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Foreign studies

According to R. Fletcher and S. Park to their Article “ The Impact of Trust in the News Media on Online
News Consumption and Participation.” said that Trust has long been considered an important factor that
influences people’s relationship with news. The results show what those with low level of trust tend
prefer the non-mainstream news sources like social media, and blogs.

According to L. Rajendran and P. Thesinghraja to their study on “ The Impact of New Media on
Traditional Media” they said that, The data indicates the shift in consumer’s behavior has led more
people to get their news and information online (New York Times, April 2009). Readership habits
seem to be changing as users turn to the Internet for free news and information. The alternate source of
news and information is not only free but also acts fast. Moreover, the amount of information and news
provided by the internet is updated every minute, and also you can get back the same news or any piece
of information without any struggles anytime you want and it is accepted by consumers globally.


According to B. Cassidy to his article “Online News Credibility: An Examination of the Perception of
Newspaper journalists”, said that the internet news information was viewed as moderately credible
overall and the online newspaper journalists rated Internet news information as significantly more
credible that print newspaper journalists. (

Local Studies

According J. Geronimo Published 8:15 PM, March 21, 2015, to her article “ Growing Internet use in PH
good for education – study”, says that the Philippines topped a list of 32 emerging and developing
countries where most believe in the good influence of the Internet on education. 88% of the Filipinos
has increased the Internet usage for education(US-based Pew Research).
According to sociologist Mike Aballos, one of the main causes of this fake news is the bias of an
individual — may it be political, social or logical. In his analysis, he stated that unlicensed social media
writers tend to post their opinions on an issue and claim it as news. Without any discernment and
doubts, these so-called online journalists publish their thoughts as facts. Which, sadly, undermine the
country’s democracy and press freedom.
Others’ says that Fake news has a lot of negative impacts. For one, it deliberately changes an individual’s
view on a certain issue, or perhaps, it plants uncertainty in one’s mindset that could harm other people.(

Local Literature

According to ABS-CBN News(Oct 10 2018) about “ Nearly all Pinoys who go online use social media,
most aware fake news widespread” says that Nearly all Filipinos have internet access online but majority
of them was aware with the prevalence of fake news in the internet. Their Surveys’ says that most
Filipinos or 79% believe that fake news is widespread on social media. (https://news.abs-

According to J. Ballaran on her article about “Online Filipinos trust social media more than traditional
media – poll” ( / 03:16 PM August 29, 2017), Filipinos trust social media more than
traditional media and the most of them were already access Internet and Philippine Trust Index(PTI) says
that 9 out of 10 Filipinos, or 87.3% whom trusted social media, and because they already access Internet
and they know what have it have, that’s why they trusted it and the information also.

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