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In: Philosophy and Psychology

Submitted By gonzalv1

Words 690

Pages 3

People depend on energy everyday for cooking, lighting, cooling, and warming our homes and

automobiles. People consume a great amount of energy. Energy is generated from non-

renewable fuels. When people use non renewable energy harmful pollutants are let loose into

the air and water. The more people operate ones vehicle the energy power plants produce

gasoline that burns which releases pollutants. Another problem is the cost; people are noticing

that ones public service utility bill is on the rise. People need to get the information that is

needed to conserve energy. People need to realize that the negative effects that non renewable

energy has on the planet. Non renewable energy resources are coal, oil, and natural gas. Coal

resources are too expensive to expand and have the possibility to supply an efficient amount of

coal to last. Coal use has risen in the last 4 years. Coal is a difficult non renewable resource to

obtain because it is accessed by mining. Oil is a combustible energy that is access by drilling

and pumping. When non renewable energy has been used up it cannot be replaced. The living

factor is that mining damages existing vegetation and the land is sensitive to the wind

destruction causing air pollution. There is also water destruction which causes pollution to the

waterways and destruction to aquatic habitats. Farmers are concerned about the water

depletion in the underground due to the open-pit gold mining which uses a large amount of

water. The deeper the miner dig it is likely the pump will pump out the water making the pit dry.

The Environmentalists would prefer that mining operation would reinjection the water back into

the ground. Mining has contaminated rivers and streams. Rocks that contain minerals are highly

concentrated with metals that contain arsenic and lead. Sulfuric acid that dissolves the metals is
a toxic substance that seeps into the spoil bank. A highly toxic acid which is called acid mine

drainage is washed into the water and soil. When the acid seeps into our lakes and streams

from springs and thunderstorms, and melting snow negatively affect the aquatic life. An impurity

which is waste that is processed is contained in mining ore. This waste is called tailing which is

left in ponds or on the ground in big piles near processing plants. Tailing consist of harmful toxic

materials such as mercury, sulfuric acid, and cyanide. When these harmful acids are exposed

they pollute the soil, water, and air. When mineral are processed through smelting plants a large

amount of sulfur may give off air pollutants which may form into sulfuric acid that releases into

the atmosphere. The toxic pollution can harm humans, animals, soil, and water. The waste from

mining are dumped into local rivers everyday which is causing highly toxic cyanide which

contaminates the water and aquatic life. A large amount of energy is required to refine and mine

minerals. Energy is accessed by burning fuels that decreases non-renewable energy resources

and contributes carbon dioxide and air pollutants.

The positive and negative human impacts natural resources cannot be restored fuels, gas, coal,

and oil is produced from non-renewable energy. Non-renewable energy is produced by nuclear

plants which is a nuclear waste problem. There are limited non renewable energy sources that

will not be available for the future. The consumption of non-renewable energy has effects on the

environment. Carbon dioxide comes from coal, gas, and oil fossil fuel releases pollution into the

air. When coal is burned sulfur dioxide is released into the air. When oxygen and water reacts

with sulfur dioxide it turns into acid rain which kills trees, fish, and damages statues and

buildings. Walking or riding a bicycle instead of driving will reduce air pollution. Replace light

bulb with florescent light bulbs will saves on energy. Turning off the water and lights when not in

use will save on energy. Reduce using the clothes dryer and air dry clothes will help save on

energy. Install ceiling fans and insulate floors and walls will save on energy. Recycle, reuse, and

reduce will save on energy.


In: Science

Submitted By Drucilla12

Words 763

Pages 4

First discuss how energy can be converted from one form to another, giving specific examples.

The ability to do work is how energy can be defined. “Energy is never created or destroyed.

Energy can be converted from one form to another but the total energy remains constant”

(Tillery, Enger, & Ross, 2009, p.65). There are various forms of energy and terms are used to

distinguish one from the other. There are not different kinds of energy even though there are

various forms. These five different forms of energy are categorized as mechanical, chemical,

radiant, electrical and nuclear. Mechanical energy is a combination of potential and kinetic

energy resulting from the force of gravity or the movement or release of a machine component.

An example of mechanical energy would be bowling ball (kinetic energy) striking a pin and

displacing it (potential energy). Chemical energy is a form of potential energy that is absorbed or

released by chemical reactions. Dried wood stores chemical energy and when burned, releases

chemical energy that converts to heat and light. Radiant energy is energy that travels through

space. An example of radiant energy would be light. The light from the sun makes it possible for

living things to live on earth by providing fuel and warmth. Electrical energy is a form of energy

from electromagnetic interactions. Electrical energy is the presence and flow of an electric

charge. Lightning or a light bulb would be examples of electrical energy. Nuclear energy is

regarded as a source of power and also called atomic energy. It is energy released by a nuclear

reaction. Sun is nuclear energy that is produced naturally. Other examples would be nuclear
power plants and nuclear weapons.

Define what we mean by fossil fuels and explain why they are an attractive source of energy.

Fossil fuels are energy sources such as petroleum, natural gas and coal which contain the

stored radiant energy of organisms that lived millions of years ago. They store radiant energy of

the Sun converted to chemical energy by plants or animals. Fossil fuels are currently the most

powerful source of energy and can be burned which makes them an attractive source of energy.

There is no other source of energy that can provide as powerful strength as fossil fuels. Fossil

fuels in most cases are currently more affordable and easier to store and transport. Even today

petroleum is the most widely used energy in which the United States provides 40 percent of

total used. Also gas and coal provides 23 percent of the total energy used today. The supply of

natural gas and petroleum are limited. They are non-renewable resource since they take

millions of years to form. We depend on fossil fuels to heat our homes, power industry, run our

vehicles and provide us with electricity.

Describe two different energy alternatives to fossil fuels in detail. Discuss how they work, how

they compare with fossil fuels, and their relative advantages and disadvantages.

Alternative energy source are those that are different from the typical sources we use today

such as fossil fuels, falling water and nuclear. Wind energy is an alternative energy source.

Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the earth by the sun which results in pressure

differences and the horizontal movement of air. For centuries the wind has been used to grind

flour, pump water and sailing ships. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into

mechanical power. The mechanical power can be used for grinding grain or pumping water.

Also a generator can convert mechanical power into electricity. The advantages of wind energy

it is free, clean, non-polluting and a renewable source. The disadvantage of wind energy is the

inconsistency of the wind. Another form of alternative energy is biomass. Biomass is any

organic matter that is renewable over time. It consists of any material formed by photosynthesis

which includes small plants, trees, crops, garbage crop residue or animal waste. An advantage
for using biomass as fuel can reduce the need for fossil fuels since it can be burned directly as

fuel. It can also be converted into liquid fuels such as alcohol and converted into a gas fuel. The

disadvantages in using biomass would be the energy expended in gathering the biomass and

also the energy to convert it to liquid fuel or a gaseous. An advantage of using any alternative

energy sources is that they are renewable but the disadvantage is that they can be inconsistent.


Tillery, B. W., Enger, E. D. & Ross, F. C. (2009). Integrated science (4th ed.). Strayer University


In: Film and Music

Submitted By mahoganyedwards

Words 714

Pages 3


Geothermal energy is one of the oldest sources of energy. It is simply using and reusing

(reusable energy) heat from the inside of the earth. Most of the geothermal energy comes from

magma, molten or partially molten rock. Which is why most geothermal resources come from

regions where there are active volcanoes. Hot springs, geysers, pools of boiling mud, and

fumaroles are the most easily exploited sources. The ancient Romans used hot springs to heat

baths and homes, and similar uses are still found in Iceland, Turkey, and Japan. The true

source of geothermal energy is believed to come from radioactive decay occurring deep within

the earth. Electricity is one of the biggest outputs of geothermal energy. It was first recorded to
produce electricity in 1904 in Italy. There are now geothermal power plants in operation in New

Zealand, Japan, Iceland, the US and elsewhere. For the generation of electricity, hot water, at

temperatures ranging from about 700 degrees F, is brought from the underground reservoir to

the surface through production wells, and is flashed to steam in special vessels by release of

pressure. The steam is separated from the liquid and fed to a turbine engine, which turns a

generator. In turn, the generator produces electricity. Spent geothermal fluid is injected back

into peripheral parts of the reservoir to help maintain reservoir pressure. If the reservoir is to be

used for direct-heat application, the geothermal water is usually fed to a heat exchanger before

being injected back into the earth. Heated domestic water from the output side of the heat

exchanger is used for home heating, greenhouse heating, vegetable drying and a wide variety

of other uses.

Hot water and steam exist at many subsurface locations in the western U.S. These resources

can be classified as low temperature (less than 194 degrees F), moderate temperature (194 –

302 degrees F), and also high temperature (greater than 302 degrees F). The uses to which

these resources are applied are also influenced by temperature. If the reservoir is to be used for

direct-heat application, the geothermal water is usually fed to a heat exchanger before being

injected back into the earth. Heated domestic water from the output side of the heat exchanger

is used for home heating, greenhouse heating, vegetable drying and a wide variety of other


Hot water and steam exist at many subsurface locations in the western U.S. The highest

temperature resources are generally used only for electric power generation. Current U.S.

geothermal electric power generation totals approximately 2200 MW or about the same as four

large nuclear power plants. Uses for low and moderate temperature resources can be divided

into two categories: direct use and ground source heat pumps. Direct use, as the name implies,

involves using the heat in the water directly. This is done without a heat pump or power plant.

Direct use can be used for such things as heating buildings, industrial processes, greenhouses,
aquaculture (growing of fish), and resorts. Direct use projects generally use resource

temperatures between 100 – 300 degrees F. Current U.S. installed capacity of direct use

systems totals 470 MW or enough to heat 40,000 average sized houses. Ground-source heat

pumps use the earth or groundwater as a heat source in winter and a heat sink in summer.

Using resource temperatures of 40-100 degrees F, the heat pump, a device that moves heat

from one place to another, transfers heat from the soil to the house in winter and from the house

to soil in summer. Accurate data is not available on the current number of these systems;

however, the rate of installation is thought to be between 10,000 and 40,000 per year. Even

though geothermal energy is a highly productive reusable energy source, is it not being taken

advantage of nearly enough today. It ranks third on the reusable energy list behind

hydroelectricity and biomass and ahead of solar and wind. Despite these impressive statistics,

the current level of geothermal use pales in comparison to its potential. The key to wider

geothermal use is greater public awareness, technical support, and more research and

development to make geothermal energy easier to install and become a modern and widely use

source of energy.


In: Science

Submitted By sep425

Words 552

Pages 3

The universe. What makes the universe? Galaxies. What makes up galaxies? Solar systems.

What makes up our own solar system? Planets, moons, asteroids, and one star. What makes

up our planet? The atmosphere, solid earth, water, plants, animals, and people. What makes up
plants animals and people? The same thing that makes up everything else, matter. What is

matter made of? Atoms. And atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and

neutrons can be broken down even further into the quarks up, down, charm, strange, top, or

bottom. What can quarks be broken down to? Theoretical matter aka empty space. How do

these things work? Energy, pure energy.

When you break it down everything comes down to either empty space or energy. How do you

control energy? You control energy with energy. There are several types of energy, but let’s

start with the most basic. Good and bad. Good energy is when the energy you are using or the

energy that is around is being used or put to a good purpose. Bad energy happens when the

intent is to harm or negatively affect someone or something. You also have physical and mental

energy. Physical energy is when you affect something outside of yourself, mental energy is what

happens inside your own mind. There is potential for mental energy to become physical energy

(like when your brain sends signals to muscles to move you) but one thing at a time.

First let’s focus on bad energy. Define “bad”. Well: “bad-adjective-having undesirable or

negative qualities.” Any type of energy can be “bad energy”. We all create bad energy every

day. If we are angry at someone or angry at ourselves, that’s bad energy. If you hurt someone

or yourself, that’s bad energy. Even if you are sad or upset that’s bad energy too. It all has an

effect on our overall being. You can affect physical things with your bad energy by using mental

energy that has been affected first. If your thinking is negative then any physical outcome it may

have will be negative as well. For example: if you are mad at say, a boyfriend or girlfriend, and

you think about physically doing something to hurt them, then that is bad mental energy. By

thinking about it for a long time and really going through it in your mind, you can affect events

that will happen in the physical future. Most of the time what you may be thinking in your head

won’t come to pass exactly as you planned it, unless of course you do it physically yourself, but

instead be in a smaller representation. If you thought about them being critically injured in a

house fire, instead of literally burning to death, they might severely burn themselves cooking, or
receive intense sunburn. Not death, but still burned. You must always keep in mind, however,

that the universe always rights itself. If you send out bad energy to deplete someone else’s

good energy, then the universe will always send out bad energy to you (often it is said to be

three times worse than what you dished out) to cancel out any good energy you may have (such

as being happy that the person got what they deserved).


In: Science

Submitted By ababbitt11

Words 891

Pages 4



Strayer University

Dr. Andrey R. Pavlov

Science 110

April 21, 2012

We recognize energy through the concepts of force and motion. When work is done on an

object, it gains energy. Energy is made of two types, potential energy which is stored energy

and kinetic energy which consists of moving energy. Food is stored energy. It is stored as a

chemical with potential energy. When your body uses that stored energy to do work, it then
becomes kinetic energy.(Integrated Science, 2008) Any form of energy can be converted to

another form. Most technological devices that we use are recognized as energy converters.

Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. This is the reason why it exists in many forms. For

example, a light bulb converts electrical energy to radiant energy. It can come in various forms,

mechanical, chemical, radiant, electrical, and nuclear.

Thermodynamics is the study of energy being converted from one form to another. There are

three laws of thermodynamics. The first law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed,

but it can be converted from one form to another. The second law states that heat energy can

be transferred only from body at high temperature to the body at lower temperature. Heat can

only be moved from high to low without external work being performed. If you want to move the

heat energy from low temperature reservoir to high temperature reservoir, then something

external must intercept in order for that to work. (Definition of Thermodynamics, 2012) For

instance, an air conditioner or a refrigerator heat moved to low temperature to high temperature,

needing electricity to work or perform properly. Finally, the last law of thermodynamics states

that all molecular movement stops at the temperature of absolute zero or 0 Kelvin.

Fossil fuels contain stored radiant energy from organisms that lived millions of years ago. These

fuels contain carbon, which are all in coal, oil, and gas. The reason they are such an important

source of energy is simply because they fuel our economy from the planes, to the cars, heat,

and electricity. They are all inexpensive but they are nonrenewable resources, meaning, they

take millions of years to develop under extreme conditions. They can’t be recycled into the

energy mix. (Fossil Fuels, 2012)

Two different alternatives to retrieve energy other than fossil fuels would be to use solar/wind

energy and geothermal energy. With fossil fuels diminishing or polluting the air, there are other

natural resources that can be used and are just as beneficial and environmental friendly. With

these renewable energy sources becoming more affordable, it is a considerable change but the

disadvantages must be outweighed heavily in order to make it an adaptable change for


Windmill and turbines are becoming more prevalent in farms for rural areas and businesses. A

small turbine can produce enough energy for a house or even an entire school. In order for the

wind turbine to be effective, wind speed must be able to be able 12 to 14 mph, in order to

generate electricity. (Energy Store, 2012) When turbines are grouped together, they are called

wind farms and they are able to generate enough electricity to power a city the size of San


Solar energy is also another means of gathering natural source of energy through the sun. It’s

also the most environmentally friendliest. We can change the sunlight directly electricity using

solar cells. Solar cells are also called photovoltaic cells, which can normally be found in

calculators and or many small appliances. The advantage of solar energy is that once it

recovers the initial investment, it is free. (Energy Store, 2012) One of the major disadvantages

of solar energy is that the sun doesn’t always shine. And pollution impedes the suns access to

solar panels.

Geothermal energy is energy that is sourced from beneath the Earth’s surfaces. The process

simply works with an injection well that drills into hot rock. Water is then injected to create a

fracture for a reservoir. Another well is then drilled that interests the fracture and distributes

water that pulls the heat. Although they leave few carbon footprints, they are only available from

certain region on the planet.

All these sources of energy help us create innovative ways to become more environmentally

friendly and try to reserve as much fossil fuels and nonrenewable resources. One day we will

run out of oil and fossil fuels take millions of years to develop. Scientists are finding more

productive measures to get our energy and how to get it distributive among the world. It may

take a mix of these sources, but I believe that one day, we won’t have to rely on fossil fuels


1. Definition of Thermodynamics - How Energy is Converted From One Form to Another. Find

Science & Technology Articles, Education Lesson Plans, Tech Tips, Computer Hardware &

Software Reviews, News and More at Bright Hub. Retrieved April 20, 2012, from

2. Profiles--Fossil Fuels » Explore More: The Future of Energy. (n.d.). Iowa Public Television.

Retrieved April 20, 2012, from

3. The Energy Story - Chapter 1: Energy - What Is It? . (n.d.). Energy Quest Room. Retrieved

April 20, 2012, from


In: Science

Submitted By bella19

Words 1142

Pages 5

Electricity is produced by converting energy from one form to electricity. The process used may

be a direct conversion process, where the energy source is converted directly to electricity. An

example of this is solar photovoltaic cells, which converts the energy found in solar radiation

directly to electricity. An indirect conversion process consists of converting energy from one

form, to an intermediate form, to electricity. Coal-fired generating plants are an example of the

indirect process, as the chemical energy released as heat by burning the coal is changed to

rotating kinetic energy by the steam turbine, and then the rotating kinetic energy is converted to

electricity. The majority of the electricity today is produced through an indirect energy

conversion process. Both indirect and direct processes use the following major sources of
energy for the production of electricity: fossil fuels, nuclear energy, solar radiation, and hydro


Fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are a finite, non-renewable

resource. They remain the primary source for the production of electricity. The combustion of

these fuels releases their chemical energy, which produces heat to power steam turbines. The

steam turbines power rotating electric generators, which turn kinetic energy into electricity. No

energy conversion process converts all the energy present in one form completely into the new

form. Since the production of electricity from fossil fuels involves several energy conversion

steps fossil fuel power plants inefficiently produce power

Energy can take on many different forms. A pitched baseball has kinetic energy, or energy of

motion. When the ball is high above the ground, we say it has gravitational energy. Stretching a

rubber band is an example of stored elastic energy. Corn flakes and gasoline store chemical

energy, while uranium and plutonium store nuclear energy. A hot potato contains more thermal

energy than it did when it was cold. Electrical energy is transmitted along wires from power

plants to appliances, and radiant energy is given off by light bulbs, lasers, stovetops, and stars.

When they were first discovered they were plentiful and relatively easy to extract, they were

profitable and dramatically impacted our ability to have comfort and travel as well as increase

work capacity. Now years later they are harder to extract, our supply is dwindling, and the

pollution is negatively impacting our quality of life, but we are addicted. We don't need to use as

much as we do, but the one thing that hasn't changed is the profitability. Dirty energy companies

like oil and coal are spending billions of the dollars we have paid for the energy to keep us

addicted, they spend millions each year on marketing false hopes, like clean coal and

misinformation campaigns, like the one I saw with nurse saying why should only rich people be

comfortable, I deserve it too. The spend millions on campaigns to get candidates elected then

toss all kinds of perks there way when the lobbyists come calling to sway there vote. The oil

companies get millions if not billions is tax credits, and usually aren't responsible for clean up
when things go wrong, that again is left to the tax payers. If you took into account all the taxes

we pay to support the most profitable corporations on the planet we would be paying well over

$10 per gallon.

Wind power is the harnessing of wind through turbines to create electricity. America currently is

the leader in wind power. Globally, the long-term technical potential of wind energy is believed

to be able to supply alone the current global energy demand. Wind power, as an alternative to

fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas

emissions during operation and uses little land compared to solar power plants. The overall cost

per unit of energy produced is similar to the cost for new coal and natural gas installations. Wind

power is a popular form of energy generation; however, the construction of wind farms is not

globally welcomed. The problem with this type of power is that turbines destroy natural scenic

views and generate noise pollution.

Hydroelectricity is power derived from the energy of failing water which can be harnessed and

used. Since water is about 800 times denser than air, even a slow flowing stream of water, can

yield considerable amounts of energy. Once a hydro power plant is constructed, the project

produces no direct waste. However, the number of water sources limits the development of

hydroelectric power stations, which is why underwater tide turbines within the oceans may be

another great alternative power source to harness power from the natural flow of water.

Fossil fuels are currently pretty cheap, as are the methods of generating energy from them. With

our existing distribution networks, we can get fossil fuels of all kinds all over the world. That

makes it easy to use them, no matter where you are. Many alternative fuels remain expensive,

hard to distribute, difficult to get energy from and hard to access, making the switch over

extremely difficult. Power stations that make use of fossil fuel can be constructed in almost any

location. This is possible as long as large quantities of fuel can be easily brought to the power

plants. Transporting oil and gas to the power stations can be made through the use of pipes

making it an easy task. When coal is used in power plants, they are very cost effective. Coal is
also in abundant supply. A major advantage of fossil fuels is their capacity to generate huge

amounts of electricity in just a single location.

Environmentally, the mining of coal results in the destruction of wide areas of land. Mining this

fossil fuel is also difficult and may endanger the lives of miners. Coal mining is considered one

of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Power stations that utilize coal need large amounts of

fuel. In other words, they not only need truckloads but trainloads of coal on a regular basis to

continue operating and generating electricity. This only means that coal-fired power plants

should have reserves of coal in a large area near the plants location. Use of natural gas can

cause unpleasant odors and some problems especially with transportation. Use of crude oil

causes pollution and poses environmental hazards such as oil spills when oil tankers, for

instance, experience leaks or drown deep under the sea. Crude oil contains toxic chemicals

which cause air pollutants when combusted. Coal also produces carbon dioxide when burned

compared to burning oil or gas. Additionally, it gives off sulphur dioxide, a kind of gas that

creates acid rain. Pollution is a major disadvantage of fossil fuels. This is because they give off

carbon dioxide when burned thereby causing a greenhouse effect. This is also the main

contributory factor to the global warming experienced by the earth today.


In: Other Topics

Submitted By symbak

Words 769

Pages 4

Energy is used in every aspect of our everyday life. Awareness is the only way we can have an

impact on saving our environment, resources and climate. Understanding where our energy
comes from and how we can cut back on some of the energy we use is illustrated in my

research below.

Energy Use Assessment

The three energy resources currently used in my household come from different origins. My

electricity comes from Pedernales Electric Cooperative. PEC provides my household energy

from the Lower Colorado River Authority dams in the area, the closest one that provides

(renewable hydropower) is Buchanan Dam (LCRA, 2013). I use solar energy a renewable

energy to use my calculator along with charging my weather radio this energy comes from the

light of the sun . Another form of energy used in my house is mechanical energy. Impacts of

Energy Usage

Short term damage due to increasing energy usage to both humans and the environment could

be as our society has grown we package our foods in plastic wrap, use shopping bags for

produce at the grocery store, ship produce all across the country etc. If our society conformed to

a more organic “grow your own” mentality less plastic, gas, pesticides, and toxins would be

produced that are required to furnish our communities with food that we could all grow in our

backyard. We as a society have been very well educated over the damage to the ozone layer

and our environment of the burning of fossil fuels that are needed to produce energy. With an

unstable climate or even warmer climates that have changed by just a few degrees over the last

½ century causes a disruption in plant growth which causes a slow production of plants needed

for food needed in the immediate community or shipped to grocery stores across the country.

Alternative Energy Resource Analysis

• Texas, due to its large size and abundant sunshine, has the largest solar energy resources

among the states. Several other states, however, lead the nation in terms of using solar energy,

mostly due to state policies and incentives that encourage the installation of solar energy
systems. Solar energy can provide energy for heat and electricity for households. Some

reasons to implement solar energy in Texas are: Solar energy also can reduce price volatility

related to fluctuating natural gas prices. As utilities begin to charge higher rates for peak load

periods, PV systems that generate the most electricity during the hottest time of the day can

produce substantial savings on energy costs. Utility companies would benefit because

additional peak load power reduces the strain on their systems and the need for additional

power plants. Some downside of solar energy are: High initial cost – Solar panels are

manufactured from high-grade electronic components and these can be quite expensive.

However, government incentives are available to help offset the cost. One of the most generous

is a 30 percent federal energy tax credit for qualifying systems.

• Bad roof orientation – If you don’t have a south-facing roof, the efficiency of the system will be


• Too much shade – Solar production is greatly reduced if your roof is shaded by trees or other

buildings during the day.

• No energy at night – Solar systems only generate energy during the day so you need a regular

connection to the grid, or a battery backup, for use during the night.

• You can still lose power – If you have a grid-tied solar system, if the local power grid goes out,

your power will go out as well, unless you store excess energy in


Energy Conservation

In our everyday life if we all made some very small adjustments the energy saved would make a

huge dent for example: weather strip your home, this will help the cold air in and the hot air out

or vice a versa, install solar screens, this will help to keep the sun rays out which keeps your

house cooler, run you ac at 78 degrees if we all did these things which would eliminate our ac

units from over working that would save on electricity. ( to save electricity).

Energy consumption is a must for our every day life, as the world’s population has grown more
pull on our grids is needed which causes rolling blackouts. If we all made small adjustmets in

our everyday life we could make a huge impact on the pull of the grids along with other

resources that are impacted as well. References

City of Austin. (2013). Ways to save on electicity. Retrieved from

Tidal Power

In: Social Issues

Submitted By arminmusa97

Words 404

Pages 2

Tidal Power

What is tidal energy? * Tidal Energy is the utilization of the variations in sea level cause

primarily by the gravitational effects of the moon, combined with the rotation of the Earth. * Tidal

power is a way to generate electricity by taking energy from the sea. * Tidal power generation

works differently to hydro-electricity, and wave power. * The tides contain energy that can be

harnessed to produce electricity

Some Tidal Plant’s are: * Tidal Fences are fences that block any channels that forces water to

go through it and turn it’s turbines to generate electricity. * Barrage Tidal plants are the most

common type of tidal plant. A dam or a barrage is installed usually when there is a narrow water

channel with gates and turbines at certain points * Tidal Turbines work like an underwater wind

turbine, using the tides to turn blades and generate electricity.

How does it work? * Tidal Energy works more like hydro-electric scheme, except the dam is

much more bigger. * A huge dam called a “barrage” is built across a rive estuary, and when the

tide goes in and out, the water flow’s through tunnels in the dam.

Advantages: * Once you’ve built it, tidal power is free * It produces no greenhouse gases or

other water * It needs no fuel * It produces electricity reliably * It is not expensive to maintain *

Tides are totally predictable * Offshore turbines and vertical-axis turbines are not really

expensive to build and do not have a large environmental impact.

Disadvantages: * Only provides power for around 10 hours each day, when the tide is actually

moving in or out. * A barrage across an estuary is very expensive to build. * It affects a very

wide area by taking up all the space for the tidal generation * Fishes can migrate unless “fish

ladders” are installed. * Birds rely on the tide uncovering the mud flats so that they can feed. * It

is expensive to construct * There are limited construction locations.

Tidal Energy: * Tidal Energy is renewable because the tides will continue to ebb and flow, and

the energy is there for the taking. * The largest tidal power station in the world is in the France

estuary in the northern France, near St. Malo. * Tidal Energy has the potential to become a

successful option for the large scale. * Tidal Streams are the most attractive method, because it

has reduced environmental and ecological impacts and being cheaper and built in quicker.

Chapter 2 - Introduction of Tidal Energy

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The capability of creating power from tidal streams is colossal. Tidal energy is an inexhaustible

source that has an extra incentive in a future energy showcase as to other sustainable power

sources because of its high consistency. Tidal energy innovations are described by

CO2 emanation free power, along these lines empowering energy security and adding to

monetary development and employment creation in beach front and remote ranges. Generous

advances are at present being made by the European Union as respects the decrease of

ozone-harming substance emanations, a sustainable power source, and energy efficiency, with

a specific end goal of an introduced limit of 3.6 GW of sea energy by 2020, and to accomplish a

future introduced limit of 188 GW of sea energy in 2050. This chapter includes historical and

parallel scenarios of tidal energy systems, which include global and Indian scenarios of tidal

energy systems. Further basic principles, different technology, components, and recent

advancements of tidal energy systems are discussed in this chapter. Finally, the study also

identifies the advantages and limitations of tidal energy projects.

Comparison of Tidal Current Turbine Designs in Several High Speed Locations Around

the United States

Mohammed S. Mayeed

Golam M. Newaz

Dallin Hall

Davison Elder
Author Information

Paper No: IMECE2015-50191, V06BT07A036; 7 pages

Published Online: March 7, 2016

Tidal current energy is regarded as one of the most promising alternative energy resources for

its minimal environmental footprint and high-energy density. The device used to harness tidal

current energy is the tidal current turbine, which shares similar working principle with wind

turbines. The high load factors resulting from the fluid properties and the predictable resource

characteristics make marine currents particularly attractive for power generation. There is a

paucity of information regarding various key aspects of system design encountered in this

relatively new area of research. Not much work has been done to determine the characteristics

of turbines running in water for kinetic energy conversion even though relevant work has been

carried out on ship’s propellers, wind turbines and on hydro turbines. None of these three well

established areas of technology completely overlap with this new field so that gaps remain in

the state of knowledge. A tidal current turbine rated at 1–3 m/s in water can result in four times

as much energy per year/m2 of rotor swept area as similarly rated power wind turbine. Areas

with high marine current flows commonly occur in narrow straits, between islands, and around.

There are many sites worldwide with current velocities around 2.5 m/s, such as near the UK,

Italy, the Philippines, and Japan. In the United States, the Florida Current and the Gulf Stream

are reasonably swift and continuous currents moving close to shore in areas where there is a

demand for power. Tidal current turbines are designed for several high tidal current areas

around USA for a tidal current speed range from 1 m/s to 2.5 m/s. Several locations around

USA are considered, e.g. the Gulf Stream; Mississippi River, St. Clair’s river connecting Lake

Huron to Lake St. Clair’s; Colorado River within Cataract Canyon etc. Tidal current turbines can

be classified as either horizontal or vertical axis turbines. Several designs from both the

classifications are considered and modeled using SolidWorks. Hydrodynamic analysis is

performed using SolidWorks Flow simulation software, and then optimization of the designs is

performed based on maximizing the starting rotational torque and ultimate power generation

capacity. From flow simulations, forces on the tidal current turbine blades and structures are

calculated, and used in subsequent stress analysis using SolidWorks Simulation software to

confirm structural integrity. The comparative results from this study will help in the systematic

optimization of the tidal current turbine designs at various locations.

A summarized review including journal and conference papers recently published,

are briefly commented next, in order to highlight the more relevant advances reported,

concerning turbine design and optimization, CFD applications, device power output and


Nicholls-Lee, suggested that a considerable performance advantage can be

gained from using variable pitch blades. Adaptive materials may be beneficial when

improving loading and performance of a free stream tidal turbine blade thus improving

efficiency. Another relevant comment is that many tidal sites have relatively bidirectional

flow. However, some sites may have flow reversal of over 20 degrees from 180 degrees

such as the flow around islands and headlands. Nicholls-Lee et al. discuss techniques for

simulation based optimisation of marine current turbines, including the relative benefits

and disadvantages of such methods. Blade Element Momentum codes, Computational

Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element analyses, and subsequently the coupling of such

techniques, are considered. The significance of design, search and optimisation with

respect to complex fluid and structural modelling is also discussed.

Egarr et al. modelled a tidal turbine by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

validated against experimental data. This is the first stage in the process of optimising a

turbine to extract energy from the tide. The redevelopment of the flow downstream from
the turbine has also been studied. An important conclusion of Egarr’s work is that the

authors found that CFD presented a goodprediction of the power extraction of the turbine.

Germain et al. provided useful information for the hydrodynamic characterization of

marine energy converter systems, their design and validation, including the procedure for

the characterisation of the wake of horizontal axis marine current turbines which has been

of a great interest. Karsten et al. examined the tidal power available for electricity

generation from stream turbines placed in a particular location. This suggests that the

greatest tidal power will be possible in channels where the product of the flow rate through

the channel and the tidal amplitude at the entrance of the channel is large. This means

that its application under the sea is completely suitable. Bahaj et al. presented a

discussion on the characterisation of the wake of horizontal axis marine current turbines.

An experimental and theoretical investigation of the flow field around small-scale mesh

disc rotor simulators is presented and wake characteristics of the rotor simulators have

been measured. Croft et al. examine all aspects related to the installation of tidal stream

turbines. These aspects range from determining the process necessary to reach

consensus regarding installation of the device and surveying techniques necessary to

obtain site related data through to numerical modelling.

McCann shows a parametric study of the sensitivity of fatigue loading

experienced by a tidal current turbine to the environment in which it operates. It has

been found that the fatigue stress margins are observed to fall as low as 8% under

certain environmental conditions which indicates that a detailed description of

environmental conditions is needed in order to achieve an optimised design.

Nicholls-Lee modelled computationally using CFD the interactions of fluid-

structure, and through practical testing in towing tanks and open water. The authors

suggested that adaptive materials could be incorporated into tidal turbine blade design

to increase efficiency. It is clear that optimising the efficiency of a turbine would improve

performance and inevitably reduce the cost of the electricity produced, making it a more

competitive energy source. Whelan et al. presented theoretical results for the case of a

linear array of tidal stream turbines that account for the proximity of the free surface and

the seabed. The theoretical results were compared to open channel flow experimental

results. The flow field was first experimentally simulated using various resistance discs.

MacLeod et al. describes the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics

techniques to the problem in the modelling of tidal turbine wakes. Results for both one

turbine alone and two turbines positioned in tandem are included. Features such as the

increased flow recovery rate with higher ambient turbulence intensity levels and the

slower recovery downstream of turbines with higher thrust coefficients are predicted

much as expected.

Finally, Couch et al. [47] present results from a simplified one-dimensional

analysis of the governing equations and demonstrate the significant upstream and

downstream effect of energy extraction on velocity and elevation in a simple channel


Norris et al. present detailed site information regarding the resource available,

environmental characteristics, and meteorological data and also discusses some of the

work being undertaken at the centre on data provision and interpretation, in particular

regard to the tidal test site. For its tidal test site, the European Marine Energy Centre
(EMEC) is currently developing Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) survey

methodologies in order to address developers’ needs for an appropriate picture of the

raw energy. Kerbiriou et al. present an original numerical method to extract from

directional spectra the significant systems constituting of a complex sea state. An

accurate description of the energy distribution is then given by multiple sets of

parameters. These results were used to assess the wave climatology in the bay and to

estimate the power harnessable in the area by a particular Wave Energy Converter



Leading sources of energy in the Philippines include geothermal, hydroelectric and other

renewable energy sources. The country also produces a small amount of coal, natural gas and

oil. However, even with low consumption rates compared to other Southeast Asian countries,

the Philippines is a net energy importer. In 2011, 40 percent of energy consumption was oil,

while coal and solid biomass and waste accounted for 20 percent each.

As of 2012, the Philippines produced about 25,000 barrels of oil daily; however, it used 302,000

barrels daily. Petron Corporation is the largest oil refiner in the country, while Shell Philippines

and Otto Energy also play a large role in oil production.

About 102 billion cubic feet of natural gas was produced in the Philippines in 2011, all of which

was consumed within the country. As a whole, the Philippines consumed 19 million short tons of

coal in 2012, half of which was imported. The other half of the coal was produced domestically.
The country is able to produce up to 3.6 gigawatts of hydroelectric energy, as well as 1.8

gigawatts of geothermal energy. By 2030, the country is planning on adding an additional 11.4

gigawatts of capacity to its renewable energy sources.

Basilan Strait Energy

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 Author: Franklin H. Maletsky

Basilan Strait: Electric power generated from these power generators can power the provinces

of Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Zamboanga City and even all of Mindanao and the Visayas islands.
The distance between The island of Basilan and Zamboanga City is approximately 24

kilometers. The seabed at the basilan strait is not that deep. Mostly only about 100 to 150 feet


These Tidal or Sea Current generators can be installed at the sea bed of the Basilan strait. With

floating (anchored) platforms to mark the location of the generators.

The platforms can also be built big enough to hold a standing windmill, rooftop solar panels, and

enclosure for an OTEC system to generate electricity. These renewable source of energy

installed in the Basilan strait can supply energy for the entire island of Mindanao, Sulu and

Tawi-Tawi. Whenever additional energy is needed new platforms can be installed. Electricity

can be even be supplied to islands in the Visayas region.

Without energy prosperity can't be achieved. Without prosperity there is no peace.

 Zamboanga City: The city’s power requirement as of 2015 is 90MW but the supply (May

2015) reaches only 66MW leaving a deficit of 24MW which is equivalent to 6 hours

rotational brownouts and blackouts daily.

 SeaGen S 1.2MW system is capable of delivering up to 20MWh of electricity/energy per

day. Installing two of these in the in the basilan straight will more that cover the


 The city depending on the budget can add as many systems as they want. Since there

is no cost for the fuel to produce the electricity. It is all free and provided by nature.

 5 of these systems installed will make Zamboanga City independent from NAPOCOR.

The city can actually graduate from being a consumer into being a supplier of electricity

for the other nearby provinces by simply adding more systems.

 Province of Basilan: by adding extra turbines in the basilan strait all the power needs of

Basilan can be met. Even the far flung barangays will benefit from power generated from

the sea.

 One platform (4 combo) energy generators with a capacity of 3.5 Megawatt capacity will

cost approximately 320M pesos as of 2016 costing. Building the 1500sqm platform with

proper anchors will cost approximately 80 million pesos. The combined cost of of the

generators and platform will be about 400 million pesos. Political elbow grease might drive

up the cost a little bit, but it will be all worth it. A 3.5MG will produce about 60 MWh of

electricity per day.

 Two platforms will generate more than enough energy to help power Basilan and

Zamboanga. New industries can be invited into the area and there would be no worry as

to where the power will be coming from to energize these industries.

The city of Zamboanga and the province of Basilan can form a joint venture to create this

"underwater power generators" and be the main supplier for the entire mindanao and even

some islands of visayas. The fuel to power the generators is free (wind and sea current). The

basilan strait is vast, therefore whenever extra generators are needed, there will always be

room. Basilan and Zamboanga will then be able attract manufacturers and other industries to

the area. The companies moving in do not have to worry about about buying backup

generators. The sea current in the basilan strait is perpetual and strong.

One of the greatest plus will be that all the streets will be well lit at night giving the citizens an

extra feeling of security.

 A working installation in Ramsey Sound, Pembrokeshire,

Renewable and Sewer Plant Save The Rivers Potable

Sustainable Energy Systems Trees and Lakes Water

 Renewable and Sustainable Energy

Instead of relying too much on Diesel fuel and Coal to generate the majority of Philippine's

Electrical energy Supply, we can concentrate more on renewable and sustainable source of

energy such as: Hydro Power, Solar Power, and Wind Power and thermal energy conversion.

We have too many black outs.

Global Ocean Currents, Potential Energy


artist rendition of Stream Generator Farm

The sea water generators are at the seabed

while the windmill is on the platform.

Fast Moving Sea Currents in the Philippines

 Tidal Stream / Ocean (Sea) Current Generators

 by Franklin H. Maletsky

 January 5, 2006

 email:

 Facebook
A tidal stream generator is also referred to as a tidal energy converter (TEC). A Tidal

Energy Converter (TEC) is a machine that extracts energy from moving masses of water

like rivers and seas. Energy can be extracted 24/7 non-stop.

The tidal stream generators can be located between the port of Zamboanga City and the

two islands of Santa Cruz. These two islands are only 4 kilometers away from the port of

Zamboanga City.

Or with the cooperation of governments of Zamboanga City and the province of Basilan the

generators can be located behind the sta. cruz islands (between basilan island and the sta.

cruz islands) away from future tourist traffic. The body of water between Zamboanga and

Basilan is called the Basilan Strati.

View the other potential areas for tidal stream generators in the Philippines.

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