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Form pas | July, 1984 INSTRUCTIONS OPERATION MAINTENANCE 5-¥ INCH STROKE COMPRESSORS INGERSOLL-RAND. GAS COMPRESSORS © Ingersoll-Rand Company 1984 Printed in U.S.A COMMENTS CONCERNING e OUR CUSTOMERS GENERAL Instruction books are furnished for every Ingersoll-Rand Compressor. If there are any points not clearly covered, we will gladly furnish addi- tional information. ‘This book is intended to cover many of the special points on erecting, operating and main: taining our compressors and to supplement the experience and mechanical ability of the competent engineer. LR service is available to every compressor ‘owner. We have a continued interest in the welfare of our equipment. We wish to build and stand by every unit so that an Ingersoll-Rand compressor will always be considered a wise investment. ONSULTATION Our Engineering Department welcomes inquiries Qeecariingany pave of compressor practice, installa. tion, operation, Tepalrs or changes to meet unex: pected conditions. Call, write of wie our branch Otfices for information of advice on any point. Our Sales Department and Branch Represen- tatives will be glad to confer with you on any prospective installation or change. INSPECTION An Ingersoll-Rand compressor will operate sat- istactorily for years with little special attention. A periodic inspection schedule will do much to ensure optimum performance of the unit, while avoiding possible difficulties at some inconvenient time. RENEWAL PARTS If you will write us (giving complete details) about your trouble or unusual wear, we may be able to make helpful suggestions. We keep standard parts on hand for replacement when required, SERVICE We maintain a force of trained service engineers, skilled in compressor work, who are available for installation, inspection or repair. They can be secured on reasonable notice. A charge at a daily rate while away from our plant (plus traveling and living expenses, with an extra charge for overtime) is made for their services. We will be glad to supply you with our current rates for the service of our engineers. Proper erection and starting is extremely impor- tant. The success of a unit frequently depends on how it is installed, We strongly urge that such work be supervised by our skilled erecting engineers, who are thoroughly familiar with compressor work. Unless you have men available with the proper experience and ability, it would be advisable to employ our engineers. These men also can instruct your operators in the care and handling of the uni Many companies, especially those operating several compressors, have our service engineers make periodic inspections to prevent trouble and to assure the best possible results. Our men can explain how to operate I-R units to secure the greatest efficiency and economy, and the longest service life, When sending for a service engineer to make repairs, be sure to give the compressor serial num- ber with full particulars as to what is wrong and what replacement parts are, or may be, needed. If possible, these parts should be on hand when our engineer arrives. Please address all inquiries to the nearest Ingersoll+ Rand Company branch office. WARNING DO NOT OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT IN EXCESS OF ITS RATED CAPACITY, SPEED, PRES- SURE AND TEMPERATURE, NOR OTHERWISE THAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUC- ‘TIONS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL. OPERATION OF THE EQUIPMENT IN EXCESS OF THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE SALES CONTRACT WILL SUBJECT IT TO STRESSES AND STRAINS WHICH IT WAS NOT DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND. THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT MUST PROVIDE SUITABLE GROUNDS, MAINTENANCE CLEARANCE AND LIGHTNING ARRESTORS FOR ALL ELEC- ‘TRICAL COMPONENTS AS STIPULATED IN OSHA, PART 1910 OF TITLE 29 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS. FAILURE TO HEED THIS WARNING MAY RESULT IN AN ACCIDENT CAUSING PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. FOREWORD READ THIS INSTRUCTION BOOK CAREFULLY BEFORE ERECTING OR STARTING THE UNIT. This manual contains important instructions and related information on the installation, operation and maintenance of Ingersoll-Rand Type RDS Separable Gas Compressors. THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING THIS INSTRUCTION BOOK IN THE HANDS OF THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF INSTALLING AND OPERATING THE MACHINE CANNOT BE OVEREMPHASIZED. All people involved in the installation, operation and servicing of the unit should have access to this manual and be familiar with its contents. Strict attention to the instructions will be repaid by satisfactory per- formance and low upkeep costs. DO NOT REMOVE THE NAMEPLATES ATTACHED TO THE MACHINE. THEY GIVE THE SERIAL NUMBERS WHICH ARE NECESSARY WHEN CORRESPONDING WITH THE INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY REGARDING YOUR UNIT. Refer all communications to the nearest Ingersoll-Rand Branch Office. GENERAL INDEX SECTION Installation . Lubrication . Operation Maintenance . General Data . PART PARTI INSTALLATION Contents of Part | GENERAL Serial Numbers Cylinder Nameplate Data STORAGE Recommendations for Extended Storage LOCATION BUILDING FOUNDATION SIZE AND DESIGN General Rules for Foundation Design Foundation Construction SETTING AND LEVELING FRAME — BLOCK-MOUNTED UNITS SETTING AND LEVELING ~ SKID-MOUNTED UNITS GROUTING Foundation Preparation Safety Precautions for Epoxy Grouts Epoxy Grouting Block-Mounted Frame Grouting Skid-Mounted Unit DRIVER INSTALLATION — BLOCK-MOUNTED UNITS Installation and Alignment of Two-Bearing Induction or ‘Synchronous Motors Installation and Alignment of Separable Engine Drive Installation and Alignment of Turbine Drive and Reduction Gear Set FINAL ALIGNMENT CHECK COMPRESSOR CYLINDERS INSTALLING COOLER SKID OIL COOLER AND FILTER — BLOCK-MOUNTED UNITS LUBRICATING OIL PIPING — BLOCK-MOUNTED UNI COMPRESSOR PIPING Recommendations for the Installation, Fabrication, ‘Testing. and Cleaning of Air or Gas Piping ‘Temporary Line Filters Starting-Unloading Bypass Piping, Safety Valves Intercooler, Aftercooler and Receiver WATER PIPING ELECTRICAL WIRING w Page 12 412 113 113 4 rig ral 121 Lai 122 122 122 INSTALLATION ‘The foundation, installation, grouting and piping. instructions in this section are intended for use with the plans and diagrams that are prepared to suit a particular compressor installation. Ingersoll-Rand erecting engineers are available, and we recommend that they be used, to supervise the installation and start-up of the machine. Proper installation is im- portant to the successful operation of the unit. For installation purposes, there are two com- pressor mounting techniques that are commonly used. BLOCK-MOUNTED UNITS include those compressor installations where the compressor, driver and accessory equipment are mounted di rectly on a suitable foundation. SKID-MOUNTED UNITS are normally shipped to the installation site with the compressor and driver mounted on a rigid skid, Alignment, controls, accessories and on-skid piping are completed at the factory and the unit is, available at the compressor site as a complete package ready for erection on a suitable foundation. ‘The instructions in this section cover the installa: tion of both “block-mounted” and “'skid-mounted” compressor units. Where a procedure or installation technique applies to only one of the mounting aethods, this is clearly indicated in the instruc: tions. Use only those procedures that apply to your particular compressor installation. 141.1. SERIAL NUMBERS Correspondence concerning your compressor and related equipment must include the serial numbers of the equipment about which you are writing. A complete record of serial numbers and other data on your Ingersoll-Rand compressor is kept at the fac- tory; giving the serial numbers in your cor respondence and parts orders helps us in providing prompt service. 1. The Compressor Frame Serial Number applies to the frame and running gear parts. It is located on a nameplate which is attached to the side of the frame at the oil pump end. The serial number is also permanently stamped directly below the nameplate in the frame metal. It con sists of several letters and numbers. Always give the complete serial number (for example: YRS 534). Each Compressor Cylinder has its own serial number which is stamped on a nameplate at- tached to the cylinder. The cylinder nameplate 12 also includes other data; this is described in the section which follows. 3. Other Parts, such as drive units, controls and piston rod packings, often have serial numbers or other identification attached, which should be mentioned in any correspondence about these parts. 1412, CYLINDER NAMEPLATE DATA. ‘The nameplate (Figure 1-1) which is attached to each compressor cylinder contains information which is valuable both to the customer and to Ingersoll-Rand Company in identifying a particular cylinder. In addition, the performance information given provides @ guide for the operation of the \der, The following is an explanation of the in- formation usually given on the cylinder nameplate. 1. Cylinder Type. Type of compressor on which the cylinder is used. The next line on the nameplate covers the following in sequence: Compressor cylinder serial number. Bore diameter. Piston stroke. Normal Discharge Pressure. The normal discharge pressure is determined by the pro- cess and the customer's order. It is the dis- charge pressure at which the cylinder will operate under normal conditions Figure 1-1. Cylinder Nameplate INSTALLATION CAUTION Consult IngersollRand Company before making any changes in the normal discharge pressure, due to the limitations which follow. Rated Discharge Pressure This Cylinder. ‘The rated discharge pressure is the maximum gas discharge pressure at which a particular cylinder may be continuously operated. The rated discharge pressure covers only the limitations of the particular cylinder to which a nameplate is attached. Other limitations such as driver horsepower, allowable bearing loads ‘on the compressor running gear, and maximum pressure rating of connecting piping, pressure vessels, ete., may dictate a normal discharge pressure less than or equal to, but never greater than, the rated discharge pressure. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure. ‘The maximum allowable working pressure is the maximum gas pressure permissible in the cylinder. The cylinder may be operated up to this maximum pressure for short periods of time as necessitated by process upsets, misoperation of stop valves, ete. Other limita: tions, such as driver horsepower, allowable bearing loads on the compressor running gear. and maximum pressure rating of connecting piping, pressure vessels, etc. may dictate salety valve settings considerably below this, maximum rating. ‘The maximum allowable working pressure allows ample margin for proper operation of the safety valves. The safety valve setting may be less than the maximum allowable working pressure but must never exceed it. Meximum Allowable Discharge Gi Temperature. The maximum allowable discharge gas temperature is the highest tem- perature to which the cylinder parts should be exposed (listed in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius). Hydrostatic Test Pressure. ‘This is the pressure at which the eylinder has been tested. Hydrostatic testa are made at pressures greater than the maximum allowable working pressure of the cylinder. Maximum Allowable Cooling Water Pressure ‘The maximum allowable coolant pressure is the maximum recommended pressure to which the eylinder water jackets should be exposed. 1a Total. This term denotes the cylinder displace- ment per unit of time as expressed in the following formula: Displacement = Average piston area (ft2) x piston speed (ft/min) Displacement mhr at RPM - Frame, Outer, ‘Total. This term denotes the cylinder displace- ment per unit of time (in the metric system) as expressed in the following formula: Displacement = Average piston area (m2) x piston speed (mm/h) ‘This displacement is given for the frame and outer ends individually and the total displace- ment is also given. All are based upon the operation of unit at the RPM noted. 9. % Standard Cylinder Clearance. The percent of standard cylinder clearance is the percent of clearance normal to the cylinder before any alternations to meet performance specifica- tions. It is shown for both the frame and outer ends, and the average is also given, 10. Normal Lineal Clearance. Actual clearance be- tween the piston and head at each end of the eylinder. 11, Added Clearance Volume. The added clearance volume, given for both the frame and outer ends, is the clearance added to the cylinder for performance reasons. This block also specit by means of a heading, how the clearance has ‘been added. 12, Inlet Valves and Discharge Valves. ‘The numbers and letters shown in these blocks are the part nomenclature of the complete valves, less any special parts such as unloaders, ete. 12. STORAGE If the compressor frame or skid is to be stored at any time and it is not resting on a foundation, it must be supported the full length to prevent any possible sag or distortion, It will also be necessary to protect the unit from the weather, either in a building or by a tarpaulin or similar covering. ‘The shipping preparation used by the Ingersoll: Rand Engine Process Compressor Division meets the requirements of American Petroleum Institute Specification No. 618 “Preparation for Shipment” INSTALLATION tule for outdoor equipment storage up to is, with the exception of the piston and rod assemblies and certain accessories which are often ackaged separately and must be stored inside a dry Local environment has such an effect on how well any rust preventative will hold up that Ingersoll: Rand cannot realistically accept. responsibility for the storage, as we have no control of the local con tions at the installation site. Before storing the unit, itis important to check in: side as well as outside the machine to be sure all run- ning parts and exposed surfaces subject to corrosion are adequately protected. Make certain all cover are bolted tight and all openings are properly closured against moisture and dust. During storage, periodically remove covers and check the frame interior for condensation and for adequate protection of the internal surfaces. This should be done at least once a month and more often if conditions warrant it. 124. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EXTENDED STORAGE The following recommendations apply to units nat are being stored for an extended period of over jix months and also to those machines that have ‘been erected but that will not be started for some time, Because of the variations between installation sites, these recommendations are presented only as guidelines which should be modified to suit a par- ticular situation. The following procedure is in addi tion to the storage instructions described in the preceding paragraphs. 1, The internal surfaces of the frame, frame ex: tensions and the internal running gear com- ponents have been coated with a rust preven- tative at the factory: this protective coating must be left in place. While erecting the frame on the foundation, take extreme care to pre vent dirt, sand and other contaminants from entering it. Any contaminants introduced at this time must be thoroughly removed. After the machine is installed, it is important that all frame openings are closed and sealed to pre- vent contamination of the frame interior. NoTe to be stored for an extended period in an “as shipped” condition, an inspection When the compressor 14 schedule must be established whereby the frame interior can be periodically examined and the rust preventative coating restored as re- quired. Any rust preventative ap- plied to the parts during this period should meet U.S, Government Spec. MIL-C-16173 (latest edition), Grade II, such as Valvoline Tecty! 502-C distributed by Ashland Oil, Inc. After completing frame and running gear assembly, fill the frame sump with enough rust preventative oil to permit completely filling the lube oil system, a, Unhook the oil lines at the entrance to each main bearing and point the free end of each line away from the bearing, b. Run the auxiliary oil pump, or a suitable flushing pump tied into the lube piping, for a minimum of four hours to fill and cir culate the oil through the entire frame lubrication system. Watch the pressure drop across the filters during this period and replace filter elements. if necessary due to clogging. ©. Stop the pump and connect the oil line to the No, 1 main bearing. Restart the pump ‘and run for 30 minutes to thoroughly flush through the first bearing. 4d. Repeat Step c, connecting one main bear: ing oil line at a time at 30 minute inter: vals, until all of the oil lines are con nected. e. With the pump running, rotate the crankshaft slowly to ensure that all sur- faces of the crankshaft and running gear are coated with the rust preventative oil. When this condition is assured, stop the oil pump. All pipe connections must be plugged or fitted with fiberboard covers, or if stored outside, steel covers. Openings at the ends of the frame extensions must also be closured if the com: pressor cylinders are not mounted. Replace all inspection covers on the unit. It is important that the machine is adequately closured against moisture and dirt. Wipe the outside of the unit clean and dry. Spray all ex- posed "bright" surfaces, including that por tion of the crankshaft between the drive end and frame, with rust preventative. 10, INSTALLATION Bar over the crankshaft at least once every four days (once a day if possible) during storage. Operate the priming oil pump to be sure that rust preventive oil is flushed onto all internal bearing surfaces. Do not allow the crankshaft to come to rest at the same position it was in before barring, A simple scribe line on fan exposed portion of the shaft will aid in this operation, ‘The pistons, piston rods and piston rod pack- ings are sometimes packaged separately from the compressor cylinders. The best possible storage for these items is to leave them in their boxes and not install them in the cylinders. This is of utmost importance in the ease of non-lubricated cylinders as these parts are not. protected with a rust preventative oil. Store these boxes indoors and cover them to prevent, rusting of parts. Do not open them except under supervision of an Ingersoll-Rand erect: ing enj Remove compressor valves from the cylinders and either store them submerged in an oil tank or coat. them with a suitable rust preventative, wrap and stare them indoors. Valves on “NI” units must be properly cleaned and degreased at start-up if the process cannot tolerate any trace of oil When lubricated compressor cylinders are shipped, the main bores and gas passages are coated with a rust preventative oil. This oil should not be removed or wiped out of the cylinder until actual starting of the com pressor. All of the cylinder openings must be completely closed so that dirt, rain or dust can- not. be blown into them. Non-lubricated compressor eylinders are ship ped with cylinder bore protected by V.P.1 paper. If this paper is removed, it must be replaced with adequate protection. It is not Ingersoll-Rand’s practice to use any type of rust preventative oil in non-lubricated cylinders, With many customers, even a trace of these oils will tend to contaminate the gas process. If the process can tolerate traces of cil, we would recommend that the cylinder bores be coated with this oil prior to storage and then completely close the cylinders so that dirt, rain or dust cannot be blown into them. If it has been necessary to install the piston rods and packings, lubricated units should have their lubricators filled with a rust 15 preventative oil, Operate the lubricator so that the rust preventative oil is pumped into the lubricator lines and main bores at the same time the unit is being barred over. Prior to starting, drain this oil and flush the system with the normal lubricating cil. 11. Any vessels or gas piping supplied on lubricated units are protected with rust preventative oil and/or other protective coating. Do not remove this coating. All flanged or threaded openings are closured for shipment, Do not remove these closures until the mating piping is ready for assembly. ‘Assemble the vessels and piping on the unit as quickly as possible to prevent dirt and other contaminants from entering. On all non- lubricated units and on many other units, pulsation dampeners are protected with a Special Phenolic Resin Coating (Magnacoat) which does not need to be removed prior to starting of the units. When the units are assembled completely, purge the entire gas piping system and compressor cylinders with dry nitrogen or other dry gas. Continue purg- ing. until all of the air is removed from the system. ‘There should be a slight positive pressure purge left on the piping system at all times to keep the system free of air. (Apply necessary closures at the piston rod openings.) Our customers should realize that the rust preventative oil we use (and as far as we can determine, any rust preventative oil on the market today) is only good for six months. We cannot ensure that any parts put in storage over six months will not suffer damage. 12, 13. When the compressor is ready to be placed i operation, drain all of the rust preventative oil and flush the system as described in PART ILL, Section 3-2-1 before filling the lubrication system with the oil selected for regular operation. In addition to the recommendations noted, the following inspections should be made at least once a month: 1. Inspect the internal surfaces of the frame. 2. Inspect the cylinder bores. 3. Inspect pressure vessels and piping for inter nal rusting. 4. Inspect the pistons, piston rods, packings and valves by removing the protective coating of sand checking for rust. Carefully repackage after inspection, 5. If there is any rust present, clean and recoat, with a preservative oil. ‘These periodic inspections should be performed under the supervision of an Ingersoll-Rand erecting engineer. On skid-mounted compressor packages, similar procedures must be used on the engine drive and ‘other package components. These should be in ac cordance with the respective manufacturer's recom ‘mendations: 1.3. LOCATION Where possible, select a site for the compressor in- stallation where the soil under and around the foundation will be firm and dry at all times. Inade- quate soil conditions require special compensating measures in designing and constructing the founda: tion. Before making 2 final decision on the com- pressor site, study the foundation plan, installation drawings and piping diagrams and the portions of this book covering these subjects. 14. BUILDING If the compressor is placed in a building, the build: ing should be designed to suit the particular in- stallation. Generally, a building is intended to pro- vide adequate protection against the weather for the ‘operators, compressors and auxiliary equipment; it may be partially or completely enclosed depending The building should be of ample size to provide sufficient working space around each unit. Refer to the compressor layout plan for minimum clearance required to remove compressor pistons and other parts, An overhead hoist, arranged so that it can be moved to a position over any part of the compressor or driver, will greatly facilitate maintenance work requiring the removal of parts. Select a hoist with enough capacity to lift the heaviest part that may be removed during normal maintenance. Good lighting is essential for proper operation and care of these units. In addition to daylight and over- head electric lights, outlets should be provided for drop lights and extensions convenient to each machine, Adequate ventilation is essential to safety in any ompressor room. Pockets or areas where any escap ing gas can collect must be avoided. Remember that even the spark from a nail in a shoe can start a fire in @ flammable atmosphere, Good ventilation around 16 INSTALLATION any compressor is of prime importance to the com- fort. and morale of the operators, L AND. ESIGN FOUNDATION SIZ Foundation requirements can vary from one in- stallation site to another and will depend upon the soil condition, the gas to be handled, the forces to be absorbed and, in some cases, the climate. The Ingersoll-Rand Company, therefore, can suggest only general foundation design criteria to. be adapted to the local conditions. The size and arrangement of compressor cylinders, and consequently the weights of reciprocating parts, are usually dictated by the specific operating conditions. It is frequently im- practical or impossible to completely balance the reciprocating forces involved. Consequently, in addition to providing a firm and uniform support for the compressor base or skid, the foundation must also absorb unbalanced forces and minimize any tendency of the unit to vibrate. ‘The foundation size and design shown on the in- stallation drawings supplied with each unit are suitable for use in firm. dry soil backed up by bedrock and capable of supporting a minimum of 4000 Ibisq ft (19,528 kgs/sq meter). If the soil is less firm, some modification will usvally be necessary to arrive at a design suitable for the actual conditions. Several test pits should be dug at the proposed site in order to determine the nature of the soil. If the soil is wet or less firm than specified above, soil borings or deflection tests should be made. Alluvial soils, unconfined sand or gravel, soft clay, silt or filled ground do not furnish satisfactory support for the foundations of reciprocating machines. When these soils are encountered, the foundation should be extended or placed on a rein. forced mat to increase the total mass, provide a large surface in contact with the ground and reduce the soil bearing pressure, Foundations for reciprocating machines differ from foundations for buildings or similar structures since dynamic as well as static loads are invotved. Consequently, much lower soil bearing pressures should be used than permitted by municipal ordi- ances; usually one-querter (o one-sixth lower. Low soil bearing pressures keep the natural frequency of the foundation high and prevent resonance, and also reduce the possibility of transmitted vibration. When the soil is soft, piling may be necessary to provide vertical support and to compact the subsoil INSTALLATION In some cases spur or batter piles are desirable to absorb horizontal forces. Whenever possible the foundation should be car- d down to firm footing. Where freezing temperatures occur, it must be carried well below the frost line. Frequently, it is possible to observe neighboring installations on similar soil. Such observations will aid in determining whether or not additional soil contact area, additional mass or piling will be required. When conditions are doubtful, or if the location is such that transmitted vibration would be objec- tionable, we recommend that the customer engage the services of an engineering firm making a spe- f machinery foundation work. Ingersoll: cept no responsibility for the suet tions. We will, however, be glad to supply informa: tion regarding unbalanced forces for the use of specialists in analyzing the problem. 15-1. GENERAL RULES FOR FOUNDATION A few general rules may aid in the de foundation: Keep the height of the foundation block as low as possible. The greater the height of the block the greater the rocking effect will be; consequently, the greater the chance of excessive vibration. When two or more compressors are to be installed, it is preferable to arrange the units with the crankshaft parallel (not in line) and to have one con: tinuous reinforced mat under all compressor founda: tion blocks. Avoid overhead piping wherever possible. In addi: tion to interfering with the use of the crane, over: head piping is also susceptible to vibration. 52. FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION Build the forms for pouring the foundation so that the top of the foundation will be at the proper height to allow for grout placement under the compressor base or skid; the recommended grout thickness is shown on the foundation plan, Be sure that the forms provide for any pockets or depressions in the foundation that. are shown on the plan 7 ‘The foundation bolts must be located according to the plan supplied for the unit. To hold the bolts ac curately in position while the foundation is being poured, build a skeleton wood template, similar to that shown in Figure 1-2, with holes for the bolts to correspond to the bolt layout plan. Check the dimen- sions carefully and mark lines on the template to show the centers of the cylinders and crankshaft, NOTE ‘The foundation configuration shown in Figure 1-2 is typical for block- mounted compressors. When a skid- ‘mounted unit is being installed, the but the placement of the foundation bolts will be done in a manner similar to that illustrated. ‘To allow for slight differences in dimensions be- tween the holes in the frame and the template, the foundation bolts, several inches down from the template, should be encased in a piece of pipe as shown on the foundation plan. This permits spring: ing the bolts slightly to line up with the frame holes after the foundation has set. Suspend the bolts through the holes in the template, with blocks on top of the template boards so that the bolts will ex- tend above the top of the foundation for the distance specified on the foundation plan. It is important that the bolts eventually extend through the frame holes sufficiently to engage the full thread in the nuts, Stuff waste into the ends of the pipes around the foundation bolts to exclude concrete while pour- ing and to prevent dirt or loose pieces from falling into the holes after the foundation has set. The waste must be removed later, but the pipes will re- main in the foundation. Set up the template, with suspended bolts, in the ‘exact position to be occupied by the unit, allowing space for grout as shown on the foundation plan. Fasten the template securely in place. Any shifting of the template of bolts during construction of the serious difficulty when set- ng foundation can result ting and leveling the unit and installing pi Foundations for reciprocating compressors re: quire adequate steel reinforcement. Cracks which would cause little or no concern in ordinary concrete construction are serious in foundations of this type, where they are subject to stresses which can cause the crack to grow. It is a good practice to use deformed steel reinforcing bars, 5/8-inch (15.9min} diameter and spaced on 8- to 12-inch (203 to 305mm) centers, extending both vertically and horizontally near all surfaces (or use equivalent reinforcement) EQUAL TO FRAME e THICKNESS oP oF ouch FOUNDATION Space FoR GaOUTING, see FOUNDATION PLAN, ‘A good concrete mixture for compressor founda- tions consists of: Cement 1 part Sand (clean and sharp) 2 parts Crushed Stone 4 parts If crushed stone is not available, gravel may be substituted, using one part cement to four parts gravel together with the sand. NOTE ‘The proportions listed are by welght. Make sure that the sand, gravel and stone are clean and contain no loam or clay. Impurities will weaken the foundation and may result in an expen- sive repair later. After a final check on the location and height of all foundation bolts, the concrete can be poured up to the bottom of the template; leave the top surface FOUNDATION Figure 1-2. Typical Foundation Form and Bolt Template for Block-Mounted Compress 18 eter lof olf Tol] Ilo alto] somata BOLT TEMPLATE pa ie j sean rough to assure a good bond for the grout. After pouring the foundation, cover it with burlap and wet it down twice a day to prevent its drying too rapidly. Allow three or four days to elapse before removing the forms and at least twenty-one days between pouring the foundation and starting the compressor (unless a quick drying cement is used). If low temperatures are likely to be encountered before the foundation has thoroughly set, take precautions to prevent its freezing. The recommend: ations of the cement manufacturer should be fol lowed on all phases of mixing, pouring and curing, 1.8, SETTING AND LEVELING FRAME — BLOCK-MOUNTED UNITS Before setting the compressor on the foundation, prepare the bottom of the frame and the surface of the foundation as covered in the grouting instruc: tions which follow in Section 1-8. Pay particular at: tention to the instructions pertaining to blanking off the area under the center of the frame that is not INSTALLATION to be grouted. The following procedure describes the setting and leveling of the typical block-mounted frame: 1, ‘The compressor base is drilled and tapped near each foundation bolt hole and setscrews are supplied for leveling the unit. Greasing the leveling setscrews will aid in leveling the frame ‘and make them easier to back off after the grout has set, A steel leveling plate should be placed under each leveling; screw as shown in Figure 1-3 to prevent the setscrews from dig: ging into the foundation. Make the leveling: plates from 1/2 inch (13mm) thick steel plate or equal; the plates should be approximately three inches (77mm) square. 2, Lower the compressor frame over the founda- tion bolts, at the same time positioning the steel plates under the leveling setscrews; place the leveling plates so that they do not extend beyond the outer edges of the compressor base. 3. The frame leveling surfaces consist of the lower crosshead guides and the flat machined surfaces on top of the frame. Clean all leveling surfaces of dirt, grease, paint or anything which could result in a false level reading: however, do not file, grind or use any other cleaning equipment that can remove metal from the leveling surfaces. 4, Level the frame both longitudinally and transversely by means of the leveling set- screws. The nuts should not be on the founda- tion bolts at this time, Use a precision machinist’s level at least 8 inches (203mm) long on the machined leveling surfaces. Bring the frame to its final elevation and level it in LEVELING. 7 Figure 1-3. Leveling Setscrew 19 both directions, keeping the weight evenly distributed on the leveling screws. Run the foundation bolt nuts lightly against the frame bbase flange to hold the final position. Do not at: tempt to level the frame by tightening the foundation bolt nuts. Take level readings on the lower crosshead guides. If the preceding steps have been com- pleted satisfactorily, the guides should read level. If all of the guides run out in the same direction, this is an indication that the frame is not transversely level and this condition should be corrected. Check at each main bearing with a 0.0015 inch (0.04mm) feeler to see that there is no clearance between the bearing and the bottom of the crankshaft, A 0.0015 (0.04mm) inch feeler should also be inserted between the shaft and the bearing at the horizontal centerline and then moved toward the bottom of the bearing ‘on each side to be sure the shaft is centered in the bearing. The feeler should stop at approx imately the same position on either side when the frame is properly aligned. ‘As a final check of bearing alignment, a crankshaft deflection check should be made at each crankthrow. Check the crank web deflec- tion as shown in Figure 1-4. The micrometer shown consists of an ordinary inside micrometer barrel with a pointed extension shaft of the proper length to measure the span between crank webs. Bar the crank over until it points straight up. Insert the pointed end of the micrometer into a prick punch mark and adjust the barrel at the other end until it will just pass the closest portion of the opposite web, Record the micrometer reading. Bar the crank 90° and take another reading; repeat at 180° and 270°. The four readings should not vary by more than 0.001 inch (0.03mm) if the crankshaft is satisfactorily aligned. With the main frame satisfactorily aligned and with the foundation bolt nuts pulled down only enough to hold the unit in position, pro- ceed to grout the main frame and the frame ex tensions, After the unit is grouted, as described in the in structions that follow, and the grout has been given sufficient. time to harden, the leveling screws should be backed off and the foundation bolts tightened to the torque recommendations given in PART V IysiDE micRomerer READINGS WILL SHOW ANY SHAPT DEFLECTIONS = Figure 1-4. Measuring Crankshaft Deflection ETTING AND LEVEL! NOTE Do not start fitting any external skid piping until the skid has been leveled and checked by an erecting engineer. ‘The compressor frame is leveled and grouted to the skid prior to shipment. After grouting, the frame is rechecked for level and crankshaft align- ment; supports are then installed under distance piece. or “yoke”, portions of the frame. The result is a frame that is level with respect to a level skid. ‘The separable engine driver is mounted on the skid and leveled by means of mounting plates and shim pack assemblies located at the four corners of the engine base. The engine position is adjusted as required to obtain engine-to-compressor coupling alignment within the required limits. In summary, before leaving the factory. the compressor, driver ‘and coupling are installed and aligned with respect to a level skid. A satisfactory field installation is then achieved by using the following procedure: 1. Prepare the foundation to receive the skid. Refer to the foundation preperation instruc: tions which follow in Section 1-8-1. 2. Move the skid onto the foundation and into position over the foundation bolts, as follows: a. Lower the skid over the foundation bolts and rest it on timbers. Use timbers at ten 8 inches200 200mm The sup @ verti members should be af the some INSTALLATION b. Insert the leveling setscrews into all of the tapped holes provided in the sides of the skid frame. Grease the leveling screws to assure ease of operation and to prevent, the grout from bonding to the threads. c. Place leveling plates under the setscrews (see Figure 1-3) to prevent the leveling screws from digging into the foundation. Make the leveling plates from 1/2-inch (3mm) thick steel plate or equal; the plates should be approximately three in- ches (77mm) square. d. Use a minimum of six jacks at least 20 ton (18 120 Kg) capacity or higher to sup: port the weight of the skid and then remove the timbers from under the skid. e. Lower the skid with the jacks until the weight of the skid is supported on the leveling setscrews: be sure a leveling plate is positioned under each screw so that it does not extend beyond the outer edge of the skid, Level the skid-mounted separable compressor frame by following Steps 3 through 7 in preceding Section 1-6 for block- mounted units, except that the leveling setscrews in the skid are now used to make level and alignment ad- justments. With the compressor frame satis: factorily aligned (be sure to complete crank: shaft alignment checks), snug down the foun: dation bolt nuts enough to secure the skid NoTE On a twoskid arrangement, the enginelcompressor skid and cooler skid should be mated together and leveled at the same time prior to grouting. Refer to Section 1-12. ‘A check of the drive coupling alignment is re quired before grouting the skid. The purpose of this coupling alignment. check is to verify posi tioning of the skid, in as near 8 level condition as possible in the field, to duplicate the condi tions when the skid was leveled at the factory during manufacture of the unit. The following procedure applies to the separable engine and coupling drive arrangement normally supplied: a. Remove the four bolts that fasten the compressor end coupling hub to the laminated ring pack. INSTALLATION _ b. Make a suitable fixture to mount two dial indicators at the coupling hub which is at- tached to the compressor crankshaft. A satisfactory fixture can be made using a 5/8-inch (16mm) diameter rod which is long enough to extend from the coupling mounting flange on the engine flywheel to fa position over the coupling hub on the compressor crankshaft. This rod is then welded to a 2 by 2 by 1/4-inch (51 by 51 by 6.4mm) angle iron clip with a hole in one side to be attached to one of the coupling flange mounting bolts on the engine flywheel. c. After the fixture is securely fastened to the engine flywheel, mount a dial in- dicator to read on the outer rim of the compressor coupling hub and another in- dicator to read on the face of the hub, CAUTION Compressor crankshaft rotation i counterclockwise as viewed from oil pump end of compressor. d. Rotate the engine through one complete revolution and bring both indicators to the top vertical position with respect to the engine flywheel; then, using a mark- ing pencil or chalk, place a reference mark on the flywheel and flywheel housing. ‘These will be the zero reference marks. fe. Mark the flywheel housing at the 90°, 180° and 270° positions. ‘These marks will be used as reference points to take the dial indicator readings. {. Using a bar, shift the engine crankshaft toward the front (away from compressor} and the compressor crankshall toward the oil pump end {away from engine) g. Zero the dial indicators, with the engine flywheel at the top vertical reference marks, and then rotate the engine to the 90° mark and take an indicator reading; repeat at the 180° and 270° marks and then return to the starting point. Recheck the zero settings at the starting point. Be sure the engine and compressor crank. shafts are first shifted per Step “f” before recording, the indicator reading at each reference point, h. Compare the dial indicator readings to 1 determine the main point of misalign- ment. If readings taken at the 180° reference point indicate that the engine is high or low at the drive coupling end, this will, in most cases, indicate that the engine end of the skid is not properly leveled with respect to the compressor end. Correct this misalignment by raising or lowering the engine end of the skid, rather than by readjusting the shimming at the engine mounting points. After rais ing or lowering the engine end of the skid, always recheck the level of the com: pressor frame to be sure that the level has not been affected at the compressor end of the skid. i, When it has been determined that all possible misalignment has been corrected by raising or lowering the engine end of the skid, take a final set of indicator read: ings at each of the reference points. The coupling misalignment should be as close to zero as possible and must not exceed 0.005 inch (013mm). If further alignment adjustments are necessary, do this by adding or removing shims from the engine mounting points end by moving the engine sideways, if required, using jack screws against the sides of the engine base. j. When the coupling is aligned within the prescribed limits with the compressor frame level, snug down lightly on the foundation bolt nuts to hold the skid posi: tion. Do not attempt to achieve alignment by tightening the foundation bolt nuts. After checking and adjusting the drive coupl ing alignment, and before grouting the skid, check for possible engine base distortion as follows: a. Mount a dial indicator at @ point near the hold down bolts on one corner of the engine base. Zero the indicator. b. Loosen one of the hold down bolts adja- ‘cent to the indicator. Observe the in dicator dial to see if the engine base springs up when the bolt is loosened. If it does, record the reading on the indicator. Loosen the other hold down bolt: recheck the indicator dial and record the reading, if there is one. d. If there is a total deflection of more than 0.004 inch (0.10mm) when the bolts are Joosened, it must be corrected by continu ing with the following steps. With the two bolts loosened on the engine base, measure the clearance between the shim pack and engine base using a long feeler gauge. Add the amount of shims to each shim pack as indicated by the feeler ‘gauge measurements, Retighten the two engine hold down bolts and then repeat Steps “a” through “ec”, once again reading engine base distortion on the dial indicator. If the deflection is still above the 0.004 inch (010mm) max- imum, correct per Step “'e” and recheck the adjustment until the distortion is within the maximum limit, Repeat the preceding steps to check for engine base distortion at each of the engine mounting points and make any corrections required, It may be found after correction of base distortion that the drive coupling will have to be realigned. If shims are added under the base of the engine to correct distortion, always recheck the coupling alignment as described previously. After satisfactorily completing the foregoing procedure, and with the foundation bolt nuts pulled down only enough to hold the skid in Position, proceed to grout in the skid using the applicable instructions. NOTE The grouting operation should be started as soon as possible after final leveling of the skid. The skid must not be supported on the level ing screws for a long period of time due to flexibility of the skid frame, temperature changes and other fac- tors that could result in misalign- ment. After the unit is grouted and the grout has been given sufficient time to harden, the level- ing screws should be backed off and the found- ation bolt nuts tightened to the torque recom mendations given in PART V. At some point of pre-start preparation, after the skid grouting operation is completed and the foundation bolts are secured, recheck the coupling alignment as described previously. 112 TOW Any further adjustment to the coupling align: ment must be made by repositioning the engine as covered in Step (i. Reinstall the four bolts attaching the coupling hub on the compressor crankshaft to the laminated ring pack of the coupling. 10, Make a final check of the drive coupling align: ment with the bolts installed and tightened, 18, GROUTING We recommend that epoxy grout be used. Field experience has shown that certain types of non- shrink grouts continue to expand in service and can cause alignment problems. If this type of grout is to bbe used, the characteristics of the material should be thoroughly investigated with the manufacturer before the selection is made. ‘The final selection of @ particular grouting ‘method and the brand of grouting material to be used is the responsibility of the customer or his con- tractor. Also, instructions concerning the use of @ particular grouting material are the responsibility of the grout manufacturer. ‘To assure proper bonding of the epoxy grout to the conerete foundation, make surface preparations before positioning the frame on the foundation for ‘grouting. 1.8.1. FOUNDATION PREPARA’ 1, Roughen the top of the concrete foundation with a chipping hammer to remove the surface layer which has a low strength; the roughened and cleaned surface provides a better bond for the grout. The surface on which grout is to be placed must be solid. 2. Remove all traces of oil. Concrete must also be completely dry when the grout is poured. 3. ‘The foundation bolt sleeves must be sealed at the top so that the grout will not enter them. Also, the foundation bolts, where they are ex. posed to grout, must be protected by a coating of heavy paste wax or by a suitable sleeve seal Both of these measures are necessary to pre- vent the epoxy grout: from bonding to the bolts and thereby reducing the effective length of the bolt. Leveling setacrews must also be pro- tected so that they can be backed off after the grout has hardened. INSTALLATION 18-2, SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING Epoxy grout components may be combustible and can be harmful if they contact the skin, eyes or mucous membranes. Avoid excess breathing of vapors. Before using an epoxy grout, thoroughly review and then observe all safety precautions specified by the grout manufacturer. 3. EPOXY GROUTING BLOCK-MOUNTED El 1, The area under the center of the frame is not grouted. Place a fire hose or foam plastic along both sides of the area to be blanked off as shown in Figure 1-5. When using the hose, tape it with polyethylene and then wax it with a heavy paste wax. Hold the hose securely in place so that, when inflated, it will prevent the grout from working under the center of the frame, Fill the hose with water, bleed off the air 2. and then pressurize the hose to 6 PSIG (34.5 kPa) maximum. Work carefully in placing and pressurizing the hose. Over-pressurizing the hose can move the frame and affect the align: ment. When using foam plastic to blank off the area under the center of the frame, it must be placed before the frame is lowered to its final elevation. ‘The free height of the foam plastic should be sufficient to allow approximately 1/4-inch (6.4mm) crush per inch (25.4mm) of height when the frame isin its final position. A generous bead of caulking compound can be run on the top and bottom of the foam plastic to assure a tight seal against both the frame and foundation. The foam plastic can be left in place after the unit is grouted, NOTE Another method of blanking off the center of the frame during grouting involves placing a piece of foam rub- ber under the frame to fill the entire ‘area where the grout is to be ex: cluded. The foam rubber must then be removed, however, as it is impor- tant that there is an air space under the unit. Heavily wax all forms and seal with putty, or a similar material, before the grout is poured. When the compressor frame is in direct contact with the grout, the grout should be 1/2inch (12.71) above the outer edge. There are three important reasons for doing this: first, to serve a jt NJ 4g ‘ 2 2 vcs Py 8 oS one 2D, | weowocs arsegeeere” ae a Figure 1-5. Forming Compressor Frame for Epoxy Grout 1413 us a key to resist any horizontal movement of the unit during operation; second, to assure that the aggregate will not settle below the base of the machine: and finally, to take advan- tage of its bonding characteristics to make a tight oil and water seal at the edge of the frame. Wax or mask off the compressor frame above the grout finish line to prevent splatter and spillage from sticking to the frame, Form around the frame extensions and prepare them for grouting as described in Lhe preceding steps for the main frame. Grouting space under the extensions should be approximately the same as that under the frame. ‘Tho pot life of the epoxy is affected by ox- cessive heat or cold. In hot weather, shield the foundation and compressor from direct sun- light. In cold weather, provide a protective covering for the foundation and compressor. Provide auxiliary heat, if necessary, to bring the foundation and compressor temperatures up to the desired levels. Since the temperature affects the curing time and viscosity of the grout, consult the epoxy grout supplier concerning curing time and recommended minimum temperatures of the foundation and grout mixtures. Most manufacturers recom mend a temperature of 70°F (21°C) for the foundation, compressor and for mixing the grout. WARNING All precautionary measures speci- fied by Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, handl: ing, or using solvents. For proper bonding of the grout to the com- pressor surfaces being grouted, it is particu: larly important that these surfaces be clean and free of all paint, oil and rust. Sand blasting of these surfaces is preferred; however, prop- erly performed wire brushing can be adequate. After sand blasting and wire brushing thoroughly clean the surfaces with a compati- ble solvent recommended by the grout manufacturer. For best results, complete the sutface preparation just before grouting. Average thickness of the grout should be be- tween 1 and 2 inches (25 to Simen), with 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 inches (32 to 38mm) being the optimum depth. In no case should the grout, thickness exceed 3 inches (76mm in one pour. INSTALLATION 1 7, Afler the grout has thoroughly set per the manufacturer's instructions, back off the level- ig screws. Collapse and remove the fire hose if this method of blanking off the frame is used. ‘Tighten the nuts on the foundation bolts to the wrench torque given in PART V. & Recheck alll leveling points to be sure that the frame alignment was not disturbed during the grouting period. If the unit is out of alignment, it will have to be regrouted, GROUTING SKID-MOUNTED UNIT mounted units ean be grouted with Portland cement or with one of the epoxy grouting materials. When grouting the skid with epoxy, the same general recommendations as described previously for grouting the block-mounted unit are applicable. ‘The grout manufacturer's instructions must also be carefully followed. When setting the compressor skid with a cement grout, use these steps: 1. Prepare the foundation as described in Section 184, 2. Build a suitable form around the skid approx- imately 10 to 12 inches (254 to 305mm) higher than the top of the foundation. Seal all joints with caulking compound, or other suitable means, to prevent leakage. 3. If Portland cement grout is used, a good mix- ture is one part normal Portland cement to two parts of clean, sharp, wellgraded sand. (It is important that the sand is free from silt or clay. Also, avoid the use of any type of air. entraining cement as it is not suitable for grout.) To lessen shrinkage, use as little water as possible, but use enough to allow the grout to flow freely so that it can be worked under the skid. Add just enough water to the grout mixture to obtain an easily workable consis- tency, but not so much that the grout runs or so that the cement and small particles wi to the top. NOTE ‘The strength of a cement grout is reduced, and shrinkage i increased, larger amounts of water are used. Never sacrifice the strength of the grout by adding excess water so that it can be poured more easily. 14 INSTALLATION. Crumbling grout, affords poor support for a compressor installation. If low temperatures are likely to be encountered before the grout has thoroughly set, precautions must be taken to prevent freezing, WARNING All precautionary measures speci fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, handl- ing, or using solvents. For proper bonding of the grout to the surfaces being grouted, it’s particularly important that these surfaces be clean and free of all paint, oil and rust. Sand blasting of these surfaces is preferred; however, properly performed wire brushing can be adequate. After sand blasting or wire brushing, thoroughly clean surfaces with solvent. For best results, complete the surface preparation just before grouting, Before starting to grout, be sure that there are sufficient materials and help available so that the grouting can be completed without inter ruption. Keep the top of the foundation wet for 6 to 8 hours prior to the time the actual grouting is started. Then, blow off the excess water with an air hose, paying particular atten- tion to the foundation bolt holes. It is impor- tant that the puddles of water are removed. If convenient, let the foundation soak overnight. Its helpful to lay chains strategically between the skid and the foundation, extending several feet at each end to assist in working the grout evenly under the skid frame. Start pouring grout under the skid at one end and progress toward the opposite end. Puddle the grout continuously to work out any air pockets. ‘As soon as the grout begins to set, remove the forms, cut off the grout flush with the edge of the skid, and slope the top slightly toward the outside of the foundation. ‘Trowel the grout smooth and point up the foundation. If non-shrink grout is used, remove the grout down to the foundation on all surfaces that ex- tend beyond the skid. Fill this section with regular cement and sand grout. Because of the expanding ability of non-shrink grouts they must not be used in places where they are not confined by the skid. Non-shrink grouts will ravel and provide a bad appearance, and will sometimes fail physically when applied to an open area, 10. If the installation site is dry and warm, cover the exposed grout with wet burlap bags or similar material and wet throughout every few hours to keep it from drying too fast and developing surface cracks. After the initial set of the grout (not less than 24 hours) remove the leveling screws. This is important as the skid must be supported on the grout, not on the leveling screws and plates. After the grout has thoroughly set {usually about 5 days), pull the foundation bolts down tight. Recheck all leveling points to be sure that the machine was not disturbed during the grout period. If the unit does not show level, remove it from the foundation, chip off the ‘grout and start over again. Before starting the unit, be sure the grout is thoroughly set and hard and paint the whole foundation with a good water-and cil-resistant paint. Be careful to make a good paint seal be- tween the skid and the grout so that any oil spilled cannot creep under the skid to soften the grout. If any oil works its way under the ‘grout, the alignment of the entire machine can be affected as the grout softens. Epoxy type paints are recommended because of their oil resistance and bonding characteristics. n 12, BLOC 1.9, DRIVER INSTALLATION MOUNTED UNITS Several drive arrangements are available for block-mounted compressor units. Refer to the driver manufacturer's instructions for specific information on installation and alignment. Information on the drive coupling and gear set (if used) are also the equipment manufacturer's responsibility. The following information applies generally to the in- stallation of the more common compressor drive arrangements. 191, INSTALLATION AND ALIGNMENT OF Install_and align the two-bearing motor as described in the following steps, Grouting the com- pressor and motor separately and then attempting to mount the coupling between them is not recom: mended; that procedure can lead to angular mis: alignment and failure of the coupling. CAUTION Compressor crankshaft rotation is counterclockwise as viewed from the oil pump end of compressor. 1.15 INSTALLATION Check to see that the compressor half of the drive coupling is in place on the crankshaft. Set the motor on its foundation and level it, with the motor half of the coupling in place on the motor shaft. Bring the motor and compressor halves of the coupling together and check the runout. Refer to the instructions furnished by the coupling manufacturer. Runout adjustments are made by moving the motor. (The compressor frame should have previously been leveled and grouted as described in the foregoing. instrue tions.) Prior to the final setting and grouting of the motor, position the compressor crankshaft such that the shaft is centered with respect to the thrust adjustment. Run the main motor, if possible, to determine its magnetic center and then scribe the shaft to indicate the magnetic center position. The final assembly of the coupling should now be made with the motor on its magnetic center and the compressor crankshaft centered on its Uhrust clearance. After tightening the coupling bolts, recheck the coupling alignment and the positions of the crankshaft and motor shaft as described in the preceding steps. If everything is in order, grout the motor. After the grout has set, back off or remove the Jackscrews and tighten the foundation bolt nuts. Check the coupling alignment with the foundation bolts pulled down tight. Run the compressor for about one minute and recheck the coupling alignment, After this final check shows the coupling alignment to be within prescribed limits, the motor frame can be doweled to the motor sole plates, 192. INSTALLATION AND ALIGNMENT OF SEPARABLE ENGINE DRIVE Compressors equipped with a separable engine drive are normally supplied with the engine and compressor mounted on a common skid (Section 1:1). In those cases where the customer prefers a ‘ock-mounted engine drive arrangement, the ‘agine manufacturer's instructions should be refer- eo: to for setting and alignment recommendations. The coupling alignment between the engine and compressor should be carefully checked and ad- justed per the coupling manufacturer's directions. (Refer also to Section 1-7, Step 4 which describes a typical coupling alignment check for a separable engine drive.) INSTALLATION AND ALIGNMENT OF TURBINE DRIVE AND REDUCTION EAR SET ‘The following steps outline the recommended pro: cedure for alignment of the compressor, gear set and turbine, Each of these items is grouted to the found: ation separately. 1. ‘The compressor frame is leveled and grouted as described previously. Position the compressor crankshaft and the gear set so that they are both centered with equal clearance on their respective thrust bear: ings. Bring the gear set and compressor coupling halves together. Set the drive shaft of the gear approximately 0.004 inch (0.10mm) lower than. the compressor crankshaft, When positioning the gear set, use laminated shims under the unit base so that vertical adjustments can be made later if necessary. Check the coupling alignment. Refer to the coupling manufacturer's instructions. Grout the gear set to the foundation. Bring the turbine into alignment with the gear set. Position the turbine approximately 0.006 inch (0.1mm) lower than the gear set to com: pensate for thermal expansion during opera- tion. Align the turbine as described in the literature supplied by the turbine manufac- turer. Conter the turbine with equal clearance fon both sides of its thrust bearings. Use laminated shims under the turbine base so that. vertical adjustments can be made if necessary. Grout the turbine to the foundation, After the grout has set and the entire drive train is securely bolted in place, disconnect the turbine and run it for approximately one hour to bring it up to operating temperature. Immediately, before the parts have a chance to cool, check the vertical alignment of the tur- bine and gear set shafts. This hot vertical alignment should be within 0.002 inch INSTALLATION (0.05mm) or further alignment adjustments are required. 10. Connect the turbine to the gear set and run them for about two hours or as long as it takes, the gear set to reach operating temperature. Immediately check the vertical alignment of the gear set with the compressor. This hot alignment should be within 0.002 inch (0.05mm). 11, When the gear set to compressor alignment is determined to be within the prescribed limit reconnect the coupling halves. FINAL ALIGNMENT CHE‘ After completing installation, alignment and grouting of the block-mounted compressor and drive arrangement, or skid-mounted unit, a final alignment check of the equipment is recommends refer to the previous instructions on this subject that are applicable to your particular compressor and drive arrangement. 'A check should also be made at this time of all foundation bolts to be sure the nuts are tight (see PART V for recommended wrench torques). All leveling setscrews must cither be removed or backed off sufficiently so that they are finger-loose. 1-11,_COMPRESSOR CYLINDERS ‘The cylinders are normally mounted on the com- pressor frame when it is shipped to the installation site. However, in some instances, usually because of shipping and packaging restrictions, the cylinders are shipped separately and must be installed at the compressor site, Refer to the installation plans prepared for the compressor to determine the position in which each cylinder is to be mounted, Thoroughly clean the ‘matching surfaces on the cylinder, distance piece or “yoke”, and on the frame extension. The mating surfaces between these parts should be coated with shellac to ensure an oiltight joint, but do not use a gasket or silastic. Most cylinders are supplied with outer end sup- ports. These supports are intended to support the weight of the cylinder; they must not be used in an attempt to force the cylinder into alignment. If @ cylinder can not be properly aligned at assembly, this is usually a result of dirt, burrs or other ir- regularities on the mounting surfaces. a7 Detailed instructions for installing the com- pressor cylinder are described in PART IV, MAIN TENANCE under Section 4-12-1. Install one cylinder at a time on the unit. Where supports are used, insert leveling screws in the support bases be- ing sure the threads are greased and free in their holes. Leveling plates should be used under each set~ serew as described previously in the frame leveling instructions (Section 1-6) When the cylinders have been properly mounted and leveled as described in Section 4-12-1, grout the support baseplates as described in the previous grouting instructions, After the grout has hardened sufficiently, back off or remove the support leveling screws and then tighten the foundation bolt nuts securely to the torque recommendations given in PART V. ‘Assembly of the compressor cylinders (in- stallation of piston and rod and piston packings, alignment of the piston rod, adjustment of piston fend clearances, ete.) is completed by following the appropriate assembly procedures outlined in PART Iv. relation to the prefabricated piping and other equip- ment. Refer to the installation plans furnished with the compressor for foundation bolt layout, ete, ‘The final position of the cooler skid is established by lining up piping connections and flanges. It is im- portant that all interconnecting piping be accur- ately aligned and arranged with suitable supports to prevent undue stress on the connections and accessories. ‘The procedures for setting, aligning and grouting the cooler skid are the same as described previously for the skid-mounted compressor. The normal prac Lice isto level the engine/compressor skid and cooler skid together before grouting. Mount the the oil level in the sump to avoid the oil system, Locate the frame oil cooler and external filter as shown on the General Plan. These iteins are nor- mally mounted off the oil pump end of the com- pressor and secured to the foundation; alternate socations may be used to suit a particular installa- tion. Filter internals should be checked for cleanliness and correct position. Piping connections to the cooler and filter must line up properly before they are tightened. Do not spri iping to make connections, as this may cause leaking joints or in: duce fatigue failures. 1.14. LUBRICATION OIL PIPING sLOCK-MOUNTED UNITS The oil piping in the frame lubrication system downstream of the oil filter must be closely exam: ined and cleaned before charging the system with oil. This includes the connections and piping bet ween the filter discharge and the main bearing oil header, the header itself and the lines between the header and main bearing caps. NoTE The internals of the lube oil piping and passages are coated with a rust. Preventative at the factory. This Preventative is completely soluble with the recommended lubricating and need not be removed unless contaminants have Where the customer is supplying external oil pip- ing, it is his responsibility to provide piping that has been thoroughly cleaned and completely examined throughout. Any foreign material loosened by the flow of oil through the piping can seriously damage the compressor. To avoid damage in transit, the factory-supplied external oil piping is normally removed and pack- aged separately. When this is done, the connections are identified by a number or letter stamped on a metal tag which is attached to each connection. The piping can easily be returned to its original position by matching the identifying number or letter at each connection. This piping should be closely ex- amined and cleaned before assembling it in the lubricating system, ‘The frame lubricating system must be thoroughly shed before itis filled with the correct oil selected regular operation. ‘This flushing operation is Jescribed in PART III, Section 3-2-1 1.15._ COMPRESSOR PIPING ‘We cannot emphasize too strongly the necessity for thoroughly cleaning the inside of all piping be- fore installation. It is extremely important that the ‘compressor intake piping be thoroughly cleaned. If, metal pieces, pipe scale, rust, welding spatter, dirt and all other foreign material are not carefully and thoroughly removed, they will be loosened by the flow of air or gas and can cause serious damage. Blow the piping out with high pressure air after cleaning. The pulsation dampeners, volume bottles, separators, intercoolers and gas piping of lubricated units are protected with rust preventative oil and/or other protective coating. Do not remove this coating. All flanged or threaded openings are closured for shipment. Do not remove these closures until the mating piping is ready for assembly. Assemble the vessels and piping on the unit as quickly as possible to prevent dirt and contamini tion from entering. On all non-lubricated units and many other units, pulsation dampeners are pro- tected with a special Phenolic Resin Coating (Magnacoat) which does not need to be removed prior to startup of the units. When the units are assembled completely, purge the entire gas piping system and compressor cylinders with dry nitrogen, Continue purging until all of the air is removed from the system. There should be a slight, positive pressure, nitrogen purge left on the piping system at all times to keep the system free of air. (Apply necessary closures at the piston rod openings.) WARNING All precaut fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be with when storing, handl- ing, or using solvents, If plugs or covers on the cylinder openings (or any other openings) have become loosened or lost in transit, the inside of the part must be thoroughly wiped out or cleaned with a blast of air to remove any dirt that has entered. If such parts have been protected with oil or rust preventative prior to ship- ‘ment, they must be thoroughly washed with a safe- ty cleaning solvent to remove all dirt and dust and a protective coating again applied Be sure that all temporary protective plugs or caps in vessel and pipe openings are replaced with permanent plugs prior to starting the unit. INSTALLATION 1.451. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION, FABRICATION, ‘TESTING AND CLEANING OF AIR OR. GAS PIPING ‘The importance of starting ANY compressor with clean piping, particularly on the intake to any cylinder, eannot be overemphasized. ‘This is par- ticularly important on compressors which use special high pressure metallic packings or ‘NL (non-lubricated) construction which use TFE pack- ing rings. Any dirt, rust, welding beads or scale car- ried into the compressor will cause scored packing rings, piston rods and cylinder bores, and pitted, leaking or broken valves. It is important that the piping system be designed and fabricated with sufficient flange joints so that it can be easily dismantled for cleaning and testing. Cleaning, hydrotesting and final inspection of ‘system is best accomplished in sections before final assembly on the compressor. Under no cir. ‘cumstance should the piping be chemically cleaned when it is assembled to the compressor, as carry: over of the cleaning fluid into the cylinders is almost certain to occur; this can cause extensive damage to the cylinders. If it is absolutely necessary to conduct the final hydrostatic test when the piping is in position, take care to provide vents at the high spots so that air or ‘gas will not be trapped in the piping. Make provi sions for complete drainage after the test is com- pleted. These connections should be planned in ad- vance. Furthermore, it is essential that all connec tions to the cylinders be broken and blanked off, preferably with a spool piece removed between the piping and cylinder. Complete drainage of the pip- ing is essential if damage is Lo be prevented when starting. Chill rings are not recommended for gasiair or lubricating piping as welding beads, dirt, and other foreign matter, can be trapped between the ring and the pipe. This material cannot be completely cleaned. out by pickling or flushing. It eventually works out in service and may result in damaged compressor valves, cylinders or bearings. The proper welding practices used with com- pressor gas/air or lubricating oil piping should not result in weld beads on the piping internals; however, any weld beads, splatter, etc. must be removed by the conventional cleaning processes. Cleaning of the piping may be done by commercial ‘companies with mobile cleaning equipment or by the following recommended cleaning procedure. After hydrostatic tests have been made and the pipe sec- tions have been cleaned as thoroughly as possible on ie, the piping should be pickled by the following (or equivalent) proceedure: CAUTION ‘Surfaces which have been protected by Magnacoating or a similar pro- cess should not be grit blasted nor should these surfaces be allowed to come into contact with the chemical Jeaning solution. Refer to the clean- ing recommendations supplied by the manufacturer of the particular protective coating being used. Also, this solution should not be used on tin or aluminum. Prior to chemically cleaning the piping or vessels, all internal surfaces must be grit blasted to bare metal (before fabrication) to remove stubborn fastened debris such as mill scale or heavy rust. The following chemical cleaning procedure (or an equivalent process) is then applied to remove oil, grease, light rust and similar foreign matter after the vessel oF piping is finish fabricated. WARNING ‘This cleaning operation should only be performed by authorized person- nel who have respect for the safety requirements involved. This solu- tion contains sodium hydroxide. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing, A face shield, rubber gloves, rubber boots, and rubber apron must be worn at all times. If the cleaning solution comes into con- tact with eyes or skin, flush im- mediately with water to prevent irvitat ‘A. Solution 1, Turco type C alkaline cleaner and water, mix ing 1-1/2 to 2 pounds (0.68 to 0.91 kilograms) alkaline to each gallon (3.8 liters) of water. Heat the solution to 180° to 200°F (82°C to 93°C). 2. A solution using a different caustic, but equivalent to the above, may be substituted 3. Maintain the concentration of caustic by titra- tion checks and periodie additions of chemicals as required. C._Inspeetion 1 Procedure Charge cleaning tank with sufficient solution for the items being cleaned. Remove all closures and fittings (such as in- spection opening flanges or plugs} to facilitate circulating the solution during cleaning and flushing. Immerse vessel or pipe, and also any closures or fittings removed, into the heated tank. The vessel or pipe must be completely submerged to ensure all trapped air is removed. Agitate, roll and otherwise maneuver all pieces to en. sure that thorough wetting of all internal sur: faces is obtained. All items should be im- mersed in the cleaning solution for at least 20 minutes, NOTE ‘The extent of cleaning depends on the temperature, condition and con- centration of the cleaning solution, and the immersion time, Remove vessel or pipe from the solution and thoroughly flush all surfaces with clean hot water; the recommended water temperature is about 120°F (49°C) for this flushing opera- tion. After all caustic has been removed by flushing, use dry compressed air to blow the surfaces dry, Inspect surfaces closely to be sure that all soil and rust is removed. The vessel or pipe must be clean enough so that a man wearing clean, white gloves can rub his hand over any internal surface without picking up dirt, scale, rust or other debris, If the above inspection does not produce satisfactory results, repeat the foregoing chemical cleaning procedure and reinspect, Rust Prevention Immediate steps must now be taken to prevent Tusting, even if the piping will be placed in ser- vice in a short time. Generally, a dip or spray coating of a light, water-displacement type ‘mineral oil will provide adequate short term Protection; however, if the piping is to be Placed outdoors or stored for several weeks, ap- ply @ hard coating, water-displacement type rust preventative meeting U.S. Government Specification MIL-C-16173 (lastest edition), Grade IIT. 2. Reinstall all fittings and flanges that were removed from the parts to facilitate cleaning. "These parts should also have been chemically cleaned and coated with a rust preventative Be sure proper gaskets are used under all in: spection flanges. 3. Unless the piping is to be assembled on the compressor immediately, suitable gasketed closures must be placed over all open pipe ends and other openings to prevent entrance of moisture and dirt. The use of steel plate covers and thick rubber gaskets is recommended for all flanges. Before installing closures, coat the flange surfaces with grease. E.""NL” Compressor Piping For "NL" (non-lubricated) units where an oil coating inside the piping is not permissible (due to process contamination), even for the starting period, consideration should be given to one of the following alternatives: © Use of non-ferrous piping materials, such as aluminum, ‘Application of Magnacoat or other suitable coating to the internal surfaces during fabrica- tion, thus eliminating the need for chemical cleaning. Final System Inspection WARNING All precautionary mensures speci fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, handl- ing or using solvents, During final assembly and hook-up of the com: pressor piping and vessels, check that no dirt or other foreign matter has entered the piping and that. no rusting has occurred on the internal surfaces. If it is in good condition, pull through each pipe sec- tion a swab saturated with a non-flammable clean- ing solvent that is compatible with the gas being handled by the compressor. On any large piping (where a man can work inside, the pickling procedure can be omitted if the piping is cleaned mechanically with a wire brush, 1:20 INSTALLATION. vacuum cleaned and then thoroughly inspected for cleanliness. Time and trouble taken in the beginning, to insure that the piping is clean will shorten the break-in period, and may save a number of expen- sive shut-downs. 1.15.2, TEMPORARY LINE FILTERS CAUTION When first starting, it is essential that temporary stalled in the gas inlet line near the inlet suction bottle and near the compressor. This is required to catch any dirt, chips, or other foreign material that may have been left in the pipe. The pipe must be cleaned first, however, as dependence on the temporary line filters alone is a bad practice. If there is any possibility that the gas being com- pressed may, at times, contain dust, sand, or other abrasive particles, a gas scrubber must be installed permanently and then regularly serviced to keep it clean. Even though the previous cleaning procedure has been carefully followed on the compressor piping, a temporary filter (such as American Filter Type PT ‘or equal) should be installed in the intake line to the suction bottle to remove particles 230. umm (0.009 inch) in diameter or larger. If the compressor is an “'NL" (nonslubricated) design, or mini-lubrieated design, the filter should be designed to remove par ticles 140. umm (0.0055 inch) in diameter or larger. Provision must also be made in the piping to check the pressure drop across the filter and to permit removal of the filter cell for cleaning. If the pressure drop across the filter exceeds five percent of the upstream line pressure, remove the filter, clean it thoroughly, and reinstail it. The filter cell should be removed and left out only when the inlet line is com- pletely free of welding beads, pipe scale, and other fextrancous matter. These filters are not intended for permanent installation. A typical temporary filter installation, with differential pressure gauge, is il lustrated in Figure 1-6. This particular filter is an Ingersoll-Rand design. We recommend that the filters be installed in a horizontal run of piping to facilitate cleaning out any material that collects on the upstream sides. This filter is to be supplied by the customer, oF ordered from Ingersoll-Rand Company at an extra charge. 121 1.15.3._ STARTING — UNLOADING BYPASS PIPING When no other form of unloading the compressor for startup is provided, bypass arrangement is essential. Bypass each’ compression stage separ ately, keeping in mind that when the unit is started full discharge pressure will be applied to all inlet ‘connections. Specific recommendations as to the size of bypass valves and piping can be obtained from the nearest Ingersoll-Rand branch office. 115-4, SAFETY VALVES WARNING Always install a safety valve capable of passing the full-load capacity of the compressor cylinder, or cylinders, between the cylinder and the first line valve. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE can a shutoff valve be installed in any discharge line before the safety valve. ‘The compressor must be fitted with safety valves to limit interstage pressures and the final discharge pressure to a safe maximum. For this application, the term ‘safety valve” refers to an automatic, pressurerelieving device that is actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve and character- ized by full opening pop action; these are also often referred to as “pop safety valves.” Safety valves are set to blow at pressures some what above normal compressor operating pressures. ‘The maximum pressure setting for a safely valv ‘the maximum allowable working presoure (MAWP) of the compressor cylinder, or cylinders, which it is protecting. The pressure at which any safety valve is set to operate shall include the effects of static, hhead and constant back pressure. Safety valves must be selected for the required pressure setting and also for expected gas characteristes and temperature. NOTE Rupture disks may be used in place of, or supplementary to, safety valves on certain applications. ‘These are normally special cases where the proper action of a safety valve might be questionable because of corrosion or deposits caused by the process, where a loss of valuable material by leakage should be avoided, or where contamination of the atmosphere by leakage of nox: ious gases must be avoided. INSTALLATION Safety valves shall be constructed, located and in- stalled so that they are readily accessible for inspec- mn_and repair and so that they cannot be readily rendered inoperative. They must also meet any federal and specified state or local regulations. Discharge lines from safety valves must be designed to facilitate drainage, and such lines shall lead to a safe place of discharge. The size of the discharge line must be such that any back pressure that may exist or develop will not reduce the reliev- ing capacity of the safety valve below that required to properly protect the compressor. Further information pertaining to the selection, pressure settings, installation and piping of safety valve and other pressure relief devices will be found in one of the pressure vessel codes; one such code is the ASME Boiler and Vessel Code (latest edition). A Intercooler Intercoolers may be of several different types depending on the local operating conditions; therefore, the instructions which follow must necessarily be of a general nature. Use the coldest water available for the intercooler, because the more interstage cooling obtained, the less will be the horsepower required to compress the gas. Intercooling will condense moisture or vapor out. of the gas. This moisture must be drained from the cooler to prevent its passing into the high pressure cylinder where it would interfere with lubrication. It is important that a schedule is established whereby the intercooler is regularly drained as determined by the local conditions. ‘The tube nes an usually be removed rm hen terol for eeaning oF inspection, Handle the tubenest carefully Us preven bent tubes or los ened joints. Scale or deposits (from the cooling waver on the nse of saght tubes can usually be removed by using’ wie brash on ong ial on, hich is then ros through the tube soveral tne ‘hector of tnetabes tan be lene by bashing by Immetion in ‘leaning alton, whith oiten heated for bet rel vet or seam hese @ cier scegeate Tor cleaning the vote of he utes B,_Aftercooler For some compressor applications, it is desirable to have an aftercooler to cool the discharge gases and to condense out any moisture carried by the gas. This prevents the moisture from condensing later in the lines where it might freeze, cause waterhammer, or give other trouble, Aftercoolers can be of several different types depending on the conditions of operation; but, in general, the instruc- tions given for intercoolers apply to aftercoolers also, C._ Receiver For some applications, a receiver is required to provide momentary reserve capacity, to improve regulation, and to ensure a smooth flow throughout the system, If a receiver is used, it should be placed as close to the compressor (or aftercooler) as possi- ble. It should be drained daily. The receiver must be protected from overpressure by a safety valve. 1.16,_ WATER PIPING When a circulated cooling water system is used, the water discharge lines from the cylinders should pass through open or closed sight flow indicatros and then connect to the main drain or sewer. ‘This permits a visual check on the water flow. Pipe plugs must be installed at the lowest points in the water system so that the compressor and pip: ing can be entirely drained if the unit is to be ex- posed to freezing temperatures during shutdown periods. If he desires to do so, the customer may replace the pipe plugs with globe valves to facilitate draining the system, ELECTRICAL WIRING All motor and control wiring must be carefully in- stalled in accordance with the National Electric Code, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) and any other code requirements at the installation site, Check all wiring with the nameplate rating of each item. Connect leads as necessary to provide the correct rotation. ‘The compressor is furnished with protective devices arranged so that it cannot be started in the ‘event of certain conditions detrimental to its opera: tion, The selection of switches for a given unit depends upon the degree of protection specified by the customer. 1.22 INSTALLATION send our] Aamodunag, poly “1 OmBLY ran ‘uinac0 fon Han 001 “340M YasanviO ‘oanwuoausd iow suv ¥aLt12 {yu 6101-1 s¥000 40 NsBuDS wats OMInado Ri ave Meare ae was aNNG ney aii. 40 apnvna on Shiu Bawa saya Gna AiG SO YS g Soba HSE, Selins 30 lug ty — ROUSML ni WO gSaES Noo guL Jo tIeMaNG INO "3LON F Seer aang gurannas sen NOUN DeAeNn aoa ans0 7av "aaus Noguyo aN aznous ou anisouuda Sauaatoniay G1 Galosrens 3 dyswanay word OL 03z03FaNS 30 OFTy Ave over AERO A TBS NORE I aeiNriusy Souris av sam gv sone 630 4 Qa NOLS va StS RS BIEN ME a Eat 2 ANNO ands 031 voINonT NON Oh Ga woTueA INIA RO Gash ~ Bale Wowanto G0 tnbign anes toy anos a gan oo'sui 491 151000 4 SONY 3403 20 IHDIBN ANTE TAOS EOS oy ‘oNINago WH oz "HSH oO ‘sew wBLZNVIO (NW 1601 NI 81000 20 N3aMOS ai714 ONINSdO Wi OLY HON OF SHIM UALSINVIG (MW EP OLN E10. "32NOUG 40 S400H GNY SNSBUDS "13518 NOBUYD 40 3RVUS — mL ni 5 usais ONY NoLsta 344 ONISN 40N SwOSSSHanOd GBLYOIUAM NO Gash ~ BITTTTUVENVTS SNOISN3WIO WOd BI HO Wiek S3TBWL 338 NINY319 ONY NOLLOBEsNI HO w3LI430-IWAONSY Os ONtd NI BON 3U 1SNW NOISIAOU A¥WSSIAN "310N sBATYA NY 20049 Ga0NaWHOOSs ‘as;yuoduae sy ssaNxIKL | Gave Oni DNDIOVE s20Nv 14 1InS O8 uaovas 40 SUVL3G ———} 4 azyus us mv (035n aad 40 ss3NxoIHa TM ov won $537 ON 98 01 SS3NDOINL GSHSINIG or sons on0Ur Na Naauos anxove Ke ALLANYAD Naauos vals 2 ‘vos Stevi ote NOISSWIO 31714 NVHL W3LYSED S3DNV14 § aas uaowss artyn03 NSIMLIE 3O¥as TOADS OL 1N3TOLINS 2 Saoon Sum We IShW 13¥SvO ANIOF ONIY 30 LHOISH (wwe sen vO 01g INSTALLATION “(ssawnjonn aerd peyeiopred pue feqUaies;1p amssaid 103 ydaoxa) savour Wy UaAd# aze suOIUEUND TTY “adid ua ysouanoy aps ay oy pausisaq — 4g, “sobuey sowy porres 10 ey) yum am 0} paudisag — ¢y suopuamng soy sur] Arvsodmay, peordAy “VE-T GEL, ser 003 008 oo9 | wt stl o $ 9 t [over | t/t z ose oor | oor | oos | wit] at] of wre | ato | wit|ower | ar are coe | sce see | oor [wi] at| t] ere | ete | eet}out a] ae $ € vez | sez 9% see | wr] sit] 1 6 | are [sort] att e | ste9 ¥ o9t o6t ost | ose | at| ote| z writ | est| sez] ver | sire 9 ost ost ost | ooz [at] wr{ e zret| s/etfore-e] aco | eicot| 6 oot oat | oct | oo | at} wi} > sitet | sist] eit +] wee | weet] or 08 oot oot f oer [ant] wil + or | set [otisry] eve st{ a sh 06 06 O@T ve} vit] & OT | bet | 9/L S| B/L-Or vITOT +r 39 08 08 sot [wel wtl es]. et| wet] wits] wrer] ever] or 09 OL OL $6 vie | otis] 9 se 6] eT | Ott -L} g/t-rT 1 sr os $9 29 | wel ovs| 0 | vree te | wet | ett] west ee | oe oF so ss OL pe] 9T/S} Lb uy re] WET] Zt 6 6r bITLE We pas | pas | was | pas [al a |x] H a 9 ce sy | ons auvo | auvo| us | us adig ‘vost | ‘vor | ‘vost | -vort reniog (isa) ana 8 Wad PRUAENG HK ee INSTALLATION “(qeuuareygip amssazd 207 1d20x0) sioqounIpa uy wan are suorsuoUnp [TV add [Tem yeotswoy apisur 34 07 Pau — 4A soBueg ane] pasrer 20 yey WLM em 30] peuBiseq — eV zosez | rivve | vivre | eovtr | ae | ere | of] eect | vest] eve] voz | ssc | ree | ooo9 zerve | oesze | oaese | rurve | seo | ere | o| eect | reot| ste] voz | etr | stor] cose yeoor | otvee | otvee | oveuz | seo | are] t| gor | vost] ose] ore | os | oxzt| ove weer [ reer | vow: | onee [ors [ere |r| owe | osra|err| vee [eo | cue] ort zeorr | ooret | ooter | veer | ovat] ovr | | roee | resz| etr| eos | voar| were] seer vies | voor | eveor | oezer | orer| ceo | e[ wary | cure| etr| rve | cast | e6oc| soere soso | euze | eves | ceotr | over] ceo | +| vris | exse| ext | svor| oooz | eece| some gree | ees | sees | ever | ovzt| aco | ¥| oste | veor| etr| rear] sosz | otee| swece wuts | soc | sozo | reex | sor] seo | s| reso | roor| sor] rect | couz| eztv] gece carr | otes | otse | eet | aot] seo | 2] ruse | czsr| soy] sect | szte| eco] Fer rew | seer | seer | osc | soot| voz | o| ocee | ozer| ovr | rext| vase | wees | cusr cove | caw | cer | veee | soet| voz | 9 | tes | rees| sve | ooo | roor | cas] o'sos pore | cere | cere | over | soet| vox | 1| eeert| o609| ovr| etre | ozer | ezeo| 609 pas | was | pas | pas | w | 2 |x) 17 | wo | a | o | «| ww | oo guvo | auvo | ‘us us oda wn sors] wiecer | ww o6rr| WW £20" (et) ns UO “sarg TeHUARITG EW ‘Bld PeqWIO}Eg suopsusimc samy eury Arssodeey, pork “a1 1-25(1-26/Blank) PART II LUBRICATION Main Oil Pump Oil Pressure Relief Valves Oil Priming Pump Oil Pressure Gauge Oil Cooler Oil Filter Frame Oil Recommendations il Sump Capacity Frame Breather Low Oil Pressure Shutdown Protection Contents. Section Page 21. GENERAL 21 22. FRAME AND RUNNING GEAR LUBRICATION SYSTEM 23. COMPRESSOR CYLINDER LUBRICATION 26 23 Break-In Considerations 26 2-3-2. Cylinder Oil Recommendations 26 2-3-3. Inspection 28 23-4, ‘Synthetic Lubricants 28 235 Piston Rod Packing Lubrication 29 23-6. Cylinder Force Feed Lubricator 29 2:1, GENERAL to accomplish these purposes. itis essential that the correct oil is used and that the following recom- ‘The importance of selecting the correct mendations for maintaining the lubricating system lubricating oil and then properly maintaining the lubricating system cannot be over-emphasized. Us- ing a lubricating oil not suited to the application can shorten the service life of the compressor and lessen its efficiency, as will a poorly maintained lubricating, system. Use only a high grade of oil that meta the general, physical and chemical requirements as specified in this section. Do not wait for lubrication difficulties to appear. If there is some question as to the correct lubricant to use for a particular application, consult a reputable oil supplier. Lubrication of rubbing surfaces is intended not only to reduce friction and consequent wear between parts but also to carry away any heat developed where high rubbing speeds and loads are en- countered. If the compressor lubricating system is are closely observed. |AME AND RUNNING GEAR LUBRICATION SYSTEM ‘The standard lubrication system is diagrammed in Figure 2-1. The oil is drawn into the crankshaft. driven gear type oil pump from the frame sump. The pump forces the oil first through a cooler and then a filter before it is delivered to the main bearing oil header in the frame. The oil is piped to each main bearing, through a connection in the bearing cap. and then through drilled passages in the crankshaft tothe crankpin bearings. A rifledrilled hole through the connecting rod conducts the oil from the crankpin to the crosshead pin bushing in the small end of the rod, The oil then enters the hollow crosshead pin, from where it is delivered to the two pin bushings in the crosshead and from there to the LUBRICATION LEGEND PS ~ LOW OIL PRESSURE SWITCH: SET AT 33 PSIG (199 KPa) AVI = RELIEF VAL Ser AT 60 PS! V2 - RELIEF VALVE, SET AT 90 PSIG 1621 KPa ‘ara xe) cane Sa _fonecx VALVE. | pauper {ea LA COOLING wate +s ah Connections =o (Jj on cooLen BEARINGS, CROSSHEAD PIN BUSHINGS AND CROSSHEADS OL LeveL Gauce ‘GEAR TYPE oil PUMP. SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND PIPING INSIDE BROKEN LINES RAE LOCATED INSIDE THE FRAME e358 Figure 2-1. Typical Frame and Running Gear Lubrication System top and bottom crosshead shoes through oil passages in the crosshead and shoes. After passing Urough and lubricating the various parts, the oil drains back into the frame sump area. Reliof valves, a pressure gauge and a low oil pressure shutdown switch are incorporated into the standard eystem. These items are described in greater detail in the text which follows. Additional optional equipment may be incorporated in the system for a particular application, A hand operated priming pump is included in the standard system to permit prelubrication of the bearings and to build up a slight pressure in the lubricating system prior to start-up. A check valve in the priming pump discharge is supplied to pre- vent the reverse flow of oil through the priming pump circuit when the main pump is operating. An optional motor driven auxiliary oil pump can be used instead of the hand operated priming pump. When the auxiliary pump is used, the check valve is, located in the discharge line from the main oil pump. 21, MAIN OIL PUMP ‘The main oil pump supplies oil under pressure to the frame and running gear lubrication system. This 22 pump is internally mounted inside the frame and is direct-driven off the end of the crankshaft by a pin and hub drive arrangement. The oil pump should not be dismantled unless it has lost capacity. If trouble develops with the pump, refer to the servic- ing instructions in PART IV, MAINTENANCE (Section 4-6). OIL PRESSURE CONTROL AND RELIEF VALVES, ‘The standard lubrication system incorporates two relief valves located on the oil pump discharge. Both of these valves are mounted inside the frame and are preset at the factory. ‘The valve with the large cap nut controls the oil pressure to the frame lubrication system. This valve ig preset to relieve at about 60 PSIG (414 kPa), However, field adjustment may be necessary due to differences in oil viscosity. If adjustment is re quired, remove the cap “B” (see Figure 2-2), loosen jam nut “F", and turn the adjusting screw “C” ‘which controls the tension of spring “G", thereby raising or lowering the oil pressure. After final adjustment of screw “C”, tighten jam nut “PF” and replace cap “B", To increase the oil pressure, turn the adjusting screw clockwise: to decrease pressure, LUBRICATION. turn the screw counterclockwise. Oil pressure should be kept as near 60 PSIG (414 kPa) as possible, ‘The oil pressure relief valve is set to relieve ex- cessive pressure in the pump discharge during cold oil starting, when the oil is stiff and pressures are ‘consequently higher. This valve can also be field ad- justed. If field adjustment is required, loosen locke nut “D” (see Figure 2-3), and turn regulating serew "" which controls the tension on spring “F", thereby raising or lowering the oil pressure. After adjustment is made, tighten locknut “D". This valve is set at 90 PSIG (621 kPa). 223, OIL PRIMING PUMP ‘The standard hand operated pump or optional motor driven auxiliary pump is used to prelubricate bearing surfaces and build up a slight pressure in the lubricating system before start-up. If trouble is experienced with this pump, refer to the manu- facturer's instructions and recommendations. 224, OIL PRESSURE GAUGE ‘The standard lubrication system has a differential pressure gauge installed across the oil filter inlet and outlet to enable the operator to constantly monitor the condition of the filter elements. (On some units, the oil pressure gauge is mounted with a three-way selector valve on the oil filter hous: ing as illustrated in Figure 2-4. The valve permits taking pressure readings before and after the oil filter. The difference in pressure readings between the inlet and discharge side of the filter is the pressure drop across the filter. ‘The drop across a new filter with oil at operating temperature is usually less than 3 PSIG (21 kPa). Cold oil or a dirty filter will increase the pressure differential across the filter. The oil pressure on the discharge side of the filter is the approximate pressure to the main bearings. 2.2.5. LOW OIL PRESSURE SHUTDOWN PROTECTION a Low oil pressure protection is provided by a com ination indicating gauge and shutdown switch (otanderd equipment) which monitors the pressure at the end of the main bearing oil header away from the oil pump, The minimum switch shutdown set- ting is 23 PSIG (159 kPa) decreasing oil pressure. ‘This switch is normally sot at the factory; however, the setting should be checked as soon as possible after first starting the unit and the switch reset, if necessary, according to the manufacturer's instruc: tions. LeGeno A VALE 80DY B—caP (¢— ADJUSTING SCREW D- RETAINER — GaskeT F JAM AUT G — SPRING He sroP FING P1330) LEGEND A~ VALVE BODY B— CAP (C— REGULATING scREW D- LocknuT — UPPER SPRING PLATE F SPRING. G — LOWER SPRING PLATE Ho pise 1608 Figure 2-2, Oil Pressure Control Valve 23 Figure 2-3, Frame Oil Presoure Relief Valve LUBRICATION e376 Figure 2-4, Oil Pressure Gauge and Selector Valve With the crankshaft driven main oil pump, it is necessary to keep this shutdown device inoperative during compressor start-up to allow the unit to start, and build up the oil pressure. Provision for accom: plishing this is built into the shutdown switch by means of a button which can be pressed in to “lock: out” the switch until such time as the oil pressure rises above the shutdown trip setting to automatic ally release the lock-out and make the shutdown function operative IMPORTANT ‘Whenever the compressor is started, visually check the gauge-switch to be sure the oil pressure has creased to a level above the shut- down setting of the switch to release the lock-out feature. Otherwise, the unit will not be protected against low pressure in the frame and run- ning gear lui 226, OIL COOLER ‘The standard oil cooler is a shell and tube type heat exchanger with oil in the shell and water in the tubes, The oil temperature in the frame sump should be maintained within the range given in PART V, under normal conditions. The oil temperature out of, the cooler is controlled by regulating the flow of water through the cooler. ‘The oil cooler must be periodically inspected and cleaned if necessary. Refer to the instructions prepared by the cooler manufacturer. OW FILT ‘The standard oil filter is normally flange-mounted fon the cooler discharge connection. A pipe plug is provided at the bottom of the filter housing to allow it to be drained and cleaned. The oil filter element is removable and can be cleaned or renewed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. ‘The oil pressure drop through the filter must be monitored and the filter element cleaned or replaced whenever the pressure drop exceeds 8 to 10 PSIG (55 to 69 kPa) with the oil at operating temperature. The filter element should also be cleaned or renewed whenever the frame oil is changed. 228, FRAME OIL RECOMMENDATIONS Use a good grade of a highly refined oil as recom: mended by a reputable oil supplier or company. The oil selected for use as a frame lubricant must meet the following requirements. A. General Requirement ‘The oil must be a well-refined petroleum product with low carbon residue. It should not contain fats or fixed oil compounding. Oils containing rust. and oxidation inhibitors and a foam depressant are preferred, The oil selected must be substantially non-corrosive to the common bearing metals, with a pour point at least 10°F (6.6°C) below ambient temperature when the unit is started. 24 Multiviscosity Iubricants may be used in the crankcase where widely variable ambient temperatures are encountered, provided that the lubricant maintains a viscosity of 115 to 150 SSU (23.7 to 31.8 cSt) at normal operating sump temperature. ‘When heavier lubricants are used to accommodate higher sump temperatures, crankcase heaters may be required if ambient temperatures fall below 5 (10°C) to maintain the sump temperature above the pour point. It is recognized that the oil recommended by the engine manufacturer (when an engine drive is sup- plied) is normally heavier (in the SAE 40 viscosity iscosity Requirements LUBRICATION range). When this is the case and the user desires to stock only one oil for use in both the engine and separable compressor crankcases, the heavier weight oil recommended for the engine can also be tised in the compressor crankcase. Under cold am- bient starting conditions, it is recommended that the oil sump temperature be at least 10 to 20°F (5.6 to 11°C) above the pour point prior to starting. This may require the use of auxiliary crankcase heaters. If sump temperatures above 165°F (73.9°C) are used, the lubricant should be monitored more close- ly for nitration effects and more frequent change outs should be scheduled to prevent an increase in Tong term maintenance. SUMP TEMPERATURE, BELOW 145°F 145° — 165°F 165° — 180°F (63°C) (63° — 74°C) (74° — 92°C) (SAE 20) (SAE 30) (SAE 40) VISCOSITY AT 100°F (37.8°C) Saybolt Universal, SSU 420 600 750 Kinematic Viscosity cSt 90.5 129.5 162.5 VISCOSITY AT 210°F (98.9°C) Saybolt Universal, SSU 50 60 70 Kinematic Viscoity St a 108 13 Inspection 229, OIL SUMP CAPACITY Conduct all esting ofthe lubricating olin accor dance with the Standard Methods (latest edition) of Number of Crank Throws 2 4 6 the American Society for Testing Materials. TUS. Gallons ~~ 260100 | Liters 98 Oil Change Schedule After the compressor has been initially started and operated for at least 24 hours, but not more than 72 hours, the lubricating system should be drained, thoroughly flushed and then refilled with new oil. This is described in PART III, Section 36, ‘Thereafter, since the frame is dust tight and the oil is filtered continuously, it should not be necessary to change the oil more often than every 4000 to 8000 hours, depending on local conditions. Do not use waste or linty rags for wiping the frame interior. Use clean lint free rags only. Where the compressor is operated in an extremely dirty atmosphere, installed outdoors, operated in- termittently, handling foul gas in the cylinders, or where the oil reaches high temperatures in a very hot atmosphere, it may be necessary to change the oil more often. Most reputable oil companies offer laboratory analysis services of oil samples on re- quest. We highly recommend the use of this service, 25 ‘The amount of oil required may vary slightly from the listed values, There is a gauge glass located at the oil pump end of the frame which should be checked periodically and the oil level maintained as follows: 1, On units not equipped with an optional lube level control and the unit at rest, fill the sump to just above lettering on the gauge glass [approximately 1/8 inch (3mm) above the level line]. When the unit is running, the level will drop to the level line. 2, With automatic level control and the unit at rest, fill the sump to the level line on the gauge glass, Whon the unit is running the level con- troller will automatically maintain the level at. the proper level. When the unit is off the oil evel will be approximately 1/8 inch (mm) above the level line, LUBRICATION. Do not fill to a point where the rotating parts will strike the oil surface; this will cause foaming and ‘oss of oil pressure from the main pump. If the oil level is allowed to drop below the gauge glass, air may be entrained in the oil and cause a fluctuating or total loss of oil pressure to the bearings. A filler connection is provided in the frame for adding oil to the sump. FRAME BREATHER, ‘The breather is mounted on the side of the frame. It vents the frame interior to atmosphere while con- densing oil vapors and returning the condensed oil to the frame sump. WARNING All precautionary measures speci- fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, hand! ing, or using solvents. Remove the breather body to service the element. The body is removed by turning it counterclockwise “lean the element by washing it ina safety solvent. .sllow it to drain dry and then dip it in heavy motor cil and replace it on its pipe connection. Examine the element. at regular intervals and service it as required. COMPRESSOR CYLIND} LUBRICATION Lubrication of the compressor cylinder bores and piston rod packings is provided by a mechanical force feed lubricator, Normally, “pump-to-point” lubrication is supplied where each lubrication point is fed from an individual lubricator pumping unit. For some applications, a “block type" oil distribu: tion system can be furnished. With either method, a check valve is required at the cylinder and packing connection of each oil line to prevent compressed gas from passing back through the lubrication system. Selection of the proper grade of lubricating oil and adjustment of the oil feed rate to provide the correct amount of lubrication to the cylinder bore and piston rod packing are important to the satisfactory speration of a compressor cylinder, When the doricating oil is faulty or the oil feeds impaired for jany reason, serious damage to cylinder parts can result. Use only a high grade oil meeting the recom- mendation given from each application. 26 Do not wait for lubrication difficulties to appear. If there is a question regarding the proper oil to use for a particular application, consult a reputable oil company. All of the larger oil companies have special brands and grades of oil most suitable for the type of lubrication to be performed. They will be glad to make their recommendations on request. ‘The initial break-in period of a new cylinder, or an overhauled cylinder with new replacement parts, is probably the most critical period in the life of the cylinder parts and the demands on the lubricant are the most extreme. Our standard recommendation concerning lubrication of the cylinder during break- in is to use a heavier oil and an increased oil feed rate until a visual inspection indicates that the parts are satisfactorily broken in. A break-in schedule is normally required whereby the load on the cylinder is gradually increased over a period of time. Refer to PART III, OPERATION (Section 3:6) for a detailed procedure, including lubrication recommendations for breaking in new cylinder parts. 23.2, CYLINDER OIL RECOMMENDATIONS Five classifications of lubricating oil have been developed to cover the normal lubrication re- quirements of Ingersoll-Rand compressor cylinders, However, “Type 1” oil is not recommended for the 5-1/2” stroke RDS line of compressors. The physical and chemical properties of the four oil types gener- ally recommended for these units are listed in Table 2:1; these oils are suitable for cylinders handling the following gases: air, hydrocarbon gases, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and all of the inert gases such as helium and neon, The recommendations in Table 2-1 do not apply to refrigeration compressors. Selection of the proper type of oil for your par- ticular application will normally be determined by the discharge temperature and also by the gus quality with respect to “wetness”. Consideration must also be given to the local operating conditions. Read these entire oil selection instructions with your oil supplier and compare your particular operating conditions with those for the various type cylinder oils In addition to the operating conditi Table 2-1, the following information must also be considered when selecting the type of oil to be used on a particular application. LUBRICATION ‘Table 2-1. Standard Cylinder Oil Recommendations OPERATING CONDITIONS | TYPE1| TYPE2 | TYPE2x | TYPES | TYPE 3X Discharge Temperature (°F) Max. 350 | Max. 350 | Over 360 | Over 350 (eo) Max.177 | Mex.177 | Over 177 | Over 177 Condensed water vapor present a [No Yes or No Yes or g possible possible ‘Suspended liquid present & No ‘Yes or No Yes or = possible possible Special requirements: All Multistage a ‘or circulator cylinders with dis} charge pressure of 2000 to 7000] 2 PSIG (13 790 to 48 265 kPa) 2 | No No Required | Required 2 OIL REQUIREMENTS S Flash Point - Open Cup (°F) 8 | s80Min. | 380 Min. | 410 Min co © [193 Min. | 193 Min. | 210 Min Viscosity at 100°F (37.8°C); a Saybolt Universal, SSU g 780 Max. ~ Kinematic Viscosity, eSt 3 168.4 Max. _ Viscosity at 210°F (98.9°C); B Saybolt Universal, SSU f | 6oMin, | 72 Min. 105 Min. Kinematic Viscosity, eSt & |102Min, | 193 Min 21.5 Min Carbon Residue (Conradson) % | 0.45 Max.* | 0.45 Max." | 0.65 Max. | 0.65 Max. Sulfated Ash 0.40 Max. | - - - Neutralization Value (color!: ‘Total Acid Number eS . _ Strong Acid Number 0.00 Max. | 0.00 Max. | 0.00 Max. * Ash-free basis. ** On straight-mineral or additivetreated, non-detergent oils. For Type 2 and 3 oils, the gases handled must be dry; that is, gases which do not carry suspended liquid nor contain water vapor or other condens- ables which remain in the super-heated vapor state throughout the compression cycle. For Type 2X and 3X oils, the gases handled may occasionally carry small quantities of suspended liquid into the cylinder or may deposit some condensation in the cylinder, ‘Type 2 oils are generally used where, for commer- cial reasons, the operator wishes to use internal- combustion engine lubricating oil, ‘These oils are well-refined petroleum products of the general types listed, They should be prepared from selected stocks of either naphthenic or paraf- finic type, processed to minimize deposit formation, Superior rust-preventive properties are also desired. ‘The pour point must be consistent with the lowest ambient gas intake and cylinder jacket tem- peratures to be encountered. The pour point must always be sufficiently lower than ambient tem- perature to permit the proper rate of oil feed by the lubricator. In handling low-temperature gases. select an oil of suitably low pour point, on the basis of intake and jacket temperatures, to maintain a fluid film of lubricant in the cylinder. Type 2 - Internal-combustion engine lubricating oil of the following classes: a, Straight mineral oil, b. Addi Je-treated, non-detergent oil. c. Detergent engine oil. 27 LUBRICATION ‘Type 2X - Compounded compressor cylinder with 5% compounding is recommended. This oil ‘ust be capable of providing an improved state of voundary lubrication and must resist the washing effect of the particular condensate involved. ‘Type 3 - Rust and/or oxidation-inhibited oil or straight mineral oil is acceptable. ‘Type 3X - Compounded compressor cylinder oil with 5 to 10% compounding is recommended. This oil must be capable of providing an improved state of boundary lubrication and must resist the washing. effect of the particular condensate involved. B. Service Considerations, a, On multi-stage and circulator type com: pressors, it is necessary to use a higher viscosity oil than is indicated by cylinder size. Cylinders which operate at discharge pressures in the range of 2000 to 7000 PSIG (13 790 to 48 265 kPa) require a ‘Type 8 or Type 3X oil to obtain an ade- quate seal of piston and/or packing rings. The oil selected for the high pressure cylinders can also be used for cylinders operating at pressures below 2000 PSIG (13 790 kPa) in order to reduce the number of oils to be handled, Consult the nearest branch office for oil recommenda- tions at pressures above 7000 PSIG (48 265 kPa) In the food, beverage, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, even traces of conventional lubricating oil are sometimes objectionable. In these cases, the customer should obtain special recom- mendations from his oil supplier. Certain chemical process catalysts are “poisoned” by lubricating oil additives. In these applications, use a straight mineral oil of the viscosity recommended for the local operating conditions. Certain lubricating oil additives will cloud the glycerine-water often used in lubricator sight feeds, necessitating fre- quent changes of the mixture. The continuous or intermittent carry-over of liquid to compressor eylinders requires the installation of efficient separators. 28 lll tests should be conducted in accordance with the Standard Methods (latest edition) of the ‘American Society for Testing Materials. 4,_ SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS. In general, our experience with synthetic lubricants indicates that they will do a commend: able lubrication job when the compressor is cor- rectly prepared, the lubricant properly selected, and the Inbricant is supplied in sufficient quantity. However, past experience has shown that it is dif ficult to properly break in new compressor cylinders, particularly larger sizes, on synthetic lub- ricants, Therefore, we recommend that cylinders first be broken in (at least 160 hours of running time ‘or until the bore surfaces have taken on a glazed aj pearance) using a mineral oil. The mineral selected should have a viscosity at least equal to, of greater than, an SAE 60 oil. After the break-in period, switch to a grade of synthetic lubricant per the lubricant manufacturer's recommendation. It is important that the quantity of synthetic lubricant fed to the cylinder be ample to wet the entire bore surface and that actual inspections be carried out within a few hours after switching to synthetic lub- ication to determine that the feed rate is adequate. We recommend that the lubricator be adjusted to provide approximately double the flow of synthetic lubricant as opposed to mineral base oil during in- itial start up and break in. In those few cases where it is absolutely impossi ble to break in the compressor cylinders ona mineral oil due to system contamination, note that the danger of cylinder scuffing does exist, Extreme cleanliness of suction piping is absolutely man- datory if scuffing is to be avoided since the film thickness of a synthetic lubricant is generally less than with mineral oil. We further recommend that the particular grade of synthetic lubricant be on the higher side of the available viscosity range. Occasionally, units must be started and broken in during low ambient temperatures. Due to the ex tremely high viscosity index of most. synthetic lubricants, take precautions to assure that the lubri- cant is warm enough to flow properly. It must be again pointed out that synthetic lubricants should not be used in the compressor unless the unit has been correctly prepared. LUBRICATION 235. PISTON ROD PACKING LUBRICATION ‘The piston rod packing may be lubricated with the same oil used for the cylinder bore except that com- pounded oils, or those oils containing animal or vegetable products, should not be used unless condi tions are so severe that their use is absolutely essen tial, Such oils applied to the packing or piston rods are likely to follow the rod back into the compressor crankcase. Animal or vegetable oils in the crank- case, even in very small quantities, tend to become rancid, form gums, emulsify with any condensed water which may be present and accelerate the ox: {dation of the crankcase oil. When it is known that compounded oil will be used for cylinder lubrication, 1 two-compartment lubricator is usually furnished so that an uncompounded oil can be used for pack ing lubrication CYLINDER FORCE FEED LUBRICATOR ‘The cylinder force feed lubricator is usually of the individual unit type employing vacuum type sight feed pumping units. The rate at which oil is being pumped is indicated by the flow of oil out of the drip tube in the sight chamber. This flow is caused by @ vacuum created within the sight chamber during the suction stroke of the pump plunger. Oil from the drip tube passes to the bottom of the sight chamber and into the inlet port of the pump cylinder. A check valve is located at the cylinder connection of each force feed lubricator line. ‘This is necessary to prevent the compressed gas from blowing back into the lubricator. Refer to the lubricator manufacturer's instruc: tions for operation details and recommendations. WARNING ‘All precautionary measures speci- fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, handl ing, or using solvent Clean the lubricator at regular intervals, the fre- quency depending on local conditions, with once or twice per year often times being sufficient. To clean the reservoir, remove the pump units, top cover and drain plugs. Scrape out dirt or sediment from the reservoir and flush with a suitable safety cleaning solvent. ‘Thoroughly dry the reservoir before reassembly. Rinse off the pump units and pump some of the cleaning fluid through each unit. Flush out the units thoroughly with oil after cleaning. ‘After the lubricator has been reassembled and before connecting the piping, operate each pump unit by hand until clean oil flows from all outlets. NoTE ‘When compounded oils are used, animal and vegetable fats have a tendency to plug pump screens and coat the inside of the lubricator box. Careful attention should be paid to removing this coating on a sched: uled basis, 2-9(2-10/Blankj PART Ill OPERATION Section 35. 36. 3-61 36.2. 36.3. 3. 38, Contents GENERAL PREPARATION FOR INITIAL START Lubrication Systems. Compressor Cylinders — Lubricated Compressor Cylinders — Non-Lubricated General Inspections and Adjustments COMPRESSOR COOLING SYSTEM Circulated Water Cooling Statie Cooling ‘Thermo-Syphon Cooling. Water Cooled Packing REGULATION Inlet Valve Unloading Clearance Pocket Unloading INITIAL STARTUP BREAK-IN AND OPERATION Breaking In Lubricated Cylinders Breaking In Mini-Lubricated Cylinders Breaking In Non-Lubricated Cylinders ROUTINE STARTING ROUTINE STOPPING EMERGENCY OR NON-SCHEDULED SHUTDOWN SHUTDOWN FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD Lubricated Cylinders Non-Lubricated Cylinders ROUTINE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Daily Weekly Semi-Annual Annual Periodic Maintenance Hints ‘TROUBLE SHOOTING Page 35 36 36 a7 38 39 39 3-10 3-10 Belt 341 341 312 342 312 3413 343 344 314 a4 a4 OPERATION ‘This section should be carefully read by the operator before the unit is prepared for its initial start. The purpose of this section is threefold: first, to familiarize the operator with the requirements of the unit; second, to outline the recommended pro- cedures for starting, loading and stopping the unit; and third, to assist the operator in setting up an eff cient inspection and maintenance schedule. Op- timum performance can be obtained by closely adhering to the instructions in this section. After the operators have become acquainted with the machine by starting it e number of times, and have had some experience in caring for it, starting will become a routine procedure. However, there are ‘a number of special precautions that must be taken when starting for the first time and carelessness or Jack of knowledge can result in serious damage to the equipment. If possible, an Ingersoll-Rand erect- ing engineer should supervise the initial start of the unit; even then, the regular operators should be well acquainted with the details of the machine, the precautions to be taken when starting and the reasons for them. Before starting, be certain that all of the instruc- ions (as applicable to your particular unit) given in PART I, INSTALLATION have been complied with, and that the foundation and grout are fully cured. PREPARATION FOR INITIAL START ‘The following instructions for cleaning, inspecting and preparing the compressor for its initial startup should be closely observed. These instructions are also applicable whenever the unit hes been exten- sively overhauled, CAUTION Refer to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the com- pressor driver when preparing the unit for startup; carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendation: This also applies when placing ‘operation such accessory equipment. items as coolers, filters, pumps and similar equipment. ‘To minimize the chance of dirt getting into the ‘unit while covers are off for inspections. wash down, 3.2 the foundation and floor around the machine. dust and dirt off the frame and compressor drive, a8 well as the compressor cylinders, manifolds and any overhead piping. 1, LUBRICATION SYSTEMS Refer to PART II, LUBRICATION for a detailed description of the compressor frame and running gear lubrication system and the compressor cylinder lubrication system (if applicable). Recommenda- tions for selecting the proper oils for frame and cylinder lubrication will also be found in PART IL. ‘The operator should be thoroughly familiar with the lubrication requirements of the compressor before starting the machine. ‘The following procedure should be used to clean the entire frame lubricating system prior to starting the compressor for the first time. 1, The rust preventative coating applied to the lube system at the factory is soluble with the recommended lubricating oils and need not be removed unless it has been contaminated. WARNING All precautionary measures speci- fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, handl- ing, or using solvents. Remove inspection covers for the frame and frame extensions so that the interior can be closely examined for dirt, sand and other foreign material that may have been intro- duced during compressor erection. Wash out the frame if necessary with solvent and wipe dry using lint-free rags, not waste. Use a light to examine corners, pockets and other areas where dirt might lodge. The inside of the frame has been painted white to facilitate any examination for dirt; do not scrub or sand off thie oll-proof paint when cleaning the frame interior, ‘The entire frame lubricating system must be thoroughly flushed before filling the system with the recommended lube oil. The flushing oil must be of a lower viscosity than the frame OPERATION lubricating oil at normal operating temperatures (an SAE-10 oil heated to about 150°F, or 65.6°C, has been used successfully for this application) and should be circulated through the system at a flow rate greater than that produced by normal full speed operation. This will require the use of a flushing pump. Arrange a flushing oil pump of suitable capac- ity to bypass the main frame oil pump. The flushing oil must be circulated through the oil cooler, oil filter and all external and internal piping and passages except as noted in Item 5. During the first hour of flushing time, the following sequence must be followed to ensure thorough flushing of the frame main bearing oil header and the oil lines leading from the header to tho main bearings, without introduc- ing ditt or other foreign material to the bear- ings themselves. a. Remove the pipe cap from the end of the main bearing oil header and disconnect the oil lines at the bearing caps. Flush through the oil header for about one-half hour and then replace the pipe cap on the end of the header and continue to flush for another one-half hour to thoroughly clean the oil lines that lead to the bearing caps, WARNING Operator must insure that the driver will not start either by grounding the ignition and closing the fuel gas valve on engine driven units or by insuring that power cannot be turned on with electric motor driven units before barring the unit over. Reconnect the oil lines to the main bearing caps and flush the lubricating system for an additional four to six hours. Bar the crankshaft ‘one-quarter turn every 15 minutes during the flushing period. NOTE Observe the pressure drop across the full flow oil filter during the flushing operation. Depending on 33 the cleanliness of the system, it may be necessary to change or clean the filter element during the flushing cycle. Refer to Section 2-27 for information on the oil filter. Drain the lubricating system completely after finishing the flushing operation. Wipe the frame interior and oil filter housing with clean, lint-free rags. Install a new filter element. Disconnect the flushing oil pump from the lubricating system and check all oil piping for tight connections. Fill the frame oil sump to the level indicator on the oil gauge glass. Refer to PART II for the grade (Section 2-2-8) and quantity (Section 2-2-9) of oil required. 10, Use the hand priming pump to circulate the oil and fill the lubricating system. Add oil to the frame sump as required. Do not fill above the level mark on the gauge glass as the rotating compressor parts may strike the oil surface, causing foaming and loss of oil pressure. 11. Continue to operate the priming pump until all points show lubrication. Check internal and ex- ternal oil piping during this period for tight connections. Check to be sure that all covers have been replaced so that the lubricating system is not exposed to dirt and other contaminants. 12, COMPRESSOR CYLINDERS — BRICATED Remove at least one valve from each end of each compressor eylinder and inspect the cylinder bore for dirt. The running and finished parts inside the cylinder are coated with a rust preventative at the factory. Unless this coating has been contaminated by dirt and other foreign material during com pressor assembly, it need not be removed as it is soluble in the lubricating oil. Paint the cylinder bore with lubricating oil. Leave the valves out so that the cylinder bores can be in: spected during the first half hour of running, but cover the openings temporarily to exclude dirt and foreign objects. Wipe off the compressor piston rods to prevent any dirt from being carried into the packing. Fill the cylinder force feed lubricator with a high grade cylinder lubricating oil. Refer to Section 2-3 Nee ee eee ee ——————————————————————— OPERATION proper grade of oil, rate of feed and details on the lubricating system. Disconnect each oil pipe at the soint where itis attached to the check valve next to she eylinder and then operate the lubricator until all air is forced out of the pipe and oil appears. Recon: neet the pipe and operate the lubricator a short time 0 the cylinders will be lubricated as soon as the compressor is started. Once the compressor is started, the oil pipes will remain full of oil and should require no further attention. The lubricator feeds should be initially set for maximum flow. After a few days of operation, as the cylinders wear in and the bores take on a glazed sur- face, the oil feed rate can be gradually reduced. This is described in more detail in the break-in instruc- tions which follow in Section 3-6. 323. COMPRESSOR CYLINDERS — NON-LUBRICATED Each “NL” {non-lubricated) cylinder, as shipped from the factory, is packed with vapor-inhibitor paper. The piston and rods are also wrapped with a VPI paper to provide protection against rust. If there is to be a delay in starting the compressor, the ylinders should be left in the same state as when received. Prior to placing the unit in operation, the PI paper must be removed and all cylinder com- ponents carefully examined for the presence of rust. Special supplemental instructions are furnished for non-lubricated cylinders, GENERAL INSPECTIONS ‘AND ADJUSTMENTS. ‘Thoroughly inspect the entire machine, both in- side and out, to be certain there are no loose parts or tools where they can cause damage or interfere with startup, and that nothing has been tampered with since installing the unit. Check, and tighten as required, all bolts and nuts to be sure that all is in readiness for starting. Refer to PART V, Section 5-3 for specific tightening recommendations, On compressors where the cylinders were shipped to the installation site separately, requiring field ssembly, the compressor piston rod runout and jiston end clearances should have been set within the prescribed limits. Check to be sure this was done. 24 ‘On compressors where the unit is shipped with the cylinders mounted and the piston and rod assem- blies in place, the piston rod alignment and piston end clearances have been set at the factory. However, a field check of these settings must be made before starting the unit for the first time. Refer to Sub-Sections “A” and “B” under Section 412-2 in PART IV, MAINTENANCE of this in struction book for detailed procedures for checking and adjusting the piston rod runout and piston end ‘clearances. The final settings should be recorded for future reference. Prepare the compressor driver and any accessory ‘equipment for their initial starting and operation per the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.3, COMPRESSOR COOLING SYSTEM Run coolant through the shell and tube type com- pressor oil cooler to be sure the cooling system is operative and that all connections are tight. Vent the water side of the cooler and all high points in the piping to remove entrapped air. ‘The method of cooling the compressor cylinders depends on the type of cylinder and the operating conditions; therefore, individual consideration must be given to each compressor application when selecting a particular cooling method. The cylinder cooling methods most. commonly used are described in the following instructions. 33:1, CIRCULATED WATER COOLING Cooling water removes some of the heat of com: pression and frictional heat from the cylinders. If it does not do 20 effectively, serious trouble can develop, Use only clean, soft water and, ifthe proper ‘quantities are circulated through the cylinders, no trouble should be encountered. ‘Skid-mounted units are normally provided with an atmospheric pressure, closed loop cooling system, A surge tank is included to allow for ther- mal expansion and make-up. The high point in the system (usually the aerial cooler) is vented through the surge tank. When filling the cooling system prior to starting the unit, it is important that all air is removed from the cylinder passages and jackets to assure com- plete and uniform cooling of the cylinder during operation, OPERATION IMPORTANT To prevent condensation from form- ing on the cylinder walls and gas Passages on all cylinders compress: (with water vapor pre- sent), the water inlet temperature to the cylinder should be at least 10°F (56°C) above the gas suction temperature. If the water inlet temperature is above the gas in let temperature to the cylinder, no condensate will form in most cases, Should condensate form on the cylinder walls and as passages, it will tend to break down the lubrica- tion qualities of oil and cause excessive wear to the evlinder bore, piston rings and valves, and possibly result in valve breakage The minimum recommended water outlet tem: perature from the cylinder jackets is about 110° (43.3°C) where a lubricated design is used; this will result in optimum oil flow and distribution on the cylinder walls. Colder water temperatures are per mitted on non-lubricated applications. In all cases, adequate flows must be maintained with a tem erature rise across the cylinder of between 10° and 20°F (5.6° to 11.2°C), Should the coolant flow be reduced to too low a rate, the possibility of building up deposits to the Point of cutting off all flow exists. If this occurs, the cylinder will rapidly overheat and cause the piston to seize or create other serious damage. The only in surance against scale or mud is the use of clean, soft water and periodic cleaning of the cylinder water Jackets. Prior to initial starting, we recommend dis- connecting water lines at the cylinder and cooler outlets and thoroughly flushing the system. Where the cooling system allows the coolant to be circulated before the compressor ig started, the supply should be turned on prior to compressor startup. Should the compressor be started without turning on the cooling water, shut the unit down immediately. Do not turn the cooling water on until the cylinder walls have had a chance to cool, other: wise a cracked cylinder wall may result. Also, where the cooling water can be circulated independent of Compressor operation, and where the compressor is to be shat down for more than 10 minutes, do not leave the water circulating through the jackets or it ‘ean cause condensate to form on the cylinder walls, After the compressor has been started and operated long enough for operating temperatures to level off, regulate the supply of cooling water to give the proper cooling. Periodically vent the cylinder cooling system to remove any entrapped air. If the circulating water is dirty, mud will be deposited in the cylinder jackets and water heads and will eventually obstruct the flow of water unless care is used to prevent such an accumulation. Clogged water passages will interfere with proper cooling, which can result in possible damage to the cylinder and pistons. The cylinder water jacket or hand hole covers should be removed occasionally and the water jackets and passages inspected. If any mud or other deposit is found, clean it out thoroughly and flush the jackets with water. 332. STATIC COOLING When this cylinder cooling method is used, make sure the cylinder jackets are filled with coolant before starting the compressor. Provide for thermal expansion of the coolant by arranging a stand pipe or expansion tank above the cylinders, 3: THERMO-SYPHON COOLING ‘There are applications where a special thermo- syphon cooling system is used on the cylinders to ensure that no condensation occurs on the cylinder walls. Bach cylinder is thoroughly jacketed, and is provided with finned tubing to cool the liquid th circulates because of thermal syphoning. This avoids “hot spots’ in the eylinder and provides for more even heat distribution, An expansion tank with a liquid level gauge is pro- vided. When filling the cylinder jackets, remove the vent plugs at all of the high points. After venting the high points, fill the expansion tank to the low level on the gauge. Expansion will cause the liquid to rise higher in the tank as the temperature in- creases. Make sure the cylinder jackets are filled with coolant before starting the compressor. 334. WATER COOLED PACKING Some piston rod pressure packing assemblies re- quire water cooling, in which ease the following re- quirements must be noted: 1, ‘The water supply must be clean, filtered, softened and treated to prevent corrosion or plugging of the water passages in the packing cups. OPERATION 2, A minimum supply of two to four gallons (7.6 to 15.2 liters) of water per minute is required for each packing assembly. ‘The required flow rate for a particular packing is usually speci- fied for each application, as is the inlet pressure requirement. Normally, an inlet water pressure to the packing case of 35 PSIG (241 kPa) is recommended. Cooling is required at all times during opera- tion, but the water must be turned off when the unit is inoperative. 4. Small O-rings are used between the packing cups to seal the water passages; these rings must be correctly assembled and maintained in good condition to prevent leakage. 34, REGULATION ‘Two basic methods of capacity control are com- monly used: (1) inlet valve unloading and (2) clearance pocket unloading. These two methods are often used in combination with one another. The ‘compressor capacity is reduced in “steps” and, depending upon how many cylinder ends are utilized for control or how many clearance pockets are built into the cylinders, the steps (or changes in capacity) can be large or relatively small. The degree of regulation required for a particular compressor is usually dictated by the local operating conditions. 3-4-1. INLET VALVE UNLOADING If the channels or plates in a cylinder inlet valve are forcibly held open by some mechanical means, the gas cannot be compressed. The gas which enters the cylinder on the suction stroke is pushed back in- to the intake passage of the cylinder, passing freely back through the open inlet valve during the discharge stroke without being compressed. This unloads the end of the cylinder containing the unloader device, ‘The typical inlet valve unloader utilizes "legs" to hold the valve channels or plates off the seat when the unloader is actuated. An unloader can be sup- plied that is manually operated by a handwheel, or air/gas operated devices are available where remote or automated operation is desired. Air/gas operated unloaders are available in both direct acting and reverse acting models, depending on customer pre ference and space limitations. Generally, each cylinder end to be unloaded must be equipped with an unloader for each inlet valve in the end of the cylinder. Less than this full comple. ‘ment of unloaders will normally waste horsepower 3-6 and, in extreme cases, can cause excessive temperatures and unloader malfunction. On the pneumatically operated unloader, the air/gas connection is made to the tapped hole in the unloader setscrew (inside operated model) or piston housing cover (outside operated model). The vent ‘opening. in the lower part of the piston housing (out side operated models only) must always be left open to assure safe and effective operation of the unloader, When the process gas is toxic or flam- mable, or in any way objectionable in the com- pressor building, the vent must be piped so that any leakage can he carried away. Vent tubing must not be less than 3/8-inch (9.5mm) O.D. and, if combined with other vent systems, there must not be any back pressure or vacuum in this piping. NOTE ‘The adjustment of each inlet valve unloader must be checked before in- al startup. 342, CLEARANCE POCKET UNLOADING ‘A clearance pocket is cast as an integral part of the cylinder outer head. The amount of capacity change from adding clearance volume to a cylinder is a function of the type of gas being compressed, the amount of clearance volume added, and the com- pression ratio. Clearance pockets are available in both “fixed volume” and “variable volume” models. By adding additional clearance volume to a cylinder end, a reduced quantity of gas is delivered during the compression portion of the stroke because part of the gas passes into the added clearance volume instead of out the discharge aves. On the suction portion of the stroke, the gas in the added clearance volume expands into the cylinder end, transferring energy to the piston and delaying the opening of the inlet valves. Therefore, no energy is wasted by clearance control. ‘The fixed volume clearance pocket, as the name implies, adds a fixed clearance volume to the cylinder end when it is opened. This device should always be operated fully open or completely closed. ‘Any attempt to obtain partial unloading by throt- ting the gas into, and out of, the clearance pocket will cause excessive heat, wasted power and possible damage to the valve seat. The fixed pocket is nor- mally operated by # handwheel. However, there is, also a unique pocket design that is operated by turn- ing a lever 90 degrees: it is used on certain lower pressure applications. With a variable volume clearance pocket, the clearance piston can be manually positioned by means of a handwheel to provide an exact amount of capacity reduction in the cylinder end containing the pocket. The jam nut must be tightened securely after each positioning. It eliminates the capacity control “step” inherent in a fixed volume type Clearance pocket and is normally supplied where very close regulation of the compressor capacity is required, INITIAL STARTUP 35. for the first When starting the compressor u time, it is extremely important that the operators temperatures, n dicating gauges and thermometers should be closely monitored during this initial starting period. If the unit is equipped with a control panel, a preliminary inspection and review of the panel operation should be made prior to starting the unit. ‘The typical panel can provide starting and load con: trol of the machine as well as providing alarm and shutdown devices for monitored functions of the compressor and drive arrangement. Refer to the panel schematics, material lists and control device literature that is supplied to cover the control panel and related equipment. CAUTION During the starting and breakin period of the machi may be necessary to “block out” cer- tain parts of the control system in order to keep the unit running; this depends on the type of panel and degree of control used on the unit. DO NOT, under any circumstance, completely remove the panel opera tion for the startup of the unit. Should some malfunction occur in the compressor or its driver during the breakin run, serious damage could occur before the unit could be shut down manually by the operator, Read the following break-in instructions (Section 36) before starting the compressor. The procedure which follows applies generally to the initial start of the unit; some modifications to this procedure may be required when starting a particular machine. 1. For the initial no-load run of the compressor, remove at least one inlet valve from each end of each cylinder to completely unload the machine. Replace the valve cover as a safety precaution and to prevent the entrance of foreign material into the cylinders. 37 OPERATION 2. Check as far as practical the inlet and discharge lines for foreign objects. Check all line and compressor valves for proper location, flow direction and position. Crank the hand oil pump to pre-lubricate the compressor bearings and to build up a slight pressure in the frame and running gear lubrica- tion system. Manually operate each lubricator pumping unit, by pushing down the plunger cap or by turning the hand erank, to see that oil is being, fed into the cylinder bore and piston rod pack- ing. (This step applies only to compressors equipped with lubricated cylinders.) WARNING Operator must insure that the driver will not start either by grounding the ignition and closing the fuel gas valve on engine driven units or by insuring that the power cannot be turned on with electric motor driven units before barring the unit over. Release driver flywheel lock — if fitted. Bar the ‘compressor over a few times to be sure all mov- ing parts are clear and also to ensure that lubricating oil is distributed onto all running surfaces, Disengage the barring device prior to startup. ‘Turn on a full supply of cooling water through the frame oil cooler and compressor cylinders, if applicable, Where the cylinders are intended for static cooling, it is only necessary to make sure the cylinder jackets are properly filled with a suitable coolant, It is necessary to ‘lock out” the frame low oil pressure shutdown switch to permit the unit to be started. This is done on the standard shut- down device by pressing in a button on the switch; this locks out the switch until the machine is started and the main bearing oil header pressure increases above the pressure necessary to release the mechanical lockout and make the shutdown switch operative. Walk around the machine to double check that, all equipment is ready for startup and that all personnel in the area are aware that the unit will be started. Start the driver according to the manufac. turer's instructions. (This initial start is usu: ally done under the direction of the driver man ufacturer’s representative.) 10. 12, 13. L. CAUTION The machine must be immediately shut down if an abnormal condition exists, and the cause found and cor- reeted before restarting the unit. Run the compressor for one minute. (On engine driven units, run the engine at idle speed.) While running, observe the frame oil pressure and check the cooling water flow and tempera- ture, Watch for signs of excessive heating, unusual noises or other abnormal conditions. WARNING ‘The machine must immediately be shut down if any evidence of ‘overheating, such as smoke being emitted from frame breather, or other distress appears. If overheating is suspected, the inspec- tion covers MUST NOT BE OPEN. ED until the machine has been given sufficient time to cool. Premature opening of the inspection covers on an overheated unit can result in an explosion. Shut down the unit, Immediately, without giv- ing the parts time to cool, remove the frame and crosshead inspection covers. Feel the main bearings, crankpin bearings, crosshead pin bushings, and crosshead shoes to see if any of the parts are overheated. Investigate any over- heating and eliminate the conditions causing it, Replace the inspection covers. Restart the compressor and run it for five minutes. Observe the instructions in Steps 10 and 11 and once again check all bearings for ex- cessive heat. Remove the compressor cylinder valve covers (where valves were previously removed) at each end of all cylinders and check for satisfactory lubrication of the cylinder bores. Also, check the piston rods and pack- ings for adequate lubrication and normal temperatures (see PART IV, Section 4-21-4.B). If no overheating is found, the unit can be restarted and operated for about 30 minutes. Monitor all systems during this period and shut down after 30 minutes to repeat the bear- ing and lubrication checks described in the preceding steps. If everything appears to be normal, operate the machine continuously for one hour at no load. (On engine driven units, the engine speed can OPERATION be varied from idle to 800 rpm maximum dur- ing this period; however, the compressor should not be operated below 560 rpm unless it is equipped with a special lubricating system designed for low speed operation.) 14A. Units operated at full speed no load can be susceptible to exceeding rated rod load. Elec trie motor driven units where the speed is fixed must be monitored for rod loading conditions. 15, At the end of the one hour period, stop the unit and make a final inspection of bearings, pin bushings, crosshead shoes, cylinder bores and rod packings for overheating and proper lubri- cation, If everything is found to be satisfac. tory, replace all inspection covers and install the valves that were previously removed from the eylinders, Be sure inlet and discharge valves are properly located and secured (see PART IV, Section 4-14-2). 16. After all valves, valve covers, piping, ete. have been installed, close the vent block valve and then crack the main block valve in the suction line to the compressor and allow the pressure to build in the unit to about 50 PSIG (345 kPa). Using some type of leak detector, check all valve covers and piping connections and cor- rect any leaking joints that may be found. If the normal operating suction gas pressure is greater than 50 PSIG (346 kPa), open the sue- tion valve again to epply the full suction pressure to the compressor and recheck for leaks. After completing the leak check and making necessary repairs or adjustments, open the vent block valve to depressurize the unit. 17, ‘The compressor is now ready to stert, purge and load as per the operation and service that the unit is intended for. When placing the unit, in service, pay particular attention to the breakin considerations that are given in the following instructions. 36. BREAK-IN AND OPERATION ‘The normal procedure for “breaking in” @ new compressor involves several short runs at gradually increasing speed and load. The type of driver and the particular operating conditions will dictate the break-in requirements and procedure. During the break-in period, tighten the cylinder mounting flange nuts, cylinder and frame to distance piece nuts, packing gland stud nuts, main bearing tie rod nuts and all other exposed bolts and. nuts, When first subjected to full load and tempera- ture conditions, gasket materials will crush; if joints OPERATION lubricated cylinders except that special TFE piston and packing rings are furnished to permit lower oil ate requirements than comparable full lubricated @ cesiens: However, must be emphasized that these tylinders are not designed for non-lubricated opera tion and that a sufficient amount of lubricant must be supplied for good valve, piston ring and packing life When breaking in cylinders with minimum lubrication construction, the same procedure described in the preceding instructions for fully lubricated cylinders should be followed, with the Iubricators initially set for maximum feeds and the feed rate then gradually reduced. When the cylinders have been satisfactorily broken in and there is a good glaze on the cylinder walls, the lubri- cant feed rate can be substantially reduced. The amount of lubricant ultimately used for normal operation can only be determined by frequent in- spections and measurements of the parts to establish wear rates. 363. BREAKING IN NON: CYLINDERS IBRICATED. Just prior to starting the compressor for the ini tial breakin run of cylinders equipped for non- abricated operation, remove at least one valve from tion of the bore for rust, dirt and other foreign material. If any such contamination of the cylinder internals is found, the piston must be removed and all parts thoroughly cleaned. If necessary, the cylinder bore should be honed and/or polished to a fine finish (equivalent to 16-20 RMS or better) Under unusual circumstances, such as replacing rings after the cylinder has been damaged, it may be beneficial to hand polish the bore with a used TFE rider ring. Particular attention should be given to the lower half of the bore. Generally, an initial run of at least four hours with no load on the eylinder is recommended, During thi period the cylinder parts should be closely watched for signs of overheating or other distress. It is extremely important that a wear rate be established on non-lubricated cylinders whereby the piston rings can be replaced on a planned schedule before the wear of these rings becomes excessive. Refer to the separate instructions which are sup: plied for cylinders with “NL” construction. @ 2 townie stanrina ‘The routine starting procedure which follows is for a typical compressor equipped for manual * starting. Some modifications to this procedure may 3.10 be required to suit the particular compressor and drive arrangement; however, it is important that a standard starting sequence be established and followed consistently by the operators. 1, Check the oil level in the frame sump and add oil as required to bring the level to the mark on the sight glass. 2. Refill the cylinder and packing lubricators (if used). Leave the lubricator feeds at the same setting, 3. Unload the compressor. ‘The method of starting-unloading must be established for each unit. 4. Crank the hand priming pump to prelubricate the running gear and build up a slight pressure in the lubrication system. 5. Manually operate each lubricator pumping unit, by pushing down on the plunger cap or turning the hand crank, to see that oil is being fed to the cylinder bores and piston rod pack- ings. (This step applies only to lubricated cylinders.) WARNING Operator must insure that the driver will not start either by grounding the ignition and closing the fuel gas valve on engine driven units or by insuring that power cannot be turned on with electric motor driven units before barring the unit over. 6. Bar the unit over once to be sure all moving parts are clear. This is especially important ‘when the unit has been overhauled. 7. ‘Tum on the cooling water and check to be sure the cooling system is operative. 8. Lock out the frame low oil pressure shutdown, switch so that the unit can be started. 9. Prepare the driver for startup according to the manufacturer's instructions. 10. Start the driver and run the compressor with no load for ten minutes minimum until the frame oil warms up to 90°F (32.2°C). Refer also to the driver instructions for warm-up re- quirements. (When starting an engine driven compressor, the unit is normally warmed up at u 12. 13, 8 u 38. ROUTINE STOPP! OPERATION. 600 to 700 rpm and the oad then applied before bringing the machine up to operating. speed). CAUTION Do not operate the compressor speed less than 550 rpm unl equipped with a special lubrication system designed for low speed operation. Check the main bearing header oil pressure and each feed of the cylinder lubricator. Be sure the cooling system is operating satisfactorily Check to be sure the lockout feature of the low il pressure shutdown switch has released so that the unit has low oil pressure protection. When the unit is warmed up and determined to be operating satisfactorily, without any unusual noises, the cylinders can be loaded. Build up the discharge pressure gradually (if possible), noting the gas temperatures, as ab- normal temperatures are often the first indica tions of trouble. Adjust cooling water flow as required. When temperatures and pressures have stabilized, record them for future reference as ‘operation and maintenance guidelines. IG Unload the unit. A standard unloading pro- cedure should be set up for each compressor application. NOTE Where a variable speed driver is used, the compressor speed should be reduced below 800 rpm before completely unloading the unit. Where the compressor drive is an engine, it should be slowed to idle speed and allowed to operate at this speed for several minutes to cool. Refer to the engine manufacturer's instructions, Stop the driver according to the manufacturer's instructions. Shut off the cooling water, 344 5. Prepare the unit so that it can be restarted on short notice. 3.9,_ EMERGENCY OR NON‘SCHEDULED SHUTDOWN If any emergency occurs requiring immediate shutdown of the compressor, the unit can be shut, down under load; however, we recommend opening at least the final stage bypass valve to reduce the back pressure load on the compressor, permitting the machine to coast to a stop versus stopping in soveral revolutions under load. In the event of an automatic safety shutdown, the operator should immediately check to find the cause of the shutdown, The operator should not spend too Jong looking for the trouble without first relieving the system of pressure. If it appears that the compressor will not be operating again within ten minutes, turn off the water flow to the cylinders and coolers. If the water is circulated for any length of time after the machine is down, condensation can occur in the eylinders and lubrication will be impaired. 3:10,_ SHUTDOWN FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD WARNING Operator must insure that the driver will not start either by grounding the ignition and closing the fuel g valve on engine driven units or by insuring that power cannot be turned on with electric motor driven unite before barring the unit over. 1f the compressor is to be shut down for more than fa few days, the hand priming pump and cylinder lubricator pumps should be periodically operated ‘and the unit barred one and a quarter revolutions while the priming pump is being operated. The cylinders should also be prepared for an extended shutdown as recommended in the instructions whieh follow, Refer to the manufacturer's recommendations for the driver and other accessory equipment when planning an extended shutdown of these items. 3 LUBRICATED CYLINDERS An extra quantity of oil should be pumped to the cylinder bore piston rod packing, by manually operating the force feed lubricator pumping units, Bee ETT rrr TEETER TEN r TEE TIER T UOTE Tre T EEE IEEE TEETER TEI t Terre ETE T Te Tere ere Tete errr eee eee OPERATION. just prior to shutting down the compressor when an extended shutdown is planned. Periodically there ‘ter, oil should be manually pumped to the ylinders while barring the unit one and a quarter evolutions. Drain the eylinder jackets if the unit will be subjected to freezing temperatures and the cooling: system is not protected by antifreeze. 3:10-2,_NON-LUBRICATED CYLINDERS ‘The primary damage to “NL” cylinders during long shutdowns is from rust. Oil lubricated units have a coating of oil to help prevent rust, whereas the “NL” unit does not have this protection and other steps must be taken to prevent rusting. When the compressor is to be inoperative for an extended period of time, we recommend the follow: ing measures be taken: 1. Drain the cylinder coolant jackets. 2. Remove the cylinder outer head and frame end valves. 3. With a lint-free cloth, or sponge of synthetic material (do not use waste), wipe the cylinders dry of any condensate. Move each piston ‘enough so that the entire bore can be dried. 4. Pack the cylinder bore loosely with vapor paper. Experience has proven that the best rust preventative measure in the “NL” cylinder is the use of vapor inhibitor such as “Nox-Rust Vapor Wrapper” or “VPI” paper. 5. After the bore of each cylinder has been wiped dry and the vapor paper inserted, replace the outer head and the frame end valves. 6. To prevent circulation of air through the cylinders, which would encourage rusting, blank off the inlet and discharge passages. If rust should form, thoroughly remove it before the compressor is returned to service. Rust will cause unnecessary wear of the TFE rings. WARNING Operator must insure that the driver Il not atart either by grounding the ignition and closing the fuel gas valve on engine driven units or by insuring that power cannot be turned on with electric motor driven units before barring the unit over. 7. Bar over the machine twice daily. Always bar through one and a quarter revolutions so the piston does not come to rest in the same position. 8, Before restarting the compressor, be sure to remove all vapor paper and open the inlet and discharge passages. 3:11, ROUTINE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ‘The RDS compressor is designed and built for long periods of continuous full load operation and is ‘equipped with an automatic safety switch to shut it down in case of low frame oil pressure. It can be equipped with additional safety devices to obtain practically any degree of protection desired. When the unit is first placed in operation, and the machine is operating at normal speed and load and with stable operating pressures and temperatures, all safety alarm and shutdown controls should be carefully checked for correct operation. Never disconnect the safety shutdown devices and allow the unit to run unprotected. Every compressor requires a certain amount of supervision and care if it is to give continued satisfactory performance and long service life. Any time schedule of duties for the operator must be sub; ject to alteration by experience to fit the actual com- ditions, The following minimum schedule is sug- gested, based on continuous duty of 720 hours per month, NOTE ‘The time schedule of routine inspec- tions and maintenance for the com pressor must be used in conjuction with the schedule and duties recom mended by the driver manufacturer for his machine, This also applies to other accessory equipment, DAILY 1. Check the oil level in the frame sump and add oil as required to maintain the level at the line on the sight glass. 2, Fill the lubricator as required. Never allow the oil in the reservoir to drop too low. Check the drops per minute passed by each lubricator feed, Make sure all pumping units are working. 342 10. OPERATION Keep an hourly log of all gas temperatures, water temperatures and gauge pressures. One of the principal means of keeping track of the physical condition of a compressor and its equipment is by these hourly readings. Watch carefully for any marked changes which in- dicate further attention is warranted. Use in- terstage pressures and temperatures to detect abnormal conditions. A decrease in the in- terstage pressure and temperature means that. the lower pressure cylinder has reduced ca pacity. An increase in interstage pressure and temperature means that the next higher stage cylinder has reduced capacity. ‘These effects can be attributed to leaking valves and gaskets, worn piston rings or broken parts. Inspect piston rod packings for excessive blow by andlor overheating. See the “Trouble Shooting” chart for possible causes. 1f separators are used in the compressor system, a schedule must be established whereby they are periodically drained to pre- vent a liquid carryover into the compressor cylinders which can cause serious damage. If automatic drains are furnished, check them for proper operation and to be sure that no liquid has accumulated in the level gauge. NOTE In every case, because of variable ‘operating conditions, the operator should establish the frequency of draining off the various drains. This will be determined by the amount of liquid that collects at each point. Listen for any unusual noises while the machine is operating. These should be investi- gated immediately. Cheek the operation of the piston rod oil scraper rings. An excessive accumulation of oil past the scraper rings indicates that the oil scraper rings are not functioning properly: possible causes are given under ‘Trouble Shooting” Clean the lubricator sight feed glasses for visibility, as required Drain all low points in the discharge piping. Keep the exterior of the compressor and the compressor room floor clean. 31-2. WEEKLY L Alter the first week, check all bolts and nuts as outlined in PART V to sce that they are prop: ‘erly torqued, Check monthly thereafter or at each change in operating conditions. (The monthly check period can be extended as ex- perience dictates.) ‘Alter the first week, check clearances of the main and connecting rod bearings by fecler gauge. Check the alignment of the compressor piston rods and readjust crosshead shoe shim- ming if necessary. Check semi-annually thereafter. 3.411.9._SEMLANNUAL Check the clearances of main and connecting rod bearings by feeler gauge. Check the runout of the piston rods and readjust crosshead shoe shimming if necessary. ‘The frame lubricating oil should be changed after 4000 to 8000 operating hours. Always clean the filter housing and clean or renew the filter element when the oil is changed. NOTE ‘When the compressor is being operated in an extremely dirty at- mosphere, or where it is installed outdoors, operated intermittently, handling foul gas in the cylinders or operating with high oil temper- atures in a very hot atmosphere, it may be necessary to change the oil more often. Most reputable oil com- panies offer laboratory analysis of oil samples; the use of this type of service is recommended. Check the compressor piston rings for wear. Replace piston rings if they are worn to one- half their original thickness. See separate in structions for checking the wear rate of, and renewing, TFE piston and rider rings. Check the accuracy of compressor pressure gauges on a dead weight tester: recalibrate them as required. Remove all inlet and discharge valves; clean and inspect the valves for excessive wear and broken parts. Refer to the compressor valve in- structions in Section 4-14. OPERATION Clean the sight glasses in the water piping (if circulated-water cooled cylinders are used). ‘Also, clean the sight glasses on separators, if furnished, Inspect valve passages and cylinder bores; remove any accumulation of foreign material. Examine the cylinder water jackets and passages for scale and other deposits; clean as required. Check bearing clearances by feeler gauge and record the readings. Clean the oil cooler and any other heat ex- changers supplied. On lubricated cylinders, remove the pistons and inspect the rings. Record cylinder bore diameters, Inspections of this nature will in- dicate the replacement schedule for parts that are subject to wear. Safety valves used in the compressor gas system should have their settings tested at least once a year, and more often under ex- treme conditions, by a hydraulic test. Examine any separators, bottles, dampeners and similar equipment that may be used in the compressor system for accumulation of dirt, rust and other foreign material. Remove the vessel from the system and clean it if necessary. 311-5. PERIODIC (Dictated by Experience) Draw off any accumulation of dirt in the oil filter. Clean or replace the filter element when the pressure drop across the filter reaches the prescribed limit (see Section 2-2-7), 2. Clean the cylinder lubricator reservoir and Pumping units according to the manufac- turer's instructions. 3, Remove, clean and inspect the piston rod pressure packing rings and oil scraper rings: refit or renew the rings as required. .1-6._ MAINTENANCE HINTS 1. NEVER pull the piston rod through the oil scraper rings or piston rod packing rings. 344 NEVER use a chisel or other sharp instrument to open any joint between piston rod packing cups. NEVER use kerosene, gasoline or any con- taminating safety solvent as a cleaning agent. NEVER start the compressor after performing any maintenance without first barring the unit through one complete revolution to be certain everything is free. NEVER fail to shut down to investigate a new or unusual noise or knock. NEVER place hands in a cylinder or the run ning gear until the parts have been blocked against unexpected movement. NEVER use a pipe wrench on any part of the piston rod. 3.12. TROUBLE SHOOTING Major trouble can usually be traced to long periods of operation with unsuitable coolant or fubrication, careless operation and routine maintenance, or the use of the machine on a service for which it was not intended. Previous instructions in this book describe the cooling and lubrication requirements of the unit and, if these instructions are followed, a major prob: em should not develop that can be traced to one of these items. Careless operation and maintenance needs little comment. Lack of proper care of any machine is bound to result in a succession of minor troubles and eventually to a major breakdown. ‘The size, design and materials of the compressor cylinders are carefully selected to fit the specified operating conditions and the horsepower rating of the machine. If it becomes necessary to vary the operating conditions from those specified at the time the machine was ordered, review the situation with our nearest branch office as changes to the equipment may be required to avoid serious overload or other major problems. ‘Minor trouble can normally be expected at various times during the routine operation of the com- pressor; these troubles are most often traced to dirt and maladjustment, or to operating personnel being unfamiliar with functions of the various machine parts and systems, Difficulties of this type can OPERATION. usually be corrected by cleaning, proper adjust- NoTE ‘ment, elimination of an adverse condition or quick replacement of a relatively minor part. Refer to Section 4-142 in PART IV, ‘Trouble shooting is largely a matter of elimination MAINTENANCE when troubles based on a thorough knowledge of the inter-related are encountered involving the com- functions of the various parts and the effects of pressor cylinder valves; a compre- adverse conditions. A complete list of possible hensive listing of valve troubles and troubles with their causes and corrections is imprac- the reasons for them, or action to be tical, but the following list. of the more frequently sken to remedy them, will be found encountered troubles and their causes is offered asa that section of this Instruction guide. Book. Compressor Trouble Shooting Chart TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSEIS) REMEDIES IFRAME KNOCKS 1. Loose crosshead pin, pin | 1. Tighten/replace loose parts. caps or crosshead shoes. 2, Loose/worn main, crank- | 2, Tighten/replace bearings, pin or crosshead bearings. check clearances, 8. Low oil pressure. 8. Increase oil pressure, repair leaks. 4. Cold oil 4, Warm oil before loading unit. Reduce water supply to oil cooler. 5, Incorrect oil. 5. Use proper ofl per recommendations. 6. Knock is actually from 6, Tighten piston nut, ete. cylinder end. Refer to “TROUBLE- NOISE IN CYLINDER”. CRANKSHAFT OIL SEAL 1. Faulty seat installation, 1, Reset seal per instructions. LEAKS 2. Clogged drain hole. 2, Clear obstruction. LOW OIL PRESSURE 1. Oif pump failure. 1, Clean/repair oil pump. 2. Oil foaming from rotating | 2. Reduce oil level. parts striking oil surface. 3. Cold oi 3. Use frame oil heater and/or steam trace exterior piping. 4, Dirty oil filter. 4. Service filter. Replace element. 5. Interior frame oil leaks 5. Check oit piping. 6. Excess leakage at main 6. Set shim tabs and bearing bearings. clearances, 7. Improper low oil pressure | 7. Reset to prescribed setting, switch setting. 8, Low frame oil pump 8, Reset valves per instructions, relief valve settings. 9. Defective pressure gauge. | 9. Replace gauge. 10. Plugged oil sump strainer, | 10. Clean strainer. 1. Defective oil relief valve. | 11, Repair or replace valve. 315 Compressor Trouble Shooting Chart (Continued) 1 OPERATION r LEAKS, TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE(S) REMEDIES @ | cise cruisoon Thos piston 7 Bssnble and on piston. 2. Piston hitting outer head | 2. Adjust piston rod for proper or frame end of cylinder. end clearance. 8. Loose crosshead locknut. 3. Tighten nut, 4, Broken or leaking valve(s). | 4. Repairireplace parts. 5. Worn or broken piston 5. Replace rings. rings or expanders. 6. Valve improperly seated) | ‘6. Replace gasket and damaged seat gasket. reassemble properly. 17. Free air unloader plunger | 7. Replace worn ot broken chattering. tunloader spring(s). PISTON ROD OIL. SCRAPER 1, Worn scraper rings. 1. Replace rings. 2. Scrapers incorrectly 2. Assemble per instructions. assembled. 8, Worn/scored rod, 3. Replace rod. 4, Improper fit of rings to 4, Replace rings, rod/side clearance. EXCESSIVE PACKING 1. Worn packing rings. 1. Replace packing rings. LEAKAGE 2, Improper lube oil and/or 2. Use correct lube oil and insufficient lube rate increase lube rate per {blue rings). recommendations. 3, Dirt in packing. 3. Clean piping/gas supply. 4. Excessive rate of pressure | 4. Reduce pressure and increase increase. at more gradual rate. 5. Packing rings assembled 5. Reassemble per instructions. incorrectly. 6, Improper ring side or end | 6. Bstablish correct clearances. gap clearance. 7. Plugged packing vent 7, Remove blockage and pro- system, vide low point drains. 8, Scored piston rod. 8. Replace rod. 9, Excessive piston rod 9. Correct run-out, Reshim run-out. crosshead. PACKING OVERHEATING 1, Lubrication failure. 1, Replace lubricator check valvellubricator pumping unit 2, Improper lube oil andi 2. Use correct lube oil and or insufficient lube rate. increase lube rate per | recommendations. | 3. Insufficient cooling (when | 3. Clean coolant passages! water-cooled). install water filterfincrease supply pressure. Reduce coolant inlet temperature. OPERATION Compressor Trouble Shooting Chart (Continued) TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSES) REMEDIES EXCESSIVE CARBON ON VALVES 1, Excessive lube oil. 2. Improper lube oil (too 2 light, high carbon residue), 3. Oil carryover from inlet 3. system or previous stage. 4, Broken or leaking valves | 4. ‘causing high temperature. 5, Excessive temperature 8. due to high pressure ratio across cylinders. Adjust lube supply. Use lube oil per recom: mendations. Install oil separators/drain system. Repairireplace parts. Clean exchangers, valves and correct cause of high pressure. HIGH DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE 1. Excessive ratio on cyl- L inder due to leaking inlet valves or rings on next higher stage. 2. Fouled intercooler/piping. 2. 8. Leaking discharge valves or piston rings. Repair valveslrings. Reduce lube rates. Repairireplace parts. 4, High inlet temperature. 4, Clean intercooler. 5. Fouled water jackets on 5, Clean jackets. cylinder. 6. Improper lube oil and/or 6. Use correct lube oil and lube rate, correct lube rate per recommendations. RELIEF VALVE POPPING 1. Faulty relief valve. 1. Test and reset. 2. Leaking suction valves 2. Repairireplace defective or rings on next higher parts. stage. 3. Obstruction (foreign 3. Relieve obstruction, material, rags), blind or valve closed in discharge line. 3.17(3-18/Btonky PART IV CONTENTS Section Page 41, GENERAL 42 42, SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 42 43, FRAME 43 44, CRANKSHAFT 43 45. CRANKSHAFT OILSEAL 43 46. MAINOIL PUMP 44 47, ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT 46 48, MAIN BEARINGS 46 48:1, — Checking Bearing Clearance 46 48-2, Replacing a Main Bearing 47 483. Bearing Crush 47 484, — Fitting Bearing Shim Tabs 48 485, Crankshaft Thrust Adjustment 49 49. CONNECTING ROD BEARINGS 49 410. CONNECTING ROD 410 4-11, CROSSHEAD 412 411-1. Shoe Adjustment (Piston Rod Alignment) 412 411-2, Crosshead Pin and Bushing Replacement 413 411-3. Crosshead Removal 44 4-12, COMPRESSOR CYLINDERS 416 Cylinder Disassembly and Installation “iT Disassembly and Assembly of Piston and Piston Rods 418 Compressor Piston Rings 422 Piston Rod Pressure Packing 422 Piston Rod Oil Seraper Rings 428 Reclamation of Piston Rods 429 413, BALANCE CYLINDER 430 414. COMPRESSOR VALVES 4.30 4141. — General Recommendations 430 4142. Valve Maintenance 492 415, REGULATION DEVICES 440 415-1. Fixed Volume Clearance Pocket 440 415-2, Variable Volume Clearance Pocket 440 415-3. _ Inlet Valve Unloader 442 a4 MAINTENANCE ‘This portion of the Instruction Book describes the ecommended procedures for disassembling, servie- ng or replacement, and reassembly of the com- pressor running gear and cylinders. Separate in- structions are furnished to cover special and op- tional equipment that is not within the scope of these general maintenance procedures. Good working habits are essential to the perfor. mance of satisfactory maintenance work on the ‘compressor. When disassembling a unit, use every’ available means to keep dirt away from the com: pressor internals. Cover exposed openings with cloth, kraft paper, cardboard or other suitable material to keep dirt from falling into the frame in- terior of into the compressor cylinders. Scratches, nicks and rough areas must be removed from machined surfaces. This can be done with fine emery cloth, a fine hone or a mill file, (Do not. use emery cloth, or any other finishing method employing abrasives, when working on soft bearing surfaces; such material can become embedded in the bearing. metal.) Mark or tag parts as they are disassembled so that they can be replaced in their original positions “eplace all composition gaskets that are torn, drie or cracked with ones of similar material and thickness, Shims should be marked so that they will be reassembled in their original positions or so that replacement shims can be accurately sized. WARNING All precautionary measures speci fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, han- dling, oF using solvents. Original parts should be thoroughly cleaned in a Ivent compatible to the process and to the ‘material of the parts to be cleaned. Inspect parts for wear and other visible defects before re-using them. Generally, unless otherwise stated, parts should be covered with a thin coating of clean lubricant before reassembling. Cotter pins, lockwashers, lock wires and other locking devices must be replaced to prevent the loosening of parts during operation. Always ad: vance a nut in the tightening direction to align cot: pin openings once the required torque or bolt stretch is obtained. Lock wire must always be ar ranged so that it pulls on the bolt head in the tightening direction. Running gear clearances and fits and tightening requirements are summarized at the back of this book in PART V, GENERAL DATA. The specified clearance limits and fits are those to which the parts. are originally assembled. Unless otherwise stated, they are for parts that are at room temperature and are generally referred to as "cold" clearances. Some slight changes in clearance can be expected when parts are hot. Generally, the clearances and fits listed should be checked during maintenance work involving those parts. It is recommended that running clearances be checked with the parts in their assembled positions, wherever possible, since bearing crush, interference fits and other factors can affect. the clearance measurement. Logging important clearances can be of con- siderable help in determining the wear of parts. It can also be of some benefit in estimating the time in- terval between scheduled overhauls. Varying operating conditions at different installa- tions make it impractical to specify maximum acceptable clearances. Careful observation of the unit by the operator and good judgment by the mechanic are often the most effective means of determining when clearances have become excessive and adjustment of parts is required, 42, SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Observe every safety precaution when working on the compressor frame, cylinders and drive arrange- ment, especially when making repairs or adjust- ments inside the frame or cylinders. ‘The following minimum precautions should be taken before work- ing on the compressor. 1. Be certain the main driver is locked out so that there is no possibility of the driver starting. In \ddition, warning sign bearing the legend “WORK IN PROGRESS — DO NOT START" must be attached to the starting equipment. 2, Close intake and discharge line valves and bleed off any pressure that may be in the com- pressor cylinders, Block or brace under a crankshaft web, or block the crossheads, so that the shaft cannot turn while working inside the unit. 4, Service on a machine shall always start with cleaning the floor and the outside of the machinery to remove oil which could cause slipping by the maintenance personnel. MAINTENANCE Never open a compressor cylinder ot any other part of the compression system without first ‘completely relieving all pressure within the unit and taking all necessary precautions to prevent accidental repressurizing of the system. Compressors handling toxic or flammable ‘gases must be isolated from the process piping by means of blinds, or double valves, and bleeders when major maintenance is required. Before opening such compressors the equip- ment should be purged or evacuated. Minor ad- justments may be performed without blinding provided that adequate precautions, such as depressurizing the system, are taken to protect personnel. Check valves must not be relied upon for isolating the compressor. Consult OSHA regulations covering cleaning, materials and their use. Volatile flammable liquids must not be used as cleaning agents for engine or compressor parts. A safety solvent, should be used and the parts dried thoroughly before assembly. CARBON TETRA- CHLORIDE MUST NEVER BE USED AS A CLEANING SOLVENT. Appropriate provi sions for ventilation should be made when us ing other halogenated solvents. 43._PRAME ‘The compressor frame is a rigid, cast iron struc- ture designed to provide a suitable mounting for compressor cylinders, crankshaft and other running gear, and to hold all parts in accurate alignment under the stresses and strains involved in operation. Suitable ribs and partitions are incorporated in the frame design to provide maximum strength com patible with reasonable weight. The frame also serves as a reservoir or sump for the lubricating oil used for running gear lubrication. Covered openings of ample size are provided for in- spection and servicing of the compressor internals, No difficulties should develop with the com- pressor frame if it is properly aligned and set on a suitable foundation at initial installation. ‘The only routine maintenance to the frame is a periodic check of the foundation bolts for tightness. 44, CRANKSHAFT ‘The crankshaft is a single-piece, heavy steel forg- ing and is designed to avoid torsional criticals within the operating speed range. There is a Separate crankthrow to carry the connecting rod for each compressor cylinder. Oil holes are drilled in the shaft from the main journals to the adjacent crank pins so that lubricating oil under pressure at the main bearings is fed to the connecting rod bearings. It is essential to the proper lubrication of the com- pressor that the oil passages in the crankshaft are kept clear of any obstruction. They should be in- spected during any compressor overhaul for sludge or other obstructions. 45, CRANKSHAFT OIL SEAL ‘The crankshaft oil seal, located at the drive end of the unit as shown in Figure 4-1, consists of a split slinger ring clamped on the crankshaft. The oil slinger is used in conjuction with a weather seal which is pressed into the frame end cover around the crankshaft. The weather seal also serves to seal against any oil carryover past the slinger ring. A correctly installed seal arrangement should require little or no attention. If leakage does occur, check the slinger ring for proper positioning on the crank- shaft and examine the oil drain passages in the frame to see if they are obstructed. ie END COVER WEATHER, SEAL SEAL LIPS CRANKSHAFT Locare ot SLINGER FROM THIS site incr j (28 a) Figure 4-1. Crankshaft Oil Seal MAINTENANCE CAUTION Should leakage occur past the erank- shaft oil seal, do not, under any cumstances, reduce the bearing oil pressure in an effort to control the Teakage. ‘The following procedure is recommended to prop: erly assemble the crankshaft oil seal arrangement: 1. Shift the crankshaft toward the oil pump end: ‘of the compressor until all clearance is taken up at the thrust bearing. 2. Shellac the joints of the oil slinger ring to pre~ vent oil creeping through and then assemble the ring loosely on the crankshaft. 3, Position the slinger ring on the shaft so that its outboard face is exactly 15/16-inch (23.8 mm) from the end cover mounting surface on the frame. (This dimension is shown in Figure 4-1.) It is important to obtain the required position ing of the slinger if the oil seal arrangement is to function satisfactorily. Hold in this position and tighten the slinger ring on the shaft se- curely. Recheck the distance from the slinger face to the frame; it must be 15/16-inch (23.8 mm) 4, Assemble the end cover and its gasket on the frame. Insert and tighten the cover capscrews only enough to hold the cover in position; then, use feelers to assure that the cover is centered with respect to the crankshaft. With the cover in its final position, tighten the capscrews firmly to achieve a tight joint between the frame and end cover. 5. Coat the weather seal with grease on only that portion that contacts the crankshaft. Orient the seal so that the seal lips are pointing away from the frame and then press the seal into the recess in the end cover. 46, MAIN OIL PUMP ‘The main oil pump is internally mounted in the frame and is direct driven off the end of the crankshaft by a pin and hub drive arrangement. The oil pump should not be dismantled unless it is, suspected that it has lost capacity. CAUTION All precautionary measures speci fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, han- dling, oF using solvents. Deposits of hard lacquer in the pump assembly are not usually objectionable unless they are exter sive enough to cause binding. Deposits of this nature in the pump can often be removed by flushing the pump with a safety solvent, without disassembling it Use the following procedure if it is necessary to dismantle the pump: 1, Disconnect the oil pump discharge pipe and the hand oil pump piping (if used) from the frame end cover at the oil pump end of the unit. 2. Remove the shaft-driven lubricator unit (if used) from the end cover by disconnecting the lube lines and taking out capscrews (A) as shown in Figure 42. Use a straight pull to disengage the drive. carscrew carscreW Drive HUB carscrew PUMP BODY GASKET GASKET SETSCREW g & real Figure 42. Crankshaft Driven Oil Pump MAINTENANCE 3. Remove the frame end cover and oil pump assembly by first removing capscrews (B) and then carefully pulling the assembly away from. the frame. 4. ‘Take the drive hub (C) off the pump drive shaft by removing the four setscrews (J) 5. ‘The oil pump head (E) and pump body (F) are both removed by taking out the long capserews (D) that fasten the parts to the frame end cover. These parts are also doweled together. Work carefully when separating the parts so that the foil gaskets (G) and (H) are not damaged; these are special gaskets that. control the end clearance of the pump gears. 6. ‘The pump gears and their shafts can now be removed from the frame end cover. Before removing the gears, mark them so that they can be remeshed in the same position WARNING All precautionary measures speci- fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, han- dling, or using solvents. Clean the pump parts in a solvent compatible with the parts and examine the gears, shafts, and bushings for excessive wear. If these parts are badly worn they can be renewed, but it is generally more economical to install a new pump. When reassembling the oil pump, follow the prescribed assembly steps closely to maintain the correct clearances in the pump. 1. If new shaft bushings are being used. they must be shrink fitted (by freezing) into the frame end cover and pump head. 2. Reassemble the pump body and head over the gears and shafts, being sure to place the foil gaskets (G) and (HH) on each end of the pump body (F). If necessary, adjust the thickness of the gaskets to obtain the total end clearance in the pump gears as specified in PART V. Orient the end cover, pump body and pump head with tho dowels and then insert and tighten the capscrews (D) evenly. ‘Turn the pump shaft by hand to check for any binding in the pump, Slide the drive hub onto the pump shaft with the key in place but do not fasten it in place at 45 this time. Snug one of the hub setscrews against the shaft only enough to hold the hub in place during installation. Install the end cover and pump assembly on the frame, being careful to align the slot in the drive hub with the pin in the end of the crankshaft. Replace the capscrews (B) and tighten them evenly Replace the shaft-driven lubricator (if used) on the frame end cover. An O-ring seal is placed between the parts. Be sure the drive shafts are engaged properly and tighten the capscrews (A). ‘The alignment of the lubricator and pump ive shafts should be checked at this time. Slide the hub on the pump shaft to disengage the pump drive (access to the hub can be gained through the top inspection opening in the frame). Rotate the pump shaft by hand to check for any binding in the shafts. The Iubricator can be shifted as required to correct any misalignment in the drive shafts. NOTE Cylinder Units Only . . . The lubricator “and pump shaft align- ment cannot be checked as described above on the 6-cylinder compressor model, due to insufficient clearance to slide the pump drive hub back enough to disengage the drive pin. For this reason, the alignment is set at the factory on the 6-cylinder units and the lubricator is then doweled to the frame end cover. This alignment can be reestablished after field isassembly by replacing the dowels. If a replacement lubricator is being installed on a 6-cylinder unit, the oil pump and frame end cover must be removed from the frame, the new lubricator mounted and the shaft alignment checked by rotating the oil pump shaft by hand. Once the drive shafts are in correct, alignment, the new lubricator should be doweled to the frame end Position the drive hub on the pump shaft to ob- tain the required end clearance (see PART V} between the hub and crankshaft, It is impor- tant that this end clearance be established to prevent end thrust on the pump gears. Lock MAINTENANCE the drive hub in this position with the setscrews (J). There are two tapped holes in the hub and two setscrews must be inserted into each of the holes. Tighten the first setscrew firmly against the shaft and then run a second ‘one on top of it Lo keep it from working, loose. 8. Replace any piping and frame covers that were removed. Check the piping connections for leaks after all piping is installed. 47,_ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT Equipment such as the oil cooler and filter, lubricator, drive coupling, driver, controls and other miscellaneous items are supplied by sub: manufacturers. When repairs or servicing of any of the accessory equipment is required, refer to the in- structions provided by the manufacturer of that particular item. 48. MAIN BEARINGS Main bearing arrangement is shown in Figure 4-3 ‘The main bearings are horizontally split aluminum shells that are accurately ground to fit the bearing caps and the support saddles in the frame. vaminated shims are used between the upper and lower bearing shells to permit adjustment of bearing clearance to compensate for normal wear. ‘Whenever a main bearing cap is removed from the machine, it is important that it is returned to its “original position in the frame or serious damage can result. The bearing caps are match-stamped in an off center location to agree with the nearest stamping, on the top of the frame partition. Always check the stamping on a bearing cap when installing it to be sure that it matches the nearest stamping on the frame partition. KING BEARING CLEARANCE, the clearance of each main bearing can be deter- mined by inserting a feeler gauge between the upper bearing shell and the crankshaft at point “A” shown in Figure 4-3. Refer to the “Assembly Fits and Tolerances” section in PART V which gives the bearing clearance limits of machines as originally built, These clearance limits should be used only as a guide in determining when a bearing requires ad- justment or replacement, Often a noisy bearing is, the first indication that bearing clearances are ex: cessive and that adjustment or bearing replacement. may be required. It should be noted however, that a bearing will give much longer service when the proper oil clearance is maintained. ‘The bearing clearance can be adjusted by changing the thickness of the shims used between the bearing halves. (Refer also to the instructions under Section 4-8-4, “Fitting. Bearing Shim Tabs") After adjusting the bearing clearance, always recheck the actual bearing-to- MAIN BEARING OIL PIPE MAIN BEARING TIE ROD: MAIN BEARING CAP. MAIN BEARING CAP SOLTS. MAIN BEARING TIE OO SPACER WS THRUST BEARING 46 MAINTENANCE shaft clearance with a feoler before operating the machine. 482, REPLACING A MAIN BEARING If adjustment or replacement of a main bearing becomes necessary, use these recommended steps: 1, Remove the top cover(s) from the frame that will give access to the bearing. Pull the main bearing tie rod from the frame and bump out the tie rod spacer that is positioned over the bearing. Disconnect the oil pipe from the top of the main bearing cap. ‘Take out the capbolt from each side of the bear- ing cap. Carefully lift off the main bearing cap and up- per bearing half. If the cap is stuck, remove the fitting from the tapped oil hole in the top of the bearing cap and screw a 3/8-inch NPT threaded pipe into the hole to assist in removing the cap. Remove the lower half of the bearing by rotating it 180°. If the lower shell eannot be pushed out by hand, use a copper or soft metal plug in the crankshaft and “roll out” the lower shell, The plug is placed in the oil hole in the crankshaft so that it protrudes about 1/4-inch (6.4 mm) from the shaft; it must be flanged to prevent it from dropping into the oil hole. NOTE If more than one adjacent lower shell is removed, the crankshaft must be supported by blocking. Always support the crankshaft on tworcylinder frames. Replacement bearing shells must fit. the sup: port saddle and bearing cap perfectly so that they will be uniformly supported at all points ‘An imperfect fit, burrs, nicks or dirt between the shells and support saddle or cap will result in stress concentration due to flexing of the shell and subsequent premature failure of the bearing CAUTION ‘Never scrape the bore nor file or at- tempt to build up the ends of these precision bearing shells. 7. Replacement. bearings are supplied with new shima which should be used when installing a7 the bearing. New bearings must be installed with correct clearance. (Refer to following it structions concerning fitting bearing shim tabs.) Place a lock under the head of each bearing cap olt and tighten the bolts evenly to the torque value specified in PART V. Bend the edge of the lock against the flat on the head of each cap bolt. 9. Check the installed bearing oil clearance with a feeler before continuing with further assembly. When one or more replacement bearings are in- stalled, check the crankshaft alignment by checking for clearance under the bottom of the crankshaft journal at each main bearing with @ 0.001 inch (0.04 mm) feeler. Any beari found to be low must be replaced, 10. 11, Replace the main bearing tie rod and spacer. "The spacer is sized for an interference fit with the frame opening. Position the tie rod in the frame and spacer 90 that it is centered with respect to the frame. Place a washer over each end of the tie rod and then assemble and snug up the cap nuts evenly. Torque one of the nuts to the value given in PART V. NoTE After torquing the tie rod nut to the prescribed figure, measure the spacer opening in the frame. The spacer opening can be checked by using @ pin gauge and feelers. The measured distance must never be less, and should be no more than 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) greater, than the dimension stamped on the frame adjacent to the spacer. 12, Install the frame top cover and any other parts that may have been removed. 483, BEARING CRUSH Bearing crush is the difference in height between the bearing and its housing at the parting or shim line. This crush is actually an interference fit be: tween the bearing and its housing, It is necessary to assure full contact between the bearing and its hous: ing to prevent flexing of the bearing shell and to aid in transferring heat from the bearing. Both the bear- ings and housings are precision-made parts, making it normally unnecessary to measure the bearing crush, MAINTENANCE NOTE Bearing crush has no relation to bearing clearance and it is impor tant that the two are not confused. 48. PITTING BEARING SHIM TABS ‘The laminated shims used between the main bear- ing shells serve two purposes: first, it is possible to adjust the bearing-to-shaft. clearance by changing the shim thickness; and second, the lead tabs incor: porated at each end of the shim act as seals to minimize the oil leakage at the juncture where the bearing shell halves meet. CAUTION Do not attempt to build up the thickness of a bearing shim by add- ing laminations. If a thicker shim is needed, start with a new shim and peel off laminations as required to ‘obtain the desired thickness. It is important that the lead shim tabs are fitted with the correct tab-to-crankshaft clearance. Failure to fit the shim tabs properly can result in a reduc- tion of oil pressure and premature bearing failure. ‘The following procedure is recommended to prop- rly fit the bearing shim tabs. 1 Determine the required shim thickness for the bearing assembled and peel the laminated por- tion of the shim to obtain this thickness. (The thickness of both shims used in a main bearing should be kept equal.) After the shim has been peeled down, dress the lead tabs to the same thickness as the laminated portion of the shim so that the lead is not extruded into the bear- ing clearance when the bearing cap is tightened down, NOTE When dressing the tab, do not taper the tab toward the shaft end as this will increase the oil leakage past the tab. Measure the bearing to shaft fecler clearance on each side of the shaft at the bearing parting line. The clearance should be about equal on both sides, With the lower bearing shell in place, position ‘one of the shims on the main bearing support saddle. The shim is located by the two dowels in the end of the lower shell. NOTE Always placing the shims with the solid side down will insure that prop: er tab-toshaft clearance is main- tained as turning the shim over may alter the Lab-to-shaft clearance due to variations in the dowel pin diameters or location of the drilled holes in the shims. File the tabs until they are flush to 0.003 inch (0.08 mm) back from the bearing face when the shim is pushed forward as far as the dowels will allow (see Figure 4-4). When filing the tabs, be careful to keep the end face square to the shim and parallel to the shaft. BEARING shine SLIDE Shit IN THIS DIRECTION WHEN FITTING TABS | | | | Figure 4-4, Fitting (CRANKSHAFT JOURNAL iL Lusi To 5.003 tne {0.008 rn) SACK. BEARING Bowers BEARING ear BOLT of Bearing Shim Tabs 48 MAINTENANCE 5. Remove the shim and check it with the dowels on the end of the top bearing shell. It should be flush to 0.003 (0.08 mm) back from the bearing, face when the shim is pushed forward. 6, Prepare the other shim following steps 3 through 6. 7. Place both shims in position on the main bear ing support saddle, ensuring that they are pushed forward towards the shaft. Place the feeler gauge between the bearing and the shaft fon the side without the dowels. Liberally oil the shatt. 8. Place the top bearing shell and bearing cap in position, Install the main bearing cap bolts Snug the cap bolts down and then back them off a quarter turn. Use 1/8 inch allen wrenches or file tangs in: serted behind the shim on each side to push the shim toward the shaft as far as possible. 10. Remove the feeler and tighten the cap bolts to the torque specified in PART V. 11, Check the shaft-to-bearing shell fecler clearance on each side of shaft at the shim line. 485, CRANKSHAFT THRUST ADJUSTMENT End thrust of the crankshaft is taken by bronze shoes fastened to the faces of two of the main bear- ing caps. On 2-cylinder frames, there is a main bear- ing at each end of the frame, and the thrust shoes fare attached to the inboard faces of the bearing caps; the shoes bear against the cheeks of the Nos. 1 and 2 crank webs. On the 4- and 6-cylinder frames, the thrust, shoes are bolted to the faces of the second and third main Dearing caps from the drive end of the unit; the shoes bear against the cheeks of the Nos. 2 and 3 crank webs, counting from the driver end. Normally, the crankshaft end thrust is negligible if the compressor has been properly installed with the crankshaft level. The thrust surfaces are used primarily to position the crankshaft axially ‘The compressor is originally built with a total crankshaft end clearance within the limits given in PART V. The clearance can be measured by totaling the feeler clearances taken between each thrust shoe and the adjacent crank web (Figure 4-5). If it is necessary to adjust the end clearance, proceed as follows: 1, Remove the frame top cover(s} that will pro- vide access to the thrust bearings. 2, Use a pinch bar to shift the crankshaft until it is in its normal running position with respect to the drive arrangement. a9 3. The end clearance at each thrust: shoe can be adjusted by loosening the frame tie rod above the main bearing and the two bearing cap bolts and then shifting the bearing cap as required. ‘There should be equal end clearance at each thrust bearing, with the total clearance falling within the prescribed limits. (Be sure the shaft is in its normal running position when setting the end clearance.) jighten first the bearing cap bolts and then the tie rod nuts to the torque values specified in PART V. Then, recheck the crankshaft thrust clearance as described previously, 5. Replace the top cover(s) on the compressor frame. 49, CONNECTING ROD BEARINGS ‘The connecting rod crankpin bearing is a split aluminum shell design; refer to Figure 4-7 which shows the assembled position of the bearing in the connecting rod, This is a precision bearing which re- quires no adjustment. If the bearing-to-shaft clearance becomes excessive and the bearing is noisy, the bearing shells must be replaced. ‘When a connecting rod cap is removed from the rod, it must be reassembled in exactly the same pos! tion it held during factory assembly or se damage to the machine can result. The cap is match- stamped with its rod (see Figure 4-6). The match stampings will line up when the connecting rod and cap are correctly assembled. Connecting rod bearing-to-shaft, clearance can be checked by positioning the crankshaft so that a feeler can be inserted between the bearing shell and crankpin. ‘The original assembly clearance is given in the list of part fits and tolerances in PART V. ‘The crankpin bearing can be replaced without removing the connecting rod from the frame. Use these recommended bearing replacement steps: 1. Remove the frame top cover that will give ac- cess to the connecting rod. 2. Rotate the crankshaft to place the connecting rod in a convenient position to remove the cap. 3. Pull the cotter pins and remove the nuts from the connecting rod bolts. 4. Carefully lift the connecting red cap and cap bearing half out of the frame. 5. Support the connecting rod and then rotate the crankshaft to move the crankpin away from the rod so that the rod bearing half can be removed. Both bearing halves are pinned to the cap and rod, Do not allow these pins to drop into the frame oil sump. 9. @ ca / MAINTENANCE Clean the replacement bearing shells, being certain that the oil holes and grooves are clear, and also clean the bore in the connecting rod and cap before assembling the new bearing. It is essential that there be no dirt or foreign par ticles between the bearing shells and the rod, and that the shells fit their housing perfectly. so that they are supported uniformly at all points. Install the bearing shell halves in the rod and cap. Use the dowel pin to accurately position each shell half. (As illustrated in Figure 4-6. the bearing split is slightly offset from the parting line of the connecting red and cap.) Assemble the rod and cap on the crankpin. Work carefully to assure correct assembly and to prevent damaging the parts. It should not normally be necessary to measure the crush on these precision bearing, shells. Precision bearing checking fixtures are required in order to accurately check the crush, BEARING BEARING SHELL MeasuRE CRANKSHAFT END CLEARANCE CRANKWES: END 10, n 12, 13. However, if an improperly fitted bearing is suspected, the crush can be measured less precisely as detailed in Figure 4-7 and checked against the specified crush limits, ‘Tighten the nuts on the connecting rod bolts uniformly until the bolts are elongated the prescribed amount, Bolt elongation is deter. mined by measuring the length of the bolt both before and after tightening, (Refer to Figure 47.) Insert and bend a cotter pin to lock each nut on the rod bolt. When it is necessary to reposition the nut to install the cotter pin, always turn the nut in the tightening direction. Check the connecting rod bearing-to-crankpin clearance as described previously. Check to be sure no tools have been left inside the frame and replace the top cover on the frame. CONNEC ING ROD ‘The compressor connecting rods are forged steel; Figure 4-6 shows the standard connecting rod. ‘The split crankpin bearing can be replaced without removing the connecting rod as described in the foregoing instructions. ‘The connecting rod should be removed from the frame if it is necessary to replace the crosshead pin bushing that is shrunk into the small end of the rod. To remove the connecting rod: Figure 45, Crankshaft Thrust Arrang: a40 Remove the top frame cover and frame exten- sion cover that will give access to the connect: ing rod. WARNING Operator must insure that the driver will not start either by grounding the ignition and closing the fuel gas valve on engine driven units or by insuring that the power cannot be turned on with electric motor driven units before barring the unit over. Bar the compressor over until the connecting, rod being worked on is fully extended toward the outer end of the cylinder. Support the weight of the connecting rod before continuing with the following steps, MAINTENANCE powet‘in cram fin wane (CROSSHEAD aon sraneine IN aUSHING védstion foowocr connectine Roo car BEARING OFFSET V/B.INCH (32 MM) FROM PARTING LINE Figure 4-6, Connecting Rod Assembly connecTinG PRICK PUNCH HEAD OF BOLT SEARING j | se (I ; bse Ns feiuerorac ta it \ rh t } t { J (See Pant v LQ ! \ Rh ‘ tar N77 cause 70 ) TIGHTEN BOTH NUTS EVENLY. MEASURE BOLT “A Toad LB. Pr aN Sree iv 9c Oremenomeren CHECKING BEARING CRUSH ‘MEASURING BOLY STRETCH Figure 47. Assembling Connecting Red Crankpin Bearings an MAINT iemove the crosshead pin bolt lock and tunserew the crosshead pin bolt, 'The pin end caps are doweled to the pin. Take care not to drop dowels into the sump. Remove the pin end caps. 4. Wedge the crosshead end of the connecting rod upward enough to take the weight of the rod off the pin, Block the rod and remove the pin. 5. Remove the rod cap and position the crankshaft so that it will not interfere with the ‘od removal 6. Carefully lift the connecting rod out through the top of the frame. Protect the crosshead guide and crankpin to prevent damage to these finished surfaces. The bushing-to-pin clearance can be checked with feelers or by comparing micrometer measurements of the pin and bushing diameters. The bushing is non-adjustable; it must be replaced with a new one when the clearance becomes excessive or the bush ing is otherwise defective. Press or machine the old bushing out of the connecting rod. If a machining operation is used, be careful not to cut into the eye (0: the connecting rod. ‘The 10-269 Figure 416. Two TFE Packing Rings with Metallic Backup Ring ‘metallic backup ring. The rings should be installed as shown in Figure 4-16, with the radially cut TPE ring toward the pressure, the tangentially cut TPE ring in the center, and the backup ring away from the pressure. The comments pertaining to the back- up ring as shown (and described for) Figure 4-15 are also applicable to the backup ring as shown in Figure 4-16. ‘The outside edges only of any pair of rings should have approximately 1/16-inch (1.6 mm) radius and are normally furnished this way. Do not radius the mating (inside) edges of any pair of rings. The faces of the rings are usually lettered or numbered on each segment of each ring for easy identification and assembly. These identification letters or numbers must face toward the pressure. The radial ring must bbe ahead of the tangential ring on the pressure side. ‘The rings are free to float in their respective cups and should have side clearance in the cups as follows: RING MATERIAL cups Bronze or 0,007 inch to Cast Iron 0,009 ineh 10.18 to 0.23 mm) 0.017 inch to 0,021 inch (0.43 to 0.54 mm) ‘The radial clearance for the metallic backup rings used with TPE packing rings (Figures 4-15 and 4-16) should be 0.009 to 0.012 ineh (0.28 to 0.80 mm) over the piston rod diameter. B. Packing Gasket Next in importance to the packing rings is the end gasket, Whenever gaskets are installed, keep gasket surfaces clean and dry. For example, no matter how perfectly the packing rings seal around the rod, if the end gasket leaks, the pressure forces the gas to bypass the rings by leaking around the case into the ‘area between the case and the bore and then to the atmosphere. ‘The packing flange stud nuts must be pulled up tight to assure a proper seal at the gasket at the front end of the packing and to assure closure of the ground joints on the packing. The packing rings have been given sufficient side clearance so that no amount of normal tightening can pinch the rings in their grooves After @ short period of operation, soft gaskets should be followed up to take up any additional deformation caused by the working pressure on the packing, Spare gaskets should be carried in stock and a new gasket installed each time » packing is disassembled, This prevents forced shut. downs due to leaks occurring after the cylinder is pressurized. ©. Packing Cases ‘The cases are made up of cuprlike sections. The joints are ground or lapped. Each contacting surface 4.25 MAINTENANCE nust be cleaned of dirt and lint and then inspected ear seratehes and burrs before assembling. ‘The ting surfaces must occasionally be relapped to ore seal, ‘To do this, lap the cup toa sur- .ce plate, after making sure that the surface plate 's in good condition. On packing assemblies that are designed for water cooling, small O-rings are used between the cups. See the instructions which follow concerning proper astallation of these seal rings. D. Installing the Packing ‘The packing should not be installed until the unit is ready to start, since the rings may corrode the piston rod where they rest on it. The cup sections are held together by Lie rods which are screwed into ‘apped holes in the nose piece (end cup) of the pack. ‘ag, and are held on the outer end by nuts on the face of the flange. Become acquainted with the construc ion of the packing you are about to install. Learn sow it will go into the cylinder, and know the proper jocation of each cup and ring set. Note the location of vent cups, oil cups and cooling water cups and gaskets, if used. Pay particular attention to the Sings located in each cup and know how they are assembled and which side faces the pressure. Before + packing is taken apart, it is recommended that @:: ‘cup and the flange be stamped in numerical se- uence so they can be reassembled in their original positions. 1. Lf the compressor piston and rod have previously been installed in the cylinder, disconnect the piston rod from the crosshead and move the crosshead away from the rod. If the oil scraper packing was previously install- ed, disassemble and remove the seraper rings as described in Section 4-12-5, which follows. WARNING All precautionary measures speci- fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, han- dling, of using solvents After stamping the outside of the packing cups in numerical sequence as discussed previously, disassemble the packing cups and rings; be careful not to lose any gaskets, ring segments or garter springs. Lay the packing components on a clean surface in the order removed. Clean e all parts with a safety solvent. Be sure that there is no dirt, chips or other foreign matter in the oil or vent passages that can be carried into the packing during operation or obstruct the flow of oil into the packing, ‘Thoroughly clean the piston rod and packing cavity in the frame end of the cylinder. Make certain that the piston rod is not scratched, nicked or otherwise marred where it will operate in the packing, ‘The packing cups should be disassembled and the rings taken apart when the packing is in stalled (this also applies when the packing is being removed or when it is necessary to pull the piston rod). It is not a recommended prac- tice to attempt to slide the packing rings over the end of the piston rod because the rod threads can nick or otherwise damage the rings. New packings come assembled with the correct, type of rings in their proper grooves and in proper relation to one another. All rings must be reassembled in their original positions or they will not function correctly. Refer also to the previous instructions under Paragraph A, “Packing Rings” Slide the end cup (or nose cone) over the end of the piston rod and assemble its packing ring(s) over the rod by first fastening the garter spring around the rod and then inserting the ring segments, one at a time, under the spring. Be sure the rings are assembled exactly in their original positions with all segments in correct relation to each other and with the correct side facing the pressure. Be sure dowels and dowel holes are lined up ‘between ring pairs; then, lubricate the rings generously with oil {if a lubricated design is being used) and slide them into their cup. Continue with each packing cup and ring ar rangement in sequence, sliding the cups together over the tie rods. Slide the flange into position and tighten the tie rod nuts. Be cer- tain all of the cups are evenly centered around the piston rod. NOTE For packings having O-rings be- tween the cups, as is the case with water-cooled packing assemblies, be sure that the O-rings are correctly located in their grooves before htening the tie rod nuts. A thin ting of grease on the O-rings aids in keeping them in the grooves prior MAINTENANCE to tightening the assembly. As the ‘Oxings can be easily damaged, it is a good practice to carry sufficient spare sets and to replace them each time the packing is dismantled. 8. Make certain the gasket on the end cup is in good condition and clean; then, oil the rod (it lubricated packing is being used) and slide the packing assembly into place in the frame end ‘of the cylinder. Center the packing with respect to the piston rod and then assemble and tighten the packing flange stud nuts evenly to assure the end gasket is evenly com pressed. If this gasket is not properly seated, leakage can occur around the end cup. 9, Recheck the gap between the piston rod and packing flange at several points around the cir cumference of the rod; the possibility of the rod dropping slightly because of piston wear must be given due consideration. Should the rod con tact the packing flange or cups during opera tion, damage to the rod is almost certain to resull. 10. ‘The packing rings are free to float in their cups (assuming they have proper side clearance) regardless of stud tightening forces and the packing cups are designed to transmit uniform stud pressure through the joints without deflection. Like any gasketed joints, the pack- ing stud nuts must be periodically tightened. 11, Install the oil seraper rings and connect the piston rod at the crosshead. Refer to Section 4122, 12, When the machine is started, on those com- pressors equipped with lubricated cylinders, oil the packing rings and piston rod generously while the rings are wearing in, The packing may leak slightly while creating a satisfactory hearing with the rod: however, the packing. should never blow during break-in and, should blowing occur, the compressor must be im- ely shut down and the packing dismantled to determine the cause. One possi- ble cause is that radial and tangent cut rings are improperly assembled; they hold pressure in one direction only. Abnormal leakage can also be caused by dirt or chips cutting the rings, improper grade lubricating oil, or inade quate side clearance of the rings in their cups. same manner as breaking in a new unit. Feed two or three times the usual amount of oil to the packing while it is wearing in. The oil that works out along the rod, or through the packing vent, should be checked frequently. If the oil remains clear, it is a ‘good indication that. the packing is wearing in prop: erly. During break-in of higher pressure packings (over 1000 PSIG or 6895 kPa), the oil will normally become darker and show some wear particles; how. ever, the oil should not become black. Should the oil become black (indicating premature wear), or should blow-by be excessive, the cause may be a too-rapid increase in the load or pressure on the packing. Often, by reducing the load slightly and running for a short time, the oil will clear up to the point where the load can be increased again. Because there are many variables (such as temper ature, pressure, type of lubricant, material, gases being handled, ete.), there are no hard and fast rules for allowable rate of increase in pressure while breaking in a new packing. For break-in of packings with metallic rings, other than for initial startup, a rule of thumb for rate of pressure increase would be to increase the pressure at a rate of 25 percent of the final discharge pressure each hour. Determine the ‘optimum break-in time by operating experience for the particular service, with the guiding factors be- ing packing and rod temperatures, condition of the oil, and packing blow-by. With TFE packing rings, the break-in time is nor- mally much shorter than with metallic rings. Often, the break-in time with this ringg material is a matter of minutes, and the load may be increased rapidly. Watch piston rod and packing temperatures care- fully to avoid excessive heat buildup in the packing during rapid breakin During operation, the packing leakage may become progressively worse over a period of time. “Dhis indicates the packing is faulty and it should be inspected as soon as possible. Operation of the unit with excessive packing leakage will result in abnor- mal wear of the packing rings or piston rods. F. Inspeetion of Packing Periodically, the packing should be removed for cleaning and inspection. In cleaning packing rings, wire edges may be found around the bore of the rings, if considerable wear has occurred. Remove these wire edges with a file, However, do not break corners where any two surfaces of « packing ring match, In removing the packing for cleaning, take care Lo avoid damage to the gasket or any surfaces, that make pressure tight joints. Do not use a chisel or sharp instrument. to open any joint (between e E. Packing Operation and Maintenance packing cups) and do not disturb the bore of the After installing @ new packing or set of renewal Fings, start the compressor up with no load in the 427 rings except to remove the wire edges. Wash the springs clean of carbon and sludge. If they have lost ‘heir tension, replace them. Observe the clearance ‘etween the ends of the segments of the wearing rings. As long as some clearance is present, the rings may be used. However, when the rings have worn to the point where the ends butt, they should be replaced. G. Packing Replacement In replacing the piston rod packing, take care to tighven the gland nuts evenly, while checking with feelers in the space between the rod and the packing flange. Make sure the clearance is equal all the way around the rod. Avoid all possibility of the rod touching the packing flange as the rod and the pack- ing can be seriously damaged. When ordering parts or inquiring for additional in- formation regarding a packing, give the serial number stamped on the end of the case, along with the cylinder size and cylinder serial number. 412.5. PISTON ROD OIL SCRAPER RINGS A stuffer is bolted to the frame end of the cylinder yoke: it contains o set of oil scraper rings, with gland, and prevents frame oil from being carried out, of the frame along the piston rod. The rings also reduce the possibility of cylinder gases or cylinder lubricating oil entering the frame and possibly con- taminating the frame lubricating oil A typical stuffer and oil scraper ring arrangement is illustrated in Figure 4-17. Do not install the oil scraper rings until the unit is ready to start as the rings may corrode the piston rod where they rest on it CAUTION Metallic oil scraper rings must be disassembled and the rings taken ‘apart when they are being removed led. Do not attempt to slide the rings over the end of the piston rod because the threads can nick the rings and permanently damage them. Before starting for the first time, wipe out the stuffors and clean the piston rods. Take care to keep a smooth bearing on the rod, as nicks or dents in the rings or scores on the rod will prevent a tight seal Oil scraper rings normally require little attention except for periodic cleaning, as determined by the operating, conditions. Inspect the rings for wear by checking the end clearance after slipping the rings over a mandrel the same diameter as the piston rod. When the rings have worn sufficiently to butt the ends, it is best to replace them. Renewal oil scraper rings are furnished in sets of two. The ring segments are numbered and adjacent segments must match. Also, the two-ring set must be assembled so that the slotted faces are together. Use the following steps to install replacement oil scraper rings in the unit: 1. Unserew the piston rod from the crosshead, back the crosshead away from the rod and remove the stuffer from the yoke. SCRAPER RINGS. loTrep races SoceTHen FRAME SIDE STUFF ER iL ORAIN AT BOTTOM OF GLAND, e389 Figure 4-17, Piston Red Oil Seraper Arrangement 4.28 MAINTENANCE WARNING All precautionary measures speci fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) must be complied with when storing, hand- ling, oF using solvents, Disassemble the rings and lay the parts on a clean surface. Note the identification marking on each segment of each ring. Clean the parts thoroughly with a safety solvent. ‘Make certain that the piston rod is clean and free of nicks or burrs: if found, these should be carefully removed with a file and the rod polished using a fine emery cloth. Clean the stuffer thoroughly and install i¢ in the yoke, Be sure a gasket is placed between the stuffer and yoke mounting surfaces. Bolt, the stuffer securely in place. Place the ring gland on the piston rod and then assemble the oil scraper rings over the rod. ‘To do this: first, fasten the garter springs around the rod; then, place the ring segments under tho springs, making sure to match the seg- ments according to the letters or numbers stamped on them, Also, be sure that the alot- ted sides face each other. Move the gland into position over the rings. The gland is designed to provide 0,002 to 0.004 inch (0.05 to 0.10 mm) total end clearance for the scraper rings. Check this clearance before securing the gland in place. If the clearance is insufficient for the rings to “float” on the rod, they will not function properly. Make sure the drain holes in the gland are at the bottom and then attach the gland to the stuffer; tighten the gland capserews evenly. Check to be sure the gland is centered around the piston rod: avoid any possibility of the rod touching the gland or stuffer as the rod, gland and rings may be damaged if this happens. Liberally oil the scraper rings before starting the compressor when new rings have been in- stalled. The oil from within the frame will then keep the rings lubricated during normal opera- tion and subsequent starts. WARNING Operator must insure that the driver will not start either by grounding the ignition and closing the fuel gas valve on engine driven units or by insuring that power cannot be turn- ed on with electric motor driven units before barring the unit over. When the compressor is shut down for @ long. period and the piston rod packing and the oi) scraper ings are not removed, bar over the compressor once every 24 hours to distribute any oil held in the pack- ing and to prevent localized corrosion of the rods. 4126, RECLAMATION OF PISTON RODS Piston rods used on reciprocating compressors furnished by Ingersoll-Rand Company are AIST 4140 induction hardened steel or, in some cases, 410 stainless steel, unless the customer has ordered special material treatment. As such, the surface hardness of the case is a minimum Rockwell C-50 (4140) or Rockwell C-40 (4105s). Above 3000 PSIG (20 685 kPa) service and for all non-lubricated, or “NL" applications, the rods are finished to 8 AA micro inches. Rods for lubricated service below 3,000 PSIG (20685 kPa) are finished to 16 AA micro inches, The induction hardened case thickness is a nominal 1/8 inch (3.2 mm). As the material is re- moved, in normal wear, the hardness will drop off. In an ‘induction hardened case, this drop is not severe; however, we do not recommend removal of more than 1/32 inch (0.79 mm) on the diameter. In less severe applications, such as lubricated low pressure air service, this limit can be exceeded slightly, When stock is removed, the original finish should be reestablished and, in addition, a radius established between the undersized diameter and the original diameter, The crosshead end piston rod threads should not be disturbed. For normal applications, standard packing rings can be used on rods that are up to 0.002 inch (0.05 mam) per inch of diameter undersize. As the operating pressure increases above 100 PSIG (6895 kPa} this should be limited to about 0.003 inch (0.008 mm) under the nominal for all rod sizes. Generally, with an undersized rod, the packing rings will take longer to break in and the leakage will be greater during the break-in period. Packing rings can be purchased already bored undersize or purchased for finish boring by the customer. Some compressor stations, which use a Jarge number of rods, will stock rings accordingly. This can create a problem as to the proper selection of ring types and sizes and requires that specific written procedures be available for maintenance so that an inexperienced mechanic does not install the wrong type or size rings on a rod, 429 MAINTENANCE Forous chrome plating is the only method we would consider to restore piston rods to their ‘ginal diameter; however, we do not recommend rome plating piston rods as the quality of the ng operation varies appreciably. depending on the plater. For best results, the finished plating should have a 0.005 to 0.006 inch (0.13 to 0.15 mm) radial thickness. Thicker plating is more susceptible +o failure and should be avoided. The finish on the Sod diameter prior to platings should not be more shan 20 AA micro inches to assure as smooth a plating as possible. Our experience has shown that. orous chrome will subsist in piston rod applica Sions due to its ability to hold oil in the porous chrome pockets and provide adequate lubrication. However, our experience with non-porous hard chrome has not been good and we do not recommend aard chrome plating without porous treatment. Porous chrome plating is done by Vanderhorst Cor- poration of America which holds the patents on the reverse etching process.) The depth of the pores in she chrome are on the order of 0.002 to 0.003 inch 0.05 to 0.08 mm} deep and the plating has approx: -mately 40% porosity. When porous chrome plating a rod, itis important so avoid abrupt steps from an undersized area to the adjacent area. Two basic methods are possible: Grind the entire rod undersized and plate on @ _-v of this undersized area, allowing the plate to fade to the undersized diameter outside the packing travel area. In this case it ie naraceorw For successful operation of your unit, we recom- mend that a new piston rod be purchased from Ingersoll-Rand Company, and installed at the first ‘opportunity, to replace the reclaimed rod, 413. BALANCE CYLINDER (if Used) A balance cylinder (Figure 4-18) is supplied on those compressors where less than a full comple ment of cylinders is required (for example, a four- frame unit using only three cylinders). The balance cylinder mounts directly on the frame extension and utilizes a piston rod and balance piston that are similar to a conventional compressor piston and rod for disassembly and assembly purposes. ‘To remove the balance cylinder, take off the stud nuts that hold the end cover in place and then remove the cover to open the balance cylinder bore. Unscrew the balance piston rod from the crosshead and pull the balance cylinder and balance piston and rod off the unit as an assembly, keeping the parts supported in a level position. Replacement of the balance eylinder is the reverse of the removal steps. Connect lube supply and drain piping to complete installation of the balance cylinder. 4:14, COMPRESSOR VALVES ‘The inlet and discharse valvoe MAINTENANCE 4, {Lubricated Cylinders) Shortened valve life can result from an improper viscosity or quality lubricating oil. Recommendations for selecting a cylinder lubricating oil are given in PART 11, Section 2:3; these recommendations should be reviewed with a reputable oil supplier to deter- mine the best oil for a particular application. All compressor valves should be inspected for leakage which results in abnormally high gas temperatures. In addition, the cylinder cooling water system should be examined for general cleanliness and possible obstruction to deter- mine if the proper quantity of coolant at the re- quired temperature is available. Periodic clean- ing of the cylinder water passages may be required. Liquids in the gas stream can wash oF dilute lubricating oils and cause early wear of the valve (and cylinder) parts. A sudden slug of li- quid can cause a failure of the valve channels or plates or, in severe cases, the valve seat Shme weness inv Ue gre streaen ean often I Use a marking pencil or tags and, as the valve assemblies are removed from the cylinder, place cor- responding marks or tags on the assemblies and near the valve holes from which the assemblies were removed. During any disassembly of the valve, use identification marks as required to assure reassembly of the valve components in their proper positions. 1. Loosen the valve cover setscrew locknut (or remove acorn type locknut) and then back out the cover setscrew at least two full turns. 2. Loosen the valve cover stud nuts which hold the valve cover in place. Do not remove the nuts completely but continue with Step 3. 3. Use a pry bar to loosen the cover enough to check that all pressure has been released from the cylinder, When assured that all gas has been vented, remove the cover nuts and the valve cover MAINTENANCE FRAME BALANCE. PISTON ROD. ys ROLL Pin BALANCE CYLINDER Luge Frrting BALANCE WEIGHT STON END cover ‘ston tocknur 10.364 Figure 4.18. Balance Cylinder the length of time between valve inspections and also the valve maintenance cycle, All valves should be removed and cleaned prior to initial startup. Then check once a month thereafter or oftener if the gas being handled is known to be dirty; if the valves are particularly dirty, locate and eliminate the cause. NoTE ‘The importance of keeping accurate valve maintenance ré be over-emphasi ed in detail in entitled “The Importance of M taining Valve Records.” 2. To eliminate dirt found in the compressor valves, a suitable intake filter or scrubber should be installed and properly maintained. Experience will dictate the time span of the filter or serubber maintenance cycle. (Lubricated Cylinders) Oil in excess of the amount required to properly lubricate the cylinder bore and valves is detrimental to long valve life. The oil feed rate of the cylinder lubricator can be reduced to eliminate excess lubrication based on the condition of the cylinder gas passages, valves and cylinder bore. On inspection, the valve should have a greasy appearance, but not have oil droplets showing. (Refer to PART II, Section 2-3 for further information on cylinder lubrication.) Diameter Cylinders (Figure 4:20) WARNING With the O-ring body seal used on this type valve cover (see Figure 420), any pressure that may be left in the cylinder will not be released when the cover nuts are loosened, bbut will remain under the O-ring. To prevent the possibility of the valve cover being “blown off” when the cover nuts are removed, two longer studs are used with each valve cover to permit the safe removal of the cover. FAILURE TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING VALVE REMOVAL STEPS CLOSELY CAN RESULT IN POSSIBLE PROPERTY DAMAGE AND IN- JURY TO MAINTENANCE PER- SONNEL. MAINTENANCE, B. Valve Removal-24 inch (61 mm) and Larger 1. Loosen evenly the valve cover stud nuts. 2 Remove only those nuts on the short valve cover studs. 3, Evenly back off the nuts used on the longer studs, These studs are long enough so that the Oring cover seal will be released from the valve hole before the nuts are disengaged. Any ‘gas pressure under the valve cover seal will be safely relieved with the cover still attached to the eylinder by the long studs and nuts. NOTE Before performing the next step, be aware that an allenscrew in the valve crab holds the valve and crab in the cylinder holes. However, care must be taken when removing the valve cover 60 that the valve does not fall out should the allenscrew fail to retain the valve in the cylinder. In addition, the allenscrew must be loosened before attempting VALVE COVER seTSCREW asker LogknuT Gagner asker ACORN 7 Lockhur crap VALVE cover nine ROLL PIN, ROLL PIN, icrae asker regs 1e.296 e Figure 419. Compressor Valve and Cover Arrange Figure 4-20, Compressor Valve and Cover Arrange- ment Used on 23-Inch (59 cm) and Smaller Diameter ment Used on 24-Inch (61 em) and Larger Diameter Cylinders Cylinders 4.33 MAINTENANCE. .g remove the valve crab and valve (failure to do so may result in scor- ing the O-ring seal surface) Remove the valve cover and take off the O-ring. This O-ring should be replaced with a new one at reassembly. If the cover sticks or binds in the cylinder valve hole, two jackscrew holes are provided in the cover to facilitate its removal Remove the valve crab and valve from the cylinder. Take out the valve gasket that is be- tween the valve and its seating surface in the cylinder. This gasket should not be reused: in: stall a new gasket when replacing the valve in the eylinder. NOTE If the valve is stuck in the cylinder, it can usually be jarred free by strik- ing edgewise on the valve crab. Use 1a wood block or soft metal ber so as not to damage the crab or vaive. ©. Servicing the Valves disassembly, lly to the and ‘The following instructions apply gene cleaning and inspection, reassembly of the valve types normally used on these compressors. Separate instructions are sup- ‘ied to cover specific maintenance details of a par- cular type valve. 1. Disassemble and service the valves on a clean, flat surface. 2. When handling the valve parts, care must be taken not to damage the seating surfaces which must always be clean and smooth to pre vent leakage. WARNING All precautionary measures speci fied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA} must be complied with when storing, han- dling, or using solvents. 3, It will be necessary to disassemble the valve to clean it thoroughly. Brush the metal valve parts carefully with a soft wire brush to remove deposits, but use a bristle brush for all valve seating surfaces. Rinse the metal valve parts thoroughly in safety solvent and blow away all loose particles with compressed air. (Soaking valve parts overnight in safety sol- vent followed by a stiff brushing or light scrap- ing will aid in the removal of carbon.) Non- metallic valve guides used in “NL” valves should be wiped clean with a clean, dry cloth; wear strips, if furnished, should also be wiped with a cloth, Do not soak non-metallic valve guides or wear strips in safety solvent. All valve components should be thoroughly dried prior to reassembly and reinstallation in the cylinder, 4. When rebuilding a valve, use only genuine Ingersoll-Rand parts. 5. Carefully check the part numbers of new parts. In some cases, discharge valve springs may be different from the inlet springs. Special materials may have been used on certain ap- plications where standard valve materials will not survive. 6. Do not disturb the valve lift. 7. Do not regrind valve plates or channels, unless authorized by the manufacturer. Thinner parts can cause an early failure and forced shut down of the compressor. 8 Do not install new channels or valve plates on a worn seat, nor use worn parts with a new valve seat. 9. If valves are removed for cleaning only and wear is minimal, reinstall the channels or plates in exactly the same positions they held prior to disassembly; this also applies to the springs used in channel type valves, 10. Use a new valve seat gasket each time a valve is installed. 11, Do not recondition valve seats beyond the limits set by the manufacturer. 12, After a valve has been reassembled, use « nar row tool with a soft end and, working through the valve seat ports, push the channels or plates against the stopplate to be sure that they move freely through their complete travel without sticking. 13, Be sure the valve is adequately protected from dirt and corrosion if it is to be placed in storage. Experience has shown that the best valve maintenance results ere obtained when a limited number of well trained people are used on valve ser- vicing and repair. When the same personnel are us ed, they rapidly become experienced in spotting discrepancies and evaluating the amount of wear that can be tolerated before reconditioning or replacoment is necessary. MAINTENANCE parts are required. ‘The numbers on the cylinder nameplate are the part numbers for a complete inlet. or discharge valve assembly. Part numbers for complete valves and the in- dividual valve components will also be found in Excessive valve wear, dirty and sticking valves, and repeated valve failures should be thoroughly in- vestigated and the causes remedied where possible. The trouble shooting chart on the following pages will assist in identifying the reasons for the more commonly encountered valve problems. the parts list. prepared for every compressor. D. Spare Parts 3. Spare parts in stock must be handled earefully to prevent intermixing similar parts for di 1, When spare or replacement valve parts are ferent valves. Compressor valves are designed necessary, the parts must be obtained from our for various services and pressure con factory as the design of the valve parts re Many of the valve parts are similar in ap- quires special materials and manufacturing pearance but in actuality have important dif- methods. Valve components that are improp- ferences. Accidental use of incorrect valve erly manufactured will not have those features parts may result in reduced compressor perfor- which are essential to the quiet operation and ‘mance and shortened valve life. It is advisable durability required of compressor valves. Use to maintain an easily recognizable and prac- only genuine Ingersoll-Rand parts. tical valve spare parts control system 2, Before ordering spare parts, the compressor 4. We recommend having sufficient valves serial number, cylinder serial number and part, numbers of the compressor cylinder valves must be determined. Both serial numbers should always be presented when ordering spare parts. Further determination must then available for each compressor to permit a com: plete valve change. This will avoid a prolonged shut down in the event of valve failure. If more than one type or size of valve is used, it is ad. visable to have a spare set of each type and size be made as to whether inlet or discharge valve in stock. TROUBLE SHOOTING VALVE PROBLEMS Trouble Reason (or Action to be Taken) | 1. Make certain that correct parts are being used. In many cases, VALVE FAILURE INLET VALVES ONLY inlet springs are lighter than | 2. Investigate the possibility of liquid carryover. 3. Consider the possibility of intake pulsations. ‘Make certain that correct. parts are being used. In many cases, discharge springs are stiffer then inlet springs. VALVE FAILURE — 1 DISCHARGE VALVES ONLY 2. Check log of failures to see if failures oceur only when a clearance pocket is open. If this is the ease, report it to Ingersoll-Rand. 3. Consider the possibility of discharge pulsations. VALVE FAILURE — 1. Make certain correct parts are used, BOTH INLET AND DISCHARGE VALVES 2. Check to see if discharge failures are caused by broken pieces from inlet valves, Check for rust, scale or other foreign matter, 4.35 TROUBLE SHOOTING VALVE PROBLEMS (CONT'D. ‘Trouble FAILURE FOLLOWING MAINTENANCE Reason (or Action to be Taken) Check for excessive wear of parts which may be caused by grit or insufficient or incorrect lubrica: tion. Consider the possibility of intake and discharge pulsations. Recheck reconditioning procedures to be sure RECONDITIONING valve lift was not disturbed 2, Make sure correct parts were used. VALVE SEAT 1. Valve was probably loose due to improper tighten: GASKET FAILURE ing or from being knocked loose by liquid slugs. VALVE SEAT 1. Valve loose or slugged by liquid FRACTURED 2. Cylinder hole damaged and valve tightened against uneven seating surface. 3. Valve tightened against broken pieces of gasket. 4. Improper loading sequence and differential pressure rating of valve has been exceeded. SEASONAL FAILURES 1. I feilures occur in winter months only, liquid is OF VALVES the probable cause and piping needs to be in sulated or steam traced and/or separators placed close to cylinders. RAPID WEAR OF 1. Ingufficient lubrication or incorrect selection of oil INLET VALVES | ONLY 2, Gas may be wet and washing lubricant from | valves. A lube feed into the inlet nozzle of the cylinder may be helpful if the liquid cannot be | removed before reaching the cylinder. 3. Cylinder jacket water temperature is lower than incoming gas temperature. RAPID WEAR OF DISCHARGE 1. Insufficient lubrication or incorrect selection of oi VALVES ONLY BROKEN SPRINGS 1. Investigate the possibility of contaminants in gas causing corrosion, Send samples of broken parts to Ingersoll-Rand. 2. If top of channel valve spring is badly worn before failure, the cause may be valve flutter or insuffi cient lubrication. 3. Check for grit or other solid matter which can lodge between coils of compression springs and couse failure. 436 MAINTENANCE TROUBLE SHOOTING VALVE PROBLEMS (CONT'D) Trouble BROKEN PLATES OR CHANNELS 1 (BUT NOT SPRINGS) Reason (or Action to be Taken} Check to see if wear is resulting in sharp corners on the inside of channels at the ends. Check to see if the outside of channels wear where they contact the guides. Check valve plates for wear resulting in sharp corners at OD or ID. SHORT (OR LONG) 1 CHANNELS ONLY If only one certain length channels fail, report this fact to Ingersoll-Rand. Look for pulsations. INNER (OR OUTER) 1 VALVE PLATE ONLY ‘Valve Installation-23 inch (590 mm) and Smaller Diameter Cylinders (Figure 4-19) Prior to replacing the valve, check to see that the seating surfaces on the valve assembly, valve cover and in the cylinder valve hole are ‘smooth and clean. If any evidence of defective seating surfaces is found where the cylinder is operating at maximum allowable working preseure of over 2000 PSIG (13790 kPa), use the following steps to ensure proper valve in- stallatio a. Place lapping compound on the gasket surface of the valve and place the valve in the valve hole without using the seat gasket. Lap the valve hole shoulder gasket surfaces. b. Remove the valve and apply lapping com- pound on the seat gasket; then, place the gasket and valve in the valve hole. Lap the valve to the seat gasket and the gasket to the valve hole shoulder. ©. Remove the valve and seat gasket. Clean the valve, gasket and cylinder valve hole thoroughly to remove ail traces of the lap- ping compound, If only one size valve plate or certain length chan nels fail, report this fact to Ingersoll-Rand. Look for pulsations. 2. Reinstall the valve and crab in the cylinder hole (if applicable, these parts should be fasten- ed together with capscrews and lockwashers before installation); be sure to use a new seat gasket and be certain the valve seats firmly in the cylinder and rests squarely on the seat gasket, Valves and crabs should be returned to the same valve holes from which they were removed, WARNING Incorrect placement of the inlet and discharge valves in the cylinder can cause an extremely hazardous condi- tion, INSTALLING AN INLET VALVE IN A DISCHARGE VALVE HOLE, OR INSTALLING A DISCHARGE VALVE UPSIDE DOWN, MAY CAUSE AN EXPLO- SION. Take the following pre- cautions when installing a valve: CHANNEL VALVES — To ensure that this, ight side up, always fasten the then, make certain that only inlet valves are instal ed in inlet holes and only discharge valves in type valve is valve crab unloader cage to the val discharge holes. In many cases, the discharge valve holes are made slightly smaller at the minor diameter 437 MAINTENANCE below the valve gasket seat. When an inlet valve is then installed in a discharge hole by mistake, it will not fit down into the hole prop: erly and the mechanic will be alerted to the PLATE VALVES — This type valve must always be placed in the cylinder with the valve centerbolt and nut located AWAY from the cylinder bore, Fasten the valve crab or unloader cage to the valve, when possible, to ensure the valve is not reversed at installation. In many cases, the inlet valve stopplates have three or more luge that will prevent an in- let valve from being installed in a discharge valve hole by mistake. The minor diameter of the discharge hole is slightly smaller and the inlet valve will not fit properly, alerting the mechanic to the error. IF IN DOUBT as to whether a valve is inlet or discharge or as to which cylinder holes receive inlet or discharge valves, CHECK WITH YOUR SUPERVISOR. (On the bottom half of the cylinder, the valve and crab assembly is held in the valve hole by retainers, normally a clip spring type. the ends of the retainers under the edges of the valve cover hole bore will hold the valve and crab in place until the valve cover can be in- stalled and the cover setscrew tightened. Set the valve cover gasket in place. The old gasket can be reused if it is in good condition; otherwise, use a new gasket. Place the valve cover over the valve hole and assemble the stud nuts. Check that the cover setscrew is backed off several turns and is not contacting the valve crab at this time; then, tighten the valve cover stud nuts alternately to ensure that the cover is drawn down squarely onto the cylinder. Tightening torques are listed in PART V. ‘Tighten the cover setscrew to the wrench tor: que given in PART V. Be sure the nut gasket is in place and in good condition and then tighten the locknut firmly. SPECIAL NOTE ~ Cylinders operating at maximum allowable working pressures over 2000 PSIG (13 790 kPa): Be sure that the cover setscrew turns easily in the valve cover and that the nose of the cover setscrew is smooth and has a slight beveled edge. Placo a small amount of white lead, Molycote or another similar lubricant on the nose of the setscrew to reduce friction during tightening. Likewise, it is important that the surface on the valve crab where the setscrew bears is smooth and that 438 10. F. Valve Installation-2. the setscrew bears squarely against the crab. Increased torque requirements are specified for tightening the cover setscrew on the higher pressure cylinders, WARNING Operator must insure that the driver will not start either by grounding the ignition and closing the fuel gas valve on engine driven units or by insuring that power cannot be turn- ed on with electric motor driven units before barring the unit over. After all of the valves are installed, bar the compressor over at least one complete revolu- tion to be certain there is no interference with moving parts. ‘The compressor can now be started in the regular manner. After the cylinder has reached operating temperature and pressure, check the tightness of the cover setscrew. At regular and frequent intervals (as establish- ed from operating experience), and while the compressor is in operation, check the valves to be sure they have not worked loose. The fre: ‘quency of this valve check should be greater during the initial break-in period of the unit. A loose valve may break up, drop into the cylinder bore and cause serious damage to the compressor. To determine whether a valve is loose, feel the valve cover setscrew. If impact can be detected, the valve is loose. It is a good, safe practice to shut down the compressor to tighten the cover setscrew. First, loosen the setscrew locknut {or remove the acorn type locknut) and then tighten the cover setscrew to the prescribed wrench torque. Tighten down the locknut (or acorn nut) to lock the cover set- serew in place. WARNING If it is not possible to loosen and remove the acorn type locknut without also loosening the cover setscrew, particularly on high pressure or hazardous gas service, the compressor must be shut down to tighten the setscrew. ch (610 mm) and Larger \ders (Figure 4-20) Diameter Cyli Prior to replacing the valve, check to see that the seating surfaces on the valve assembly and in the eylinder valve hole are smooth and clean. 4 MAINTENANCE Fasten the valve to the crab with capscrews and lockwashers. Reinstall the valve and crab assembly in the cylinder hole; be sure to use a new seat gasket and be certain the valve seats in the cylinder and rests squarely on the seat gasket. Valves, and crabs should be returned to the same holes from which they were removed. WARNING Incorrect placement of the inlet and discharge valves in the cylinder ean cause an extremely hazardous condi- tion, INSTALLING AN INLET VALVE IN A DISCHARGE VALVE HOLE, OR INSTALLING A DISCHARGE VALVE UPSIDE DOWN, MAY CAUSE AN EXPLO- SION. ‘Take the following precau- tions when installing a valve: CHANNEL VALVES — To ensure that this type valve is right side up, always fasten the valve crab or unloader cage to the valve; then make certain that only inlet valves are in- stalled in inlet holes and only discharge valves in discharge holes. In many cases, the discharge valve holes are made slightly smaller at the minor diameter below the valve gasket seat. When an inlet valve is then installed in a discharge hole by mistake, it will not fit down into the hole prop- erly and the mechanic will be alerted to the PLATE VALVES — This type valve must always be placed in the cylinder with the valve centerbolt and nut located AWAY from the eylinder bore. Fasten the valve crab or unloader cage to the valve, when possible, to ensure the valve is not reversed at installation. In many cases, the inlet valve stopplates will have three or more lugs that will prevent an in- let valve from being installed in a discharge valve hole by mistake. The minor diameter of the discharge hole is slightly smeller and the inlet valve will not fit properly, alerting the mechanic to the error. IF IN DOUBT as to whether a valve is inlet or discharge or as to which cylinder holes receive inlet or discharge valves, CHECK WITH YOUR SUPERVISOR. On the bottom half of the cylinder, the valve and crab assembly is held in the valve hole by tightening a setscrew in the side of the crab against the cylinder. Before tightening the setscrew, be sure the valve crab is positioned with respect to the dowels in the valve cover and cylinder (see Figure 4-20). ‘The setscrew will hold the valve and crab in place while the valve cover is being installed. 439 10, ul. Place @ new O-ring in the valve cover body groove. A light application of grease on the ring will facilitate its entry into the cylinder valve hole bore. NOTE UI the O-ring is made of TFE or other stiff material, contact the fac- tory for further information on in- stalling the O-ing. Place the valve cover over the valve hole; watch the valve cover O-ring as it enters the valve hole to be sure it is not rolled out of its groove. Run the nuts onto the cover studs. NOTE ‘The valve crab is contoured inter nally to direct the gas flow through passages in the cylinder (or outer head) in the most efficient Proper positioning of the is assured by lining up the roll top of the crab with a cor- responding slot in the valve cover. ‘The valve cover, in turn, is aligned by mating a slot in the cover with a projecting from the eylinder (or outer head). Assembly of the parts must not be attempted if cither roll pin is missing. ‘Tighten the cover stud nuts evenly to draw the cover squarely onto the valve crab and force the valve firmly against its seating surface in the cylinder. Tightening requirements are given in PART V. WARNING Operator must insure that the driver will not start either by grounding the ignition and closing the fuel gas valve on engine driven units or by insuring that power cannot be turned on with electric motor driven units before barring the unit over. After all of the valves are installed, bar over the compressor at least one complete revolu- tion to be certain there is no interference with moving parts. ‘The compressor can now be started in the regular manner, After the cylinder has reached operating temperature and pressure, check the tightness of tho valve cover stud nuts, At regular and frequent intervals (as establish: ed from operating experience), and while the compressor is in operation, check the valves to be sure they have not worked loose. The fre: quency of this valve check should be greater MAINTENANCE during the initial break-in period of the unit. A loose valve may break up, drop into the cylinder bore and cause serious damage to the ‘compressor. To determine whether a valve is loose, feel the valve cover (this may not be possible on discharge valves because of the higher temperature). If impact can be detected, the valve is loose. It is a good, safe practice to shut down the compressor before retightening the valve cover stud nuts. REGULATION DEVICES 4“ Maintenance procedures follow for the more com- monly used regulation devices; these devices are supplied to control the capacity of a compressor cylinder for starting and for load control during operation. The devices supplied on a particular unit may differ somewhat from those illustrated and described on the following pages. The general servie- ing procedures remain the same, however, and reference to the parts list prepared for each com pressor will show the construction details of the par ticular device involved. 4151. FIX! ‘The fixed volume clearance pocket is installed in > cylinder outer head as shown in Figure 4-21. The arance pocket assembly can be removed from the (ote: head for cleaning and inspection by taking off Rhe stud nuts that fasten the bonnet to the outer head, Cleaning, inspection and further disassembly should be done at a bench It may be necessary to periodically renew the packing that is installed around the operating stem ‘where it passes through the bonnet, Draw down on the packing gland stud nuts evenly to tighten the packing and prevent leakage of the process gas past the operating stem, Do not overtighten the packing as it may be impossible to turn the handwheel. Ball bearings are installed around the operating stem where it attaches to the valve (see Figure 4-21), to prevent scuffing between the valve and its seat in the outer head by permitting rotation between the valve and stem. The ball bearings can be replaced if necessary by removing the capscrew located in the side of the valve. Use a lockwasher under the caj screw head at reassembly and also use lock wire to secure the capscrew. A plugged drain hole is located in the clearance pocket outer head to permit removal of any conden- e which may collect in the clearance pocket. A ain pipe and valve can be connected to the drain }pening so that any condensate can occasionally be blown out" of the pocket while the compressor is operating, 4152. VARIABLE VOLUME LEARANCE POCKET Construction details of the standard design, outer head variable volume clearance pockets are illus- trated in Figure 4-22. Use the following steps to disassemble and service the variable pocket: NOTE The following procedure describes sssembly of the packet design ws ed on cylinders with a bore size larger than 9-1/2 inches (240 mm). A imilar procedure can be used to disassemble and service the pocket design for cylinders with bore diameters of 9-1/2 inches (240 mm) and less, Relieve the pressure and vent off any gas in the compressor cylinder. Loosen and remove the stud nuts that fasten the actuator flange to the cylinder outer head. Pull the clearance pocket assembly out of the outer head, keeping it level until the piston clears the head bore, Be sure the weight of the assembly is supported at all times. If further disassembly of the variable pocket is required, take the assembly to a work bench. Refer to Figure 4-22 which shows the construc tion of the typical variable pockets. Clean and examine the variable clearance pocket components. Pay particular attention to the piston rings and replace them if they show signs of excessive wear or other defects. Be sure to stagger the ring gaps. NoTE ‘The piston rings should be visually inspected at each overhaul; however, the condition of these rings can also be checked while the compressor is in operation by installing a pressure ‘gauge in the upper tanped hole pro- ided in the clearance pocket. The gauge should indicate a steady pressure somewhere between the in: take and discharge pressures of the cylinder. If the gauge shows more than a slight fluctuation, it is an in- ication that the rings are lenking excessively. Disassemble and inspect the piston rod sealing arrangement located where the piston rod ex- tends through the flange. Remove the Spirol type retainer ring from its groove in the flange by firat prying one end out of the groove and then unwinding the ring from the groove. (Note MAINTENANCE oureR HEAD BONNET vatve Packing main CONWECTION anowneee reser Figure 4:21, Typical Fixed Volume Clearance Pocket the style of ring so that the same type will be Reinstall the variable volume pocket in the used at reassembly.) The washer, seals and cylinder head using a reversal of the removal pro- lantern ring can now be removed from the cedure. Be sure the piston is backed off several flange counterbore, ‘The seals should be replac- turns from its “full closed” position before tighten ed if they are cut or wor or if leakage past ing the actuating flange stud mats, Itis necessary to them was previously experienced during opera- loosen the jam nut before attempting to reposition tion the piston with the handwheel Note When reassembling the piston rod A plugged drain hole is provided in the outer head sealing arrangement, the open cup (or clearance cylinder) to permit the removal of any (ring) side of the seal must face the condensate which may ‘collect in the clearance pressure (loward cylinder bore) as pocket. A drain pipe and valve can be connected to illustrated in Figure 422. Be sure the drain opening 80 that condensate can occasion. these seals are correctly positioned ally be “blown out’ of the pocket. while the com- ‘at assembly, pressor is operating. 441 MAINTENANCE cuearance FLANGE GyLinoen ® PISTON RINGS Piston crease FETAINER RING CavreRN IrTiN BING, / 6 \ wasner GREASE errine ag cc Piston AOD STANDARD POCKET USED ON CYLINDERS WITH HANDWHEEL Zoe ~ i i LOM ISS Figure 4-22. Variable Volume Clearance Pockets After any adjustment of the variable pocket piston, be sure to tighten the jam nut on the piston rod to secure the position of the piston. Two grease fittings are provided to permit iodic lubrication of (1) the piston rod seals and (2), piston rod threads, Select a grease that is com- patible with the gas being compressed and apply it to the fittings after servicing (he clearance pocket ‘operating mechanism and then periodically during ‘operation as determined by the local conditions. 4.153, INLET VALVE UNLOADER Normally, three types of inlet valve unloaders are used on RDS compressor units. They are manual, pneumatic inside operated and. pneumatic outside ‘operated. When pneumatically operated unloaders 442 MAINTENANCE VENT (G0 NOT PLUG! “ LEAVE ONE OF TWO MOLES UNPLUGGED, anne VPN 6 1 vaLve cover 2- SeTScREW NUT 3—GasKer 4 = VALVE coven serscrew 5 PIPEPLUG. 8 SETSCREW CAP 7-OAING 8 — CAPSCREW 9 JAM NUT 10 UNLOADER STEM 11 HAND WHEEL LeGeND 4a 14 ~ Piston ROD 15 — CAGE COVER 16 — MACHINE SCREW 17 MACHINE SCREW 18 Lock wasHen 19 PLUNGER LIFTING SPRING 20 UNLOADER PLUNGER 21 — PISTON SPRING (OR SOLID PLUG) 22-— UNLOADER PISTON 23-OFING. 25 — UNLOADER CAGE jure 4.23. Hand Operated Inlet Valve Unloader Parts seana J MAINTENANCE. are supplied, separate instructions are furnished avering the particular type unloader used. Instruc- 1s follow for servicing hand operated unloaders. ‘The unloader and operator components are shown and identified in Figure 4-23. Use the following steps to remove and disassemble the unloader assembly WARNING Be certain there is no pressure in the compressor cylinder bore or passages before attempting to remove the unloader. 1, Loosen the jam nut (2) on the valve cover setscrew (4) and then back off the setscrew one for two turns. 2. Take off the stud nuts that fasten the valve cover (1) to the cylinder and then remove the cover and hand operator as an assembly. Remove pipeplug (5) and screw the setscrew ‘out of the valve cover, Clean the hand operator and inspect the parts for wear and other defects. Examine the O-ring (7) used round the piston rod (14) where it operates in the setscrew and replace it if itis cut or worn. Coat the ring lightly with a lubricant compatible with the ring and the gas being compressed before sliding the piston rod into the setscrew, Reassemble and install the handwheel operator using the reverse of the disassembly steps. Be sure both the handwheel and valve cover setscrew are backed off before installing the valve cover and tightening the cover stud nuts. The setscrew should then be tightened down against the unloader cage cover (15) to firmly seat the inlet valve (see PART V for recommended torque values}. Be sure gasket (3) is in place and then tighten down the setscrew jam nut (2) securely B. Spare Parts ‘The design of the unloader is such that special materials and manufacturing methods are required, To ensure the proper operation of the unloader, use only genuine Ingersoll-Rand parts for replacement and spares usage. When ordering spare parts, give the compressor frame serial number, cylinder serial number and the size of the compressor valves, as well as the ap- plicable part numbers from the unloader parts list. Spare part inventories must be carefully handled to prevent mixing similar parts for different unloaders, The unloaders are designed for various service and pressure conditions; many of the parts are similar in appearance but have latent dif ferences. Accidental use of incorrect unloader parts can result in reduced compressor performance and shortened valve and unloader service life. It is ad- visable to m ‘an easily recognizable and prac tical spares control system for the unloaders, valves ‘and other compressor parts. aaa PART V GENERAL DATA ‘The specifications in this section apply to standard, latemodel RDS compressors. Recom- mendations are general and may need to be modified for a particular installation. Contact the nearest Ingersoll-Rand branch office when there is a ques- tion about any specification or recommendation it this book. 51,_ OPERATING DATA Oil Temperature (Frame Sump); ‘Normal, 150° to 170°F (65.6° to 76.7°C) Maximum 180°F (82.3°C) Oil Pressure; Normal 50 PSIG (345 kPa) Minimum. 40 PSIG (276 kPa) Shutdown Setting 23 PSIG (159 kPa) Crankshaft rotation is counterclockwise as viewed from oil pump end. 5.2. ASSEMBLY FITS AND TOLERANCES: ‘The assembly clearances for new parts are listed in Table 5-1; metric equivalents are given in Table 5-1A. All clearances are for parts in their assembled positions and are for parts at room temperature, unless otherwise noted. Compressor piston and piston ring clearances are dependent on the size and type of cylinder; therefore, a separate clearance sheet is prepared for each compressor to list these clearances. 5.3. TIGHTENING REQUIREME! WARNING ‘The fasteners used in engines and compressora must be correctly tightened to the design preload to ensure safe and efficient operation of the equipment. Fastener preload (initial tightening) is calculated to prevent separation of the connected members when they are subjected to operating forces and, in cases of eyelic loading, to protect the fastener from the fatigue effects of the alternating tensile and compressive stresses. Fasteners that have been properly tightened atin itial assembly or after maintenance work can loosen CONTENTS Section Page 51. OPERATING DATA cay 52, ASSEMBLY FITS AND TOLERANCES 51 53. TIGHTENING REQUIREMENTS: co 5-31. Running Gear Bolting 4 5-32. Compressor Cylinder Bolting .5-5 when the machine is operated due to operating temperatures and pressures, gasket crush, fastener and joint relaxation, and other factors THEREFORE, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ALL. CRITICAL FASTENERS AND OTHER FASTENERS SUBJECTED TO THE ABOVE CONDITIONS BE PERIODICALLY RECHECK- ED FOR TIGHTNESS. (Particular attention should be given to all bolts and nuts on the com: pressor cylinders and yokes and to the bolting which attaches them to the frame.) Fasteners should be checked for proper tightness during the break-in period and again after the first week of operation. Check them monthly thereafter for a period of three months and then once every three months until a full year of operation has been completed. Beyond this point, experience will dictate how often these tightness checks should be made. In any event, 2 check should be made at least once a year. ‘To check the tightness of a fastener. first mark the position of the bolt head or nut and then loosen it; the fastener should then be retightened to the required value. Observe to see whether the bolt head or nut has ad: vanced past its reference position. If it has, this in dicates that the fastener was loose and that it should be closely observed during all future Lightness checks, Wrench torque is the most widely used method of applying fastener preload. A properly calibrated torque wrench is essential in obtaining satisfactory results, Preparation of thread and seating faces equally important. In most torque applications, ‘more than 80 percent of the applied torque is used to ‘overcome friction and the balance to actually stress, the fastener. It is therefore imperative that threads e GENERAL DATA. and Tolerances ‘Table 5-1. Running Gear Assembly Fi (All Dimensions are Given in Inches} Name of Part Main Bearing (Vertical—Measured between Top of Crankshaft and Main Bearing Shell) 0.008 to 0.010 inch Main Bearing Shim Tab to Crankshaft | Crankshaft Total Thrust —— Connecting Rod Bearing to Crank Pin, Diametral 0.009 to 0.012 Crank Pin Bearing Total Crush — Total Side Clearance Between Connecting Rod and Crank Webs 0.016 to 0.024 Crosshead Pin to Crosshead Bushing, Diametral 0.004 to 0.007 Crosshead Pin Bushing to Crosshead (interference) 0.002 to 0.0035 Crosshead Pin to Connecting Rod Bushing, Diametrat 0.004 to 0.007 Crosshead Pin Bushing to Connecting Rod Unterference) 0.002 to 0.0035 Crosshead Pin Bushings to Pin End Caps— ‘Total — Crosshead Shoe to Guide 1. Cold 0.014 to 0.019 2, Hot (Minimum) Oil Pump Gears—Total End Clearance; 2- Cylinder Frame 4-Cylinder Frame 6- Cylinder Frame Oil Pump Drive Coupling End Clearance Main Bearing Tie Rod Spacer to Frame Unterference~Spacer Length Less Opening Ht | ‘Stamped on Frame} 0.003 to 0.005 Compressor Piston Rod Run-Out, Maximum 0.003 0.007 to 0.009 inch (See Chapter IV) 0.018 to 0.023 0.008 to 0.011 0.004 to 0.011% 0.015 to 0.028 0.003 to 0.006 0.003 to 0.006 0.030 to 0.060 0.013 to 0.018 0.007 0.002 to 0.003, 0.004 to 0.006 0.008 to 0.009 0.063 Crankshaft to Main Bearing Fit (Measured at Bottom of Shaft and Main Bearing Shell)—0.0015 Feeler Should Not Start *Refer to Section 49 8 GENERAL DATA ‘Table 5-14. Rum (All Dimensions are Given in Millimeters) Name of Part M Crankshaft and Main Bearing Shell) Main Bearing Shim Tab to Crankshaft Crankshaft Total Thrust Connecting Rod Bearing to Crank Pin, Diametral Crank Pin Bearing Total Crush Total Side Clearance Between Connecting Rod and Crank Webs Crosshead Pin to Crosshead Bushing, Diametral Crosshead Pin Bushing to Crosshead (Interference) Crosshead Pin to Connecting Rod Bushing, Diametral Crosshead Pin Bushing to Connecting Rod (Interference) Crosshead Pin Bushings to Pin End Caps— Total Crosshead Shoe to Guide 1. Cold 2. Hot (Minimum) Oil Pump Gears—Total End Clearance; 2- Cylinder Frame 4-Cylinder Frame 6- Cylinder Frame Oil Pump Drive Coupling End Clearance Main Bearing Tie Rod Spacer to Frame Unterference—Spacer Length Less Opening ‘Stamped on Frame) Compressor Piston Rod Run-Out, Maximum, Feeler Should Not Start be clean and free of nicks and burrs, that seating. faces on the nut or bolt head and mating surface be smooth, flat and parallel, and that the threads and contact faces be well lubricated. All fasteners used on multi-fastener joints require a tightening procedure that will allow the fasteners, to be evenly and sequentially tightened, in gradual 53 Bearing (Vertical—Measured between Top of Crankshaft to Main Bearing Fit (Measured at Bottom of Shaft and Main Bearing Shell)—0.04 1g Gear Assembly Fits and Tolerances (Metric) Original Clearance Micrometer Reeler 0.20 to 0.25 mm 0.18 to 0.23 mm —— (See Chapter IV) — 0.46 to 0.59 0.23 to 0.30 0.20 to 0.28 0.10 to 0.28 0.41 to 0.61 0.38 to 0.59 0.10 to 0.18 0.08 to 0.15 0.05 to 0.09 — 0.10 to 0.18 0.08 to 0.15 0.05 to 0.09 a 0.76 to 1.52 0.36 to 0.48 0.93 to 0.46 — 0.18 0.05 to 0.08 0.10 to 0.15 0.15 to 0.23 1.60 0.08 to 0.13 — 0.08 —_ increments, to the specified torque. This prevents distortion of mating surfaces and “cocking” of flanged connections. Closely observe the specific tightening re- quirements and recheck fastener tightness periodically as dictated by the local operating cond tions. GENERAL DATA ‘able 5-2. Tightening Requirements for Certain Bolting Locations Torque Bolt or Stud Location Bolt Stretch* ae FtLbs Nem Main Bearing Cap Bolt 400 to 420 542 to 569 Frame Tie Rod Nut 500 to 515 678 to 698 [Connecting Rod Bolt 1-1/2-12N | 0,012 to 0,013 inch | 1220 to 1240 | 1654 to 1681 (0.30 to 0.33 mm) (Crosshead Pin Bolt 3/4-10NC 100 to 110 136 to 149 torque rsGince stretch is a more accurate measurement of stress, it should always be used in preference to wrench’ NOTES (1) All torque values are for clean, welllubricated threads free of nicks and burrs, For stud (or bolt) and nut combinations, the nut should turn freely on the stud threads. Capscrews should run i the final assembled depth, (Some thread interference is normal on certain self-loc! fed to both internal and external threads and evenly distributed. A uniform coating of Iubri- should be ap} cant should be applied to the fastener and seating surfaces. freely at le g fasteners). Lubricant up to 2) Wrench torques can produce fastener pre-load variations of plus or minus 35 percent, depending on the degree of lubrication or nop-lubrication and also on the condition of seating surfaces. (8) Unless otherwise specified, the tightening torques given in this Instruction Manual are applicable to fasteners lubricated with common petroleum lubricating oils. Using molybdenum disulfide lubricants and ‘milar products having extremely high anti-riction properties can result in increased fastener preload when these torques are applied. (4) Geared head wrenches (torque multipliers) will not produce the full mechanical advantage from the jon losses of about 10% in the tool head, The tool manufac turer's instructions should be observed to determine the exact reduction percentage for a particular torque reduction gem multiplier. The required input torque must then be incre The following i ied by that percentage. ticular attention to the following notes which apply to Tables 5-2 and 5-3. 51. tions must be applied to all engine and compressor bolting, unless otherwise stated in this Instruction Manual. When working on ac: cessory equipment, observe the tightening recommendations of the particular manufacturer. Running Gear Bolting Specific tightening requirements for certain studs and bolts used in the frame and running gear are given in Table 5-2, The standard wrench torques listed in Table 5:3 should be used for all fasteners for which a specific (orque value is not given. Pay par- 54 Nore For bolt and stud locations not jsted in Table 5:2, obtain the oy plicable wrench torque from Table 53 which lists standard torques. The tightening stress levels for a particular application are to be determined as follows: © For connections with metal:to- metal contact, use 30,000 PSI stress level. ¢ For connections with non metallic gaskets, use 20,000 PST stress level, GENERAL DATA 532. Compressor Cylinder Bolting For compressor cylinder bolting, use the torque values from Table 5-3 to obtain the bolt stress levels in dicated below: Application Bolt Stress Valve and Unloader Setscrews!- Under 1000 PSI rating 2 5 =. 20.000 PSI (138 MPa) 1000 PSI rating? and up ». 25 000 PSI (172 MPa) Valve Cover Studs and Capscrows - ‘Under 1000 PSI rating” 5 20 000 PSI (138 MPa) 1000 to 2000 PSI rating? : 25 000 PSI (172 MPa) 2000 PSI rating # and up. 30 000 PSI (207 MPa) Outer Head & Clearance Bottle Flange Stud Nuts 25 000 PSI (172MPa) Cylinder to Frame Bolting? 40 000 PSI (276 MPa) All Other Cylinder Bolting 20 000 PSI (138 MPa) 1 Inlet valve unloader setscrews may be oversize to accommodate a through-hole for the unloader actuating rod. This can be determined by comparing the unloader setscrew diameter to that of a discharge valve setscrew on the same cylinder. IF THE SETSCREW IS OVERSIZE, APPLYING THE TORQUE VALUE FROM THE TABLE WILL OVERTIGHTEN THE SETSCREW. Oversize unlonder setscrews are properly tightened by (1) determining the correct torque from the table for the DISCHARGE valve setscrew and (2) ADDING 50 PERCENT to that torque value. It must be noted that this only applies to OVERSIZE setscrows. 2 Pressure ratings refer to the cylinder maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) stamped on the cylinder nameplate 3 Cylinder to frame bolting includes the frame to distance piece (yoke) studs, frame head/yoke to distance piece studs, and cylinder to frame head/yoke studs. Note that all of these bolting locations may not be ap- plicable to a particular compressor. 55 GENERAL DATA Table 5-3. Standard Torque Wrench Values for Various Bolt Sizes and Stress Levels 20 000 PSI 25 000 PSI 30 000 Ps! | 40 000 PSI (138 MPa} (172 Mpa) (207 MPa) (276 MPa) hour BOLT STRESS BOLT STRESS | BOLTSTRESS | BOLT STRESS BOLT SIZE = (inches) Torque Torque Torque Torque tote | om foe [om fot. | on | 7 A] 4 3 4 4 6 5 7 5/16 5 7 7 10 8 W " 15 38 9 12 12 16 14 19 19 26 76 15 20 18 24 22 30 29 39 12 22 30 28 38 33 45 44 60 916 31 42 39 53 47 64 63 85 5/8 44a 60 85 75 66 90 as | 119 3a 76 | 103 95 | 129 va} 155 | 152 | 206 718 120 | 163] 150 | 203 10 | 244] 240] 325 1 175 | 237 | 220 | 300 | 265 | 360| 380] 475 1-118 260 | 355 | 330 | 450 | 390 | 530] 520] 705 a 360 | 490 | 450 | 610 | 530 | 720] 710] 965 1-3/8 aso | 650 | 600 | 315 710 | 965} 960] 1290 a2 620 | e40 | 770 | 1045 | 920 | 1280] 1230 | 1670 3/4 950 | 1290 | 1190 | 1615 | 1420 | 1925 | 1890] 2565 2 1470 | 1990 | 1830 | 2480 | 2200 | 2980 | 2930} 3970 21a 2130 | 2890 | 26701 | 36201 | 3200 | 4340 | 4270 | 5790 2412 2950 | 4000 | a6s0r | a9sor} 4400 | 8970] sa50 | 7930 23/4 3950 | 5360 | 49001 | 66401 | 5900 | sooo | 7850 | 10640 3 5150 | 6980 | sacot | sesot | 7700 | 10440 | 10250 | 13900 1 For valve cover setscrews (2-1/4 and larger) usa 85 PERCENT of the table valu * Observe the following when using this torque table: © All information and instructions given under TIGHTENING REQUIREMENTS must be thoroughly reviewad before applying the specified wrench torques. © The wrench torques are applicable to both National Fine and National Coarse thread series. Any difference in the torque values because of thread series is within the normal variation of torque wrench accuracy. ‘© When tightening fasteners incorporating ‘amount of the applied torque is lost because of the additional friction of the locking feature. To property tighten these fasteners, use a torque wrench to measure the “‘run-down’” torque and then add it to the listed value,

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