How Do We Describe The Organization of Electrons in An Atom? (9/26)

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AIM: How do we describe the organization of

electrons in an atom? (9/26)

Do Now:
1) What is the bohr model electron configuration
of an Aluminum atom?

2) What is the bohr model electron config of

“Aluminum” if it became an ion?
• Read Ch 3.3, 4, and 5 of textbook

• Pre-lab #2 Fri pd.1 and 7

Sublevel and Orbitals
• S sublevel: 1 orbital, 2 electrons
• P sublevel: 3 orbitals, 6 electrons
• D sublevel: 5 orbitals, 10 electrons
• F sublevel: 7 orbitals, 14 electrons

• Ex. Electron configuration of He, C, and O

• Lowest Energy

• Highest Energy
• Light emitted from atoms can tell you the element
and info about its electrons
• Light also acts like a particle and a wave
• Energy is quantized! There is a specific amount of
energy that can be absorbed or released by an
Quantum of Energy
• E=hc
• E=energy
• h=Plank’s constant=(6.62 x 10-34 J▪s)
• c= speed of light=(3.00 x 108 m▪s-1)
• λ= wavelength (meters)
• Are E and λ inversely or directly
• We can see visible spectrum, not others
• Other electromagnetic waves considered light
• What is difference between red and blue light?
Frequency? Wavelengths?
• Present day model: quantum model
• Electrons located within an energy level are located in
orbitals (regions of high probability of finding a
specific electron)
• Node – location where electron doesn’t exist
Quantum Numbers: expresses properties of e-
• The Principle Energy Number “n”: (“How much energy?”)
• the principle energy level associated with an electron
• usually 1, 2, 3, or 4
• The angular momentum/Azimuthal Number “ℓ”: (“Which
• describes what subshell an electron occupies
• s=0, p=1, d=2, f=3 (or n - 1)
• The Magnetic Number “m”: (“Which direction is the orbital?”)
• specifies the orientation of each subshell
• any whole # integer between – ℓ and + ℓ
• The Spin Number “s” (“What spin?”)
• is the spin of a charged particle spinning on its axis. There are two
spins, +½ or –½ .
• Sublevel determines number of orbitals
• s=1 orbital, p=3 orbitals, d=5 orbitals, f=7 orbitals
• Single orbital can only hold 2 electrons
• Na:

To write an electron configuration:

• Determine the # of electrons
• Fill orbitals from low to high energy
• Fill orbitals to capacity by following the periodic table
• Go left to right and top to bottom
Practice Problems

Do full electron config:

1) Be 2) F 3) Sc

4) S 5) Si 6) Cl
Noble Gas Configuration:
• Short-cut for writing electron configuration

• Ex.
• Mn: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d5 = [Ar] 4s23d5

• Write Noble Gas config for:

1) P 2) Rb 3) La

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