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Midterm/Final Evaluation and Reflection of Intern Progress: Level 1

Intern Name _Natalia Zuniga_

INTERN (for FEAPs 1-4):

 Please place a * next to FEAPs that reflect areas of growth or strength in your practice.
 Please circle FEAPs that reflect areas in need of development
 Place comments and goals in the box provided below each FEAP
 DO NOT circle a selection for “Performance Evaluation”. This will be completed in collaboration
with supervisor and CT.

1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning. Applying concepts from human development and learning
theories, the effective educator consistently:
a. Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor;
b. Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required prior knowledge



Comments Goals: (Connect with specific FEAPs)

Leading morning meeting allowed for me to My goal is to sit down with my CT and be able
be able to incorporate traits they are learning to learn the process of how to build a lesson plan
in the classroom to real live situations. FEAP for our students (FEAP 1b)
- For example, their character trait was
integrity, and I was able to integrate
that into our lesson by explaining to
them you have to have integrity to
own up to what did in order to solve
the problem (leaving the bathroom a

2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student-centered learning environment that is safe, organized,
equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator consistently:
a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention;
b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system;
c. Conveys high expectations to all students;
e. Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills;
f. Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support


Comments Goals: (Connect with specific FEAPs)
I believe that I was able to show FEAP 2e by My goal for this section of FEAPs is to be able
having my students line up to get ready for lunch.
to manage and organize my time more
- In order for my students to line up efficiently (FEAP 2a) because I during my
efficiently, clear and concise observation I had told my supervisor that our
directions must be given. For example, line up started at a different time then what the
we build the line from the front to the schedule is, therefore I was not able to show the
back, therefore I need to call on my management of my time.
line leader and door holder before I
call on anyone else.

5. Continuous Professional Improvement. The effective educator consistently:

a. Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students’
e. Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices



Comments Goals: (Connect with specific FEAPs)

I came in on a non-internship day to be able My goal is to be able to find my effectiveness
to participate in a kindergarten field trip to in instruction by providing instruction that is
be able to observe the process of how field individually student based to be able to achieve
trips are run. student goals. (FEAP 5a)
- This shows my involvement in a
growth opportunity because it was
something that was not required by
my supervisor or CT to attend.
(FEAP 5e)
6. Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct. Understanding that educators are held to a high
moral standard in a community, the effective educator adheres to the Code of Ethics and the Principles of
Professional Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida, pursuant to State Board of Education Rules
6B-1.001 and 6B-1.006, F.A.C, and fulfills the expected obligations to students, the public and the
education profession.



Comments Goals: (Connect with specific FEAPs)

My CT has created a social media account My goal is to continue this level of privacy
that allows for her students’ parents to see between myself and my students.
what their child is learning/experiencing in
the classroom. It is an easy and creative way
for the parents to be involved and have that
communication. I have decided to follow the
account to be able to keep up with my
students and see what they are doing when I
am not interning. I do understand that
parents may be curious to see who their
child’s interning teacher is, so I do
understand that they may try and investigate,
but I have cleaned/made my profile private
and am not following or accepting requests
from them.

Interns: Please circle the boxes that reflect your participation, performance, and professional obligations
and then answer the questions below.

Category Exemplary Proficient Requires Action

1.Placement No absences One absence More than one absence

Attendance (not made up) (not made up) (not made up)
2.Punctuality Never late Late once Late more than once

3.Placement Communicates ● Adequate ● Limited communication w/ CT

Participation effectively w/ CT about communication w/ CT about teaching assignments
teaching assignments about teaching
● assignments
● __________________ _________________ ● _________________________
● Exemplary initiative ● Satisfactory initiative ● Inadequate initiative displayed in
displayed in placement displayed in placement placement
● ___________________ ● ___________________ ● ________________________
● Actively involved in ● Moderately involved in ● Minimally involved in lesson
lesson planning and lesson planning and planning and implementing
implementing implementing instruction
instruction instruction
Seminar Punctuality/ No absences, always One absence, or once More than one absence or tardy.
Attendance punctual, professional, tardy. Usually Not always professional and
and present professional and present.
Assignment submission Always on time Once turned in late Late more than once

Comments Goals related to participation, performance and

professional obligations

______Natalia Zuniga____________________________________ Intern Signature/Date:

__________________________________________ CT Signature/Date

___________________________________________ Supervisor Signature/Date:

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