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Submitted to the English Study Program of S1 Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Palopo in Partial Fulfillment of
Requirement for S.Pd Degree
of English Education




Supervised By:

1. Dr. Sahraini, M.Hum

2. Syamsudarni, S.Pd.I,, M.Ed.







A. Background

Listening is one of important skill that should be mastered at English

Department. By mastering listening skill, students will be able to learn indirectly

about language elements such as speaking speed, language stressing, people

accent, and reading intonation. Those things above are really helpful to help good

communication with other people. By mastering listening, students will be able to

communicate effectively. This is in line to what Yildirim stated in her research

“Listening has an important role both in daily life and in academic contexts as it is

crucial for people to sustain effective communication” (Yildirim, 2015).

In learning listening skill, students at IAIN Palopo face some problems. It is

happened when they are practicing and working at their assignment. According to

the students, problems they are facing are: 1). the speakers are too fast, students’

capability and level of the book are different that is why students are too hard for

passing the exercises. 2). themes are unusual. In the book used by the students

provide different culture topics of learning such as city transportation, celebration,

restaurant and touring a city. Those topics are totally different because the book

provides overseas culture. 3). Uncommand pronunciation. There still many sound

of vocabularies that are really strange for students because the accent used.

One way to solve those problems above is looking for the appropriate

listening material. In this case, researcher is going to Develop Listening

Worksheet as the way. This research is expected to fix the students’ weaknesses,

provide students’ wants and necessity. Specifically, to find out appropriate audios

and learning topics which are closely the same as cultures of Indonesian.

Therefore, in this research, the researcher wants to conduct the Research and

Development Method (RnD). The title is “Developing Students’ Listening

Worksheet at the Fourth Semester of students at English Study Program in

IAIN Palopo”.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the observation, there are three points of this study aimed to: (1)

Speaking speed of Native should be appropriate with students’ capability. (2)

Familiarize students with themes that they will learn (3) Provide vocabularies

with uncommand and difficult pronounce.

C. Delimitation of the Problem

In this research, the researcher focuses on problem of learning process of

the fourth semester students at state Islamic institute of Palopo, faculty of

Tarbiyah and teacher training, by providing learning material (worksheet) for the

students based on need and target. The worksheet aimed to solve the students’

problems by providing appropriate audio, theme and vocabulary list.


D. Formulation of the Problem

In this research, the formulation of the problem is how to design an

appropriate material in listening III for the fourth semester of students at state

Islamic institute of Palopo, Tarbiyah and teacher training faculty, majoring in

English Education Department?

E. Objective of the study

The objectives in this study were: 1) to identify the target and learning needs

of students at the 4th semester, English Education Department. 2) to design an

appropriate material that suitable for the students base on their needs and the

learning purposes of listening III.

F. The specification of the study

The materials that developed in this study is a listening worksheet III for the

students at the fourth semester of English study program that consists of two

chapters. They are: Listening for Specific Information and Listening for Details. In

designing those two chapters, the schemas are totally same. They are designed

based on the need analysis.

G. The significance of the study

The findings of this research would be great for: 1) Students will be able to

have a worksheet that can help them to increase their listening skills. 2) Lecturer

is able to manage and arrange an appropriate class that is suitable for all students.

3) Researcher will be able to make a useful worksheet that is appropriate for


students at the four semester of IAIN Palopo that can be a reference for the next

researcher in designing the next product.

H. The assumption and delimitation of the study

The product that is produced in this research, is able to use for the students at

the fourth semester of English study program at IAIN Palopo, students at lower

semester who have the same capabilities in learning listening, other Universities

when the students have same capabilities.

I. Definition of the key terms

Developing : Collecting listening material those are suitable.

Appropriate : Suitable with the curriculum and students ability.

Design : Model of the material based on the students, need analysis.

Listening Worksheet : Appropriate listening materials for the students




A. Previous Study

There are some research that relevant with this research, those are:

1. Designing Materials Accessible to Teachers for the English Learning of

the Fourth Grade Students of Elementary Schools at the Ambal Sub District

of Kebumen Regency.

The objective of this research was to design materials accessible for

teachers which ease them in teaching English to elementary school children.

These materials are easy to reach, to use, and to understand because they are

completed with teacher’s manuals. The next objective was to find out the

characteristics of the appropriate design of materials accessible to teachers for the

English Learning of the Fourth Grade Students of Elementary Schools at the

Ambal Sub District of Kebumen Regency.

This research is Research and Development (R&D). The steps of this

research consisted of the need survey, developing the materials, evaluating the

first draft of the materials, revising the first draft, implementing the second draft,

and writing the final draft. The instruments of the data collection were

questionnaires, an interview guide, and observation guide. The types of the data

were quantitative and qualitative. They were analyzed quantitatively and

qualitatively. The materials were evaluated and revised based on the data


The results of the study were the design of the Materials Accessible to

Teachers for the English Learning of the Fourth Grade Students of Elementary

Schools at the Ambal Sub District of Kebumen Regency and the characteristics of

Materials Accessible to Teachers for the English Learning of the Fourth Grade

Students of Elementary Schools at the Ambal Sub District of Kebumen Regency.

The result of the study shows that the designed materials had the characteristics of

appropriate design of Materials Accessible to Teachers proposed by the experts.

The result of the expert judgment questionnaires also showed that the mean of

material aspect was 133.54 (Good), manual aspect was 13.62 (Very Good), and

media aspect was 13.77 (Very Good). Therefore, the characteristics of good

materials were 1) matching with standard and basic competencies, 2) providing

materials which are interesting, motivating, suitable, and organized from easy to

difficult level, 3) making the students communicate, interact other friends in

English and more active in English class, 4) consisting of individual, pair and

group work, 5) including integrated skills, 6) providing songs and games which

are appropriate with the topics, easily mastered by the teacher, various,

interesting, motivating the students, and having clear games rule. Then, good

manuals should be easy to use, suit with the teacher’ needs, and providing clear

instructions, while good media should be interesting, motivating, and easy to use.

2. Designing Appropriate English Learning Materials for Grade X Students

of Ceramics Craft Skill Programme at SMKN 1 Rota Bayat

The objectives of this research study were: (1) to identify the target and

learning needs of grade X students of ceramics craft programme (Kriya Keramik)

at SMK N 1 ROTA Bayat (2) to design appropriate learning materials for grade X

students of ceramics craft programme (Kriya Keramik) at SMK N 1 ROTA Bayat.

This research was a research and development (R&D) study. The steps in

this study were conducting the needs analysis, writing the course grid, designing

the materials, getting expert judgment, trying-out the materials, evaluating the

materials, and writing the final draft of the materials. The subject of this research

was the Grade X students of ceramics craft skill programme at SMK N 1 ROTA

Bayat. The data were collected using questionnaire, interview guide and

observation sheet. There were three kinds of questionnaires, a questionnaire for

the needs analysis, a questionnaire to get feedback from the expert, and a

questionnaire to evaluate the developed materials. The questionnaire, interview

and observation were used to collect the data on the learner’s agreement towards

the designed materials. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and


3. Designing Listening Materials for Eighth-grade Students of SMPN 14

Yogyakarta based on 2013

The objectives of this research are to describe the target needs, to describe

the learning needs, and to develop the appropriate listening materials for the

eightgrade students. The subjects of this study are the eighth-grade students of

SMPN 14 Yogyakarta.

The type of research used in this study is classified into Educational

Reserch and Development (R & D). It is adapted from R & D model proposed by

Jolly and Bolitho in Tomlinson (1998). The steps of this study were conducting

needs analysis, developing course grid, designing materials (first draft), expert

judgment, and the last is designing final draft. There are two kinds of

questionnaires used in this study. First is the needs analysis questionnaire and the

second is the expert judgment questionnaire. The data of both of the questionnaire

were analyzed quantitatively through descriptive statistics.

This study developed 4 units of materials based on Curriculum 2013.

According to Permendikbud No.81/2013, the materials are developed into three

main parts. Those are pre-activities, main activities, and closing activities.

Considering the students’ learning needs, the inputs of the materials are in the

form of videos, audios, pictures, explanations, and vocabulary list. The main tasks

made by applying five steps: observing, questioning, collecting, associating, and

communicating. The materials then were evaluated in the expert judgment

process. It was evaluated based on the appropriateness of the content,

appropriateness of the language, appropriateness of the presentation, and the last

is appropriateness of the graphic.


Those three researches above have similar purpose. That is making an

appropriate learning material based on their objects of researching. (Andayani,

2012) is focusing on designing material for elementary school students in

addition, (Astani, 2012) is also stating that her research purpose are to know

students need and to design an appropriate material for SMKN 1 Rota Bayat.

Those two researcher are in line with what Nawangsasi’s research purposes.

Those are: describe the target needs, describe the learning needs and develop

appropriate listening material for the eighth grade of students at SMPN 14

Yogyakarta based on 2013 curriculum. (Nawangsasi, 2015).

Three studies above are resourcing the worksheet used in their own

object. Three of them are the same that use research and development model in

developing their worksheet for using in process of learning. The first and second

journals, in conducting their study have some differences. Those are from their

way in collecting the data emphasizing the point of their study.

In this research of the study, researcher has the same purpose with what

those three researchers’ purpose. It is Developing Material especially in listening

subject with different object. Researcher model of development, will use (R n D)

Model. That will follow some research steeps and principle of developing learning

material base on R n D Model.

From the studies above, the researcher is more confidence to continue this

study to the next steps. Because, there is no resource that totally the same with the

researcher’s study. This study will be conducted for the students at IAIN Palopo

in the fourth grade. This research will apply Research and Development (R & D)

model of development in developing the worksheet by using Analyze, Design,

Develop, Implement and Explore (ADDIE) model. Questionnaire, interview and

observation are three thing that researcher will use for getting the information

from students.

B. Curriculum

1. Definition of Curriculum

According to Ibrahim (Tyler, 2015:2), curriculum is a planning of all

student subjects and applied by the school for achieving the education purposes

and Nasution (Muryani, 2010:1) also stated that curriculum is a systematic

planning for stimulating the learning and teaching processes under the

responsibility of school or education institution. Curriculum also is an accident

that is happening in learning process under the school or education institution

responsibility (formal and informal activity).

While those two curriculum definitions above, In Indonesian Constitution

No. 20 2003 about national education system chapter 1 subchapter 19 and

Minister of National Education Standard explained that Curriculum is a planning,

purpose of education, contain media and learning process method. Those are for

achieving the education main purpose of education.

The continuing explanation from In Indonesian Minister’s Constitution of

Education and Culture No. 81A 2013 about curriculum implementation appears

that curriculum is a central of education need to develop and implement

contextually for knowing region, education society and students need.


By looking at four definitions from two researchers and two Ministers

above, in this study the researcher concludes that curriculum is a subject and

education program given by education institution to the expert in a lesson to make

a suitable materials that is appropriate to use in his/ her environment that is

consists of lesson managed by the teacher who teach the lesson in the class. The

lesson plan that is going to apply in the class for student in each period should be

prepared by the teacher based on students need and level (not to hard and easy).

Curriculum in IAIN Palopo used for teaching the students in listening

comprehension-III, refers to the Academic Guidance no. 370.1 2016. Worksheet

that will be used in listening comprehension-III is a base on IAIN Palopo’s

curriculum as the guideline to arrange, design and develop the worksheet for the

four semmester. The developing material of the worksheet will use ADDIE’s


2. Component of Curriculum

In Sukmadinata’s research (2006:102-112) mentions that the component of

curriculum consists of six parts. Those are: Purpose (Tujuan), Tools of learning

(Bahan ajar), Teaching strategy (Strategi Mengajar), Media of study (Media

Mengajar ), Teaching Evaluation (Evaluasi Pengajaran) and Fixing

(Penyempurnaan Pengajaran), while Sukirman (2014:20) states that the

component in curriculum consist of theory, concept, generalization, principle,

fact, source, example and definition.


Based on two researchers above, the curriculum should have material that

already managed, processed, validated, arranged and fixed. Those things show

that the material that offered in curriculum should pass many steps before applied

to the students.

3. The function of curriculum

In Kartika’s article (2010:3), mentions six functions of curriculum. Those

are: adaptation, integration, differentiation, preparation, correlation and diagnostic

function. In other sides, Inglis (Ibrahim, 2015:6) also states that curriculum

consists of some functions, those are as follows:

a) The Adjstive of adaptive function: curriculum should be able to handle

society condition because it will become students object in learning.

b) The integrating function: integrating students should be educated by using

curriculum to face the society.

c) The Differentiating function: curriculum has to offer the different problem in

the learning process to familiarize the students with the other live outside. So,

students are able to know and solve the other thing out of their life.

d) The propaedeutic function: as the educator to prepare the students for

continuing the next level (higher education)

e) The selective function: The curriculum should be flexible to educate the

students. So the students are able to elect the beneficial thing for their own


f) The diagnostic function: the material that offered by the curriculum is coming

from the need analysis. So, the students are able to study based on their

suitable materials then, they will enjoy in learning that create an excellent


In this part, the researcher also discusses some methods and theories that

became a path for researcher to develop a listening worksheet. By watching the

curriculum and the purpose of the listening lesson at IAIN Palopo, researcher is

going to use audio-lingual method to increase students listening skill at the fourth


1. Curriculum in IAIN Palopo

In Academic Guidance of IAIN Palopo no. 370.1 2016, that appears that

the curriculum used in IAIN Palopo is based on research and people perpetuation

centered to IAIN Palopo’s students and the subject is coming from institution,

faculties, departments and selection subject.

a. Curriculum Development

Refers to the Academic Guidance of IAIN Palopo about syllabi and lesson

plan mention that curriculum development is handled by the lecturer base on their

expert subject that should be consist of lesson description, materials, references

and supporting tools.

b. Listening Comprehension in Curriculum

One of subject in English education department is listening

comprehension- III. Based on the perspective from the lecturers, this subject is

appropriate for the students at the fourth semester who are in pre-intermediate

level and already studied English previously. The lesson in this class consists of

topics which relate to every life such as transportation, neighbors, or campus life.

Essential listening skills are practiced through the text. These skills include

listening for key words, details and gist: listening to the questions, responding,

recognizing and identifying information.

c. Syllabi of Listening Comprehension Curriculum

The discussion in this part explains what the purpose of the syllabi and

curriculum. Course Description: This course is given at the fourth semester

because it provides the students the material that will guide them to reach pre-

intermediate level. This worksheet will be appropriate for students who have

studied English listening skill previously. In this course consist of topics which

relate to everyday life such transportation, neighbors, or campus life. Essential

listening skills are practiced throughout the text. These skills include listening for

key words, details, and gist; listening to questions and responding; and

recognizing and identifying information.

Course Aims :

a) The students are expected to able to listen for specific information;

b) The students are expected to able to listen for details;

c) The students are expected to able to listen for the main idea;

d) The students are expected to able to listen for opinions;

e) The students are expected to able to infer the meaning;

f) The students are expected to able to recognizing context;

g) The students are expected to able to predict;

h) The students are expected to able to identifying emotion.


C. Worksheet

1. Definition of worksheet

Nurhidayah (2016:2), in her article stated that worksheet is a media give to

the students as an instruction lesson about what material that should be

understood. In addition, Hasanah (2015:3) also states in her article that worksheet

is all the things about information, tools, and text that arranged systematically

such as printed file (book) that consist of materials, conclusion and instruction

that should be done by the students and it must be refers to the syllabi of study.

Those two definitions above, are completing by Chotimah, 2014:9 in her article.

She stated that worksheet is all the kinds of helping tools in learning process such

as hand out and slides/overhead that consist of text, diagram, picture, painting,

audio, video or animation. Another definitions is coming from Sutedjo, (2006: 2),

states that worksheet is a helping tools for teacher and students in learning process

that the material should be consists of knowledge, skill and attitude that developed

base on passing grade standard, basic competence and standard competence.

2. Principles in developing worksheet

Sutedjo (2006: 4), there are three principles that should be understood by

the people in developing the worksheet. Those are as follows:

a) Relevancy (correlation), the lesson and the competency standard should

have correlation.

b) Consistency (consistent) when the curriculum offer one material to learn,

the thing that should be done by the people, it is focusing on that.


c) Sufficiency (the students materials should be qualifying to learn that help

the student to understand about the knowledge)

Chotimah in Rohman stated, (2013: 80), there are three principles in

developing worksheet. They are as follows:

a) Relevancy principle (material and curriculum must be correlated)

b) Consistency principle (focuses on main materials)

c) Sufficiency principle (material should be suffice to teach )

According to Brian Tomlinson in his book second edition “Materials

Development in Language Teaching” there are three principles of developing

worksheet. Those are as follows:

a) Worksheet should achieve impact

b) Worksheet should help learners to feel at ease

c) Worksheet should help learners to develop confidence

3. Kinds Worksheet

Asmawati, (2015:4-5), stated that worksheet is consist of four kinds.

Those are as follows:

a. Visual Worksheet (Printed file: hand out, book, module, paper sheet, leaflet,

brochure, wall chart, picture and painting).

b. Audio worksheet (non-printed file: cassette, audio disk and so on)

c. Audio visual worksheet (Video, movie/film, compact disk and so on)

d. Multimedia worksheet (interactive teaching material: computer assisted

instruction, compact disk, web materials and so on).


Munadhi in Azizah (2016:18), he stated that kinds of worksheet based on

the sense of human decided into five parts. Those are as follow:

a. Audio worksheet

Audio worksheet is a worksheet that consists of hearing sense of human that

can be accepted from human or electronic media such as: music, audio tape, disk

recording and compact disk. This worksheet (audio) should be structural that has

opening, purpose, guidance, text material and exercises.

b. Visual worksheet

Audio worksheet is a worksheet that consists of seeing sense of human

(printed file) that consists of:

1. Visual media verbal (writing)

2. Visual media non-verbal (painting, photo, map/ blueprint)

3. Visual media non-verbal 3D (miniature, mock up, specimen/ diorama)

c. Audio visual worksheet

This worksheet is consists of those two kinds of worksheets above (audio

and visual worksheet) and the media can be a TV or audio book.

d. Multimedia

Multimedia is a worksheet that consists of some senses of human in learning

process and give an experiences through computer or internet, and also can be an

action in learning process.


4. The steps in developing worksheet

The steps in developing the worksheet are consisting of four steps. Sutedjo

(2006:7), those are as follows:

a) Identifies the aspects in standard and basic competence

Identifies the standard and basic competence is needing to do for deciding

what suitable material that appropriate for teaching the students each meetings.

This is the way in giving the students a variety models in learning. In doing this

way, three aspects that should be seen, those are as follows:

1) Cognitive (Knowledge, understanding, applying, analyzing and assessing).

2) Psychometric (beginner action plan and action daily meetings)

3) Affective (respond, appreciation, assessment and internalization)

b) Identify the kinds of studying

It seems like the other aspect in psychometric and affective. Here, in

cognitive aspect that should be taken a look are: the fact, concept, principle and


c) Choose a suitable material based on the curriculum

Choosing the suitable material in teaching should be based on four aspects

that mention in the second point above (fact, concept, principle and procedure). In

a meeting, the teacher may choose one of the aspects to teach.

d) Take references and arrange it.


1) The resource of material

a. Text book

b. Resource book

c. Journal

d. Material from the expert

e. Professional teacher

f. Newspaper or magazine that publish continuously

g. Internet

h. Audio visual media (TV, VCD or Video)

i. Environment

2) Choosing material should be based on:

a. Students activity

b. Students ability

c. Students learning purpose

d. Government program

e. Structural a lesson

f. Local resource

g. Students difficult

3) The kinds of developing

a. Structural

b. Adaptation

c. Adoption

d. Revision

e. Translation

Peter R Fleming (2005:19-22), about developing Learning Materials, he

stated that material development process is consist of any steps. Those are as


1. Identification of Needs

This is the planning stage where the developers can priorities and strategies

on issues to consider. The developer is therefore required to:

a. establish the need for the learning material;

b. evaluate the existing materials;

1) Compare the existing materials with identified outcomes of learning

reflected in the curriculum/program/module;

2) Identify gaps between the two;

c. understand quality principles for developing learning materials;

d. ensure that a system for managing material development quality is in place;

e. outline activities or project plan for developing learning materials (Gunnt


f. identify constraints; and

g. Consider the needs of the target group.

2. Implementation

At this stage it is considered that the material can be used to

deliver the program. However, care must be taken to ensure that the material

would continue to:


a. Support acquisition of relevant and appropriate knowledge, skills and


b. Show linkage of learning activities and the world of work;

c. Address issues of content and application;

d. Provide formative and summative evaluation, as well as feedback; and

e. Determine assessment resources;

3. Evaluation

Revision and review of the material should be done regularly, and

must, as much as possible be linked to that of the relevant

curriculum/program/module. In order to determine the value factor of the

material, evaluation instruments must be developed and implemented to:

a. Determine the correlation between the identified needs and the impact of the

material on

b. Learner’s performance

c. Establish support of learning material by learners, trainers and industry; and

d. Establish content and structural correctness.

D. Listening

1. Definition of listening

Smaldino (1998: 15), stated that hearing involves the vibration of the

sound wave in our eardrums and the firing of electrochemical impulses from the

inner ear to the central auditory system of the brain, but listening involves paying

close attention to, and making sense of what we heard


Hearing is about physiological system (natural ability) that allows

receptions and conversations of sound waves. Hearing a sound without paying

attention is hearing. It is ifferent from listening. Listening is an activity that the

person does seriously to get some information from the sound produced by the

other people using media such as speaker, earphone, and so on. Paying attention

to accept any information is the example of listening.

Mullyana (2014: 16), stated that listening is a process of catching a sound,

understanding and arguing the statement from the speaker. So, information is able

to accept well.

2. Listening purpose

According to Abidin, there are three points of purpose in listening. They

are: Exercising students, level in concentrating, exercising students’ level in

understanding and exercising students’ creative in learning.

3. Kinds of Listening

According to Chotimah in her thesis, there are many kinds of listening. In

her thesis she just mentions a view of them. Those are:

a) Critical listening (looking for the mistake from the audio)

b) Concentrative listening (analyze and accept all information)

c) Creative listening (listen to the sound that has an interesting thing)

d) Exploratory listening (investigate special thing from the audio)

e) Interrogative listening (looking for the points by high concentration)

4. Listening problem and strategies


Anandapong (2011:7) stated that listening plays a vital role in people’s

daily lives. When they cannot hear well, they will find it hard to communicate. As

a result, lack of listening comprehension might lead to the poor result. And

according to Yagang in Anandapong (2011:7) stated that the problems in listening

were accompanied with the four following factors: messages, the speaker, the

listener and the physical setting. Underwood in Anandapong (2011:7) pointed out

other kind of problems that are related to the students themselves. She

summarized that learners have to establish learning habits in the sense that they

were encouraged by listening carefully to teeachers who probably speak slowly

and clearly.

Nguyen (2011:7) also stated problems that affect the listening

comprehension. First of all people find it hard to understand proper names as they

have never heard about it before or they have no background knowledge about

what are they listening. The second problem he stressed out is believe to rise from

the unfamiliar, un interesting and too long listening. The last one is about the

sound connections and intonation spoken by native speaker with different accent.

Goh (2011:8) reported that listener complained about the problems such

as “quickly forget what is heard”, “unable to term a mental representation from

words heard” and “do not understand subsequent parts of input because of earlier

problem”. The first thing that students have to do when listening to understand the

conversation of the audio is students have to be able to clarify the problems that

are explained.

Hatch (2011:8) stated that identifying the topic accurately enough to make

an immediate relevant replay a very hard task. He also illustrated how learners

dealt with the problem of topic clarification by using verbal expression such as

“huh?” or “excuse me?” to indicate that they are having difficulties in knowing

how to response. At the end, he concluded that people might need to reconsider

the traditional view of what is the listener has to do in listening comprehension, at

least in the case of face to face.

E. Models in Devaloping


This model of developing product (ADDIE: 1990 by Raiser & Mollenda),

is stand for five words. They are: Analysis (needs, requirement, tasks and

participants’ current capabilities) Design (learning objectives delivery format,

activities, and exercises), Development (create a prototype, develop course

materials, review, pilot session), Implementation (training implementation, tools

in place and observation), and Evaluation (awareness, knowledge, behavior and



There are some activities that must be done in the analysis phase. First, the

instructional problem should be clarified. Second, the instructional goals and

objectives are established. Finally, the learning environment and learner's

existing knowledge and skills are identified.


The design phase deals with the learning objectives, assessment instruments,

exercises, content, subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media

selection. This phase should be systematic and specific in order to show a brief

view of the goal.


The development phase is where instructional designers and developers

create and assemble the content assets that were blueprinted in the design



During the implementation phase, a procedure for training the facilitators

and the learners is developed. The training should cover many things, i.e. the

course curriculum, learning outcomes, method of delivery, and testing procedures.


The evaluation phase consists of two parts: formative and summative. The

formative evaluation is present in each stage of the ADDIE process.


Meanwhile, the summative evaluation consists of tests which are designed

for domain specific criterion-related referenced items. It provides

opportunities for feedback from the identified users.

2. Borg and Gall

Borg and Gall (1983:772) the style of developing worksheet is consist of

ten steps: 1) Research and Information Collecting (review of literature, class room

observation and preparation of report of state the art) 2) Planning (defining skill,

stating objectives, determining course sequence and small scale feasibility testing

3)Develop Preliminary form of product (preparation of instructional materials,

hand books and evaluation devices), 4)Preliminary Field Testing (conducted in

from 1 to 3 schools, using 6 to 12 subjects, interview, observational and

questionnaire data collected and analyzed), 5) Main Product Revision (revision of

product as suggested by the preliminary field test result, 6) Main Field Testing, 7)

Operational Product Revision, 8) Operational Field Testing, 9) Final Product

Revision, 10) Dissemination and Implementation.


3. The Dick and Carey Design Model

The Dick and Carey model involves all of the phases described

previously in the ADDIE model which starts with the identification of

instructional goals and ends with the summative evaluation. This model is

suitable for a variety of context areas including primary and secondary

schools as well as business and government uses. Figure 2 below illustrates

the Dick and Carey instructional design model:

There are 9 phases in the Dick and Carey model. They are (1)

identifying the instructional goal; (2) conducting the instructional analysis; (3)

identifying the entry behaviors and learner‟s characteristics; (4) writing the

performance objectives; (5) developing the criterion-referenced test items; (6)

developing the instructional strategy; (7) developing and the selecting

instructional materials; (8) developing and conducting the formative

evaluation; (9) developing and conducting the summative evaluation.

4. The Knirk and Gustafson Design Model

The Knirk and Gustafson model differs from the three phases in the

Hannifen and Peck model. In this model, there are individual processes or

steps involved in each stage. In fact, like the model of the Hannifen and

Peck, there are three phases in this model. They involve problem

determination, design and development. Problem determination involves the

identification of a problem and the setting of goals. In addition, the

development of objectives and strategy specifications are included in the

design stage. Development is where the materials are developed. Figure 4

below illustrates the Knirk and Gustafson instructional design model:

5. The Jerold Kemp Design Model

Kemp utilizes all factors in the learning environment including

subject analysis, the learners characteristics earning objectives teaching

activities, recourses which will be utilized, support services requires as well

as evaluation. This model allows the constant revision to occur. Figure 5 below

illustrates the Jerold Kemp instructional design model:


Kemp identifies nine elements in this model. They are (1) the

identifying instructional problems, and specifying the goals for designing an

instructional program; (2) examining the learners‟ characteristics that should

receive attention during the planning; (3) identifying the subject content, and

analyzing the task components related to the stated goals and purposes; (4)

stating the instructional objectives for the learner s; (5) sequencing the

content within each instructional unit for logical learning; (6) designing the

instructional strategies so that each learner can master the objectives; (7)

planning the instructional message and delivery; (8) developing the

evaluation instruments to assess the objectives; (9) selecting the resources to

support the instruction and learning activities.

6. The Gerlach and Ely Design Model

The Gerlac and Ely model is a prescriptive model that is wellsuited

to primary, secondary and higher education sectors. This model includes

strategies for selecting and including multimedia during the instruction. It is

a model that is suitable for beginning instructional designers whose subject

matter and expertise are in a context specific area. Figure 6 below illustrates the

Gerlach and Ely instructional design model:


7. Hannafin and Peck

The Hannafin Peck (1987) design model is three phase process. In the first

phase a need assessment is performed. The second phase is design phase which

should design the product based on the need analysis. In the third phase,

instruction is developed and implemented. In this model, all phases involve a

process of evaluation and revision.

Finally, based on the explanation above, this research adapted the ADDIE as

the instructional design model. The ADDIE model is easier and less complicated

than the other instructional design models. Moreover, the ADDIE model is as

the basic model which is used as a source in developing other instructional

design models.

F. Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this research by using R n D model is to design appropriate

listening material for the students at the fourth grade of English Study Program at

IAIN Palopo. The background of this study is solving students’ problem in

learning listening skill. The findings of this research supposed to have a solution

for the students who are facing these three problems (speaker speed in speaking,

unusual topics and uncommand pronunciation). In this research, researcher will

use ADDIE Model in developing the appropriate and suitable material for the

students at the fourth grade at IAIN Palopo. Below is the schema:

Main Process
Principle of processes

1. Research target

Here, the researcher decides to choose the objective of the research based on

the problem happened. In this research, the problem which happened refers to the

students’ listening skill in the fourth semester of English education at IAIN


2. Observation and Interview

To get enough data of students’ problem in listing subject, researcher

observed the class and interviewed some of students and listening lecturer to make

sure about the difficulties faced by the students in listening subject. These two

ways are done before doing need analysis.

3. Need Analysis

This step is the first schema in ADDIE model. This called as Analyze. In

analyze, the researcher divides a questionnaire that contains of lack, want and

Necessity questions. (nation & Mecalister:2010) This aims to know students’

learning needs also learning target.

4. Make a plan

In ADDIE Model, making a plan is called as Design. Here, the researcher

focus on designing a course grid (Lesson Plan) for the students based on data

gotten from need analysis.

5. Resourcing and Make a Product

In this step, resourcing and make a product called as Development. Here, the

researcher collects the material than analyze it (to know about the appropriateness

of the material with the students level). After that, researcher makes a product in

worksheet sheep. The researcher will validate this worksheet to experts and

students before applying this product to the real class (Try-Out)

6.. Final Product


The final product in this research was gotten from the result of expert

judgment and students’ validation. The final product in this research had passed

two kinds of material validation above (Expert Judgment and Students Validity).

6. Try-out

The worksheet that had been validated was used for 15 students in the class.

This Try-Out aimed to check the students result in doing the worksheet exercises.



In this research, the researcher used Research and Development (R&D)

methodology in developing students’ listening worksheet for increasing students’

listening skill at the fourth semester of students at English Education Department,

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at State Islamic Institute of Palopo. In

this research, the researcher used ADDIE model.

A. Development Model

In this research, there are five steps in developing the listening material

that adopted from ADDIE model and became researcher’s guide in developing the

worksheet. ADDIE stands for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and


B. Procedure of Development

Below is the schema of ADDIE Model used to develop the learning


Analysis: Here, the researcher should able to know students’ lack, want and

also necessity. To know them, those three components contain in the

questionnaire that the researcher gave. In addition, the questionnaire also aimed to

know about students’ competence, students’ learning capability, students’

previous knowledge also skill in listening subject.

Design: researcher designed a course grid as the planning of learning study

in listening class. The course grid contained of the need and target of the learners.

The specific skills wanted by the students, how the materials were delivered and

measuring also appropriating the listening and students’ level were the additional

component that could be added in the course grid.

Development: this step focuses on developing the material. Development

here consists of: 1.Collecting material (Audios and kinds and listening exercises),

2.Arrenging the material (Appropriateness of audio with students’ level

previously), 3.Arranging the design by using TBLT (Teaching Based on

Language Teaching) approach. It is the design of exercise should be from the

lowest to the highest level. Here the design can be illustration, typing, picture

editing, lay-out, coloring, etc. 4.Validating. The validation uses two ways, first

way was using 4 experts and the second way was student validation.

Implementation: worksheet which had been validated from experts and

students was implemented to the class. The implementation was in the small

number of students (15 Students). This way aimed to know the effectiveness and

interesting of the worksheet.


Evaluation: here, researcher used two kinds of evaluation. They were

formative and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation conducted for

collecting the data in each steps of doing this research. This aimed to have a

strong data to fix the problems that appeared in this case. Summative evaluation is

an evaluation that conducted in the last of researching. This aimed to know the

effectiveness of the worksheet.

C. Design of the Material Try-out

1. Design of Try-out

In this try out, this worksheet was given to the lecturer of listening to be

though in the classes. The classes were in the fourth semester of English

Education. There was a meeting in delivering the material of the worksheet. This

meeting took a long time to complete the task of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. This

worksheet was given to 15 students.

2. Subject of Try-out

The population in this study is all students at fourth semester, English

Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at State Islamic Institute of

Palopo. The samples of this study, there are 15 students at the fourth semester

from four classes. This research conducted at 2nd of August 2018.

3. Technic and Data Collecting

In this research, the data collected four times by using questionnaire. First is

questionnaire was need analysis, second was questionnaire of expert judgment,


the third is questionnaire was students validation and the last was the

questionnaire of Try-Out (Students’ perception about the listening material).

4. Data Analysis Technique

a. Data Analysis in questionnaire.

Data analysis that used was descriptive which analyzed by calculating the

percentage of the answer. Result of the need analysis from the questionnaire used

the pattern below:

X =Σx X 100% X = Score

N Σx=The same answer of students
N = Total number of students
Students’ choices (Necessity, lack and want) are becoming researcher
background in designing the worksheet. Below is the example of table of need

No The Item of Questions Response Percentage


b. Data Analysis of expert judgment and Students’ perception

This analysis used Likert-Scala as the measurement. The results of the

questionnaires used a pattern proposed by Suharto (2006:52-53)

R =Xh - Xl

R = Range
Xh= The highest score
Xl = The lowest Score
5 = The Range of Likert-Scale

Then, the result of data will be converted in descriptive

analysis. The indicator in measuring the result is the Mean (X). the

Means will be used by using conversion pattern data:

Mn (X) = Σ fx

Data Conversion Table (Suharto, 2006:52-53)

Scales Interval Descriptive Categories

1 1.0 < X ≤ 1.7 Very Poor

2 1.8 < X ≤ 2.5 Poor

3 2.6 < X ≤ 3.3 Fair

4 3.4 < X ≤ 4.1 Good

5 4.2 < X ≤ 5.0 Very Good

The example of table Expert Judgment

No. Indicators Score Expert Suggestion


The example of table Students’ perception

No. Indicators Score Categories




In this chapter, researcher will provide the result of research. The result

consists of questionnaire in need analysis, the course grid, the first draft of

material, result of expert judgment, final material and the questionnaire for

students’ perception about the final draft.

1. Result of Questionnaire Need Analysis

In this need analysis, the populations consist of 125 students and the

sample consists of 58 from four classes of fourth semester.

Questions A B C D E F
1 2 36 20
2 21 1 28 8
3 16 28 3 10 1
4 26 16 10 2 4
5 1 1 6 50
6 23 18 14 3
7 31 6 2 16 3
8 20 35 2 1
9 23 9 4 8 13 1
10 0 6 1 30 1 20
11 11 7 1 38 1
12 29 18 9 2
13 2 7 40 9
14 5 6 4 43
15 38 16 4
16 8 9 31 4 6

The kind of questions

1. Necessity

The percentage of the question shows that students understanding about

the definition of listening are true. It based on listening purposes. It shows the
percentage of students who are choosing option B = 36 students. It is same as
62%. Following in option C = 20 students. It is same as 34%.

2. Necessity

The percentage in this question, most of the students’ purpose in learning

listening is to have better understanding in pronunciation. It shows that 28 of
students or 48%. In other side, 21 students or 36%, also choose A which is the
students are going to familiarize their selves in listening.

3. Want

In this question, the activity that students mostly like is that answering
question by doing competition “rebutan”. This chosen by 28 students or 48%. The
following is answering question one by one. This chosen by 16 students or 27%.

4. Necessity

26 students or 45% have known the schema of language learning

procedurally. Here, the students who choose option b = 16 students or 27 % and
10 of students choose option C. it is similar as 17%.

5. Lack

In this question researcher is going to know students level of the study by

questioning their score of TOEFL. But here, researcher cannot measure it because
50 of them or 86% never join in TOEFL assessment. So the researcher will
question about students’ English level in question number 6.

6. Lack

This question, give information that the level of the student in this
semester is basic lower . It is proven that 23 of students or 40% choose A, 18 or
31% students choose Basic Upper and 14 students or 24% choose Intermediate

7. Lack

From this question, researcher found that vocabulary is one of their

weaknesses in doing listening exercises. It is appeared in option A. 31 students or
53%. It is also related to the option D, 16 students or 27% choose this.

8. Lack

35 students or 60% choose pronunciation as one of their weaknesses in

understanding the audio. 20 or 34% of students chose the fast of audio as the
difficult thing.

9. Want

This question is asking the students about the way that they like in
memorizing the new vocabulary. Base on the diagram, we see that 23 students or
40% prefer to memorize by parting the vocabulary based on the class of word. 13
students or 22% prefer to memorize the vocabulary by writing it in a card.

10. Lack

This question aims to know students’ capability in understanding the

audio. How many words maximum that students are able to analyze, is the
purpose of this question. From this diagram, we see that students are in basic
level. It is proven that 30 students or 51% are able to have a listening test with
200-250 words include the visual media and 20 students or 34% are just able to
have a test with 150-200 words.

11. Lack

This kind of the question, prove that the students are really need
vocabulary building in their lesson before listening. This diagram show that 38
students or 66% choose D by the description “Sulit memahami bahasa native
speaker karena keterbatasan kosa kata”

12. Want

This question is asking about the activity that students’ like in listening
class. This diagram shows that, students are mostly choosing A. there are 29
students or 50% who wants to listen and then directly answer the question. There
are 18 students or 31% who prefer to do a retelling activity after they listen the

13. Want

This diagram shows what the students are really want to learn about, mostly
of them prefer to learn about the thing which is using common themes in their
lives. This is proven by students’ choice is C (40 students or 69%).

14. Want

This question is asking about what the students want to learn the most in
listening. The students’ choice shows that, all the aspects of listening are needed
by the students in mastering English. This can be seen in option D. it is appeared
that 43 students or 74% choose it.

15. Necessity

This question is asking the student about what aspect of language that can
help them in learning listening skill. From the diagram, the data shows that
language aspect that can increase their listening skill is vocabulary (38 students or
67%). In other hand, 16 students or 28% choose pronunciation as the language
aspect that can increase their listening ability.

16. Necessity

The purpose of this question is to know the students style in learning.

Here, most of students choose C (Audio –Visual). There are 31 students or 53%.
Here, researcher find that mostly of the students are difficult enough to do
listening exercises because their learning style is should be related to students’
eyes (Visual). Based on the true purpose of students in learning listening, that the
students will use their skill in doing TOEFL, IELTS and general communication,
researcher decides to design a worksheet that can exercises them with only a little
thing using visual sense.

17. Hal apa saja yang anda inginkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Listening
anda? Jelaskan dengan singkat, padat, dan jelas!

Soal latihan listening yang bervariasi

List Vocabulary mengenai tema yang akan dibahas

18. Menurut anda, Seberapa penting mata kuliah Listening comprehension untuk
peningkatan kemampuan bahasa Inggris anda? (Skala 1-10) Jelaskan dengan
singkat, padat, dan jelas!

Students respond from the question is 8 becomes the mean score of 58

students in scoring the important of learning listening. Listening is the first
component in learning language which is able to support in mastering the
other three skills.

The conclusion in this need analysis, the researcher got the students’ lack,

want and necessity. They are: Lack: Students lack of vocabularies and their level

of listening is Basic lower, Want: Know the vocabularies more by using

interesting way, the theme of the audio is familiar and understanding the audio by

listening, answering question then retelling it. Necessity: Having well

pronunciation, having a bank of vocabularies and having a high skill as listener


2. The Course Grid

The course grid is made based on the previous need analysis. The material

is designed by taking up the highest percentage of students’ learning needs and

target needs from the questionnaire. This course grid is made as the guidance to

develop listening material at the fourth semester, English Education Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at State Islamic Institute of Palopo.

Course grid each unit (first and the second unit) consist of two main skill

of listening. They are: The specific information and Listening for details. They are

arranging by TBLT (Task Based Language Teaching) which is designed from the

easiest part to the most difficult test. What the researcher means here is the audio

(level of audio test).

3. The First Draft of Material

The material design made by researcher is based on the Course Grid that

consists of seven until eight kinds of exercises. Here, the researcher is using the

listening teaching technique in designing the material. The technique contains of

three parts. They are Present (Pre activity), Practice (Main Activity) and Produce

(Post Activity). Each of parts has different activity. Below is the schema:

Present : Warming Up (Preparing students to get the exercises)

: Observing (Checking students. Are they ready or not yet)
Practice : Listening
: Analyzing
: Choosing
: Communicating
Produce : Evaluation by writing
: Homework (optional)

4. Material Validation

a. Expert Judgment

In this Expert Judgement, the researcher made a forum discussion (FGD)

which focused on the listening worksheet that has been made by the researcher.

There were 2 from 4 experts who participated this FGD, they are: Dr. Hilal

Mahmud, MM. and Dr. Rustan, M.Hum. This FGD more completed by the

researcher’s advisors (Dr. Sahraini, M.Hum. Syamsudarni, S.Pd.I., M.Ed.) In

this FGD, the researcher is validating the material by giving questionnaire (Expert

Judgment) to Curriculum, Lay-Out, language and material experts that contains

of questions about the product. There are 30 questions in the questionnaire that is

asking about all aspects inside of the product. Those aspects are Curriculum, Lay-

Out, language and material that assess by four experts. Below are the results from

those four experts:

1) Curriculum Expert (Dr. Hilal Mahmud, MM.)

Question Question Question
Score Score Score
Number Number Number

1 3 11 4 21 5
2 4 12 4 22 4
3 4 13 4 23 4
4 3 14 3 24 4
5 3 15 5 25 4
6 5 16 5 26 4
7 4 17 4 27 4
8 4 18 5 28 5
9 3 19 5 29 5
10 4 20 5 30 4
Total Score 124

Mean= 124 = 4.13


2) Lay-Out Expert (Dr. Rustan, M.Hum)

Question Question Question

Score Score Score
Number Number Number

1 4 11 4 21 4
2 5 12 5 22 5
3 4 13 4 23 4
4 4 14 5 24 4
5 4 15 4 25 4
6 5 16 4 26 3
7 4 17 5 27 4
8 5 18 4 28 3
9 4 19 4 29 4
10 4 20 4 30 3
Total Score 124

Mean= 124 = 4.13


3) Language Expert (Andi Musafir Rusyaidi, S.Pd.I., M.A)

Question Question Question
Score Score Score
Number Number Number

1 3 11 5 21 3
2 3 12 5 22 3
3 5 13 5 23 5
4 5 14 4 24 5
5 5 15 5 25 5
6 4 16 4 26 5
7 5 17 4 27 5
8 5 18 4 28 5
9 5 19 4 29 5
10 5 20 3 30 5
Total Score 134

Mean= 134 = 4.46


4) Material Expert (Dewi Furwana, S.Pd.I., M.Pd)

Question Question Question
Score Score Score
Number Number Number

1 4 11 4 21 4
2 4 12 4 22 4
3 4 13 3 23 4
4 4 14 4 24 4
5 3 15 4 25 3
6 4 16 3 26 3
7 4 17 4 27 3
8 4 18 4 28 4
9 3 19 4 29 4
10 4 20 4 30 3
Total Score 112

Mean= 112 = 3.73


From those four tables, the data show that the listening worksheet that

design by the researcher is already qualified to apply in the class. It is proven from

the score of the Curriculum Expert gives 124, Lay-Out Expert gives 124,

Language Expert gives 134 and Material Expert gives 112 which is the Mean is

4.11. In the interval, this category gets “Good”. Another side, the expert gives

some notes to the researcher as the correction. Below is the data:

Language Expert Correction

Unit 1

No. Part of the unit Point to Revise Revision

1. Exercise C ➢ Point number 3 and 5. ➢ Those two numbers will

There are two numbers be better in words.

they are 4 and 2.

➢ Tis ➢ tis is a mistyping from


2. Exercise D ➢ Instruction ➢ The instruction is better:

Choose the correct Listen and choose the
answer based the audio best answer.
you heard.
➢ Structure of questions
1. How many tips that the 1. How many tips does the
woman offers to the woman offer to the
man? man?
2. What is the tips 2. What is tip number
number two that the two?
woman offers to the
man? 3. How long does the man
3. How long usually the usually study?
man study?
3. Exercise E ➢ What Picture ➢ Guess the picture

4. Exercise F ➢ Fill the blank ➢ Gap Fill

5. Exercise G ➢ Discuss to your partner ➢ Discuss with your

about the topic below. partner about the topic

Unit 2

6. Exercise D ➢ 5. What the most ➢ 5. What does the most

speaker talk in the speaker talk about?
7. Exercise E ➢ What Picture ➢ Guess the picture

8. Exercise F ➢ Fill the blank ➢ Gap Fill


Material Expert Correction

Unit 1 and 2

No. Part of the unit Point to Revise Revision

1. Exercise A ➢ Vocabulary box ➢ Make it as vocabulary

building. Provide the
students with the
vocabulary that they will

2. Some Exercises ➢ Instruction of the ➢ Looking at the Tactics

Exercise for listener book as your
references in making the

3. All Units ➢ Arranging Task ➢ The task that provided

by researcher in the
worksheet, should be
structural from Pre
Activity, Main Activity
and Post Activity.

6. All Units ➢ Illustration ➢ Worksheet design

Lay-Out & Curriculum Experts Correction

Unit 1 and 2 revised by: Dr. Rustan, M.Hum, Dr. Hilal Mahmud, MM.,
Dr. Sahraini, M.Hum, and Syamsudarni, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.

No. Part of the unit Point to Revise Revision

1. Worksheet ➢ Another background ➢ Removing the watermark

design and changing it with
backgrounds in some of

2. Cover ➢ Listening for ➢ Listening for specific and

Specific Information details.

3. Cover Picture ➢ The picture is not ➢ Change the picture with the
appropriate and also original and appropriate
not original picture

4. The aims of Unit 1 Unit 1 and 2

Unit 1 and 2 ➢ Find and scan the ➢ Know the pronunciation of
specific information. words correctly.
➢ Find the topic which is
➢ Find the importance talked in audio.
sentences ➢ Analyze the correct and the
false statement from the
➢ Remember the
numeral mentioned
➢ Choose the best answer.
in audio
➢ Describe pictures that
Unit 2 related to the theme of
➢ Get all specific
➢ Complete missing words by
listen the audio.
➢ Discuss about what the
➢ Find and mention audio discussed.
the information from ➢ List the specific information
the audio gotten in audio.

5. Page 4 ➢ Picture ➢ Pictures should be the same

6. Questions ➢ How many tips do ➢ How many tips does the
Grammatical the woman offers to woman offer to the man?
the man?
Error Page 6
➢ How long does ➢ How long does the man
usually the man usually study?

7. Instructions
➢ Page 5 & 13 ➢ Are these statements ➢ This true or false exercise
true or false aims to check your
understanding about what
the speakers mainly talking
about. Listen and decide
these statements. Is it true
or false? Circle the correct

➢ Listen and choose ➢ In this part of the test, you

➢ Page 6 & 14
the best answer. will hear an audio that is
talking about one condition.
Below, you have been given
some questions that related
to the audio. Listen than
choose the best answer.

➢ Page 7 & 15 ➢ Write what those ➢ This audio is talking about

three pictures one topic. Generally, this
express about. topic is described by those
three pictures below. Listen
carefully than write what
those three pictures express

➢ Discuss with your ➢ In this part, you suppose to

➢ Page 9 & 17
partner about the find a partner. Take turns to
topic below discuss about those two
questions below. Write in
the empty columns about
what is your partner mainly

b. Students’ Validity

The validity was conducted at Wednesday the 18th of June 2018. The

material was applied to 40 students at the fourth semester. This validity was

conducted to make sure that the material (worksheet) is truly appropriate to apply

at the fourth semester.

The worksheet instruction

Introduction to Listening (How to pronounce the word)

Present : Warming Up (Pronunciation list)

: Observing (Checking students. Are they ready or not yet)

Practice : Listening (Exercise A)

: Analyzing (Exercise B)

: Choosing (Exercise C)

: Communicating (Exercise D)

Produce : Evaluation by writing (Exercise E, F, G)

: Homework (optional)

The result of students’ validity

This user validity shows data that the worksheet which used is truly

appropriate for students. Below is the table of the result in user validity.

Question STS TS R S SS Students

1 2 12 26 40
2 6 16 18 40
3 5 25 10 40
4 7 18 15 40
5 4 17 19 40
6 7 15 18 40
7 8 16 16 40
8 8 16 16 40
9 11 14 15 40
10 3 23 14 40

11 4 17 19 40
12 3 15 22 40
13 2 16 22 40
14 1 5 13 21 40
15 5 19 16 40
16 1 18 21 40
17 4 15 21 40
18 4 15 21 40
19 8 16 16 40
20 1 5 15 19 40
21 1 3 20 16 40
22 3 18 19 40
23 4 17 19 40
24 5 13 22 40
25 9 8 23 40

5. Try-Out

The Try-Out was conducted at 2nd of August 2018. The researcher gave the

worksheet to the Assistant of Listening lecturer to apply this worksheet to 15

students of 4th semester, English Education Department at IAIN Palopo. After

finishing the Try-, the researcher divide questionnaire to know the real result of

the worksheet.

6. Students’ Try-Out Result

In this result of try-out, the researchers only check 8 exercises as the

representative from 17 exercises because the students who became the object were

just able to complete some of exercises caused by the limited time that they had.

From the 8 exercises, the result appeared as follows:

Score Category
20-45 46-65 66-85 86-100
(Poor) (Fair) (Good) (Very Good)
1 87,7
2 18
3 75,5
4 57
5 61
6 61
7 30
8 48,9
9 67,3
10 69
11 67,3
12 73,4
13 71,4
14 79,5
15 73,4
Total 2 Students 4 Students 8 Students 1 Student

7. Students’ Perception

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

STS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

R 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 1 2 2 3 0 2

S 4 5 8 9 5 5 10 6 7 9 9 8 5 6 8 5 1

SS 10 7 5 4 8 8 3 6 4 4 4 6 8 6 4 10 12

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total

STS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TS 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 5

R 1 3 2 4 2 2 3 3 55

S 7 6 5 6 6 8 5 3 156

SS 7 6 7 4 7 4 7 8 159

Indicating that this worksheet appropriate, the result of questionnaire in

students’ perceptions shows that as follows: 42% (Totally Agree), 42% (Agree),

15% (Doubt), 1% (Disagree), 0% (Totally Disagree). Below is the final result:




This research aims to design an appropriate listening learning Worksheet

for the students at the fourth semester of English Study Program. In designing the

worksheet, this research refers to the combination of Need Analysis and Listening

Curriculum that used in English Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher

Training, IAIN Palopo.

A. Conclusion

The conclusion in this research, mainly describe the findings in

previous chapter, exactly in chapter IV. There are 6 points which concluded

in this research. They are:

1. Need Analysis

Knowing the students’ ability in previously (Observation and

Interview), the researcher did need analysis by offering there kinds of questions

(Lack, Want and Necessity). The result from this need analysis, the researcher

found as follows: Lack: Students lack of vocabularies and their level of listening

is Basic lower, Want: Know the vocabularies more by using interesting way, the

theme of the audio is familiar and understanding the audio by listening, answering

question then retelling it. Necessity: Having well pronunciation, having a bank of

vocabularies and having a high skill as listener


2. Course Grid

. This course grid is designed by taking up the highest percentage of

students’ learning needs and target needs from the questionnaire. Below is the

table of the result of need analysis.

Listening Language Function/

No. Indicators Topics
Skills Skills
1. Listening for 1. Know the pronunciation of words Specific Exploratory Listening
Specific correctly. Information (Investigate special
Information 2. Find the topic which is talked in audio. thing)
3. Analyze the correct and the false Listening for
2. Listening for statement from the audio Details
Details 4. Choose the best answer.
5. Describe pictures that related to the
theme of audio.
6. Complete missing words by listen the
7. Discuss about what the audio
8. List the specific information gotten in

3. First Draft of Material

The material is taking up the references from some books and also

thesis from some universities in Indonesia. There eight kinds of exercises adopt

by the researcher. They phonetic symbols, vocabulary building, multiple choice,

true or false, describing, fill in the blank, integrated skill (listening-writing) and

List specific information. These kind of exercises mostly taken references from

Tactics for Listening, Listen a Minute and Listening for Teens.


4. Material Validation

a. Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

In this Focus Group Discussion, the researcher validated the worksheet

before doing Try-Out. There are four lecturers from IAIN Palopo who became

experts. They are the expert of Curriculum (Dr. Hilal Mahmud, MM), Language

(Andi Mufafir Rusyaidi, S.Pd.I., M.A), Material (Dewi Furwana, S.Pd.I.,

M.Pd) and Lay-Out (Dr. Rustan S., M.Hum).

b. User Validity

This user validity was conducted to 40 students at English Education

Department at IAIN Palopo as the way of the researcher to make sure that the

worksheet is truly appropriate to apply. The result shows that the worksheet made

by the researcher is truly appropriate. Below is the data:

5. Try-Out

The try out was conducted by following previous activity in “user

validation”. It is by using PPP (Present, Practice and Produce) model in delivering

the lesson to the students.


6. The Result of Students’ Perception

As we can see from the picture above, the sign STS (Sangat Tidak

Setuju) = 0 %, TS (Tidak Setuju) = 1%, R (Ragu) = 15 %, S (Setuju) = 42 %, and

SS (Sangat Setuju) = 42 %. Which shows that this worksheet really satisfying for

the students.

B. Suggestion

1. Suggestion to the fourth semester students

The students should be study hard so, the students are be able to

understand each materials delivered by the lecturer and increase their

listening skill through this worksheet.

2. Suggestion to English Listening Lecturer

The lecturer should be able to be creative in delivering the listening

material because this skill is the hardest skill for the students at IAIN

Palopo to master in. So in delivering the lesson the lecturers are expected

to be able to modify this worksheet based on the situation (if needed) to

make the learning process more interesting.


3. Suggestion to the other researchers

The other researchers are expected to design listening worksheet

even listening book which has interesting aspect inside. The researchers

should be able to make worksheet or book from the basic level to the

highest level of listening. So the students will be able to learn listening

skill completely.

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