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Country-Level Data on Public Polling on Tobacco Tax Popularity

In Bangladesh, 65% of smokers supporting increasing tobacco taxes.i

78% of the pop. of Zambia support increasing tobacco taxes, including 74% of smokers.ii

90 percent of Vietnamese want tobacco tax raised: survey.iii

In Argentina, over 90% of non-smokers support raising tobacco taxes.iv

In Nigeria, around 85% of the public support increasing tobacco taxes.v

ITC Bangladesh National Report. Findings from the Project ITC. ITC Zambia National Report. Findings from the
Wave 1 to 3 Surveys (2009-2012). Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: University of Waterloo, 2014.

Project ITC. ITC Zambia National Report. Findings from the Wave 1 and 2 Surveys (2012-2014). Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada: University of Waterloo, 2015. Project ITC.

Nguyen D. 90 percent of Vietnamese want tobacco tax raised: survey. VN Express International 2018.

World Health Organization. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015: raising taxes on tobacco. 2015.

World Health Organization. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015: raising taxes on tobacco. 2015.

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