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This research tackles three skills of an individual pertaining to the competencies of the

cognitive aspect and linguistic proficiency which are: Verbal Dexterity, Memory, and

Proficiency in Logical Reasoning. The researcher aims to understand the level of significance

between verbal dexterity and memory to logical reasoning to determine whether there is a

correlation between the two factors which contribute to the other’s progression as it is manifested

on the individual’s skills.

Verbal Dexterity is creatively using verbal devices in order to improve effectiveness in

communication through the integration of ideas and accuracy of vocabularies which is

synonymous to eloquence; Verbal Dexterity in tests is paired with Memory testing.

Memory functions as an encoder, storage, and retriever of information within the brain of

an individual; as an individual reacts to the stimuli through sensory memory and it is held by the

brain; it is often paired with IQ and verbal Dexterity such as plays an essential role to the

intellectual capacity and linguistic proficiency of an individuals as a source of information from

its storage as it encodes detail-by-detail within a second on what is experienced by the sensory


Logical Reasoning is a fundamental competency which contributes to effective thinking

as it is expressed through: Deductive and Inductive thinking backed up with its correlation to

critical thinking and its pillars (Empathy, Analogy, and Creativity). It is a rational way of
thinking that enable the mind to formulate inferences and construct a conclusion based upon

certain derivatives and detail which can be noticed through critical thinking.


This research aims to acquire the degree of freedom and the level of significance between

Verbal Dexterity and Memory and Logical Reasoning based upon the main problem: “Is there a

correlation between Logical Reasoning and Verbal Dexterity and Memory?”

Verbal Dexterity, Memory, and Logical Reasoning are different contexts from each other

and are often misinterpreted as of utmost similarity but in order to clarify these notions and

perceptions regarding the interrelationship of these variables, various tests are to be conducted in

order to attain the accurate measurement of correlation of these variables based upon the

respondents’ ALR test results.

The researcher’s objective is to arrive at a conclusion that determines the level of

significance between the two variables that shall be tested upon selected honor seminarians thus

arriving to an answer based on statistics that shall prove a hypothesis on having an answer to the

problem and a comparative analysis on respective classifications that are to be presented in the

succeeding progress of this research through the categories that are to be presented for the

statistical tool to be utilized.


The essentiality of this study shall provide the individual with an in-depth understanding

with the correlation of Verbal Dexterity and memory to Logical reasoning through the difference

and contribution between the two variables; it shall provide a quantitative approach and

perspective to the individual.

It shall contribute to further studies regarding Cognitive processes and its aspects that are

expressed by the individual through rational thinking and verbal discourse. It shall aid in guiding

individuals who aim to develop either their verbal dexterity and memory or their logical

reasoning through the knowledge of the relationship of these two variables. It is an avenue for

self-assessment that on which as each respondent takes the tests, the respondent is able to have

an overview of his/her performance on both variables that measure cognitive logical process and

verbal effectivity or proficiency.

There are two hypotheses presented in this research:

 Null Hypothesis (Ho) – There is no significant relationship between

Logical Reasoning and Verbal Dexterity and Memory.

 Alternative Hypothesis (H1) – There is a significant relationship between

Logical Reasoning and Verbal Dexterity and Memory.

These Hypotheses shall pave an avenue for the statistical measurement that is to be

conducted for the research progress and formulating a conclusion that shall either be of the two

hypotheses (Null and Alternative Hypotheses).


This research scopes: Verbal Dexterity, Memory, and Advanced Logical Reasoning;

being the variables in this topic the research shall be centralized on these variables thus, this

research is limited on:

Progressive Matrices which is under logical reasoning that deals with an individual’s

proficiency in the progression and sequences of shapes, patterns, and designs.

It does not scope the three (3) pillars of critical thinking: Empathy, Analogy, and

Creativity with exemption to advanced logical reasoning.

It does not scope the logical reasoning of forensic and criminal comprehension of

deduction and induction for this research are on much focus to the practicality of situations.

This research scopes Verbal Dexterity and Memory though it doesn’t scope the multi-

discipline verbal dexterity with exemption to the verbal dexterity of anagrams due to its pairing

with Memory, thus limiting the research from pattern memorization, and number recognition.

The population of this research scopes the total honor seminarians of SJPIIMS with

selected honor seminarians thus limiting this research from non-honor seminarians. There is an

expected number of ten (10) respondents that are to be selected from the totality of honor

seminarians in SJPIIMS.


 SJPIIMS- Saint John Paul II Minor Seminary

 Individual- readers, seminarians

 Selected Honor Seminarians- pertains to the respondents of this research

 Verbal Dexterity- creatively using verbal devices in order to improve

effectiveness in communication through the integration of ideas and accuracy of


 Memory- as an encoder, storage, and retriever of information within the brain of

an individual.

 Logical Reasoning- a fundamental competency which contributes to effective


 Difference- refers to the correlation or relationship of the two variables.

 Three pillars of Critical thinking- Empathy, Analogy, and Creativity.

 Anagram- a word or phrase made by using the letters of another word or phrase in

a different order.

 Ho- Null Hypothesis.

 H1- Alternative Hypothesis.

 VDM- Verbal Dexterity and Memory.

 LR- Logical Reasoning.

 ALR- Advance Logical Reasoning Test.




This research is centralized upon the quantitative approach of research such as it tackles a

correlational study between Verbal Dexterity paired with Memory and proficiency in Logical

reasoning in order to assess the relationship between the two variables and on how is the

interrelationship of both variables towards each other given a margin of error which is either

drastic or minimal. As this research progresses with the quantitative approach, the systematic

design of this approach in research shall provide a precise calculation that shall be the basis of

the conclusion thus determining the correlation of both variables.

The statistical tool to be utilized for the calculation of this research is Pearson’s “r”

product Moment of Correlation (r) such as it measures the variables in the perspective of two

possible results that proves a single hypothesis (the null or alternative) and the outcome of the

relationship between both variables (positive or negative) which shall identify the correlation

between the two variables as it utilizes the scores of both variables; using the standard

measurement on the level of significance of a quantitative research, the level of significance is


The formulae and table for Pearson’s “r” Product Moment of Correlation is as follows:

 The Formula for Pearson’s “r”:

N (Σxy) – (Σx )(Σy)
√ [N (Σx2) – (Σx)2][N (Σy2) – (Σy)2]
 The Research Situation:

The researcher aims to determine the correlation between Logical Reasoning and Verbal

Dexterity and Memory as he conducts two (2) separate tests to the respondents; the researcher

then gathers ten (10) randomly selected honor seminarians of SJPIIMS and evaluates their scores

in order to determine the conclusion to the research based on the scores acquired.

 The Basis for Correlational Analysis:

- -1≤r≤1

- Positive Correlation; r = 0.01 1

Negative Correlation; r = -1 - 0.01

- No Correlation; r = 0

 The Table of Values: (Figure 1.1)

Respondents ALR (x) VDM (y)

 The Scatter Plot:

 Pearson’s “r” Table: (Figure 1.2)

Respondents ALR (x) VDM (y) X2 Y2 XY

Σx = Σy = Σx2 = Σy2 = Σxy =

N= (Σx)2 = (Σy)2 =

 The Level of Significance:

- Two – tailed

- 0.05 level of Significance

 The Decision Rule:

- “If r ≥ _______ (Critical Value), Reject the H0.”


The sampling procedure to be applied in this research is a mixture of a probability

sampling and a non-probability sampling; with Stratified Random Sampling for seminarians with

honors, which is a context of purposive sampling being “selected ‘honor’ seminarians.”

Within this research, there are total respondents of ten (10) to participate in measuring

their verbal dexterity paired with memory and logical reasoning based upon the ALR and VDM

tests, which shall be utilized in calculating the correlation of both variables.


There are particular procedures that are of necessity in order to progress in this research

and in order to acquire the needed data for the research; these are the procedures to undergo:

Step 1 – Identify the totality of seminarians with honors per year level.

Step 2 – Select seminarians with honors with a total of ten (10).

Step 3 – For ethical purposes, the consent of the selected potential sampling is to be


Step 4 – Once there are a total of ten (10) respondents of selected seminarians with

honors, administer the ALR test and gather the results.

Step 5 – As the ALR scores have been collected and recorded, administer the VDM test

on the respondents.

Step 6 – Assess the scores of the respondents after the VDM test have been administered.

Step 7– After the two (2) tests have been administered; illustrate the table of values from

the respondents and their scores from the ALR and VDM tests.

Step 8 – Illustrate the Scatter plot based upon the data stated in the table of values.

Step 9 – Calculate the Pearson’s “r” table and determine the “r”, then substitute the data

and summations required to the formula for Pearson’s “r”.

Step 10 – As the answer for “r” has been solved, identify the level of significance for

two-tailed Pearson’s “r” and locate the row with the similar number of the respondents; then

state the decision rule in order to determine the hypothesis to be proven correct and state the



In order to apply the quantitative approach of this research, a total of two (2) tests are to

be administered to the respondents of this research which shall serve as the medium of

measurement for the correlation of Verbal Dexterity and Memory and the Logical reasoning of

the respondents.

 Advanced Logical Reasoning Test (ALR) – the test that shall be the first to be

administered as the (x) in the table of values and as means for the assessment of

the proficiency in ALR.

 Verbal Dexterity and Memory Test (VDM) – the test that shall be the basis of

measurement for the proficiency of the respondents when presented with

linguistic and memory competence test and the second test to be administered as

the (y) of the table of values.


Figure 1.3

The main objective of this research is to determine the correlation of both variables and

on how is the interrelationship between LR and VDM such as it is calculated after the assessment

of tests and determining the level of significance of its correlation.

Throughout the progress of this research, the centralized study is based on the

correlational aspect such as this research is to assess and present the ALR results and the VDM

results, thus shall be able to derive a conclusion attuned to the calculations of the research and

the statistical tool used.

LR and VDM are distinctly different in terms of skill and competence yet; the objective

of this research is to determine the level of significance of the correlation of both variables

through assessment with the utilization of a two – tailed Pearson’s “r” product moment of

Correlation as the method of measurement.




This part of the research is the presentation of the data accumulated from the respondents,

on which the computations are initially presented in the “Research Design” from Chapter 2:

Methodology. As the data are to be presented up to their completion, the formulae are to be

applied in this part of the research as the data acquired shall be utilized.

The computations are based upon the process of the solution for the statistical tool of a

two – tailed Pearson’s “r” Product Moment of Correlation:

A. The Research Situation:

The researcher aims to determine the correlation between Logical Reasoning and Verbal

Dexterity and Memory as he conducts two (2) separate tests to the respondents; the researcher

then gathers ten (10) randomly selected honor seminarians of SJPIIMS and evaluates their scores

in order to determine the conclusion to the research based on the scores acquired.

B. The Given:

- Ten (10) Respondents randomly selected from the grade levels of 7 up to 11 of

selected honor seminarians.

- Advanced Logical Reasoning test (ALR) as the first test administered

- Verbal Dexterity and Memory test (VDM) as the second test administered

- Possible Correlational outcomes: Positive (+) or Negative (-) Correlation

C. The Hypotheses:

- Null Hypothesis (Ho) – There is no significant relationship between Logical

Reasoning and Verbal Dexterity and Memory.

- Alternative Hypothesis (H1) – There is a significant relationship between

Logical Reasoning and Verbal Dexterity and Memory.

D. The Table of Values: (Figure 1.4)

Respondents ALR (x) VDM (y)

A 3 5

B 4 11

C 4 15

D 3 16

E 3 21

F 5 19

G 5 19

H 4 6

I 7 8

J 5 13

The values presented in this table are the scores acquired from the tests of ALR

and VDM which shall be the basis of the scatter plot.

E. Scatter Plot: (Figure 1.5)

Correlational Analysis: ALR and VDM

Verbal Dexterity and Memory Scores

3, 21
5, 19

3, 16
15 4, 15
5, 13
4, 11 Correlational Analysis: ALR
and VDM
7, 8
4, 6
5 3, 5

0 2 4 6 8
Advanced Logical Reasoning Scores

The scatter plot presented shows the partial measurement and a glimpse of the conclusion

of this research that is based on the statistical measurement that is to be done.

It gives a glimpse that the possible answer of the measurement is on the negative such as

the major part of the scatter plot leans toward the left and after the increase in the graph it

immediately decreased drastically which is enough to derive a visualization of the answer to the

statistical calculations.

F. The Pearson’s “r” Table: (Figure 2.0)

Respondents ALR (x) VDM (y) X2 Y2 XY

A 3 5 9 25 15

B 4 11 16 121 44

C 4 15 16 225 60

D 3 16 9 256 48

E 3 21 9 441 63

F 5 19 25 361 95

G 5 19 25 361 95

H 4 6 16 36 24

I 7 8 49 64 56

5 13 25 169 65

Σx = 43 Σy = 133 Σx2= 199 Σy2 =2059 Σxy =565

N = 10 (Σx)2 = 1849 (Σy)2 =17689

This is the Complete Tabular calculations for Pearson’s “r” which shall be the

basis for organizing the scores, determining the squared of both variables, the product of both

variables, and the summations of the calculations which shall be utilized in the formula.

G. Solving the Formula
N (Σxy) – (Σx) (Σy)
√ [N (Σx2) – (Σx)2][N (Σy2) – (Σy)2]

10 (565) – (43) (133)

√ [10 (199) – 1849][10 (2059) – 17689]

- 69
√ (141)(2901)

- 69

r = - 0.1078 - 0.11

This particular part of the research is the step-by-step presentation of the solution to the

formula for Pearson’s “r” on which from the answers calculated from the complete table is

substituted to the formula as the researcher proceed to the calculation and arriving to a negative

answer and rounded off by the hundredths.

From the answer that has been solved from the formula is the integral part for the

determining of the hypothesis through the decision rule based upon the level of significance for a

two-tailed Pearson’s “r” and the total number of respondents.

H. The Level of Significance and the Decision Rule

- 0.05 Level of Significance for two-tailed Pearson’s “r”

- “If r ≥ _______ (Critical Value), Reject the H0.”

- “If – 0.11 > 0.576, Reject H0.”

- Accept the Null Hypothesis (H0)


Succeeding the completion of the calculation for the correlation of ALR and VDM

through the application of the statistical tool of Pearson’s “r” Product Moment of

Correlation; therefore, it is concluded that:

- There is a weak negative correlation between the two variables such as it is

shown through the scatter plot as the points decrease and the plot line leans on

the left drastically which illustrates the negativity of the correlation between

both variables

- There is no significant relationship between the two variables of ALR and

VDM that there is a weak probability for both variables to affect each other

negatively, that if there is any possibility that these variables may affect the

other, it will illustrate a negative relationship but as of the integral output is

that there is no significant relationship between both variables.

Through these two (2) conclusions it can be understood that ALR and VDM has a

negative correlation yet, there is no significant relationship between both variables thus, having a

low probability for the activation of its negative correlation yet there exists the possibility of

having a negative correlation as its outcome.

The outcome of this research based on the raw scores of ALR and VDM is that a major

part of the respondents, which is 6 / 10 of the respondents, has the outcome of a negative

correlation for both variables while 4 / 10 of the respondents have an outcome of having no

significant relationship between both variables such as both scores are on an average level.

The decimal difference between the “r” of this research, - 0.11, and the critical value,

0.576 is 0.686 which is quite far thus it can be concluded that having an output of having no

significant relationship between ALR and VDM has a higher probability than acquiring a result

of a negative correlation, though there is still a probability. But if the basis is the margin of error

and the practicality of numerical measurement, the most appropriate conclusion between the two

conclusions is the conclusion of having no significant relationship.


So, as this research has provided conclusions that are within the scope of having a

negative correlation and having no significant relationship; those who are to take benefit of this

research may:

- Self – assess them after having answered legitimate tests regarding the

Logical Reasoning, Verbal Dexterity, and Memory; then measuring its


- Focus on particular skills rather than integrating all at once in order for the

learning ability to be absorbed better (e.g. focus first on logical reasoning then

moving on to verbal dexterity, then memory.) then after learning those skill

sets, in order to apply the proficiency of the individual is the time to integrate

them for an effective discourse and application.

As for the recommendations for future researches regarding this research:

- Correlational Study possesses multiple possible conclusions to a researcher’s

research and from every conclusion derived there can be measures and

recommendations that could be of more benefit to the recipient and the


- Try to expand this research by tackling various topics such as: pure logic,

progressive matrices, word association, emotional intelligence, compliance to

instructions and creativity, with a recommended statistical tool of Spearman’s

rho or chi – square.

- In selecting samplings try to utilize the sampling procedure of stratified

random sampling (SRS) or any probability sampling without the integration of

non-probability sampling procedures in order to acquire a wider view on the

selected respondents and the possible output of the statistical measurement.

- Initiate tests that are only either within the aspect of their capacity or that is of

more challenge to the respondents as it depends on what the researcher aims

to measure, either the current and present or the potential of the respondents

based upon the measurement of the tests.


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