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Chapter 2

Why Rockbolts?
The principal oJ>i€cÍi~gn of a support system is lo ~ilie rock mass
t"O suppdrt itself. This áPí)1íe'S"io rock reinforcement
--h.../ ~ ~ systems,
. e.g., where the
rockbolts actqally jorm part of the rock mass, as well as to rock support systems
e.g. stee1sets WiI"íctído not form part of the rock mass but .support it externally. The
rockbolt reinforces and mobilizes the inherent strength of the rock mass. CSteelset
or shotcrete support systems, however, restrietI movements of the rock mass exter-
nally. Both systems can be used for both tenworary as well aspermanent rock mass
support. ~\
Rockbolts are the most commonly used system for rock mass stabilization, par-
ticularly in the mining industry. J"~~
There are a number of reasons for the ~&éad use of rockbolt reinforcement
systems. Some of these are as follows;
- versatile, can be used in any excavation geometry
- usually simple to apply
- re1atively inexpensive (~ )
- installation can be fully mechanized.

. In addition, after blasting and m~cki'yg, r~pt installation ol rockbolts is very

important from a rock mechanics Pbffif o view~Using rockbolts, the reinforcement
density (spacing between bolts and bolt length) can be modified. This is frequently
required by local rock mass conditions. Another advantag~at rockbolts can
easily be combined with additional support systems such as Wlrem~otcrete or
a concrete lining. In many methods for underground excavation and support like the
New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) systematic rock bolting is combined with
shotcrete and for pt(rmanent reinforcement of the rock, a concrete lining.
A ~clí'ar11:fa~ rockbolting program is illustrated in Fig. 1. It is important that
the overall control of the rockbolting program (all the individual activities included
in the program) is in the hands of a single engineer.
J)efore excavatíon "

.~ ;nvestj9atjon~ ,

. Choise of rock bolt s~stem

. ExcCNation requírements "~ . Initial design /
. 'Relcvant past case histories . Choise of monitorí.n9 system
~?7cQ ,
J)urin9 excavation
. Detailed síte ;nvesti9CJtion
. .n ..
~evlew e"penence
. New desí9n
. Installahon.
of yock
bolt s~5tem
of mOOltonng
. system
. 'Rev,e"" .

~ excavcrhon

. Long term monitorin9 Note: EClch Clctivity is

dependent on the

outcome .'~f all

previous activities

Fig. 1 Flow chart for rockbolting.

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