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Name: Gender:

Grade & Section: Age:

This survey is being conducted for the research regarding “The Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance of
Grade 12 Cookery students in GNHS.” Your participation will greatly help to obtain the results.

SA – Strongly Agree
A – Agree
UD – Undecided
D – Disagree
SD – Strongly Disagree


Social media is a big help in our education.

Using social media for homework and school

project is more convenient.
Social media as a reference is better than books
at the library.
Social media is a distraction to my studies.

I spend more time using social media than doing

One of the advantages of using social media is for
advance learning about my subjects.
Social media makes homework a lot easier.

There is no benefit in using social media

regarding our education.
Without the help of social media I couldn’t do my
Disadvantages of using social media is more than
the advantages of it.
Social media does all the work for students
making them lazy to do it on their own.
Decreasing my time on using social media really
improves my academic performance.
With the proper use of social media it can help
you increase your grades.
Students who always use social media has better
grades than those students who rarely use it.
Students who always use social media has lower
grades than those students who rarely use it.

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