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FOR REDUCING PAVEMENT DISTRESS ‘ASPHALT INSTITUTE 18-215 Quantifying the Effects of PMA for Reducing Pavement Distress Quantifying the Effects of PMA for Reducing Pavement Distress ‘Asphalt Institute Informational Series No. 215: February 2005 Po}ymermodfied asphalt (PMA) has been used in North America for many years to reduce the ‘amount andl severity of dstess and extend the service Ife of hot mi asphalt (HMA) pavements land overlays. In general agencies have reported that PMA mistres provide moderate to excellent performance. There have alzo been laboratory studies to measure HMA minture properties related to performance and to estimate pavement of overlay fe trough the use of torture tsi. Most of these laboratory studies have shown improved o beter mixture properties for enhancing, pavement performance. There are confounding factors between the diferent studies, however, adequately quantify the benefit of using PMA in terms of reduced pavement distes or extended sence life. The Affiate Commitice of te Asphalt lasttute recognized the importance of ths missing nk between the field and laboratory studies and requested that a study be conducted to quantify the improved performance nie using PMA matures. Ths report documents the work completed 0 quantify the enhanced performance characteristics of PMA mintures EXPERT OPINIONS ON BENEFITS OF PMA ‘An important activity ofthis study was to summarize the opinions from experienced individuals on the performance of PMA mistures and onthe benefits of those mixtures as compared to Conventional unmodified HMA mixtures, Twenty four experts were contacted, of which 20 responded: These 20 cespondents represent 18 ferent states spread across the US. A summary bf the conversions and opinion of those indviduas are nuded in Appendix ofthe final Teport— Interview Summary Sheets, A summary ofthe important responses are sted below. Approximately 70 percent responded that there was definitly a benefit in using PMA matures to extend the pavements service if, 25 percent were unsure and 5 percent had no opinion. In addon, 58 percent responded that the se of PMA mocures significantly reduced maintenance costs, The real sue is that most everyone fl that there were insufficient performance sats in nani that enelt or enhancement. Of those individual that save ‘stmates for the extended service ie, 4 to 6 years of addtional performance appears teasonabe, on the average. + The primary reason that most individuals use PMA micures is to increase the misture’s resistance to rting, Increased resistance 0 thermal cracking and durability are the other primary reasons why agencies use PMA mares Surprisingly, none ofthe agencies Contacted use PMA mixtures to enhance the pavements fatigue resistance, and none provide ‘ny added value (in terms of stuctural design) to the PMA mixtures aver the conventional tnmodtied mistures. + Allagences use PMA in the wearing surface when the PG binder specication dictates the ‘need while 47 percent ao use PMA in the binder layers. Most use PMA in the top 2 to 4 inches ofthe pavement. However, here are agencies (27 percent af those responding) that se PMA inall IMA mixtures ofthe pavement, while thers ae considering the use in all IMA layers, bi The distress include inthe performance predictions and comparisons are fatigue cracking and ruting For these comparisons the length of longitudinal eacking in the wheel paths LOWP) and area racking were combined and assumed to itiate atthe bottom ofthe HMA layer. These two types of cracking were combined because the mechaniticempincal (ME) fatigue cracking, prediction equation used does not cstnguish between these two types of load elated cracking. dation, some ofthe non TPP test sections used inthis study does not separate longitudinal Kom duea cracking, “Transverse caching was ao included in direct comparison ofthe measured values. The prediction ‘of thermal cracking was not Inloded because there was an ineuicient amount of miu test data to determine the inpus required forthe ME prediction model to be considered reliable _ DATA ANALYSES AND PERFORMANCE COMPARISONS — ‘The performance ofthe PMA test sections and theie companion sections were compated using the actual disress observations and a normalization technique that fs based on computing damage ingices for each test section. These two types of comparisons between the paired sections are summarized below, + The fist approach was simply a det compaison of the actual observation or performance measures forthe paired sections. The performance measures used with this approach incised rutin, loadrelated fatigue cracking loadselated logitadioal cracking within the wheel paths and ttansterse cracking. However, some of the PMA and companion sections are not tue paired Sections Some of the pated sections included within the same cell ofthe experimental factorial {have siforent ste features, because they were bul on different segments of roadway, These erences increase the dispersion inthe dat. «The second approach was @ comparison ofthe calculated damage indices using ME dsess prediction equations. The performance measures used with this approach included rutting and Faceted ftigue cracking, The performance of each section was predicted fortwo Conditions. The first used the dsvess prediction models sis, andthe second calivated the preston model othe local conditions using performance data em companion sections Feithout any adetve o modern the HMA mature). This local calibration procedure was thed to estimate the tue effect of PMA, because of the variation and errors associated with the ME dstess prediction models selected fr use COMPARISON: OF*DISTRESS*OBSERVATIONS Figures 1 tough 4 show the comparizans of pavement distress measurements forthe paired “ectons~ those with and without PMA mixtures. The following fists some ofthe important poins to note regarding the direct comparisons foreach distess type. + Very few ofthe seus with PMA niatres have rt depth thet exceed 0. incher whoa ‘much lager number ofthe companion section exceeds 0.5 inches (Figure 1). The only Sections with PMA mistures that exceeded 0.5 inches were those placed at accelerated pavement testing sites, Even forthe accelerated texing sites, howeves, the majosity of the PMA Sections have excelent rut esitance with measured rut depths being les than 03 inches for many ofthe sections. {Many ofthe sections with PMA mixtures have na fatigue cracking, while a substantial number tf the companion sections have exited fatigue cracking in excess of 25 percent (Figure 2), in additon, the companion sectons have a greater length of longitudinal zackng inthe wheet paths than the sections with PMA mixtures (Figure 3). + Simla to fatigue cracking, many ofthe sections with PMA mixtures have no transverse Cracking while the companion sections have eshibited extensive lengths of tansverse racking (Figure 4, Rut Depths - Companion ‘Sections, inches ° 02 0408 1 12 Rut Depths - PMA Sections, inches Figure 1 Graphic! comparison ofthe rut depths measured on setons with PMA and te companion tctans howe without PMA mitre. 180.00 — . 70.00 60.00 © 4 _ ° 00 - e 5 t jist. 3 E 10.00 --—— 000 o_o 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 Fatigue Cracking - PMA Section: Figure? Graphical eomparion ofthe lagu cracking measured n percent whet path area ‘on scons with PMA ad the companion sections ~ those without PMA mies E 250 : 8 = 200 | —— pe $8 50 ¢ —_ | £3 25 ot | Bet | ze ot 2° = 4 in aoe ae eo mae Longitudinal Cracking in Wheel Path, Modified Sections, ft. Figure 3 Graphical comparison of he lengh of CWP measured on sections with PMA and the Companion sections those without PMA mixes ‘Transverse Cracking - Conventional 00 = 100.0 © 2000» 300.0» «40005000 ‘Transverse Cracking - PMA Sections, ft. Figure 4 Grnhicalcomparon ofthe lng of wansvere craks measured on sections with Pande companion tection ~ tose without PMA mites ‘A.M damagebased andysis was completed forthe loadrelated fracture and distortion dstreses ‘comparing the damage indices and actual distess observations forthe aired sections, The damage index (Dl) computed a flows for oth astorion and factre, bt » : o Where: n= Actual umber of oad applications. y= Allowable number of loa aplication to failure or ta spesific level of discess. — DISTORH ON ‘The mathematical relationship used to predict rutting or dstortion in each HMA layer is given in equation ? and it an expanded version ofthe equation incuded in the new ME Pavement Design Guide developed under NCHRP 1-37A. The total rut depth fr a particular section i simply the sum ofthe incremental at depths within each HIMA layer. For his study, twas assumed that all rutting occured inthe HMA lye. Aa S370(C YP MOMETP ag MW PEME NEM.) 2) Mere: ‘4 = Rut depth edison computed forthe thickness increment, nes WN ENumberof equivalent ante lod applications dring the summer months & —=Resllem rain clad at the mkd-eph of the HMA if nin TS Average tempertre tthe mid depth ofthe HMA hit, F Voy =Eectve shalt coment by volume, percent Wo SAievoid conten, percent, ‘Thickness increment of he HMA layer, inches Cy = Confinement actor The local calibration facts in Equation 2 were determined from the rut depths measured on the companion sections. These local calibration factos were then used to caleulate the distortion ‘damage index and prec the rut depths for the sections with PMA mixtures. Figure 5 graphically compares the distortion camage index and rutting measurements or the companion sections and those with PMA mintues AS shown, the rutting less fr the same damage index forthe sections that have PMA mostures, ‘The amount of euting predicted on pavements with PMA mauris greater than the actual measurements of et dep hs, as shown by Figure 6. This suggests that iferentcalbvation factors are needed for those sections with PMA misures because the rit depths are slgnficanty over predicted. In summary, the NE damagelbased analysis suggests that those sections with PMA riatures have much less rutin than forthe companion sections with unmodified HMA mistures, “Trend Line for Companion Stes O Companion Stes © PMASItes oot Locally Calibrated Distortion Damage Index Figwe 3 Comperton ofthe adhated dtoron damage index compare othe eased ‘Sonor the conpartn secone and hse wit PMA mies Measured Rut Depth, inches 04 06 08 Predicted Rut Depth -Local Calibration, inches Figo 6 Corparson ofthe preiced and mesured rut depths wing the localy arated ‘The mathematical relationship used to predict fatigue crzckng is shown by Equations 3 and 4, and Is form ofthe equations included in the new ME Pavement Design Guide. 1, =0.00832(C,,KCKe,) 4) e Where y, itv] Veg Ny = Number of load applications to aire (20 percent fatigue cracking over the entre pavement ra, which relates to about 37 percent ofthe wheel putas) V, "Aievoids of the HMA, percent Vier =Efectve binder content by volume, percent C7 ZCorecton factor FE =HMA dynamic modulus, pst Cy =Lecal alibi factor or facture Fc =100-| ete ” saneselc,, Where: FC =Total area of oad related fatigue cracking, percent of total lane area DI =Damage index computed with equations I and 3 Go. C= Local calbration faetrs for facture The local calibration factor in Equations 3 and 4 were determined from the fatigue cracking measured on the companion sections, ‘These calibration factors fr fracture were then used t0 Calculate the acto damage index and predict fatigue cactng forthe sections with PMA rmntues. Figure 7 grahvcally compares the racture damage index and fatigue cracking ‘measurements forthe companion sections and those with PMA miures. AB shown, the fatigue {racking i less forthe same damage index forthe sections tha have PMA mixtures, ‘The amount of fatigue cracking predicted on pavements with PMA mixtures is greater than the actual measurements of cracking, 35 shown by Figure 8. As for distortion, this suggests that Gitferent calibration factors are needed for those sections with PMA mixtures because the fatigue Cracking i signiicanty overpriced. In summary, the ME damagetbsed analyse suggest that those sections with PAA mixtures have much less fatigue cracking than fr the companion sections with unmodified HMA mixtures. Trend Line for Comparion Sites OQ Comparion Sites © PMA Stes Measured Fatigue Cracking, % Locally Calibrated Fracture Damage Index Figure7 Gehlert bensan te aed ache damage ines camps wit Eure 6 and ote companion secon nd thre with PMA nares. (© ComparionSites ® PMA Sites —Line of Equality ‘Measured Fatigue Cracking, % 60 Predicted Fatiaue Cracking, % Fige 8 Comparison of he predicted and measured fatigue cracking ore companion ses tad those sectons with PMA mites EXPECTED INCREASEMN®SERVIGE*LIFE'FOR PAVEMENTS WITH PMA MIXTURES. The ME damagebased ana}yses completed or fatigue cracking and distortion were used to estimate the increase in expected service life fo flee pavements and HMA overays. The Computations were comple assuming thatthe pavement was adequately designed for 20 years Using unmodified HMMA mitures and that PMA macures ae used inthe wearing srtace and base layers. Table 2 summarizes the expected increase in service be fr various condtions and ste features. a Gann Ae ee | Ro-ipaine, oasegaind va Foundsion | Eeprse sos macy hg Fai als Founison | peiyiniea8) I Fre Suto ain al Tanda | Nighy ost seep (Cas and 9) [ Dep sere | Stor aig dia : Saw nce 7 Spd Goons = tow Tine Tate Tiny ental ci ‘zations ; Highrooes hs ; cima Mi Colne Existing a ‘Poor condition; extensive cracking” Prem Sonera’ | Eroaton | nocarce | Ber scion: ang ipl os cracking” as Tr teraneot he nceae in serve based o th ME damage banal toninchs hse epreadcapecag jeg 2. When suc ces ote ts ope mae event os fom Fewwestng fo tcp se 3. Wt i fan efectb ckng mig esis ‘The expected increase service ile is based on structural requirements and not routine ‘maintenance that wl sl be required for both conventional and PMA mixtures tay state highway agencies have maintenance and ehabitation schedules that are used or assumed in ie ‘cle cost analyses, Figure 9 shows a generic maintenance and rehabilitation schedule for ‘Conventional unmodified HMA midures based on typical averages used by many agencies. Use the real from the ME damagebased analyses and the actual distress comparisons presented in previous sections, a revised mahtenance and rehabilitation schedule was prepared for HMA. pavements designed for 20 yeas with PMA wearing courses ad those pavements with PMMA Inistures use for the wearing and base layers. These schedules are also shown in Figure 9 for Comparison tothe one for camentional unmodified HMA mites In summary, the distress comparisons and M:€ damagebased analyses have shown thatthe use 3f PMA mixtures result les cracking and rating ~ extending the sevice life of lexble pavernens land HMA oveays. On average the amount of fatigue cracking exhibited on flexible pavernents that include the use of PMA wearing and binder mous is about half of the cracking eahibited on the companion projects a the same damage index. In addition, the amount of ruting measured ‘on the flexible pavemens and HMA overlays that include PMA mistress about 40 percent of he futing measured on the companion projects. The comparisons from the ME damage based “nalyses also confirm the need for diferent calibration factors for PMA mixtures, a8 compared © Conventional unmodified mitues The flowing its some ofthe specific ndings from the sty The use of PMA definitely extends the service fe oflesible pavements and HMA overay. The test sections with PMA macures evaliated within this study were found to have lower amounts of fatigue cracking, transverse cracking and rung. This nding support the decision made by some fgencics to use PMA inal HM layers on heavily traveled roadway. The examples used i this ‘dy show an extended service ile for deepstrength HMA pavements of 5 to 10 yeas, based on the performance observations fom the companion tet sections. [No correlations or comtespondence were found between the factors included inthe experiment factor and the callation facors or diferences beween the predicted and measured distress ‘allies forthe sections with PMA mistures. However, a definite bias does exist between the predicted and measured distress values for the sections with PMA mixtures and that bia was found to increase with increas, ites values. This bias was not present forthe companion sections, suggesting tha it orly mix dependent. The result o his bias is that the prediction models used will sgvficanty underestmate the performance of pavements with PMA mixtures. ‘Thus, an important observation from te performance prediction comparisons i that there appears to be a need for diferent calito fctors for PMA mires for rutting and Eatgue cracking prediction equations. Ths observation supports the differences measured in previous laboratory Huds [An addtional observation that has yet tobe investigated isthe lower amount of longitudinal ‘racking inthe wheel paths of PMA surface mixtures. Many ofthe conventional matures in the PP databaze, especialy the thicker HMA layers, have exhibited longitudinal erackng inthe wheel paths. tis believed or hypothesized that these types of cracks may have itiated at he suriace ‘This type of cracking has not ben observed on 3 many of the pavernens with PMA suriaces. Conventional Unmodified HMA Pavements - Current Practice for ‘Typical Conditions os fs a2 0 Routine Roitine Routine Routine Maintenance | Mantenance __| Maintenance __| Mainensace Preservation ‘Strctoral Preservation Stucal aplication st Year | | overay placed | | application t Year| | overlay pated oem @ rn. | | ar Year 18 Mil Fil || at Year 34 PMA Wearing Surface (2-4 inches in thickness) os [is 9530 das Routine, T ‘Routine Maintenance Maint - Siratural over, with Sirctural overlay with PMA wearing surface PMA weaving surface Placed at Year 18, placed at Year 34. mss ae Routine Routine Maint, | Main. Preservation application at ‘Preservation application at Year ‘Year 18: Mill & Fill with $34 Mill & Fill with thin PMA PMA wearing surface, ‘overlay and wearing surface Figure 9 Generic maintenance and rehabilitation schedules for HMA pavements and ‘overlays designed for 20 years sing current pavement thickness design procedaes, ZN ed Ry Pareto)

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