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Long Test

in English 9
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________ Score: ____________
I. A. Identification. Underline each adverb in the following sentences. Then, circle the word or words the
adverb modifies. On the line provided, write whether the adverb tells how, when, where, or to what
EXAMPLE When1. Shall we leave now?
_____________ 1. Akio arrived early.
_____________ 2. I can run faster than you.
_____________ 3. Lim Sing seems very sure of herself.
_____________ 4. Later I believed him.
_____________ 5. Our soccer team was too slow.
_____________ 6. Is he always early?
_____________ 7. Did you know that your new books are here?
_____________ 8. Did you work hard?
_____________ 9. Marina has been there.
_____________ 10. This math problem is especially hard.
B. Each of the following sentences contains an adverb in italics. Draw an arrow from the adverb to the
word it modifies. On the line provided, tell whether the modified word is a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.
EXAMPLES adjective 1. We saw a very uplifting movie.
adverb 2. Luis usually plays right field.
_____________ 11. Ms. Katz plays tennis well.
_____________ 12. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., is an exceptionally talented writer.
_____________ 13. Melba seldom loses her head.
_____________ 14. Herbert seemed unusually happy.
_____________ 15. Should I slice the ancho chilies now?

II. Poem Interpretation

Sonnet 29
by George Santayana
What riches have you that you deem me poor
Or what large comfort that you call me sad>
Tell me what makes you so exceeding glad:
Is your earth happy or your heaven sure?
I hope for heaven, since the stars endure
And bring such tidings as our fathers had.
I know no deeper doubt to make me mad,
I need no brighter love to keep me pure.
To me the faiths of old are daily bread;
I bless their hope, I bless their will to save,
And my deep heart still mean what they said.
It makes me happy that the soul is brave,
And, being so much kinsman to the dead,
I walk contented to the peopled grave.
16. Who is addressed by the poet?
a. The wealthy people b. The poor people
17. What makes the persona happy?
a. The old teachings from his elders b. The persona is in love
18. What does the opening line of the poem mean?
a. There are better things than being rich. b. The presence of money
19. How do you view the person’s circumstance?
a. He will die unsatisfied. b. He will die contented and happy.
20. Why does the poet consider the faiths of old his daily bread?
a. Because it contains old teachings pertaining to biblical scripture.
b. Because the poet is asking for a miracle to be rich someday.
Teenagers today are going physical and emotional changes between the ages of 13-19

III. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer.

21. This poem recounts old memories of friendship.
a. What If b. Auld Lang Syne c. Dream d. Greatness
22. These are the people or animals in the story
a. Theme b. Mood c. Title d. Character
23. The ‘Man with a Hoe’ portrays
a. The labor of much of humanity c. Masters, rulers, landlords
b. Much about farming d. betrayed humanity
24. ‘Auld Lang Syne’ is a Scottish song which literally means __________.
a. Last time b. recently c. last year d. long time ago
25. It pertains to the sequence of events or order of events in a story.
a. Plot b. Resolution c. Setting d. Climax
26. This story is about a ritualistic ceremony that demonstrates conformity to the traditions in the society.
a. The Lottery b. The Death c. The Black box d. The Stoning
27. What is a fourteen-line poem called?
a. Elegy b. Ballad c. Sonnet d. Eulogy
28. It is a part of speech that modifies adjective, verb, or another adverb.
a. Preposition b. Adverb c. Adjective d. Verb
29. The feeling the author creates using story details is ___________.
a. Reaction b. ideas c. emotion d. mood
30. What does the bent body of ‘The Man with a Hoe’ signifies?
a. Middle age b. old age c. slave d. burden

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