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General Biochemistry Laboratory 5. Nitrous acid is a weak acid. Would you

Monthly Grading Period expect solutions of nitrous acid and nitric
Problem Set acid, of equal concentration, to have the:;ame
pH? Explain.
L Concentration Units & Dilution 6. What is the pH of e sol
1. A sample of 6.45 g cysteine is dissolved in x 10-7?
,80.1 g of HzO. Calculate the o/ow/w ol'
cysteine in the solution.
2. Ten milliters of ethanol (p=0.78g g/ml) is
added to sufficient amount of water to
produce 1OO.O mL solution. The density of'
the solution is 0.982 glmt. Find ffre tdl 0.105 M urea, Ka=0.67
concentration in: tel O.OZ7 M lactic icid, Ka:1.38 x 10-a
[a] volume o/o [f] 0,105 M aniline, pKa=4.60
[b] mass o/o [g] 0.1-0 M ascbrbic aCid, pKa=4.10
[c] mole fraction B, Write the formula of the conjugate base ol:
Id] molarity the following acids:(a)CH3CH(OH)CO2H (b)
3. What is the molarity of a solution made: H2PO42 (c) C2H2Oa
when water is ' added to 11.0 g urea 5. trdentify the acid-base conjugate pairs in
(MM=50.07) to rhake 100. mL of solution? each of the following reactlons:
4. A solution .made by adding 1.63 g of K2S [a] HCO3- + HCO3-'-+ UrCO, + CO32-
(MM=110.3) to 10.0 mL of H2O has a volume [b] + HzO -+
at 20'C of 11.1 mL. Find the molarity & I'JH3CH(CH2SH)CO2;. + H3O+
normality of the solution. [c] +
HHb + HCO3- Hb- + H2CO3
5. Give the molar concentration of HCI with a 6. Match the following titration curves to
specific grayity of 1.18 ahd has 37.0o/o (w/w) . correspon d ing identity e anaiyte
purity. MM=36.5
" 7. How would prepare mL of 0.866 lvi
B. Calculate the p-values of the following r -r+ircjt
solutions: Ia] 1. 56'x 10-e M Mg,* tbl 8.76 x
10-7 M H*; Calculate the molar
concentrations of tal pNi= 12.6 tbl
pOH=5.39 E
vtu.i'eddrd (ri:)

9. Water is added to 25.0 mL of a 0.866 t1

KNO3 solution until the volume of the c d
solution is exactly 75O. mL. What is the .-dffi

concilntration of the final solution?


II. pH, Ka, Kb, Titration Curve ' I

1. Calculate the [H+] and [OH-] for each ot ,4rEctdr@ tnl v@rea1&de M\

the following : I; weak polyfuhctiona

[a] 0.76M HNO3 II; strong'monoprotic
Ib] Blood plasma, pH 7.4 IIL weak monoprotic
[c] Gastric juice, pH 1.8 IV,'weak'base
2. Find the molar concentration of
hy.drochloric acid when the pOH of the III. Buffer(Henderson-.Has;elbalc6,
. solution is 12.01. eq uati gnr' Pre pa ration, B'ufferr Ca pacity)
3. Find the molar concentration of barium 1. Calculate the pH'of the buffer system mjae
hydroxide solution with a pH of 9.82.
4. Find the pH of the hydrochloric acid -qf 0.150M NH3/0.350M. N!-t4Ct" Kb=1.8 x
solution when 5.00 mL of concentrated _:
hydrochloric acid, with a specific gravitv ol.
2. ,The pH of a bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer
1.18 and has 37olo(w/w) purity, is diluted is 8.00. Calculate the ratio of the
to 2.0 L. concentration of carbonic acid to that "of the

3. What is the pH of the buffer 0.1OIvl the pH of the solution.
NazHPO+/O.15M KH2PO4? Kur=7.5 x 10-3, 11. How much H3PO4 and NaOH are needed to
Kaz=6.2O x 10-8, K"3=4.8 x 10-13. prepare a buffer solutign containing 0.200 mole
4. What is the pH of a 500. mL buffer HPO42- and 0.500 mole POo3-z
containing.0.250 moles HCO2H and 0.300 12. Describe the preparation of 500. mL 0.250M
phosphate buffer, pH=11.5, frirm 6M NaOH and
moles HCO2Na? Ka=1.70 x 10-4.
5M H3PO4.
5. What is the final pH of a solution made b Y 13. What initial concentration of aqueous sodium
mixing 100 ml of 0.05 M acetic acid and 100 dihyd phosphate and aqueous sodium
ml of 0.1 M sodium acetate? hvd ed to pr:epare 500 mL
6. Refer to the .following buffers and the a buffer
corres ponding pK" of the acid: "' .14. Propionic has a K" of ,1.3 x 1,0-
sodium hydrogen citrateJdGodium- hydE[en of sodium p ropionate,
citrate 4.76 CH3CH2COONa, to be ad ded to 1.00 L
D boric acid/ primary sodlum borate 9.23 of 0.500 mol.L-1 acid,for a resulting
C sod iu na!iqq rbonate/sod tum ca rbonate 10.93 solution of pH 5 .00?
n potassium dihydrogen phosphate/ disodium 15. What is the pH of the buffer prepared by mixinrg
hydroqenpho5phate v$a90.t l\&rHPO,l 7.2r 250 mL of 0.20 0 M benzoic acid and 100. mL of
tris( hyd roxymethyl )a m inomethane 0.250M NaOH? p Ka=4.19
E hydrochloride/ 8.30 16. Prepare 200. mL of a 0.100 M formate buffer,
tris(hydroxymethy[)a minomethane
ph=4.50, from a 0.200 M stock soln' of formic
acid and its salt. Ka=4.27x10-7.
Suggest a conjugate bcid-base pair that could be 17. At the physiological pH of 7.4, what is the ratio of
use to prepare the buffer with the given pH. salt concentration to acid concentration for a
Calculate also the ratio of salt to that of the HPO4-. and Fl2POo- buffering system if the pKa is
acid: 6.8? Which:is the acid in this system?
18. Prepare 500. rnl of 0.100 M bicarbonate buffer,
pl.l=6.00, from 0.100 M stock soln' of carbonic
pH Buffer Isalt] / [acid] acid and its salt. K^=4.27x7A't.
9.41 19. Calculate the pH change that take place when a
100. nrl portion of (a) 0.0500 M NaOH a nd (b)
7.00 0.0500 It1 HCI is to 400. m of the buffer ,

sdi'n-Glii€i?ffif o
6. Suggest a suitable buffer range for each of Ku:5.70x10-10.
the following substances: 20. A buffer containing 1.00 M conceRtratioris.'of HOAc
A. and NaOAc has a pH of 4.742. (a) What is the pH
Lactic acid'(pKu=3.86) & its sodium sall:
of the soln' after 0.0100 mol of HCI has been
added to 1.00 L of the buffer? (b) What is the pH
B. HEPES (PK"=8.30) in its zwitterionic forrn of the soln' after the addition of 0.0100 mol of
& its anionic form: NaOH? (c) What is the buffer capacity and pH
change for each soln' I in (a) and (b)]?
7. Describe the preparation of a 200. mL of a 0.200 M 21. A buffered solution of pH = 4.4 is 0.1 M
benzoate buffer, pH=4.7 if your starting materials benzoic Acid, HC7H5O2, EDd 0.15 M sodium
are 80.0 mL of 0.200 M C6H5COONa and 10.0 g benzoate, NaC7H5O2. After addition of 1.5 mL
CGHsCOOH (122.73 g/mol). pKa=4.20.
8. Describe the preparation of 500. mL of 0.300 M of 6.0 M HCI to 250 mL of the buffered
acetate buffer, pH=5.0, from 0.300 M NaOAc and
solution, what is the :resulting pH?:
0.300 M HOAc. Ku=1.8x10-s. K"= 6'5 x 1o-s
9. Describe the preparation of 500. mL acetate buffer, 22. What will be lhe ratio of acid-base pair of
pH=5.0 from solid NaOAc (10.0g) and stock soln, 0.115 M glycine solution that has a pH of
of HoAc (95o/o w/w,p=1.0498). 8.10? What is the charge of the predominant
10. What are the components of the buffer solution form of glycine in the solution? pKar=2.49,
when: i
PKa2=9 gg
[a] 0.30 mol H3pOo is mixed with 23. If i.oo *t of o.0go M HCI was added to
0.10 mol NaOH 0.100 L glycine solution, what will be the
lbl 0.20 mol H3POo is mixed with new pH of the solution? What is the bufFer
0.30 mol of the base
[c] 0.ZO mol H3POa is made to react
with 0.40 mol of the base 24. Can a buffer be prepared by adding 5.0 g of
[d] 65.0 g potassium primary glycine to 0.150 L of 1.04 M NaOH? Justify
phosphate is made to react with your answer.
200.0 mL of 3M NaOH. Calculate

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