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1. Refers to persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation and production of media and information.
a. journalism b. crowdsourcing c. teacher d. people media

2. College professor, Youtuber, independent blogger, and facebook user is an example of what classification in
People Media.
a. crowdsourcing b. people as media c. people in media d. multimedia journalist

3. Media practitioners who provide information coming from their expert knowledge.
a. crowdsourcing b. people as media c. people in media d. multimedia journalist

4. Its principle is that more heads are better than one. By canvassing a large crowd of people for ideas, skills, or
participation, the quality of content and idea generation will be superior.
a. journalism b. crowdsourcing c. citizen journalism d. social journalism

5. You are looking for a logo design for your company and you decided to post in your social media account the
design that you want, how much you will pay, and your deadline. Then a crowd of designers submitted a finished
design specifically for you. What you did is an example of.
a. opinion leader b. crowdsourcing c. citizen journalism d. social journalism

6. This is the newest field of journalism and also the fastest-growing. It can encompass all the fields of journalism
because a web page can have a written story, still photos, video, and audio.
a. print journalist b. photojournalist c. broadcast journalist d. multimedia journalist

7. A leader for a certain group who gives details and information to lesser active persons in the group.
a. opinion leader b. broadcaster c. citizen journalist d. speaker

8. A digital audio or video file or recording, that can be downloaded from a website to a media player or a computer.
a. audio media b. spotify c. audio podcast d. musicaly

9. It is how high or low a sound is.

a. loudness b. pitch c. tone d. pace

10. The characteristics of sound are:

I. Volume
II. Transition
III. Pitch
IV. Loudness


11. It is the combination, balance and control of multiple sound elements.

a. transition b. mixing c. volume d. pace

12. Sound that is artificially reproduced to create an effect.

a. sound clip b. sound recording c. music d. audio podcast

13. Can be a collection of videos. It is combined with audio, text and/or interactive content to create a multimedia.
a. interactive media b. motion media c. manipulative media d. none of the above

14. Are series of graphics or images that follow a sequence to create a story and show a set of components like
audio, visual, etc.
a. animation b. motion media c. storyboard d. script

15. Are ways of arranging the elements better.

a. pace b. harmony c. design elements d. design principles

16. Refers to the route that the object will take. It shows the change in the direction of a movement
a. motion path b. timing c. direction d. speed
17. The first step in formal production of animation/video is to create the storyboard. Who creates the storyboard
aside from the writer?
a. videographer b. producer c. director d. all of the above

18. Media communication that uses sound to deliver and transfer information.
a. radio broadcast b. music c. audio podcast d. audio media

19. It is how you get from one segment or element to another.

a. transition b. motion path c. direction d. pace

20. You are a student and you snapped a digital photo of a newsworthy event that happened in your town and post it
online. You also videotaped a similar event and post on a site such as Youtube. What you did is an example of.
a. famewhore b. citizen journalism c. opinion leader d. multimedia journalism

21. A method of communication in which the program’s outputs depend on the user’s inputs, and the user’s inputs in
turn affect the program’s outputs.
a. multimedia b. motion media c. social media d. interactive media

22. The following are the advantages of online gaming, except

a. educational b. promote quick thinking c. promotes isolation d. improve eye-hand coordination

23. Are websites or online services where users are the creators and consumers of the content, and where social
interactions are the main features of content.
a. social media b. print media c. broadcast media d. motion media

24. The computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted within a
seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen
a. form b. role-playing games c. social media d. virtual reality

25. The advantages of multimedia are:

I. Multi-sensorial
II. It can be interactive
III. Caters to a wide audience
IV. Can take up a lot of digital storage


26. Any human-readable sequence of characters that can form intelligible words.
a. text b. communication c. statement d. hypertext

27. Are created and distributed by established institutions and go through a rigorous process of editing or evaluation.
a. informal text-based materials b. formal text-based materials c. statement d. text

28. You are using a word processing application for your school project because the appearance of text can be
customized based on your preferences. What is the type of text used in word processing applications?
a. hypertext b. typeface c. plaintext d. formatted text

29. In the absence of images or drawings, it is the easiest way of communication to your audience. The use of font
types can express different emotions or meaning.
a. text b. message c. formatted text d. symbol

30. It is also called font, font type, or type that is usually comprised of alphabets, numbers, punctuation marks,
symbols and other special characters that also refers to the illustration of text in the digital format.
a. text media b. typeface c. hypertext d. plaintext

31. This type of typeface gives an elegant look when used for title or heading and it is usually used for the body text
of books and other formal text-based materials because of its formality and readability.
a. script b. slab serif c. sans serif d. serif
32. You are planning to make a large advertising sign for your business, what do you think is the best type of
typeface to use which will carry a solid or heavy look to your advertising sign.
a. slab serif b. sans serif c. decorative d. serif

33. This text design principle creates visual interest to text elements when two of the elements are not the same.
a. emphasis b. proximity c. contrast d. alignment

34. When several typefaces are used on a page, it might distract the audience and fail to communicate what you
want them to get from the content. To strike a balance, the entire design must have unity and consistency of
elements. This technique falls under what design principle in text.
a. repetition b. alignment c. emphasis d. contrast

35. It is repeating some typefaces within the page

a. emphasis b. repetition c. contrast d. organization

36. Materials, programs, applications that we use to formulate new information to aid learning through use, analysis,
evaluation and production of visual images.
a. motion media b. text media c. print media d. visual media

37. It is contrast between black and white and all the tones in between and the degree of light and dark in a design.
a. contrast b. value c. color d. form

38. Illusion of the surfaces, resulting in a feeling of smoothness or roughness in objects

a. texture b. form c. shape d. color

39. It is used for emphasis because it may elicit emotions from viewers determined by its hue, intensity, and value.
a. form b. shape c. texture d. color

40. Applying this is sometimes known as a composition and these are ways of arranging the elements better.
a. design elements b. harmony c. design principles d. visual images

41. This area is more important when compared to the other objects or elements in a composition.
a. emphasis b. center of interest c. harmony d. perspective

42. A feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc.

a. harmony b. unity c. perspective d. balance

43. Brings together a composition with similar units.

a. balance b. harmony c. center of interest d. directional movement

44. Can be the suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to object by placement and position. It is
also a visual flow through the composition.
a. center of interest b. harmony c. directional movement d. dominance

45. Created through the arrangement of objects in two dimensional space to look like they appear in real life.
a. emphasis b. center of interest c. harmony d. perspective

46. A plastic-fabricated, circular medium for recording, storing, and playing back audio, video, and computer data.
a. CD b. tape c. internet d. USB drive

47. It is created by drawing a picture on each page of a pad paper. Each page is slightly different indicating a change
in the image.
a. brochure b. stop motion c. booklet d. flipbook

48. Design principle of motion media that refers to the rout that the object will take. It shows the change in direction of
a movement.
a. speed b. timing c. motion path d. direction

49. Software applications developed specifically for use on small, wireless devices such as smartphones and tablets,
rather than desktop or laptop computers.
a. mobile apps b. video games c. 3D TV d. interactive websites
50. Multimedia can be used in:
I. Entertainment
II. Education
III.Advertising industry
a. I,III,IV b. II,III,IV c. I,II,IV d. all of the above

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