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Digital technology

allows for instant

feedback on student
Children are growing up
in a digital age. This
means that they are
digital natives. Using
digital technology in
Digital technology
education is an
provides endless
essential skill for living
resources to enhance
in the 21st century
student learning
("Integrating ICT
Capability | NSW
Digital technology Education Standards",
allows children to n.d.)
become 'innovative
creators of digital
When students engage
solutions, effective
with the digital
users of digital systems
technology syllabus,
and critical consumers
they are learning to
of information Digital technology is a
'develop knowledge,
conveyed by digital major component of
understanding and
systems' ("About Digital education
skills of underlying
Technologies | Digital
concepts of information
Technologies Hub", n.d.)
systems, data and
Digital Technology computer science
Digital technology has
come a long way from
Digital technology
the use of an overhead
allows a teacher to
projector and a
experiment with
television strapped to a
pedagogy and to
stand. Now classrooms
engage the students in
are full of new gadgets
the teaching and
such as tablets,
whiteboards, laptops
and robots Digital technology
provides support for
student learning
ACARA have developed general capabilities
that each state must embed within their
syllabus for each learning area. ICT is one of
the general capabilities. Students develop ICT Teaching with digital
capabilities as they 'learn to use ICT technology allows an
effectively and appropriately to access, educator to shift from
create and communicate information and teacher-centred
ideas, solve problems and work learning to student-
collaboratively in all learning areas at school centred learning
and in their lives beyond (Moyle, 2012)
school' ("Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Capability", n.d.)

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