Intern: Looking good class, now the three’s it is your turn, please stand and
push in your chairs. (Possible correction of students)
Intern: Class remember, the Line leader is the class model for respect and
responsibility so everyone should be looking forward and as quiet as possible
like our line leader. My fours, I have not forgotten about you, please follow
the three’s and make your way to the lineup area. Francisco, my rear security
person please take your place after the fours. Alright class, looking good so
far, (I open the classroom door and prop it open) Line leader please start
walking out of the classroom to the right. Stay on the white line as much as
possible so that we are not taking up the whole hallway and allowing others
to be able to get passed us. When you get to the end of the wall please stop
and wait for me to tell you to continue. (Class leaves the room, possible need
to correct the way they are walking or noise level) One more thing, please do
not stop at the water fountain. I understand that you may be thirsty, but we
are heading to the cafeteria for lunch and will be able to drink something
while you eat.
Intern: You all are doing great following my directions, I appreciate you all.
Line leader please continue to the end of the next wall, Francisco keep an eye
on everyone in front so that you do not lose anyone. Following the rules keeps
us safe.
Intern: Looking good so far, staying on the white line and keeping our voices
down, line leader makes a right at the end of the wall and head towards the
cafeteria doors. Stop just before the doors and I will have Francisco hold the
door open for the class. (Class arrives at the cafeteria doors)
Intern: Francisco please open the cafeteria door and please hold it open.
Class follow the line leader into the cafeteria and to your lunch line.
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Action Plan (Fall 2018)
Name: Gabe Camacho

Grade Level Being Taught: 3rd Date of Lesson: 10/1/2019

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