Construing Meaning in World Englishes

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Construing meaning in World Englishes

1. Justification & significane of the study

The paper states that research on Word Englishes has awaken people’s recognizition about
the change of language reflect political motives rather than linguistic realities. This paper
also emphasize that there are two issues that needs attention which become the significance
of the study.

2. Issues raised
There are two issues raised on Word Englishes. The first is the practice of using the names
of countries in naming varieties of World Englishes; and the second is a focus of World
Englishes research on identifying points of structural variation across different varieties of
English without considering their semantic functions.

3. Framework(s) used
-Halliday’s SFL > Main
-Lavandera’s Sociolinguistics Variables (1978)
-Kandiah (1998:100)
-Humphrey et al (2010) > Analysis theory

4. Research design
The data is a review of article which was written by 20 students. Among of those 20 students,
this paper only share 3 reviews that is considered based on their different linguistic and
national herritage (3 of them are lived in different nation) so that it is expected for this paper
to have distinct result. For the analysis, this paper uses a 3 x 3 matrix Humphrey et al (2010).

5. Findings
Results from the 3 students, Niloo, Ashwini and Yasmina

*Niloo: Using linguistic resources to build technical and abstract meanings at each strata
resulted in the construction of an academically valued genre-specific text.

*Ashwini: Used more linguistic resources to build academically valued abstract meanings
at the discourse and expression levels than at the genre level to construct an academic text.

*Yasmina: abstract and academically valued meanings were constructed in Yasmina’s

assignment by using a wide range of linguistic resources.
across all strata

6. Conclusion
This paper indicates that the 3 students are users of the same variety of Word Englishes,
while traditional Word Englishes suggest that by using nation-based naming system, they
may have draw different conclusion.
Foucault at School: Discipline, Education and Agency in Harry
1. Justification & significane of the study
The paper argues that Harry Potter addresses, represents, and reflects on socializing
disciplines as both psychological and sociohistorical processes, with special focus on and
implications for educational scenes and methods.

2. Issues raised
Harry Potter series critically adresses the disciplinary structures. In doing so, it displays their
coercive power and at the same time explores not only resistance to them, but also discipline
as a resource that can strengthen and not just dominate agent selfhood.

3. Framework(s) used
-Foucault > Main

4. Research design

5. Findings
Disciplinary structures:

6. Conclusion
This paper indicates that The Harry Potter series ends with a reconstitution of both self and
society. What is promised is the possibility of renewed institutions that bind society with a
discipline that is self-chosen.

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