Plabon IELTS Writing Practice

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Disruptive students have a negative influence on others, noisy students should be grouped together

and thought elsewhere, do you agree or disagree?

Problematic and menacing pupils always cause problems for others in a class. It has long been argued
by many that such students should not be kept in a common class with others and, they should be taken
in different kind of facility where they will be kept together and different teaching methods should be
applied on them. However I completely disagree with such idea as it is very much stereotypical and
misevaluation of their true potential.

By relocating the unruly students, they will become victims of stereotyping. The society will mark them
as criminals and they will be viewed in a negative way, moreover this practice will also leave a negative
impact on their mind, which might result in a frustration and even drug addiction. As a long term result
they might get black listed in their professional as well as personal life. For example, now days big
companies do an intensive back ground check before hiring an employee. Therefore considering long
term effect a potential teenager or a child we should not isolate them from others.

On the other hand, such rash decision might be a failure to identify the true potential of a person. In
many cases it has been found that student who is inattentive in the class simply because the topic
taught by the teacher is not interesting. In addition to that he/ she might be good at different other
areas like singing, painting, dancing. That is why instead of confining those in a different facility, school
authorities should introduce counseling these students to better understand their mentality.

In conclusion, any kind of disturbances caused by the inattentive students in a class is not acceptable;
however, to solve this problem we cannot just drag them out of their schools as it is both a stereotype
and a failure of the teachers.

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