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Please note: the following ESOL curriculum guide relates to the original edition of English File Intermediate.

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge of spelling to a wide range of common words Ww/E3.1a 6 3 Spelling
and specialist vocabulary
Articulate the sounds of English to make meaning clear Sc/E3.1b 6 (142) 3 Spelling
Ask questions to obtain personal or factual information Sc/E3.3b 6, 7, 2 Numbers
(121, 125) 3 Spelling
4 Dates
5 Making conversation
Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context Rt/E3.4a 7 6 Write better
Identify the key organisational features of instructional texts Rt/E3.3a 7 (121, 5 Making conversation
Listen for detail in narratives and explanations Lr/E3.2a 6 3 Spelling
Recognize and understand relevant specialist key words Rw/E3.1a 6 2 Numbers
4 Dates
Take part in social interaction Sd/E3.1a 6 1 Meeting people
Use basic sentence grammar accurately Ws/E3.2a 7 6 Write better

1A How we met
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Articulate the sounds of English to make meaning clear Sc/E3.1b 10 Better pronunciation
Ask questions to obtain personal or factual information Sc/E3.3b 9, 10 3 Making conversation
(121, 124) Practice
Express clearly statements of fact Sc/E3.4a 8 1 Read better
Express views and opinions Sd/E3.1d 11 7 Making conversation
Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context Rt/E3.4a 8 2 Build your vocabulary
Give personal information Sc/E3.4b 9 3 Making conversation
Listen for detail in narratives and explanations Lr/E3.2a 10 5 Listen better
Listen for phonological detail Lr/E3.2e 10 Better pronunciation
Listen for the gist of a discussion Lr/E3.7a 10 5 Listen better
Relate to other speakers Sd/E3.1g 11 7 Making conversation
Structure main points of writing in short paragraphs Wt/E3.2a 11 8 Write better
Use basic sentence grammar accurately Ws/E3.2a 9, 11 4 Grammar analysis
6 Grammar analysis

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Intermediate 1

1B Caring and sharing?
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 13 (129) 3 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 15 5 Making conversation
Describe and compare Sc/L1.3e 12 1 Presentation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 13, 15 Practice
5 Making conversation
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 14 4 Read better
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L1.2d 12 1 Presentation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 12 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 13 (129), 3 Build your vocabulary
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning 14 4 Read better
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 12 2 Grammar analysis
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 12, 13, 2 Grammar analysis
15 Practice
6 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 14 4 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 12 Better pronunciation

1C Good relations
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 16 (130), 1 Build your vocabulary
18 (130) 4 Read better
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 17 3 Making conversation
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 19 (145) 7 Write better
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 16, 17 1 Build your vocabulary
3 Making conversation
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 16, 18, 1 Build your vocabulary
19 4 Read better
5 Listen better
6 Making conversation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 19 5 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 19 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 18 4 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 19 (145) 7 Write better
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 17 2 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 18 4 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 16 (130), 1 Build your vocabulary
18 (130), 4 Read better
19 Better pronunciation

2 Intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

1 International English Hello and goodbye
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Distinguish how language and other textual features are used to Rt/L1.2a 21 4 Understanding signs
achieve different purposes
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 21 3 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 20 2 Meeting people
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Listen and respond, adapting to speaker, medium, and context Lr/L1.2b 21 5 Saying goodbye
6 Build your vocabulary
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 20 1 Understanding information
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Take part in social interaction Sd/L1.1a 20, 21 2 Meeting people
6 Build your vocabulary
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 20 1 Understanding information
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 21 6 Build your vocabulary

2A The time of your life

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 22, 24 1 Build your vocabulary
(131) 3 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 25 Practice
6 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 22, 25 2 Read better
6 Making conversation
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 25 5 Listen better
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L1.2d 24 4 Grammar analysis
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 23 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 22 2 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 24, 25 4 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 22 2 Read better
for different purposes
Use strategies to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1b 23 Better pronunciation
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 24 (131) 3 Build your vocabulary

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Intermediate 3

2B Food for thought
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 26 (132) 2 Build your vocabulary
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 29 6 Write better
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 27, 29 Practice
4 Read better
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 29 4 Read better
5 Making conversation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 26 1 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Follow and participate in a discussion Lr/L1.6c 29 5 Making conversation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 29 Better pronunciation
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 29 6 Write better
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 27 3 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different Rt/L1.5a 26, 28 1 Listen better
ways for different purposes 4 Read better
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 26 (132), 2 Build your vocabulary
29 Better pronunciation

2C Do we really need to sleep?

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 30 2 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 30, 31 2 Making conversation
(121, 125) Practice
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 33 4 Read better
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 33 5 Listen better
TV, or presentations 6 Song
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 31 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 30, 33 1 Build your vocabulary
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning 4 Read better
Use reference material to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words Rw/L1.1a 30 1 Build your vocabulary
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 31 3 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 32 4 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 31 Better pronunciation

4 Intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

2 International English Checking and apologizing
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 35 (143) 4 Write better
Distinguish how language and other textual features are used to Rt/L1.2a 35 3 Understanding information
achieve different purposes
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 34 1 Checking information
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Listen and respond, adapting to speaker, medium, and context Lr/L1.2b 35 2 Apologizing
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L1.2d 34 1 Checking information
Better pronunciation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 34 Better pronunciation
Listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.2a 35 2 Apologizing
Select format and appropriate structure for different purposes Wt/L1.5a 35 (143) 4 Write better
Take part in more formal interactions Sd/L1.1b 35 2 Apologizing
Take part in social interaction Sd/L1.1a 34 (122, Better pronunciation
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 34 Better pronunciation

3A The day that changed my life

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 37, 39 Practice
6 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 37, 39 Practice
6 Making conversation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 36 1 Presentation
TV, or presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 37 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, Rw/L1.3a 39 4 Build your vocabulary
applying knowledge of word structure, related words, word roots,
derivations, and borrowings
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 39 5 Grammar analysis
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use reference material to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words Rw/L1.1a 38 3 Read better
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 36, 37, 2 Grammar analysis
39 Practice
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 38 3 Read better
for different purposes
Use strategies to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1b 37 Better pronunciation
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 37 Better pronunciation

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Intermediate 5

3B Another brick in the wall
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 41 (133) 3 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 40 (122, 1 Presentation
126), 41, Practice
42 4 Making conversation
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 43 8 Write better
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 40 (122, 1 Presentation
126), 41, Practice
42 4 Making conversation
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 40 1 Presentation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 43 6 Listen better
TV, or presentations 7 Song
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 42 4 Making conversation
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 41 Better pronunciation
Present information and ideas in a logical sequence Sc/L1.4a 42 4 Making conversation
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 43 8 Write better
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 40 2 Grammar analysis
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 41, 42, Practice
43 5 Grammar analysis
7 Song
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 40 1 Presentation
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 41 (133) 3 Build your vocabulary
Better Pronunciation

6 Intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

3C Still me
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Articulate the sounds of English in connected speech Sc/L1.1b 46 Better pronunciation
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 44, 47 1 Making conversation
4 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 44, 47 1 Making conversation
4 Making conversation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 46 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, Rw/L1.3a 47 5 Build your vocabulary
applying knowledge of word structure, related words, word roots,
derivations, and borrowings
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 44 2 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Respond to questions on a range of topics Lr/L1.5a 47 5 Build your vocabulary
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 47 5 Build your vocabulary
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning Rt/L1.1a 44 2 Read better
is built up in a range of paraphrased texts
Use reference material to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words Rw/L1.1a 44 2 Read better
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 46 3 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 44 2 Read better
for different purposes

3 International English Could you do me a favour?

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L1.1a 48 2 Build your vocabulary
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 49 (145) 6 Write better
Distinguish how language and other textual features are used to Rt/L1.2a 48 1 Understanding information
achieve different purposes
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 49 4 Making requests
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Listen and respond, adapting to speaker, medium, and context Lr/L1.2b 49 4 Making requests
5 Asking permission
Make requests Sc/L1.2a 49 4 Making requests
5 Asking permission
Select format and appropriate structure for different purposes Wt/L1.5a 49 (145) 6 Write better
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 49 (145) 6 Write better
Use organisational and structural features to locate information Rt/L1.4a 48 (122) 3 Read better
(e.g. contexts, index, menus, subheadings, paragraphs)

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Intermediate 7

4A The good side and the bad side
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 50 (134) 2 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 51, 52 3 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 51, 52 3 Making conversation
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 52, 53, Practice
(122, 126) Practice
7 Making conversation
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 50 1 Listen better
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Give advice, persuade, warn, etc. Sd/L1.2b 52 Practice
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 50 Better pronunciation
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 51, 52, 4 Grammar analysis
53 Practice
6 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 53 5 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 50 (134) 2 Build your vocabulary
Better pronunciation

4B Sacked!
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 57 (123, Practice
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 57 (145) 5 Write better
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 57 (123, Practice
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 55 Better pronunciation
Listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.2a 55 2 Listen better
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 54, 56 1 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning 3 Build your vocabulary
Select format and appropriate structure for different purposes Wt/L1.5a 57 (145) 5 Write better
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 57 (145) 5 Write better
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 56 4 Grammar analysis
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 56 Practice
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 54 1 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 55 Better pronunciation

8 Intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

4C Living in the material world
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 58 (135) 1 Build your vocabulary
Articulate the sounds of English in connected speech Sc/L1.1b 59, 60 Better pronunciation
5 Read better
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 60 5 Read better
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 58 (123), 2 Presentation
60 (123, 4 Making conversation
127) 5 Read better
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 61 6 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L1.2d 59 Better pronunciation
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 60 5 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 58 (135) 1 Build your vocabulary
Write using complex sentences Ws/L1.1a 59 3 Grammar analysis

4 International English Getting what you want

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Distinguish how language and other textual features are used to Rt/L1.2a 62 3 Understanding information
achieve different purposes
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 63 5 Understanding prices
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Give explanations and instructions Sc/L1.3d 62 (123, 2 Explaining what you want
Give factual accounts Sc/L1.3b 62 (123, 2 Explaining what you want
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L1.2d 63 4 Shopping
Listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.2a 62, 63 2 Explaining what you want
4 Shopping
Make requests Sc/L1.2a 63 4 Shopping
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 62, 63 1 Build your vocabulary
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning 3 Understanding information
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 63 3 Understanding information
for different purposes

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Intermediate 9

5A Race through the rush hour
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 64 (136) 1 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 64, 65 1 Build your vocabulary
3 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 64, 65 1 Build your vocabulary
3 Making conversation
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 65, 67 2 Read better
6 Making conversation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 67 5 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Involve other people in a discussion Sd/L1.3a 67 6 Making conversation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 67 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 65 2 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 66 4 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 64 2 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 64 (136), 1 Build your vocabulary
67 Better pronunciation

5B Dream cars and nightmare journeys

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L1.1a 71 6 Write better
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 68 (136) 1 Build your vocabulary
Articulate the sounds of English in connected speech Sc/L1.1b 69 Better pronunciation
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 71 5 Making conversation
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 71 6 Write better
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 68 2 Presentation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 68 2 Presentation
TV, or presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 69 Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L1.3c 71 5 Making conversation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 70 4 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 71 6 Write better
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L1.1a 70 4 Read better
built up in a range of paraphrased texts
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 69 3 Grammar analysis
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 68 (136) 1 Build your vocabulary

10 Intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

5C What drives you mad?
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 74 5 Build your vocabulary
Express like, dislikes, feelings, hopes, etc. Sd/L1.1c 72, 73 1 Presentation
4 Making conversation
Give factual accounts Sc/L1.3b 73 (124, Practice
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 74 Better pronunciation
Listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.2a 73 Listen better
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 72, 74, 2 Grammar analysis
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible 75 6 Presentation
meanings, and to read and check for sense 7 Grammar analysis
Use punctuation to help their understanding Rs/L1.2a 75 Practice
Use strategies to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1b 74 Better pronunciation
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 74 Better pronunciation
Write using complex sentences Ws/L1.1a 73, 75 Practice

5 International English Finding your way

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 77 2 Build your vocabulary
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 77 (143) 4 Write better
Give explanations and instructions Sc/L1.3d 77 3 Asking for and giving
Make requests Sc/L1.2a 76 1 Asking politely for
Select format and appropriate structure for different purposes Wt/L1.5a 77 (143) 4 Write better
Understand spoken instructions Lr/L1.2c 77 3 Asking for and giving
Use formal language and register where appropriate Sc/L1.1c 76 1 Asking politely for
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 76 1 Asking politely for

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Intermediate 11

6A Set in the Wild West, shot in Spain
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 78 (137) 2 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 80 5 Making conversation
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 81 Write better
Describe and compare Sc/L1.3e 78 1 Presentation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 80 5 Making conversation
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 80 4 Listen better
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 81 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 78, 80 2 Build your vocabulary
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning 6 Read better
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 81 Write better
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L1.1a 78 1 Presentation
built up in a range of paraphrased texts
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 79 3 Grammar analysis
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 79 Practice
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 80 6 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 81 Better pronunciation
Write using complex sentences Ws/L1.1a 79 Practice

6B Survival of the fittest

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 82 (138) 1 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 82, 85 1 Build your vocabulary
6 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 85 6 Making conversation
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 85 6 Making conversation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 82 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 84 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, Rw/L1.3a 85 5 Build your vocabulary
applying knowledge of word structure, related words, word roots,
derivations, and borrowings
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 85 4 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L1.1a 84 4 Read better
built up in a range of paraphrased texts
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 83 3 Grammar analysis
Use strategies to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1b 83 3 Grammar analysis
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 82 (138), Build your vocabulary
84 Better pronunciation

12 Intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

6C Let it be
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Articulate the sounds of English in connected speech Sc/L1.1b 88 Better pronunciation
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 86 1 Build your vocabulary
Distinguish how language and other textual features are used to Rt/L1.2a 89 5 Listen better
achieve different purposes
Express like, dislikes, feelings, hopes, etc. Sd/L1.1c 86 1 Build your vocabulary
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 86 1 Build your vocabulary
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 89 5 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 88 Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L1.3c 88 (124, Practice
128), 90 5 Listen better
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 86, 89 1 Build your vocabulary
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning 5 Listen better
Recognize features of spoken language Lr/L1.6d 89 5 Listen better
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 88 3 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in Rt/L1.5a 87 2 Read better
different ways for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 86 1 Build your vocabulary

6 International English Going out

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 91 5 Write better
Distinguish how language and other textual features are used to
achieve different purposes Rt/L1.2a 91 3 Understanding information
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 90 2 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Listen for phonological detai lLr/L1.2e 90 Better pronunciation
Take part in social interaction Sd/L1.1a 90, 91 1 Arranging a meeting
3 Understanding information
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L1.1a 91 3 Understanding information
built up in a range of paraphrased texts
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 90 Better pronunciation

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Intermediate 13

7A Where am I?
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 94 (139) 5 Build your vocabulary
Complete forms with some complex features, e.g. open responses, Wt/L1.6a 93 3 Listen better
constructed responses, additional comments
Describe and compare Sc/L1.3e 94 5 Build your vocabulary
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 95 7 Making conversation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 93 3 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L1.2d 92 1 Presentation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 95 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 94 4 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 95 8 Write better
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 92, 93 2 Grammar analysis
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 94 4 Read Better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 94 (139) 5 Build your vocabulary
Write using complex sentences Ws/L1.1a 95 6 Grammar analysis
8 Write better

7B I love New York!

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 96 (139) 1 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 99 Practice
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 98, 99 5 Making conversation
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L1.2d 97, 99 3 Presentation
6 Presentation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 99 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 96 2 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L1.1a 96, 97 2 Read better
built up in a range of paraphrased texts 3 Presentation
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 98, 99 4 Grammar analysis
7 Grammar analysis
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 96 (139) 1 Build your vocabulary

14 Intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

7C Travellers’ Tales
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 102 5 Making conversation
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 103 8 Write better
Distinguish how language and other textual features are used to Rt/L1.2a 102 6 Presentation
achieve different purposes
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L1.2d 101 3 Listen better
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 103 Better pronunciation
Listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.2a 101 3 Listen better
Narrate events in the past Sc/L1.3c 101, 102 3 Listen better
5 Making conversation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 102 4 Build your vocabulary
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 103 8 Write better
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 100 1 Presentation
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 100, 101 2 Grammar analysis
Write using complex sentences Ws/L1.1a 102, 103 7 Grammar analysis

7 International English Any complaints?

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 104 1 Build your vocabulary
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 105 (144) 6 Write better
Distinguish how language and other textual features are used to Rt/L1.2a 104 3 Understanding information
achieve different purposes
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 104, 105 2 Complaining in a shop
face-to-face, or on the telephone 5 Complaining in a restaurant
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 105 Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L1.3c 105 5 Complaining in a restaurant
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 105 4 Build your vocabulary
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 105 (144) 6 Write better
Take part in more formal interactions Sd/L1.1b 104 (124, 2 Complaining in a shop

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Intermediate 15

8A The true story of the Titanic
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 108 4 Making conversation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 106 1 Listen better
TV, or presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 109 Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L1.3c 108 (124, 4 Making conversation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 106, 108 2 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning 3 Build your vocabulary
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 108 5 Grammar analysis
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 106 2 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 108 3 Build your vocabulary
Write using complex sentences Ws/L1.1a 108, 109 5 Grammar analysis
6 Game

8B Looking Back
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 111 2 Revise your vocabulary
Describe and compare Sc/L1.3e 112 4 Practise speaking
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 112 4 Practise speaking
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 110 1 Revise your grammar
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 111 3 Pronunciation

16 Intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide


Please note: the following ESOL curriculum guide relates to the original edition of English File Upper-intermediate.

1A What’s in a name?
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L1.1a 10 (140) 9 Write better
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 8, 9 5 Check what you know
(127) Practice
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 6 1 Listen and speak
Describe and compare Sc/L1.3e 6 1 Listen and speak
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 8, 9 4 Making conversation
(127) Practice
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 6 1 Listen and speak
TV, or presentations
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 10 7 Listen better
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Give factual accounts Sc/L1.3b 10 8 Making conversation
Listen and respond, adapting to speaker, medium, and context Lr/L1.2b 10 7 Listen better
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 6 Better pronunciation
Listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.2a 10 7 Listen better
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 8 3 Build your vocabulary
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning 4 Making conversation
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 10 (140) 9 Write better
Use proof-reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for Wt/L1.7a 10 (140) 9 Write better
general meaning and accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Use reference material to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words Rw/L1.1a 6 (126), Better pronunciation
9 (127) Practice
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 9 6 Focus on new language
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 7 2 Read Better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 6 Better pronunciation

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Upper-intermediate 17

1B The winner takes it all
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L1.1a 14 (142) 5 Write better
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 12 (128), 3 Listen better
14 6 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 11, 13 2 Read better
(118, 122) 4 Check what you know
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 14 6 Build your vocabulary
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 11, 12, 1 Making conversation
14 3 Listen better
8 Making conversation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 12, 15 3 Listen better
TV, or presentations 9 Song
Follow and participate in a discussion Lr/L1.6c 14 8 Making conversation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 12 Better pronunciation
Listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.2a 14 7 Listen better
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 11 2 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Respond to questions on a range of topics Lr/L1.5a 13 (118, Practice
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 14 (142) 5 Write better
Understand how main points and specific detail are presented Rt/L1.3a 11 2 Read better
and linked, and how images are used to infer meaning that
is not explicit in the text
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 13 4 Check what you know
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use proof-reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for Wt/L1.7a 14 (142) 5 Write better
general meaning and accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Use reference material to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words Rw/L1.1a 15 9 Song
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 13 4 Check what you know
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 12 (128), 3 Listen better
14 Better pronunciation
6 Build your vocabulary

18 Upper-intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

1C Funny ha-ha?
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 20 (129) Practice
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 20 (140) 7 Write better
Express like, dislikes, feelings, hopes, etc. Sd/L1.1c 17 2 Making conversation
Listen and respond, adapting to speaker, medium, and context Lr/L1.2b 17 2 Making conversation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 17 Better pronunciation
Listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.2a 17 3 Listen better
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L1.1a 19 4 Read better
built up in a range of paraphrased texts
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 19 5 Check what you know
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible 6 Focus on new language
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use reference material to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words Rw/L1.1a 16, 19 1 Build your vocabulary
4 Read better
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 19, 20 6 Focus on new language
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 20 (129) Practice
Write using complex sentences Ws/L1.1a 19, 20 5 Check what you know

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Upper-intermediate 19

2A I told you I was ill!
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L1.1a 26 (142) 8 Write better
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 22 (130), 1 Build your vocabulary
26 7 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 22 2 Making conversation
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 22, 26 2 Making conversation
6 Listen better
7 Making conversation
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 26 6 Listen better
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Follow and participate in a discussion Lr/L1.6c 26 6 Listen better
7 Making conversation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 25 Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L1.3c 22 (118, 1 Build your vocabulary
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 24 4 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 26 (142) 8 Write better
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L1.1a 22 (118, 1 Build your vocabulary
built up in a range of paraphrased texts 122)
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 23, 25 3 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible 5 Check what you know
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use proof-reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for Wt/L1.7a 26 (142) 8 Write better
general meaning and accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 24 4 Read better
for different purposes
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 22 (130), 1 Build your vocabulary
25, 26 Better pronunciation
7 Making conversation
Write using complex sentences Ws/L1.1a 23, 25, 3 Focus on new language
26 (142) Practice
5 Check what you know
8 Write better

20 Upper-intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

2B Do you want to be young forever?
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 28, 31 3 Build your vocabulary
(131) 8 Build your vocabulary
Distinguish how language and other textual features are used to Rt/L1.2a 28 4 Read better
achieve different purposes
Express like, dislikes, feelings, hopes, etc. Sd/L1.1c 28 4 Read better
Express views and opinions Sd/L1.2a 27 2 Making conversation
Extract information from texts of varying length, e.g. on radio, Lr/L1.1a 27, 28 1 Listen better
TV, or presentations 4 Read better
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 31 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, Rw/L1.3a 27 2 Making conversation
applying knowledge of word structure, related words, word roots,
derivations, and borrowings
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 28 4 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 29 5 Check what you know
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use proof-reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for Wt/L1.7a 31 (141) 7 Write better
general meaning and accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 29, 30 5 Check what you know
6 Focus on new language
Use strategies to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1b 31 (141) 7 Write better
Better pronunciation
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 27, 31 2 Making conversation
(131) 8 Build your vocabulary
Better pronunciation

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Upper-intermediate 21

2C Hooked on caffeine
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L1.1a 34 (143) 4 Write better
Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling Ww/L1.1a 32, 36 2 Build your vocabulary
6 Making conversation
Ask for information Sc/L1.2b 32 (118, 1 Read and speak
Choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.4a 34 (143) 4 Write better
Express statements of fact Sc/L1.3a 32 1 Read and speak
Follow and participate in a discussion Lr/L1.6c 36 6 Making conversation
Give factual accounts Sc/L1.3b 32 (118, 1 Read and speak
Listen for gist in a discussion Lr/L1.6a 36 7 Listen better
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 32 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 34 5 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Recognize features of spoken language Lr/L1.6d 36 7 Listen better
Select format and appropriate structure for different purposes Wt/L1.5a 34 (143) 4 Write better
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L1.1a 32 (118, 1 Read and speak
built up in a range of paraphrased texts 122)
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 33 3 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 34 Practice
Use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood Sc/L1.1a 32 Better pronunciation

3A A moment in Venice
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L1.1a 42 6 Write better
Articulate the sounds of English in connected speech Sc/L1.1b 41 (126) Better pronunciation
Extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation Lr/L1.1b 42 5 Making conversation
face-to-face, or on the telephone
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L1.2e 41 Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L1.3c 42 5 Making conversation
Provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others Lr/L1.4a 42 4 Listen better
Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different Rw/L1.2a 38 1 Read better
types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Structure texts sequentially and coherently Wt/L1.3a 42 6 Write better
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own Rs/L1.1a 39 2 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible
meanings, and to read and check for sense
Use proof-reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for Wt/L1.7a 42 6 Write better
general meaning and accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Ws/L1.2a 40, 41 Practice
3 Build your vocabulary
Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways Rt/L1.5a 38 1 Read better
for different purposes

22 Upper-intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

3B I will survive
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 47 (140) 9 Write better
Describe and compare Sc/L2.4f 45 (119) 4 Build your vocabulary
5 Making conversation
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 45 (119), 5 Making conversation
47 (119, Practice
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 44 3 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 45 Better pronunciation
Listen to a narrative or conversation Lr/L2.2a 47 7 Listen better
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts Rw/L2.3a 43, 46 1 Read and speak
of different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and 6 Read better
of different purpose
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L2.1a 43, 46 1 Read and speak
built up in a range of paragraphed texts of varying complexity 6 Read better
Use a range of sentence structure which is fit for purpose Ws/L2.1a 44 (119, 2 Check what you know
123) Practice
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 44 2 Check what you know
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and
judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 47 (140) 9 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 47 (140) 8 Focus on new language
9 Write Better
Use stress and intonation to convey meaning and nuances of Sc/L2.1a 45 Better pronunciation
meaning clearly

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Upper-intermediate 23

3C Divorced, beheaded, died …
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 52 (143) 7 Write better
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 48 (133), 1 Build your vocabulary
52 (143) 7 Write better
Choose between different types of paragraph structure, and the Wt/L2.3a 52 (143) 7 Write better
linguistic features that aid sequencing and coherence
Describe and compare Sc/L2.4f 48 2 Making conversation
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 48, 49, 2 Making conversation
50 3 Check what you know
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 52 (143) 6 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 52 (143) Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L2.4c 49 (120, 4 Focus on new language
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 50 5 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 50 5 Read better
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and
judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 52 (143) 7 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 50, 52 Practice
Use stress and intonation to convey meaning and nuances of Sc/L2.1a 48 (133) 1 Build your vocabulary
meaning clearly 2 Making conversation

24 Upper-intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

4A Clothes to die for
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 56 (140) 5 Write better
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 54 2 Build your vocabulary
Articulate the sounds of English in connected speech Sc/L2.1b 55 Better pronunciation
Choose between different types of paragraph structure, and the Wt/L2.3a 56 (140) 5 Write better
linguistic features that aid sequencing and coherence
Describe and compare Sc/L2.4f 56 (120, Practice
Express statements of fact Sc/L2.4a 54 2 Build your vocabulary
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 58 8 Making conversation
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 54 1 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 55 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 56 6 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Use a range of sentence structure which is fit for purpose Ws/L2.2a 55 3 Check what you know
4 Focus on language
Use different reading strategies to find and obtain information, Rt/L2.7a 56 6 Read better
e.g. Skimming, scanning, detailed reading
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 58 7 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and
judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 56 (140) 5 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 56 (140), 5 Write better
58 Practice
8 Making conversation
Use stress and intonation to convey meaning and nuances of Sc/L2.1a 54 2 Build your vocabulary
meaning clearly

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Upper-intermediate 25

4B Why men don’t iron
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 63 (140) 6 Write better
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 59 1 Build your vocabulary
Choose formal and informal language appropriate to Wt/L2.5a 63 (140) 6 Write better
purpose and audience
Describe and compare Sc/L2.4f 59 2 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L2.4a 62 Practice
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 59, 63 2 Making conversation
5 Read better
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 63 5 Read better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Give factual accounts Sc/L2.4b 59 2 Making conversation
Identify the main points and specific detail as they occur in a range Rt/L2.3a 60 3 Read better
of different types of text of varying length and detail
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 60 3 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside Rs/L2.1a 62 4 Focus on new language
own knowledge and experience of context, to help follow
meaning and judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, Wt/L2.8a 63 (140) 6 Write better
content, and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 62 4 Focus on new language
Use stress and intonation to convey meaning and nuances of Sc/L2.1a 59, 63 1 Build your vocabulary
meaning clearly Better pronunciation

26 Upper-intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

4C A question of taste
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 68 (140) 7 Write better
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 64 (136) 1 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L2.3b 67 (120, 5 Making conversation
Choose between different types of paragraph structure, and the Wt/L2.3a 68 (140) 7 Write better
linguistic features that aid sequencing and coherence
Choose formal and informal language appropriate to purpose Wt/L2.5a 68 (140) 7 Write better
and audience
Describe and compare Sc/L2.4f 67 (120, 5 Making conversation
Express statements of fact Sc/L2.4a 68 Practice
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 65 2 Listen better
Extract information from extended explanations face-to-face Lr/L2.1b 67 (120, 5 Making conversation
or on the telephone, and respond 124)
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 65 2 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Identify the main points and specific detail as they occur in a range Rt/L2.3a 67 4 Read better
of different types of text of varying length and detail
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 64 Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L2.4c 65 2 Listen better
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 67 4 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 66, 68 3 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and 6 Focus on new language
judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 68 (140) 7 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 66 Practice
Use stress and intonation to convey meaning and nuances of Sc/L2.1a 64 (136) 1 Build your vocabulary
meaning clearly Better pronunciation

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Upper-intermediate 27

5A Animals or people?
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 74 (144) 7 Write better
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 72 (137), 2 Build your vocabulary
74 (137) 5 Listen better
Articulate the sounds of English in connected speech Sc/L2.1b 73 Better pronunciation
Ask for information Sc/L2.3b 73 (120, Better pronunciation
Choose between different types of paragraph structure, and the Wt/L2.3a 74 (144) 7 Write better
linguistic features that aid sequencing and coherence
Choose formal and informal language appropriate to purpose Wt/L2.5a 74 (144) 7 Write better
and audience
Express statements of fact Sc/L2.4a 73 (120, Better pronunciation
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 70, 74 1 Read better
6 Making conversation
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 74 5 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Identify the main points and specific detail as they occur in a range Rt/L2.3a 70 1 Read better
of different types of text of varying length and detail
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 73 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 70 1 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 72 3 Check what you know
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning
and judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 74 (144) 7 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 73 4 Focus on new language
Use strategies intended to reassure, e.g. Body language and Sd/L2.5a 74 6 Making conversation
appropriate phraseology
Use stress and intonation to convey meaning and nuances of Sc/L2.1a 72 (137), 2 Build your vocabulary
meaning clearly 73, 74 Better pronunciation
(137) 5 Listen better

28 Upper-intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

5B Can you remember?
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 75 (121, 2 Build your vocabulary
Express statements of fact Sc/L2.4a 75 1 Making conversation
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 75 1 Making conversation
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 78 Better pronunciation
Listen to a narrative or conversation Lr/L2.2a 78 6 Listen better
Narrate events in the past Sc/L2.4c 79 7 Making conversation
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 76 3 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and
of different purpose
Respond to detailed or extended questions on a range of topics Lr/L2.3a 78 Practice
Use different reading strategies to find and obtain information, Rt/L2.7a 76 3 Read better
e.g. Skimming, scanning, detailed reading
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 77 5 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and
judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 79 (141) 8 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 77 4 Check what you know

5C It’s all in the mind

Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 80, 81 1 Making conversation
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 81 2 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Follow and participate in a discussion or conversation Lr/L2.4a 80 1 Making conversation
Identify the main points and specific detail as they occur in a range Rt/L2.3a 83 6 Read better
of different types of text of varying length and detail
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 84 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 80, 83 1 Making conversation
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and 6 Read better
of different purpose
Use a range of sentence structure which is fit for purpose Ws/L2.1a 82 Practice
Write better
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 82 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use reference material to find the meanings of unfamiliar words Rw/L2.2a 84 7 Build your vocabulary
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 81, 82 3 Check what you know

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Upper-intermediate 29

6A Caught in the act
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 87 (141) 4 Write better
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 86 (138), 1 Build your vocabulary
88 (138) 6 Read better
Choose format and structure to organize writing for different purposes Wt/L2.4a 4 Write better
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 90 7 Making conversation
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 87 3 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 90 Better pronunciation
Read critically to evaluate information, and compare information, Rt/L2.5a 88 6 Read better
ideas and opinions from different sources
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 89 6 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Select the level of detail to include in a range of texts and Wt/L2.2a 87 (141) 4 Write better
how much to write
Support opinions and arguments with evidence Sd/L2.4a 90 7 Making conversation
Use a range of punctuation to achieve clarity in simple Ws/L2.4a 87 (141) 4 Write better
and complex sentences
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 88 5 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and
judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 87 (141) 4 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use reference material to find the meanings of unfamiliar words Rw/L2.2a 90 Better pronunciation
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 86, 88 2 Check what you know
Use stress and intonation to convey meaning and nuances of Sc/L2.1a 86 (138), 1 Build your vocabulary
meaning clearly 88 (138) 6 Read better

30 Upper-intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

6B Economical with the truth
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 91, 92 1 Build your vocabulary
(132) 4 Focus on new language
Express statements of fact Sc/L2.4a 92 3 Read better
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 91 1 Build your vocabulary
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 95 7 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Identify the main points and specific detail as they occur in a range
of different types of text of varying length and detail Rt/L2.3a 92 3 Read better
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 95 Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L2.4c 95 6 Making conversation
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 92 3 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Use a range of punctuation to achieve clarity in simple and Ws/L2.4a 94 (140) 5 Write better
complex sentences
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 92 (140) 5 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 92, 94 2 Check what you know
(140) 4 Focus on new language
5 Write better

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Upper-intermediate 31

6C Secret stories
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 100 (143) 9 Write better
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 97 (139), 1 Read better
100 8 Build your vocabulary
Choose formal and informal language appropriate to Wt/L2.5a 100 (143) 9 Write better
purpose and audience
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 98 5 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Give explanations and instructions Sc/L2.4d 99 (121, Practice
Identify the main points and specific detail as they occur in a range Rt/L2.3a 96 1 Read better
of different types of text of varying length and detail
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 98, 100 4 Making conversation
Better pronunciation
Listen to a narrative or conversation Lr/L2.2a 97 2 Listen better
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 97 1 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Use a range of sentence structure which is fit for purpose Ws/L2.1a 100 (143) 9 Write better
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 97 3 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and
judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 100 (143) 9 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 98, 99 Practice
7 Focus on new language
Use stress and intonation to convey meaning and nuances of Sc/L2.1a 97 (139), 1 Read better
meaning clearly 100 Better pronunciation

32 Upper-intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

7A If you can smell it, you can sell it
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply appropriate planning strategies Wt/L2.1a 106 (145) 7 Write better
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 104 4 Build your vocabulary
Articulate the sounds of English in connected speech Sc/L2.1b 106 Better pronunciation
Choose formal and informal language appropriate to purpose Wt/L2.5a 106 (145) 7 Write better
and audience
Choose format and structure to organize writing for different purposes Wt/L2.4a 106 (145) 7 Write better
Describe and compare Sc/L2.4f 106 (121, 6 Making conversation
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 102, 105 1 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations 5 Focus on new language
Listen for grammatical detail Lr/L2.2d 105 5 Focus on new language
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 106 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 103 2 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Understand and identify how written arguments are structured Rt/L2.4a 102 2 Read better
Use a range of sentence structure which is fit for purpose Ws/L2.1a 106 (145) 7 Write better
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 104 3 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and
judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 106 (145) 7 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 104, 105, Practice
106 5 Focus on new language

English File ESOL Curriculum Guide Upper-intermediate 33

7B Made in the USA
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 107 (139) 1 Build your vocabulary
Express statements of fact Sc/L2.4a 110 Practice
5 Making conversation
Express views, opinions, feelings, wishes Sd/L2.2c 110 5 Making conversation
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 111 6 Listen better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 107 Better pronunciation
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 108 2 Read better
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of
different purpose
Understand and identify how written arguments are structured Rt/L2.4a 108 2 Read better
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 109 3 Check what you know
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and
judge the purpose of different types of text
Use proof-reading to revise writing for accuracy, meaning, content, Wt/L2.8a 111 (141) 7 Write better
and expression on paper and on screen
Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy Ws/L2.2a 109, 110 4 Focus on new language
Use stress and intonation to convey meaning and nuances of Sc/L2.1a 107 (139) 1 Build your vocabulary
meaning clearly Better pronunciation

7C Shakespeare in business?
Skill descriptor Skill code Page Activity
Apply knowledge of vocabulary to aid accurate spelling Ww/L2.1a 115 4 Build your vocabulary
Ask for information Sc/L2.3b 113 1 Read and speak
Extract information from extended texts in a non-face-to-face Lr/L2.1a 116 5 Listen and write better
context, e.g. Radio, presentations
Give a formal report Sc/L2.4e 116 6 Making conversation
Identify the main points and specific detail as they occur in a range Rt/L2.3a 112 1 Read and speak
of different types of text of varying length and detail
Listen for phonological detail Lr/L2.2e 115 Better pronunciation
Narrate events in the past Sc/L2.4c 116 5 Listen and write better
Recognize and understand vocabulary associated with texts of Rw/L2.3a 113, 114 1 Read and speak
different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of 3 Read better
different purpose
Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is Rt/L2.1a 114 3 Read better
built up in a range of paragraphed texts of varying complexity
Use a range of sentence structure which is fit for purpose Ws/L2.2a 113 (121, Practice
Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, alongside own Rs/L2.1a 113 2 Focus on new language
knowledge and experience of context, to help follow meaning and
judge the purpose of different types of text

34 Upper-intermediate English File ESOL Curriculum Guide

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