Family Counseling Center Proposal

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The Lifeline Family Counseling and Resource Center

With the onset of the globalization and the opening of more opportunities for
the local Filipinos, majority of our countrymen opted to work in a foreign land for
the sake of their families. However, Filipino family relationships have become the
major consequence of this social phenomenon. Most often, one parent or both
parents decide to work abroad leaving the rest of the family behind. The wife or the
husband who was left behind try to become both mother and father to the kids. And
the children try to make do with just one parent, or worse, cope without both
parents at all and make do living with some relatives. As a result, many families
have become dysfunctional, facing problems, maybe not financial in nature, but as
deep-seated and significant just the same.

If indeed the family is the backbone of a society, then, the Philippine society
is in a very precarious position. What will be the future for the Filipino families?

It is this particular need that the Lifeline Family Counseling and Resource
Center would like to address.

Vision Statement

The Lifeline Family Counseling and Resource Center has a vision to become a
vital and creative center that will promote wholeness and healing in the community
especially among individuals, couples and families of overseas Filipino workers.

Mission Statement

The Lifeline Family Counseling and Resource Center’s mission is to contribute in

making individuals, couples and families, particularly those with OFW - seafarer parents,
better able to cope with the challenges of their situation. The Center would like to impart
to its family and individual clients practical skills that will enable them to make more
responsible decisions, choose better alternatives, and develop more positive relationships.


The Lifeline Family Counseling and Resource Center aims to:

1. Provide counseling services to:
a. couples especially those who are undergoing marital conflicts,
b. parent-child conflicts,
c. families experiencing trials, and
d. individuals undergoing personal struggles
2. Psychotherapy to individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, grief, low
self-esteem, emotional stress, abuse issues, addiction, etc.
3. Education and Trainings on:
a. establishing good intra and interpersonal relationships specially within
the family setting
b. creating and maintaining healthy lifestyle
c. personal wellness
d. life’s transitions
e. communication skills
f. emotional and spiritual growth
g. stress management
h. anger management
i. etc.
4. Consultations and,
5. Linkages
Note: This is just a composition I made for one of my graduate classes.

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