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Name : Muhammad Farras Rafi Muflih

Class : JTD – 3E / 1741160088

A Story About “Blood-Type B”

Like most students campus life has been my best experience in friendship. Why? That’s
Because i could find many friends from many background and culture. In my first day, i was so
excited that i can get along with many stranger easly and become friends shamelessly. They are
so kind that’s always invite me to hang out together almost everyday.
Gradually I felt bored with my constant activities, i need a new rush. So i started to join
organizations on campus and as always I can get along with anyone even with someone that I
just knew. I don’t know why, but this character can help me to get new connection so easly.
Sometimes i feel selfies and don’t care with other person problem and I don't care about
other people's thoughts about me. I was very ignorant in subjects and I’m rarely study and often
forget the tasks that given to me a week ago. So i must make a to do list in order to remembering
all my task, but in certain circumstances i can be very intent to do something that i focus on.

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