Manila Times, Oct. 15, 2019, House Eyes Panel For Aiding Victims of Marawi PDF

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House eyes panel for aiding victims of Marawi

on Marawi's concerns. We can which were lost, but this would as the people of Marawi CitY
TllE creation of a subcommiftee to
tackle the aftermath of the Manwi give a biggervoice to the locals of help ourbrothers and sisters {iom commemorate the s€cond anniver-
Marawi if a committee can rnoni- Marawi to get back up and start sary ofthe liberation olthe city ftom
siege and the pending rehabilitation
dfforts in the city, two yean after the tor the situation," he said. again," Hataman said. violent extlemists on October 1 7.
attack ended, has been proposed in Meanwhile, House Bill3543, or Under the bill, victims who Among those who sought co'
the House of Representatives. the "Marawi Siege Victims Com- had property in the affected areas, authonhip of the Marawi comPen-
Deputy Speaker Mujiv Hataman pensation Act," has been slowly such as horne appliances, jewelry sation measure were House DePutY
ofBasilan on Monday said the pro- gaining traction with siSnatures machinery, vehicles and equip- Speaker Paolo Duterte, MaioritY
posal received a positive response from 94 congressmen as co-au- ment lost in the siege, are entitled Ieader Ferdinand Martin Romualdez,
from incumbent House leaders. thors, equivalent to morc than 30 to co.!.Ipeesation, which will be and Repraentatives Ferdinand Her-
Lanao d€l Sur First Disfiict Rep. percent ofthe chamber taken from the P30 billion wonh nandez, Erdina Escudero, Prospero

Ansaruddin Abdul Malik Adiong "We have a lot ofcolleagues here of funds for the implementation Pichay Ir., Bro. Eddie Villanueva,
would likely head the subcommit- in Congress who beliwe that the ofthe measurg tobe sourced llom |ohnny Pimentel, Raneo Abu, NeP-
tee, according to Hataman. victims of the Marawi siege need 6 the General Appropriadons Act for tali Gonzales 2nd, Dan Femandez,
"lt is fitting because Lanao Rep- have compensation, We all know the next three years. Baby fuenas, Pablo John Carcia,
resentative Adiong will Ihead] the that money can't bring back lives, Hataman said the enactment of DV Savellano and Michael Romero
subcommittee so that we can focls homes and sources of income the measure was of utmost impor-

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