Quarter Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Banate, Iloilo


PART I. Multiple Choice. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

1. It refers to the placement of elements of equal weight on the page.

A. Balance B. Contrast C. Movement D. Repetition
2. It refers to the consistent repeated appearance of webpage graphic designs.
A. Balance B. Contrast C. Movement D. Repetition
3. Which of the following is NOT included in the basic principles of graphics and layout?
A. Balance B. Contrast C. Movement D. Repetition
4. Which of the following images displays movement and pattern?

A. B. C.
5. What image online format is capable of displaying simple animation?
A. .bmp B. .gif C. .jpg D. .png
6. It is an online platform which displays information using pictures, images and graphs/charts.
A. Piktochart B. Slideshare C. Soho D. Zamzar
7. In website designing , what does WYSIWYG mean?
A. What You Show Is What You Give C. What You See Is What You Get
B. What You Send Is What You Gather D. All of these
8. It refers to an online platforms which is used to convert data files into different file formats.
A. Dropbox B. Prezi C. Weebly D. Zamzar
9. Which of these online platforms is applicable for presentation and visualization?
A. Dropbox B. Prezi C. Weebly D. Zamzar
10. Wix is an online tool for _________________.
A. Cloud computing B. Presentation/Visualization C. Social Media D. Web Site Creation
11. Mindmeister is designed for ___________________.
A. Cloud computing B. Presentation/Visualization C. Social Media D. Web Site Creation
12. Which of the following groups of online platforms are intended for file conversion and management?
A. Google drive, Evernote, Dropbox
B. Prezi, Slideshare, Soho
C. Wix, Weebly, Jimdo
D. Zamzar, Mp3skull, word2pdf
13. Which of the following functions BEST describes a wikimapia?
A. Cloud computing B. File Management C. Mapping D. Website Designing
14. Which of the following is an example of a social media site?
A. Slideshare B. Soho C. Tumblr D. Wix
15. Wix, weebly, wordpress and _____________ are examples of website builder.
A. Blogger B. Wikimapia C. Google Map D. Jimdo
16. It is described as a state of being connected to the cyberspace through a medium of internet or computer
A. Offline B. Online C. Website D. Webpage
17. Jaybe created a website for social change. He uploaded different photos and videos to the content.
However, his ICT instructor told him to change the font color of his website title. What would be the
appropriate technique he must apply in order to finish his work?
A. Designing B. Sharing C. Text Editing D. Uploading
18. Which of the following website creation tools is very essential in publishing contents to a network or internet
A. Domain Name B. Save Option C. Upgrade Content D. None of these
19. navinaticsnavi@deped.gov.ph is an example of ___________.
A. Contact number B. E-mail Address C. Links D. Password
20. Edmodo is an example of __________________.
A. Audiocasting B. Online School C. Vodcasting D. Webcasting
21. In order to establish SECURITY within a website content, one should protect it by using a ____________.
A. Pincode B. Pattern C. Password D. Security code
22. Why do some online users encounter unauthorized use of website?
A. Series of incorrect password attempts
B. The username is incorrect
C. The website is hacked by other users
D. All of these
23. ICT is a medium for advocacy and developmental communication.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. A and B
24. ICT is a tool, medium, and force in bringing about action and mobilize change in a population, society, or
A. Left B. Right C. Wrong D. none of these
25. How do ICT tools and online platforms have changed the way people communicate?
A. Via Internet and text brigades, disaster relief operations and mobilization is now easy.
B. Via facebook, million people march against pork barrel in an online manner.
C. Via Radio broadcast, EDSA and Cardinal Sin’s call to action immediately.
D. All of these
26. Which of the following statements illustrates digital citizenship?
A. The use of text messaging to help mobilize people from disaster.
B. The use of Internet to view pornographic scenes.
C. The use of facebook to voice out bad emotions.
D. All of these
27. In an ICT concept paper, the necessary information about the ICT project such as the site, the purpose and
how they work in unison can be found in the ______________.
A. Introduction B. Description C. Support D. None of these
28. What part of the concept paper contains the budget needed for the ICT project?
A. Introduction B. Description C. Support D. None of these
29. Which of the following websites featured traffic monitoring via post engagements, views and comments?
A. Wix B. Weebly C. Wordpress D. Jimdo
30. How do website owners monitor target users and audiences?
A. Traffic monitoring via statistics C. No. of views and comments
B. No. of reach and post engagements D. All of these
31. The statement inside the box refers to what element of a concept paper?
Do you have any questions about my project? Feel free to contact me at

A. Introduction B. Description C. Support D. Contact Information

32. In order to protect our planet and conserve its natural resources, what particular ICT project is encouraged
to be developed?
A. Animal Welfare and Rights C. Environmental Issues and Concerns
B. B. Anti-Drug Campaign D. ICT issues and concerns
33. The following statements are some of the current problems being faced in the ICT except one;
A. Communication happens globally & in real time
B. It has decreased personal privacy
C. The Internet can be an addiction
D. Internet dependence can lessen productivity
34. This logo is owned by _____________.
A. Wix B. Weebly C. JimdoD. Wordpress

35. Online ICT projects for social change are managed by the following websites except one________.
A. Wix B. Weebly C. Wordpress D. Zamzar
36. In order to promote a project for maximum audience impact, website owners must _____________.
A. Upload and manage website content properly.
B. Upload and manage content without considering the Fair Use Policy.
C. A and B D. None of these
37. Which of the following is NOT included in the publishing of ICT projects?
A. Uploading and website management C. Evaluation through user feedback
B. Promotion, traction and traffic monitoring D. None of these

38. What is meant by UPLOADING?

A. The process of getting files from the Internet. C. the process of acquiring digital files
B. The process of putting digital files into the computer or internet D. Both A and C
39. Checking facebook reactions is an example of ___________.
A. Website Management B. Promotion C. Monitoring D. None of these
40. Which of the following online platforms uses similar traffic data such as visibility, reach, virability and post
A. Google B. Facebook C. A and B D. None of these
41. The following are examples of monitoring and evaluating techniques in ICT project except one;
A. Interviews B. Feedback forms C. Analytic data D. pencil-paper test
42. How do website builders maintain and sustain the operation of an ICT project for social change?
A. By updating content and maintaining traffic. C. A and B
B. By monitoring social impacts and advocacies D. None of these
43. What particular skills that lead to an original contribution to knowledge in a particular field of
inquiry by defining an important question or problem and then answering or solving it in a systematic

a. Mail merge
b. Research Skills
c. Online system
d. Social Skills
43. What particular state of connectivity to the cyberspace through a medium of internet or computer
a. ethics
b. Mail merge
c. Research Skills
d. Online system
e. Social System
44. What do you call the knowledge of maximizing the user's personal safety and security risks to
private information and property associated with using the internet, and the self-protection from
computer crime in general?
a. Etiquette
b. Mobile media
c. Internet Safety
d. Social media
e. Social Savvy

“EDUCATION is a gift, a lifelong opportunity that could be our ticket

towards success and remarkable excellence.”-IVAN B. PLANTO
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Banate, Iloilo


TEST I. Multiple Choice. Shade the appropriate letter that corresponds to the best answer.

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