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HUSH (Movie)

Practice- Reported Speech

Name: __________

A) Answer the following questions about the movie.

1. What is Maddie’s physical problem?
2. Why is her friend Sarah coming by?
3. What happened to Sarah and John?
4. What’s tormenting Maddie?
5. What would you do if you were in Maddie’s place?
6. How did she try to escape from the problem?
7. What alternatives did she have?
8. How did the story end?
9. Do you think she would finish her second novel? Why?
What may she write about?
10. Did you like the movie? Why?/ Why not?

B) Read the following sentences and rewrite them using passive or active voice.

1. Maddie has written an interesting book.

2. Maddie is congratulated by her friend Sarah.
3. Maddie set the alarm unintentionally.
4. She has prepared some dinner but it was burnt in the oven.
5. Maddie was threatened to be got any time the man want.
6. The man asked her if she could read his lips.
7. The man told Maddie to nod if she understood him.
8. John was warned to do just as the man said.
9. The man killed the man who wanted to help Maddie and Sarah.
10. Maddie’s hand was hurt by the stranger.

C) Write a movie review (stating your opinion about the plot, the characters, the
setting, etc) (100words).

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